Oh how so cool. Jeff is a R/C guy. I started with Model Airplanes back in 1959. .049 & C/L. 1976 1st Radio. Currently flying engines from TD .049 - .56. Planes with wingspans, 24 - 60 inches. 2 ch - 6 channels. Today, I'm 71 and still tinker on my planes. Just one of my Hobbies. Tis my Basket Weaving, keeps my Mental Side active and working OK. Flyen Model Airplanes is the MOST FUN you can have with your pants on.
Love ya Jeff... but...... TLDR - There are no federal laws against flying a drone over private property as the FAA only regulates airspace above 400 feet. However, some areas have passed local or state laws to prohibit drones over private properties. Before navigating a drone over a residence, pilots should check local laws and regulations.
First of all, that quadcopter weighs less than 0.55lbs, so it is exempt from FAA rules. If you’re outside controlled airspace, you can fly above 400 feet when flying over a large structure like a building, but it must be below 500 feet from the cloud ceiling. If the building is 1000 feet AGL, you can fly at 1400 feet AGL as long as you’re below 500 feet below the clouds. You can fly over people’s houses when taking off and landing from your own property. It’s not polite, but it’s not illegal unless you were causing an invasion of privacy or crashed into their house. You can fly inside your car while someone else is driving only In a sparsely populated area. You can fly around people, but they must be participating in the event. Read the rules, people. Also, the AMA is only significant when flying at a club, which you don’t have to. Plenty of wide open land in the USA. They won’t offer you insurance money if you don’t fly at an AMA club… FliteTest put forth more effort than the AMA did at protecting our rights to fly model aircrafts.
UAS flying under U.S.C. 44809 and weighing less than .55 are not exempt from regulatory and legislative requirements. These lightweight aircraft (under .55) are only exempt from the FAA registration requirement and future remote ID rule. Flying above structures is a rule under FAA's Part 107 and is not mentioned in the recreational rules of 44809. There are also no specific distance rules regarding cloud clearance in U.S.C. 44809, as these rules would be set by community-based organizations (CBO), like AMA. In regards to flying over people's homes, flying in a moving vehicle, and over people, all of these operations would need to be permitted within the safety programming of a CBO- to which there is no such programming allowing this under U.S.C. 44809 at this time. It is not correct that AMA insurance only covers flights at an AMA club field, in fact, AMA members are covered anywhere they have permission to fly. Lasty, AMA has dedicated countless hours and resources to the protection of the hobby and appreciate all of the help we receive from other organizations. I would be happy to schedule a webinar with any organization to discuss past and present advocacy efforts, or make myself available by phone to continue the conversation. Best regards, Tyler Dobbs (765)287-1256 ext. 235
I have been Flying RC aircraft for over 40 years and I can tell you, the RC community wouldn't be in the situation we are in now if the people that purchase the mutirotors,, DRONES, would have had to acually learn to build, Wire, setup, and then fly. I would say that 90% of the operators that are flying the out of the box copters would not be flying if they acually had to learn to build before they fly. Why didn't these companies already have a online training test and once passed you are given a code to unlock your DRONE, so stupid people could then fly. Might as well give a 7 year old a handgun and send him to school... Never had any issues until the ignorant started opening boxes.
+RJ Welder kind of makes you sound like an old fart who hates people having fun in a novel way. according to your logic, only people who have built their own car should be able to drive, because..... building your own car makes you a better driver? building your own house makes you a better home owner? don't scapegoat pre-built "drone" people, most of them have grown up with the same tech that powers those quadcopters you're talking about, and don't need "old plane people" to tell them where they do and don't belong. no one starts doing a hobby by already being a professional, since its a hobby... not a profession.
+Dennis Malmberg Not against people having fun just against people being stupid and ruining this sport, hobby and family recreation. I started in this hobby when I was 9 and it does make you better. Building your own home, I have done that, Build my own cars and or pickups, I have done that also worked in a Hot Rod shop for 20 years. It makes you appreciate what you have accomplished and you take pride in what you have done. Also when something goes wrong you can fix it. I have designed and built my own RC cars, boats and aircraft for years and have 1000's of hours of flight time without any issues or causing any FAA problems. So please explain to myself and all the other people that have done the same as I have for 40+ years why the FAA is making everyone register. The answer is clear, because no one takes responsibility or accountability for there actions and I'm sure most of the ones that have caused the problems have already got out of the hobby.
