Your Kingdom Spouse doesn't wanna LOSE CONTROL..." 😰

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • 🚨Make sure to take all prophetic words to the LORD to confirm they are for you
    (1Thess 5:20-21)
    🌱Feel led to invest into my ministry
    (2 Corn. 9:6-7)
    🙋‍♀️ I'm Rayven and my function is to speak for Jesus Christ(mouthpiece). The Holy Spirit downloads“right on time” words in my spirit to deliver to His people to provide them with better insight, clarity, encouragement, hope, comfort and sometimes correction(1 Corinthians 14:3) Jesus Christ is my Savior, King and the Holy Spirit is my best friend. I'm submitted to Father God as the one true God and I diligently try to align my life with His Word(Bible).
    I AM NOT a fortune teller nor do I use tarot cards, angel numbers or mix any kind of New Age practices into my life(including yoga). I also believe Twin Flames to be demonic and a counterfeit to real God ordained Marriages known as Kingdom Spouses/God Ordained Spouses. All New Age/Occult practices are downright demonic and I don't play around with demons, ight 👌
    📜 John 20:21
    Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.
    📜 Exodus 20:2
    “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
    📜 Acts 2:2
    Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.
    📜 Matthew 24:43
    But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.
    (stay ready!)
    🕊️ Salvation Prayer:
    Pray this aloud: "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen
    #healing #hope #holyspirit #everydayobey #right on time
    #kingdommarriage #kingdomspouse #godordainedspouse #godordainedmarriage #lovestory
    #grace #love #propheticword #prophecy #god #bible #godprovides #rhema #rhemaword #christianity
    #balance #freedominchrist #jesusisking #princeofpeace #everydayobey #seekfirst #kingdombusiness #kingdomcome #carprophecy #keepitsimple #considertheravens #rightontime #wordfromthelord #freedom #spiritualwarfare #deliveredoutofdarkness #fatherknowsbest #bodyofchrist #bodybuilding #bible #equipthesaints #befunctional #deliverance #identityinchrist #victoryinjesus #forrunners #prophetsarise #remnant #grace


  • @debbiesavage3075
    @debbiesavage3075 4 місяці тому +9

    I wore a dress today. Expecting his return. . its soon I've asked the Lord to give him a divine visitation. . jesus is doing it. I believe it and am expecting it and Him returning. Halaleuja

  • @debbiesavage3075
    @debbiesavage3075 4 місяці тому +7

    I had a Saul to Paul experience. Glory to the Lord most high.

  • @foxtrot100
    @foxtrot100 4 місяці тому +6

    Fear is the darkness from which nothing beautiful grows. Fear is a beast with many faces. Trust built upon a relationship with Jesus Christ is that perfect love that casts out fear. The light of Christ's love chases away the shadows from your past and shames every face of fear. Submit to God, resist the Devil and that beast will flee from you.

  • @KCBM4life
    @KCBM4life 4 місяці тому +4

    Jesus take the wheel!!!

  • @charlien4072
    @charlien4072 3 місяці тому

    I have had a few encounters over my life. I read "He Came to Set the Captive Free" by Rebecca Brown MD years before my first experience of seeing one. I always wondered why I was led to read that book, but each bit of training we see and each Bible verse that backs us up is from God and necessary to help lead others out of bondage. Such a blessing it is turning into. I am starting to wake up now. I was always awake, but now, God is opening the door to purpose. Not sure where the breadcrumbs are leading, but the birds are following... Aren't we?😂

  • @andrewjameson5984
    @andrewjameson5984 4 місяці тому +2

    I love your words i fell the HOLY SPIRIT Lead me to your channel yes im gonna sow very soon i just got disabled November of last year but by the GRACE OF GOD i got approved for disability i will pay yes your words have been everything GOD placed me on a kingdom marriage i feel its coming to AMEN. BUT RIGHT NOW i can sow blessings and its coming i promise and just in case you were wondering what i have its multiple sclerotic but I know GOD done already delivered me from it so the wait is on lol bye

  • @womensupportministrymentor5761
    @womensupportministrymentor5761 4 місяці тому +1

    😮😮😮😮confirmation I have been standing to break bipolar disorder it's a spirit

    • @SecretLifeofJuliet
      @SecretLifeofJuliet 4 місяці тому

      I agree, so is schizophrenia.. my ex was demon possessed

  • @ns5408
    @ns5408 4 місяці тому

    Receive amen

  • @user-mc2mq3if7k
    @user-mc2mq3if7k 4 місяці тому

    I also had an experience with the Lord❤

  • @user-hu4yg1qr5r
    @user-hu4yg1qr5r 4 місяці тому

    HALLIJAH PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HOLY NAME God bless you my sweet heart sister may the holy spirit reighn over us all in Jesus Christ name HALLIJAH AMEN 💖

  • @sardes415
    @sardes415 4 місяці тому

    Girl...... this entire word was confirmation! Incredible how the Lord works! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! ❤ Continued prayers coming your way!

  • @lesliehyoutube
    @lesliehyoutube 4 місяці тому

    I love you, Sister, and I thank you for your obedience to our Abba! Thank You, Abba Yahweh for putting Raven directly in my path while I am still in the process of learning how to hear You more clearly myself! The help has been greatly appreciated & is consistently confirmed ❤

  • @amandamorrison5777
    @amandamorrison5777 4 місяці тому

    That addiction they are feeling is called "limerence".

