I have Visual Spacial Sequential Synesthesia. I see Numbers in patterns, days of the week in a pattern, years, hours of the day. These patterns can be seen in my minds eye from differing angles, future, past. When someone mentions a date years ago, my mind goes down a timeline to that date and I seem to attach it to my memory of that time. I could draw or form bendable forms to show what the patterns look like. I have had it all my life and discovered in my 20’s that NO ONE THINKS LIKE I DO!!! I have very good time management because everything has a place in the line and time of my day. It’s a gift.
I have what's called ticker-tape synesthia- I usually see what looks like typed words on a page when thinking or listening. As a kid I didn't really think about it, but after a while I realized that most people probably don't have that. It makes me good at spelling and memorizing words/numbers, but it makes it especially annoying when people swear (because I'm reading it, not just hearing it) and people talking while I'm trying to work can be distracting.
Sarah Berkner I have this as well! I usually watch movies with subtitles, it helps because everything is already spelt and I don’t involuntarily start spelling stuff out.
I have this as well, it makes me really bad at learning foreign language, I cant spell any of the words and it ends up looking like garbage, random letters hanging in front of me stopping me from understanding
I've been having trouble with learning French, particularly for understanding Lundi is Monday. I find it hard to remember because Monday is red (in my perceptions) and so is Mardi (Tuesday in French) However, Lundi is blue like it's capital L, so it's really quite hard to understand it as being Monday. Tuesday isn't blue, but it's not as hard to comprehend.
I can see a calendar in my mind too. But I also see colors within people. I don't think I'm seeing auras cause I see it in my mind and when each time I see the person their color never changes . I have for as long as I can remember I just found out about synesthesia when doing a psych course last year . Most people I meet are yellow or blue and I'm a purple person, I don't know what they mean. Also when having a conversation or listening to one each word is a different color.
I am the exact same! For me, most people are yellow blue or a shade of red/burgundy. I can remember an important date by pairing the colour of the day of the week with the colour of the number. For example, Thursday the 14th of September is remembered in my brain as dark green (Tuesday) with cornflower blue (14th) and bright green for September.
I see calendars too! That's so amazing you guys, each colour has a specific meaning so you'll can totally define what and why that particular person has that colour. It will also help you evaluate what you truly feel towards them on a subconscious level.
I have it too. It is useful on a LARP battle field, a dance floor, to learn new moves on in front of a class. It find it very difficult to look at a broken body. The feeling is not exactly pain, but it is quite unpleasant. If the damge to the body would be unbearable for the person, the feeling send me into sensory overload
This is fascinating. I see or feel different colors depending on my emotions. Different stress levels, or joy, sadness, euphoria.. triggers colors in my mind.
for me, each numbers always have different personality and gender. for example; 2 is a female and it has shy and also kind personality. 1 is a male, brave and a little bit arrogant. but i can't see the color of the numbers is that synesthesia too?..
Maria Patricia i have both i see them as numbers and they have personalities Such as 2 is a forest green she is a middle aged librarian And 1 is bright red he is a pranker who goes on adventures with his similarly coloured friend a I always think of the personality before the colour so i see it as a stronger part of my synesthesia but i also have other expirences of synesthesia
I feel physical sensations when I hear certain sounds. ASMR is especially intense for me, hearing certain noises while my eyes are closed can make my whole body shake and tingle. The sensation is always more focused on the spine, like a build-up. When it gets too strong I involuntarily move. I found out about it as a kid. I went to the barber and the hair cutting machine-thing has this high pitched vibrating sound. Every damn time it was behind me I would just jump out in the chair like if someone just dragged a cold finger from the base of my back all the way to my neck.
Though the personalities for letters were never really detailed, when I paint, I paint abstract, and I much prefer to paint in an abstract world because it is so much more interesting and beautiful than the plain world. I always choose my colours based on feelings and personality traits that they have so they can contribute to what I am trying to portray.
It's good to know space-time synesthesia is so common. I read a very sensationalist article on it and thought I was a bit weird but no, I'm in the given range of normal!
I've known for a couple of years now that my "mental calendar" is really spatial-sequnce synesthesia, but I've been wondering recently if there is a gender-color form, so that certain colors have specific genders/personalities. For me, mustard yellow is very masculine, but bright blue is feminine. I suppose this could just be a reflection of my own color preferences.
I have space-time sinestesia. It goes wayyy back the year i was born and to wayyy in the future as well ! I can visualize any decade, centuries, weeks, days, hours. I have this since i was a kid. That may be the reason i love history. It's like a timeline of the whole world history in my head.
for the longest time I was unsure if I had synesthesia because I don't see colors of letters when they are written on a page, but they have a color when I see them in my mind. now it's clear that I'm a synesthete :D
I don´t know anyone other that myself who have synesthesia.. Isn´t that weird? I´ve asked many people, at school, my family, ect. but everybody thinks its strange and they seem to think of it either as some kind of superpower or a mental disorder.. One of my "things" is that I see concepts geometrically. I want to know how common is that and what is it called? When I think of the a year, I see the months as a very vivid, geometric shape, and each months has its own place, even the dates has that
So far, I have only met one person whose mix of hyperesthesia/synesthesia seems to be just like mine. However, i do share with you the geometric structures associated with concepts.
I'm gathering from the comments, as well as myself, that there are plenty of things an individual find to be normal, but are not shared. But we don't know enough but to talk about it. For example, only last year did we learn my sister had NO mental imagery. NONE. It explains why she's always lost LOL
I can see scenes when listening to music I am an artist so I do try to draw what I see but of course it's just a scene from what I seen through the music and the emotion I feel as well
i am one of the few hundreds that can see and hear color of Music tones, and i can say it is a beautiful and Rich Experiment, oh and it's also called chromesthesia. And even some songs i get like a night feeling or a mornign feeling too Depends on the tone tho
would feeling sounds be a type of synesthesia? not just beats but any sort of sound. sometimes i listen to music and it injects mental imagery that i can almost feel. it's like im watching a music video inside my head.
I feel the same, One time I'm in a bus while I was listening to a song and I could imagine a white unicorn walking inside, and that the water's going up like the bus seems like an aquarium. But I think it's not synesthesia, I feel sad.
There is a form called auditory-tactile synethesia - I have it, I feel music and other sounds on my face and chest, its not the vibrations from the music.
Ay, same dude! I have sound to color synesthesia and I'm also able to "feel" certain sounds and melodies. They're like winds or movements happening around me!
Moderate synesthesia is probably not so hard to understand as Mr. Ward puts it here... F.ex if I say: Visualise "McDonald's"... then you'd most likely remember a red sign with a yellow "M" - and that's how a synestetic mind works for a small second when someone mentions Monday, because that weekday could have a color associated to it in addition to a visual "map" of where that Monday is situated in time compared to whence you are right now
What if I can smell when I look at things. I can imagine how they smell if I want. Also I can feel the texture of anything not even looking(or looking), the feeling is on my fingers. Well time thing is obvious. But the first things I don’t know whats that about maybe crazy 😝
Is there a type of synesthesia where you still feel something (touch) even when it’s done for about a couple minutes later? Or thinking of anything (not seeing) and tasting/smelling it?