Rod, multirotor pilots are all about building their own, tweaking, modifying, fixing, wiring, practicing techniques...we're hobbyists, we're in to it, just like you. I wanted really badly to respond cruelly, make some references to older hobbyists and mandatory eye exams for LOS safety...but I don't really believe any of that, and it would just be in anger. I fly helis, quads, and planes, in that order. I have been in the AMA for years, but I'm only in my 30s so not nearly as long as you have. I hate that there are these divisions, and I see the way the older guys look at me with my "new-fangled" electronics and models. I get it, the rules cater to you and yours and that's how you like it. It seems dangerous to you when I fly a figure eight FPV around two trees, while it seems dangerous to me that you wanna throw your large gasser around in the air, annoying anyone with good hearing and endangering folks nearby. You don't get my aspect of the hobby, and I don't get yours. Maybe we should just accept that, and not try to throw each other under the bus?
Here is a link to the AMA safety code, www.modelaircraft.org/files/105.pdf The 400' ceiling for models give a 100' seperation to the min altitued that full scale aircraft can fly at. The AMA has had rules and guidelines for setting up club flying sites and how we fly our models for decades. I would prefer to follow the AMA rules and guidelines instead of a government law. But if people fly in an unsafe manner without regard for other people around them and/or personal property we will have government laws put upon us. Nobody wants that!
Love we are getting folks like Jeff involved. Personally, I am not sure we want to portray RC enthusiasts or even new drone pilots as Bubba J. however. I am afraid new pilots will take one look at Bubba, and say, "that ain't me" and tune out. I dunno, but love to see Jeff helping out. Also, having Achmed show up in the background is more than a little disturbing since it has connotations we probably don't want to force into the public's mind at this juncture.
OMG JD!!! Your looking so very healthy and also very handsome and casual ...but then again Jeff; you've always looked really sharpe and styling when you wear your jeans, T-shirt, blazer....you are One Sharpe dressed man....Always !!! Looking good my friend!! Love you and your little band of misfits darlin! Former fan....F.B.
he is super rich, his adopt parents are rich... he is collecting antique cars, toys, and etc etc, he loves to crafting everything, he grows a happy childhood, he has the previledge of an explorer boy. there was a video he showing his old toys, i wonder every boys should grow with.
I love Jeff and I think it's fantastic he's talking about unmanned vehicle safety, but saying "You have to abide by some rules setup by the AMA model aircraft safety code," is a bit of a stretch. You only have to abide by most of them if you're an AMA member and want the insurance coverage. If you're not an AMA member and don't want their insurance coverage, all you have to essentially do is not fly within 5 miles of an airport, yield to full scale aircraft, and not piss off or 'endanger' the public. The AMA doesn't make laws, the FAA basically does. Also the 400 foot restriction, within line of sight, and over private property aren't exactly 'laws', although some states are trying to change that. To my knowledge, the AMA also doesn't limit members to 400 feet. Basically you just have to yield to manned aircraft. Great message, but misleading in my opinion. The second a new viewer of this video Google's these AMA/FAA rules, they'll see it's pretty much voluntary.
+RoboTekno Well lets see what Friday brings they might have managed to have convinced the FAA to make them the goto people after the horror for them that was HR658. Its interesting to know that Jeff is a helicopter driver and bottom line the AMA guidelines are a wise thing to follow.
+RoboTekno Sorry but it is the law...400 feet and not fly over people is FAA law...not just AMA guidelines. Technically private property is not in the law books. But regardless of the laws you should not fly them dangerously anyway...right! That includes over people, a toddler lost an eye in the UK when one crashed into him.
+Roguebat 11 By this logic, the over 700 commercial airline related deaths in 2014 alone should be more than enough to stop manned airliners from flying over our homes, right?
Those manned aircraft have a certificate of airworthiness that says they are safe (to a certain level). They ultimately rely on the pilot not hitting people on the ground (part of your pilot training, if you are going down, try and avoid others). You can get an airworthiness certificate for your drone - an option we have done when the FAA UAV office first opened - but it is expensive and requires equipment your little drones cannot carry. So for our small stuff we get our COA and fly in our designated areas as allowed. Unfortunately anyone can buy one on Amazon and fly it recklessly without knowing the first thing about the rules.
