@@Goblinthief bruh true like i can clutch with that speed on pc maybe (i'm better on console usually but it depends on what i'm doing yk, if i'm sniping or not etc) and maybe on console but i have to have my adrenaline up already
@@SeamsterrobbieI have two fingers and four fingers. Since I was born like that, I didn’t have to adapt. I actually wrote with two fingers. I respect this dude as I can relate. Somehow, I can use an Xbox controller fine. I also use a computer very well and fast. (Typing this with my fingers) if you guys don’t believe me, then I don’t know how you would want me to prove it because I’m not gonna make a video just for your comfort.
@@JimboCantSleep As at peace as a may be, the dude definitely wishes he had hands and it’s sad that he doesn’t. You can adapt, but it doesn’t mean that life isn’t much easier for us.
id have needed 3 knifes then ended up ripping the box in half throwing the conrroller 5 feet in air while my blood pressure rose so much my face was red...
Dude legit impressed everyone with hands, by using no hands. This guy is a legend. Goes to show you the human brain can adapt & still lead that same person to a great life 👌🤘
The fact that he is not affected by his disability and can maneuver his way through the process of opening the box and the zipper is sick mad respect bro
Damn player, you elite with them box opening skills, ain’t no disability my boy just easily adapts to his environment real quick! Always strive and prosper big dog! That’s a blessing!
@@zacklande5159 Fr everyone these days have become such “well, actually” ppl. Like we know not everyone can do this, but it’s not a bad thing to think or say lol
@@Cronusied don’t be mean it’s not nice and you’re not gaining anything from it. DON’T SAY GOD AND JESUS NAME IN VAIN. GOD AND JESUS BLESS YOU ALL IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY AND POWERFUL NAME WE ALL PRAY AMEN🙏❤️
This man is the tru definition of never give up. Truly inspiring what this guy does keep it up bro. I say this cuz this man clearly loves gaming and didn't allow anything to affect him this is awesome as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering how you played. You just reminded me of the saying where there is a will there is a way. Damn your fucking awesome man. Seeing you go through those boxes as fast as anyone else was kick ass. You keep rocking and roll'n brother, and keep piling up those wins!
Dude literally had less trouble getting that sticker off the edge of the box than I would
Same bro
Bro same he opened that whole thang faster than I would
Bro the professionalism and precision with which he does everything is surprising for ANYONE, but the way he does it with his arms is MIND BLOWING 😮
Bro i was just about to comment this to
@@sleepyyasfc what’s your problem
He took the box apart with two elbows and an index finger. He is a respectable person.
bruh i can barely get it out with two hands frfr
Doesn’t mean ur respectable 😂
@@AverageImp and five fingers lol
@@Goblinthief bruh true
like i can clutch with that speed on pc maybe (i'm better on console usually but it depends on what i'm doing yk, if i'm sniping or not etc)
and maybe on console
but i have to have my adrenaline up already
Dont want this man as an enemy
First thing he does is replace the d-pad. That's a man of culture
Yes indeed he knows what’s up
How he gonna play though
@@SemiWAR222 like how he did at the end
@@SemiWAR222 youd be surprised on how well he plays.
That d-pad sucks wym
this man can open boxes with no hands and i cant even separate two legos with HANDS AND NAILS. actual legend
that sounds like me whenever I'm trying to open a bottle of Pop I can't even get the top off and this guy has no trouble with anyting
brick separators.
Bro i thought you said legs at first💀💀💀💀💀💀
@@Theroefulyou’re not an og legoer
Bro is adaptive as hell, he's got my respect
I'd starve bc I wouldn't know how to eat, meanwhile this dude can still play video games
On god ❤
@The Skelly Boi same it had to be hard to adjust to it, but he managed to do it, so I respect him for that
@@SeamsterrobbieI have two fingers and four fingers. Since I was born like that, I didn’t have to adapt. I actually wrote with two fingers. I respect this dude as I can relate. Somehow, I can use an Xbox controller fine. I also use a computer very well and fast. (Typing this with my fingers) if you guys don’t believe me, then I don’t know how you would want me to prove it because I’m not gonna make a video just for your comfort.
this man has more precision without hands than i do WITH hands, bro is on his grindset rn
People feel bad for him, but bro has found peace
How does he use it I feel bad for him it must be really hard
@@Ash9o975 the views of two people
@@JimboCantSleep As at peace as a may be, the dude definitely wishes he had hands and it’s sad that he doesn’t. You can adapt, but it doesn’t mean that life isn’t much easier for us.
