This song is an absolute masterpiece, something out of this world. Monique has everything a dream Eurovision artist should have - look, originality, amazing voice and unique song. She has it all. Her voice is even better live than in the studio version. Lithuania, I AM BEGGING YOU, send Monique, you have many songs that will win you a good place, but only Monique has a chance of winning the whole contest. I have not heard such a wonderful, unique and touching song for a long time. Kisses from Poland
Ir nereikia nei plėšytis, nei draskytis... Nereikia kažkokių ypatingų šou ar fejerverkų. Daina labai jautri, gili ir tikra. Skleidžiama žinutė svarbi kiekvienam. Nuostabus kūrinys! ❤️
Be žodžių... Labai gražu. Palaikau Tave ir Tavo komanda, noriu Jus matyti eurovizijoje Roterdame, tikiu, kad užsimsime gerą vietą, o jei ir ne, man nesvarbu, svarbu parodysime kas mums patinka ir ką mokame geriausiai. Tikiu šia daina. 💙💙💙
I feel like floating in my sleep Away from the paradise Why is it so hard for me to leap? Away from the flashing lights I beg you to stay Make the pain go away Let me be the one Make me human Open up my eyes and see Make me human Save my soul and set me free Make me human It's getting hard for me to breathe Please stay, bring me back to life All I ask is this one thing Alone I will lose this fight Make me human Open up my eyes and see Make me human Save my soul and set me free Make me human I beg you to stay Make the pain go away Let me be the one Spending my days Stuck in this maze Staring at the sun Make me human Open up my eyes and see (Open up, open up my eyes and see) Make me human Save my soul and set me free (Set me free) Make me human And maybe it will be okay Someday
This song goes to the distant memories, and there is no language about the loop, it reflects the whole idea. We're already talking about the top 5 in Rotterdam, good luck!
Dabar jau galiu pasakyti, kad tu save atiduodi muzikai. Muzika yra tavo raktelis eiti ir eiti toliau! Jau dabar matosi, kaip tu kyli karjieros laiptais ir aš tikiu tu tapsi viena diena pasaulio muzikos žvaigžde. Visas pasaulis tau žemai lenksis po kojom! Nesustok dainuoti ir džiuginti mus vis naujomis dainomis, bei nerealiais vaizdo klipais! Jei Lietuvoje būtu koks muzikos šlovės muziejus, neabejoju, kad tu atsirastum tenai! Istorija tavo tik prasideda, teišsipildo tavo norai Moniqué . 🇱🇹💐♥️ Tu privalai buti muzikos žvaigžde! Sekmės!
THIS IS WINNER Monique, tai yra pati šilčiausia, giliaprasmė daina, kurios klausant, suvirpa širdis. O mes, prabalsuokim, argi taip sunku? Negalvokim, jog kiti prabalsuos, MES turim tai daryt ♡ Ačiū už stebuklą Monika #MoniqueForEurovision ♡♡♡
I really like this song especially when she says "I beg you to stay" or "let me be the one" her voice is deep and that effect on her voice is fantastic. Love from Italy 🇮🇹🇱🇹
Okay guys, I said it last year about Light On and Criminal, but this one is on another level. Lithuania MUST send this to Rotterdam! It's a masterpiece that connects with you in some magical way. Her connection and feelings of the song look so natural and emotional. I really believe this song can be in TOP 10, perhaps even higher depending on which songs other countries will send. But if Lithuania will mess up again (like in 2017, 2019) I will be deeply disappointed in my own country. Don't get me wrong, The Roop has a great song as well, but it cannot compare to this one...
Lyrics: I feel like floating in my sleep Away from the paradise Why is it so hard for me to leap? Away from the flashing lights I beg you to stay Make the pain go away Let me be the one Make me human Open up my eyes and see Make me human Save my soul and set me free Make me human It's getting hard for me to breathe Please stay, bring me back to life All I ask is this one thing Alone I will lose this fight Make me human Open up my eyes and see Make me human Save my soul and set me free Make me human I beg you to stay Make the pain go away Let me be the one Spending my days Stuck in this maze Staring at the sun Make me human Open up my eyes and see Make me human Save my soul and set me free (Set me free) Make me human And maybe it will be okay Someday
Mano nuomone tai graziausia musu atrankos daina ir graziausia mergina. Patobulink gyva dainavima ir auksta vieta Roterdame garantuota. Balsuosiu uz tave, Monika
I honestly can't put in words how much I love this song. I never used to be a fan of lithuanian Entries, but honestly if you win this, I see big potential for Lithuania to get their best placing in Eurovision so far, or even winning this thing. This is current, unique and from what I've seen on Pabandom iš nauju, the Performance is EVERYTHING! Please Lithuania, bring Monique to the Finals tomorrow and send her to Rotterdam! Greetings from Germany
If this had represented Lithuania in eurovision it would've been one of my favourite eurovision songs of all time. But anyways, thanks for the amazing song. Much love.
