I have both original and replicas, they are very much the same... same weight, same plastics, same paint, the only distinguishable difference is the packaging and some branding parts/print. If you don't have the budget and you have no plans to resell, then just get the replicas. Don't feel guilty buying those, because Kaws itself is a rip-off of several characters like Mickey and Elmo.
Do u know where i can buy replicas? Ik he said taobao and other people have said temu n etsy but im specifically looking for “the promise” edition of the kaws figures
I was gifted 4 of em, didn't know who KAWS was, but glad I found out before opening them. I also got replicas for display and you're right, the difference is barely noticable. They're almost the same weight, the replicas are just a tad lighter, and the coloring is slightly off. You'd have to look closely and compare side to side to see the difference.
I was gifted 4 of em, didn't know who KAWS was, but glad I found out before opening them. I also got replicas for display and you're right, the difference is barely noticable. They're almost the same weight, the replicas are just a tad lighter, and the coloring is slightly off. You'd have to look closely and compare side to side to see the difference.
sorry for the late response but m.tb.cn/h.UpESY3s?tk=KOCqd8ZhPz7CZ3457 m.tb.cn/h.UqmsODv?tk=CqNUd8Z6y14CZ3457 m.tb.cn/h.UpYvh2T?tk=W17Dd8ZTPPrCZ3457 m.tb.cn/h.UqmrelR?tk=5vJGd8ZTXAVCZ0001
at first it was around 60 usd, then around another 60 usd for shipping that they charge later on when it reaches a shipping warehouse that’ll bring it to the US
I have both original and replicas, they are very much the same... same weight, same plastics, same paint, the only distinguishable difference is the packaging and some branding parts/print. If you don't have the budget and you have no plans to resell, then just get the replicas. Don't feel guilty buying those, because Kaws itself is a rip-off of several characters like Mickey and Elmo.
Do u have a link to the figure?
Do u know where i can buy replicas? Ik he said taobao and other people have said temu n etsy but im specifically looking for “the promise” edition of the kaws figures
I was gifted 4 of em, didn't know who KAWS was, but glad I found out before opening them. I also got replicas for display and you're right, the difference is barely noticable. They're almost the same weight, the replicas are just a tad lighter, and the coloring is slightly off. You'd have to look closely and compare side to side to see the difference.
Probably a waste of money but who cares lol 😂 they look cool bro 🤙🏾 I got some small ones from Temu I’ll upload video sometime
I was gifted 4 of em, didn't know who KAWS was, but glad I found out before opening them. I also got replicas for display and you're right, the difference is barely noticable. They're almost the same weight, the replicas are just a tad lighter, and the coloring is slightly off. You'd have to look closely and compare side to side to see the difference.
Do you know the weight of the figures? Or the weight of the red one?
Wish their app was in English so I can navigate it properly
yeah lol i had to take screenshots of everything to put it through google translate
@@DiRECorrupt damn I will have to do that lol
Great vid man keep it up
thanks bro
Can you resend the link its expired and are they heavy or do they feel hollow?
How much was shipping
when im on the website i cant click on anything can u help
try the app
Og here missed uuuu
Can u send link?
sorry for the late response but
whats the website
Hey could you post the link to the ones you got?
@@DiRECorrupt Thank you so much for the quick response. Really appreciate it, and the video.
@@jesse3695 no problem bro
One of the links work can u send me the new one lol
What site do you get these from?
Taobao, you can go to the website but i got the app on my phone
How much do you pay for all of those roughly?
at first it was around 60 usd, then around another 60 usd for shipping that they charge later on when it reaches a shipping warehouse that’ll bring it to the US
Not bad for all those kaws they look so legit ,I been trying to find a site that sells good reps .
taobao has a lot of em on there and shipping took a little over 2 weeks