Tuning a Moog Etherwave standard & plus theremin - by Maurizio Vento

  • Опубліковано 9 лис 2024


  • @nancymounir
    @nancymounir 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you very much, this video saved my life ❤ I have a concert after tomorrow with the theremin and I thought it was not going to be fixed but thanks to your video only it was possible. Grazie mille

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  6 місяців тому

      I'm really glad to read this :-) You are very welcome!

  • @dmitryklenin
    @dmitryklenin 2 роки тому +1

    Grazie mille! This video helped me a lot.

  • @DanielEMacKay
    @DanielEMacKay 4 роки тому +1

    I used this video once again, and thank you again.

  • @DanielEMacKay
    @DanielEMacKay 5 років тому

    This is very helpful. I just tweaked L6 my Etherwave so my pitch knob was back in a useful range. Thank you very much.

  • @uembeck
    @uembeck Рік тому

    Mille grazie.

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  Рік тому

      È un piacere poter essere utile!

    • @kakslapsen6185
      @kakslapsen6185 Рік тому

      Dear Maurizio, do You have experience with the tuning of a Italian Pegna Satie II- Theremin ?

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  11 місяців тому

      @@kakslapsen6185 Hello, I only own the Pegna EF-50, iI never had a Satie II. I suggest you to contact Mattia Pegna on FB, he is a very kind musician and will help you.

  • @ivanski28
    @ivanski28 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for this saved my life. Much more useful than the manual!! Molto grazzi

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому

      I'm glad i helped you. You are welcome!

  • @timowillecke8117
    @timowillecke8117 3 роки тому


  • @tricelbor
    @tricelbor 3 роки тому +2

    First, listen to see if the pitch goes higher or lower as you draw your hand away from the pitch antenna. If it goes higher, adjust L5 so that the pitch descends through the zero point and then starts rising again; now it should be in the right direction. The next step is to grasp the pitch antenna and adjust L5 so that the frequency you hear is in the neighborhood of 3.8 kHz. L5 and L6 interact, so there will be a decent amount of back-and-forth between the two adjustments. Once you have the top end around 3.8 kHz, move your hand away and see where the zero point is located. It will likely be too close (too short a scale range); to adjust, stand at arm's length from the pitch antenna and reach over from the left to adjust L6. You want to adjust it so that the zero point is about an arm's length from the pitch antenna. Generally this involves turning the lug in L6 in the same direction as you adjusted L5 to get the top end.
    The first time you do this, it will probably drive the top end higher than you wanted it to be, so go back to grasping the pitch antenna and turn L5 in the appropriate direction to get back in the neighborhood of 3.8kHz. Notice which direction it went (higher or lower) as a result of setting L6; and overshoot in the appropriate (opposite) direction to cut down on the number of times you have to go back and forth between the two adjustments.

  • @Paul_305
    @Paul_305 Рік тому +1

    Great video. My EW Standard's pitch has gone screwy. Knob at 12 o'clock and pitch descends as i move towards antenna. I contacted moog and they advised against calibration as long as I was able to achieve a playable range🙄

  • @bendrasin
    @bendrasin 6 років тому +1

    Good video, helped me with tuning a EW I bought second hand which was badly out of tune. You could add more detail on the last step, by explaining what effect it will have to bend the wire close vs far away from the aluminum panel

  • @nic8810
    @nic8810 5 років тому

    Thanks from me also, this was really helpful

  • @Jurgen67nl
    @Jurgen67nl 6 років тому

    Thanks! This is very helpfull.

  • @eliotfintushel
    @eliotfintushel 4 роки тому

    Maurizio, many thanks! One cavil . . . the Moog manual says to remove "the temporary shorting connection across C28" before adjusting the C11 volume slug. You don't mention this. I tried your method, without ever touching C28, and it seemed to work fine, as you describe. Explanation?

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому

      Hello Eliot. Moog Music’s manual suggests to remove the temporary shorting connection across C28 because they previously suggested to temporary connect the two leads of C28 together in the “TUNING THE PITCH CIRCUIT” paragraph; if you follow my directions to tune the pitch, you don’t have to connect the two leads of C28 and so when you tune the volume they are already separated. Regards

    • @eliotfintushel
      @eliotfintushel 4 роки тому

      @@redazione1199 Many thanks!

  • @MahmoudALMeligy
    @MahmoudALMeligy 4 роки тому

    great video, and only video!! thank you
    I want to ask you about an issue I get with my theremin!
    It changes its tunning to a smaller range alone on its own!!
    is this a problem? or i should tune it again form inside like the video?

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому +2

      Hello! Thank you for watching. Re your question: if this occurs in the first 20/30 minutes after switching on, it is absolutely normal.

    • @MahmoudALMeligy
      @MahmoudALMeligy 4 роки тому

      @@redazione1199 yes it does!
      should the range would normal after 30 minutes??
      the pitch knob is totally to the left, and the range is close to the antenna!
      will try now and get back to you will leave it on for 30 minutes!

