Me too! My thoughts and prayers are always with all of Ryan’s kids. I was so happy to see their reunion photos a few weeks ago. I did notice, she didn’t look like she felt very well then. Hang in there my friend! Everything is temporary!
Tatum, your mother was so talented. Her voice was incredible on andy griffith. I couldnt believe how beautifully she sang that song. A first-rate songstress. Such a beautiful, gorgeous woman. I am so sorry she had such pain and tragedy. I read that your mother's mother, father, and sister all died in a one-car crash. (the father a couple days later from the injuries). I also read she worked hard to eliminate her southern accent. Oh no! I loved her accent so much on andy griffith. It is so wonderful to hear you honor your mother so much. She still gives me a great deal of pleasure. I honor her so much.
Your words....perfect. (Brenda Anne Du Faur) Everything I would want to express about the very lovely Joanna Moore. I only wish the producers of The Andy Griffith Show had cast her in more episodes. We were robbed! Such a talent. And I can only hope that one day Tatum sees this. Your mother was loved and most appreciated. The Andy Griffith Show is one of my all-time favorite shows and the episodes your mother was on are beautiful. You are lucky - you look exactly like her! :) I have so enjoyed following your career, as well. I just read both of your books and enjoyed them. Your honesty and openness about your growing up years is brave. Best to you-
@@smallworldafterall09 To Sam Smith: it is so wonderful to hear people being a witness to Joanna Moore's beauty and talent. She had the most incredible figure. Such a great beauty. She had a unique quality as an actress. Like she was effortlessly floating and tilting to the sun. She was a total natural. I have never heard an accent like she had. Sheer exquisiteness. Sheerly unique. I could have listened to her all day reciting the phone book. So great how Tatum is standing up for her mother and honoring her.
This interviewer is so insensitive and rude. Describing Tatum's mother as if all she ever was was an addict. It's clear that Tatum's still in pain. But Kelly doesn't seem to give a crap... Tatum is beautiful and very brave given how she was brought up and the "father" she has to deal with. And she's right, people rarely take the time to understand. They only judge
Really in the big scheme of things, having your family is the most important thing. If not family then friends and if not friends then at least pets. Pets make wonderful companions. The love us unconditionally.
Tatum has her mother Joanna's beauty. I have always loved her and her work and will always be team Tatum. I wish her the best and hope she realizes one day that you are not defined by your setbacks and mistakes but what you did with them to improve and learn from them.
When I was a 10 year old girl living in Riverside, CA in 1974, I watched the Oscars. I watched Tatum O'Neal win for best supporting actress. I turned to my mother and said, "Mom, I want to win an Oscar just like Tatum O'Neal. We had seen "Paper Moon" and we liked the film. So my mother says, "Oh, you want to be on TV?" I said, "No, I want to be in the movies". So she got me an agent named Betty Ruby in Hollywood. They took a bunch of photos of me and picked out the best of 4 in 1 photo to get me started. I ended up moving back to IL where I was born. I think Tatum is one of the coolest people around!
Tatum to Megyn: "I'll just stop you there ..." good for her, Megyn had summed her mom up in two words: addict and alcoholic, and Tatum did not let that go unanswered.
@Marcel Audubon I agree with you there and I liked how she corrected Megyn regarding her mother, she wasn't going to sit there and agree with Megyn and she did it in such a way where she wasn't rude about it but she wanted to set her straight on the facts Tatum is so confident and mature in many of her interviews and Megyn isn't really sincere when she speaks or interviews these actors. She pretends to be but she just doesn't get it right.
@Katharina K. Really? What makes Kelly a demon, I am intrigued that you said that. As for drug addiction being a disease, I am on the fence about that. I can't see it being an disease, it is called a disease because so many psychiatrist (sp) and physicians have written thesis papers and research about it and so THEY call it a disease. But I think that an addiction is an addiction and I cannot see the result as it being a disease because if you call it a disease it makes one not face that it was their choice to try the drug in the first place. So I just call it an addiction and that is that. The drug creates the addiction, but I can't see it as it being a disease.
Meghan kelly was so rude to label Joanna Moore as a drug addict. Joanna moore was gorgeous and unique and a wonderful actress and she had a sublime voice. Many people adored her. Every time i see her on andy griffith it is a great treat. She did many roles on television.
