Message to stream/camera tech: It seems that the camera is focus hunting, this could be fixed by either turning off autofocus after acquiring initial focus. Or using single af mode not continuous/face tracking. The brightness problem can be fixed by locking the exposure. EDIT: Overall great job though, video quality is perfect.
Pshat in "Lech Lecha" can be understood allegorically. God is instructing Avram to progressively detach himself from everything he’s ever known. First is "artsecho", referring to the norms of the land and the broad ethical, moral and religious frame of reference. Next is "moladetcho", your birthplace, this is a reference to the customs and mindset more local and thus more directly familiar to you. Finally, "Beis Avicho", these are the most intrinsic attachments which were a formative part of your life from birth. When this level of detachment has been achieved, all that's left is the naked self --- hence 'Lecho' is essentially [e]Lecha, go to[wards forming] your new self, having detached from all that you’ve known thus far. This language of restructuring is also used in the later verse, "v’easecha" -- [subsequently] I will make of you [of your new self, sculpted according to my will] a great nation, etc.
Spinoza derived much of his political thinking from intense study of Thomas Hobbes as well as thinkers such as Machiavelli, but departed in major ways because of his thoroughgoing naturalism. Spinoza didn't see a supernatural or transcendent deity who could intervene to settle disputes by hurling lightning spears at evildoers or punish non-believers for blasphemy. Rather, there was only nature, and everything was determined, including human behavior. Spinoza believed governments should be designed by human beings for specific goals, but to be effective, the designs should be based on human nature as it is and not how it should be. Since humans are inherently emotional - driven by passions, egotistical, angry and envious and pulled by numerous desires - it's vital that there should be an impartial referee to settle disputes. He thought that political authority was an unfortunate reality, and saw security of persons and property as a fundamental mission and benefit of the state. Spinoza didn't think that governments could do much more than provide basic security and, in this, he's in fairly solid agreement with political philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, the author of Leviathan. Like Hobbes, Spinoza thought that individuals should be the primary persons to decide what's in their best interests. Given a choice, individuals will probably decide to live under the authority of a single State rather than to live in the wild or in a supposed state of Nature where there might be numerous but weaker enemies. Since people naturally desire security and comfort, it is therefore a good thing if government can help provide a framework for this to happen. However, government power was a necessary evil in the Spinozistic model
We are responsible for our reaction to what happens around us. Including questioning how can we believe, G-D forgot or was incapable of providing vaccines in mothers milk.
Why not study the basics of thinkers you are lecturing about? Most of what you said about Marx for example was not only fallacious, but objectively false.
So powerful. One of the greatest speakers of our generation.
It’s never old to hear this over and over. Year after year. Thank you 😊
Always a pleasure listening to R Jacobson
Message to stream/camera tech: It seems that the camera is focus hunting, this could be fixed by either turning off autofocus after acquiring initial focus. Or using single af mode not continuous/face tracking.
The brightness problem can be fixed by locking the exposure.
EDIT: Overall great job though, video quality is perfect.
Thankyou Rabbi YY ! What a great teaching !
Pshat in "Lech Lecha" can be understood allegorically. God is instructing Avram to progressively detach himself from everything he’s ever known. First is "artsecho", referring to the norms of the land and the broad ethical, moral and religious frame of reference. Next is "moladetcho", your birthplace, this is a reference to the customs and mindset more local and thus more directly familiar to you. Finally, "Beis Avicho", these are the most intrinsic attachments which were a formative part of your life from birth. When this level of detachment has been achieved, all that's left is the naked self --- hence 'Lecho' is essentially [e]Lecha, go to[wards forming] your new self, having detached from all that you’ve known thus far. This language of restructuring is also used in the later verse, "v’easecha" -- [subsequently] I will make of you [of your new self, sculpted according to my will] a great nation, etc.
יישר כח
Spinoza derived much of his political thinking from intense study of Thomas Hobbes as well as thinkers such as Machiavelli, but departed in major ways because of his thoroughgoing naturalism. Spinoza didn't see a supernatural or transcendent deity who could intervene to settle disputes by hurling lightning spears at evildoers or punish non-believers for blasphemy. Rather, there was only nature, and everything was determined, including human behavior.
Spinoza believed governments should be designed by human beings for specific goals, but to be effective, the designs should be based on human nature as it is and not how it should be. Since humans are inherently emotional - driven by passions, egotistical, angry and envious and pulled by numerous desires - it's vital that there should be an impartial referee to settle disputes. He thought that political authority was an unfortunate reality, and saw security of persons and property as a fundamental mission and benefit of the state. Spinoza didn't think that governments could do much more than provide basic security and, in this, he's in fairly solid agreement with political philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, the author of Leviathan. Like Hobbes, Spinoza thought that individuals should be the primary persons to decide what's in their best interests. Given a choice, individuals will probably decide to live under the authority of a single State rather than to live in the wild or in a supposed state of Nature where there might be numerous but weaker enemies. Since people naturally desire security and comfort, it is therefore a good thing if government can help provide a framework for this to happen. However, government power was a necessary evil in the Spinozistic model
We are responsible for our reaction to what happens around us. Including questioning how can we believe, G-D forgot or was incapable of providing vaccines in mothers milk.
This question assumes that god created illness or free choice and bad occurences for no reason.
Why not study the basics of thinkers you are lecturing about? Most of what you said about Marx for example was not only fallacious, but objectively false.