Wow! This ball was not even on my radar. Some other reviews I watched this ball did not look this good.....but you sure did roll this rock well. Good stuff. Thanks.
Nice video and content! Your lucky to still have some what of a fresh house shot after 2 games. After one game on my center house shot we are 10 or 15 boards left. 😂
I’ve been throwing the GB4 hybrid, and really enjoying it. I’ve been thinking about buying a solid ball, and from watching your video, I think this might be exactly what I need. Thanks
Wow! This ball was not even on my radar. Some other reviews I watched this ball did not look this good.....but you sure did roll this rock well. Good stuff. Thanks.
Looks like a fantastic strong control ball !
This is my first Gamebreaker, the first few games it hooks like crazy then settles down for me. True tweener and this is now my benchmark ball.
Nice video and content! Your lucky to still have some what of a fresh house shot after 2 games. After one game on my center house shot we are 10 or 15 boards left. 😂
I’ve been throwing the GB4 hybrid, and really enjoying it. I’ve been thinking about buying a solid ball, and from watching your video, I think this might be exactly what I need. Thanks
I'm curious if on the GB4 if he was 5 1/4 pin to PAP because I'd imagine going closer pin to PAP could help a little for it to be more continuous
Great job!
Ironically I’m scoring better starting with the GB2 for my first game in league and starting my 2nd game and finishing with the GB5. 692
Have you done the 5k subscriber giveaway yet ?
No it will happen on the 30th…here’s the link to follow
6 months later - still like this ball? Seems like a tank and good for people like myself who like to play right of the middle arrow