Nors iš pradžių nebuvau itin didelė šios dainos gerbėja, paklausius keletą kartų nuomonė pasikeitė. O klipas - 💯. Kokybiška, skoninga, modernu ir, mano nuomone, niekuo nenusileidžia pasaulinio lygio žvaigždžių klipams. Sėkmės finale, palaikysiu 🙏
Monika yra saulė, ryškiai nušvietusi Lietuvos muzikos padangę! Absoliučiai neįtikėtina, kokio lygio dainomis , Monique dėka, mes galime didžiuotis.... ❤ Visiškas wow! Ir siurpuliukai perbege kūnu ir emocijos isreiskimas. Įsimylėjau dainą iš pirmo karto. Noriu labai pasveikinti su tokiu pavykusiu darbu visa komanda, kuri prie šio kūrinio prisidėjo. Ačiū Monika, kad darai tokius stebuklus 🙏🥰 Braaaaavo!❤❤❤
Net šiurpas krečia klausant, isigilinant i viską, ką tu išjauti, kiekvienas šios dainos posmas man virpina širdi ir kelia jauduli, ašaras, nuostaba, susižavėjima visos emocijos tiesiog vienoje dainoje. Atskleista tiek daug kad net sunku žodžiais papasakot tai! Šaunuolė! Tik tu turi atstovauti šiu metų Eurovision 2020! Nuostabu! ✨😌
This will go under the radar a bit while people focus on the ESC big guns,that is until we get to Rotterdam.Then people will wake up to the fact this has a superb chance of winning the whole thing.ESC is won be the artist getting an emotional connection to the viewers.Its crucial Monique keeps the staging emotional and personal.I get the feeling of a baby in the womb crying out to its mother and love that imagery in the live show.Its a superb entry by a quite brilliant artist.Lithuania need to make sure they choose this first,the jury need to do their job and put lots of daylight between this and the others.Once at ESC, get the staging emotional and create the connection.The trophy might be in reach.
I am so close to Eurovision for more than 7 years and I don't remember just a single year that I even wanted Lithuania qualify to the Eurovision Grand Final. Its not about that I love or I don't love Lithuania. It was all about the songs and today, Monique changed my mine. I think Lithuania not just qualify to the final, Lithuania HAS TO WIN EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. Thats it. Thats the comment.
@@simonajarutyte7431 That is your loss then, me and many others are convinced this could win Eurovision. Its only Lithuania that cant see it appearantly. I think you can be top 10 with other songs but if you want to win this year, you must send Monique
Everybody were talking about 2016 when ieva had really strong ant song and performance,but we didnt get even to the top the top she was 1,3...this song is good,but they will not change staging...this roboting is the simplest and easiest choice and it doesnt look intresting at all... they can do very well with this song but they will go easiest way and leave it as it is...and it will be a mistake... i think they will win and represent lithuania,but the highest place will be 14th... too many good songs this year...
@@simonajarutyte7431 Kas tau sakė, kad nekeis staging? Atrankoj gal ir nekeis, Eurovizijoj keičiasi 99% pasirodymų. Nefantazuokit apie kažkokią tolimą ateitį. Pati Monika apie tai net nekalbėjo.
Monique, hear me out what I got to say: This entry has apsolutely everything: slow persuadive versus, interesting and unique chorus, amazing bridge, perfect visual staging, your excellent vocal performance, great song message, one of the strongest bridges between 2nd and 3rd chorus... This entry has EVERYTHING, APSOLUTELY EVERYTHING... I belive, if no set ups at ESC appear, that you win jury voting easily in final of Eurovision, but the Televote is unpredictable, but on the other hand Lithuanian dijaspora is disciplined, we saw that last year... Anyway Monique, I predict for your country the best placment in history of Lithuania, but I hope you can equalize among Baltic countries in number of winning, so maybe it is time. I already put on you 10€ for now at bet in Serbia, odd is 30 so don't let me down :-). Best wishes from Serbia
Aš sakau, kad Monika Pundziūtė turi vykti į Nyderlandus, nes ji gali parvešti patį geriausią rezultatą. Lietuvos piliečiai, nedarykite klaidos, prašau balsuoti už geriausią, t.y. Moniquè. ❤ (Jei neišrinksit geriausio, paskui verksit, kad į finalą nepatekom.)