For me, it took a long time to realize that while yeah, most people can think hard and visualize a calendar, it's unusual to be able to point to a certain spot in space and go "that's where Tuesday is," or to be able to say "my head is centered right between the letters S and T" or "8am is about six inches forward from my right elbow." I heard about it online, and I spent the rest of the day asking my friends to test me, and then badgering them about whether they were SURE they didn't have things the same way
I don't know if what happens to me is synesthesia, but ever since I was about 8yo almost everytime I see someone experiencing acute pain, I feel some kind of electricity in the back of my thighs. It also happens to me when I'm watching TV. But not always, just sometimes. Specially if it caughts me off guard. I wonder if that is directly related to me also being empathic. Please if someone has this as well I'd like to know!
So I think I may have synesthesia but I'm not sure what type. It's most prevalent when I listen to music but instead of seeing colors I see and feel textures. When I see the texture of the music it's like a screen over my vision and its almost always in shades of black and white. For example a simple base sound looks like a an oblong ball about the same shape as a rugby ball and the size shape and even opacity will change depending on the volume duration and clarity of the music. When I feel sound it follows the same pattern as what I see feeling like a small rugby ball in my belly. Other sounds make more complex textures and designs but they are difficult to explain. The other thing I've always noticed is mirror-touch synesthesia. I feel how other people and animals feel but it's most intense with animals. When I watch a dog run or a bird fly I feel their muscles expand and contract I feel the air through their wings and the impact of their paws on the ground and their claws as they sink into the dirt but the weirdest thing I feel is the differences in anatomy. It's weird but I would be sad if it went away. Has anyone else experienced this?
I see time in space (in my mind) i see year like a circle around me,months have colors depending on the season which include, numbers in colors, sounds in shapes and colours, sometimes smells have colours or i see an image when i smell something. I can reminds everything i see with all the details. Sound weird but the weird part was when it came to my knowledge that i have synesthesia. I used thought everyone sees things the way i did,i didn't know that synesthesia exists.
Oh, that’s crazy. I was telling a therapist that I see a superimposed image on top of reality in my mind’s eye, so I feel a bit distanced from it. BUT she just seemed perplexed.
In addition to grapheme synesthesia, the days of the week and months of the year are laid out like a board game, with colored blocks for the months in front of and behind me.
I always had this. I can "see" sound. It seems to flow more easily while high or buzzed. Nothing that would cause hallucinations but music or voices have a very specific colour, location, distance in space. I tried to do this while sober, more difficult but it worked. But the same night I was halfway between sleep and awaking, got startled and was able to visually experience the sound of my leg hitting the wall as a solid..actual...light and shape and let me tell you that was some WEIRD STUFF. If it is dark and quiet and a sudden noise happens I can physically see the sound for a flash of a moment.
I have Synesthsia in such a way that depth perception is difficult, time is round and visual. I'm not sure if I see sound or hear sight. I also taste the world in different ways and hear with my skin and sensations, which translates to visuals - like radar. The world looks as though I am always underwater with lights, so much going on that it can be difficult to focus on what others see - like a table just being a table. To me the table plays with the light and sounds around it.
Idk if this is normal or not but I see flashes of colour randomly appear in the sky. They’re transparent and they fade in 2 seconds but I can’t seem to find anything to explain it. Synesthesia is the closest I can find but it still doesn’t feel like it is
I would surely assume that this fits the definition of synesthesia - you perceive a different modality that is correlated with another perceptual event (in this case particular voices).
Yup, look up "Ordinal linguistic personification" - it is a type of synesthesia. As a kid all numbers and letters had personalitie s For me, Green, blue, brown and red were masculine. Whereas Orange, yellow, pink, purple were always feminine. Letters and numbers have genders as well. Capital and lower case makes a difference as to whether or not a letter is male or female to me. S, s, n, a, D, d, B, b, n, N, are all female to me A, M, m, p, P, q, Q, are all male to me. ^ as examples
I don’t have mirror touch synesthesia, but I get shooting pains down my legs when I see someone hurt themselves, or see a wound, or sometimes just listening to a description of an injury. Is this a type of synesthesia? I thought it happened to everyone for a very long time.
This (and comments) made me realise I have more than 1 type of synesthia I have the mirror thing, I thought that was normal. Also seeing music, I learnt that wasn’t normal a few months ago though. So, when someone gets shot in the head in a TV show, I feel it and I have to rub my head to stop it, it doesn’t really hurt just feels weird...
Seeing this video made me realize there are other things I've taken as normal which may not be, as well. And I definitely have to avoid couldn't material for the reasons you mentioned! 😳
Is it synesthesia if songs as a whole have colors? For example the song "Something" by the Beatles is purple, whereas "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon is dark blue. Also, certain sounds are colored like leaves rustling are green. Oh, and I physically see time. I see a cycle of months and I see my position within it. And I taste certain words, but they taste like what they are. "Vegetables" tastes like V8, "paper" tastes like paper, but "happy" tastes like orange juice.
My 12 year old son who has agenesis of the corpus callosum (missing the neuro highway connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain) seems to physically feel noises. What kind would that be? A door closing hurts his arm for example. I wonder if there are more crossed connections with him as well that he isn't really able to communicate to me. Very interesting
Ever since my 3rd brain surgery I feel loud noises through my feet, like elephants. My surgery included removal of summer of my cerebellum. I'm no longer as bihemispheric as I once was. 😮💨 Bet he'd enjoy your exploration of how he "sees" the world. ❤️
I do believe I have one type where I can hear anything I touch from a faint to broad noise depending on what I touch or if that thing is putting off any kind of vibration no matter how faint
Hubris mirror touch is a connection of sight and touch, so ur saying what’s it called when sight is connected to sight? I know I’m 4 years late but you’re talking out of your ass.
Fun fact. Charlize Theron(actress) has a form of synesthesia where she associates words with food. Edit: Of course foods have words. But i mean things such as the word 'isolation' being associated with bacon or the word 'inside' being associated with potato salad.
I can't tell if I have synthesia even though I had an event similar. I would tap my hand in a certain way to music and sometimes I would think of different ways visually to express the music on the walls or touching certain people. But I can't be certain it is that specifically because it doesn't happen all the time and I am sensitive to all of those things in different ways, like I don't like to embrace, sound could be okay but then I am irritated by something and all of a sudden the sound is louder or more noticable. And finally some amounts of flashing lights or certain colors or techtures annoy me. Please help.
I that tally know what you mean with the minds eye concept, I have been expiriencing Days as sort of perpendicular in sort of perpendicular forward me, and numbers sort of diagonally up, years go strait up and months go strait sideways in front of me but still on the ground, I don't really see them in front of me but I see them behind my vision just like you said. It's hard to explain but I think I have the sequence space synthisesia.