AMA rules no more than 400 feet within 5 miles of an airport the I'm glad that you're actually taking a serious tone on this I thought this was going to be more of a joke and be a bad thing to the Hobby of model Aviation
the FAA kind of butchered the rules of little bit that were already followed by the AMA which has had an incredibly Safe track record four decades the issue is is people just getting one in picking up the sticks without any practice at all on a simulator or one of their neighborhood model Aviation clubs
I have 2 favorites Achmed and Peanuts. I won't buy a drone I live 2 miles away from our local airport and many planes come close to where I live. Getting ready to land and taking off flying close by.
+RookTV Keep you from being banned from flying if you are lucky. They are about the only group actively lobbying the government on our behalf. If that's not enough for you then I don't know what else to say.
Privilege, it's a constiutional right, how about read the commerce clause! You also might consider reading what the commission of the FAA was about, you won't find toy regulation or backyards included, furthermore try reading Causby VS the United States, the FAA may not believe in limits to their jurisdiction, but there are, and drones are going to define exectly what those limits are. Finally the AMA is a private organization, it has no relationship with law or government. Notifying the tower is required, getting or asking for permission is not required, towers are not qualified or permitted to regulate model aircraft operations. If first responders are not present and you can use a drone to safe a life do it, manslaughter is failure to take the action to save a life when you have the capacity to do so. Finally the first amendment protects photography from the ground and the air, to that end if a news event occurs individuals have protections from prosecution by the FAA or local government. This is not legal advice, anything you do you do at your own risk as with everything government oriented they are setting up a profitable system to tax, fine, and collect money from hobbiests. The first step is always to give you a number followed by a permit or license, can't fish without a license soon you won't be able to fly a drone what out first paying someone for that right too.
Ken Oath there are plenty of laws on the book to handle any given situation, what we are dealing with is a targeted attack against citizen reporting. Common law dictates that an adult must be proficient in the avocation they choose and assume all liability for their actions, current law supports anything but this, some corps are exempt from malpractice, and yet others place the blame on equipment when in reality the choice of equipment is the operators responsibility. Misuse of law is the means by which we strangle our economy and eliminate the freedom that was given to us naturally, not as an entitlement but as a responsibility.
Great video Jeff thank you for making this fun!! this should be a requirement vid for all rc piloting! maybe require quad companies to put a cd with this in every box sold in at least the US or at least a pamphlet or something~!
well just the other day someone wss flying their drone (camera and everything ) over my school, hahaha my friend said if he sees it again he is going to throw a rock at it
Scarlet Rose just a heads up those things usually used GoPros cameras without Zoom So at around 100 feet I must inform you that you will look like an ant they will not be able to pick you out of a crowd for squat
"Stay below 400 feet." Someone needs to tell the military that crap then. Had a C-130 Hercules fly over so low that I could see the co-pilots face and see the markings plain as day, and they weren't that high off the tree tops. If I had been out in the yard with my drone they would have struck the damn thing they were that low. Damn thing almost blew my damn hat off too.
We actually linked this video in our site too to help folks learn. Http://www.rcdronehelp.com This video does a good job informing the public with RTF drones enough to hopefully keep there from being more regulation. Problem is that prior to Multirotors, you had to build, do a lot of learning, and then get success to fly it. Folks either tried it briefly and moved on, or hung with it. If they hung in, they joined AMA and were educated, safe, and insured. Folks now can buy a dangerous multirotor, and not think of the implications, if they see it as a camera platform, they don't join the AMA and no one ever teaches them the "anti-stupid" stuff... So we get regulated. Someone just has to do some education to non AMA members, and this video helis a ton! (That's what my site is for too)
That thing in the background gave me an idea, how about a jeff dunham slot machine... contact bally about it. I'd love to see that in the rocksino near the Egyptian one.
400 feet is undo'able for models of any size....I fly below 400 feet right up until I pass thru it to 1500 feet....I NEVER endanger airtraffic!! I NEVER fly in a manner that can cause injury nor property damage!!IMHO, The AMA is complicit with the FAA...
mike stroup no flying over 400 feet within 5 miles of an airport there was one area where the water coming in from the Hudson and off of a stream makes a pond where I was flying my water-based aircraft after I moved I wound up seeing as I was flying circling in for a landing an aircraft flying just above the Treeline since then I have not flown that aircraft there again on another note at our actual Aviation Club I've had my Aquila up so high that that 8 foot 4 inch wingspan aircraft looked one in big following that little yellow speck across the sky was pretty interesting and I activated the spoilers for a few moments every 10 seconds and would slowly bring her down
Nope below 500 feet plans are not supposed to fly and it’s considered open airspace. Drones are not supposed to be above 400 feet therefore the FAA can get out of our business!!!!