    • @MahmoudALMeligy
      @MahmoudALMeligy 4 роки тому

      and do you know what is the size of the allen key pls used for theremin please? i need to buy a plastic one.

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому +1

      ​@@MahmoudALMeligy Hello try to find the right zero beat so that it is good only after 30 minutes. The biggest changes occur in the very firs minutes, but your theremin could be different due to different component tolerances. The important thing is that it remains stable after 30 minutes, if the room temperature is stable of course. Pitch know should then stay "near" the center position.

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому +1

      @@MahmoudALMeligy go here and look for "trituner": www.coilcraft.com/tools.cfm

  • @seagallo64
    @seagallo64 4 роки тому +1

    Salve Maurizio, sono molto interessato all'acquisto di un theremin a breve ho visto che per migliorare la linearità del campo e la risposta ai bassi bisognerebbe mettere l ESPE01, questo discorso risale al 2014. Mi domando se nel frattempo in fabbrica non hanno effettuato questo upgrade. Così comprandolo ora non sia superflua tale modifica

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому

      Salve. Il modulo è stato ideato da Thierry Frenkel e non è stato mai installato direttamente dalla casa madre, nemmeno nelle ultime produzioni. È opzionale e installabile a casa con un po' di dimestichezza con il saldatore. Se non sei pratico, suggerisco di spedire l'apparecchio a Thierry Frenkel a Colmar in Francia e lui provvederà alla installazione e successiva ottimizzazione del tuo theremin.

  • @Monica_Salvi
    @Monica_Salvi 4 роки тому

    Hi Maurizio, even though this is a great explanation, I am terrified of doing something wrong if I start tweaking the insides of my Etherwave. I bought a second hand one yesterday, and although it appears in great shape, there's no sound coming out of it. Do you know anyone in London who could help figure out what's going on? I would like to avoid sending it to Thierry by mail..

    • @Monica_Salvi
      @Monica_Salvi 4 роки тому

      p.s. se sei Italiano, puoi anche rispondermi in italiano! :)

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому +1

      Ciao Monica, prima di spedirlo controlla che il connettore di alimentazione sia infilato fino in fondo sul retro. Se è correttamente inserito, e non si sente alcun suono dalla cassa indipendentemente dalla posizione del pitch, la migliore e forse unica soluzione è inviarlo a Thierry per la riparazione; non solo sarà in grado di ripararlo, ma provvederà ad ottimizzarlo e migliorarlo in linearità. Per qualunque altro dubbio non esitare a contattarmi. Ti lascio il mio contatto facebook:

    • @Monica_Salvi
      @Monica_Salvi 4 роки тому

      @@redazione1199 Grazie Maurizio, sono riuscita a far funzionare il theremin, ma il suono che ne tiro fuori e' orribile e molto piccolo tipo un ronzio di un'ape, niente a che vedere coi theremin provati in passato in un workshop di Lydia Kavina. Sono comunque in contatto con Thierry adesso, quindi una volta finita sta situazione di clausura, provero' a mandargli il mio theremin!

  • @MahmoudALMeligy
    @MahmoudALMeligy 4 роки тому

    OKay I have to tune it with Metal allen key! cant find the plastic one at all!!
    is it that dangerous to do it?

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  4 роки тому

      Do not use it, buy the plastic one. here's a reference: www.coilcraft.com/tools.cfm and look for "trituner". A metal allen wrench could crack the ferrite core.

    • @DanielEMacKay
      @DanielEMacKay 4 роки тому

      I wouldn't. a) it's difficult b) the metal inside the inductor could cause dangerous voltages to other parts of the circuit and c) there's a chance you'll break the movable part and then you have to replace the inductor.

  • @davidalessandrini4359
    @davidalessandrini4359 Рік тому

    Ciao quindi agendo su l6 aumenta il range del campo ?
    Perché sto notando dopo molto tempo che lo uso , guardando vari filmati che quelli molto bravi hanno un range di movimento più ampio del mio , faccio melodie semplici ma mi devo muovere in un range di movimento più piccolo ( più difficile )

    • @redazione1199
      @redazione1199  Рік тому +1

      In realtà occorre agire su L5 per aumentare il range, ovvero per ridurre il numero di ottave a disposizione. Tuttavia, facendo ciò, crescerà lo spazio a disposizione per le singole note, ma di contro non si avrà una spaziatura omogenea fra le note nelle varie ottave, poiché la distanza fra le singole note sarà maggiore nelle note gravi e inferiore nelle note acute, per via del design costruttivo dell'etherwave. Per questo viene regolato in fabbrica per garantire una spaziatura il più omogenea possibile fra le ottave ed L5 andrebbe toccato solo in caso di tuning ormai fuori taratura.