  • @amberlaroque
    @amberlaroque 4 місяці тому

    I surrender my kingdom spouse a long time ago. I how ever have severe anxiety about my income. God has been trying to teach and heal me from taking my anxiety medication. Me and him have not “communicated” in 10 months, since he blocked me on all social media. I had an anxiety attack earlier today, until I reach out to some people in my church. Then my friend actually told me about a breathing exercise that God taught her when she had anxiety attacks. You saying lone wolf is actually a confirmation, about a conversation I once had with my kingdom spouse. Which is farther confirming that he is indeed my future spouse.

  • @ellesyncronicious969
    @ellesyncronicious969 4 місяці тому

    Girl I don’t like to comment but everything you said is exactly what happened today with the guy I’m seeing which started 2 months ago yesterday. I’ve been seeing this ks stuff for maybe a year and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a word for word confirmation ❤ I’m also seeing lots of motorcycles and had very biblical end time dreams related to it - my guy loves driving motorcycles 😊 would love to see what they mean to you if they do mean anything yet. God bless sis 🎉

  • @TheBestOfLisaRenee
    @TheBestOfLisaRenee 4 місяці тому

    "You can't draw fresh water from a slaty spring."

  • @adamlions2111
    @adamlions2111 4 місяці тому

    Amen Hallelujah have your way thank you Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah Heavenly Father ABBA Father ADONIA and Holy Spirit,Ghost Hallelujah God is powerful and amazing and always good Hallelujah all Glory be to God Almighty Hallelujah God Bless yous all abundantly always Brothers and Sisters in Christ Hallelujah Shalom 🙏❤🔥🙌🎺

  • @tereugalde45311
    @tereugalde45311 4 місяці тому

    We known well we married 23 yrs . This god wanting use god glory. Am future wife.

  • @pthumphries1
    @pthumphries1 4 місяці тому

    Men cop alot of flack for not knowing the pain of birth. But for any bloke out there who has completed a weight above 400 lbs on the bench press for the first time, has experienced something close. It really is the birthing of a form of greatness, and it takes years of personal restraint and strict discipline to grow into what it takes to even comprehend what it means to do such things. The type of discipline that leaves much room in the extra mile. I was installing a pump once, it was about 350-400kg (7-800) pounds. It was late in the day and it had to be moved into position, as I was moving it my rib broke and it popped out, I actually think it's the rib the lord used for my to be spouse.
    Again, I had no option but to keep going, I put the abseiling gear on and it kept pressure on it to ease the pain,we worked 6 more hours, I had to abseil (with this break) to tighten bolts and we got the job complete. Stoic men know pain, we just don't complain, we use it to grow.

  • @josephdravis7043
    @josephdravis7043 4 місяці тому


  • @ryliegaryn199
    @ryliegaryn199 4 місяці тому


  • @Wisdomwaferschannel
    @Wisdomwaferschannel 4 місяці тому


  • @RunningBear5555
    @RunningBear5555 4 місяці тому


  • @rare_ish2024
    @rare_ish2024 4 місяці тому

    Do you think it’s a good idea to send these videos to my kingdom spouse, even if the separation just happened recently. I want them to know and have clarity from this. Or should I just not

    • @considertheravens2024
      @considertheravens2024  4 місяці тому +1

      You'll have to pray about it. God will give your spouse revelation at the right time. These videos are given to the standers to encourage them. Best thing you can do for your KS is pray and fast for them.

    • @rare_ish2024
      @rare_ish2024 4 місяці тому

      @@considertheravens2024 I’ve been curious how I would receive that confirmation from God once I pray about it. Because I am very eager right now to know that they have this information but the situation that we’re in, there is no way to be sure they will watch and receive it because there is separation right now.

    • @rare_ish2024
      @rare_ish2024 4 місяці тому

      @@considertheravens2024 I am apart of the fast that was started yesterday at 7pm, and I was already fasting earlier this week, but I broke it yesterday and started again along with you. So I have faith and literally everything you have pointed out in the kingdom spouse vids you’ve made over the past few days are precisely what applies to our situation. So this is very soothing, but like I said I would just love to know they have received this information, but I do want to be sure that’s what God would have me to do like you said

    • @considertheravens2024
      @considertheravens2024  4 місяці тому +1

      Do you follow Daly Grace?
      She released a few videos about allowing God to speak to your spouse. You are doing the right thing by fasting and praying and trusting God. God will always confirm when He wants you to reach out or not. When God doesn't want me to teach out to my KS I'll often see/hear "silent" or "silence".

    • @rare_ish2024
      @rare_ish2024 4 місяці тому

      @@considertheravens2024 no I will follow them though, but thank you for that advice because I’ve been confused about that for a while

  • @peertopeertherapy3720
    @peertopeertherapy3720 4 місяці тому +3

    I realize you are a cultist but do you happen to be LDS Mormon?

    • @MAR24300
      @MAR24300 4 місяці тому

      Read the description box under this video hun... your answer is there

    • @MAR24300
      @MAR24300 4 місяці тому +2

      Also she literally mentions Jesus Christ so many times in this video

    • @peertopeertherapy3720
      @peertopeertherapy3720 4 місяці тому +3

      @@MAR24300 Who are you?

    • @peertopeertherapy3720
      @peertopeertherapy3720 4 місяці тому +3

      @@MAR24300 You again, you're not the raven.

    • @considertheravens2024
      @considertheravens2024  4 місяці тому +1

      #notmormon Team Jesus 💪

  • @MysteryMan12LoL
    @MysteryMan12LoL 4 місяці тому

    2:34 anxiety is not “natural”, it comes from living in the wicked way.