5 Buddhist Ways Of Living A Good Life - Buddha (Buddhism)

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @PhilosophiesforLife
    @PhilosophiesforLife  2 роки тому +51

    The Buddha says "And what is right speech? Abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, & from idle chatter: This is called right speech".
    We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.

    • @smlanka4u
      @smlanka4u 2 роки тому +1

      If a monk can somewhat verify that someone didn't kill an animal to cook for the monk, then the monk can accept the food and eat it. Thank you.

    • @heavenlypath1065
      @heavenlypath1065 2 роки тому

      Do Taoism next

    • @charkimehdi4872
      @charkimehdi4872 2 роки тому


    • @jessicajae7777
      @jessicajae7777 Рік тому

      What about mental health medications? When Buddha was alive I believe there was alcohol and opium but what else was there? There may not have even been Marijuana yet. I dont drink or take any drugs and I also dont believe marijuana is a medicine except for maybe some cancer patients and maybe only an extract not actually smoking it. That just doesnt make any sense and i think its motivated by money and not a care as to how it helps someones health. because smoking pot is not a health benefit ever. extracting the properties that help the cancer patient without the properties that get one high is the only way it could be considered medicinal. i used to smoke weed when i was younger. its a drug period. the government is only saying its medical because theyve established a way to profit from it. thats wrong. anyways as these are now my views on drugs i take mental health medication that i know i need. ive tried responsibly to ween off them as i got spiritually and emotionally and mentally healthier but it was a disaster and so im stabilized on as small amount of them as possible. but i want a balanced consciousness of harmony. am i okay?

    • @jessicajae7777
      @jessicajae7777 Рік тому +1

      @@smlanka4u what? no a monk is and should be a vegetarian if not a vegan. thats extremely hypocritical for a monk to eat meat.

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 Рік тому +20

    To live the good life... we must always strive help others... be kind... be honest... do the right thing... seek truth and constantly meditate...🥳🥳

  • @AwakeningAscendancy135
    @AwakeningAscendancy135 11 місяців тому +7

    "I honor the energy and effort you invest in this discipline and this channel. Blessings to your soul*

  • @chalinoahuesoduro5566
    @chalinoahuesoduro5566 2 роки тому +64

    Clicked video just to say that I get it now just by looking at the thumbnail of Buddha under the tree.. the tree is a fractal representation of life and the universe and everything in it.... it's proven everyday with everyday things and everyday situations we are but a reflection of ourselves. One can either water the tree and nurture it's many branches with it's many leaves and rest under it's shade or you can ignore the tree let it's branches wither and it's leaves dry while you sit in the sun and sulk.

  • @Lighthouse_Wisdom
    @Lighthouse_Wisdom 7 місяців тому +1

    Hey there! Thanks for sharing this insightful content on Buddhist philosophy. It's always fascinating to delve into the teachings of Buddha and explore ways to live a more meaningful life. I appreciate how the video breaks down the Five Precepts with practical examples, making it easier to understand and apply in our daily lives. It's a reminder to cultivate compassion, honesty, and mindfulness in all our actions. Also, thanks for the tip about NordVPN at the end - digital security matters too!

  • @guaylayhua5653
    @guaylayhua5653 2 роки тому +12

    Thank You for sharing! Being a better person & generating compassion & selfless love to all sentient beings , wishing all living in peaceful a world. 😀🙏

  • @trishseguin9373
    @trishseguin9373 Рік тому +3

    I just had a very interesting conversation with my neighbour about Buddhism and I am very interested in learning more

  • @decentdeeds481
    @decentdeeds481 2 роки тому +11

    This was worth it, but unfortunately very few people abide by all of these spiritual expectations. Amen!

  • @authoraidenriley3988
    @authoraidenriley3988 2 роки тому +22

    Fantastic video. I love how you illustrate each precept. I also adore your voice: It brings a calmness to the experience which heightens one's focus. Thank you!

  • @jasminyulo4713
    @jasminyulo4713 2 роки тому +12

    Thank you so much, for sharing this buddha wisdom video🙏🙏🙏💝💝💝

  • @SoloMotivation
    @SoloMotivation 2 роки тому +14

    No matter what’s going on in your life right now, i am very sure there’s something and somewhere you’re missing it, so try and get a means that will have you feeling inspired, motivated, and understood; so you can take your next steps to success.
    Because your success and greatness is my pleasure
    Thanks for reading
    I LOVE YOU 💝 ❤️

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 2 роки тому +9

    To live a good life we must be free from sin... we must meditate... we must do good deeds... and we must follow the dharma...

  • @ginacarmagnola
    @ginacarmagnola 3 місяці тому

    I absolutely love this videos! Thank you so much for all the dinamic teachings that spread good values and morals.

  • @LaughingGravy.01
    @LaughingGravy.01 2 роки тому +7

    Wonderfully clear and concise. Thanks!

  • @KidFresh71
    @KidFresh71 2 роки тому +5

    Wonderful guidance. If only we could remove our ego's ability to rationalize our nonproductive and destructive behavior.

  • @jeannettestuckelschwaiger5071
    @jeannettestuckelschwaiger5071 Рік тому +2

    Buddha ask not believe him blindly. Deep réflexions are needed. Personal direct experience his teachings and then making your own choice. No threats of punishment for you and your family till 4 generations, no promises to heaven. Do your own homework first. Use your own capacity to reflect. I like it.

  • @kumarnitin3148
    @kumarnitin3148 11 місяців тому

    Thank you for this!

  • @MindfulExplorations-op7bg
    @MindfulExplorations-op7bg 11 місяців тому +2

    One of the best teachings ever, thank you 🙏🏻 I needed this.