Labai jaučiu, tiesiog spirga širdis, kad ši daina gegužę Eurovizijoj labai labaiiii smarkiai sužibės į aukštumas. Žiūrovų balsais manau aplenksime The Roop, bet bijau, kad komisija nepadarytų didžiulės klaidos... Privalome laimėti atranką, nuostabus kūrinys!
Kodel neaplenksim. Daina patinka labai daug kam. Tereikia tik paimti telefonus ir pabalsuoti, nepagaileti tu keliu euru. Gal paskui jie bus naudingai panaudoti Eurovizijai
Žmonės! Nepamirštam balsuot šeštadieniais! Tai nuostabus šansas Lietuvai tikrai gerai pasirodyti Eurovizijoje! Jeigu galvojate, kad ir be jūsų balsų Monique laimės, tai taip tikrai nebus... Balsuojam visi nors po vieną kartą, juk nesunku. Parodykim Europai, kad Lietuva gali išsiųsti kokybišką ir gražią dainą!
Nerealu, deiviška, nepakartojama, tikras rojus sielai... ♥️ Jei neišsiųsim Monique, bus didesnė klaida nei padarėm praeitais metais su MonikaMarija.... todėl vote! (vote!) vote!(vote!) vote for the winner MONIQUE!!!!!! #MoniqueForRoterdam2020
Jei Monique neatstovaus Lietuvai siu metu Eurovizijoje, tai gal tada isvis geriau nebedalyvaukim... Ziauriai gera daina, o su gera komanda, pasirodymas irgi superinis.
Nuostabi daina❤️ Žmonės, jei ši daina yra jūsų favoritė, BALSUOKITE už ją. Ji nusipelnė tų centų. Pokštai atrankoje turi baigtis! Neleiskit jokiom Kristinom Jurėm ar Aistėm Pilvelytėm jos aplenkti, nes daina pasieks gerą rezultatą pačioje Eurovizijoje.
Lietuva, mes privalome ją išsiųsti mus atstovauti didžiojoje Eurovizijoje 😮💓 Senai kada turėjome tokį aišku pasirinkimą. Daina, jos atlikimas ir galiausiai pats pasirodymas jau yra toks kokį nebūtų gėda siųsti jau šiandien. Šioje dainoje kaip niekada gerai atsiskleidė Monique balso unikalumas. P. S. O dar klipo profesionalumas. Visa komanda pasistengė. 💣💥
Ok,you just have to represent Lithuania in Rotterdam. Such a masterpiece! It’s my favorite song at the moment,and I can really identify with the lyrics. I’ve listened to a small bunch of your previous songs,but I could already tell you’re amazing. This makes it even more clear. Sėkmės from Italy🇮🇹🇱🇹
I'm talking seriously: this entry gives me that kind of Euphoria/Arcade vibes, it has winning seeds. It has something I can't describe, it gives me the goosebumps. "Human" would do very well with both the juries and the televoting in May.
Since I saw the performance on morning TV, I knew this was going to be something special. You're played almost daily here in our flat, and we REALLY want to see you live when we travel to Rotterdam. Come on Lithuania, make the right choice!
Blemba šiemet sunku pasirinkt geriausią. The roop žiauriai kabina ir užkrečiantis gabalas, o Monique irgi puikią dainą atlieka. Tik tegu Pilvelytės neišsiunčia ir stipriai šiemet turėtume pasirodyti.
Lithuanian fans here please vote for Monique on Saturday and the final. It's vital if you want her to go to Eurovision
Yeah, but there is one problem. JURY
Lithuania it's your chance in Eurovision. She is real winner ! Amazing song ! Good luck guys !!!
This song is an absolute masterpiece, something out of this world. Monique has everything a dream Eurovision artist should have - look, originality, amazing voice and unique song. She has it all. Her voice is even better live than in the studio version. Lithuania, I AM BEGGING YOU, send Monique, you have many songs that will win you a good place, but only Monique has a chance of winning the whole contest. I have not heard such a wonderful, unique and touching song for a long time. Kisses from Poland
Hubert Szewczyk 💙💙💙
Marzę, żebyśmy my kiedyś tego typu piosenkę wysłali...
true, she's better live... Please Lithuania, PLEAAAASE!
