The incomparable value of wisdom | Proverbs 8



  • @SavedSalesman
    @SavedSalesman 6 місяців тому +2

    I choose wisdom, wisdom come upon me, I seek you early and often, Lord help my heart be open to the wisdom and instruction that is to come. In Jesus name I pray, amen

  • @celestesand4133
    @celestesand4133 Рік тому +7

    I love wisdom. I value wisdom. My own wisdom has brought me nothing but grief and loss.

  • @terry2588
    @terry2588 6 місяців тому +1

    Great channel. Hello from New Orleans 👍🏾👍🏾

  • @philobailey5627
    @philobailey5627 Місяць тому

    Very good message, we'll be studying Chapter 8 today in our weekly Bible study.

  • @jesuslives4us249
    @jesuslives4us249 6 місяців тому +1


  • @iTrade_US30
    @iTrade_US30 9 місяців тому +2

    So awesome. I always wonder why no one ever mentions this passage. It is like the most interesting passage of the bible. It refers to when God was creating the world. Pre-Genesis

    • @user-ml4wf5bi3o
      @user-ml4wf5bi3o 3 місяці тому

      true because he looked at mankind which was his most favorite creation that he created, and called it good!!!! Really Good!

  • @davidmiranda5593
    @davidmiranda5593 4 місяці тому +1

    Lady Wisdom sounds like Jesus

  • @birdiagreen1009
    @birdiagreen1009 2 роки тому +2

    Great teaching. I truly enjoyed this video.

  • @chrisparker2118
    @chrisparker2118 8 місяців тому +1

    Actually understanding wisdom makes the chapter much more profound. Understand what it means when God set his compass upon the depths. A compass measures. Measurement brings order out of chaos (depths). There is a profound connection between who/what God is and the ability for man to measure (to know) the world around him. To bring order out of chaos.

  • @zionjudea-jy9wz
    @zionjudea-jy9wz Рік тому

    Praises Honour Glory Belongs To My Lord God Jesus Christ Forever and more. Blessed be my Lord God Jesus Christ Forever and more.

  • @anicazalora863
    @anicazalora863 Рік тому +1

    Thank you I've learned a lot❤️😇

  • @danield1258
    @danield1258 2 роки тому +1


  • @cda4262
    @cda4262 9 місяців тому


  • @rosamariarosa8541
    @rosamariarosa8541 6 місяців тому

    Excellent teaching. Only wording issue Wisdom is not primary to God.

  • @mariagibbons8437
    @mariagibbons8437 Місяць тому

    Could you take out the background music? Only for the subtitles I was able to get your words. When giving/listening to God’s wisdom, we don’t want to miss any word. Thanks!

  • @sirdeepy555
    @sirdeepy555 Рік тому

    HELLO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 20❤️🦋🇺🇸🦋❤️22
    “It is a great and sunny (g.a.s.) thing that the VOICE OF WISDOM (V.O.W.) will be available to US on, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 20❤️🦋🇺🇸🦋❤️22, “alsow”, in the keys of our all, here, nows. Selah.”-Deepy

  • @AndersonShamon1997
    @AndersonShamon1997 Рік тому

    Thanks for This video. Any new content coming?