  • @arianna3910
    @arianna3910 Рік тому +115

    This is quite an interesting video with great content, thanks for sharing.....
    Building a great future will require making changes to your life now. Whether having a great future to you means having a family, a high-paying job or getting into your dream school, it’s the things you do today will affect your tomorrow. You will have to plan and make deliberate changes in your life.>>

    • @MillionaireGoldDealer2
      @MillionaireGoldDealer2 Рік тому +4

    • @MillionaireGoldDealer2
      @MillionaireGoldDealer2 Рік тому +4

      > When you read articles about financial freedom, you may hear people talk over and over again about how they spend next to nothing to be able to retire at a younger age like 30. Instead, they may have already achieved financial freedom and boast about how frugal they were in order to retire well before the typical retirement age.

    • @Aless.D
      @Aless.D Рік тому +2

      < It really amaze me how i made it from living an average life to making huge profit everyday, all thanks to Sherman Williams Trading for helping me grow my account with the little i invested with him. I honestly don't know how he does it but he surely makes it happen.

    • @H_lucas
      @H_lucas Рік тому +1

      It a good thing to see someone who also benefit from Sherman Williams Trading, I'm not surprise because that man is really dominating the trading zone with his profitable strategies.

    • @Aless.D
      @Aless.D Рік тому +2

      >>In the scale of 1 to 10 I'm going to give him 9, just because no one is perfect but when it comes to making cool profit for his clients. I don't think i can explain his effort and work done

  • @lilbatty
    @lilbatty 2 роки тому +10

    Great video I love your buddhism vids. 🐹

  • @maunglwin3842
    @maunglwin3842 10 місяців тому

    Thank you very much because very well explain.

  • @SabinTee
    @SabinTee 2 роки тому

    Finally someone who fit the birthplace right. THAVK YOU

  • @rishi1613
    @rishi1613 Рік тому

    Thanks a lot

  • @HenryHarvey-es5ru
    @HenryHarvey-es5ru Рік тому

    Thank you very helpful video 😀

  • @xyz4236
    @xyz4236 2 роки тому +1

    Hi guys
    IAM from Nepal 🇳🇵 .

  • @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248
    @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248 2 роки тому +1

    "Кеше баштан ак тукымага уралган кебек, ак тукымага сузылмаган тәненең өлеше булмас; Шулай да, монах тәнен саф, якты аңлау белән үтерә. Чиста, якты аңламый Аның бөтен тәненең бернәрсә дә юк. "
    (Ангуттара Никая, 5.28)
    кеше баштан ак тукыма белән утырган кебек, ак тукыманың өлеше булмас өчен, аның тәненең өлеше булмас; Шулай да, монах тәнен саф, якты аңлау белән үтерә. Чиста, якты аңламый Аның бөтен тәненең бернәрсә дә юк. "
    (Ангуттара Никая, 5.28)
    Джана осталыгы - зирәклек билгесе
    "Мин дүрт сыйфат белән булган кешене бөек кеше булу өчен дүрт сыйфат белән игълан итәм, бөек кеше. Кайсы дүрт?
    "Моның эше, брахман, ул күп кешеләрнең иминлеге һәм бәхете өчен өйрәтә һәм асыл ысулында күп кешеләр булдырган, ягъни сокландыргыч нәрсәнең дөреслеге, оста.
    "Ул уйларга тели, һәм уйларга теләмәгән уйлар уйламый. Ул теләгән карар кабул итә, һәм ул теләгән карар кабул итмәячәк. Ул фикер йөртү юлларына карата акылның осталыгы алды.
    "Ул ирешә - ул теләгән вакытта, авырлыксыз, авыр, дүрт джана, монда психик дәүләтләр, хәзер рәхәт хәлдә көчәя.
    "Психик фермортацияләр беткәч - ул булып кала
    Ферментлаштыру - ирекле аңлау һәм зирәклек - чыгару һәм зирәклек - редакцияләү, монда хәзерге вакытта үзе өчен турыдан-туры билгеле һәм аңлады.
    "... Мин бу дүрт сыйфат белән булган кешене зур зирәк, бөек кеше булу өчен игълан итәм."
    (Ангуттара Никая, 4.35)
    Джхана, аңламагыз, кул белән
    Яна юк
    зирәклек булмаган кеше өчен,
    Зирәклек юк
    берәү дә джана белән.
    Ләкин берәү дә Джания белән
    ул агый
    .Әр сүзнең.
    (Даммапада, 372)
    ял итү һәм эчке тынычлык өчен образлар уйлануыннан (су тавышлары)
    Бу юл күрсәткән образ - сез үзегезне океанда күз алдыгызга китереп, салкын океан суында йөзеп, салкын океан суында йөзеп, океан телендә йөзегез. Бу турыда әйтелгән образлар ял итү өчен, стрессны, борчылуга һәм үткән хаталарны җибәрергә, алда әйтелгән барлык яхшы әйберләрне алда ". Шуңа күрә тискәре эмоцияләрне уңай энергияләр агып китсен, сезгә сәламәтлек һәм савыктыру. Мин һәрвакыт бик яхшы су тавышын бик яхшы табам, ул бик яхшы стресс коралларын су кебек, су кебек су, ул риплол белән океан дулкыннары яки яңгыр белән, бу месмеризацияләнүче ритм бар һәм Чын эчке тынычлык. Шуңа күрә бу җитәкчелекне тыңлагыз, сезнең уйларыгызны һәм акылыгызны һәм көчегезне савыктыру юлын таләп итегез.
    Игелекле бер Мейтрея Будда уянды, 121-нче елда 121) классик игелекле татар
    1 өлеш - MAITREAREA проекты, Кушинагар, Уттар Прадш, Indiaиндстан.
    Бу проектның күренеше, архитектурасы, һәм
    хәйрия программалары. Аның изгелегеннән Далайи Лама, Лама Зопа Ринпое һәм башка бик күп рухи лидерлар.
    2 өлеш - MAITREAA проекты Йөрәге Релик Транд.
    Йөрәкнең торышын кичерер өчен сәяхәт белән сәяхәт итегез, йөрәкләрне бөтен дөнья кешеләре рухландыра, яратучан игелекне үстерә һәм акыл-тән өзлексез чистарта. Реликаларның матур күренеше үз эченә ала.
    3 өлеш - Мейтрея Тынычлык уйлануы.
    Мәрүрешкә тыныч уйлану Мәхәббәт-игелек турында уйлану йомшак тавыш белән укыла, шуңа күрә тыңлаучы йомшак, үзләре һәм тышкы дөньяда тынычлык китерә ала.
    "Бөтендөнья тынычлыгы эчке тынычлыктан үсә. Тынычлык көч куллануның булмавы түгел. Тынычлык - кеше кызгану күренешен күрсәтә. "
    - Аның изгелеге Далай-Лама.
    MATRAYA проектының максаты - китерү:
    - Төньяк Indiaиндстанда миллионлаган кеше өчен озак вакытлы социаль-икътисади файда.
    - Дөнья җәмәгатьчелегенә рухи файда.
    MATREAY проекты эшчәнлегенең төп юнәлеше төзелә:
    - Кушинагардагы Ушинагардагы 500ФТ / 152 м бронза сафы Кушинагарда, Уттар-Прадеш штатында.
    - Боджджая, Бихар штатында Маитреяның 1504м / 45 м сынавы.
    Төньяк Indiaиндстанда Кушинагар һәм Бодхганая грамоталылык булган төбәкләр
    Ставкалар бик түбән, миллионлаган кеше бик ярлылыкта яши, яшәү игелекле һәм ир-ат хезмәтенә тая.

