Funniest video😍 CUTIS secretly go salon for the trendiest haircut

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @lydvisus1112
    @lydvisus1112 3 години тому +28

    This boy is a brainiac and more civilized and adorable than somee human kids, sooo delightful!❤

    • @brettdecker9733
      @brettdecker9733 3 години тому +1


    • @Jim-o8q6p
      @Jim-o8q6p Годину тому

      he is following commands and how did Cutis at 2.5 yrs lose his two front teeth and it looks like a couple bottom ones? I've seen old monkeys in the wild and their teeth are yellow or brown and look awful but Cutis is a young monkey. He must be given alot of refined sugar and they neglect to brush is teeth or else someone knocked out his front teeth.

  • @CrissFrance51
    @CrissFrance51 2 години тому +7

    Je suis remplie de joie quand je vois Cutis si heureux avec sa famille. Je t'aime mon Cutis je te souhaite une belle et longue vie ainsi pour toute ta famille. 💞🐒🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️🇲🇫🇲🇫

    @MONONENEESP-c2i Годину тому +62

    😂 CUTIS sneaking off to the salon for a trendy haircut is too funny and adorable!

  • @Sdfe_2992
    @Sdfe_2992 41 хвилина тому +3

    똑똑하고 지혜롭고 영리한 멋쟁이 큐티스가 깔끔하게 머리를 자르고 목욕을 하고 예쁜 옷을 입고 큐티스는 엄마와 앤니와 함께 키즈카페에서 행복하고 즐거운 아름다운 시간을 보내고 있는 가족들에 모습이 정말 멋집니다😍🥰🐒👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕

  • @lydvisus1112
    @lydvisus1112 3 години тому +19

    The boy drives a Benz🎉❤🎉

  • @chiquipellecer2378
    @chiquipellecer2378 3 години тому +8


  • @吳月明-o7m
    @吳月明-o7m 2 години тому +5


  • @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq
    @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq 39 хвилин тому +2

    Cutis knows everything. He’s Like true human.❤❤❤❤❤.you smells good cutis.

  • @AnisaNisa-y7t
    @AnisaNisa-y7t 3 години тому +8

    Wao cutis gunting Rambut ya

  • @Annyeong459
    @Annyeong459 3 години тому +10

    You re amazing Cutis boy! Look handsome in your new haircut. self independent. Better than a two year old human boy.👍👍🤗🤗❤️💜💙❤️❤️

  • @susielee5075
    @susielee5075 3 години тому +11

    Love your hair cut Cutis so handsome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @MercedesVentinilla
    @MercedesVentinilla 2 години тому +5

    Good looking Cutis 🐒 new haircut ilove it❤❤❤❤❤

  • @lydvisus1112
    @lydvisus1112 3 години тому +7

    Mom is adorable to both children❤

  • @janice705
    @janice705 3 години тому +16

    Bravo to the barber, he did a wonderful job. Cutis you are amazingly smart and so very handsome. He admires himself in the mirror, that is hilarious 😂😂 Mom, Yen Nhi and Cutis go to dinner together, so cute. Yen Nhi has such a beautiful personality and she really love Cutis very much. Love you Cutis and family❤️

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 Годину тому +2

    He loves his sister they are having so much fun, I just love this MOTHER she made a great mother for a wild monkey, THEY ARE ALOT OF WORK. But she made CURTIS into a sweet boy , tks for a great videro 10000 LIkes,

  • @brettdecker9733
    @brettdecker9733 3 години тому +7

    Cutis is styling! Love you and family

  • @kristinkristin8862
    @kristinkristin8862 12 хвилин тому

    Y Tuhan cutis sgt cerdas
    kesalon potong rmbt
    smpe rmh ngaca trus
    Cutis yg ganteng mmg keren ❤❤❤

  • @debrajohnson8030
    @debrajohnson8030 Годину тому +2

    Cutis look so hansome enjoying his bath cutis get hair cut make h8mself feel good cutis very hard worker deserve all the joys of life and happiness Love you cutis❤❤❤❤

