Junker Queen: *Literally has the lowest health out of all the tanks, no armour, and no naturally recovering shields, no barrier and no damage blocking abilities with the only exception being a 5 second window where she sort of draws even with some other tanks on a 15 second cooldown* Random DPS player: "This b*tch has too much health!"
Bc the way she tanks is through health and being harder to hit, so when you hit her you feel like u did nothing bc everyone is also missing. She is skinny so she is harder to hit = she looses less health. Shout gives her movement speed which also makes her harder to hit = more health, shout also gives her more health. She self heals with her knife and axe = more health. Her ults usually gives her 3 or more wounds, add the axe and 1 or 2 melees and that is a substantial amount of self heals.
@@thelordofhunger Even pro players agree that she is hard(er) to hit, so yeah, it's a skill issue but it's still an issue, we'll, not really an issue bc she is meh RN, so it's more like an inconvenience
Fun fact: Pharah also has a special voice line if nobody on the team can reasonably heal her (e.g. Bap/Moira): "Who needs healing? I just won't get hit...." I've heard the voice line so many times...
The issue with push is that your team is punished when the enemy pushes it farther you have to waste valuable time just getting the bot to the middle ground. The enemy is punishing you by succeeding unlike a capture point where one teams score doesn’t affect the others.
Isn't that literally the point of any competitive game ever? I'm not saying push is a fantastic game mode of anything but the entire point of playing correctly is that you punish the enemy team for not playing correct therefore increasing your odds of winning. This same concept could be applied to just about anything. its the reason you take advantageous position to put the enemy team into worse positioning therefore punishing them and increasing your odds of winning, etc.
@@kylesmith987 No, because it just so happens that a team can have a significantly longer time of control of the robot... and still lose the game. How is this a balanced game mode when 1 team has longer control of the objective... and still loses.
@@Winterhe4rt I didn't say that push was a perfect game mode and that it doesn't have it problems. I was specifically pointing out that the problem was not based on a team being punished for losing because that concept applies to all game modes.
Bro I had a game where we pushed the bot all the way to the end instantly on new queen street, we held them in spawn all game until overtime, they ended up snowballing with really well placed ult rotations and teamwork and the enemy team ended up winning.
@@astromic001 I won’t but I wish there was a bot report button that would make it so that person gets closely monitored for saying the same stuff over and over and would get permanently banned for botting. And I mean every account they make will be banned. Some of the sh$t they put in there makes it so they deserve it.
Honestly 5 minutes is enough to decide it. One team will have either pushed it far enough that there's no way for the other team to win even if they had 20 minutes. Or it'll be so even that Overtime would decide it anyway.
That wouldn't fix that godforsaken mode. What they need to do is make the Robot have a spawn or go double the speed back to where you pushed it to. The issue with the game right now is that it is hella unbalanced. The winning team has an advantage and that only grows the further they push in. It gets to the point on which, if the winning team pushed 100m or more, the losing team will need to win 3 teamfights in a row before they make ANY progress. Someone already did the math, the losing team, to win, will need to have control of the robot for a much longer amount of time than the winning one. It's something like 2 minutes versus 2 minutes and 40 seconds if the wining team pushes past 120m. Imagine if in control you wiped the enemy team but got 0% progress for 10, 20, 30, 40 seconds. Would be stupid, isn't it? Well, that's how it is in Push. The thing that gets me is that they removed 2CP because of people crying over how unbalanced it was, and replaced it with Push, a mode less balanced than 2CP ever was.
@@Michael_Eoin this is what I’ve been saying the winner is either who made it the furthest combined or whoever made it the furthest from north runs.if both make it OT could be 3 min with whoever makes it halfway first
it's better to have a potato pc than potato internet at least. It's not uncommon for me to get like 100ping and have people levitating and teleporting + noreg
I almost lost a push game once where the robot was deep on our side and it went into overtime. Our team managed to somehow win this while in overtime and having to push all the way back. Best comeback ever
I had a game where we got snowballed and had finally wiped them mere meters from winning in overtime, and we somehow pushed it ALL THE WAY BACK ACROSS THE ENTIRE MAP and won, all in overtime. Shit was crazy
Probably because widows ULT has a timer (Cass's disappears once you fire) and Lucio's has the added benefit of looking like it could do something to enemy team if you don't play the game.
