Kavinsky - Wayfarer (Official Audio)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @RecordMakers
    @RecordMakers  2 роки тому +10

    𝐊𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐲's new album "𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧" available: ​ua-cam.com/video/JrwnyTFXV_4/v-deo.html​

  • @TheAxio300
    @TheAxio300 9 років тому +463

    This guy makes the best night driving music ever along with collage

    • @disco.lemonade
      @disco.lemonade 9 років тому +2

      +TheAxio300 haha I know! I thought I was the only one...

    • @CliffuckingBooth
      @CliffuckingBooth 9 років тому +2

      +TheAxio300 I think you can feel cool at everything with this music like walking the street. In fact I might try mix this song with clips from Commando or Robocop maybe both :D

    • @TheAxio300
      @TheAxio300 9 років тому +1

      laChachablabla Search Teenage color on youtube

    • @TheAxio300
      @TheAxio300 9 років тому

      laChachablabla no problem

    • @chrisc7322
      @chrisc7322 8 років тому +5

      +TheAxio300 so basically you saw the movie Drive and think that there are only 2 retrowave/synthwave artists in the world? there is a whole other world you are missing my friend. mitch murder, com truise, lazerhawk, futurecop, night runner, powerglove, 80s stallone, garth knight, etc etc etc etc etc

  • @FurryWrecker911
    @FurryWrecker911 Рік тому +86

    I remember hearing this in Midnlight Club LA before I even knew what synthwave was, then college came and a professor had Kavinsky just playing over the overhead speakers. The dots connected that day and I have been a Kavinsky fan since.

  • @Mexican-Tank-Dempsey.
    @Mexican-Tank-Dempsey. Рік тому +8

    Swerving left and right with my 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX

  • @smolcan4984
    @smolcan4984 Рік тому +9

    80s music always find their way back

  • @Fernanda-sf1kd
    @Fernanda-sf1kd 8 років тому +41

    Kavinsky rules! ❤️💀🔥

  • @Vergil9
    @Vergil9 11 років тому +15

    All of his tracks are good for driving like a man possessed. All hell breaks loose.

  • @iqbalali7106
    @iqbalali7106 9 років тому +60

    I forgot this track was in Midnight Club LA. Great game + song

  • @foil666
    @foil666 10 років тому +259

    Cruising' the highway when suddenly this song comes up on the play-list.
    Well, I guess I'm getting there much faster.

    • @psycho_maniac1389
      @psycho_maniac1389 10 років тому +4

      Give it all you got my friend

    • @diogosimoes7445
      @diogosimoes7445 6 років тому

      Que tipo de música é Andre ? Comecei a ouvir e cum caralho.... Isto é de trippar

    • @Sarah_seaside
      @Sarah_seaside 3 роки тому

      LOLLL Relatable

  • @radekmartinek2673
    @radekmartinek2673 10 років тому +338

    another succesfull day on youtube

    • @JotaShank
      @JotaShank 6 років тому +2

      We've met before... Haven't we?

  • @G4lx4yW1hsprr
    @G4lx4yW1hsprr 11 років тому +92

    Its almost like straight out of Hotline Miami, love it.

    • @DrkVega
      @DrkVega Рік тому

      Legit what I thought too lol 😆

    • @Samuel._.T
      @Samuel._.T 4 місяці тому

      this song might fit well playing as biker

  • @jacobramirez4189
    @jacobramirez4189 4 роки тому +9

    I love that guitar rift. 😎
    It's killer. 🌟

  • @leirbag8353
    @leirbag8353 5 років тому +37

    Midnight club LA muito boa

  • @markmccormack7206
    @markmccormack7206 9 років тому +532

    I grew a mullet in the four and a half minutes this song was playing.

    • @LaythTbToro
      @LaythTbToro 9 років тому

      Mark McCormack WOOOW XDD

    • @markduncan3806
      @markduncan3806 9 років тому +2

      Mark McCormack ha ha nice one.

    • @Kianiofo
      @Kianiofo 9 років тому +3

      +Mark McCormack try already having one and it growing longer >....>

    • @JimmyJinky67
      @JimmyJinky67 7 років тому

      @mark duncan,am yer fucking da?

    • @TheJhordan92
      @TheJhordan92 7 років тому

      This comment made my night XDDDDD

  • @YourCRTube
    @YourCRTube 11 років тому +4

    One of those songs I can listen over and over.