  • @김인숙-w4z
    @김인숙-w4z 2 години тому +3

    스스로 거품 목욕하고 단장도하고
    잘자랐다 큐티스
    무엇하나도 빠진 게없어
    너가항상 기특해~아주많이 😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  • @Sdfe_2992
    @Sdfe_2992 Годину тому +2

    와우 큐티스는 최고의 지능과 능력을 가지고 있는 천재적인 최고의 멋진 아이 입니다😍🥰🐒👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕

  • @christinemanigian209
    @christinemanigian209 3 години тому +22

    Cutis my sweet boy, you deserve your spa day & all the love & pampering given to you!🐵🐵🐵💋💋💋

  • @mirsadasjanic4182
    @mirsadasjanic4182 2 години тому +3

    💙💙Cutis is adorable, smart, cute, sweet, lovely, intelligent, clever, polite, precious and special to us olways ❤Love you so much our little Angel 😇 Cutis 😇God bless you always and family 🙏

  • @robiahibrahim7929
    @robiahibrahim7929 3 години тому +5

    Looks neat and handsome.

  • @FabioLaManRiqueB
    @FabioLaManRiqueB 3 години тому +3

    Definitivamente mi Cutis es súper inteligente, te admiro mucho bebé, vá sólo a mandarse a peluquear y te ves súper guapo, los amó familia Cutis 🤗🫂🫧🫶🫶🫧🐒🐒🐒🐒🥰🥰😘😘😊

  • @saniausman3957
    @saniausman3957 3 години тому +8

    cutis going to the salon is good for cutis make happy. and for 2025. bring cutis go to caffe and shopping.

  • @diliarodriguez3482
    @diliarodriguez3482 3 години тому +4

    Gracias papás de Cutis por cortarle el pelo ya era hora antes lo hacían más seguido 🥳🥳🤗🧑‍🦲

  • @tairabeatriz2253
    @tairabeatriz2253 2 години тому +2

    Un video precioso!!
    Los niños super contentos!!

  • @michellechuah37
    @michellechuah37 Годину тому +2

    Cutis you are smarter and more independent than a 2 years old human child❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq
    @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq 50 хвилин тому +2

    Hi cutis my sweet baby.your so smart and cute.take care when you go out.iloveyou my cutis❤❤❤

  • @adelinalara855
    @adelinalara855 Годину тому +2

    Cuti's is so funny he keeps me laughing all the time, he is a joy to watch. ❤

  • @김인숙-w4z
    @김인숙-w4z 2 години тому +1

    혼자 살짝,빠져나가려다
    엄마 엔니가 함께 하는기쁨이 얼마나 좋을까?
    실컷놀아라 마음껏
    맛있는 것도

  • @woanlife
    @woanlife 48 хвилин тому +1

    cưng chưa cutis đi hớt tóc đẹp trai quá à bữa nay điệu chưa nhình kiến Hoài luôn mong cutis lúc nào cũng mạnh khỏe hết mãi mãi iu cutis ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user-kat-sue
    @user-kat-sue 2 години тому +3

    Cutis looks very handsome and had a lot of fun with his sister and mom. I love you Cutis family. 💞

  • @lucillewharton8525
    @lucillewharton8525 Годину тому +2

    Cutis look so handsome today with your new haircut 😀💕I love it 🥰🥰now looking at yourself to see how it😂Cutis you are amazing and smart monkey 😀💖now you taking your bath👏🏾👏🏾

  • @jenytr1171
    @jenytr1171 36 хвилин тому +2

    Mom you are so lucky to have cutis in your life. he caring loving son you can ever had cutis is not a selfish boy he alway caring and give alot of love to your family's. look after you guy please mom cherish him. Never abandon him for any one else. You know cutis dserver all the happiness. cutis is so precious. I couldn't image how you ppl live without him one day. Your world well be shutter without him in it'. So Cherish him every minute you have with him. Be happy mom, dad and yen nhi. Love you guy very much you family are so precious. Don't take for granted love eachother every moment you got.🥰🫰😘💋🥰

  • @Shelly-yu2fd
    @Shelly-yu2fd 3 години тому +4

    Oh Cutis you look so handsome! I bet it feels better too! I love you little man!