Umm. Did I....umm Break the rules? My bad...... Did it get a bad guy? My bad. . So are you saying just don't get caught trying to do the right thing? . Or no these are the rules and you have to follow them..... on the record..... Off the Record...... no matter what you do where you go?
Hey AMA, you should probably take this video down and do a new one. It has outdated information in it, and you're giving folks the wrong idea about drones.
This wasn't the AMA rules, these were the dumb FAA guidelines. But guess the AMA was just happy to have a celebrity make the effort, crap effort, but still an effort. That's a 400 foot ceiling if you are within 3 miles of an Airport; which is 100 feet below allowed lowest altitude for regular planes not taking off or landing (Excluding ultralights; which, btw, don't need to be registered nor do you need a liscense to pilot a 1 or 2 person aircraft.). So here's the AMA manual, the safety rules are on page 4... www.modelaircraft.org/files/memanual.pdf
Oh how so cool. Jeff is a R/C guy. I started with Model Airplanes back in 1959. .049 & C/L. 1976 1st Radio. Currently flying engines from TD .049 - .56. Planes with wingspans, 24 - 60 inches. 2 ch - 6 channels.
Today, I'm 71 and still tinker on my planes. Just one of my Hobbies.
Tis my Basket Weaving, keeps my Mental Side active and working OK.
Flyen Model Airplanes is the MOST FUN you can have with your pants on.
I am a proud member of the AMA since 1972, to this day December 2nd 2021. I did not know that Jeff is a member also.
I’m proud of Jeff I’m a AMA and he’s got all the rules down to a tee as being said I’m going out and fly my 1/4 scale warbird today.
How you can be possible "proud" it?!
Do you even understand what is the meaning of "proud" is?
Love Bubba J. He's smarter then people give him credit for. Love Jeff Dunham also.
First of all Jeff is an absolute gentleman, second he is a genius...and yes BJ my favourite character together with Peanut...
Jeff is awesome. I hope he's entertaining us for many years. Bubba J is my absolute favorite!
Duke Mickey Sr. Bubba J is my favorite toooooo 😀
Mine too i love bubba j
Jeff is so good, it's like there are two people on stage.
There is to people on stage hehe
As fast as he switches is unbelievable between talking and Bubba
There is to Jeff and Bubba
bubba j for president ....... 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Love ya Jeff... but...... TLDR - There are no federal laws against flying a drone over private property as the FAA only regulates airspace above 400 feet. However, some areas have passed local or state laws to prohibit drones over private properties. Before navigating a drone over a residence, pilots should check local laws and regulations.
You gotta love this guy!
Great effort by the AMA to try to educate people about the fun and seriousness of flying RC.
Way to much rules and restrictions in America.
Entire country is like one big prison.
@@familytvbox5218 the rules for AMA are very important and must be followed. It's for the safety of the public and property.
@@familytvbox5218 You've never set foot out if the U.S., have you?
Thank you for accurate information. I love you.
Bubba J was pretty smart on this video. That surprised me lol
First of all, that quadcopter weighs less than 0.55lbs, so it is exempt from FAA rules.
If you’re outside controlled airspace, you can fly above 400 feet when flying over a large structure like a building, but it must be below 500 feet from the cloud ceiling. If the building is 1000 feet AGL, you can fly at 1400 feet AGL as long as you’re below 500 feet below the clouds.
You can fly over people’s houses when taking off and landing from your own property. It’s not polite, but it’s not illegal unless you were causing an invasion of privacy or crashed into their house.
You can fly inside your car while someone else is driving only In a sparsely populated area.
You can fly around people, but they must be participating in the event.
Read the rules, people.
Also, the AMA is only significant when flying at a club, which you don’t have to. Plenty of wide open land in the USA. They won’t offer you insurance money if you don’t fly at an AMA club… FliteTest put forth more effort than the AMA did at protecting our rights to fly model aircrafts.
