The Best FANTASY CINEMATIC libraries played live! EPIC! 🦄🐉🎠🏔

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @alainpatry
    @alainpatry 2 роки тому +31

    Yes please to a video on how to compose fantasy/medieval cues!

    • @emanuel_soundtrack
      @emanuel_soundtrack 2 роки тому

      you have to study general bass

    • @savchikromanovsome1573
      @savchikromanovsome1573 Рік тому

      @@emanuel_soundtrack What do you mean by general bass? I asked since i'm also interested in composing fantasy).

    • @Ahmad-Mounir44
      @Ahmad-Mounir44 Рік тому +2

      I believe you should know the chords, scales and modes that are commonly used in this genre. Once you know them, you listen to too much medieval/celtic music to get an idea of how sounds are layered and what are the common intros/outros. It's like any other music but you just need to know the theory and structure behind it. You really can teach yourself anything!

    • @IsaG99omes
      @IsaG99omes Рік тому

      @@Ahmad-Mounir44 perfect summary, guidance, and tip.

  • @miriamsternlicht
    @miriamsternlicht 2 роки тому +6

    Recently purchased Celtic and Dark Era. Absolute stunners!

  • @buhgok
    @buhgok 2 роки тому +16

    Definitely would like to see a video on composing fantasy music! Great video today. Gives me some things to think about in regards to which libraries to buy. There are so many and only a finite amount of money in the bank LOL!

    • @irenashiloh8808
      @irenashiloh8808 2 роки тому

      And a finite number of banks in your neighborhood. 😄

  • @hagenpresser8721
    @hagenpresser8721 2 роки тому +5

    Great Job Dom, please make us a video and compose with these libraries (Y)

  • @RoarBackStudio
    @RoarBackStudio 2 роки тому +5

    Eduardo Tarilonte did such a good job with those libraries, i'm using them almost everyday ! Awesome video Dom, as usual !

  • @melancholas
    @melancholas 2 роки тому +2

    Sorry, I've already commented to this vid, but I can't stop rewatching it.
    Every single instrument itself qualifies for composing a song on them.
    What I could imagine: something that comes close to a Basil Poledouris Conan The Barbarian esque song. This composer was "my first love" with epic orchestral scores when I was a child in the 80s and was one milestone why I loved fantasy (Conan, He-Man, you name it).
    And... many of the tunes I listened to in this vid, they reminded me how much I am missing going to medieval festivals. The smell of bonfires, dressing myself in medieval like clothes and listening live to all these medieval / folk bands like Omnia, Faun etc..
    Sorry again, for commenting a 2nd time on this vid, but listening to these instruments and to know it is possible to play them with these libraries, will make my wallet bleed for sure, but in the end make me more than happy. Great stuff.

  • @thelegendsofficial1045
    @thelegendsofficial1045 2 роки тому +1

    JUST BEAUTIFUL !!!!!! Waiting for a Track Creation video ^_^

  • @gilbo9576
    @gilbo9576 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for the video, I also love Edouardo Tarilonte 's intruments (The Era vocal codex and Forest kingdom also sound beautiful in the fantasy-celtic genre). Rinascimiento by Fluffy audio is also great with many realistic instruments. There is quite a recent one that I absolutly love and it's Lores by Native instrument, just check the demos on UA-cam, it sounds magic !

  • @TheouTRace
    @TheouTRace 2 роки тому +1

    Strezov sampling is very good to, specially the pipes- incredible stuff

  • @despot666
    @despot666 2 роки тому +1

    Would absolutely love a video on composing and arranging a medieval/fantasy style piece.

  • @thailandemonamour6910
    @thailandemonamour6910 2 роки тому

    Thank you Dom for the link to fantasymusic on UA-cam. Wow ! 4900 videos on 110O channels ! It's wonderful worlds. And without advertising ! I love it to begin every morning in looking one of these videos on my TV screen. And your libraries are very fine. You're a genious man !

  • @nishanttalukdarmusic7224
    @nishanttalukdarmusic7224 2 роки тому +1

    The Irish flute has always fascinated me. Greetings from North Eastern Highlands of India

  • @whoisCamelot
    @whoisCamelot Рік тому

    Thank you Sir. May your fields always be fruitful.

  • @Ahmad-Mounir44
    @Ahmad-Mounir44 Рік тому

    Who can't love Dom? Full of energy, smiles, joy and hope! Man, you make me love music even more :)

  • @SuperBassman64
    @SuperBassman64 2 роки тому

    Fabulous video with stunning music. I am retired and started writing some music during the pandemic having played double bass for 30 years. Thank you for your videos, I have Cubase etc and have learnt a great deal from you. Many thanks. Paul Chambers

  • @George.SoundVelocity
    @George.SoundVelocity 2 роки тому +2

    Super super excited about this!!!!!!!!!