  • @random23334
    @random23334 2 роки тому +3

    I wonder if over/misuse of technology/social media can be classified under an intoxicant.

  • @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248
    @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248 2 роки тому +1

    Дөрес тәртип әхлакны үстерүне (Сила) һәм концентрацияне (самади) дигәнне аңлата. Белем зирәклекне (панна) -. Дөрес тәртип белән тавыш бирелә. Дөрес белемнәрне күрә алу белән чагыштырып була. Әгәр бер яки икенчесе җитмәсә, кеше уңышсыз булыр. Кеше юмарт булырга һәм белем орлыкларының даими әхлакый кагыйдәләрен саклап калырга мөмкин, ләкин ул күзәтү көненә әверелсә, ул кеше игелекле уянган бер Будда метейяны очратырга мөмкин, ләкин уяна алмый. Әгәр дә белемнәр эшләнсә, дөрес булмаган тәртип киләсе игелекле уянган бер Буддадагы очрату мөмкинлекләре аз булыр, бу игелекле кеше арасында (Антара-Каппа) бу игелекле белән уянган бер Буддха таралуы аркасында.
    Венера телгә алынган дөрес булмаган тәртип мисаллары. LEDI SIDIWAW: FIOS, физик чараларда начар сакланган, сөйләмдә чиксез сакланган, сөйләмдә, пычрак уйланмаган. Мондый тәртип түбән өлкәләрдә, яисә киләчәк тормышта яңадан торгызу дигәнне аңлата. Әгәр дә бу рәвешчә эш итүче кешеләр югары дөньяда уңышланырга туры килсә, аларның юмартлыгы булмау авырлыклар, сынаулар, сынаулар белән очрашачаклар. Әмерләрне саклап калма аша, алар, мөгаен, бәхәсләр, бәхәсләр, ачу, нәфрәт белән очрашырга мөмкин; Theyәм алар авыруларга һәм авыруларга бирелергә мөмкин. Бу түбән дөньяларга алып барган чаралардан саклану авыррак итәчәк.
    Ләкин, шулай да, бүгенге кеше иртә белән уяу булырга әзер иде. Әгәр дә бу тормышта дөрес тырышлык ясалса, ул кеше ким дигәндә уянуның беренче этабына ирешә ала һәм Сотапанна була ала. Аннары, аскы өлкәләрдә яңадан туарга мөмкин булган теләсә нинди эшне башкару мөмкин түгел.
    Бу андый кеше киләсе игелекле уянган бер Буддаданы күрү мөмкинлеген аңлатмый. Ахырда, кире кайтаручы буларак, ул Судхаваса Брахма Дөньяларында яңадан туарга мөмкин, һәм бу дөньяларда тормыш гомерләре берничә Будада карьераларын башкара ала. [146]
    Әгәр дә бу гомердә уянырга җитәрлек камилләштерү (парами) кирәк булса, кирәкле көч куймаса, бу Дева дөньясындагы киләсе тормышта Соотапанна булырга мөмкин. Әгәр дә андый кеше уянырга алып барган факторларны эшләмәсә, ул тулысынча бу Бу Будда тарату вакытында, киләсе игелекле вакытында чыгарылыш вакытында чыгарылышка ирешә алачак,.
    Венера. Реди әйтүенчә ,āдаwның бу тормышта башкарылачак эш турындагы күрсәтмәләрен әйтелә. [147] Берсе унбиш яхшы эшнең беренче унбер эшләрен үтәргә тиеш (Карана-ДамМamma), [148] яу, яһүд дәүләтләреннән кала барысы да. Беренче дүрт гамәл - әхлакый булу: (1) әхлакый булу, [149] (2) Хисләрне ишекләрен саклау, 3) ашауда уртача булу, (4) уяу булу.
    Киләсе җиде сыйфат - җиде яхшы дәүләт (Саддамма) игелекле уянган, игелекле уянган, патша гит үзәге гражданнары өчен төрле саклыклары белән чагыштырганда: [150]
    Игелекле уянган бер Буддадагы иман (саджа) тирән урнаштырылган баганага охшаган.
    Тыйнаклык (Хири) тирән, киң сазлык кебек, шәкерт тән, сөйләмдә һәм акылда дөрес булмаган тәртиптән оялмый.
    Начар эштән кыскартылу (Отаппа) шәһәр тирәсендәге биек, киң юл кебек, һәм шәкерт тән, сөйләмдә, акылда дөрес булмаган тәртиптән качу белән мәшгуль.
    Зур өйрәнү (Бах-Сакка) сөңге һәм кылычның зур коралларына охшаган. Күп ишеткән кешене хәтерли, кем ишетелгәнен исенә төшерә, һәм кем моны кадерли, игелекле кешене белгән кешенең уянган бер Будда тәгълиматы дигән кешене аңлата.
    Энергия (Вирия) шәһәрне яклаучы зур армиягә охшаган, чөнки кеше квалификациясез психик дәүләтләрдән котылу өчен энергияне үстерергә, квалификацияле психик дәүләтләр белән түзгән.
    Акыллылык (сати) билгеле булмаган кешеләргә керүдән баш тарткан һәм билгеле кешеләрдә генә кредит бирүче акыллы, акыллы капка сакчыга охшаган. Кеше акыллылыгы һәм дискриминациянең иң югары дәрәҗәсе булырга тиеш.
    Зирәклек (Panna) гипс белән капланган биек, киң рампарт кебек. Кеше (кисүдән читтә) күтәрелү һәм егылу зирәклеге булырга тиеш, заявкалауның тулысынча юк ителүенә китерә торган затлы камыш белән.
    Бу яхшы кешеләрнең җидесе кешегә ялгыш эшләргә һәм яхшы эшләрне үстерергә, гаепле нәрсәләрне ташларга һәм гаепсезлекне ташларга мөмкинлек бирә. Шулай итеп ул сафлыкны үстерә.