I wanted to listen to more about Tatum O'Neal's life and growing up and how she feels now. I didn't know that she felt morally bankrupt throughout her life. I found her to be so talented at such a young age. I mean she won an Oscar at 10 and she was so popular growing up. I wanted to hear more about her addiction and when it started. This upload doesn't give enough time to really listen to the actor's life and I haven't seem her for such a long time. I think that she is very talented and should have received more roles as she got older.
It's amazing how good things look on the outside to what's really going on. Her parents were gorgeous looking people. I saw photos of them as a family ryan joanna & their two kids tatum & griffin who are " irish" twins about 10 months apart & they looked like this beautiful all American family that could be on a magazine cover all 4 w/ golden hair & green & blue eyes. So sad that it only lasted a couple years. I was horrified & disturbed after reading Tatum's book. Joanna had a horrid life herself & got hooked on speed like other actresses in the old Hollywood studio system & never got clean. She was such a non functioning parent that ryan got full custody of the kids which in the 60s was very rare for a mother to lose her kids. Ryan immediately put them in boarding school where they would have been better off away from both parents. Some people just are not meant to have kids. I honestly give tatum & griffin so much credit for surviving literally their childhood. Ryan is a malignant narcissist who mentally physically & emotionally abused his kids. Read her book it's all there. Also in the many years since the book came out others have confirmed things tatum has said. Redmond went on a violent crime spree a few years back & last I read he was not fit to stand trial b/c he has " wet brain " & his i.q. & motor functions are diminished from the severe drug abuse that started at age 12 when the brain is still forming completely. So 3 out of his 4 kids that he directly raised all have had serious drug problems since childhood & all have been arrested at least once. Redmond literally was on his 15th rehab when a paper life came out 15 years ago. Also the 3 kids came from 2 different moms so the common denominator is ryan. The one child he did not raise turned out normal b/c his mom had custody. I'll never understand why Farrah would have a child w/ a man like ryan when she saw first hand how he treated his 2 eldest children. He actually just left them to fend for themselves at 15 & 14 ! & moved on to farrahs. I think when farrah & ryan split she had no idea how to handle 13 year old redmond who was already an addict. She really should have demanded custody of that child. The judge let the kid decide where he wanted to live & he chose Ryan's house b/c to was no rules & could do all the drugs he wanted whereas Farah from what I gather was not a drug addict or drinker It's sad how cycles continue. Tatums mom lost custody of her kids & then tatum lost custody of her kids. Tatum also married john McEnroe who has grown up a lot & seems like a together mature person now but when he was young it's funny tatum married this fiery controlling irish american like her dad , although I think john was a way better person & parent on his worst day then Ryan on his best day. I wish tatum the best
Ms. Kelly - An alcoholic IS an ADDICT....(addicted to booze) I love Ms. O'Neal.....however, addiction can only be arrested.....not overcome (cured). Pick-up the first time and game on....let the chaos begin. I wish her well....she's wonderful....
Her story about her dad makes me think too much about my dad. I understand trying to find a place in your heart and life and history for your dad without shattering your soul.
I love Tatum. She was robbed of her childhood and innocence. I did too so I can relate to her. My parents were self-absorbed and selfish which created lifelong abandonment issues for me.
My thoughts and prayers are always with all of Ryan’s kids. I was so happy to see their reunion photos a few weeks ago. I did notice, she didn’t look like she felt very well then. Hang in there my friend! Everything is temporary. Lean on God and your wonderful children for your strength. Prayers
Tatum is a truly gifted and talented actress, but her life has been no picnic. If you have read her books, it's no wonder she had struggles with addiction. I'm a recovering addict and she's absolutely right about it not being a moral issue. I am grateful to her for shining a light on that.
Love how she stopped and carried the narrative for her mother. God bless her, she's healed from her mom's neglect and gets why. She's spreading the word to get rid of sexism and agism in film and allow real artist to grow.
Her father was a narcissist and then she married one. Watching the Oprah series with her dad - it’s very obvious her dad’s supply source is incredibly low and he uses Tatum as his primary source of supply. Very sad to see. The way Ryan speaks to his female ‘friend’ is also beyond disgusting. Ryan is only now pretending to want to help Redmond because Farrah was smart enough to leave all of her money to him.