Hubert Szewczyk you’re simp
Monique pats geriausias pasirinkimas šių metų Eurovizijai, būtinai balsuosiu šeštadienį❤️.
ne,The Roop
SwarLord T kiekvieno pasirinkimas :)
@@swarlordt9673 The Roop labiau tinka rytu Europai. Manau reikia siusti ta, kas patiks daugiau zmoniu, tai yra Monique.
Kaip tik rytų europao ta daina keista, o šotoje žinutė stipri siunčiama paliečia iki sielos gelmių
@@Mr_Trump kaa?? prie ko cia rytu europa,paaiskinkit man
Finally!!! Studio version is HERE! My winner! ❤️
This is stunning. Such a masterpiece.
The best song this year. This should participate in Rotterdam! VOTE FOR THIS.
this song went straight to my heart. Thundering applause
Ir nereikia nei plėšytis, nei draskytis... Nereikia kažkokių ypatingų šou ar fejerverkų.
Daina labai jautri, gili ir tikra. Skleidžiama žinutė svarbi kiekvienam. Nuostabus kūrinys! ❤️
Jautri daina buvo ir Ievos matėsi kuo pasibaigė.
@@laurynasurbutis9057 Jautrumas jautrumui nelygu. Ir lyginti neverta.
@@andrakumeliauskaite9878 Perdaug jautri ir depresinga daina.
@@laurynasurbutis9057 12 vieta. Čia blogai?
@@rds7516 Tai kad net i 10 nepateko :D Tai nėra geras pasiekimas.
Be žodžių... Labai gražu. Palaikau Tave ir Tavo komanda, noriu Jus matyti eurovizijoje Roterdame, tikiu, kad užsimsime gerą vietą, o jei ir ne, man nesvarbu, svarbu parodysime kas mums patinka ir ką mokame geriausiai. Tikiu šia daina. 💙💙💙
We need Monique back !!!! I Love THAT 😍😍 !!! Monique is such a phenomenal artist !! She and this song are masterpieces !!
I feel like floating in my sleep
Away from the paradise
Why is it so hard for me to leap?
Away from the flashing lights
I beg you to stay
Make the pain go away
Let me be the one
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free
Make me human
It's getting hard for me to breathe
Please stay, bring me back to life
All I ask is this one thing
Alone I will lose this fight
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free
Make me human
I beg you to stay
Make the pain go away
Let me be the one
Spending my days
Stuck in this maze
Staring at the sun
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see (Open up, open up my eyes and see)
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free (Set me free)
Make me human
And maybe it will be okay
Hard for me to leave*
This song goes to the distant memories, and there is no language about the loop, it reflects the whole idea. We're already talking about the top 5 in Rotterdam, good luck!
gt player!!
@@anzkamavelort737 no, aboyt 5 years ago I played.
very nice!!
Eurovision 2020 winner? Yesssss
Dabar jau galiu pasakyti, kad tu save atiduodi muzikai. Muzika yra tavo raktelis eiti ir eiti toliau! Jau dabar matosi, kaip tu kyli karjieros laiptais ir aš tikiu tu tapsi viena diena pasaulio muzikos žvaigžde. Visas pasaulis tau žemai lenksis po kojom! Nesustok dainuoti ir džiuginti mus vis naujomis dainomis, bei nerealiais vaizdo klipais! Jei Lietuvoje būtu koks muzikos šlovės muziejus, neabejoju, kad tu atsirastum tenai! Istorija tavo tik prasideda, teišsipildo tavo norai Moniqué . 🇱🇹💐♥️ Tu privalai buti muzikos žvaigžde! Sekmės!
What a fantastic song !!! Thanks Monique.
This song is something else. I feel like this is your only choice, Lithuania. A lot of people can connect to this message ❤️
Yeah, something else if you do not include 80%of the past Eurovision songs.
This is paralysing in the best way. Goosebumps every time
Wow. Labai žavu, muzikalu, įdėta daug nuoširdaus darbo.
Monique, tai yra pati šilčiausia, giliaprasmė daina, kurios klausant, suvirpa širdis. O mes, prabalsuokim, argi taip sunku? Negalvokim, jog kiti prabalsuos, MES turim tai daryt ♡
Ačiū už stebuklą Monika
#MoniqueForEurovision ♡♡♡
I really like this song especially when she says "I beg you to stay" or "let me be the one" her voice is deep and that effect on her voice is fantastic. Love from Italy 🇮🇹🇱🇹
Okay guys, I said it last year about Light On and Criminal, but this one is on another level. Lithuania MUST send this to Rotterdam! It's a masterpiece that connects with you in some magical way. Her connection and feelings of the song look so natural and emotional. I really believe this song can be in TOP 10, perhaps even higher depending on which songs other countries will send. But if Lithuania will mess up again (like in 2017, 2019) I will be deeply disappointed in my own country. Don't get me wrong, The Roop has a great song as well, but it cannot compare to this one...