I used to think like that too, I think that common among synesthetes.. I also see time in space like that, its almost an impossible thought to think that not everyone does that D:
I don't know if this is synesthesia but when I look at my memories or something I usually look at it like not from my eyes but like a different person its like jump out of my body and than loom at it and I can also make a picture like than at any present time like switching from my eye to or jumping out of my body or eye and looking at my self or other places like a camera and also I have that thing where you have a sequence of numbers or letter and stuff
I just see events in my head or infont of me especially when reading or calling a person ... I dont think its synethisa. I know its not there but I can sort of see it? Like a dream... You know it happened but I can't remember details
would taste and smell also be included?? i mean not only do i have visuals with sounds/music, sometimes i get more of a taste/smell sensation.... ex: Almost Easy - A7X when I listen to this song, I don't really see any visuals rather I "smell" sulfur, matches, hot iron, molten lead
I associate certain subjects in school with colors, I also associate my name with a rainbow, but only my name. And when I looked up synesthesia tests, one of the titles was," what color is Tuesday?" It took me about 2 seconds to randomly think orange, but that's never happened before. I don't know if the day of the week thing is just because I've been thinking about synesthesia or if I've just never thought about it before, because obviously no one asked me what color a day of the week is. I haven't found a form of synesthesia for the things I do yet. So if anyone has an idea of what it's called that would be great.
Also (I forgot to mention this) when I hear certain little pieces of music, I get distinct feelings. I know a lot of people do that, but I get a full picture in my mind, and a feeling to go along with it. Such as a few notes in a piece we are playing at school gives me the picture of a swing set by a tree in winter, which is covered in snow and it makes me feel lonely. Is this synesthesia too?
I see week days as colors. Monday is red, tuesday is blue, wednesday is yellow, thursday is brown, friday is white, saturday is pink and sunday is black
I don't know if I had synesthesia or not, I didn't even know it exists until last year. But I do remember being a child, I can always feel other people's emotions, I feel their anger and pain the most because we were going through a hard time as a family, and I feel the emotions of people on TV, in stories and stuffs. I understand that I'm very sensitive, just wondering if there is a different explanation to why I am overwhelmed by emotions that wasn't even mine
Well I also have mirror touch synesthesia but I did not know other people have mirror touch synesthesia until a few days ago I thought I was special but it can happen
i have powerful grapheme, sound color, and colored note synesthesia. i watched some videos and am worried i may also have mirror-touch. i feel touch off others touching, plus if i concentrate, i can physically touch and feel the texture of any object i look at on my skin. i did the mirror-touch face poke test and every time i feel their finger scratching my opposite cheek.. help?
All of that applies to me. There is even more weird stuff about my brain. My synesthesia makes it so that, to me, hearing, taste and touch are the same sense. That sense is linked to my proprioceptive, neuroceptive, interoceptive and vestibular senses. I feel so many internal processes in my body and change in my brain chemistry as clearly identifiable physical sensations and affect them with mental commands. My hyperesthesia applies to all that, so not only do I perceive weirdly, but very intensely. These are not fickle sensations, but as clear and distinct as the sun in a blue sky. I can create imaginary limbs of any shape that i can feel. If I can hear or feel the surface they are touching, I will have a feeling of it's texture. I can create mental vestibular objects separated from my body. Not only can I see them with my ''mind eye'', but I can feel/touch/hear them. The trajectory of objects in motion around me appear to me as vestibular lines that i can feel if I cross them. I instantly know if i am in the trajectory of a moving object or not, If I am in a collision course or not. I have an intuitive approximation, that is usually quite accurate of how much time before collision if I am. I am quite the jedi against LARP bows with a larp swords. Catching those arrows with my bare hands is not that hard for me. My aim is waay too good for the little time I have practiced. Combined to the mirror touch synesthesia, it causes every little microshifts or micromovements of every part of someone's body language to feel like a physical sensation. To me, these sensations are more meaningful, more true, more aligned to my internal language. they hold more significance, more information, than spoken word. To me, words are always lie because they never mean much to my brain, but bodies don't lie. This allows/curses me to reach the ''savant'' level in reading body language. Everybody is an open book to me, and it freaks most people when they realize that they can't control the message about themselves that they reveal to me. Since hearing and touch is the same to me, people's words feel like touch. If we are in a good mood ans place, it feels wonderful. If I am intimately involved with a woman, she can whisper a few words and it will feel a But when people express unpleasant stuff, it feels unpleasant. Pointless fights between people who are just trying to be the last to speak feel like weird wires going through my head, entering from one hear and leaving through the other, following the flow of discussion. Usually, during fights, many people speak that way at once, so many wires go through my head. When someone is not feeling the room, i feel their embarrassment or other people's like a hand pushing my face away. When someone is constantly trying to make everything about themselves, it feels to me like they are expanding a pressure bubble that is pushing away from them. The apex of the pressure is in my chest, and it is unpleasant enough for me to turn a bit so it hits my shoulder instead. When someone tries to force eye contact with me, it pushes my own gaze away in a way that feels similar to trying to push together the '+' sides of 2 magnets.
Very intriguing way to navigate the world. Makes for great storytelling! Also, I've had multiple aspects myself, and was largely bihemispheric before 3 brain surgeries, but they scooped some bits out, so now my brain is all scrambly. I truly miss my senses (and walking), so enjoy them while you can! 🙏
Is it normal to feel words?? Like either as an emotion or on the skin? Like... You know in asmr when you feel the tingling on your spine... Its like that but with almost every word and if not then its an emotion... Like idk if might just be a high anxiety thing with tone but I thought I'd ask...
I can pinpoint what a person looks like as a smell... and voices as textures and smell... is that synesthesia too? I haven’t heard anyone talk about sense of smell with this?
Is there a synesthesia where a visual trait can evoke it's own emotion? Like if a dark and red scene in a movie feels dark and red rather than disturbing? I had this when I was younger and nearly lost it...
I'm not a doctor or anything so take this with a grain of salt. But the first part seems to me like it might be mild OCD? Just that you have a routine whenever you're in the passanger seat of a car. synesthesia is more of a "union of senses" in a way. The extreme empathy in that case I think could be synesthesia because you see something and you can feel it as well. If I were you I would maybe research some more? I'm definitely not an expert.
okay well what about smelling something when you hear it, like cake or bread, or soup is mentioned i can smell it only sometimes? or only have a small amount of words as colors like cold is blue and hot is red or when hearing something mentioned i can almost feel it like when someone talks about a book i can almost feel myself flipping the pages or someone mentions drinking a glass of orange juice i can feel the cold of the oronge juice in my mouth
I associate different tastes and foods to some words..like I can taste a bland sandwich when I think of the word "word", I feel taste of a spicy gravy when some words with "shri" or "shree" are involved.
i think i have it but every time i think of the number 4 i see alot of different colors in my mind but 10's and 0's have the same color, black and 5 is red 2 is pink 3 is purple 4 is yellow 6 is green 7 is another shade of yellow 8 is also black for some reason
kritie sharda I also can taste words and always thought it was normal and that everyone else had that too until I discovered what synesthesia was.I also see years, months and days of the week in my head but without colors but my strongest synesthesia is the tasting of words.Its called lexical gustatory and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has it.