  • @jehad78
    @jehad78 Рік тому +2

    My favourite track while playing Midnight Club : Los Angeles

  • @fullmetal1666
    @fullmetal1666 10 років тому +94

    I can picture this song playing while there is a high speed chase with a cop chasing a guy in a muscle car in the night with neon lights going around with the camera slightly blurry. That's all i can imagine

    • @fullmetal1666
      @fullmetal1666 9 років тому +6

      NADS IQ you're welcome

    • @xnabr7603
      @xnabr7603 7 років тому +4

      The Jungkookie Rapmonster seen the movie Drive ?

    • @miccysenpai9334
      @miccysenpai9334 2 роки тому +2

      Down the streets of LA

  • @Dole203
    @Dole203 5 років тому +22

    I listen to this song when i dont know where I'm going in life. Basically everyday

  • @platosbeard3476
    @platosbeard3476 3 роки тому +2

    Got that Midnight Express vibe 😌

  • @mariablanco4110
    @mariablanco4110 6 років тому +4

    I think this type of music sounds great . ☺️ 👍

  • @badabing6474
    @badabing6474 3 роки тому +2

    Was 9 years old in 86.Sporting diadora , lottos & British knights see🤌🏼🇲🇽🇺🇸💯✔️

  • @zedas1
    @zedas1 4 роки тому +14

    BEST DRIVING SONG EVER (even if you're driving automatic)

    • @isaacsrandomvideos667
      @isaacsrandomvideos667 2 роки тому

      I feel like you say that just because midnight club is always automatic

    • @eminaslanov2406
      @eminaslanov2406 11 місяців тому

      ​@@isaacsrandomvideos667not always my friend you could change to manual

  • @HeatherMason41
    @HeatherMason41 2 роки тому +2

    Midnight club la remix babyyy

  • @PapaHill822
    @PapaHill822 10 років тому +73

    Midnight club Los Angeles..brought me here..

  • @satisfiction
    @satisfiction 8 років тому +12

    That little bridge that happens from 1:37 to 1:46 is sick a.f.

  • @leirbag8353
    @leirbag8353 2 роки тому +2

    My favorite

  • @rodrigovalenzuela8355
    @rodrigovalenzuela8355 2 роки тому +2

    KAVINSKY es un genio..! En su video RENEGADE muestra un reloj YEMA retro ..! Debe ser uno de los paneos publicitarios más COOL de todos los tiempos..!

  • @tenacious645
    @tenacious645 5 років тому +8

    Jesus this track is fucking fine. Very well put together. It seems meticulously crafted

  • @MiMi-qr9hz
    @MiMi-qr9hz 9 років тому +6

    Great bike cruise song.

  • @somejackball
    @somejackball 6 років тому +2

    best cruisin music in a long time, never go out without it!

  • @ryufire12
    @ryufire12 9 років тому +14

    This song was awesome in MNC:LA

  • @franciscosolanolopez9692
    @franciscosolanolopez9692 8 років тому +60


    • @fafafagat
      @fafafagat 8 років тому +34

      Kavinsky* TAKE THE WHEEL

  • @ameyapradhan7420
    @ameyapradhan7420 8 років тому +4

    Been looking for this song for years

  • @Evanthestrange
    @Evanthestrange 8 років тому +217

    The mixing on this shit is unreal. It makes my shitty 10 dollar earbuds sound like 500 dollar Sennheisers.

    • @nortelado9080
      @nortelado9080 8 років тому


    • @fafafagat
      @fafafagat 8 років тому +7

      Now imagine how I'm feeling with my 70 dollar Marley Headphones.

    • @NerdName1
      @NerdName1 8 років тому +4

      every other 500$ headphones, but sennheisers usually live up to their price...

    • @feanorfeuergeist
      @feanorfeuergeist 8 років тому

      Yes and Bose is pretty good aswell , German quality.

    • @Adrenalinlev
      @Adrenalinlev 8 років тому

      what about my 79€ BOSE

  • @_U-BOAT
    @_U-BOAT 6 років тому +2

    Never try driving by this music. Never !!!!!

  • @margerryyy
    @margerryyy 7 років тому +2

    Eargasmed in 2 seconds.

  • @marvelbrothers
    @marvelbrothers 11 років тому +4

    This is my own form of time traveling!

  • @RegularJohn53
    @RegularJohn53 2 місяці тому

    Rockstar had some love for Kavinsky. First Testarossa Autodrive in GTA IV then Wayfarer in MCLA.