I m same age, you feel like you grew up w her, loved her in paper moon bad news bears, little darlings...didn t really know the trouble in her life though, hope she is happy now
@ JR Pacer Exactly, this is her mother and she wasn't going to put her mom down on national television and Megyn should not have gone there in the first place. BAD on Megyn, she doesn't have a lick of sense and that is for sure.
Tatum is genuinely authentic in every way! She was not given a chance to follow through.. I hope that she heals and finds that her strength lies within so that her DNA can keep her the authentic master she is! She can do wonders with young and upcoming actors! She is a natural! god bless her!
It is amazing that she was able to do this and say all of these things. So open and honest. Good for you Tatum. It is also amazing that Megyn “Santa is White” Kelly let her talk so openly for such a long time.
I was an almost child star. Filmed a pilot in Burbank in 1982. It never aired. I got a few commercials and then aged out at 14. I felt like a failure. Turned to drugs and booze. Came out on the other side, clean over ten years now.....
"Patriarchy maybe" poor Tatum, she was beautiful and her father was awful. It's been a tough road overcoming him and an alcoholic mom. Your heart goes out to her. She has a daughter who seems always on her side. Blessings find their way in. May peace find her. "Patriarchy" is just bitterness and resentment misplaced.
She always appears sad to me. Her young life was particularly misguided. I also loved her name ... one of the first unusual names. "Paper Moon" has been playing on network TV the past month where I live and I've watched it 4 times.
@Juan Franco Di Lorenzo I disagree, I didn't see that about her. I was interested in her as a human being and wondered why she went through so much as a person. I went through some very painful things myself and was thankful that I had some good friends to hold me up because my parents were not there for me either and I was trying to figure myself out too and these were very difficult times, I didn't have a drinking problem but I did drink socially but not to the point where I needed help because I was really out there on my own needing to work 3 jobs at a time but I did have eating disorders that were not addressed and other problems. But I can see that Tatum did have to address these problems on her own and I can see that she is a sad person.
She goes back and forth with her opinions on her marriage and her father. It’s hard for me to watch her after the O’Neals. She is narcissistic like her dad just a different kind. She’s covert and he’s overt.
I, and my whole, entire, full family, all, also, truly, currently, and always, will pray, so very very very very very very hard, and earnestly, for Ryan O'Neal's, Tatum O'Neal's, Griffin O'Neal's, and Redmond O'Neal's genetically inherited, family, drug addiction, mental disorder, and their depression disorder, for Griffin O'Neal's melorheostosis, for Tatum O'Neal's rheumatoid arthritis, and once again, for Ryan O'Neal's cancer, hopefully, not, eventually, killing him.
I grew up with Tatum O'Neal and am a big fan, but although addiction can transgress into "disease" and some people definitely have a propensity for it , it is technically voluntary, whereas other afflictions are unavoidable (like cancer or hereditary heart disease, etc;).
I don't like Megyn Kelly for some reason, but I like her guests because she has guests that I haven't seen in a long time and it is the only reason why I watch this show. As for Kelly, she comes off as phoney in her personality.
It's a shame they didn't use their connections and experience to educate her and keep her out of what they knew to be a poor environment, especially for a child from a family of addicts.
I think Ryan was having some private daddy time with her and she went cookoo. Happens more than you think, heard, Evan Rachel wood. These poor souls end up insane and drifting in a fantasy world.
I feel there is truth behind her her dad and her brothers I believe each played a roll in where they are today good bad and in between... I believe her dad is telling truths and lies but so is she and her brothers but I believe they all can and will get over this and it will all sort out...
She made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Yet people in the audience hang on her every word.As well as comments here that refer to her wisdom.The rant of a obvious neurotic.God help all of us if this is what passes for wisdom today.
She wasn't defensive at all. She was expressing her viewpoint on different things in her life - nothing defensive about that. Clearly you don't know how to read body language or interpret behaviour.
Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice, a sin. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life; no-one comes to God except through Me (John 14:6). Jesus wants you to to cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Only by repenting of sin and trusting in Jesus to guide your life are you spiritually safe for all eternity. I encourage you to prayerfully read The Holy Bible.