Oh my god.. I’ve always associated colors to months, for me months and days have particular place in my mind, they have an order and I can literally see them in my mind I’ve tried to explain this sooo many times but people never seemed to understand, so I thought it was something that had to do with imagination
i just realised that i literally picture things like this when I listen to music or think of words or letters or numbers, also for some reason whenever i visually see a letter or number I give them a gender lmao dont ask it's very strange like I give the colours emotions..
Ok, you are the only person that I have found to whom the same thing happens to me, and I have read the comments of a lot of sites and articles related to the subject. I guess it is not very common. Thank you for existing. Sorry for my english.
Where does imagination end and synesthesia begin? Every time I listen to music there is colorful imagery in my mind's eye but I'm so confused. That's just imagination? How does synesthesia differ from that? I am not saying it is fake, I am dumb and don't understand lol
Hahaha. So I can feel absolutely anything I put my attention on. I feel the trees flow. I feel the music. I feel feeling. I can feel all things I see. Also meaning I can feel all the nuances in your body language. By doing so I can see deeply into you. Even a single twitch of the finger or flicker of the eye holds meaning at that level. I can feel my visualizations as well. I can feel the thoughts I think in my own head. "Anything" I can put my attention on, I can feel.
hey!, it happens the same to me... I can also feel the thing I'm paying attention' temperature...can you feel it too? also it's texture or surface in the tip of my fingers...
Beygi M textures yes. Technically I can smell taste and feel anything I put my attention on. Literally anything. The hardest thing I have found is "spatial" existance. The space between two object. That is hard to sense. Anything else I can feel. When I pay attention to this part of myself constantly I usually end up just feeling myself over everything else. An then it is as if I cannot feel the world, an only I exist. Like being disassociated from the everything except myself. It is a very liberating feeling.
Christopher Lobato would you mind if I add you by google+, would be nice. :) also, there is a group in fb about it, there people share cool stuff,,,are you in interested?
+Beygi M finally someone that proves im not crazy. when you concentrate on an object, person, or surface with your mind, do you begin to feel its exact texture across your skin and hands? also when you see people get touched do you also feel it? have you ever brushed a girls hair through your fingers using just your vision?
I don't usually associate things with colors, I associate things with certain feelings. I can't really explain the feelings, but it's stuff like, anything with the number 3 in it, excluding ones with 7 (I dunno why) feels... soft, I guess? But anything with 7 feels rough, and so on with other numbers and letters.Some numbers have vague (but unchanging) colors, but not all of them. Is this synesthesia, or is it normal? Does everyone else get these feelings too? XD
I don't see numbers in different colors literally, but in my mind's eye I see them in different colors; 0 = beige, 1 = bright yellow, 2 = bright green, 3 = obnoxiously red, 4 = navy blue, 5 = orange, 6 = bright pink = 7 = forest green, 8 = deep purple & 9 = mustard yellow. Also, 4 has always been my favorite number and I JUST realized that it's because my favorite color also is navy blue. And 3 is my least favorite because red is my least favorite color?? Wtf
I know i have some forms of it. But i also think i might have a new form! I associate memory’s with taste spusificly sweet taste but i can never put my finger on what it is! Like when i was little i use to watch A channel called milkshake and no i don’t associate it with the taste of milkshakes, it’s like something I’ve never had before. Any way i hope this helps! Poppy
i have number gender character synesthesia, always have. i have had brain surgery in my occipital lobe in addition to two hemorrhages, 2 strokes, seizures and skull surgeries. i see color evrywhere now moving like vangogh's starry night
I can see a calendar in a specific sequence In my mind also other things in a sequence in space. I also can taste smells? Like I could eat this and think:this tastes like the smell of this. If anyone is reading this that knows anything... Is this Synesthesia?
I taste paper and shampoo as I'm washing my hair. However I don't taste an apple while holding it, or an orange. I've realized that anything with chemicals I will taste even before I touch it. I can taste sweet stuff while walking through a bakery too. Sometimes it feels like I am walking on a cloud. Like I don't necessarily feel the ground beneath me. It's weird. Driving on freeway is terrifying if in anxious. My hands go numb on the steering wheel and I feel like falling forward. Forget about driving at night, the street lights, moving cars, and painted lines on the pavement are difficult for me. It's like my brain goes on high alert and is extremely overwhelming. I'm exhausted by the time I get home. Does anyone else taiste paper? Or fabrics? 🥹🧐
I have Visual Spacial Sequential Synesthesia. I see Numbers in patterns, days of the week in a pattern, years, hours of the day. These patterns can be seen in my minds eye from differing angles, future, past. When someone mentions a date years ago, my mind goes down a timeline to that date and I seem to attach it to my memory of that time. I could draw or form bendable forms to show what the patterns look like. I have had it all my life and discovered in my 20’s that NO ONE THINKS LIKE I DO!!! I have very good time management because everything has a place in the line and time of my day. It’s a gift.
I and two family members have the same experience as you. Different patterns though.
Same! We think alike!
I have what's called ticker-tape synesthia- I usually see what looks like typed words on a page when thinking or listening. As a kid I didn't really think about it, but after a while I realized that most people probably don't have that. It makes me good at spelling and memorizing words/numbers, but it makes it especially annoying when people swear (because I'm reading it, not just hearing it) and people talking while I'm trying to work can be distracting.
Sarah Berkner I have this as well! I usually watch movies with subtitles, it helps because everything is already spelt and I don’t involuntarily start spelling stuff out.
me too!! i feel like it’s hardly talked about!!
ticker-tape means ticker to tape
I have this as well, it makes me really bad at learning foreign language, I cant spell any of the words and it ends up looking like garbage, random letters hanging in front of me stopping me from understanding
I have Ticker Tape too!
This was nice to listen to. It makes me feel more normal to know that this is so common and that people study it.
yeah same
I have auditory-tactile synesthesia, it's especially prominent when listening to music. It's so rare to meet someone else that feels sound.
Is that the one where you visualize things when you are listening? If so, I'm the same! It gets VERY prominent when I listen to musicals xD
Same here!
We are blessed. Nice to meet u all.
me too it is so emotional. that type of synesthesia is waht makes Music and soundtrack so emotional, like i can even feel emotional to rock music
Yay someone else
I've been having trouble with learning French, particularly for understanding Lundi is Monday. I find it hard to remember because Monday is red (in my perceptions) and so is Mardi (Tuesday in French) However, Lundi is blue like it's capital L, so it's really quite hard to understand it as being Monday. Tuesday isn't blue, but it's not as hard to comprehend.
Caramelzip5 think ofva blood moon. Monday derives it's name from the moon godess.
I can see a calendar in my mind too. But I also see colors within people. I don't think I'm seeing auras cause I see it in my mind and when each time I see the person their color never changes . I have for as long as I can remember I just found out about synesthesia when doing a psych course last year . Most people I meet are yellow or blue and I'm a purple person, I don't know what they mean. Also when having a conversation or listening to one each word is a different color.