  • @gurudra
    @gurudra 2 роки тому +7

    We were supposed to be happy naturally but the problem is that we try too hard being unhappy🙏

    • @kyrerymmukk7446
      @kyrerymmukk7446 2 роки тому +3

      Supposed to be happy naturally? There's no "natural" plan or path to follow, only what we make of right now.

    • @apricotsapricotsapricots
      @apricotsapricotsapricots 2 роки тому +2

      I agree. Unhappiness can be an addiction.

    • @andrewmanford
      @andrewmanford 2 роки тому

      Not sure what you mean by 'supposed' to be happy naturally.

    • @remymarinas6306
      @remymarinas6306 2 роки тому

      @@kyrerymmukk7446 7u

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 Рік тому +3

    Love is the golden rule... in any religion...

  • @RodBrites
    @RodBrites 2 роки тому +2

    Kinda funny after Buddha teachings we get an offer to a software that allow us to watch whatever we want regardless of our region… we all know what that means… I guess it is up to each one of us decide if breaking copyright regional laws is stealing or not… maybe it is a test to see if anyone of us go past principle #2…

  • @Che_Guna
    @Che_Guna 7 місяців тому +1


  • @smlanka4u
    @smlanka4u 2 роки тому +4

    The Buddha didn't tell the monks to be vegetarians. If a monk can somewhat verify that someone didn't kill an animal to cook for the monk, then the monk can accept the food and eat it. Thank you so much.

    • @sadiaarman363
      @sadiaarman363 2 роки тому +2

      There are other mistakes too. It's a poor video

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 Рік тому

    *.…. and the truth shall set you free...!"

  • @namastetonihao
    @namastetonihao Рік тому

    Interesting Perspectives, Thank you! We create videos on Taoism and Buddhist teachings, and love connecting with this community to grow our knowledge! ♥💛💚💙🧡

  • @pedrozaragoza2253
    @pedrozaragoza2253 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you.
    Gloria in Excelsis Deo! 🙏

  • @EveryThing4U_OK
    @EveryThing4U_OK Рік тому

    Very good video

  • @colincrisp1592
    @colincrisp1592 2 роки тому

    Tricked by the light. Wayne Bush soul trap Cheers

  • @Davlavi
    @Davlavi 2 роки тому +1


  • @stoicdarwin
    @stoicdarwin 2 роки тому

    Commenting for the algorithm

  • @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248
    @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248 2 роки тому