Exactly!! It simply does not compare
The good part is this: Her live performance is even better.
Vaidotas Visockas
That’s what I was thinking while watching the video
deja, finalinis pasirodymas dėl didelio jaudulio buvo blogesnis ir pakišo koją. kitaip komisija būtų davus jai 12, o ne 10 taškų ir būtų išsiuntus ją
Maybe the high note was cleaner here but overall the live is better
I feel like floating in my sleep
Away from the paradise
Why is it so hard for me to leap?
Away from the flashing lights
I beg you to stay
Make the pain go away
Let me be the one
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free
Make me human
It's getting hard for me to breathe
Please stay, bring me back to life
All I ask is this one thing
Alone I will lose this fight
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free
Make me human
I beg you to stay
Make the pain go away
Let me be the one
Spending my days
Stuck in this maze
Staring at the sun
Make me human
Open up my eyes and see
Make me human
Save my soul and set me free (Set me free)
Make me human
And maybe it will be okay
Atsiprašau Nepilna Buvau pridiejas pabaiga papildžiau :)
So, who's going make us humans again ?
Mano nuomone tai graziausia musu atrankos daina ir graziausia mergina. Patobulink gyva dainavima ir auksta vieta Roterdame garantuota. Balsuosiu uz tave, Monika
I honestly can't put in words how much I love this song. I never used to be a fan of lithuanian Entries, but honestly if you win this, I see big potential for Lithuania to get their best placing in Eurovision so far, or even winning this thing. This is current, unique and from what I've seen on Pabandom iš nauju, the Performance is EVERYTHING! Please Lithuania, bring Monique to the Finals tomorrow and send her to Rotterdam! Greetings from Germany
If this doesnt win, i Will cry
Monique this is a masterpiece😍
Okay, go cry.
hHahahahha cryyyy
I’m still crying
It can WIN the WHOLE ESC.
yeah this or the Roop are your only chances
Eurovision World THANK YOU SO MUCH❤️
@@EntrEsprit the Roop is not our chance. It is bottom in semi 😉
@@lukasstrelcikas3320 you're so funny
Who's here before this became a world wide hit and the winner of this year's esc? I'm absolutely in love with it!!
In loveee with this song and video ❤ Good luck to Monique from Croatia 🇭🇷❤
I felt chills through the whole song, she must win, bc this is just too good 😭
Aistė Pilvelytė is actually crying the most biggest tears by seeing and listening to this
The best song, the best artist. The one that should bring ESC to Lithuania 💛💚❤
She may bring the first victory to Lithuania, best lucks from 🇹🇷❤🇱🇹
No,the Roop will:d
No ,the Roop will...
FINALLY! Winner!
If this had represented Lithuania in eurovision it would've been one of my favourite eurovision songs of all time. But anyways, thanks for the amazing song. Much love.
Lithuania, please! you must choose this.!!! This is the best song in this National Finals season! You have a winner in your selection!
Verčiausia daina važiuoti į eurovizija, dainos žodžiai labai prasmingi, sekmės finale 😊
I hope they will choose this. This can do very well!
Nors iš pradžių nebuvau itin didelė šios dainos gerbėja, paklausius keletą kartų nuomonė pasikeitė. O klipas - 💯. Kokybiška, skoninga, modernu ir, mano nuomone, niekuo nenusileidžia pasaulinio lygio žvaigždžių klipams. Sėkmės finale, palaikysiu 🙏
Nuo pirmo pasirodymo įsimylėjau šią dainą 😍 Monique visada buvo aukštasis pilotažas. Už ką ten balsuoja lietuviai, man vis dar neaišku...