I am the exact same! For me, most people are yellow blue or a shade of red/burgundy. I can remember an important date by pairing the colour of the day of the week with the colour of the number. For example, Thursday the 14th of September is remembered in my brain as dark green (Tuesday) with cornflower blue (14th) and bright green for September.
We can definitely rule out auras because they aren't real.
I see calendars too!
That's so amazing you guys, each colour has a specific meaning so you'll can totally define what and why that particular person has that colour. It will also help you evaluate what you truly feel towards them on a subconscious level.
I have mirror touch synesthesia and the worst kind of it. When I see someone hurt it hurts me the same place they are hurt
So is it like, your sense of sympathy/empathy is crossed with nerves?
I have this to, I thought this is normal. It is normal isn’t it?
Me too, but to a lesser degree. Only recently discovered that not everyone else experienced it.
I have it too. It is useful on a LARP battle field, a dance floor, to learn new moves on in front of a class. It find it very difficult to look at a broken body. The feeling is not exactly pain, but it is quite unpleasant. If the damge to the body would be unbearable for the person, the feeling send me into sensory overload
@@fluffycat8026 i kinda feel it but as i grow up i became immune, i dont know
This is fascinating. I see or feel different colors depending on my emotions. Different stress levels, or joy, sadness, euphoria.. triggers colors in my mind.
for me, each numbers always have different personality and gender. for example;
2 is a female and it has shy and also kind personality.
1 is a male, brave and a little bit arrogant.
but i can't see the color of the numbers
is that synesthesia too?..
Maria Patricia i have both i see them as numbers and they have personalities
Such as 2 is a forest green she is a middle aged librarian
And 1 is bright red he is a pranker who goes on adventures with his similarly coloured friend a
I always think of the personality before the colour so i see it as a stronger part of my synesthesia but i also have other expirences of synesthesia
Seems like 2 is a shy lady for most of us!
omg me too!
me too i also have gender in number like 2 and 3 will be female and rest of it is male
So can you finally answer the age old question...? Why was six afraid of seven?
I feel physical sensations when I hear certain sounds. ASMR is especially intense for me, hearing certain noises while my eyes are closed can make my whole body shake and tingle. The sensation is always more focused on the spine, like a build-up. When it gets too strong I involuntarily move.
I found out about it as a kid. I went to the barber and the hair cutting machine-thing has this high pitched vibrating sound. Every damn time it was behind me I would just jump out in the chair like if someone just dragged a cold finger from the base of my back all the way to my neck.
Wait-if you get tingles or feel grossed out by certain noise is that synesthesia?
@@pinecone189 Sure thing, found out it's called ASMR. Not related to the youtube content with the same name, it's just the clinical name.
Though the personalities for letters were never really detailed, when I paint, I paint abstract, and I much prefer to paint in an abstract world because it is so much more interesting and beautiful than the plain world. I always choose my colours based on feelings and personality traits that they have so they can contribute to what I am trying to portray.
It's good to know space-time synesthesia is so common. I read a very sensationalist article on it and thought I was a bit weird but no, I'm in the given range of normal!
In seriousness,thanks for explaining how this works. Had it all my life, love it, but wish more people understood it.
Exactly. I'm happy to hear that I am not alone in this situation, makes me feel normal and not weird as I thought at first. :)
I've known for a couple of years now that my "mental calendar" is really spatial-sequnce synesthesia, but I've been wondering recently if there is a gender-color form, so that certain colors have specific genders/personalities. For me, mustard yellow is very masculine, but bright blue is feminine. I suppose this could just be a reflection of my own color preferences.
In my brain, all sounds and music become patterns, structures and often also colors.
I have space-time sinestesia. It goes wayyy back the year i was born and to wayyy in the future as well !
I can visualize any decade, centuries, weeks, days, hours. I have this since i was a kid.
That may be the reason i love history.
It's like a timeline of the whole world history in my head.
for the longest time I was unsure if I had synesthesia because I don't see colors of letters when they are written on a page, but they have a color when I see them in my mind. now it's clear that I'm a synesthete :D
I don´t know anyone other that myself who have synesthesia.. Isn´t that weird? I´ve asked many people, at school, my family, ect. but everybody thinks its strange and they seem to think of it either as some kind of superpower or a mental disorder.. One of my "things" is that I see concepts geometrically. I want to know how common is that and what is it called? When I think of the a year, I see the months as a very vivid, geometric shape, and each months has its own place, even the dates has that
So far, I have only met one person whose mix of hyperesthesia/synesthesia seems to be just like mine. However, i do share with you the geometric structures associated with concepts.
I'm gathering from the comments, as well as myself, that there are plenty of things an individual find to be normal, but are not shared. But we don't know enough but to talk about it. For example, only last year did we learn my sister had NO mental imagery. NONE. It explains why she's always lost LOL
I can see scenes when listening to music I am an artist so I do try to draw what I see but of course it's just a scene from what I seen through the music and the emotion I feel as well
I see my thoughts as typed out words on a page in my mind, and I experience sounds as a shape.
Does that includes when speaking to people, too? This used to slow down my communication with others.
i am one of the few hundreds that can see and hear color of Music tones, and i can say it is a beautiful and Rich Experiment, oh and it's also called chromesthesia. And even some songs i get like a night feeling or a mornign feeling too Depends on the tone tho
would feeling sounds be a type of synesthesia? not just beats but any sort of sound. sometimes i listen to music and it injects mental imagery that i can almost feel. it's like im watching a music video inside my head.
not really cuz sound is vibration and that's physical.
I feel the same, One time I'm in a bus while I was listening to a song and I could imagine a white unicorn walking inside, and that the water's going up like the bus seems like an aquarium. But I think it's not synesthesia, I feel sad.
There is a form called auditory-tactile synethesia - I have it, I feel music and other sounds on my face and chest, its not the vibrations from the music.
Ay, same dude! I have sound to color synesthesia and I'm also able to "feel" certain sounds and melodies. They're like winds or movements happening around me!
Moderate synesthesia is probably not so hard to understand as Mr. Ward puts it here... F.ex if I say: Visualise "McDonald's"... then you'd most likely remember a red sign with a yellow "M" - and that's how a synestetic mind works for a small second when someone mentions Monday, because that weekday could have a color associated to it in addition to a visual "map" of where that Monday is situated in time compared to whence you are right now
What if I can smell when I look at things. I can imagine how they smell if I want. Also I can feel the texture of anything not even looking(or looking), the feeling is on my fingers. Well time thing is obvious. But the first things I don’t know whats that about maybe crazy 😝
Is there a type of synesthesia where you still feel something (touch) even when it’s done for about a couple minutes later? Or thinking of anything (not seeing) and tasting/smelling it?