    MATREAY проекты бу төбәкләргә файда китерәчәк:
    - Ярлы ярлы гаиләләрнең авыл балалары өчен белем, этик үсешне, академик казанышка басым ясаган уникаль укыту программасын кулланып; башлангыч, урта һәм һөнәри белемен каплау.
    - Халыкара стандартның сәламәтлек саклау.
    - Төзелеш вакытында меңнән артык кеше, шулай ук ​​киләчәккә тотрыклы эшләр булдыру һәм төбәккә меңләгән бәйләнешле эш алып килүен тәэмин итәчәк эш һәм сәүдә.
    - Төбәкнең бай рухи мирасы белән бәйле туризмны хуплау.
    - күп яктан башка инфраструктура яхшыртуына катализацияләү һәм йогынты ясау.
    Ике сыннар да, тәхет биналары һәм парклары белән, традицион һәм заманча изге сәнгать аша фатихаланачак.
    Озын һәм кыска вакыт эчендә MAITREA проекты регион иминлегенә зур өлеш кертәчәк һәм социаль җаваплы үсеш моделе булырга омтылачак - ким дигәндә 1000 ел дәвам итәчәк.
    Хәзерге вакытта, Маймея проектының йөрәге, яратучан игелек, мафорьа проекты аша бөтен дөнья кешеләренә маикаль экскурсия. Релик экскурсияләр бер гуманитар һәм рухи традицияләрне берләштерә, 1000 дан артык буддашлар калдыкларының үзенчәлекләрен уртаклашып, Бөтендөнья гуманитар һәм рухи традицияләр булдыру өчен.
    http: //www.maitreyaproject.org/en/en/ind ...
    Тән энергиясе
    Крис Хинзе
    Тибет тәэсирләре
    UA-cam Premium алыгыз
    Ma Maeawati Ji ЧӘЧ итеп CM игелекле бер маитрея проектын уятырга тырышканда.
    Хәзер бөтен дөньяны уяу булган кешеләр иң биек игелекле урнаштырырга теләгәннәр, Кушинада Кушинара сыны иң кечкенә конфессия бүләк иткән. Шулай ук ​​күпчелек заманча крематорий белән мәңгелек бәхеткә ирешергә теләүчеләр өчен уйлану үзәге.
    Төркем моны теләр.
    * Игелекле уянган бер Буддха метития *
    Намо Тасса Бхагаватато Аратато Саммасамбудхасса
    Дасабодхисатта-Упдевамса да, анагатавса да, буддха меттыя белән очрашырга теләсәләр, кешеләр нәрсә эшләргә тиешлеге турында күрсәтмәләр бирәләр. Бу Бу Будда тарату вакытында ким дигәндә ирешү өчен бу бик мөһим, чөнки без күргәнчә, игелекле уянган бу Буддхаетяны бу дөнья циклында тору өчен уянган. Әгәр дә кеше бу дөнья циклында уянса да килмәсә, тагын бер мөмкинлек алу бик авыр булачак.
    Дасабодхисатта-Упдесада, [142] Будда Готма вебка. Сарипутта, "Минем физик тәнемне күрмәячәкләр. Әгәр дә алар минем тәгълиматларым (Сазана) очратмасалар, әхлакның үсешен (Бхана), алар җимешләре белән, алар Игелекле уянган вакытта без кабак булыр, Оянган Бербудда Ария Меттемия. "
    Бу өч гамәл - Мактаулы эшнең нигезе (Пунна). [143] Бу гамәлләр аша кеше биек самолетта барлыкка килергә мөмкин. Акылны үстерү Яна штатлары аша вакытлыча чистартуга китерә. Ләкин ул шулай ук ​​зирәклеккә китерергә мөмкин (Випасана) һәм чын азатлык.
    Анагатавамса [144] күбрәк мәгълүмат бирә. Игелекле уянган бер Буддха меттыя белән танышу өчен, кешеләр көч куярга һәм нык булырга тиеш (дальта), агитацияләнгән акыл белән (Уббигга-Манаса). Без бу "агитацияләнгән акыл" дигәнне аңлата була, бу ашыгыч рәвештә (Самвега), актуаль ихтыяҗны тормышка ашырудан азат итүне аңлау. Яхшылык эшләүчеләр һәм уяу булганнар - алар Биххус, Биххунис, гарменнар яки яшен, киләсе игелекле бер Буддага очрый алачаклар. Будда зур хөрмәтле булганнарның барысы да игелекле кешене искиткеч җыелышны күрәчәкләр, мраулы игелекле уянган бу Буддхе кетия. Изге тормыш (брахма-кария) практик булырга тиеш. Бүләкләр (DANA) бирергә тиеш. Күзәтү көннәре (упозату) сакланырга тиеш. Ярдәм игелек (метта) игътибар белән үсә булырга тиеш. Якын яки мактаулы гамәлләрдә рәхәтләнеп, ахыр чиктә Бәхетне (Дукда) бетерү мөмкин булачак.
    Венера. LEDI SIDI SIDIW [145] Яхшы тәртип буенча (карана) һәм дөрес белемнәр (Vijja), киләсе игелекле бер Буддага каршы торырга кирәк икәнлеген күрсәтә.

  • @barbasolable
    @barbasolable Рік тому


  • @katibzasworld9788
    @katibzasworld9788 2 роки тому

    🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊Thank you

  • @VaBellaBeautz
    @VaBellaBeautz 9 місяців тому

    Respect all sentient beings 🐮 🐷 🐐 🐓 🐶 🐱 … Be Kind Always 🙏 friends not food

  • @somethingyousaid5059
    @somethingyousaid5059 2 роки тому

    Like love, happiness is a need. All needs are inconvenient.

    • @TrojansFirst
      @TrojansFirst 2 роки тому

      Happiness is a natural by product of enlightened activity.

    • @somethingyousaid5059
      @somethingyousaid5059 2 роки тому

      I'm merely emphasizing the fact that it's an inconvenient need, that's all. It forces the human being to be wholly dependent on what he isn't even guaranteed to have very much of over the course of his life. Never mind that before good ol' mom and dad forced him to have that need, he wasn't inconvenienced by it.

    • @TrojansFirst
      @TrojansFirst 2 роки тому +2

      @@somethingyousaid5059 got it, when it’s a need it creates craving and is therefore problematic. But it’s possible to experience a happiness that is independent of conditions from a deep and consistent meditation practice.

    • @somethingyousaid5059
      @somethingyousaid5059 2 роки тому

      I can't imagine how happiness could be experienced independent of conditions. Even so, I'm in no position to argue it. I haven't practiced any meditation (deep or otherwise).
      Anyway, thank you for acknowledging my point. There are many who would not.

  • @naphat.art.shop1
    @naphat.art.shop1 Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @Buddhasecret2024
    @Buddhasecret2024 24 дні тому

    The Five Precepts in Buddhism serve as a moral foundation for ethical living, guiding practitioners to avoid harm, cultivate compassion, and develop mindfulness in daily actions!

  • @ThetkhaineOo
    @ThetkhaineOo 10 місяців тому


  • @heavenlypath1065
    @heavenlypath1065 2 роки тому

    Do Taoism next

  • @randymarsh1729
    @randymarsh1729 Рік тому

    2:15 and 7:10 spelling errors. great video !!
    although many intoxicants lead to mindfullness and advanced beliefs, but alchohol is for sure destructive and as harmful as you say

  • @jefflovenc
    @jefflovenc Рік тому

    ive tried all possible fun........ life is just repeating sorrows and boringness.........

  • @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178

    What if you have an insect infestation in your house? Should we kindly place the insects outside?

  • @sudhishpuliyathamil804
    @sudhishpuliyathamil804 2 роки тому

    What about meditation?