Tatum O’Neal are you kidding me you had every opportunity that a male actor would have been saying anything different it’s just unbelievably wrong. Now you might of had a drug problem and I feel bad for you for that but don’t say you didn’t have the same opportunities as a man.
You are right. Its NOT a disease. Real diseases afflict people at random. At no choice of their own. Drug addiction ALWAYS starts w a choice. And a bad one at that.
addiction is a disease. This is highly misunderstood. Yes, people are responsible for their actions, but it is also proven through medical science people with addiction issues are wired differently. People who have no such issues do not understand how addiction can take a life of its own. People who are alcoholics and drug users never start out thinking they are going to get addicted. They start like anyone else, usually in a social setting with friends, but quickly their lives spiral out of control. Unlike the social user who can take it or leave it. once the person identifies they have an issue , yes, it's up to them to fix it, but once it takes hold it's not always so easy to do so.
Suey frist you have your own opinion. Second maybe you need to read up . They say it's a disease so that insurance companies will pay. Again it's not cancer kidney disease people do not choose to have a disease people choose to drink and do drugs. You nor anyone else will change my mind. I think it's disgusting how people use that for an excuse I do not feel sorry for any addict they will steal anything that's not there's plus they steel your love and your life. So maybe you should get your facts right.
Grateful for Her authenticity and courage to stop the conversation, and then later redirect to a point that She came there to make-
👏 Bravo Tatum
I met her at a celebrity show and she was just as gracious and as nice as could be! Love her! Always have!
I know Tatum. She is a former client here in Beverly Hills and she is really a wonderful person. I am always on her side.
Me too! My thoughts and prayers are always with all of Ryan’s kids. I was so happy to see their reunion photos a few weeks ago. I did notice, she didn’t look like she felt very well then. Hang in there my friend! Everything is temporary!
Tatum, your mother was so talented. Her voice was incredible on andy griffith. I couldnt believe how beautifully she sang that song. A first-rate songstress. Such a beautiful, gorgeous woman. I am so sorry she had such pain and tragedy. I read that your mother's mother, father, and sister all died in a one-car crash. (the father a couple days later from the injuries). I also read she worked hard to eliminate her southern accent. Oh no! I loved her accent so much on andy griffith. It is so wonderful to hear you honor your mother so much. She still gives me a great deal of pleasure. I honor her so much.
I always enjoyed Joanna Moore's work as well, Tatum is a stunner perfect mix of her mother and father.
Your words....perfect. (Brenda Anne Du Faur) Everything I would want to express about the very lovely Joanna Moore. I only wish the producers of The Andy Griffith Show had cast her in more episodes. We were robbed! Such a talent. And I can only hope that one day Tatum sees this. Your mother was loved and most appreciated. The Andy Griffith Show is one of my all-time favorite shows and the episodes your mother was on are beautiful.
You are lucky - you look exactly like her! :)
I have so enjoyed following your career, as well. I just read both of your books and enjoyed them. Your honesty and openness about your growing up years is brave. Best to you-
@@smallworldafterall09 To Sam Smith: it is so wonderful to hear people being a witness to Joanna Moore's beauty and talent. She had the most incredible figure. Such a great beauty. She had a unique quality as an actress. Like she was effortlessly floating and tilting to the sun. She was a total natural. I have never heard an accent like she had. Sheer exquisiteness. Sheerly unique. I could have listened to her all day reciting the phone book. So great how Tatum is standing up for her mother and honoring her.
Brenda Anne Du Faur, Yes. Love hearing what she has to say about her mother.
Yes i love Joanna Moore on andy griffith show also alfred Hitchcock presents...bewitched...and others i am missing
This interviewer is so insensitive and rude. Describing Tatum's mother as if all she ever was was an addict. It's clear that Tatum's still in pain. But Kelly doesn't seem to give a crap... Tatum is beautiful and very brave given how she was brought up and the "father" she has to deal with. And she's right, people rarely take the time to understand. They only judge
PBFR91 Very true. Tatum has some wonderful insights into her family and herself. I am proud of her for continuing to speak out so honestly.
PBFR91 her mom was addicted to alcohol leaving them alone and unsupervised
I agree megan has that smuge..smeerk..
Meghan Kelly overated for sure.