@@neurotic3015 Yeah, it is sad, but I'm glad he's able to live like that.
Absolute legend. Bro took that box apart faster than I could’ve with a box cutter😂
Really? Did you forget to take out the blade or something?
I give this guy props i wouldnt know what to do with an elbow and a thunb
@@i_am_dementia9926did you forget to install the humor dlc again?
Breh, this dude is a beast. He grabbed that damn plastic better than I could have. I'd have just said screw it and used a knife.
Bro has the arms of a praying mantis and has an easier time opening the box than I would💀
So much respect for this dude!
But how the heck can he hold the thing and play on his xbox with those arms
id have needed 3 knifes then ended up ripping the box in half throwing the conrroller 5 feet in air while my blood pressure rose so much my face was red...
Thank you for this I ain’t laughed that hard in a min 💀 W guy btw he did tht shiy so fast dope to see him adapt
@@jordananderson8299 Did you watch to the end?
The amount of control this guy has, he got that sticker off better than I can with ten fingers. You’re a legend man
You’re retarted that’s why
Dude legit impressed everyone with hands, by using no hands. This guy is a legend. Goes to show you the human brain can adapt & still lead that same person to a great life 👌🤘
That's not true. He opened that box faster than I could with my actual hands this man didn't just adapt he evolved.
The fact that he is not affected by his disability and can maneuver his way through the process of opening the box and the zipper is sick mad respect bro
The fact you can move as if nothings wrong is fucking amazing and I’m truly happy to see you don’t let it stop you
Is something wrong?
@ssss yes there is something wrong I respect him for living his best life with those issues tho
Wym is there something wrong?
Damn player, you elite with them box opening skills, ain’t no disability my boy just easily adapts to his environment real quick! Always strive and prosper big dog! That’s a blessing!
@@Trekzity it’s called disability are you dumb lmfao
A real man doesn't let himself become useless. Respect man.
Absolutely. Couldn't have said it better. If half the men in this country would achieve like this man we would be unstoppable
@@oogiegoogie2826 Typical snowflakes. Takes my positive, and turns it negative.
@@zacklande5159 Fr everyone these days have become such “well, actually” ppl. Like we know not everyone can do this, but it’s not a bad thing to think or say lol
200 people are disagreeing with you💀💀
@@zacklande5159its not a positive is it puts down other people
Even with no hands, this guy can do what he loves. Very inspirational
Can we take a moment and appreciate the absolute speed and precision he needed to open that so fast? Absolute inspiration.
This guy is an absolute legend
Yes and I feel very bad I thought of a bird without feathers 😅
The tongue 👅 action at the end 😂 priceless
Funny guy lol
It made me feel uncomfortable
@@jorgeyvanez7147 good
@@Cronusied don’t be mean it’s not nice and you’re not gaining anything from it. DON’T SAY GOD AND JESUS NAME IN VAIN. GOD AND JESUS BLESS YOU ALL IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY AND POWERFUL NAME WE ALL PRAY AMEN🙏❤️
big props to xbox for giving you a brand new controller. looks fuckin mint dude. hope you beat some scrubs with it.
