WJC at UNHRC│WJC Highlights the Importance of Interfaith Relations

  • Опубліковано 3 кві 2024
  • GENEVA - The World Jewish Congress has been active at the ongoing session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, working to focus global attention on the plight of the remaining hostages being held in Gaza by Hamas.
    Viktor Eichner, WJC's Vatican representative, about the initiatives that WJC has established in collaboration with the Holy See and the Muslim World League to promote interfaith dialogue and combat antisemitism.
    Full text of statement:
    Thank you, Mr. President.
    Jewish communities around the world have experienced an enormous rise of antisemitism after the horrific attack by Hamas last October. From Europe to the United States, through Latin-America and beyond, Jews have lost their sense of safety and confidence in society. In times of crisis, true allies of the Jewish people emerge.
    The Jewish communities around the world are honored to count among our friends the Catholic Church which, ever since the publication of the historic Nostra Aetate, has been a strong supporter of the Jewish people and an ally in our fight against antisemitism. On the shadow of the horrific event of October 7th, the World Jewish Congress has opened its long-time planned representative office to the Holy See in Rome to maintain the close partnership and cooperation between the Catholic Church and the global Jewry. For us, interfaith dialogue is the pathway to peace and safety for everyone, and we pursue it with the tools of education, friendship, and conversations.
    Together with the Vatican, as well as with the Muslim World League, we host a joint Master’s program at the UN University for Peace in “Culture, Religions, and Peacebuilding," which we hope will become a first interfaith cooperation of this kind in our joint fight for peaceful coexistence.
    The World Jewish Congress would also like to commend the Vatican and express our gratitude to His Holiness Pope Francis for their support to fight antisemitism and ensure the safety of Jews in the diaspora.
    To build a world which is safe for Jews and Israelis, we call upon this Council to condemn antisemitism and hatred in all form and encourage dialogue and cooperation instead.
    Thank you.