  • @psycho_maniac1389
    @psycho_maniac1389 10 років тому

    This song should come out in the game HATRED ... That would kick soooooo much ass

  • @alper471
    @alper471 10 років тому +122

    Time to install Hotline Miami again.

    • @alper471
      @alper471 9 років тому +1

      1 day remain...

    • @dannycarmack2044
      @dannycarmack2044 5 років тому +2

      I downloaded it again, cause of you and your persistence

    • @mekassah5288
      @mekassah5288 4 роки тому

      fuckkk yeeah

  • @navem1838
    @navem1838 4 роки тому

    Love this sound i grew up in the 80ties 💕💕💕💕💕

  • @razztastic
    @razztastic Рік тому

    This is the most cop chase music I've heard in my entire life.
    Man I wish nightride was a real station on GTA V.

  • @defender908
    @defender908 6 років тому +4

    0:43-1:17 beat transitions are on point

  • @TolyaAlligator
    @TolyaAlligator 2 роки тому +2


  • @shilopnamreg6468
    @shilopnamreg6468 7 років тому +2

    Those guitar riffs man...

  • @321michywishy
    @321michywishy 8 років тому +2


  • @LemurianTime
    @LemurianTime 9 років тому +2

    samples are so clean

    • @Jongo1
      @Jongo1 9 років тому +1

      +Slota Himself Some might say too clean...

    • @bwallsdeep
      @bwallsdeep 8 років тому

      +Slota Himself what samples?

  • @alphaleone1
    @alphaleone1 10 років тому +18

    This track really suits an attack chopper on the hunt, engaging multiple targets.

    • @Bothma13
      @Bothma13 10 років тому +1

      This track is suitable to ANY situation! You have been warned...

    • @Phatbroom
      @Phatbroom 10 років тому +1

      Nollie HD Please watch YOUR grammar. You wouldn't want people to think YOU'RE ignorant.

    • @iiollie058
      @iiollie058 10 років тому

      ***** Fuck up grammar isnt important on youtube, this isnt a job application or a letter to the fucking queen, "YOU'RE" the type of person the internet hates.

    • @Phatbroom
      @Phatbroom 10 років тому

      Nollie HD The correct form of the first sentence should have been "SHUT THE fuck up." It would have come across as more intelligent and intimidating, if either of those apply to cursing on the internet. It also ended, so it needed a period rather than a comma. Way to make a run-on sentence.

    • @Phatbroom
      @Phatbroom 10 років тому

      Nollie HD Another run on sentence. Wonderful. Also, the first part of the sentence up to "in English" must have been a complete thought, so it needed a period.
      I don't see how I'm being "edgy". I'm just pointing out how grammatically incorrect each one of your comments is. You're the one being aggressive here.

  • @theunknownpikachu2444
    @theunknownpikachu2444 Місяць тому

    I feel love❤

  • @LoopcypherRecords
    @LoopcypherRecords 4 роки тому +8

    Still Listening 2020!! Party Up!!

    • @Thatonecyborg
      @Thatonecyborg 3 роки тому +1


    • @HeatherMason41
      @HeatherMason41 2 роки тому

      2022 here lol

    • @rayzz63
      @rayzz63 Рік тому +1

      2023 we still listening

    • @LoopcypherRecords
      @LoopcypherRecords Рік тому +2

      @@rayzz63 Me still to bro all my life and mixing this with others tracks the thrue electro future forever!!

  • @chrislees5561
    @chrislees5561 7 років тому

    loving this dudes tunes

  • @fantaji6239
    @fantaji6239 6 років тому +8

    This shit takes me back to midnight club la when I was speeding from the cops at night

  • @kobathedread
    @kobathedread 11 років тому +6

    quel son!

  • @AmdisenAnders
    @AmdisenAnders 10 років тому +8

    Knight Rider called... he wants this as his new theme song !

  • @Hartsock2009
    @Hartsock2009 9 років тому +12

    Why the hell haven't I heard of this music before. Fuck me sideways it's like my heart slows pace. Like when you take a corner at high speed.

  • @Flashblixten
    @Flashblixten 11 років тому +4

    This is so good!!!

  • @bonitabakrie4888
    @bonitabakrie4888 7 років тому

    So cool for the music! ✌

  • @noone96789
    @noone96789 11 років тому +57

    Rayban would be stupid not to have this song in a commercial. Lol

  • @shivzzi
    @shivzzi 11 років тому +2

    beast track!

