I realized that I might be a little different than most people when I took a defensive driving course (by employer). The instructor asked the class what they did when someone pulled out to pass them. Almost everyone called out "speed up". I felt a little shy to say that I actually take my foot off of the accelerator. I don't brake, but a little decelerating helps the person get by you. As the sooner he gets by you the safer you both are. I never considered it a challenge to my masculinity or anything like that, which I think most guys do. But I realized I wasn't like the majority.
Esp dogs. I've had many cats, loved them all. But, my dog (passed last Fall after 14 yrs) affected me deeply to the point where I light a votive candle for him every night.
I have the same love, empathy for not only animals, but the elderly, children. Anyone who don't deserve the horrors of life,especially abuse, or misfortune.
First time I have heard stoicism and sigma mentioned together. It struck me early on when trying to "find myself" that the stoics and sigma's are really one and the same.
Agreed! Stoicism and sigma? Hand in hand... we keep our cards close to our chest. Displaying emotions there gives others leverage... we don't do manipulation. And give them no ammo
#2 Minimalism - not entirely true. I have a LOT of hobbies and interests for which I have acquired all the tools of the trade, along with all the appurtenances that make my life easier and more enjoyable. And the thing is, I never buy cheap stuff. I buy items of quality and I use them and care for them properly. Each item is there for a reason. My reasons are sound, and I have not wasted money, rather conserved it.
@@nobodyknows3180 And by the way, I agree with your choices. I've made the same choices with the same reasons...I'm just pulling your chain. I'm not a Sigma male. Id say, not that it's anyone's business, that I'm a Christian Tao.
This captivating video triggers a flood of painful memories from the end of my 6 year relationship just 3 months ago. The woman I loved with all my heart chose to walk away, leaving me grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss. Despite my relentless efforts to salvage what we had, I'm left feeling disillusioned and unable to imagine a future without her. Despite my attempts to move on, I'm drawn to express my deep-seated longing for her here.
The struggle to release someone dear to your heart is undeniably arduous. I empathize, having experienced a similar circumstance when my 8 year relationship concluded. Refusing to accept defeat, I pursued every conceivable avenue to reclaim his affection. Eventually, I sought the assistance of a spiritual counselor, whose wisdom and intervention played a pivotal role in reuniting us.
I am 79 years old a Gemini and empath this strikes home so to anyone else listening don't be disheartened thank your lucky stars that now you can go on and use this as a learning experience my first wife a total of 22 years but a real horror story aborted my first child two separations call me back to have a third child and then I finally filed for divorce I had the marriage annulled in the Catholic church she violated her oath all the principles of the marriage during this troublesome time the latter stages I met I lovely Hispanic lady who picked up the ball cuz I was crashing terribly and that lasted for 11 years but she too was not deeply understanding of our relationship she she wants a way of her family I put the house in her name she sold it out from under me and it cost me $50,000 through a classmate attorney of mine 2 years later I read a Catholic magazine whereby Saint Raphael was the patron saint of relationships I said a little prayer through the intercession of Saint Raphael and by coincidence Rafaela was the name that I wanted for my third daughter but being a an empath that I am I allowed my wife to name her and she did so but it took her a month in the neonatal care that as my wife had complications of birth 8 months child premature birth . My wife after giving birth cannot actually be in the same room with my beautiful young 8-month-old daughter I got the holder all three and a half pounds in my hand so God works in strange ways. My wife then threw me out of the house again and get out I don't love you anymore that's when I filed for divorce and I got an annulment of the marriage and so each experience is just that a learning experience met someone after saying a little prayer to Saint Raphael patron saint of relationships play the intercession of the saint we don't pray to saints however 2 days afterwards I met a lady that I proposed to her in 9 days and married her in 74 days😂❤
#2. Minimalism. The more I possess, the more I am possessed. From the age of 40, until now 26 years later, my primary goal was to be debt free. Of course there are living costs. But my mortgage is paid off, I have no loan or credit card debt, and own all my vehicles outright. The first years of my life I was crushed beneath weight of debt that crowded my thoughts 24/7. Today, I’m as grateful as one man can possibly be, that I owe no one anything.