For me, it took a long time to realize that while yeah, most people can think hard and visualize a calendar, it's unusual to be able to point to a certain spot in space and go "that's where Tuesday is," or to be able to say "my head is centered right between the letters S and T" or "8am is about six inches forward from my right elbow." I heard about it online, and I spent the rest of the day asking my friends to test me, and then badgering them about whether they were SURE they didn't have things the same way
I don't know if what happens to me is synesthesia, but ever since I was about 8yo almost everytime I see someone experiencing acute pain, I feel some kind of electricity in the back of my thighs. It also happens to me when I'm watching TV. But not always, just sometimes. Specially if it caughts me off guard. I wonder if that is directly related to me also being empathic. Please if someone has this as well I'd like to know!
I am an Empath and have to be careful to not take in violent stuff, or be around intense emotions because of the mirror neuron thing
So I think I may have synesthesia but I'm not sure what type. It's most prevalent when I listen to music but instead of seeing colors I see and feel textures. When I see the texture of the music it's like a screen over my vision and its almost always in shades of black and white. For example a simple base sound looks like a an oblong ball about the same shape as a rugby ball and the size shape and even opacity will change depending on the volume duration and clarity of the music. When I feel sound it follows the same pattern as what I see feeling like a small rugby ball in my belly. Other sounds make more complex textures and designs but they are difficult to explain.
The other thing I've always noticed is mirror-touch synesthesia. I feel how other people and animals feel but it's most intense with animals. When I watch a dog run or a bird fly I feel their muscles expand and contract I feel the air through their wings and the impact of their paws on the ground and their claws as they sink into the dirt but the weirdest thing I feel is the differences in anatomy. It's weird but I would be sad if it went away. Has anyone else experienced this?
You are not alone, also I can feel the plants, do you?
I see time in space (in my mind) i see year like a circle around me,months have colors depending on the season which include, numbers in colors, sounds in shapes and colours, sometimes smells have colours or i see an image when i smell something. I can reminds everything i see with all the details. Sound weird but the weird part was when it came to my knowledge that i have synesthesia. I used thought everyone sees things the way i did,i didn't know that synesthesia exists.
I have mirror touch and i sometimes smell music .. didnt think it was weird until i realised everyone else doesnt
i have personality-colour synesthesia created by Asperger's Syndrome that i was diagnosed with at about 6
Oh, that’s crazy. I was telling a therapist that I see a superimposed image on top of reality in my mind’s eye, so I feel a bit distanced from it. BUT she just seemed perplexed.
In addition to grapheme synesthesia, the days of the week and months of the year are laid out like a board game, with colored blocks for the months in front of and behind me.
I always had this. I can "see" sound. It seems to flow more easily while high or buzzed. Nothing that would cause hallucinations but music or voices have a very specific colour, location, distance in space. I tried to do this while sober, more difficult but it worked. But the same night I was halfway between sleep and awaking, got startled and was able to visually experience the sound of my leg hitting the wall as a solid..actual...light and shape and let me tell you that was some WEIRD STUFF. If it is dark and quiet and a sudden noise happens I can physically see the sound for a flash of a moment.
I have Synesthsia in such a way that depth perception is difficult, time is round and visual. I'm not sure if I see sound or hear sight. I also taste the world in different ways and hear with my skin and sensations, which translates to visuals - like radar. The world looks as though I am always underwater with lights, so much going on that it can be difficult to focus on what others see - like a table just being a table. To me the table plays with the light and sounds around it.
Idk if this is normal or not but I see flashes of colour randomly appear in the sky. They’re transparent and they fade in 2 seconds but I can’t seem to find anything to explain it. Synesthesia is the closest I can find but it still doesn’t feel like it is
that video tasted very yellow
I have all the kinds together took me a long time to figure out....not every body feels like me
no it doesnt work like that maybe this vid tasted sweet
Spencer Churchill it seems like a brownish yellow to me
I thought it smelled like cinnamon
It looks like a greenish gray, looked like a class desk and kinda tasted like a dry toast. I have never really had taste synesthesia. Interesting
I would surely assume that this fits the definition of synesthesia - you perceive a different modality that is correlated with another perceptual event (in this case particular voices).
Dose anyone see random objects, patterns, and things unrelated to anything they were looking at in their day?
It’s kinda weird it’s like I put numbers in genders like,
1 is male 2 is female
3 and 4 is male and 5
6 is female 7 is male so is 8 and 9 is female
Yup, look up "Ordinal linguistic personification" - it is a type of synesthesia.
As a kid all numbers and letters had personalitie s
For me, Green, blue, brown and red were masculine.
Whereas Orange, yellow, pink, purple were always feminine.
Letters and numbers have genders as well. Capital and lower case makes a difference as to whether or not a letter is male or female to me.
S, s, n, a, D, d, B, b, n, N, are all female to me
A, M, m, p, P, q, Q, are all male to me.
^ as examples
I've had the touch thing throughout my life, it makes watching anything violent difficult. & ❤️ U PPL!
I remember when I was watching this Kid's show (), I could link personalities to letters and numbers. I thought it was completely normal.
I don’t have mirror touch synesthesia, but I get shooting pains down my legs when I see someone hurt themselves, or see a wound, or sometimes just listening to a description of an injury. Is this a type of synesthesia? I thought it happened to everyone for a very long time.
French is just speaking in cursive I can see the curves of their words.
This (and comments) made me realise I have more than 1 type of synesthia
I have the mirror thing, I thought that was normal. Also seeing music, I learnt that wasn’t normal a few months ago though.
So, when someone gets shot in the head in a TV show, I feel it and I have to rub my head to stop it, it doesn’t really hurt just feels weird...
Seeing this video made me realize there are other things I've taken as normal which may not be, as well. And I definitely have to avoid couldn't material for the reasons you mentioned! 😳
Is it synesthesia if songs as a whole have colors? For example the song "Something" by the Beatles is purple, whereas "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon is dark blue. Also, certain sounds are colored like leaves rustling are green. Oh, and I physically see time. I see a cycle of months and I see my position within it. And I taste certain words, but they taste like what they are. "Vegetables" tastes like V8, "paper" tastes like paper, but "happy" tastes like orange juice.
My 12 year old son who has agenesis of the corpus callosum (missing the neuro highway connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain) seems to physically feel noises. What kind would that be? A door closing hurts his arm for example. I wonder if there are more crossed connections with him as well that he isn't really able to communicate to me. Very interesting
Probably audio tactile but I'm not sure
Ever since my 3rd brain surgery I feel loud noises through my feet, like elephants. My surgery included removal of summer of my cerebellum. I'm no longer as bihemispheric as I once was. 😮💨 Bet he'd enjoy your exploration of how he "sees" the world. ❤️
interestingly my Monday is actually red and my 5 is actually green.
5 is def green but my Monday is blue
I do believe I have one type where I can hear anything I touch from a faint to broad noise depending on what I touch or if that thing is putting off any kind of vibration no matter how faint
Anyone have any Info on Mirror-touch synesthesia but with vision being the sensation instead of touch?
Hubris mirror touch is a connection of sight and touch, so ur saying what’s it called when sight is connected to sight? I know I’m 4 years late but you’re talking out of your ass.
Fun fact. Charlize Theron(actress) has a form of synesthesia where she associates words with food.