Raised by wolves, married abuse, she has gained so much wisdom. Horrible father and husband.
Tatum is always so lovely, gracious and such a good honest person. Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m such a big fan of Tatum. I loved her memoir “Paper Moon” (haven’t read her new one yet). She is a survivor. Love her!!
Really in the big scheme of things, having your family is the most important thing. If not family then friends and if not friends then at least pets. Pets make wonderful companions. The love us unconditionally.
I LOVE her. Tatum is SO BEAUTIFUL and WHAT AN ACTRESS. I'm so sad the life she lived. I wish Tatum was in MORE t.v or movies SHE'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Tatum has her mother Joanna's beauty. I have always loved her and her work and will always be team Tatum. I wish her the best and hope she realizes one day that you are not defined by your setbacks and mistakes but what you did with them to improve and learn from them.
When I was a 10 year old girl living in Riverside, CA in 1974, I watched the Oscars. I watched Tatum O'Neal win for best supporting actress. I turned to my mother and said, "Mom, I want to win an Oscar just like Tatum O'Neal. We had seen "Paper Moon" and we liked the film. So my mother says, "Oh, you want to be on TV?" I said, "No, I want to be in the movies". So she got me an agent named Betty Ruby in Hollywood. They took a bunch of photos of me and picked out the best of 4 in 1 photo to get me started. I ended up moving back to IL where I was born. I think Tatum is one of the coolest people around!
congratulations on your Oscar! #LoweredExpectations
Tatum to Megyn: "I'll just stop you there ..." good for her, Megyn had summed her mom up in two words: addict and alcoholic, and Tatum did not let that go unanswered.
@Marcel Audubon I agree with you there and I liked how she corrected Megyn regarding her mother, she wasn't going to sit there and agree with Megyn and she did it in such a way where she wasn't rude about it but she wanted to set her straight on the facts Tatum is so confident and mature in many of her interviews and Megyn isn't really sincere when she speaks or interviews these actors. She pretends to be but she just doesn't get it right.
Well ..thts wht she was.
@@mperry1329 Kelly is a Demon. But drug ADDICTION is not a disease. Sure she says so. But it's a moral choice. Plain n simple.
@Katharina K. Really? What makes Kelly a demon, I am intrigued that you said that. As for drug addiction being a disease, I am on the fence about that. I can't see it being an disease, it is called a disease because so many psychiatrist (sp) and physicians have written thesis papers and research about it and so THEY call it a disease. But I think that an addiction is an addiction and I cannot see the result as it being a disease because if you call it a disease it makes one not face that it was their choice to try the drug in the first place. So I just call it an addiction and that is that. The drug creates the addiction, but I can't see it as it being a disease.
Wonderful sober woman. She has a lot to teach
i love Tatum. have always been a fan. i am happy she is well. what a great lady
Meghan kelly was so rude to label Joanna Moore as a drug addict. Joanna moore was gorgeous and unique and a wonderful actress and she had a sublime voice. Many people adored her. Every time i see her on andy griffith it is a great treat. She did many roles on television.
Alcohol is a drug. Often, especially in Hollyweird it's combined with other drugs.
Tatum addressed this remark extraordinarily well!
Good interview Tantum.
She’s still beautiful and that speaks to her heart
wishing all the best for you, tatum
Titamonial is all class. 💯🏆💕 She's incredible thank you for doing such a great job 👍
She’s beautiful!
I wanted to listen to more about Tatum O'Neal's life and growing up and how she feels now. I didn't know that she felt morally bankrupt throughout her life. I found her to be so talented at such a young age. I mean she won an Oscar at 10 and she was so popular growing up. I wanted to hear more about her addiction and when it started. This upload doesn't give enough time to really listen to the actor's life and I haven't seem her for such a long time. I think that she is very talented and should have received more roles as she got older.
