Da, a fost pe la post tv acum ceva vreme, mai vedeam cate un episod cand se nimerea, nu era nici pe departe un serial preferat, cam toate serialele americane de genu seamana. Varianta coreeana, in schimb are mai mult dramatism si nu ti-l recomand :)), mai potrivite sunt astea istorice ca actiune
can i upload this video to my instagram channel? i would write your youtube channel on it and if you have instagram i would tag you on it :) if your answer no it's okey i can understand it xo
I LOVE THIS ))) soorryy caps :D
Amaaazing video!!
BlackDragon ✘507 thank you dear, I love the drama, it's inspiring!! :))
Good lord you nailed this! Absolutely stunning.
thank you so much!
In the drama the protagonist has brother?
Cat de fain pare serialul ;-; Foarte fain videoclipul, imi place mult♥
Multu )) pe alocuri mi se pare un pic mai agresiv fata de varianta americana, din cate imi aduc aminte, dar per total e interesant
Aa este si varianta americana? :)) Nu stiam
Da, a fost pe la post tv acum ceva vreme, mai vedeam cate un episod cand se nimerea, nu era nici pe departe un serial preferat, cam toate serialele americane de genu seamana. Varianta coreeana, in schimb are mai mult dramatism si nu ti-l recomand :)), mai potrivite sunt astea istorice ca actiune
Am mai vazut seriale coreene de genul, deci nu-i problema :))
I love this 😍
완전한 ❤
te rog da-mi link-ul de la melodie ca nu o gasesc..app, fain video ♥
multumeeesc mult, o ador ♥
can i upload this video to my instagram channel? i would write your youtube channel on it and if you have instagram i would tag you on it :) if your answer no it's okey i can understand it xo
thorne vivi sure, as long as you write my channel and give credit it's ok :)
Cristina Luca of course! My instagram name is :vivithorne and you can see it there
Should i watch this drama ?
Mïn Ah You should, it's very good drama :)
Cristina Luca thank u