Reversperser - Disperser but backwards

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @NoNameLeft1500
    @NoNameLeft1500 11 місяців тому +13

    what you could do without equilibrium and to don't deal with latency.. is running an impulse trough disperser record that as an impuls response and use that impulse response reversed in a convolution player.. for example khz convolver... the tradeoff is ofcourse you have a static impulse response.. and can't tune it on the fly.. but you don't have the latency issue and don't need equilibrium

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому +6

      That's a superb workaround, GREAT! thanks!

    • @NoNameLeft1500
      @NoNameLeft1500 11 місяців тому +1

      and thanks for this inspiring video, got me inspired to play around with it, perfect timing I just got a track more or less finished.. maybe a new track can grow out of this inspiration@@DashGlitch

    • @NoNameLeft1500
      @NoNameLeft1500 11 місяців тому +2

      yeah it's amazing how many people produce today or at least do something similar. When I started 25 years ago it was pretty rare to come across people with whom you could just casually geek talk synth / sound design stuff... it's great that it got so accessable and everyone who likes to can start doing it without paying a giant amount for hardware and the space for it@@ctrl4OFFICIAL

    • @opipico9144
      @opipico9144 11 місяців тому

      someone make it tutorial please

    • @NoNameLeft1500
      @NoNameLeft1500 11 місяців тому

      I can make one but need to setup my stuff for recording.. so it could take a bit time.. @@opipico9144

  • @GeorgeLocke
    @GeorgeLocke 11 місяців тому +2

    BTW "dispersion" is the technical term for when the wave propagation speed changes with frequency. So, like, in a spring, the high frequecies arrive sooner than the lower frequencies, resulting in that "sproing" sound. Allpass filters cause dispersion.

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому +1

      Ah that's interesting thanks! And explains why if reversed the lows arrive sooner

  • @MattiasHolmgren
    @MattiasHolmgren 11 місяців тому +1

    Sick sounds Dash! Disperser is lovely! ;)

  • @cryptout
    @cryptout 11 місяців тому +2

    Sounds like a cool 80's Sci-fi movie

  • @tetron62
    @tetron62 11 місяців тому +6

    I wonder if you could draw a similar curve with MFreeformPhase

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому +1

      Didn't even think of that lol, sometimes the obvious ones get missed, thanks I will try

  • @iamsyntact
    @iamsyntact 9 місяців тому +1

    i am very interested in finding out where you got that kick drum

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  9 місяців тому

      I made it with kick2 and some processing

    • @iamsyntact
      @iamsyntact 9 місяців тому

      @@DashGlitch I was hoping you weren't gonna say that 😂 I got into making my own drums in operator this past year but definitely not on this level, gg.
      your other disperser video is awesome btw I feel liberated knowing what that thing actually does now. cheers

  • @va941
    @va941 11 місяців тому +1

    Dash! Youre such a nerd! I LOVE IT❤

  • @Projektor_music
    @Projektor_music 11 місяців тому +1

    now this is the kind of technical stuff I signed up for!

  • @degstep9968
    @degstep9968 11 місяців тому +1

    Very cool discoveries!

  •  11 місяців тому +2

    Can’t u do this more easily with MFreeformphase?

  • @adrenakrohm
    @adrenakrohm 11 місяців тому +1

    My brain checked out within the first 30 seconds. Brilliantly creative technique though.

  • @TheBigLou13
    @TheBigLou13 11 місяців тому +1

    Cool sound design trick! I haven't tried it yet but theoretically a less _latency-y_ variation of this process could be approximated using MFreeFormPhase (with two nodes connected through a saw-wave-curve-type, so you don't have to draw all the saw tooths by hand).

    • @TheBigLou13
      @TheBigLou13 11 місяців тому

      I should mention than only one sawtooth (= a big ramp) would have the intended disperse effect (you can use the main knob to increase the effects beyond 100%) while multiple sawtooths still smear/disperse the phases, but rather "in place" and "just rotate/disperse them in relation to their direct neighbors" instead of "in relation to the whole spectrum" like disperser does - which can give similiar timbres but doesn't elongate the sound as much. Its a different effect. The phase response in image doctor looks the same tho, because a phase "wrapping around" from bottom to top looks the same as if it just actually moves up and down. Possibly because plugin doctor builds up the phase response per frequency cycle and not per multiple cycles (to catch phase rotations beyond a full cycle), so 360°, 720° and 0° all look the same.