  • @HelenValant
    @HelenValant 3 години тому +3

    Cutis, you are amazing 🤩. Looking very handsome with your new hair cut, good job handling that on your own 👏👏. Enjoy your outing with Mom and Yen Nhi - how fun 🤗🤩👏🥰. Very cute video, thank you for sharing 🙏😉.

  • @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq
    @ImeldaRivera-gj7rq 46 хвилин тому +2

    You look handsome cutis.❤❤❤❤

  • @michellechuah37
    @michellechuah37 Годину тому +2

    Wow Cutis has a new haircut. He looks super handsome admiring his handsome face in the mirror. 🎄 Christmas is around the corner. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Cutis and family ❤❤❤❤

  • @เชิดจํารูญ-ท3ม
    @เชิดจํารูญ-ท3ม 2 години тому +2


  • @SriHandayani-zs3ww
    @SriHandayani-zs3ww Годину тому +1

    Custis baik banget melebihi baik nya manusia

  • @vandamartins6867
    @vandamartins6867 Годину тому +1

    Bom dia meu menino lindo cútis eu amo muito vc lindo você e muito inteligente simpática carinho amigo você tem uma família maravilhosa que ama muito você lindo cútis ❤️❤️

  • @DraganaMarković-r1b
    @DraganaMarković-r1b 3 години тому +5

    Beautiful angel cutis ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @MichelleGates-qj7vm
    @MichelleGates-qj7vm Годину тому +3

    Hello sweetheart cutis XOXO love you soo very much handsome boy and funny 😁 😂 😀 💙 ♥️ 😄 😁 😂 😀 💙 ♥️ 😄 😁 😂 😀 💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • @RonitaFerreira
    @RonitaFerreira Годину тому +1

    Cútis como sempre pagando a conta, muito bonito!!!!😅 Parabéns lindo!!!! 👏

  • @lydvisus1112
    @lydvisus1112 3 години тому +5

    The boy treats his 👸 ❤ 👸

  • @geri9839
    @geri9839 3 години тому +6

    Hello my handsome Cutis it is always a pleasure watching you and family videos. Thank you, hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Mom , Dad where is the Christmas tree for Cutis and Yen? Cutis you are suchan awesome son paying for the bill.

    • @riaaus4365
      @riaaus4365 2 години тому

      Do you know what religion they are? Maybe they do not celebrate Christmas.

  • @rudiatinsd7420
    @rudiatinsd7420 Годину тому +1

    Cutiiiis cerdas🎉🎉🎉

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 Годину тому +2


  • @ricardodascil7577
    @ricardodascil7577 2 години тому +2

    Wow new haircut cutis gud morning have a gud day❤❤❤❤😊😊😊🐒🧙🧛🙏🙏😉😉

  • @shriyanikulatilake8784
    @shriyanikulatilake8784 30 хвилин тому +1

    Well done my smartest & cutest handsome young man.
    Not only you attend to a number of household chores but also concerns about your cleanliness and good looks.
    I don't often comment but make sure to follow your every episode.
    Mother is a great woman and both parents love both their children equally. I am glad that Curtis chose his current parents over his first Dad.
    Way to go Curtis my love.👏👏🐵🤗😍💖

  • @AlexandraSanchez-ty4tf
    @AlexandraSanchez-ty4tf 8 хвилин тому

    Dulzura encantadora 😇🤗🥰,!!

