Yea the hair on some of the actresses is really bad. I recall fans complaining about Tess/BW's hair being way too long bleached out til her hair looks like hay. I agree it looks bad.Sh 's hair & makeup was mentioned too. The hair person just bleached curled & I think Gina/Kelly was sick of the blonde hair streaks. I guess now it's red chopped & way too long. Meanwhile gnatalies look was big boobs red long raven hair. A horrible actress & character. She's always been pushed as the hottest heroine but I'm sorry the least attractive. Word was the idiot Brian frons who ruined & cancelled oltl was obsessed w/ Melissa archer & her big boobs thus her in low cut tops & skin tight dresses which was getting old.
What a wonderful actresses
Kelly's hair no no.
Yea the hair on some of the actresses is really bad. I recall fans complaining about Tess/BW's hair being way too long bleached out til her hair looks like hay. I agree it looks bad.Sh 's hair & makeup was mentioned too. The hair person just bleached curled & I think Gina/Kelly was sick of the blonde hair streaks. I guess now it's red chopped & way too long. Meanwhile gnatalies look was big boobs red long raven hair. A horrible actress & character. She's always been pushed as the hottest heroine but I'm sorry the least attractive. Word was the idiot Brian frons who ruined & cancelled oltl was obsessed w/ Melissa archer & her big boobs thus her in low cut tops & skin tight dresses which was getting old.
Marty was trying to come clean and tell John the truth about his son, Liam. So she is getting there, but not yet.