    • @ninagraczyk6120
      @ninagraczyk6120 2 роки тому +1

      well, meditation is a daily practice that gets rid off suffering and also one can get to know oneself and focus on one's mind, emotions, thoughts etc.
      It's like prayer for Christians but you 'pray' to yourself instead

  • @Lexthebarbarian
    @Lexthebarbarian 2 роки тому

    Exactly. Buddha was not born in India, but in Nepal. Buddha is Nepalese from a warrior aristocrat linage.

  • @mraidin321
    @mraidin321 2 роки тому

    At the end of the day, this exercise teaches us that, in many cases, looking trippy in public isn’t as bad as we believe. Sure, we might get some looks and giggles, but these don’t hurt, now do they? The Cynic philosopher good life of Sinope used to sleep in a barrel on the streets, walking around in ragged clothes, ‘pleasured’ himself in public, and tripped balls with people who walked past him. He fucked what people thought of him. Therefore, no one was able to hurt him.

  • @MicroLiberman
    @MicroLiberman 2 роки тому

    I have a friend who doesn't believe in Luck but Karma, and I was confused about not knowing the difference between Luck and Karma.

    • @MammothMorals
      @MammothMorals Рік тому +1

      Luck is simply having good fortune while karma is having good or bad fortune based off your actions

    • @helloalanframe
      @helloalanframe 9 місяців тому

      Karma means action.

  • @xxxtentacionfan1557
    @xxxtentacionfan1557 Рік тому


  • @juanro343
    @juanro343 2 роки тому +1

    Nod to Pitch Meetings.

  • @nyeinsone4550
    @nyeinsone4550 Рік тому

    I am buddhism :)

    @MARStheFORSAKEN 2 роки тому +2

    So to be a Buddhist is to stave to death without any advancements for the survival of yourself or family silently while in isolation not performing any action that might make the prossess less discomfortable....

    • @user-Void-Star
      @user-Void-Star 2 роки тому +4

      These percepts are mainly for those who want to break the cycle of the Samsara. If you don't want to break the cycle then you can take some of these percepts as for your short term benefit.

    • @traceler
      @traceler Рік тому +2

      Buddhism is not like that. Buddha said "Stop do not do harm, do good ( for yourself and others ..) Purify your mind. That is all the basic teachings/ live your life with solid ethics. Does staving to death is good for you or your family u others? Obviosly very advanced practitioners and yogis need to do other things that regular people do not need to do, like practicing Tumo , etc ( in Tibetan Buddhism).

    • @helloalanframe
      @helloalanframe 9 місяців тому


  • @TrojansFirst
    @TrojansFirst 2 роки тому +1

    What about coffee? Even green tea would be off limits?

    • @ninagraczyk6120
      @ninagraczyk6120 2 роки тому +2

      if you're not addicted to coffee or tea, then everything is fine!
      Every Buddhist is different, the opinions are super subjective

  • @SamO4rmWestHtwn
    @SamO4rmWestHtwn 2 роки тому +2

    Bhudda cool. But he a lil too strict

  • @andrearenee7845
    @andrearenee7845 2 роки тому

    That goes for all military!

  • @ronaldtan1434
    @ronaldtan1434 2 роки тому

    Namo Amituofo

  • @ahmadkazemi8728
    @ahmadkazemi8728 2 роки тому

    it's mostly common sense, and common sense is not common among common folks.

  • @buddhaneosiddhananda8499
    @buddhaneosiddhananda8499 2 роки тому

    I feel that this teaching is out-moded for this time... things have changed...

  • @TrojansFirst
    @TrojansFirst 2 роки тому +3

    My problem is the ant infestations that I sometimes get in my house. Unfortunately I have to clean up and that means the intentional killing of these ants. Does this mean I am equivalent to Kim Jong Un?

    • @michaelblankenau3129
      @michaelblankenau3129 Рік тому +1

      Unfortunately yes… if you can somehow make it up to the ants then the karma cycle may be broken and you yourself will not come back as an ant . Good luck.

    • @ct0903
      @ct0903 Рік тому

      Omg that's genocide I hope your karma won't be to bad 😂

    • @TheZenMindfulness
      @TheZenMindfulness 10 місяців тому

      Hahaha, you’re hilarious

  • @Degjoy
    @Degjoy 2 роки тому +1

    Any time I hear "no exceptions" I hear a warning sound!

  • @johnalbert5786
    @johnalbert5786 2 роки тому

    So…… no Buddhist can be a politician.

  • @mindfulmatters3856
    @mindfulmatters3856 2 роки тому +1

    What should we do to the mosquito if not killing it

  • @BroccoliRocks
    @BroccoliRocks 2 роки тому

    Almost the entire video is about the 5 precepts.

  • @RLP90Gdpy-qv8jt
    @RLP90Gdpy-qv8jt 9 місяців тому

    Buddha said
    everyone is afraid of death.
    so don't kill any living baing.

  • @sadiaarman363
    @sadiaarman363 2 роки тому +1

    Plz be careful about the accuracy of historically acknowledged facts. Buddha was born into royalty. He was the first son of the King of Lumbini, not born into an aristocratic family as you say. He was a prince and lived a typical princely life till he had the realizations. There were at the time many other people who renounced the worldly life in search of spiritual heights. Buddha was following the culture. He had more influence than many others or at least further into modern history bcz he was a prince and he had substantive spiritual achievement

  • @Whitebro111
    @Whitebro111 Рік тому +1

    Sorry buddhaascar danna kiwala hitunm 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️scar walin thora munak labewwa labewwa lbaewwwa 🙏🙏🙏❤️

  • @Hi-Im-Matt-Murray
    @Hi-Im-Matt-Murray Рік тому


  • @jesuschristsaves1955
    @jesuschristsaves1955 2 роки тому +1

    Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also
    ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
    - 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 KJV
    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:13 KJV
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    - John 3:16 KJV
    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    - John 14:6 KJV
    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12
    For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. Romans 5:10
    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
    And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
    - Mark 1:15 KJV
    He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    - John 3:36 KJV
    Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. 2 Timothy 1:9
    For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:16

    • @whatistruth_1
      @whatistruth_1 2 роки тому +3

      How does the knowledge that your religion and it's worship of deities will die off like all ancient religions. Christ will join the likes of Zeus, Hades, Neptune, Ra.