  • @michaellapoff8981
    @michaellapoff8981 2 роки тому +3

    Dom - Loved the video. My two favorite libraries in this genre are Fluffy Audio's Rinascimento and Orchestral Tools' Miroire

  • @Cap10NRGMusic
    @Cap10NRGMusic 2 роки тому +3

    Dom - these are sooo good man!!! I love period instruments! Such a good video man!! Thanks and YES - I would love to see a video where you compose a track using some of these!!

  • @samsam2235
    @samsam2235 2 роки тому +1

    I really felt your love for the harpsichord. 😍

  • @VSD78
    @VSD78 Рік тому

    Yes PLEASE Do a video on how to compose fantasy / medieval music !

  • @david98b
    @david98b 2 роки тому

    Please more of these. I love this type of genre.

  • @flomakasi
    @flomakasi 2 роки тому +1

    Yes we want you to show us how to orchestrate it all :)

  • @Kaalamardo
    @Kaalamardo 2 роки тому

    FANTASTIC 👏...thank you very much favourite is Celtic instruments...Great video...

    @FADY-MAALOUF 2 роки тому

    Mr Sigalas am loving you each day more and more, that was awesome, thank you ! Totally my element and what I was looking for

  • @Fuimadane
    @Fuimadane 2 роки тому

    I love all the libraries you are showing, and use most of them in my own productions. I do not have the last kontakt vocal library you are showing, but I will have a look at it :) You properly already have it, but you should also check out 'UVI World suite 2', lots of good things in there aswell. Then there is the Danheim vst, 'asgard' which also come as a kontakt library - I use it for my percussion in almost everything I create. Big fish audio - ancient world. Groth by Wavelet Audio. cinesamples - Voices of War. And lots of stuff from East West 💪😀🖤 just to mention some. And the other libraries from Eduardo as well

  • @ChrisMuellerMusic
    @ChrisMuellerMusic 2 роки тому

    A production video of a track with those instruments?! Oh yeah! I‘d quite like that.
    Also this is a good and useful video already. I was looking for libraries of that kind recently and got lost. Your video helps.

  • @chrisharrison809
    @chrisharrison809 2 роки тому

    You’re killing!

  • @manoarbol
    @manoarbol 2 роки тому

    Excellent video, thank you, Dom!

  • @melancholas
    @melancholas 2 роки тому +1

    I make this short: request for orchestral composition.
    And more of these libraries🤘

  • @dagoelius
    @dagoelius 2 роки тому

    I like that you have shadowed out the unused ranges on the keyboard when demonstrating the instruments. For beginners like myself I wish Halion Sonic had a tickbox option that automatically did this.

  • @irenashiloh8808
    @irenashiloh8808 2 роки тому

    Dude, you are the real deal!

  • @sergrava
    @sergrava Рік тому


  • @peterpeper4837
    @peterpeper4837 2 роки тому +2

    How could you play those libraries without wearing a proper costume and the right wig?
    What a missed opportunity.
    Anyhow, wig or no wig great playing as always !

  • @breitbanddesign
    @breitbanddesign Рік тому

    What do you think now about these quite expensive libraries, while EW released the full Fantasy Orchestra, which cost less than these three Libraries together? Which one would you suggest to get?

  • @kevdugas
    @kevdugas 2 роки тому

    The one with the best sound in those ones are by far the german harpischord...damn its sound like a real one...! i have medieval legend and i love it but i don't know why you didn't show some plucked string or winds from this library they are so great ! I just subsribed to your youtube channel like your video...👍

  • @finesseanaems2795
    @finesseanaems2795 Рік тому


  • @rakatafly1978
    @rakatafly1978 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Dom! I think the great theme you play several times is from the beginning of the Orfeo of Monteverdi. Am I right? As a european, I'm so grateful to you for playing pieces of classical, renaissance, and baroque music ;-) Keep on the great work!

  • @waynekelley9406
    @waynekelley9406 Рік тому

    Would love to see a videoo on making a fantasy dark era score

  • @gexzax1306
    @gexzax1306 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Dom, check the Rinascimento. It's really awesome too.