One of my biggest complaints about Push is it is so, so rare to have teammates who know to push up & that only 1 person needs to walk with the bot. So many games of my teams just following the bot through the whole road like lost puppies so by the time we get to the middle, where the bot starts, the enemy team is already there and we end up getting no where.
I think 2CP would be better if they made capturing points slower, but added more ticks to save capture progress more often. Not sure why they completely removed 2CP instead of improving it.
I miss 2CP honestly, I'll even take playing on Horizon, just give me back 2CP dang it. I really want to play on Volskaya, Hanamora, and Temple of Anubis again. They were never my favorite maps but I honestly really miss them and will them any day of the week over push. I'll even take og Horizon over push bc I had more fun on it than I ever have on the stupid bot maps
2:32 Its mathematically true. You lose first fight, part of your team's future pushes will inevitably involve walking the bot back for zero progress upon which you will need to win a second fight to make progress. Your team can easily win more fights and control the bot longer but still lose by a wide margin for this reason.
I actually understand what he meant by it taking so long to get back. If your team is pushed forward and you happened to get picked but the team still won the fight you now have to trek all the way back to the robot which is likely closer to the enemy spawn now. The only time this doesn’t happen is if you’re lucky to catch forward spawn before you have to run all the way back. My luck I always respawn right before forward spawn activates 😩 to be fair this doesn’t happen too often but I always find myself switching to faster supports on push so I can catch up before the next team fight.
Actual very good take about the Push gamemode. I was playing a game and had a support complain the entire time we lost a fight, even though we were easily winning. This gamemode is not for a weak mental
My issues with push are 3-fold 1, its a neat concept to have a momentum-based mode, but this one is so heavily momentum based it basically always goes to time. If you lose on the final push on regular payload, you can just reset and the payload will only move back a tiny bit, basically inconsequential. If you lose the final push on Push, the enemy team moves the robot back and now you're back where you started, you have to win several fights in a row to cap. This would be less of an issue if not compounded by two other things. 2, the timer is way too long. It's the only mode without a dynamic timer; the other modes have a short timer that increases if the attacking team makes progress OR a percentage counter that ends when someone hits 100, so games won't drag on too long if the teams are heavily mismatched. Because you can't really do either of those in Push, they compensated by making the timer 10 minutes flat. 3, it's the only game mode without map variation over the course of a single game. Control Point has 3 different smaller maps within each locale, and Hybrid and Payload both have 3 segments of a continuous map and the spawns change depending on where the objective is. Push does have spawn changes, but only for one team at a time with minimal variation and they're easily lost. So, it just leads Push to be, most often, a drawn out, boring experience. I think it could be improved a lot if they do something similar to Control Point: three smaller maps, shorter timer, less distance to cap. Cut the existing Push maps in half, do a little bit of mirroring and spawn moving, then make a third mini map in the same style. It's definitely a lot of work but they would already have a lot of usable assets in this case.
Hahaha great to see the review on my Sigma video. Your completely right the details get butchered a bit when putting it into a 1 minute TikTok format. Also a should have put something as poking/fight planning in the regain fase!
That moment on Push when you have back spawn and you see your team on the other side of the map pushing the bot away faster than you can catch up paiiin
Push is the only game mode where the other teams success affects your own teams progress. For example, in control or payload, how long you are in control of the payload has no effect on the enemies progress when they are in control. In push however, whoever wins first fight will usually win. If you are in control of the robot second, you will have to control the robot longer than the enemy team for the same amount of progress.
The girl naming the ultimates…honestly some of the names she gives them (in the following parts) are better than the actual names, you should do all parts
3:25 my team and I literally snow balled the enemy team who were right infront of our spawn door in like 10s to overtime and literally made it to their spawn in overtime with each of us farming ults like 2 times, honestly they could have one but they kept coming at us one after one instead of regrouping
On the commentary about push - I had a mystery heroes round where I got in right as the match was about to end [the enemy team had basically pushed the robot all the way to our last spawn with no progress on our end] and I ended up on Kiriko. We managed to push that damn thing all the way to their spawn and win the game, and I didn't die once. It's definitely all about mentality, I could've given up on that round but I didn't. I was actively encouraging my teammates not to give up as well. Heck, we had another guy leave halfway through the match but we still got it there. It's definitely a gamemode for people that don't give up easily or are at least stubborn as hell.