UAS flying under U.S.C. 44809 and weighing less than .55 are not exempt from regulatory and legislative requirements. These lightweight aircraft (under .55) are only exempt from the FAA registration requirement and future remote ID rule.
Flying above structures is a rule under FAA's Part 107 and is not mentioned in the recreational rules of 44809.
There are also no specific distance rules regarding cloud clearance in U.S.C. 44809, as these rules would be set by community-based organizations (CBO), like AMA.
In regards to flying over people's homes, flying in a moving vehicle, and over people, all of these operations would need to be permitted within the safety programming of a CBO- to which there is no such programming allowing this under U.S.C. 44809 at this time.
It is not correct that AMA insurance only covers flights at an AMA club field, in fact, AMA members are covered anywhere they have permission to fly.
Lasty, AMA has dedicated countless hours and resources to the protection of the hobby and appreciate all of the help we receive from other organizations. I would be happy to schedule a webinar with any organization to discuss past and present advocacy efforts, or make myself available by phone to continue the conversation.
Best regards,
Tyler Dobbs
(765)287-1256 ext. 235
I Love Bubba J
I have been Flying RC aircraft for over 40 years and I can tell you, the RC community wouldn't be in the situation we are in now if the people that purchase the mutirotors,, DRONES, would have had to acually learn to build, Wire, setup, and then fly.
I would say that 90% of the operators that are flying the out of the box copters would not be flying if they acually had to learn to build before they fly.
Why didn't these companies already have a online training test and once passed you are given a code to unlock your DRONE, so stupid people could then fly.
Might as well give a 7 year old a handgun and send him to school...
Never had any issues until the ignorant started opening boxes.
+RJ Welder kind of makes you sound like an old fart who hates people having fun in a novel way.
according to your logic, only people who have built their own car should be able to drive, because..... building your own car makes you a better driver? building your own house makes you a better home owner?
don't scapegoat pre-built "drone" people, most of them have grown up with the same tech that powers those quadcopters you're talking about, and don't need "old plane people" to tell them where they do and don't belong.
no one starts doing a hobby by already being a professional, since its a hobby... not a profession.
+Dennis Malmberg
Not against people having fun just against people being stupid and ruining this sport, hobby and family recreation.
I started in this hobby when I was 9 and it does make you better.
Building your own home, I have done that, Build my own cars and or pickups, I have done that also worked in a Hot Rod shop for 20 years. It makes you appreciate what you have accomplished and you take pride in what you have done.
Also when something goes wrong you can fix it.
I have designed and built my own RC cars, boats and aircraft for years and have 1000's of hours of flight time without any issues or causing any FAA problems.
So please explain to myself and all the other people that have done the same as I have for 40+ years why the FAA is making everyone register.
The answer is clear,
because no one takes responsibility or accountability for there actions and I'm sure most of the ones that have caused the problems have already got out of the hobby.
Rod, multirotor pilots are all about building their own, tweaking, modifying, fixing, wiring, practicing techniques...we're hobbyists, we're in to it, just like you.
I wanted really badly to respond cruelly, make some references to older hobbyists and mandatory eye exams for LOS safety...but I don't really believe any of that, and it would just be in anger.
I fly helis, quads, and planes, in that order. I have been in the AMA for years, but I'm only in my 30s so not nearly as long as you have. I hate that there are these divisions, and I see the way the older guys look at me with my "new-fangled" electronics and models. I get it, the rules cater to you and yours and that's how you like it. It seems dangerous to you when I fly a figure eight FPV around two trees, while it seems dangerous to me that you wanna throw your large gasser around in the air, annoying anyone with good hearing and endangering folks nearby.
You don't get my aspect of the hobby, and I don't get yours. Maybe we should just accept that, and not try to throw each other under the bus?
Jeff I had no idea you flew model aircraft.
He mentions that in his UA-cam videos.
He also built his own helicopter.
Bubba J is the last one to know about anything!!!
He did learn something today.
And Jeff knows even less🤔
What Bubba J knows is beer
He doesnt ride a helicopter but he does drink beer! ;)
He still knows more than Donald Trump. 🤯
I love Jeff smile
Here is a link to the AMA safety code, www.modelaircraft.org/files/105.pdf The 400' ceiling for models give a 100' seperation to the min altitued that full scale aircraft can fly at. The AMA has had rules and guidelines for setting up club flying sites and how we fly our models for decades. I would prefer to follow the AMA rules and guidelines instead of a government law. But if people fly in an unsafe manner without regard for other people around them and/or personal property we will have government laws put upon us. Nobody wants that!