  • @PytoX
    @PytoX 2 роки тому

    Please do one on composing fantasy / medieval ! there is very few videos about those ! :-)

  • @vibrantmistartist9297
    @vibrantmistartist9297 2 роки тому

    wow Dom I love this thanks for this video, I love medieval music and all of that my self,I have a lot of instruments for stuff Like that I have the Celtic ERA Dark ERA Medieval Legends ERA II and the Vocal Library That goes Hand In Hand With (Medieval Legends Era II) Love every thing from The guy that makes them Again thanks for this Dom And keep up all the amazing work you do, seriously !!!!

  • @LordJonRay
    @LordJonRay Рік тому

    Did you ever make a composing fantasy music yet? I've seen your videos before, but it was this one that made me a subscriber. I own ERA II and Love it!

    @IMJUSTWANTTOTALK 2 роки тому +7

    Engine libraries are so underrated i just got the demo version and there's a lot that you can do with even those limitations is just amazing. Also Dom thoses that work with halion are actually free ? Or we need to pay ? Are they on the steinberg download manager ?

  • @stefanrajkovic-im8ik
    @stefanrajkovic-im8ik 2 роки тому

    also great library fluffy audio rinascimento.

  • @oreltomm4502
    @oreltomm4502 2 роки тому +2

    I'm a bit curious about how to use the voice of wind and mini page L&S in Halion instead of kontakt. How are you doing this wizardry ?

  • @johnshane3457
    @johnshane3457 2 роки тому

    Mr. Sigalas It looks as those these libraries are from native instruments would you be able to say what the name of it is. What a wonderful video indeed. thank you !

  • @Mr88Shadows
    @Mr88Shadows 2 роки тому

    Thank you Dom for these amazing videos. This video showed me exactly what I wanna compose in the future, as I am still at the very beginning of my producer "career" XD.
    Please answer me one question, as I am still quite a beginner on the piano. How should I go on about learning to play that exact "Fantasy/Medieval" sounds? I am not sure if I should just continue learning to play sheet music with popular songs in it, as it would only increase my knowledge in, yeah, playing from the sheet. I don't think it's crucial to know how to play sheet music if I wanna play these sounds as you did. Please tell me how I can achieve this? Thank you so much.

  • @RubDev
    @RubDev 2 роки тому

    Man! You can play!!!!!!

  • @basstohven1
    @basstohven1 2 роки тому

    Didn’t know you can play so well doc 👊🏾

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому

      Thanks Robert! I have a diploma in classical piano actually - I just don’t flaunt it enough hahaha

    • @basstohven1
      @basstohven1 2 роки тому

      @@DomSigalas I see man I liked that you tough.

  • @andrewworld3681
    @andrewworld3681 9 місяців тому

    The music you played several times was i think is overture of Monteverdi opera Orpheus :)

  • @mrdali67
    @mrdali67 Рік тому

    How can we know that this is what those "extingt" instruments sounded like .. its fantastic libraries .. absolutely love it, but do we really have exact building document's of very early musical instruments to be able to reproduce it faithfully today? I know we have a fairly good idea of how early Piano or Pianette's were made and how a traditional Lute sounds, but some of those more exotic and rare instruments dating more than 500 years back gotta be more or less "hearsay" at best. We can try to "guess" how they "may "have sounded as none of them propably have survived time to be documented within the last 3-5 centuries 😊 It's still an amazing world of sounds. Beside the more well known baroqe instruments, I really like what Sound Iron is doing with voice libraries. It may be very much situational how much of it is usable by a singasong writer, but it must be so interesting to those gifted enough for creating original fantasy tracks for movies. It's amazing how much the music means for titles like Game of Thrones. I think the Lord of the Ring series music was epic, but what really blew my mind was how immersive the sound side of GOT was. Truly some of the best fantasy music ever created no matter what composer you think of .. and it wasn't even a very well known composer to start with 😀 Funny enough I didn't really connect with the newest iteration of the series. It was a bit too bland to me, like the the whole MeToo situation put a lid on how wild they were going to alowe it to be. Please do more of this Dom. Wish I had the money to dabble into this stuff, It would make no sense for making money with it, but would be fun just to wild with at home 😘

  • @getdat311
    @getdat311 2 роки тому

    Video how to on fantasy compositions, please? Let's go!

  • @petebogaards
    @petebogaards 2 роки тому

    Don I have a question. The new song from Stromau L'enfer there is a sound fx in the song. Can you explain to us how its made. I think its a effect. And I would love to learn that technique. Hope you have the time for a tutorial about that. Love 2 see your videos btw.

  • @robfel68
    @robfel68 2 роки тому +3

    Why does Dom only have 65.5k subs? I mean, honestly..