  • @samalaeluasa
    @samalaeluasa 6 місяців тому

    Man music too loud

  • @giantthaw
    @giantthaw Рік тому

    Holy Ghost

  • @rod8989
    @rod8989 2 роки тому

    As you will see, the days are coming,' declares Yahweh, 'when I will perform that good thing I have promised to the house of Israel and the house of Ephraim. [Jer31/9]
    'In those days, and at that time, I will cause a branch of righteousness to grow up for David, and he will execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will love safely, and she will be called Yahweh Zidkenu "the Lord our Righteousness" -Jeremiah 33/14-16
    They will come with weeping and with requests I will lead them; I will cause them to walk by streams of waters on a straight road on which they will not stumble, for I am a Father to Israel and Ephraim is My firstborn.' -Jeremiah 31/9
    How can you say, 'We are wise and the law of Yahweh is with us?' Look, the lying pen of the scribes has certainly worked deceit. The wise are ashamed; they are dismayed and captured; look, they have rejected the word of Yahweh - yet what wisdom is in them? - Jeremiah 8/8-9
    I, wisdom, live with good sense, and I find out knowledge of sagacious discretion. The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance and an evil manner and a perverse mouth. Counsel and sound wisdom are mine; I am discernment; I have strength. By me kings have their reign and princes decree justice. By me rulers and nobles rule and all the judges of the Earth. - Proverbs 8/12-16 [whole chapter8]
    Only Judah is divorced Woe, to the scribes and pharisees working deceit. Have you people not read Jeremiah 2/28-35 and known that was Judah and what Jesus had certainly read and denounced scribes and pharisees of Judah in Matthew 23 he clearly took wisdom from Father's word and used it against the jews who are Judah and they clearly judaize others from Jeremiah 2/36-37. Which Jesus clear understood with wisdom in Matthew 23/14-15 'Woe to you, [lying]scribes and [Judah]pharisees, Hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of the Exalted in men's faces[church buildings/false judaized teachings], for you neither go in[the kingdom you are divorced], nor do you allow those entering[your buildings with false Angels/messengers of light] to go in. 'Woe to you, scribes and pharisees[False teachers pastors], hypocrites! For you go around sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when it's done you make him twice as much a son of the Valley of Hinnom [also known as Valley of the Slaughter from book of Jeremiah] as yourselves.............clearly they are wolves in sheep's clothing..I gave her a bill of divorce, yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but also went and played the harlot. And it came to pass, through the lightness of her[Judah] whoredom, that she[Judah] defiled the land[and Israelites judaized in it] and committed adultery with stones and stocks. And yet for all this her[Israel's] treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart[decievers], but with falsehood,' declares Yahweh
    And Yahweh said to me, 'Rebellious Israel has justified herself more than treacherous Judah. Go and proclaim these words towards the north, and say, "Submit, backsliding Israel, " declares Yahweh -Jeremiah 3/8-12
    Little children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrist have arisen, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not from us - for if they had been from us they would have continued with us - but with the result that they might be exposed that they are not all from us.
    And you have an anointing from the Set Apart One, and you know all these things. I have written to you not because you do not know the Truth, but because you do know it, and that no lie is out of the truth.
    Who is the liar be he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is an antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father. -1 John 2/18-22
    So to those Judahites having given credence towards him, Jesus said, 'If you remain in my word, you truly are my disciples, and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.' They[Judah] answered him, 'We are Abraham’s seed, and we have been in bondage to nobody at any time. How can you say that you will be made freemen?
    Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everybody who commits sin is a slave of sin. The slave, however, does not remain in the house[of Judah] throughout the eon. The Son[Spirit of Truth, John 6/54] remains throughout the eon. If the Son[of Man, John 6/53] therefore, should make you free, you really will be freemen.
    I know that you are Abraham’s seed[divorced Judah!], but you search to murder me because my Word finds no entry in you. -John 8/31-37
    Lying pen of scribes says Judah but should be Israel or possibly another tribe maybe Dan? From Judges 18 story something seems off see Joel 3/6 Lie can't be Judah
    For Yahweh says this: 'Look now, I will make you a terror to yourself, and to all your friends, and they will fall by the sword of their enemies, and your eyes will behold it, and I will give all Judah[Lie, Israel] Into the hand of the king of Babylon[Judah], and he will carry them[Israel] captive into Babylon[Judah and the Harlot church judaized system, daughter of harlots] and he[Judah] will kill them[Israelites] with the sword [ literally and figuratively words of falsehood] -Jeremiah 20/4

  • @metalpsalm
    @metalpsalm 8 місяців тому


  • @chocolatesugar4434
    @chocolatesugar4434 11 місяців тому

    Her name isn’t lady wisdom. She is a feminine aspect of God.

    • @piefacemms8546
      @piefacemms8546 8 місяців тому

      She is a feminine aspect of jesus

  • @SavedSalesman
    @SavedSalesman 6 місяців тому

    I choose wisdom, wisdom come upon me, I seek you early and often, Lord help my heart be open to the wisdom and instruction that is to come. In Jesus name I pray, amen