Congruent and Incongruent Behaviors in Verbal and Nonverbal Communication



  • @joelport4982
    @joelport4982 5 років тому

    bhahaha "FINE mom, ill do the dishes!" - great breakdown.. thanks!

  • @theresistance3818
    @theresistance3818 4 роки тому

    Or ...when someone tells you "I love you" but completely ignores you. This is a life altering, learned behavior, affecting not only the individual, themselves but everyone they have a relationship with, too. There is nothing more painful than living a life, where your heart space is COMPLETELY out of sync with your behavior. #jsyk

  • @BertTheIndomitable
    @BertTheIndomitable 6 років тому

    You gave the best breakdown of the subject which I desperately needed so thank you, however the audio is far too low I had to listen to it in my car at full blast and it was still barely audio. I hope this helps. Thank you again!