eric i was on twitch yesterday and was time out for posting the eval from stockfish 24 hr i dont know about it but if you banned everyone but bots youre channel loses out
They’re not banning everyone except bots, they’re banning everyone who compromises the terms of fair play. I’m not sure of the context but Eric doesn’t need/want the evaluation of the position especially during a game. Sounds like you were banned for a good reason, should be longer than 24hrs since you still don’t understand why it’s wrong or have any remorse.
lets gooo a new 2hr chess lullaby to fall asleep to. thanks for uploading these eric
Ohhhh rapid... my favorite.
47:09 qd3+ was missed! I was yelling at my screen lol. Luckily opponent didn’t find that move
34:18 If you let the engine think for a while, it prefers 14. gxh6 after some thought. Here are some sample lines:
14. gxh6 fxe5 15. Rg1 Rf7 (15... g5 16. Bxg5 Kh8 17. Qg4 e4 18. Be3 exd3 19. Qg7+ Qxg7 20. hxg7+ Kg8 21. gxf8=R+ Kxf8 $18 {+- 2.85 Depth=29}) 16. Bxh7+ Kxh7 17. Qh5 Kg8 18. Nf3 exf4 19. Qg6 Rf5 20. Ng5 Rb8 21. Qh7+ Kf8 22. hxg7+ Qxg7 23. Nxe6+ Bxe6 24. Rxg7 $18 {+- 4.89 Depth=32}
nice 90's VHS exit there
Oh no my sleep
You are better than 100% of rapid players
Please do more rapid it’s my fav
Raising Rosen's Rapid Rating
Way higher level than candidates. For sure
Hi eric how are you?
Wait why do I feel like I’ve seen this before?
It's from Feb 22
I support the proposition of showing the move of closing lichess and opening drawback chess
19:37 Didn't your mama teach you not to play with your food? ;)
31:33 Not your most convincing performance, lol
Hey Eric why don't you wear anti glare glasses. That monitor will ruin your eyes man.
eric i was on twitch yesterday and was time out for posting the eval from stockfish 24 hr i dont know about it but if you banned everyone but bots youre channel loses out
rip bozo
@@Muzzycal yep when he loses 5g for stupid people like you because bots are frequent each people count and you maybe 12 you dont count as adult
The more you think about this comment, the dumber it gets.
@@a_wild_Kirillian i love it when mods cry because they use bots and people call them out 7 sub on both channels hmm use bots much
They’re not banning everyone except bots, they’re banning everyone who compromises the terms of fair play. I’m not sure of the context but Eric doesn’t need/want the evaluation of the position especially during a game. Sounds like you were banned for a good reason, should be longer than 24hrs since you still don’t understand why it’s wrong or have any remorse.