    • @gaityx9385
      @gaityx9385 Рік тому

      Damn I wonder who reads these

  • @joejoe9979
    @joejoe9979 Рік тому

    Normal life is the most beautiful life.

  • @michaelmorbius9070
    @michaelmorbius9070 2 роки тому

    So Buddha was a vegan teacher

  • @BigLeagueChew11
    @BigLeagueChew11 10 місяців тому

    Ok what if the person I'm dating is 21, but still falls under the protection of mother and father (she's living rent free until she finishes her degree). Have I committed a sexual misconduct?

  • @martinwarner1178
    @martinwarner1178 Рік тому

    Only got as for as the mossie....then I added up all the animals I eat in a year...nah.. not for me fella. Peace be unto you.

    • @MammothMorals
      @MammothMorals Рік тому

      Plenty of plant based alternatives exist now that taste great. Maybe watch how the animals you eat die before consuming them? Pigs are commonly gas chambered, chickens electrocuted, Male chicks are grinded as they are useless in the egg industry and veal is a byproduct of dairy.

    • @martinwarner1178
      @martinwarner1178 Рік тому

      @@MammothMorals I accept that, and life and death. I don't feel right as a veggie animal, parents were, they voiced the same. Peace be unto you.

  • @TheExistenceClass0
    @TheExistenceClass0 2 роки тому +1

    Simply Buddha is saying avoid life

    • @xyzpeace7814
      @xyzpeace7814 Рік тому +1

      Ur life is killing, lying, gossiping, adultery, full of jealousy?? Do u want to live this life

    • @TheExistenceClass0
      @TheExistenceClass0 Рік тому

      @@xyzpeace7814 yes afcourse I want that in heaven all the Interesting people are missing

    • @MammothMorals
      @MammothMorals Рік тому +3

      If that is what equates as "life" for you then I truly feel sorry for you.

  • @discr1709
    @discr1709 2 роки тому +1

    Well, I was doing really well until #5. 👀

  • @martinwarner1178
    @martinwarner1178 Рік тому

    Do remember that an Indian take away killed the Buddha. Peace be unto you.

  • @MicroLiberman
    @MicroLiberman 2 роки тому

    Let us be careful when we consider things as good or bad, as these depend on the context and settings.

    • @heavenlypath1065
      @heavenlypath1065 2 роки тому

      Can rape be justified?

    • @traceler
      @traceler Рік тому

      no all. taking a sentient being life is bad for the one who lose his precious life. All action that results in pain for oneself is bad, and since Buddha was aware of Karma he warned that if we behave giving pain to others , we will suffer and our mind will be out of balance and peace. It is not about relativism or politics at all but about what benefit or harm you.

  • @sheesh9050
    @sheesh9050 2 роки тому

    am still eating animals tho

    • @MammothMorals
      @MammothMorals Рік тому +1

      Maybe try some plant based alternatives to align your actions with your morals. Watching how your food is killed while it screams for its life is also a helpful tactic.