Despite mostly everyones opinion i actually like push. Even if the enemy team pushes to 1m you can still win if you just win team fight and then win the team fight in OT. Mostly everytime i get pushed to the edge of losing my team wins in OT and can hold at a stalemate or just allow robot to go back and forth until OT
Push is 1st fight dependent, and mathematically whoever wins first fight has the best advantage. Not healthy at all. Whoever wins 1st fight typically has ults 1st so they win the 2nd fight on average. After that the losing team typically has advantage due to their ult charge. However, if they win the 3rd fight they now have to waste time bringing the robot back to the middle which by the time they do that another fight takes place where the game began with the team who won first still having the ult advantage. Not only this but whoever loses first fight ends up having to push the robot more over the course of the game. It might move faster not pushing anything but that is still time wasted and extra distance just to get back to initial starting positions. It's the only game mode like that in overwatch. Control is the first to 100% so no matter how much time any one team spends on the point it's a set amount of time before it gets to 100% and even for both teams, whereas for push the losing team on average would have to push an extra 18-20 seconds compared to the team who won first over the course of the game. Sure its technically possible to win 4 fights in a row and come back from a losing position, but that is not the norm when looking at all push game data. 1st fight winners are disproportionately higher overal winners by a frightening amount for a gamemode that can determine rankings.
There's a video somewhere on UA-cam that explains using math the inherent disadvantage of the losing team when playing Push. It is the only mode in Overwatch that favored the winning team consistently regardless of who is in control of the point unlike Control.
The first one I have done before, except I’m not a new player 😭. It was like midnight and I was playing w my group and I thought we were in a skirmish still and literally played as if it was a skirmish 😭.
It is possible for you to catch up in the push game mode if you have the right team. I have played and the enemy was like 3 feet from the finish by all standards, and my team should have lost, but it took one moment to switch the entire game and we took it all the way from our finish line to there’s. It’s always possible for any game to change even to the last second that’s why you never give up.
A smart team won't even challange your spawn (aka end the match early). The push meta resolves around the idea of not pushing after your have a clear advantage. Because it's really easy to lose a teamfight if you push close to the enemy spawn, and that means they get the opportunity to flip the game. Holding your push further to the middle will provide YOU with highground advantage, and the enemy spawn advantage will be smaller as well.
That’s one game out of how many? Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s likely. How often have you had a game where one of the team just steamrolls and wins within 5 minutes?
@@awesomeavis7861 I mean that does happen, but maybe I prefer to be more positive. Which isn’t a bad thing. It’s nice being able to walk around not feeling like I have a stick up my butt.😀
@@awesomeavis7861 you would be surprised how a little positivity can go along way telling your teammates good job giving your teammate positive reinforcement can help motivate them to do better, so yes, it has everything to do with it. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose but despite what happens, I will always remain positive.
I remember that in push my team went from 21.1-141 and won all in one overtime. It really shows how you can clutch up games if you have the right mindset
6:17 I think they're talking Moira's who will use their ult on cooldown the second they see a Genji to kill him. I've had my fair share of encounters of those Moiras as Genji and I wouldn't even consider myself good at him
Speaking of push, I had a game the other day where we lost 4 fights in a row, the enemy team had the bot pushed up to 120m and we still won that game in overtime. Pushed it from 0-121 in overtime and clutched the win. It was epic.
I love push it’s fun , one tip people need to know if even if you win the fight and you’re last on point , back off , regroup with tank , and than kill the one or two people coming back to point as a team rather than staying at the point trying to kill the early birds from the enemy team
I will mention however that push can feel kind of brutal sometimes. Sometimes you lose 2 fights in the beginning and the enemy team rushes the robot to the forward spawn. Then you spend the rest of the game barely pushing the robot back as they keep slowly progressing it forward. This is especially bad if your team doesnt know how to pull back and regroup.