Bro can open a box better then i can, im astonished, keep living ur great life man
@@Kaysubi5 not really
U should be embarrassed
@@BroTF4591why would they be embarrassed? Why should they be embarrassed for somebody being better then them 🧐 explain
@@helenmai4478 u retarded, maybe Bc the guy don’t got hands and can do it better than dis guy that dose 😂
Dude whenever i see him im always left speechless on how much dexterity he has
How tf he open the box easier than I can 😭😭
he got talons wym 😭
@@Cooper69420 LMAOOOO
It’s a pull off tab🤣
The guy with no hands beat you 😭😂😂💀
I’m more curious on how/who set up his family g set up
This dude has more precision with his limbs than a praying mantis. What a legend.
It impressive how fast he opened that box even with his disability. I would probably have to use scissors to open it. ❤❤
If I pass I’ll give my arms to him
@@jordyloyie9190 doesn’t work like that
@@ImMonsterLOL ok
@@jordyloyie9190 it’s when, not if
@ZATSS it's the thought that counts
That ending tho.... 💀😭
I couldn’t take him seriously at the end 😂
I almost busted on his chicken wing 🤣
@@jaybandz3229 ayooo
Give this man a hand bro, mad respect
Ain’t no way bro 😂
Aw nahhhhhh
Bad choice of words
Never have I ever seen a more satisfting unboxing in my life, just binge watched all of you're shorts, and it's soooo good
Absolute respect to this guy... He got a sticker off a box easier than I could
i came here to say this
Bro legit opens the box better than anyone with hands
Bet he games the same way.
I had no doubts about him being able to use it after he got the tape off.
and hes insane at games as well
Bro got them Chicken wing arms 😂😂😂😂 loved the vid dude keep,em coming
You are such an inspiration!🎉 keep uo the good work ☺️
Chicken wing chicken wing
What did he do differently to be such an inspiration
You do realize if you were born a way you will be able to work with it ez
@@Mrcaddenohgoofy it’s inspirational how smooth he peeled that sticker off
Dude seems like a cooler guy than 99% of people without cool ass pincers
I open boxes better than both of you guys which isn't saying much at all
you saying since he doesn't have hands he can't open boxes damn💀
@@fukukraine1142 f you and your dad
@@Go_ohiostateay nigga tf he do bitch. Nah fuck u and ur dad that fucking left ur little annoying ass
This man is the tru definition of never give up. Truly inspiring what this guy does keep it up bro. I say this cuz this man clearly loves gaming and didn't allow anything to affect him this is awesome as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro has got more monitors than three content creators combined
Good shit man playing games is hard period I can't imagine the time an patience put into your life, Keep it up bro you're amazing and inspiring.
This is the first time I’ve seen this man, and I’m just absolutely stunned at his capabilities.
People like this is what tells me my life is not as bad as it can be, Keep trucking brother
Holy shit you are surprisingly fast with your elbows. The way people can overcome obstacles in life is comforting.
Dude you are the definition of Adapt over come and I love it, keep going man I love seeing your videos
I've never seen such a dexterous man
Maxed his stats
bro literally wins every game of rock paper scissors
bro wtf 😭
Throws chicken wing every time
This man is proof that you can do anything you put your mind to.
But can he use the controller? 🤔
@@TeenagePrince72 hell yea
That dude just took it out the box faster than i could and i got all my fingers and arms. Dudes a fucking champion
Bro literally has dexterity in his finger than my whole body
Now who tf thought it would be a good idea to send this man a controller
The amount of skill this guy has without hands is actually amazing respect
This unboxing earned you my sub dude keep chasing your dreams damn that’s a nice gift from Xbox
Respect him for not being too chicken to be online, he is resilient enough to fly the coop, he really spread his wings and flew.