It's amazing how good things look on the outside to what's really going on. Her parents were gorgeous looking people. I saw photos of them as a family ryan joanna & their two kids tatum & griffin who are " irish" twins about 10 months apart & they looked like this beautiful all American family that could be on a magazine cover all 4 w/ golden hair & green & blue eyes. So sad that it only lasted a couple years. I was horrified & disturbed after reading Tatum's book. Joanna had a horrid life herself & got hooked on speed like other actresses in the old Hollywood studio system & never got clean. She was such a non functioning parent that ryan got full custody of the kids which in the 60s was very rare for a mother to lose her kids. Ryan immediately put them in boarding school where they would have been better off away from both parents. Some people just are not meant to have kids. I honestly give tatum & griffin so much credit for surviving literally their childhood. Ryan is a malignant narcissist who mentally physically & emotionally abused his kids. Read her book it's all there. Also in the many years since the book came out others have confirmed things tatum has said.
Redmond went on a violent crime spree a few years back & last I read he was not fit to stand trial b/c he has " wet brain " & his i.q. & motor functions are diminished from the severe drug abuse that started at age 12 when the brain is still forming completely. So 3 out of his 4 kids that he directly raised all have had serious drug problems since childhood & all have been arrested at least once. Redmond literally was on his 15th rehab when a paper life came out 15 years ago. Also the 3 kids came from 2 different moms so the common denominator is ryan. The one child he did not raise turned out normal b/c his mom had custody. I'll never understand why Farrah would have a child w/ a man like ryan when she saw first hand how he treated his 2 eldest children. He actually just left them to fend for themselves at 15 & 14 ! & moved on to farrahs. I think when farrah & ryan split she had no idea how to handle 13 year old redmond who was already an addict. She really should have demanded custody of that child. The judge let the kid decide where he wanted to live & he chose Ryan's house b/c to was no rules & could do all the drugs he wanted whereas Farah from what I gather was not a drug addict or drinker
It's sad how cycles continue. Tatums mom lost custody of her kids & then tatum lost custody of her kids. Tatum also married john McEnroe who has grown up a lot & seems like a together mature person now but when he was young it's funny tatum married this fiery controlling irish american like her dad , although I think john was a way better person & parent on his worst day then Ryan on his best day. I wish tatum the best
She's so pretty
She’s a beautiful girl
Ms. Kelly - An alcoholic IS an ADDICT....(addicted to booze)
I love Ms. O'Neal.....however, addiction can only be arrested.....not overcome (cured).
Pick-up the first time and game on....let the chaos begin.
I wish her well....she's wonderful....
Her story about her dad makes me think too much about my dad. I understand trying to find a place in your heart and life and history for your dad without shattering your soul.
She’s such a beautiful woman!! ❤️❤️
I adore Tatum O’Neal. Much respect.
Tatum is such a charismatic person . Love her .
Biografía en español de tatun oneal
Tatum is awesome!! I wish her all the best!!
I love Tatum. She was robbed of her childhood and innocence. I did too so I can relate to her. My parents were self-absorbed and selfish which created lifelong abandonment issues for me.
Yes it's hard to have a Narcassist parent
We have to parent ourselves; no matter how old we are. We have to figure out how to meet our own needs rather than look to others for affirmation.
Tatum is so gifted as a person and actress!
I’m glad Tatum called out Megyn defining her mother’s entire existence as ‘alcoholic’ and nothing more.
Tatum is absolutely beautiful!
I have always been a fan of Tatum O'Neal. I loved her in Paper Moon, The Bad News Bears and Little Darlings. She's awesome.
My thoughts and prayers are always with all of Ryan’s kids. I was so happy to see their reunion photos a few weeks ago. I did notice, she didn’t look like she felt very well then. Hang in there my friend! Everything is temporary. Lean on God and your wonderful children for your strength. Prayers
Megyn it’s not about YOU!
Tatum is a truly gifted and talented actress, but her life has been no picnic. If you have read her books, it's no wonder she had struggles with addiction. I'm a recovering addict and she's absolutely right about it not being a moral issue. I am grateful to her for shining a light on that.
Love her
Addiction is a horrific thing to have to witness someone go through. It is brutal.
Tatum Oneal is a beautiful woman.🌻
Love how she stopped and carried the narrative for her mother. God bless her, she's healed from her mom's neglect and gets why. She's spreading the word to get rid of sexism and agism in film and allow real artist to grow.
Her father was a narcissist and then she married one.
Watching the Oprah series with her dad - it’s very obvious her dad’s supply source is incredibly low and he uses Tatum as his primary source of supply. Very sad to see. The way Ryan speaks to his female ‘friend’ is also beyond disgusting.