Please Lithuania choose this! Good luck Monique from Italy
🇱🇹 🇮🇹
Meh monika marija beter
@@faktubalsaspro6824 Monika Marija was good last year
Giovanni Federico Gugliada Grazie mille 😊
Monika yra saulė, ryškiai nušvietusi Lietuvos muzikos padangę! Absoliučiai neįtikėtina, kokio lygio dainomis , Monique dėka, mes galime didžiuotis.... ❤ Visiškas wow! Ir siurpuliukai perbege kūnu ir emocijos isreiskimas. Įsimylėjau dainą iš pirmo karto. Noriu labai pasveikinti su tokiu pavykusiu darbu visa komanda, kuri prie šio kūrinio prisidėjo. Ačiū Monika, kad darai tokius stebuklus 🙏🥰 Braaaaavo!❤❤❤
TOBULA!!! Labai tikiuosi jog išsiūsime tave į Roterdamą ir tikiuosi komisija nesugadins viso reikalo!!! Love ya🥰🥰🥰
Net šiurpas krečia klausant, isigilinant i viską, ką tu išjauti, kiekvienas šios dainos posmas man virpina širdi ir kelia jauduli, ašaras, nuostaba, susižavėjima visos emocijos tiesiog vienoje dainoje. Atskleista tiek daug kad net sunku žodžiais papasakot tai! Šaunuolė! Tik tu turi atstovauti šiu metų Eurovision 2020! Nuostabu! ✨😌
Our winner!!!
This will go under the radar a bit while people focus on the ESC big guns,that is until we get to Rotterdam.Then people will wake up to the fact this has a superb chance of winning the whole thing.ESC is won be the artist getting an emotional connection to the viewers.Its crucial Monique keeps the staging emotional and personal.I get the feeling of a baby in the womb crying out to its mother and love that imagery in the live show.Its a superb entry by a quite brilliant artist.Lithuania need to make sure they choose this first,the jury need to do their job and put lots of daylight between this and the others.Once at ESC, get the staging emotional and create the connection.The trophy might be in reach.
ok but this could honestly win eurovision
Tom Schilling the idea of it is insane...thanks for the support ❤️
@Adomas Da kaa?
@Adomas Da lol xddd
@Adomas Da puikiausiai supratau. Monique pavadinti negrazia tai zemas lygis
Chebra, Jūs čia ją jau į Mis Visata siunčiat??? Šiaip iš pradžių gal eurovizijoje pabandom sudalyvaut ;)
Lithuania please please please send this, it’s breathtaking
I am so close to Eurovision for more than 7 years and I don't remember just a single year that I even wanted Lithuania qualify to the Eurovision Grand Final. Its not about that I love or I don't love Lithuania. It was all about the songs and today, Monique changed my mine. I think Lithuania not just qualify to the final, Lithuania HAS TO WIN EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. Thats it. Thats the comment.
She didnt even make finals lmfao
@@zinguss9231 and I hate Lithuania for ever, ever ever. EVER.
@@yusufakin1795 Ik, we always choose the worst songs.
@@zinguss9231 30k people against 10k people is quite a number so dont waffle fortniter 😂🤭
@@impatris Doesn't mean the song isn't dogshit :joy: :fire:
Pls win it all :)) this song is more than a masterpiece 💜
Queen 👸 can’t wait when you’ll win Esc’20 😍😍 2021 Lithuania 🇱🇹! 12 points from Russia 🇷🇺!
Lithuania, this is it! Send this to Eurovision! 👏🏻🇱🇹
Monique, nepergyvenk, tu buvai tikra nugalėtoja! Sugrįžk kitais metais ir sukurk dar geresnę dainą!
Such an amazing song - even better live - which is exactly what a Eurovision entry needs to be
Lithuania, this girl can bring you eurovision trophy. Mark my words. ❤✌✌✌ Please, vote for her. ❤❤❤
This is winning Eurovision if Lithuania sends it, there is no doubt. I really hope they make the right choice, good luck Monique. From Sweden
It will not win,because of the boring staging...
@@simonajarutyte7431 That is your loss then, me and many others are convinced this could win Eurovision. Its only Lithuania that cant see it appearantly. I think you can be top 10 with other songs but if you want to win this year, you must send Monique
Everybody were talking about 2016 when ieva had really strong ant song and performance,but we didnt get even to the top the top she was 1,3...this song is good,but they will not change staging...this roboting is the simplest and easiest choice and it doesnt look intresting at all... they can do very well with this song but they will go easiest way and leave it as it is...and it will be a mistake... i think they will win and represent lithuania,but the highest place will be 14th... too many good songs this year...
@@simonajarutyte7431 Kas tau sakė, kad nekeis staging? Atrankoj gal ir nekeis, Eurovizijoj keičiasi 99% pasirodymų. Nefantazuokit apie kažkokią tolimą ateitį. Pati Monika apie tai net nekalbėjo.