Keep it up man 💪
Are we not going to talk about the ending? 😂😂😂
Only a true Chad has those arms. Mad respect
@Breadmilk209 Cookie shut up you ass shitter
Only a true chad doesn’t care about peoples arms
Only true chads dont care about peoples studs
@@conoros21 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😅😢😢😮😮❤❤❤
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢😢😢😢😢😊😅😊😅😮🎉🎉🎉🎉😂❤❤ 😂😂❤❤❤❤❤in kfjjfjrkkfjkjkklfkfjeokkdvfjfdjdjdjfjllflkdnfofkkdkfkdnndkldkr
He opens a box better than I can, he was just like 1 2 boom open, respect
I KNOW they be havin fun sending him stuff like this
Wtf does it say about me that I have two fully functioning hands and this guy opened the box faster and more gracefully than I could’ve 😅
i had a stroke reading that
He has no hands and he could get the sticker off and I can’t? Man has a lot of skill
You just need "No hands"
I know you don’t wanna hear it bro but props to you, even in such a situation you remain positive. What a trooper.
Dude got that sticker off the box 10 times faster and cleaner than I would spending 15 minutes at it wtf
Bro now that I've seen you open a box better than most people I need to see you show us up at gaming.
oh my god what the hell your arms are so cool!! i hope youre living your best life man!
He opened the tape with ez it takes me minutes to open it and I have both me hands (no offence) like that’s so cool!
I know omg😂
I bet he cannot clap though
Bro Nicky 😭
@@SentryFather Wtf😮
The dexterity you have managed with 8 less fingers than I have and still be just as fast if not faster at unboxing that item is fucking incredible
Bro has chicken wings for arms! And he still takes care of stuff better than 95% of ppl out there
Bro💀💀... No... Whatchu mean "chicken wings for arms"?
@One Piece Nation reminds me of the 10 wing bbq combo I had for lunch 😬
you just had to say something corny
Hope your mother is happy
You a blessing never give up in a dieing world love u man
All I got to say is respect. He just changed that d pad quicker than I could no cap.
My elbows could never. Respect💯
Dude gets that plastic off the corner of the box better then I can
This guy deserves likes and subs without even finishing his videos
This guy is amazing. Do not ever underestimate anyone
How does one in that situation even learn to live like that? You sir have my utmost respect
Doesn’t really have a choice does he?
Bro has chicken wings and he still is able to open a box, mad respect.
That's foul brotha come on
This man play better than me with chicken wing hands
I was wondering how you played. You just reminded me of the saying where there is a will there is a way. Damn your fucking awesome man. Seeing you go through those boxes as fast as anyone else was kick ass. You keep rocking and roll'n brother, and keep piling up those wins!
bro opens boxes better than I do 💀
How did this guy unpackage that better than I ever could xD
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩💚❤️💚
Keep going
That demonstration at the end was priceless!!!
He can open a box better then I can
That's sad
Bro got a lot of talent I need to use scissors to open boxes
Bruh at this point I want to watch him play a game
First off I salute you brother 💯. Next, my custom elite 2 almost look EXACTLY like that one and I designed it myself. Congratulations brother
Did he just rip the seal like it was nothing? Jesus, I had troubles opening that seal. 😅
he can take the tape of the box faster then i can in a million years O.O
Bro could you imagine him cranking nineties on you 💀
I'm dead
This man deserves respect.
I salute to you.
If I have to ever hear someone say "I can't open it" one more time....
You looked like you was coming at the end.. 😂😂
Bro you messed up big time.This is how he uses the controller bro why do you gotta be a pervert/?
Why are you a pervert this is how he plays on the controller bro
@@86hands since your here I'm curious how do you drink boba tea?
Peels the tape with his elbow. I look at my hands, you betray me!
No offenses Bro, but How do you plan play whit it?
lmao last few seconds
Fr 😂
Haven't been to Buffalo in a long time, you made me want wings.
That’s mean
Nah bro why you had to say that?😂😂😂
@@djkilla3711 Felt like it, he made me hungry bro
@@UnityTrap Bruh you had me dead. Did you get your wings?
Why can he open a box better than me
If nobody is gonna say it I will. What's up with the chicken wings?
It's the face at the end for me 😂 man's was feeling that new controller 🎮😂
Proof there’s no excuse for why you can’t do something
Pls make a vid on how you go to the toilet and wipe
See, now that would be the type of content that I would watch on a short. Lmfao 💀
Awesome vid keep up the great work ❤️