Ryan is only now pretending to want to help Redmond because Farrah was smart enough to leave all of her money to him.
She is a survivor & strong & a inspiration. A really lovely woman.
This interview was just gwtting good. Why did they cut it off?
No mention on the 1985 movie "Certain Fury"... Whaaa!!??? Thats how I found out about her. Awesome roll on that movie
That movie also st as re starred Irene Cara.
I m same age, you feel like you grew up w her, loved her in paper moon bad news bears, little darlings...didn t really know the trouble in her life though, hope she is happy now
Glad she stopped her on bad talk about her mom...good or bad it's her mother...
@ JR Pacer Exactly, this is her mother and she wasn't going to put her mom down on national television and Megyn should not have gone there in the first place. BAD on Megyn, she doesn't have a lick of sense and that is for sure.
Actually, I disagree. Bad mothers need to get called out too.
LOVE YOU TATUM! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💯&❗️
Tatum is genuinely authentic in every way! She was not given a chance to follow through.. I hope that she heals and finds that her strength lies within so that her DNA can keep her the authentic master she is! She can do wonders with young and upcoming actors! She is a natural! god bless her!
Love Yatum O'niel Paper Moon she was adorable
Great to c her shes lovely
😍🌈 🌟🌿
It is amazing that she was able to do this and say all of these things. So open and honest. Good for you Tatum.
It is also amazing that Megyn “Santa is White” Kelly let her talk so openly for such a long time.
I was an almost child star. Filmed a pilot in Burbank in 1982. It never aired. I got a few commercials and then aged out at 14. I felt like a failure. Turned to drugs and booze. Came out on the other side, clean over ten years now.....
"Patriarchy maybe" poor Tatum, she was beautiful and her father was awful. It's been a tough road overcoming him and an alcoholic mom. Your heart goes out to her. She has a daughter who seems always on her side. Blessings find their way in. May peace find her. "Patriarchy" is just bitterness and resentment misplaced.
I had such a crush on her in Little Darlings. Kristy McNichol as well
tatum seems sad ...loved her name always and loved the paper moon
I think she's tired I know she did GMA, Wendy Williams, Megyn Kelly to promote the movie, not sure if it was all done in one day though.
She always appears sad to me. Her young life was particularly misguided. I also loved her name ... one of the first unusual names. "Paper Moon" has been playing on network TV the past month where I live and I've watched it 4 times.
she is a liar and the most needy person in the world
@Juan Franco Di Lorenzo I disagree, I didn't see that about her. I was interested in her as a human being and wondered why she went through so much as a person. I went through some very painful things myself and was thankful that I had some good friends to hold me up because my parents were not there for me either and I was trying to figure myself out too and these were very difficult times, I didn't have a drinking problem but I did drink socially but not to the point where I needed help because I was really out there on my own needing to work 3 jobs at a time but I did have eating disorders that were not addressed and other problems. But I can see that Tatum did have to address these problems on her own and I can see that she is a sad person.
Hi Tatum
Yr mom , Joanna Moore was so captivating on screen. Ill always remember her in the Alfred Hitchcock episode......
She goes back and forth with her opinions on her marriage and her father. It’s hard for me to watch her after the O’Neals. She is narcissistic like her dad just a different kind. She’s covert and he’s overt.
How she do in that movie?
I, and my whole, entire, full family, all, also, truly, currently, and always, will pray, so very very very very very very hard, and earnestly, for Ryan O'Neal's, Tatum O'Neal's, Griffin O'Neal's, and Redmond O'Neal's genetically inherited, family, drug addiction, mental disorder, and their depression disorder, for Griffin O'Neal's melorheostosis, for Tatum O'Neal's rheumatoid arthritis, and once again, for Ryan O'Neal's cancer, hopefully, not, eventually, killing him.
Tatum O'Neal is a true legend & a true survivor.
I grew up with Tatum O'Neal and am a big fan, but although addiction can transgress into "disease" and some people definitely have a propensity for it , it is technically voluntary, whereas other afflictions are unavoidable (like cancer or hereditary heart disease, etc;).
I see her winning another oscar. She gives me Patricia Neal vibes.