I LOVE the idea that Push is very much so a mental game, and will force players to see it through to the end if they want to win. I play a fair bit of Mann Vs Machine in TF2, almost exclusively Mann Up, the mode with higher stakes. I can't tell you how many players I've played with who I know are weak in the mental game because the team loses a single wave, and players dip out.
I take offense to the shitpost about JunkerQueen! Just because you pick JQ doesn't mean you are attracted to large muscular women! ...We also pick Zarya.
Junker Queen: *Literally has the lowest health out of all the tanks, no armour, and no naturally recovering shields, no barrier and no damage blocking abilities with the only exception being a 5 second window where she sort of draws even with some other tanks on a 15 second cooldown*
Random DPS player: "This b*tch has too much health!"
Bc the way she tanks is through health and being harder to hit, so when you hit her you feel like u did nothing bc everyone is also missing.
She is skinny so she is harder to hit = she looses less health.
Shout gives her movement speed which also makes her harder to hit = more health, shout also gives her more health.
She self heals with her knife and axe = more health.
Her ults usually gives her 3 or more wounds, add the axe and 1 or 2 melees and that is a substantial amount of self heals.
@@javierhzo2846 you are sort of right with some of those but if everyone is missing that's not "extra health" just an insane skill issue, sorry.
@@thelordofhunger Even pro players agree that she is hard(er) to hit, so yeah, it's a skill issue but it's still an issue, we'll, not really an issue bc she is meh RN, so it's more like an inconvenience
Untill you play monkey or rein. And then someone plays Lucio or Kiriko.
people see her as a dps hero and get confused why she has more than 200 health i think
Roadhog needs a new voiceline when using his ult: "Going.... KITTY!!!"
"Feedback" what
@@AceLgreninja its a scam bot
@@depressedkermit3752 I know I'm making fun of it
I think fist bump is fitting the strength of doom ult as well lol
The guesses were kinda accurate 😅😂
I will exclusively be calling doomfist's ult "fist bump" from now on. Because that's what it feels like.
I always called it "cya!"
Wait, it's called fist bump, I called it goku this entire time because of my experiences with doomfists
obviously its called "vibe check".
I call hogs ult Big Piggy from back when I started playing.
I'd call it *death sounds* bc that's all Doomfist goes against my team
Fun fact: Pharah also has a special voice line if nobody on the team can reasonably heal her (e.g. Bap/Moira): "Who needs healing? I just won't get hit...."
I've heard the voice line so many times...
Had the pharah say something like just hit me mid air its not that hard while I was on baptiste was a funny voiceline.
The issue with push is that your team is punished when the enemy pushes it farther you have to waste valuable time just getting the bot to the middle ground. The enemy is punishing you by succeeding unlike a capture point where one teams score doesn’t affect the others.
yeah it sucks
Isn't that literally the point of any competitive game ever? I'm not saying push is a fantastic game mode of anything but the entire point of playing correctly is that you punish the enemy team for not playing correct therefore increasing your odds of winning. This same concept could be applied to just about anything. its the reason you take advantageous position to put the enemy team into worse positioning therefore punishing them and increasing your odds of winning, etc.
@@kylesmith987 No, because it just so happens that a team can have a significantly longer time of control of the robot... and still lose the game. How is this a balanced game mode when 1 team has longer control of the objective... and still loses.
@@Winterhe4rt I didn't say that push was a perfect game mode and that it doesn't have it problems. I was specifically pointing out that the problem was not based on a team being punished for losing because that concept applies to all game modes.
skill issue
I think im actually gonna start calling whole hog that.
"Hes using kitty get cover"
My jaw dropped when he said queen has too much health
My biggest issue is that it feels like such a chore either if we're winning or loosing push
Bro I had a game where we pushed the bot all the way to the end instantly on new queen street, we held them in spawn all game until overtime, they ended up snowballing with really well placed ult rotations and teamwork and the enemy team ended up winning.