  • @BalloonCement
    @BalloonCement 8 років тому

    Beast of a track.

  • @GAINAX111
    @GAINAX111 10 років тому

    truly awesome!!

  • @timkuhn5396
    @timkuhn5396 9 років тому

    Kavinsly power

  • @edwardrichthofen
    @edwardrichthofen 2 роки тому +2

    2006 Mitsubishi lancer evolution ix favorite song

  • @ivanvibart1636
    @ivanvibart1636 10 років тому +2

    time to buy a CHEVY super sport and cruise with this song in the fucking highway

  • @nicolasriveros943
    @nicolasriveros943 9 років тому +6

    Hotline miami has a kick ass soundtrack, but imagine if there was a song from Kavinsky there...
    Also this one remains me to "Miami Disco" by Perturbator (wich is in the Hotline Miami OST)

  • @Ponde78
    @Ponde78 10 років тому

    Just awesome

  • @SmittyWerbenjagermandragon
    @SmittyWerbenjagermandragon Рік тому +2

    this song sounds like driving a Testarosa down a nevada highway at 120 around 2 am

  • @justshutupification
    @justshutupification 11 років тому +2

    I just discovered this FUCK this is so good, this is my music this is my life soundtrack

  • @turtlemouth
    @turtlemouth 3 роки тому +2

    Awesome sounds. I don't know whether to buy a Trapper Keeper or get some neon lighting for my house.

  • @miekkb
    @miekkb 10 років тому

    kickin' on my Yamaha MS202 II pair....

  • @aetzkorn5298
    @aetzkorn5298 6 років тому

    ::bows:: “your beat is strong”

  • @RecordMakers
    @RecordMakers  3 роки тому +5

    𝐊𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ! His new single "𝗥𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗱𝗲" is out 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟵𝘁𝗵 ! Stay tuned and subscribe to his channel : ua-cam.com/channels/xUUCtu0L6t6NHLKnbYyURw.html

  • @samjonath
    @samjonath 11 років тому +6


  • @DfromCali
    @DfromCali 10 років тому +60

    Damn ...
    was that a cop...?

  • @srdjanloncar3900
    @srdjanloncar3900 8 років тому +2

    Vanishing Point....jees

  • @isaacsrandomvideos667
    @isaacsrandomvideos667 3 роки тому +2

    to literally 2 years ago

    • @SEBBARU
      @SEBBARU 10 місяців тому

      Nostalgia... Georgio Moroder

  • @foobert3448
    @foobert3448 10 років тому +20

    Why wasn't any of Kavinsky's songs in Hotline Miami hope when 2 comes out some of his songs will be in it like an instrumental to nightcall or just play this on the final boss.

      @TEMPHUiBIS 9 років тому

      His managers are probably greedy (seen it before)

    • @Sopherion
      @Sopherion 9 років тому +1

      "Nightcall" was on Drive and Hotline Miami is pretty much the game version of Drive, so...
      It's something! xD
      But Hotline Miami has a damn cool OST nonetheless.

    • @thatguy6793
      @thatguy6793 9 років тому

      +Sopherion nightcall wasnt on hlm? was it? if so when?

    • @Sopherion
      @Sopherion 9 років тому +1

      Oh, my bad. Terribly written sentence.
      I was simply saying HLM was basically Drive: The Game and thus it's music had a similar feel, but no it wasn't.

  • @Soda_F1
    @Soda_F1 11 років тому

    great song!!

  • @Lopler2
    @Lopler2 9 років тому +221

    i feel like i stepped into a club named technoir

  • @marcelstephens8683
    @marcelstephens8683 3 роки тому

    I play this on my speaker while cruising along St Kilda beach

  • @Makzimiser
    @Makzimiser 9 років тому +4

    that snare

  • @BeerTheBeerify
    @BeerTheBeerify 5 років тому +2

    is this available on audio casette just bought a 1993 audi with original tape player this sounds about right!!!