  • @rudiatinsd7420
    @rudiatinsd7420 Годину тому +1

    Cutis jelang tahun baru rambut baru juga nih🎉🎉🎉❤❤

  • @maryannherrera-z4l
    @maryannherrera-z4l 2 години тому +2

    my forever cutis i love your hair cut ❤❤❤❤

  • @marylinosorio4825
    @marylinosorio4825 2 години тому

    Que pretencioso cutis se fue solo a la peluqueria que independiente 🙏👏👏🤗❤️

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 Годину тому +1


  • @RosaSantos-uc8gp
    @RosaSantos-uc8gp 3 години тому +3

    ❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉cútis sempre o melhor do UA-cam

  • @estrelitaruiz8237
    @estrelitaruiz8237 2 години тому +2

    Hi cutis good day to uou n family i am happy to see you having hair cut God bless you n family love you cutis

  • @HeleneMagraner
    @HeleneMagraner 3 години тому +5


  • @nottykarn7529
    @nottykarn7529 2 години тому +2

    I love you Cutis 😘😘😘🐒💞💕💞💕

  • @Mia-lg1hw
    @Mia-lg1hw 3 години тому +3

    so cute cutis ❤❤❤❤

  • @remrem7930
    @remrem7930 Годину тому

    Кутмс такрй умничка сам ходит в парикмахерскую посиринаться. Красавчик Кутис. Затем пошли в Кафе и как джельтельмен сам платит за обед. Кутис очень умненький и такрй заботливый мальчик. Я восхищаюсь моим любимым мальчиков. Я очень люблю Кутис и девочку Вашу оеи такие чудесные и очень дружные. Здоровья и счастья Вам всегда.

  • @AlexandraSanchez-ty4tf
    @AlexandraSanchez-ty4tf 4 хвилини тому

    Se feliz 🤗😇, sé feliz mi corazón hermoso y 🤗🤗🥰🥰!!

  • @comfortosunsami7780
    @comfortosunsami7780 3 години тому +1

    This is funniest Cutis video I’ve ever watched. I couldn’t stop laughing. So he knows he needs a hair cut. Cutis is a mini man. He is so intelligent it’s unbelievable. It’s nice to see Cutis and Yen Nhi having fun together.❤😂😂😂

  • @rismaturbani4307
    @rismaturbani4307 2 години тому

    keren 👍❤

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 Годину тому +1

    He even paid for the food he was so cute leaning against the wall like a real boy ,

  • @lethimongtrinh-y6t
    @lethimongtrinh-y6t 2 години тому

    Cô Chào cutis buổi sáng yêu cutis nhiều ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @lydvisus1112
    @lydvisus1112 3 години тому +2

    He is fascinated by his image.

  • @sangeetavashist3979
    @sangeetavashist3979 2 години тому +1

    Cutis u r so adorable. Your moves your day to day routines really thrills us. Proud of u little one. Have fun and be happy.

  • @CarlosAlberto-h7w
    @CarlosAlberto-h7w 2 години тому

    Meu Deus como cútis é inteligente.

  • @HienvuthaoJiminbts
    @HienvuthaoJiminbts 29 хвилин тому

    Bạn ui sao cutis bị dụng 2răng cửa vậy ban ,tội nghiệp ct😂😂

  • @SriHandayani-zs3ww
    @SriHandayani-zs3ww 2 години тому

    Ada dulu baju kemeja biru nya juga Custis ku yang ganteng banget anak muda ku yang Tanpan Semoga hari -hari mu menangkan Aamiin...

  • @kieuhanhtran5952
    @kieuhanhtran5952 30 хвилин тому

    Rất vui khi thấy gia đình cùng nhau đi quán cà phê KuTit dễ thương quá biết hoá thân thật thú vị, lúc thì là anh nông dân cần cù chất phát lúc thì như một đại gia sành điệu biết tận hưởng cuộc sống ….Nhưng mà mình thắc mắc 2 răng cửa của cậu ấy mất vậy Dàd, Mom ơi!? Tít bị sự cố gì hay sao vì cậu ấy chưa được 3 tuổi mà .

  • @ChandanaMallick-u5w
    @ChandanaMallick-u5w Годину тому +1

    Hello cutis . good morning you and yeh nhi family.

  • @tuberose7956
    @tuberose7956 3 години тому +1

    Cutis is Very Good Boy❤❤❤❤

  • @linhtu9939
    @linhtu9939 Годину тому

    Ba me con an ngon quá ta 😂😂😂😂

  • @rhondamccoy2744
    @rhondamccoy2744 27 хвилин тому

    I'll go if Ben can go too. Love goat friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @catsumrs
    @catsumrs 2 години тому

    So cute he knows something isn't go right with his sharp outfit...hmm, new hairdo, lets go!