Edit: Of course foods have words. But i mean things such as the word 'isolation' being associated with bacon or the word 'inside' being associated with potato salad.
I can't tell if I have synthesia even though I had an event similar. I would tap my hand in a certain way to music and sometimes I would think of different ways visually to express the music on the walls or touching certain people. But I can't be certain it is that specifically because it doesn't happen all the time and I am sensitive to all of those things in different ways, like I don't like to embrace, sound could be okay but then I am irritated by something and all of a sudden the sound is louder or more noticable. And finally some amounts of flashing lights or certain colors or techtures annoy me. Please help.
I that tally know what you mean with the minds eye concept, I have been expiriencing Days as sort of perpendicular in sort of perpendicular forward me, and numbers sort of diagonally up, years go strait up and months go strait sideways in front of me but still on the ground, I don't really see them in front of me but I see them behind my vision just like you said. It's hard to explain but I think I have the sequence space synthisesia.
@SleighJessi Yes that is considered synesthesia because it's a blending of your senses.
I used to think like that too, I think that common among synesthetes.. I also see time in space like that, its almost an impossible thought to think that not everyone does that D:
I don't know if this is synesthesia but when I look at my memories or something I usually look at it like not from my eyes but like a different person its like jump out of my body and than loom at it and I can also make a picture like than at any present time like switching from my eye to or jumping out of my body or eye and looking at my self or other places like a camera and also I have that thing where you have a sequence of numbers or letter and stuff
I just see events in my head or infont of me especially when reading or calling a person ... I dont think its synethisa.
I know its not there but I can sort of see it? Like a dream... You know it happened but I can't remember details
would taste and smell also be included?? i mean not only do i have visuals with sounds/music, sometimes i get more of a taste/smell sensation....
ex: Almost Easy - A7X when I listen to this song, I don't really see any visuals rather I "smell" sulfur, matches, hot iron, molten lead
I associate certain subjects in school with colors, I also associate my name with a rainbow, but only my name. And when I looked up synesthesia tests, one of the titles was," what color is Tuesday?" It took me about 2 seconds to randomly think orange, but that's never happened before. I don't know if the day of the week thing is just because I've been thinking about synesthesia or if I've just never thought about it before, because obviously no one asked me what color a day of the week is. I haven't found a form of synesthesia for the things I do yet. So if anyone has an idea of what it's called that would be great.
Also (I forgot to mention this) when I hear certain little pieces of music, I get distinct feelings. I know a lot of people do that, but I get a full picture in my mind, and a feeling to go along with it. Such as a few notes in a piece we are playing at school gives me the picture of a swing set by a tree in winter, which is covered in snow and it makes me feel lonely. Is this synesthesia too?
I see week days as colors. Monday is red, tuesday is blue, wednesday is yellow, thursday is brown, friday is white, saturday is pink and sunday is black
I don't know if I had synesthesia or not, I didn't even know it exists until last year. But I do remember being a child, I can always feel other people's emotions, I feel their anger and pain the most because we were going through a hard time as a family, and I feel the emotions of people on TV, in stories and stuffs. I understand that I'm very sensitive, just wondering if there is a different explanation to why I am overwhelmed by emotions that wasn't even mine
Yes, very intriguing, wonder if it's that affect be mentioned where it's become more common. 🤔
Is it synesthesia if you remember a specific person, thing, place, or event just by smelling something familiar?
Well I also have mirror touch synesthesia but I did not know other people have mirror touch synesthesia until a few days ago I thought I was special but it can happen
i have powerful grapheme, sound color, and colored note synesthesia. i watched some videos and am worried i may also have mirror-touch. i feel touch off others touching, plus if i concentrate, i can physically touch and feel the texture of any object i look at on my skin. i did the mirror-touch face poke test and every time i feel their finger scratching my opposite cheek.. help?
My cross over senses are touch and taste. It's like my body is covered in taste buds
All of that applies to me. There is even more weird stuff about my brain. My synesthesia makes it so that, to me, hearing, taste and touch are the same sense. That sense is linked to my proprioceptive, neuroceptive, interoceptive and vestibular senses. I feel so many internal processes in my body and change in my brain chemistry as clearly identifiable physical sensations and affect them with mental commands. My hyperesthesia applies to all that, so not only do I perceive weirdly, but very intensely. These are not fickle sensations, but as clear and distinct as the sun in a blue sky.
I can create imaginary limbs of any shape that i can feel. If I can hear or feel the surface they are touching, I will have a feeling of it's texture. I can create mental vestibular objects separated from my body. Not only can I see them with my ''mind eye'', but I can feel/touch/hear them. The trajectory of objects in motion around me appear to me as vestibular lines that i can feel if I cross them. I instantly know if i am in the trajectory of a moving object or not, If I am in a collision course or not. I have an intuitive approximation, that is usually quite accurate of how much time before collision if I am. I am quite the jedi against LARP bows with a larp swords. Catching those arrows with my bare hands is not that hard for me. My aim is waay too good for the little time I have practiced.
Combined to the mirror touch synesthesia, it causes every little microshifts or micromovements of every part of someone's body language to feel like a physical sensation. To me, these sensations are more meaningful, more true, more aligned to my internal language. they hold more significance, more information, than spoken word. To me, words are always lie because they never mean much to my brain, but bodies don't lie. This allows/curses me to reach the ''savant'' level in reading body language. Everybody is an open book to me, and it freaks most people when they realize that they can't control the message about themselves that they reveal to me.
Since hearing and touch is the same to me, people's words feel like touch. If we are in a good mood ans place, it feels wonderful. If I am intimately involved with a woman, she can whisper a few words and it will feel a But when people express unpleasant stuff, it feels unpleasant. Pointless fights between people who are just trying to be the last to speak feel like weird wires going through my head, entering from one hear and leaving through the other, following the flow of discussion. Usually, during fights, many people speak that way at once, so many wires go through my head. When someone is not feeling the room, i feel their embarrassment or other people's like a hand pushing my face away. When someone is constantly trying to make everything about themselves, it feels to me like they are expanding a pressure bubble that is pushing away from them. The apex of the pressure is in my chest, and it is unpleasant enough for me to turn a bit so it hits my shoulder instead. When someone tries to force eye contact with me, it pushes my own gaze away in a way that feels similar to trying to push together the '+' sides of 2 magnets.
Very intriguing way to navigate the world. Makes for great storytelling! Also, I've had multiple aspects myself, and was largely bihemispheric before 3 brain surgeries, but they scooped some bits out, so now my brain is all scrambly. I truly miss my senses (and walking), so enjoy them while you can! 🙏
Is it normal to feel words?? Like either as an emotion or on the skin? Like... You know in asmr when you feel the tingling on your spine... Its like that but with almost every word and if not then its an emotion... Like idk if might just be a high anxiety thing with tone but I thought I'd ask...
I can pinpoint what a person looks like as a smell... and voices as textures and smell... is that synesthesia too? I haven’t heard anyone talk about sense of smell with this?