I have as well. Few times
literally a game I had like within a week
The push one was more bait than calling brig dps. My and the home boy I play with consistently turn it around. 1 tank 1 dps.
Uhm? Just push it the last bit and gg? Sounds way better than spawn camping doesn't it?
I feel like push is only good/fun when it's with team comps or full squad of friends that are competent in the game I highly prefer 2cp over push
I love the overwatch tiktok reactions
Don’t fall for the bot comment above me please
@@astromic001 its natural selection if you actually do at this point
@@astromic001 I won’t but I wish there was a bot report button that would make it so that person gets closely monitored for saying the same stuff over and over and would get permanently banned for botting.
And I mean every account they make will be banned.
Some of the sh$t they put in there makes it so they deserve it.
My thoughts on push:
The timer needs to be reduced again. 10min is waaaaay too long n just prolongs the inevitable.
Maybe 7/8min could be a sweat spot
5 minutes is enough to decide it.
One team will have either pushed it far enough that there's no way for the other team to win even if they had 20 minutes.
Or it'll be so even that Overtime would decide it anyway.
@@waitwhat238 I agree, but literally halfing the timer would make too many people rage I think
I think there should be two rounds at 5:00 each.
That wouldn't fix that godforsaken mode. What they need to do is make the Robot have a spawn or go double the speed back to where you pushed it to. The issue with the game right now is that it is hella unbalanced. The winning team has an advantage and that only grows the further they push in. It gets to the point on which, if the winning team pushed 100m or more, the losing team will need to win 3 teamfights in a row before they make ANY progress. Someone already did the math, the losing team, to win, will need to have control of the robot for a much longer amount of time than the winning one. It's something like 2 minutes versus 2 minutes and 40 seconds if the wining team pushes past 120m. Imagine if in control you wiped the enemy team but got 0% progress for 10, 20, 30, 40 seconds. Would be stupid, isn't it? Well, that's how it is in Push. The thing that gets me is that they removed 2CP because of people crying over how unbalanced it was, and replaced it with Push, a mode less balanced than 2CP ever was.
@@Michael_Eoin this is what I’ve been saying the winner is either who made it the furthest combined or whoever made it the furthest from north runs.if both make it OT could be 3 min with whoever makes it halfway first
I will now forever use the names that little girl gave the ults.
That first clip happens involuntarily if you have a potato PC 🙃
it's better to have a potato pc than potato internet at least. It's not uncommon for me to get like 100ping and have people levitating and teleporting + noreg
I almost lost a push game once where the robot was deep on our side and it went into overtime. Our team managed to somehow win this while in overtime and having to push all the way back. Best comeback ever
I had a game where we got snowballed and had finally wiped them mere meters from winning in overtime, and we somehow pushed it ALL THE WAY BACK ACROSS THE ENTIRE MAP and won, all in overtime. Shit was crazy
had a game exactly like this (the og comment), hope it was the same one. If not, GGWP for your team
Were you in Gold rank?
@@Duality2222-2 it was quickplay
11:35 why tf didn’t they use a Widow ult, that would’ve been hilarious
Probably because widows ULT has a timer (Cass's disappears once you fire) and Lucio's has the added benefit of looking like it could do something to enemy team if you don't play the game.
The one that showed which supports can heal thru walls was great lol
One of my biggest complaints about Push is it is so, so rare to have teammates who know to push up & that only 1 person needs to walk with the bot. So many games of my teams just following the bot through the whole road like lost puppies so by the time we get to the middle, where the bot starts, the enemy team is already there and we end up getting no where.
I think 2CP would be better if they made capturing points slower, but added more ticks to save capture progress more often. Not sure why they completely removed 2CP instead of improving it.
It's easier to just remove something than to try and fix it. Look what happened with GOATs and double shield.
I miss 2CP honestly, I'll even take playing on Horizon, just give me back 2CP dang it. I really want to play on Volskaya, Hanamora, and Temple of Anubis again. They were never my favorite maps but I honestly really miss them and will them any day of the week over push. I'll even take og Horizon over push bc I had more fun on it than I ever have on the stupid bot maps
Bunny Blast is lowkey a fire name for Dva's ultimate
They need to rename it that
2:32 Its mathematically true. You lose first fight, part of your team's future pushes will inevitably involve walking the bot back for zero progress upon which you will need to win a second fight to make progress. Your team can easily win more fights and control the bot longer but still lose by a wide margin for this reason.