Bubba J is So Cute!!❤
Bubba, J has it going on,, anybody that likes, Beer, 👍🍻🍻
Love we are getting folks like Jeff involved. Personally, I am not sure we want to portray RC enthusiasts or even new drone pilots as Bubba J. however. I am afraid new pilots will take one look at Bubba, and say, "that ain't me" and tune out. I dunno, but love to see Jeff helping out. Also, having Achmed show up in the background is more than a little disturbing since it has connotations we probably don't want to force into the public's mind at this juncture.
AMA all the way!
When you are flying a drone you are flying in federal airspace, but when you are flying a RC helicopter your not.... Got in AMA!
Jeff man help keep the hobby going help influence those making these model aircraft Reg’s you can do it :)
OMG JD!!! Your looking so very healthy and also very handsome and casual ...but then again Jeff; you've always looked really sharpe and styling when you wear your jeans, T-shirt, blazer....you are One Sharpe dressed man....Always !!! Looking good my friend!! Love you and your little band of misfits darlin! Former fan....F.B.
I don't remember big air companies asking my permission to fly their airbuses over my house...
Thanks! From all of us at Mid-carolina airport RUQ Rowan county Salisbury NC
Kudos to Jeff and the AMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't know Jeff was a badass like that.
he is super rich, his adopt parents are rich... he is collecting antique cars, toys, and etc etc, he loves to crafting everything, he grows a happy childhood, he has the previledge of an explorer boy. there was a video he showing his old toys, i wonder every boys should grow with.
I love this show
This show is better than the Larry The Cable Guy Tour CD
I love Jeff and I think it's fantastic he's talking about unmanned vehicle safety, but saying "You have to abide by some rules setup by the AMA model aircraft safety code," is a bit of a stretch. You only have to abide by most of them if you're an AMA member and want the insurance coverage. If you're not an AMA member and don't want their insurance coverage, all you have to essentially do is not fly within 5 miles of an airport, yield to full scale aircraft, and not piss off or 'endanger' the public.
The AMA doesn't make laws, the FAA basically does. Also the 400 foot restriction, within line of sight, and over private property aren't exactly 'laws', although some states are trying to change that. To my knowledge, the AMA also doesn't limit members to 400 feet. Basically you just have to yield to manned aircraft.
Great message, but misleading in my opinion. The second a new viewer of this video Google's these AMA/FAA rules, they'll see it's pretty much voluntary.
+RoboTekno Well lets see what Friday brings they might have managed to have convinced the FAA to make them the goto people after the horror for them that was HR658. Its interesting to know that Jeff is a helicopter driver and bottom line the AMA guidelines are a wise thing to follow.
+RoboTekno Sorry but it is the law...400 feet and not fly over people is FAA law...not just AMA guidelines. Technically private property is not in the law books. But regardless of the laws you should not fly them dangerously anyway...right! That includes over people, a toddler lost an eye in the UK when one crashed into him.
+Roguebat 11 Technically the 400 feet limit and over people is NOT an FAA law, but rather a guideline at this time.
+Roguebat 11 By this logic, the over 700 commercial airline related deaths in 2014 alone should be more than enough to stop manned airliners from flying over our homes, right?
Those manned aircraft have a certificate of airworthiness that says they are safe (to a certain level). They ultimately rely on the pilot not hitting people on the ground (part of your pilot training, if you are going down, try and avoid others). You can get an airworthiness certificate for your drone - an option we have done when the FAA UAV office first opened - but it is expensive and requires equipment your little drones cannot carry. So for our small stuff we get our COA and fly in our designated areas as allowed. Unfortunately anyone can buy one on Amazon and fly it recklessly without knowing the first thing about the rules.
Good morning from SE Louisiana 20 Jun 21.
The so-called drone in this skit is exempt from FAA regulations, because it is flown indoors and under weight restrictions....
Right? They missed a whole lot in this video with misguided rules and regulations.