  • @buckycore
    @buckycore 11 місяців тому +1

    Now this looks FUN!!!

  • @BartWronsk
    @BartWronsk 11 місяців тому +1

    Sounds like a whip :)

  • @jussiniemi9560
    @jussiniemi9560 11 місяців тому +1

    It makes sense that the latency would be tremendous.

  • @GaussianWonder
    @GaussianWonder 11 місяців тому +1

    I wonder how growls sound like piped through that.

  • @krisamadhi
    @krisamadhi 11 місяців тому +1

    Awesome !

  • @Beatsbasteln
    @Beatsbasteln 11 місяців тому +1

    nice technique. i could imagine this being more comfortable if you add a bitwig time shift module with negative delay that compensates for the maximum latency and then use any bitwig delay without feedback to dial in position to the exact point that you need for it to be on beat enough. that's also how lookahead is often implemented in plugins btw

  • @TheAlburp
    @TheAlburp 11 місяців тому +1

    Now that's freaky! I had no idea we could do such things let alone mess around with the phase response of an EQ

  • @UTOBY
    @UTOBY 11 місяців тому +1

    what would It do to voices?

  • @ES60Hz
    @ES60Hz Місяць тому +1

    Hey brother, thanks for sharing: 1) You say "Phase trade-off or Timing trade-off" I was pretty sure that phase is the timing of the frequencies in comparison to one another, can you explain? 2) this is funny because for my ears linear phase is actually sharpening (More Transient in some freq) and not smearing like you said, maybe it is depend on the material?

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  Місяць тому

      Linear-phase processing adds pre/post ring, it elongates the transient. Perhaps you're hearing a result of other stuff in the chain/plugin and not just the pre/post-ring. Check on an oscilloscope or spectrograph and you will see added frequencies before and or after the transient when using linear-phase/min-phase processing. There's always a trade-off, but knowing the ups and downs is what makes the decisions more accurate.

  • @tukoijarrett9155
    @tukoijarrett9155 10 місяців тому +1

    would it be possible to do this with melda freeform phase?

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  10 місяців тому

      Kinda but I think it uses a bit different technology because it sounds pretty different, I think it uses spectral data? I may be wrong though, it's possible but different, whatever can create a cool sound to use is the right one :)

  • @astrobearmusic1977
    @astrobearmusic1977 11 місяців тому +1

    Woah that is wild! I love the mad scientist videos you do

  • @neosensemusicofficial
    @neosensemusicofficial 11 місяців тому +1

    How to make a wavetable using Disperser looks like ICANHASKICK or SWEEPS in PP ?

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому

      I don't understand the question?

    • @personnamed2764
      @personnamed2764 11 місяців тому +1

      I think he is asking how to make wavetables that visually look like ICANHASKICK in Serum, which seems to be a pitch sweep down wavetable@@DashGlitch ,

    • @neosensemusicofficial
      @neosensemusicofficial 11 місяців тому

      @@DashGlitch ICANHASKICK - WT in SERUM. ( Phase planе - in folder SWEEP) How to make ? Disperser - effect in WT phase planе, it works very similar with a saw, but how do create an entire frame table with a different amount?

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому

      ICANHASKICK is a kick sample which has been loaded into serum, you can get similar results from other kicks, or using a high amount in disperser and rendering/loading back into the synth

    • @neosensemusicofficial
      @neosensemusicofficial 11 місяців тому

      ​ @DashGlitch The shape of the frequency changes very smoothly in the tables from up to down, so it's definitely done in a different way

  • @ramalshebl60
    @ramalshebl60 11 місяців тому +1

    is it just a disperser with reversed polarity??

    • @DashGlitch
      @DashGlitch  11 місяців тому +2

      No, it's a disperser with back to front phase response lol - all will be revealed

  • @23fx23
    @23fx23 11 місяців тому +2

    def less conveniantf, but *maybe* time reversing source, phase shifting/dispersing it, re-reversing to normal could give similar results, could be interesting try also

  • @assafdarsagol
    @assafdarsagol 11 місяців тому +1

    No comment 😉