That “KITTY” sounded so much like Monsters Inc 😂😂 too good
I want roadhog renamed to Kitty now
I actually understand what he meant by it taking so long to get back. If your team is pushed forward and you happened to get picked but the team still won the fight you now have to trek all the way back to the robot which is likely closer to the enemy spawn now. The only time this doesn’t happen is if you’re lucky to catch forward spawn before you have to run all the way back. My luck I always respawn right before forward spawn activates 😩 to be fair this doesn’t happen too often but I always find myself switching to faster supports on push so I can catch up before the next team fight.
I tried playing Hammond on Esperanca since that map is crazy long. It didn't work because I had a teammate dodge the instant I locked it in lol
17:30 this little girl predicted the Rein mythic
Kiriko breaks Ball's health, make's Brig's shield become invincible. I'm calling it now, Ball and Brig are getting removed.
they already fixed their bugs
@@lawtamim they didn’t really “fix” them considering they just made it so their cool-downs aren’t reduced from kiriko ult
Now when I play Hog I'm going in comms saying "Kitty ready!"
When you realize the soujourn thing where she 1 shots everything is true without shooting with different characters
Roadhog kitty skin has to happen
Okay now overwatch needs to RELEASE a roadhog skin where's hes a kitty lol now if he didn't have one already
Actual very good take about the Push gamemode. I was playing a game and had a support complain the entire time we lost a fight, even though we were easily winning. This gamemode is not for a weak mental
that last one has a part two where she sees the kiriko ult and gets happy because she only knows kiriko it was cute
Push is the tempo mode, made for the new tempo tank!
My issues with push are 3-fold
1, its a neat concept to have a momentum-based mode, but this one is so heavily momentum based it basically always goes to time. If you lose on the final push on regular payload, you can just reset and the payload will only move back a tiny bit, basically inconsequential. If you lose the final push on Push, the enemy team moves the robot back and now you're back where you started, you have to win several fights in a row to cap. This would be less of an issue if not compounded by two other things.
2, the timer is way too long. It's the only mode without a dynamic timer; the other modes have a short timer that increases if the attacking team makes progress OR a percentage counter that ends when someone hits 100, so games won't drag on too long if the teams are heavily mismatched. Because you can't really do either of those in Push, they compensated by making the timer 10 minutes flat.
3, it's the only game mode without map variation over the course of a single game. Control Point has 3 different smaller maps within each locale, and Hybrid and Payload both have 3 segments of a continuous map and the spawns change depending on where the objective is. Push does have spawn changes, but only for one team at a time with minimal variation and they're easily lost.
So, it just leads Push to be, most often, a drawn out, boring experience. I think it could be improved a lot if they do something similar to Control Point: three smaller maps, shorter timer, less distance to cap. Cut the existing Push maps in half, do a little bit of mirroring and spawn moving, then make a third mini map in the same style. It's definitely a lot of work but they would already have a lot of usable assets in this case.
I like how people admit to not knowing how to wait for their team to regroup in push mode around 2:00
The third video, I love his content. Typically his stuff is really good.
That last one was the best "and on that note, we'll end the video here" moment I've seen in a while
Hahaha great to see the review on my Sigma video. Your completely right the details get butchered a bit when putting it into a 1 minute TikTok format. Also a should have put something as poking/fight planning in the regain fase!
That moment on Push when you have back spawn and you see your team on the other side of the map pushing the bot away faster than you can catch up paiiin
Screaming Kitty when ulting with Hog = new meta..
*Aggressive meows from cat gun*
13:17 I love the sound that goes with it
On push, I've been in games where they were on the finish line and we were half way, then won it back through on overtime. It's a great feeling tbh.
I love how people think saying "As a (insert hero) main, my source is that I made it the fk up"
To be fair, Genji vs. Orisa felt like you were throwing paper at her.