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому


    • @newshoesbigblister
      @newshoesbigblister 2 роки тому +3

      We all need to share these on other platforms we use. A few tweets or Facebook posts here and there will be useful I am sure! I absolutely love watching and listening to all of Dom's videos. Informative, instructional, and inspirational - simply brilliant! I don't mean to sound greedy, but more please!!! 🤩

  • @ProjectVastness
    @ProjectVastness 2 роки тому +1

    You need to check Ethera Gold Atlantis , or any of ethera basically and strezov libraries , they are ver very good.
    Ps - soundpaint Vst also has awesome sounds.

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому +1

      Will check those out ! Thanks!

    • @PytoX
      @PytoX 2 роки тому +1

      @Dom Sigalas Atlantis is aawesome ! :D also Era medieval legends is 👍

  • @xXValomatXx
    @xXValomatXx 2 роки тому +1

    @ the Celtic Era acoustic guitar I was literally waiting for the "Enter Sandman" theme... who else? :D

  • @mohamdferan
    @mohamdferan 2 роки тому

    Hii Dom , you are my best youtuber teaching
    i just want to ask you how I can get your FANTASY CINEMATIC Music libraries
    if this for sell i can buy it
    i hope to answer me .. and thanks you very match

  • @ThorviFairstone
    @ThorviFairstone Рік тому

    Is there any news about migration or VST3 version of Engine2 ?

  • @ajharbeck2075
    @ajharbeck2075 Рік тому

    Do you know of any decent harp libraries, also are there some good male voice ah's Oo's ect., the only representation was the tavern dudes lol.

  • @eastdevil
    @eastdevil Рік тому

    Where to find the scores of some of the themes you played?

  • @jessewarren817
    @jessewarren817 2 роки тому

    Is that John Dowland? :)

  • @cultserpent4501
    @cultserpent4501 Рік тому +1

    Dude, we dont need these libraries, we need you to show us how to play like you. Those libraries wont sound good if we cant play the piano 😂🤣 Amazing collection and amazing playing Dom!

  • @albers.2925
    @albers.2925 2 роки тому

    Hi Dom! Is there a way to get this library into the modx6?

  • @pr4vus.studios
    @pr4vus.studios 2 роки тому +1

    Nice! What do you mean exactly by Fantasy music? LOTR, Skyrim & Witcher video games and the likes?

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому +1

      Anything from Medieval, Rennaisance, Baroque stuff thar you can hear from Game of thrones to DND games ;)

  • @Mateo_Romero
    @Mateo_Romero 2 роки тому

    Not really sure how late am I for this, but, "I'm letting you know in the comments down below" that I'd love to see you teach some orchestration for period / fantasy music.

  • @MaxKusari
    @MaxKusari 2 роки тому

    Awesome video! But 50% of the sound of these libraries is sitting in front of the play them excellent and then they really shine - for me thats not the case. :,D

  • @Doty6String
    @Doty6String 7 місяців тому

    how are you usinng ENGINE in cubase???

  • @LeChapeauMusic
    @LeChapeauMusic 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Dom, could you please add timestamps to this video? Thank you!

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому +1

      Yes! Give me some time this was a complex video ;)

  • @marco-and-jason-music
    @marco-and-jason-music 2 роки тому


  • @StefanoMaccarelli
    @StefanoMaccarelli 2 роки тому

    Yeah You missed all Ethera Gold Series 🙂 Ethera Gold Atlantis in Particular, check it 🙂

  • @ArshadNiaziArshad
    @ArshadNiaziArshad 2 роки тому

    Hi Mr. Dom. If possible plz make short videos. Time is an actual issue. Thank you and regards.

    • @DomSigalas
      @DomSigalas  2 роки тому +1

      I am trying! But some things cannot be shown any quicker than that!

    • @ArshadNiaziArshad
      @ArshadNiaziArshad 2 роки тому +1

      @@DomSigalas thank you so much for your kind reply. Live long.

  • @Waztv80
    @Waztv80 2 роки тому

    Bangladesh ♥️♥️♥️

  • @Ahmad-Mounir44
    @Ahmad-Mounir44 Рік тому

    Tarilonte's libraries are hands down but the best engine is the worst experience ever. I really wish his products find their way to kontakt.

  • @wrestlingwithjay3770
    @wrestlingwithjay3770 2 роки тому +1


  • @jorgeneri
    @jorgeneri 2 роки тому

    hahaha no one can't teach how to play like this in 30min, though