True wealth is not having an abundance of possessions, it's having few wants...Congrats on your total freedom from the money matrix. I retired at 43, debt free. The mental freedom that comes with financial independence is HUGE.
For many years now, I found myself LOVING being alone. Thinking. Writing. Learning new things in the sciences and arts. People thought I was an anti-social freak. Found out a few years ago I was a Sigma. I also have ALL of the other traits.
Been there; done that. Pretty accurate. Correlates to high IQs. Society doesn't understand high IQs, so there's an almost enforced isolation to begin with. WITHOUT A QUESTION we find everyday chit-chat utterly vapid and annoying and try to avoid it or disengage from it ASAP.
All 100% except I seem happy also as a 'hunter/gatherer'. I enjoy unusual artifacts around creating memories others can't or won't understand. Like bookmarks in the pages of my lifes journey.
These videos are so beautiful. Ii have yet to meet anyone who have a passion for Minoan culture and history, and when I discovered them in high-school, it was like it was calling me. I still plan to have a honey moon in Crete
O' man this, I donno how to describe, well 'sigma franchise' almost, when seeing how many goddamn sequels there is, going redicilous paths. It is chewed to a bare bone,yet more and more ahead. I hope people have few brain shells awake and do not take these vids as a fact or even as a valid information, It is no more than regular entertainment crap among other commercial shit here. Thank You.
Fr man, these people are middle aged men💀 how the fuck is this shit bringing them success if all they do is literally be fucking silent do nothing and be so egotistical of themselves??
Fascinating insight into how I live. Niche obsessions, I couldn't agree more. I'm obsessed with visiting and exploring the 15 former republics of the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are on the horizon within the next few years or so.
Contentment is not an accident or a discovery within/of oneself. - A disciplined mind is required; _contentment_ is only one of its many benefits. Thought control --> Emotional control --> Self control
the last point. with redefining relationships. that is a point I really appriciate. I got to that point through reflection. and its very nice to get to see that I m not alone with my reflecting results. have a fantastic day dear chanal holder and all the others. god bless you all.
one thing I find interesting is so many people on these videos feel they are sigma. I don't believe it, it's not the best place. I am not some theater geek, out of shape basement slob cosplaying at being john wick. I am a D1 collegiate athlete, high paying job, successful in every metric. I have 2 real friends that I've had for over 30 years. I have changed jobs / careers, because I cannot tolerate perceived weakness or inefficiency. I have a tough time with home life because of the social demands that come from family and children. Being like this is not fun, it is not cool, I'd give anything at times to be an npc or alpha dude bro.
Agreed. It's not easy. I find myself always wondering why I don't relax like others I know. Im a 40 year old I've built 5 businesses from the ground up and currently own 2. My mind never stops. I hate social media, movies, music, and large groups of people. I have 1 friend. I have 1 friend, I've had 2 cell phones in 10 years. Lol I bought a lake house to get some solitude on occasion but my wife and son turned into the entire family's vacation retreat. I didn't get mad I just went and bought some off grid land in the rookie mountains then went and became a private pilot bought a small plane to get out there and started building my own cabin. Only way in or out is by plane or chopper. These are just a few facts about me hell I didn't even know what a sigma was until my wife said my personality was odd and my son clapped back at her and informed her I was a "sigma male" so then I got curious and he explained it to me. I'm not proud of it and honestly like I said I wish sometimes I could be normal... then I walk into a Walmart and decide I'm happy how I am😂
@ZacharyWesberry-gd2wc It's nice to know we're not alone, if you need a sounding board ever I got you, shoot me a DM and we can swap some easy info. Same ago too and even the same social media status, I have ZERO lol