AMA rules no more than 400 feet within 5 miles of an airport the I'm glad that you're actually taking a serious tone on this I thought this was going to be more of a joke and be a bad thing to the Hobby of model Aviation
the FAA kind of butchered the rules of little bit that were already followed by the AMA which has had an incredibly Safe track record four decades the issue is is people just getting one in picking up the sticks without any practice at all on a simulator or one of their neighborhood model Aviation clubs
Bubba shot the Juke Box 😂😄
The AMA did NOT make those rules. Some of that information is incomplete and wrong.
Favorites are Mama J and I love peanut
Most awesome vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks bubba j!!!
Utob has to stop showing ads about pads and tampons which discussing to watch them
I do love bubba
❤️❤️❤️LOOOVE. Jeff your Awsome!
Yeah, tell all that to Amazon and all the other delivery companies that want to use drones.
How low is your AMA number Jeff-Fa-fa?
All I can think of is David Prowse telling me about road safety
Pisses me off all the rules they meaning the government has put so many laws in effect about flying a drone you might as well not do it for a hobby
Punctuation, (on comments), is your friend...
It helps people understand what you're trying to say...
Yep. We are "FREE" citizens in America
I really wanted to get a drone bad but I found out the parkway I was going to fly it the most often they are banned!
1:44 The Yugo wouldn't make it to the street
With a little help it might, that`s why they`re fitted with heated rear windows, so you can still push them mid-winter.
I have 2 favorites Achmed and Peanuts. I won't buy a drone I live 2 miles away from our local airport and many planes come close to
where I live. Getting ready to land and taking off flying close by.
I been AMA so long my #is only six digits.
They tooked all the fun, lol, kidding... or not?
I drink beer. Brilliant
Giggling but ty good advice
To bad the rules are so strict. I guess the fun had to go.
Cool. I've been flying Heli,s sense 95.
I thought 1st responders were the 1st to the bar seat 🥰
I guess you can not fly them in the city, only fly up to 400 ft then down or you will fly over a person, car or house.
I guess you can't feel free in America anymore. Way too much rules and restrictions.
Same stuff different people. How about telling us quad pilots what the AMA is going to do for us.
+RookTV Keep you from being banned from flying if you are lucky. They are about the only group actively lobbying the government on our behalf. If that's not enough for you then I don't know what else to say.
Yea not sure I believe that
And what are the "achievements" of the AMA? Do you really know? I won't hold my breath.
@@FoxifiedNutjob What are the achievements of stupid people who do their best to get prison time for themseves, then blame others ?
Hahahaha Jeff lol💕💞♥
I love u all but bubba j. Has my heart did u get it
uuuuh, I drink beer. My dream job when I turn 21 lol
Jonathan Phoenix you will do better to look for that job after retirement then drink all ya want. Aim high sir
lah-di-dah , Bubba steals Walter's line
Diddnt know he was an ama member
Privilege, it's a constiutional right, how about read the commerce clause! You also might consider reading what the commission of the FAA was about, you won't find toy regulation or backyards included, furthermore try reading Causby VS the United States, the FAA may not believe in limits to their jurisdiction, but there are, and drones are going to define exectly what those limits are.
Finally the AMA is a private organization, it has no relationship with law or government. Notifying the tower is required, getting or asking for permission is not required, towers are not qualified or permitted to regulate model aircraft operations.
If first responders are not present and you can use a drone to safe a life do it, manslaughter is failure to take the action to save a life when you have the capacity to do so.
Finally the first amendment protects photography from the ground and the air, to that end if a news event occurs individuals have protections from prosecution by the FAA or local government.
This is not legal advice, anything you do you do at your own risk as with everything government oriented they are setting up a profitable system to tax, fine, and collect money from hobbiests. The first step is always to give you a number followed by a permit or license, can't fish without a license soon you won't be able to fly a drone what out first paying someone for that right too.
+The Tinfoil Tricorn Yep, I cringed at the word "privilege" as well.
Ken Oath there are plenty of laws on the book to handle any given situation, what we are dealing with is a targeted attack against citizen reporting. Common law dictates that an adult must be proficient in the avocation they choose and assume all liability for their actions, current law supports anything but this, some corps are exempt from malpractice, and yet others place the blame on equipment when in reality the choice of equipment is the operators responsibility. Misuse of law is the means by which we strangle our economy and eliminate the freedom that was given to us naturally, not as an entitlement but as a responsibility.