I don't like Megyn Kelly for some reason, but I like her guests because she has guests that I haven't seen in a long time and it is the only reason why I watch this show. As for Kelly, she comes off as phoney in her personality.
I agree. I don't like her either. She's the opposite of Tatum.
How is something anyone chooses to do an addiction?
read the link below Shari
Please get better Tatum
It's a shame they didn't use their connections and experience to educate her and keep her out of what they knew to be a poor environment, especially for a child from a family of addicts.
👌 😎
I think Ryan was having some private daddy time with her and she went cookoo. Happens more than you think, heard, Evan Rachel wood. These poor souls end up insane and drifting in a fantasy world.
I feel there is truth behind her her dad and her brothers I believe each played a roll in where they are today good bad and in between... I believe her dad is telling truths and lies but so is she and her brothers but I believe they all can and will get over this and it will all sort out...
Too much rambling on Tatum's part.
Michele Renee. I kept wondering what's wrong with her voice. Very strange
She made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Yet people in the audience hang on her every word.As well as comments here that refer to her wisdom.The rant of a obvious neurotic.God help all of us if this is what passes for wisdom today.
I really like Tatum. She doesn't sound or look sober though. Lots of rambling.
Megan is a pretty ladyboy!
Her acting was great and her first book. But watching her reality show she was very manipulative and narcissistic.
so sad she had to go to the whole patriarchy schpiel. Clearly, a rehearsed talking point.
Never liked her father. I believe he was the center problem of her own family.
Tatum was on the defensive throughout this interview.
She wasn't defensive at all. She was expressing her viewpoint on different things in her life - nothing defensive about that. Clearly you don't know how to read body language or interpret behaviour.
And YOU do? Show me your credentials if you think you know more than any of us.
Now that was a defensive reaction. See the difference?
@@trevl8955 touché
Her father was jealous of her talent!
When Ryan O'Neal found out his daughter, Tatum O'Neal won the Oscar for best supporting actress in 1973, he punched her in the stomach. True story.
What career?
Didnt she get another fatal overdose in 2020?
Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice, a sin. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life; no-one comes to God except through Me (John 14:6). Jesus wants you to to cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Only by repenting of sin and trusting in Jesus to guide your life are you spiritually safe for all eternity. I encourage you to prayerfully read The Holy Bible.
Please ugh
Slave in her own mind
Tatum sorry really respected u until u come on and 4 some reason blame everyone else.
Susan Scheafnocker Did I miss something? Where in this clip did she blame anyone?
@@bellagrace9812 CRAZY TROLLS!!!!!!
Tatum O’Neal are you kidding me you had every opportunity that a male actor would have been saying anything different it’s just unbelievably wrong. Now you might of had a drug problem and I feel bad for you for that but don’t say you didn’t have the same opportunities as a man.
She didn't. Clean your ears out. They were talking about her MOTHER Joanna Moore🙄
yeah another messed up kid career for most of it. again and again these kids end up drug users and serkiing an adult career often to no avail.
Addiction is not a disease.
very wrong - indeed it is - you need to read the literature.
You are right. Its NOT a disease. Real diseases afflict people at random. At no choice of their own. Drug addiction ALWAYS starts w a choice. And a bad one at that.
addiction is a disease. This is highly misunderstood. Yes, people are responsible for their actions, but it is also proven through medical science people with addiction issues are wired differently. People who have no such issues do not understand how addiction can take a life of its own. People who are alcoholics and drug users never start out thinking they are going to get addicted. They start like anyone else, usually in a social setting with friends, but quickly their lives spiral out of control. Unlike the social user who can take it or leave it. once the person identifies they have an issue , yes, it's up to them to fix it, but once it takes hold it's not always so easy to do so.
Suey frist you have your own opinion. Second maybe you need to read up . They say it's a disease so that insurance companies will pay. Again it's not cancer kidney disease people do not choose to have a disease people choose to drink and do drugs. You nor anyone else will change my mind. I think it's disgusting how people use that for an excuse I do not feel sorry for any addict they will steal anything that's not there's plus they steel your love and your life. So maybe you should get your facts right.
May i ask what experience of addiction you have yourself?What do you PERSONALLY know about it?
Weep weep
Tatum is full of excuses. Accept responsibility for your "choices"
The crack pipe in the baby buggy was the final straw for McEnroe!