  • @brettdecker9733
    @brettdecker9733 3 години тому

    They are so precious

  • @Shaq1954
    @Shaq1954 3 хвилини тому

    Cutis plays well with his sister. Mom treats him so well and they all love him.

  • @renatestickler5001
    @renatestickler5001 3 години тому

    Beautiful hair cut Cutis. You so hansome😊

  • @MaggiePrather
    @MaggiePrather 3 години тому

    Cutis you are a man about town. You know what they say---every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man! You rock!

  • @sandibroad4099
    @sandibroad4099 3 години тому +1


  • @KhaingYadanarsu
    @KhaingYadanarsu 2 години тому +1

    I love you ❤

  • @DoBinh-j1y
    @DoBinh-j1y Годину тому

    Cho mình hỏi bố mẹ của cutits là có phải cutis đang đôỉ răng phải không vậy yêu tits nhiều chúc cutits và gia đình mạnh khỏe thành công trong cuộc sống, để gia dk nhiều video cho mọi người xem nhé ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @sarahgaming6415
    @sarahgaming6415 2 години тому

    from kebakat wakaf baru Malaysia

  • @LillianNickyMedranosalvatierra
    @LillianNickyMedranosalvatierra 2 години тому


  • @linhtu9939
    @linhtu9939 Годину тому +1


  • @kamariahyunos8495
    @kamariahyunos8495 58 хвилин тому +1

    Should mummy and daddy brush Cutis teeth everyday...

  • @ranulfagorrero6878
    @ranulfagorrero6878 3 хвилини тому

    I love you so much my dearly handsome boy Cutis😘🐵😍❤️

  • @HienvuthaoJiminbts
    @HienvuthaoJiminbts 26 хвилин тому

    Chắc hôm trứowc ct hái lá để tắm dùng răng bẻ cành cây. !

  • @ruz9627
    @ruz9627 3 години тому +2

    Վերջապես մաքրեցին Գուտիսի մազերը մի հատ նայեք Բիբի մազերը ինչ գեղեցիկ կտրած է մի հատ երեսին մազ չկա մաքուր պահեք Գուտիսին ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @AngelNorberto-t4t
    @AngelNorberto-t4t 3 години тому +2

    Corte de pelo a cutis

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 Годину тому +1


  • @rhondamccoy2744
    @rhondamccoy2744 29 хвилин тому

    Nothing like a fresh bath or shower to wash off loose hairs. OHHHH so handsome !!! For a farm boy with city tastes. Can't wait to come to Vietnam and maybe you'll take your aunt Rhonda out. Name suits you, CUTIS !!!!!!!

  • @danakincannon2766
    @danakincannon2766 2 години тому

    There's my son. ❤nice cut hair..

  • @lkvideo8539
    @lkvideo8539 Годину тому +1

    Cutis hair is still look long , need to cut a little more, he will look more handsome!

  • @AngelNorberto-t4t
    @AngelNorberto-t4t 3 години тому +1


  • @Paulatejando66
    @Paulatejando66 3 години тому +3

    Eu sou barbeiro, e nunca botaria minhas tesouras ou gastaria meus materiais em macaco, para isso existe veterinário ou tosador

    • @DawnCurtin
      @DawnCurtin 3 години тому

      @@Paulatejando66 Different culture.

    • @Paulatejando66
      @Paulatejando66 2 години тому

      @DawnCurtin Kkkkkk existe certo e errado em qualquer lugar do mundo

    • @riaaus4365
      @riaaus4365 2 години тому

      @@Paulatejando66 Did you see the lack of hair on the floor and no or very little hair being cut. All for the camera.

    • @DawnCurtin
      @DawnCurtin Годину тому

      @@riaaus4365 Of course 😃.

  • @rhondamccoy2744
    @rhondamccoy2744 32 хвилини тому

    Cutis, you are SOOOOOOOOOO handsome. Could have trimmed beard. But baby you got it !!!!!!!!!!!!