Nano QX, my first quad too
All the guys r great,just ask ong as they don't wake you up in the middle of the nite asking 4 a handout,twilight zone 😵
It's ok for cars to crash into cars though.
Great video Jeff thank you for making this fun!! this should be a requirement vid for all rc piloting! maybe require quad companies to put a cd with this in every box sold in at least the US or at least a pamphlet or something~!
If you can't fly over personal property without permission then you can't fly anywhere but your house. That's kinda stupid.
well just the other day someone wss flying their drone (camera and everything ) over my school, hahaha my friend said if he sees it again he is going to throw a rock at it
Scarlet Rose just a heads up those things usually used GoPros cameras without Zoom So at around 100 feet I must inform you that you will look like an ant they will not be able to pick you out of a crowd for squat
Peanut is the best
I live like 2 miles away from an airport and I still fly mine
Good for you!
"Keep hovering to play"
"Stay below 400 feet."
Someone needs to tell the military that crap then. Had a C-130 Hercules fly over so low that I could see the co-pilots face and see the markings plain as day, and they weren't that high off the tree tops. If I had been out in the yard with my drone they would have struck the damn thing they were that low. Damn thing almost blew my damn hat off too.
As usual "they" go by different rules than "us."
I love peanut
We actually linked this video in our site too to help folks learn. Http://www.rcdronehelp.com
This video does a good job informing the public with RTF drones enough to hopefully keep there from being more regulation. Problem is that prior to Multirotors, you had to build, do a lot of learning, and then get success to fly it. Folks either tried it briefly and moved on, or hung with it. If they hung in, they joined AMA and were educated, safe, and insured. Folks now can buy a dangerous multirotor, and not think of the implications, if they see it as a camera platform, they don't join the AMA and no one ever teaches them the "anti-stupid" stuff... So we get regulated. Someone just has to do some education to non AMA members, and this video helis a ton! (That's what my site is for too)
That thing in the background gave me an idea, how about a jeff dunham slot machine... contact bally about it. I'd love to see that in the rocksino near the Egyptian one.
Great, but I'm afraid to find out what happens if a person gets 3 or more Achmed's in a row. :p :)
I am to in Ama but I don’t fly real planes 😂
I drink 🍻
400 feet is undo'able for models of any size....I fly below 400 feet right up until I pass thru it to 1500 feet....I NEVER endanger airtraffic!! I NEVER fly in a manner that can cause injury nor property damage!!IMHO, The AMA is complicit with the FAA...
mike stroup no flying over 400 feet within 5 miles of an airport there was one area where the water coming in from the Hudson and off of a stream makes a pond where I was flying my water-based aircraft after I moved I wound up seeing as I was flying circling in for a landing an aircraft flying just above the Treeline since then I have not flown that aircraft there again on another note at our actual Aviation Club I've had my Aquila up so high that that 8 foot 4 inch wingspan aircraft looked one in big following that little yellow speck across the sky was pretty interesting and I activated the spoilers for a few moments every 10 seconds and would slowly bring her down
He don't look old to me.
Nope below 500 feet plans are not supposed to fly and it’s considered open airspace.
Drones are not supposed to be above 400 feet therefore the FAA can get out of our business!!!!
Did I....umm
Break the rules?
My bad......
Did it get a bad guy?
My bad.
So are you saying just don't get caught trying to do the right thing?
Or no these are the rules and you have to follow them.....
on the record.....
Off the Record......
no matter what you do where you go?
Bubba J you forgot 1 beer in your hand and the Drone controller in the other hand. 👍That would of been cool and funny. 😉
But wouldn’t it be dangerous?
Uhhh I drink beer
Hey AMA, you should probably take this video down and do a new one. It has outdated information in it, and you're giving folks the wrong idea about drones.
Hahaha hahaha. DrEva
Bubba J isn’t real???
This wasn't the AMA rules, these were the dumb FAA guidelines. But guess the AMA was just happy to have a celebrity make the effort, crap effort, but still an effort. That's a 400 foot ceiling if you are within 3 miles of an Airport; which is 100 feet below allowed lowest altitude for regular planes not taking off or landing (Excluding ultralights; which, btw, don't need to be registered nor do you need a liscense to pilot a 1 or 2 person aircraft.).
So here's the AMA manual, the safety rules are on page 4... www.modelaircraft.org/files/memanual.pdf
Imagine this with Ahmed