@@yankis. pati pasake per paskutini savo interviu! Si sest bus pakeista lb minimaliai ir kaip pati pareiske darys taip kaip jai atrodi
Viskas profesonaliai...SUPER STAR💖☝️
Love you Monique! See you soon in Vilnius arena ❤❤❤❤🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹
Monique, hear me out what I got to say:
This entry has apsolutely everything: slow persuadive versus, interesting and unique chorus, amazing bridge, perfect visual staging, your excellent vocal performance, great song message, one of the strongest bridges between 2nd and 3rd chorus... This entry has EVERYTHING, APSOLUTELY EVERYTHING...
I belive, if no set ups at ESC appear, that you win jury voting easily in final of Eurovision, but the Televote is unpredictable, but on the other hand Lithuanian dijaspora is disciplined, we saw that last year...
Anyway Monique, I predict for your country the best placment in history of Lithuania, but I hope you can equalize among Baltic countries in number of winning, so maybe it is time.
I already put on you 10€ for now at bet in Serbia, odd is 30 so don't let me down :-). Best wishes from Serbia
My country is in the same semi as Lithuania, so if this wins, you bet this is where my votes are going!
You should also say a good word to the creator and producer of a song - Vytautas Bikus 😉
We will not sure if she will get to Eurovision because only tonight Lithuania is boting for their favorite :D
@@neringaCD fingers crossed that you guys choose her!
Josh #CreeperCult ooh unfortunately Monique was second and Lithuania delegated the Roop! 😭😭😭😱
Aš sakau, kad Monika Pundziūtė turi vykti į Nyderlandus, nes ji gali parvešti patį geriausią rezultatą. Lietuvos piliečiai, nedarykite klaidos, prašau balsuoti už geriausią, t.y. Moniquè. ❤
(Jei neišrinksit geriausio, paskui verksit, kad į finalą nepatekom.)
I'm actually on board for this to win for Lithuania.
Va, kas yra vadinama kokybe ir profesionalumu. Wow!!
Labai jaučiu, tiesiog spirga širdis, kad ši daina gegužę Eurovizijoj labai labaiiii smarkiai sužibės į aukštumas. Žiūrovų balsais manau aplenksime The Roop, bet bijau, kad komisija nepadarytų didžiulės klaidos... Privalome laimėti atranką, nuostabus kūrinys!
Kodel neaplenksim. Daina patinka labai daug kam. Tereikia tik paimti telefonus ir pabalsuoti, nepagaileti tu keliu euru. Gal paskui jie bus naudingai panaudoti Eurovizijai
The Roop idealus kruinys,kuris ir pateko į eurovizija ,o Monikos kūrinys irgi labai gražus ,bet ne toks orginalus kaip ROOP šokis :)
Žmonės! Nepamirštam balsuot šeštadieniais! Tai nuostabus šansas Lietuvai tikrai gerai pasirodyti Eurovizijoje! Jeigu galvojate, kad ir be jūsų balsų Monique laimės, tai taip tikrai nebus... Balsuojam visi nors po vieną kartą, juk nesunku. Parodykim Europai, kad Lietuva gali išsiųsti kokybišką ir gražią dainą!
Julius taip!
po penkis
Labai mažai palaikymo, nusivyliau.
Pusfinalyje balsavimas buvo žiauriai silpnas, nesuprantu kodėl?
Kas iš to jei žiūrovai Monique duos 1 vieta, bet komisija vistiek išrinks kokia Aistę..
So beautiful ❤❤😍 Merci 🇨🇵❤🇱🇹
Klausant dainą, matant Moniqué -
Šiurpuliukų simfonija !
Lithuania 2020 "Make Me Human"
Nerealu, deiviška, nepakartojama, tikras rojus sielai... ♥️ Jei neišsiųsim Monique, bus didesnė klaida nei padarėm praeitais metais su MonikaMarija.... todėl vote! (vote!) vote!(vote!) vote for the winner MONIQUE!!!!!! #MoniqueForRoterdam2020
Hey banana It's me YES VOTE!
Šios dainos žinutė yra superinė. Labai įkvepia mane. Tiesiog negaliu atsiklausyti.
Wow!!!! ❤ šiurpuliukai... 🙈❤ ačiū, kad kuriate tokią muziką ❤❤❤❤
Lithuania you better choose this!!! this song is a masterpiece, this is your only option.
If we aint choosing this, i am going to be very sad
the roop - on fire is the other option
The roop 😒
Côte De Poyais the roop is so overrated. Dont really like that song
Jei Monique neatstovaus Lietuvai siu metu Eurovizijoje, tai gal tada isvis geriau nebedalyvaukim... Ziauriai gera daina, o su gera komanda, pasirodymas irgi superinis.