  • @alfredodiazf.1521
    @alfredodiazf.1521 9 років тому

    Great Song :)

  • @mariajosevizcainopina3998
    @mariajosevizcainopina3998 3 роки тому


  • @MeghaArora_india
    @MeghaArora_india 9 років тому

    beyond epic

    @STARSECURITYTECHNOLOGY 11 місяців тому +1

    I listened this Tekken game somewhere

  • @manuelurvina1068
    @manuelurvina1068 9 років тому

    this track should be in Hotline Miami i guess
    Great song

  • @awesomechaotix5207
    @awesomechaotix5207 8 років тому +479

    Gta 6 should take place in the 80s

    • @bene8168
      @bene8168 8 років тому +44

      Awesome Chaotix you know, last 2 GTA's were in Liberty City and Los Santos, I suppose the next one should be Vice City s turn 😊

    • @hollowaang5284
      @hollowaang5284 7 років тому +25

      Awesome Chaotix The problem is kavinsky won't be in it.

    • @BASTBrushie
      @BASTBrushie 6 років тому +11

      In Vice city🌴

    • @wquinn793
      @wquinn793 6 років тому

      Awesome Chaotix I thought I was supost to be all of the gta to gether

    • @augustus4880
      @augustus4880 6 років тому +7

      No. A distopic cyberpunk neon future :)))))))

  • @bebe2626100
    @bebe2626100 6 років тому

    i love it

  • @TheMKBOxide
    @TheMKBOxide 6 років тому

    Good song.

  • @Eliza-ic3tl
    @Eliza-ic3tl 8 років тому

    cool stuff

  • @RecordMakers
    @RecordMakers  5 років тому +29

    From "1986", available in vinyl: kavinsky.bandcamp.com

  • @gummyboots
    @gummyboots 11 років тому +130

    Is it just me, or is this song really fucking evil sounding?

    • @Imozart0341I
      @Imozart0341I 11 років тому +44

      This is what plays when the bad guy is catching up to with you in a car chase

    • @gummyboots
      @gummyboots 11 років тому +75

      Or when you're running from a killer cyborg in a neo-80's cyberpunk future city, and you got no where to hide.

    • @AdmiralHood
      @AdmiralHood 11 років тому +66

      Or when you're systematically going from room to room clearing out baddies in the most gory way possible, with the ultimate goal of getting the address of the local mob boss that is responsible for the death of your girlfriend.

    • @OttoTorrens
      @OttoTorrens 11 років тому +40

      AdmiralHood We've all been there, I recommend the katana for extra style.

    • @AdmiralHood
      @AdmiralHood 11 років тому +11

      More of a knife kinda guy, but I admit, the katana is FAR more stylish.

  • @SurgicalStaples
    @SurgicalStaples 10 років тому

    Odds are Kavinsky uses the same beat speed as the folks making the hotline miami soundtrack. Hence why it sounds so similar. Play the game with Kavinsky overlaying it instead of the usual soundtrack, and it fits uncannily well.

  • @logosnaki
    @logosnaki 7 років тому

    çok enerjik!

  • @scarabscrub5350
    @scarabscrub5350 7 років тому


  • @thestone30080
    @thestone30080 8 років тому +30

    Feels like I want to drive 100 mph on the 405 FWY in LA on a pursuit with the CHP chasing me trying to stop me.

    • @jerrysoh619
      @jerrysoh619 8 років тому +1

      This makes me think of like being at the club in the 80s, and doing some lines on the table lol

    • @thnksmpl
      @thnksmpl 8 років тому +1

      How about, driving 100 mph on the 405 HWY in LA on a pursuit with the CHP while doing a line on the dash board, windows down, hair flailing chaotically in the wind and feeling nothing but the energetic surge of Kavinskys' music.

    • @Deftonesdsm
      @Deftonesdsm 8 років тому +1

      thestone30080 YES JUST YESSSSS......IN A 1986 TOYOTA SUPRA

    • @blanktemplate4415
      @blanktemplate4415 8 років тому

      This song once played when i was behind the wheel of a 80's Third Gen Firebird while speeding on a freeway at night time, best thing that ever happened.

    • @StreetScooter98
      @StreetScooter98 7 років тому +3

      just 100mph i want to drive 150mph im from german, no speed reglementation :))

  • @vanessapaz2279
    @vanessapaz2279 Рік тому


  • @simonolivier9156
    @simonolivier9156 11 років тому +4


    • @barabaspolo
      @barabaspolo 11 років тому


    • @Rrrrufus
      @Rrrrufus 11 років тому

      barabaspolo en même temps kavinsky est français

  • @Kimchiboy08
    @Kimchiboy08 10 років тому +1

    Good for switching lanes from behind people who drive way below the speed limit yea