17:39 , I can now not unsee roadhog as Sully and junkrat as mike wazowski.
Winning a comeback on push is the most satisfying feeling in this game
Now we just need a Catboy Roadhog skin
that little girl had better names for the ultimates than their actual names.
Last Tiktok was actually the best one out of them all xD
Push is the only game mode where the other teams success affects your own teams progress.
For example, in control or payload, how long you are in control of the payload has no effect on the enemies progress when they are in control.
In push however, whoever wins first fight will usually win. If you are in control of the robot second, you will have to control the robot longer than the enemy team for the same amount of progress.
The girl naming the ultimates…honestly some of the names she gives them (in the following parts) are better than the actual names, you should do all parts
TikTok is a magic cow and flats is milking tf out of it. I love it.
2:55 yeah, I've had games of push where the entire enemy team was hard diffing my team but my teams still ends up winning
When bruh said "the ninja doin to much I lost it"💀💀💀
The 'Special Tutorial for DPS Players' hit me right in the support main.
3:25 my team and I literally snow balled the enemy team who were right infront of our spawn door in like 10s to overtime and literally made it to their spawn in overtime with each of us farming ults like 2 times, honestly they could have one but they kept coming at us one after one instead of regrouping
Dva bomb is absolutely being called bunny blast from now on, sounds like a corny power ranger esque final move and I'm absolutely here for it
Ever since I found out about flats and the gang I've loved all the content they put out.
On the commentary about push - I had a mystery heroes round where I got in right as the match was about to end [the enemy team had basically pushed the robot all the way to our last spawn with no progress on our end] and I ended up on Kiriko. We managed to push that damn thing all the way to their spawn and win the game, and I didn't die once. It's definitely all about mentality, I could've given up on that round but I didn't. I was actively encouraging my teammates not to give up as well. Heck, we had another guy leave halfway through the match but we still got it there. It's definitely a gamemode for people that don't give up easily or are at least stubborn as hell.
Despite mostly everyones opinion i actually like push. Even if the enemy team pushes to 1m you can still win if you just win team fight and then win the team fight in OT. Mostly everytime i get pushed to the edge of losing my team wins in OT and can hold at a stalemate or just allow robot to go back and forth until OT
That Hanzo was shooting trickshots like he's Hawkeye or Green Arrow or somethin
"moira range isn't that far"
me: do you want to challenge it
I don't play more than like, an hour or so every year. But these videos are hysterical.
Push is 1st fight dependent, and mathematically whoever wins first fight has the best advantage. Not healthy at all.
Whoever wins 1st fight typically has ults 1st so they win the 2nd fight on average. After that the losing team typically has advantage due to their ult charge. However, if they win the 3rd fight they now have to waste time bringing the robot back to the middle which by the time they do that another fight takes place where the game began with the team who won first still having the ult advantage.
Not only this but whoever loses first fight ends up having to push the robot more over the course of the game. It might move faster not pushing anything but that is still time wasted and extra distance just to get back to initial starting positions. It's the only game mode like that in overwatch. Control is the first to 100% so no matter how much time any one team spends on the point it's a set amount of time before it gets to 100% and even for both teams, whereas for push the losing team on average would have to push an extra 18-20 seconds compared to the team who won first over the course of the game.
Sure its technically possible to win 4 fights in a row and come back from a losing position, but that is not the norm when looking at all push game data. 1st fight winners are disproportionately higher overal winners by a frightening amount for a gamemode that can determine rankings.
Road hogs ult is now forever known as kitty
Dooms ult really is a fist bump now so she's not wrong
Bro i was the junker queen at 2:30 💀💀💀
has anyone noticed that mercy has 2 japanese skins and a korean skin if she maybe gets a hispanic skin she will be the ariana grande of overwatch
That hanzo lineup was sick as fuck
I can see an April Fool where they change the ultimates name based on the little girl's guess.
There's a video somewhere on UA-cam that explains using math the inherent disadvantage of the losing team when playing Push. It is the only mode in Overwatch that favored the winning team consistently regardless of who is in control of the point unlike Control.
would be nice to see him react to it although idk if he already has.