Neatstovaus. Arba Roop arba ta Ruta. Labiau tiketina kad Roop.
Since the first day I listen to this I'm obsess ❤️❤️❤️
12 points from Spain 🇪🇦
Wau wau wau!!!!! 🖤🖤🖤 Kad monique išsiųstume į euroviziją😊
🖤 Tik už tave !
Fantastic. Excellent quality. It would definitely make the best Lithuanian entry ever.
Nesu Eurovizijos fanas, bet si karta balsuosiu uz Monique ir stebesiu kaip nustebinsim Europa ir pasauli 👌
Nuostabi daina❤️ Žmonės, jei ši daina yra jūsų favoritė, BALSUOKITE už ją. Ji nusipelnė tų centų. Pokštai atrankoje turi baigtis! Neleiskit jokiom Kristinom Jurėm ar Aistėm Pilvelytėm jos aplenkti, nes daina pasieks gerą rezultatą pačioje Eurovizijoje.
Congratulations Lithuania for missing the best chance ! ✋🏻🇱🇹
Love you Monique 💜
So Exquisitely Beautiful Moniqué!
Omg, aš balsuoju- done. Eurovision 2021 Vilnius 💙🙏
This clip and lyrics are over I’ve expected 🤯 My feelings relate to this♥️
This song is THAT SONG. No comments needed. Please, Monika, do your best to win LT final competition. And we will help you ❤!!!
It's Monique 😁
Lietuva, mes privalome ją išsiųsti mus atstovauti didžiojoje Eurovizijoje 😮💓 Senai kada turėjome tokį aišku pasirinkimą. Daina, jos atlikimas ir galiausiai pats pasirodymas jau yra toks kokį nebūtų gėda siųsti jau šiandien. Šioje dainoje kaip niekada gerai atsiskleidė Monique balso unikalumas. P. S. O dar klipo profesionalumas. Visa komanda pasistengė. 💣💥
Vilius 383 am tomorrow pp
Vilius 383# ha ha nepavyko ha ha
Vienintelė daina, kurią vėl ir vėl klausant, stipriai paveikia... Tikiu ir palaikau Monique. Ji tikrai gali laimėti Euroviziją. Sėkmės!❤
This is quality right here. Dont make a mistake when voting... :) Surely minimum Top 5 in Rotterdam.
Wow, aukštas lygis. Labai džiugu, kad LT turim tokių talentingų žmonių. Sėkmės!
wowwwwww i love this song so much ,love from israel
Ok,you just have to represent Lithuania in Rotterdam. Such a masterpiece!
It’s my favorite song at the moment,and I can really identify with the lyrics. I’ve listened to a small bunch of your previous songs,but I could already tell you’re amazing. This makes it even more clear.
Sėkmės from Italy🇮🇹🇱🇹
I'm talking seriously: this entry gives me that kind of Euphoria/Arcade vibes, it has winning seeds. It has something I can't describe, it gives me the goosebumps. "Human" would do very well with both the juries and the televoting in May.
I'm getting the same vibes i got when i first heard Arcade, and that vibe was: "This is the winner."
She was robbeddddddd
And she didn't win.... 😭😭😭
Seems that Lithuania likes staying out of the final...... with Monique it would have ended in the top 10
Pamenu laukiau studijines versijos, pagaliau ❤️❤️nerealu ❤️headphones, full sound-klausom 😎tikiuos nugalesi atrankas👍
Since I saw the performance on morning TV, I knew this was going to be something special. You're played almost daily here in our flat, and we REALLY want to see you live when we travel to Rotterdam. Come on Lithuania, make the right choice!
Lithuania, if you send Monique or The Roop, it will give you one of your best placements! Twelve points from Sweden ❤
Dabar dar labiau noriu jog Monique keliautų į didžiąją Euroviziją! Tikiuosi taip ir bus!😍❤😍
I love it so much ! The best !
Nugalėtoja!!😍💙Nepamirštam balsuoti!⭐
This song is perfect for Eurovision, it contains even the slogan...
Edit: This could have been Lithuania’s best entry ever...
Blemba šiemet sunku pasirinkt geriausią. The roop žiauriai kabina ir užkrečiantis gabalas, o Monique irgi puikią dainą atlieka. Tik tegu Pilvelytės neišsiunčia ir stipriai šiemet turėtume pasirodyti.
Mod3no Tik Monique!