Is there a synesthesia where a visual trait can evoke it's own emotion? Like if a dark and red scene in a movie feels dark and red rather than disturbing? I had this when I was younger and nearly lost it...
I'm not a doctor or anything so take this with a grain of salt. But the first part seems to me like it might be mild OCD? Just that you have a routine whenever you're in the passanger seat of a car. synesthesia is more of a "union of senses" in a way. The extreme empathy in that case I think could be synesthesia because you see something and you can feel it as well. If I were you I would maybe research some more? I'm definitely not an expert.
okay well what about smelling something when you hear it, like cake or bread, or soup is mentioned i can smell it only sometimes? or only have a small amount of words as colors like cold is blue and hot is red or when hearing something mentioned i can almost feel it like when someone talks about a book i can almost feel myself flipping the pages or someone mentions drinking a glass of orange juice i can feel the cold of the oronge juice in my mouth
I associate different tastes and foods to some words..like I can taste a bland sandwich when I think of the word "word", I feel taste of a spicy gravy when some words with "shri" or "shree" are involved.
i think i have it but every time i think of the number 4 i see alot of different colors in my mind but 10's and 0's have the same color, black and 5 is red 2 is pink 3 is purple 4 is yellow 6 is green 7 is another shade of yellow 8 is also black for some reason
I can taste words and feel few words. What name is for this kind of synaesthesia
kritie sharda I also can taste words and always thought it was normal and that everyone else had that too until I discovered what synesthesia was.I also see years, months and days of the week in my head but without colors but my strongest synesthesia is the tasting of words.Its called lexical gustatory and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has it.
What about ordinal linguistic personification ......or tasting color.....that's what I have
4:37 I have that. I use it as a Compass
Oh my god.. I’ve always associated colors to months, for me months and days have particular place in my mind, they have an order and I can literally see them in my mind
I’ve tried to explain this sooo many times but people never seemed to understand, so I thought it was something that had to do with imagination
i just realised that i literally picture things like this when I listen to music or think of words or letters or numbers, also for some reason whenever i visually see a letter or number I give them a gender lmao dont ask it's very strange like I give the colours emotions..
I can see other's Emotion through color, what does it means?
you are the only person that I have found to whom the same thing happens to me, and I have read the comments of a lot of sites and articles related to the subject. I guess it is not very common. Thank you for existing. Sorry for my english.
I don't see others emotions. I see my emotions as colors. Not sure if that is a type of synesthesia
I can see gender on numbers and same with the things around me. Like a spoon is male and fork is female
Where does imagination end and synesthesia begin? Every time I listen to music there is colorful imagery in my mind's eye but I'm so confused. That's just imagination? How does synesthesia differ from that? I am not saying it is fake, I am dumb and don't understand lol
Is ASMR also something like that?
Does anyone else have it where, mainly, you see food/fruit as numbers?
Is seeing words and hearing music notes a kind of synestesia?
I wish i had synesthesia :(
I have colours in numbers,letters, days of the week, and months.
So I can feel absolutely anything I put my attention on.
I feel the trees flow. I feel the music. I feel feeling. I can feel all things I see.
Also meaning I can feel all the nuances in your body language. By doing so I can see deeply into you. Even a single twitch of the finger or flicker of the eye holds meaning at that level.
I can feel my visualizations as well. I can feel the thoughts I think in my own head.
"Anything" I can put my attention on, I can feel.
hey!, it happens the same to me...
I can also feel the thing I'm paying attention' temperature...can you feel it too? also it's texture or surface in the tip of my fingers...
Beygi M textures yes. Technically I can smell taste and feel anything I put my attention on. Literally anything. The hardest thing I have found is "spatial" existance.
The space between two object. That is hard to sense. Anything else I can feel. When I pay attention to this part of myself constantly I usually end up just feeling myself over everything else. An then it is as if I cannot feel the world, an only I exist.
Like being disassociated from the everything except myself. It is a very liberating feeling.
cool, so we have something in common! haha....not many people can say so xD
Christopher Lobato would you mind if I add you by google+, would be nice. :) also, there is a group in fb about it, there people share cool stuff,,,are you in interested?
+Beygi M finally someone that proves im not crazy. when you concentrate on an object, person, or surface with your mind, do you begin to feel its exact texture across your skin and hands? also when you see people get touched do you also feel it? have you ever brushed a girls hair through your fingers using just your vision?
What happens if you have personalities for numbers and genders too
I can see sound in color.
But it's like I have eyes in my head and I'm seeing all the colors in there.
I guess that is chromesthesia?
I don't usually associate things with colors, I associate things with certain feelings. I can't really explain the feelings, but it's stuff like, anything with the number 3 in it, excluding ones with 7 (I dunno why) feels... soft, I guess? But anything with 7 feels rough, and so on with other numbers and letters.Some numbers have vague (but unchanging) colors, but not all of them. Is this synesthesia, or is it normal? Does everyone else get these feelings too? XD
For me, every day of the week has a personality. And NOONE understands wtf I mean.
Letters and word have a shape and a specific way of moving like a is very tall and slender and e is very long and sharp kind of idek
I have OLP which is probably the least cool one to have😂
I don't see numbers in different colors literally, but in my mind's eye I see them in different colors; 0 = beige, 1 = bright yellow, 2 = bright green, 3 = obnoxiously red, 4 = navy blue, 5 = orange, 6 = bright pink = 7 = forest green, 8 = deep purple & 9 = mustard yellow.
Also, 4 has always been my favorite number and I JUST realized that it's because my favorite color also is navy blue. And 3 is my least favorite because red is my least favorite color?? Wtf
Number 3 is literally red 🙃
I got mirror touch synesthesia
I know i have some forms of it. But i also think i might have a new form! I associate memory’s with taste spusificly sweet taste but i can never put my finger on what it is! Like when i was little i use to watch A channel called milkshake and no i don’t associate it with the taste of milkshakes, it’s like something I’ve never had before. Any way i hope this helps!
I taste colors and things. I also have mirror touch synesthesia.
i have number gender character synesthesia, always have. i have had brain surgery in my occipital lobe in addition to two hemorrhages, 2 strokes, seizures and skull surgeries. i see color evrywhere now moving like vangogh's starry night
I can see a calendar in a specific sequence In my mind also other things in a sequence in space. I also can taste smells? Like I could eat this and think:this tastes like the smell of this. If anyone is reading this that knows anything... Is this Synesthesia?
I taste paper and shampoo as I'm washing my hair. However I don't taste an apple while holding it, or an orange. I've realized that anything with chemicals I will taste even before I touch it. I can taste sweet stuff while walking through a bakery too. Sometimes it feels like I am walking on a cloud. Like I don't necessarily feel the ground beneath me. It's weird. Driving on freeway is terrifying if in anxious. My hands go numb on the steering wheel and I feel like falling forward. Forget about driving at night, the street lights, moving cars, and painted lines on the pavement are difficult for me. It's like my brain goes on high alert and is extremely overwhelming. I'm exhausted by the time I get home. Does anyone else taiste paper? Or fabrics? 🥹🧐