  • @umakapil2434
    @umakapil2434 3 місяці тому

    What you say about Islam is correct. But how all these religions have come up. This is important to understand. All powers are there. These many religions have recently surfaced in the world. Previously, there was no religion. Even Hindus religion was not there. So, this present state of many religions is because of combat & grappling of many Powers. However, when all this has happened & lot of violence is taking place because of eruption of many religions, one balmy & soothing culminating is that some authors have written about” “ Whisper of Immortality “which will take over & no wheat will start spreading slowly & surely. Let us see what happens. But at same time, combat of Life forces & deadly forces will continue.
    In regard to eruption of various religions, He does not manufacture so many religions & like fight amongst them. His, one who created this Universe sim is to show you the correct & the last path of “Whisper of Immortality “ & no wheat & take you to Original Home. The appended message gives you a small glimpse off how & what transpired to manufacture all these religions. And, His path is OK. Hope, you understood the path of OK because it originated with consent from the creation of woman in the Universe by Him. And, marriage was solemnized.
    January 29,2023
    Hello Pastor Andrewji,
    Thank you sir for pointing out Biblical riddle.
    The error had happened in the history of supernatural powers. The “ manufacturing of various religions has taken place owing to this & still the solution to this “ riddle” has not been coming albeit various communities have been trying. It is indeed dismaying to see after “ manufacturing of various religions “& “manufacturing of various languages “people have started doing various strange duties in the society which has further complicated the original problem. In fact, the God or Upperwala has nothing to do at all with these types of manufacturing. Here, the correction is required. In other words, let His kingdom come & His will will be done explains this in nutshell. His actions & Orders to resolve the various crises emphasize & highlight His Power & existence.
    The following enclosed small note will elucidate this problem which may be of academic interest to you.
    There are so many religions in the World. Therefore, the question arises who made these religions why? Those who believe in the power game or the existence of various powers in the forms of various Gods or Goddesses in the Universe , naturally would like to pose this pertinent question. And, generally, all amongst us will be evasive to answer this.
    Nevertheless,the powers are there & struggle & grappling is also there. Perhaps, because of some ominous power struggle in the Universe, these many religions emerge. We have to see the power grappling in the right perspective to understand this. When universal powers are at loggerheads then new & new religions can emerge. Many great learned earthly men & women can believe believe this but at the same time can do nothing to challenge it. Therefore, if you can’t fathom this nor you can challenge this.
    However, if all the religions have continued to exist, there is no harm. Let them proliferate & peacefully continue albeit from time to time, the Wars have increased & multiple after the advent of many religions in the World. We all know that the Wars in the world were very few before many religions or no religion as the intensity of the wars was moderate or very fewer deaths & less destruction took place. In other words, there is greater significant progress in the Wars & deaths after the creation of many religions.
    Obviously, this is one obnoxious aspect of the many religions which has dawn upon all the humanity.
    But the main question here is still persisting awesomely. That is what the whole humanity strives to achieve. Perhaps, the eminent English poet Elliot answers that the present scenario is lamentable in that it is empty men or hollow men in the world after the “ manufacturing of various religions. Again, he emphasizes that it is a dead land & cactus land. We have lost our jaws of kingdom. Further , he says when the eyes will reappear enabling them to go back home etc etc”
    So, Elliot regrets this sorry state of affairs but remains hopeful that one day the promotion will be coming or done out of all this morass. His efforts in that direction are not over. He feels that the humanity is striving for the right direction. When it happen , it does not matter.
    In other words, Elliot laments the progress of humanity into various religions as it deprives the man of earning power on his own. The exposure by him is somewhat pernicious but his longing for the man’s earnings is natural because it is missing on his own power. He knows that this is an invincible point which has got settled. But he is hopeful & longing for appearance of the right eyes to restore the natural laws of humanity.
    Looks like he will feel immensely happy to achieve his earning power with his own power which has been missing hitherto. Surely, Elliot did the right thing to write & it is natural.
    At the same time, you are aware that in the grappling of powers, some 5000 years ago, the Christianity came into being or was created. In the new power set up, there was a deviation from the natural principles as explained in the penultimate para.This is openly resented by Elliot & hosts of other authors in the world. But after seeing the phenomenal rise of the promotion or natural principles, if you want the Elliot or his vanguard to back to same position of empty & hallow men ,will it be tolerated as for these 5 thousands years so far.
    Similarly, the same thoughts & application of mind are pervasive in regard to this same problem in relation to other religions who have emerged. Actually, these new religions like Muslim or anybody else for that matter , will feel the same in regard to their earning if some powers are relentless to overpower them vis-a-vis their earnings in the ongoing match of the power game.
    If in grappling of powers, they see unexpected Order & win in the earning game, they can only be thankful to the Upperwala in the power game as He is the created of the life & Universe. In nutshell, understanding the various powers & its grappling & struggle in the game that matters. Who did & who did not? Which Power just wants to reduce them to negligible status or not? This Elliot theory or principle stands is very dominant here. Because if they win they live or else they are shattered & are beggars.
    Therefore, the theory of various religions is not unfathomable as many people are always trying to make out. It is simple as it is Power game or Power grappling in which some powers trying to dominate the weak to conquer their natural thinking & manhood. In short, coming back of Elliot again into the World is not bad &!is a robust & healthy sign.

  • @jackbrady9738
    @jackbrady9738 2 роки тому

    3:29 do insects have an Entity? ??? Proof?????

    • @MammothMorals
      @MammothMorals Рік тому +1

      They have brains and can feel pain. Their experience of life and intelligence may be severely less than ours but does that condone us to kill them?

  • @Gitohandro
    @Gitohandro 2 роки тому +1

    Lol chickens are not mammals silly

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 2 роки тому

    *You can't change anything... You can ONLY watch the short Movie, you believe to be reality !*

  • @sunwalkermusic
    @sunwalkermusic 2 роки тому

    Sorry Buddha, but I love weed.

  • @hs7921
    @hs7921 Рік тому

    Just another set of religious rules.

  • @Bill_tyler
    @Bill_tyler 2 роки тому +1

    Shit… I’m screwed! I hunt, eat meat and work leather

    • @colincrisp1592
      @colincrisp1592 2 роки тому +3

      Yep your in screwed May be become a Christian

    • @Bill_tyler
      @Bill_tyler 2 роки тому +1

      @@colincrisp1592 I am lol

    • @colincrisp1592
      @colincrisp1592 2 роки тому

      @@Bill_tyler boy you are in a fix cheers

    • @gmlgml780
      @gmlgml780 2 роки тому

      You're so much done.
      Bad - bad karma.
      You will reincarnate
      as a worm.
      Or even better,
      you will be one of the
      animals what you hunt now.
      This life is very consistent.
      But don't think of that
      as a punishment.
      No, this life is way above that.
      Way above some revenge.
      This life is very loving and
      caring as well.
      This is just the plain effect
      of your sinful life.
      It's your fault,
      next time you will live
      a more peaceful life.
      You should have been
      Buddhist amen.

    • @colincrisp1592
      @colincrisp1592 2 роки тому

      @@gmlgml780 in a dessert

  • @Godsplan277
    @Godsplan277 8 місяців тому

    5 bhuddist lies

  • @idresskhan2415
    @idresskhan2415 9 місяців тому

    don't worship the buddha .... worship the one Allah . who create the whole world . ...... say : there is no one the worthy of worship but Allah and mohammad is the messenger of Allah.

    • @helloalanframe
      @helloalanframe 9 місяців тому

      Nobody is saying to worship the Buddha. Even the Buddha didn’t say that.

  • @jessicajae7777
    @jessicajae7777 Рік тому

    i remember when i was young my mom would say dont kill buddhas bugs. it was funny then as a child not actually understanding. now i just try to catch and not smoosh(sometimes its impossible) and evict the spider out of my house. catch and release has a different meaning entirely in my house. in the fish world thats horribly cruel. how would you like a hook through your lip? and YES they can feel it and it does hurt. i cant believe people tell themselves and others that a fish cant feel pain with a hook in their lip then torn or ripped out! thats terribly ignorant. willful ignorance is the worst kind because you know youre wrong but refuse to learn truth so you can be comfortable with yourself with your delusions so as to not have to take responsibility for making bad decisions