Does anyone know that tiktok series of the little gamers trying to name ultimates and characters. It’s so damn wholesome
The first one I have done before, except I’m not a new player 😭. It was like midnight and I was playing w my group and I thought we were in a skirmish still and literally played as if it was a skirmish 😭.
It is possible for you to catch up in the push game mode if you have the right team. I have played and the enemy was like 3 feet from the finish by all standards, and my team should have lost, but it took one moment to switch the entire game and we took it all the way from our finish line to there’s. It’s always possible for any game to change even to the last second that’s why you never give up.
A smart team won't even challange your spawn (aka end the match early).
The push meta resolves around the idea of not pushing after your have a clear advantage. Because it's really easy to lose a teamfight if you push close to the enemy spawn, and that means they get the opportunity to flip the game.
Holding your push further to the middle will provide YOU with highground advantage, and the enemy spawn advantage will be smaller as well.
That’s one game out of how many? Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s likely. How often have you had a game where one of the team just steamrolls and wins within 5 minutes?
@@awesomeavis7861 I mean that does happen, but maybe I prefer to be more positive. Which isn’t a bad thing. It’s nice being able to walk around not feeling like I have a stick up my butt.😀
@@QueenaCobra being positive has nothing to do with anything.
@@awesomeavis7861 you would be surprised how a little positivity can go along way telling your teammates good job giving your teammate positive reinforcement can help motivate them to do better, so yes, it has everything to do with it. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose but despite what happens, I will always remain positive.
I remember that in push my team went from 21.1-141 and won all in one overtime. It really shows how you can clutch up games if you have the right mindset
i despise push and every time i hear esperanza i want to put my head under reinheart's hammer
That 6 year old has more creativity than OW developers
100% calling "i have kitty" when whole hog is up kol
6:17 I think they're talking Moira's who will use their ult on cooldown the second they see a Genji to kill him. I've had my fair share of encounters of those Moiras as Genji and I wouldn't even consider myself good at him
"Junker Queen has too much health."
From now on, I will refer to hogs ult only as kitty
I think something like TF2s high tower would be superior to robot push tbh
I feel like Splatoon's Tower Control is a better version of what the OW dev team was going for with Push Robot
Speaking of push, I had a game the other day where we lost 4 fights in a row, the enemy team had the bot pushed up to 120m and we still won that game in overtime. Pushed it from 0-121 in overtime and clutched the win. It was epic.
I love push it’s fun , one tip people need to know if even if you win the fight and you’re last on point , back off , regroup with tank , and than kill the one or two people coming back to point as a team rather than staying at the point trying to kill the early birds from the enemy team
That little kid at the end was adorable
Mentality is a huge part of this game. People are always quick to give up and start blaming others after losing 1 fight
I will mention however that push can feel kind of brutal sometimes. Sometimes you lose 2 fights in the beginning and the enemy team rushes the robot to the forward spawn. Then you spend the rest of the game barely pushing the robot back as they keep slowly progressing it forward. This is especially bad if your team doesnt know how to pull back and regroup.
That last one was the best one by far lol 😂
Thank you for including chat. 10/10.
That genji guy hurts my soul…
Funny enough explodey window was the most accurate. So was bunny bomb 😂
I LOVE the idea that Push is very much so a mental game, and will force players to see it through to the end if they want to win. I play a fair bit of Mann Vs Machine in TF2, almost exclusively Mann Up, the mode with higher stakes. I can't tell you how many players I've played with who I know are weak in the mental game because the team loses a single wave, and players dip out.
I move in the Senate to vote that the community to change Hogs ultimate call-out to Kitty.
Why are react videos so addicting? I feel dirty watching, but they're so good
You don’t need to feel dirty about watching good content. The bad “react” content is just loud people overacting in response to random bullshit videos
The Hanzo one is so you don't have to peek and you catch them by surprise.
Ive heard a lot of genji mains think Genji is literally just a nanoblade bot
16:56 my day has gotten immensely better.
flats just basically called himself a boomer and is proud of it.
I take offense to the shitpost about JunkerQueen!
Just because you pick JQ doesn't mean you are attracted to large muscular women!
...We also pick Zarya.