Psychiatry withheld pediatric Asperger diagnoses during the era between autism being an inpatient diagnosis and so-called neurodivergence becoming normalized. That's actually something different entirely (covert narcissism) because showing a kid parental approval for accepting the "defective" role causes him to lean into it and (unknowingly) not reject the scapegoating of his abusive family the way undiagnosed or undisclosed autistic kids (like we were) went on to do. It also halts their IQ climb. Never occurs to us we are autistic because most of us have IQs over 130 (and apparently never occurs to them they aren't anymore because they don't). Still having some autistic traits doesn't make someone who doubled-dowm on them when autism became his assigned brand autistic, IMO. Figured mine out during quarantine. Whole family have known but just left me to (not) figure it out on my own since being diagnosed with "asperger autism with intellectual giftedness" at age 11 in 1981. Antipsychotics are contraindicated. Just remember that, because they're killing us 10 to 15 years early by being misprescribed for a whole range of misdiagnoses of which MDs very stupidly accept our hastened declines as confirmation. Even in psychosis loose association, tangential thought, word salad, and disorganized thinking are health-seeking efforts toward restoring homeostasis, but any anxiety in adult autism is annihilation anxiety and not abandonment anxiety so we are the population in whom adjunctive offlabel antipsychotics induce apparent paradoxical reactions like agitation when in fact catatonia is a known dangerous side effect of antipsychotics (that quacks who don't first differentiate by lorazepam challenge also don't consider after the fact that they've actually induced agitated catatonia). This is also important because "burnout" for us is actually autistic catatonia, and I'm pretty sure Parkinson's is end-stage autism. Regardless, there is no dementing process in adult autism even remotely like the egodiscontinuity of schizophrenia or the egodecompensation of many geriatric dementias. But because we have weakly-developed inhibitory control executive function it can be the first thing to go under extraordinary stress and get us misdiagnosed with early-onset dementia (or some other bullshit for which antipsychotics will be misprescribed). It's the wrong thing because for instance if I had gone to the doctor instead of figuring this shit out on my own during quarantine at the very least I'd have been put back on Abilify to boost the Effexor I also don't take anymore and probably Seroquel again for sleep too if not one I've never taken. If it didn't induce side effects it still wouldn't exactly be therapeutic to dissolve my motivation, though I can certainly see why abusive families and psych ward staff prefer outpatients and inpatients (respectively) who've abandoned truthseeking. I don't think the MBTI does as good a job with adult extraversion as the 5FM (because I think introversion is a pediatric trauma survival adaptation that very well may be mediated epigenetically in utero, but it suppresses other traits and is maladaptive in adults so IMO is only a trait per se insofar as we make it one), but you guys sound like INTJs. We are invariably either INFJ or INTJ per MBTI in my experience and observation. Biden is an INFJ and Putin is an INTJ. Plenty of bad guy INFJs too (Hitler), so I'm not trying to assign a moral value to the descriptor but indicating some of us are left brained and some of us are right brained just like any other random sample. Psychiatry insists there's no such thing as an adult-onset personality disorder but refuses to diagnose PDs until adulthood. That's how they're protecting themselves from negligent malpractice liability for those undisclosed and misdiagnoses, though none still practicing would ever see it that way and none who have begun practicing since see it at all. This goes unnoticed because AFAICT ASD is never considered in the adult differential, so unless someone's already suspicious enough to have figured it out themself (which is probably less likely for those whose marriages hopefully spare you adult lifetimes of antidepressants for "dysthymic anxiety") we are none the wiser. The non-accommodation of developmental delay in early adulthood (e.g. incapacity to contract, particularly marriage) perpetuates undiagnosed and undisclosed autism because the pathogenic etiologies of ASD (and infanticide/"SIDS"🙄) are postpartum psychosis (unconscious wish for the child to become "unborn"). Stomach-sleeping only "causes" SIDS insofar as sometimes a defensive posture against a scowling or menacing mother prompts a retaliatory pillow party. Depends if her wittle ego gets hurt enough to react with the equivalent of "I'll give you something to cry about". I don't think most of these kinds of mothers even notice it but I'd be willing to bet at least one of you is still a stomach-sleeper if not both. Only recovering from hernia surgery in my mid-40s broke me of the habit. NPD and ASD are clear predispositions to postpartum, and in predisposing ASD postpartum is pretty obviously the insulting stressor psychogenic to ASPD and BPD sequelae. Autism is 4:1 male because it's both more difficult for disturbed (narcissistic or autistic borderline) mothers to idealize infant sons as their mini mes and more likely that disturbed (narcissistic or autistic sociopath) fathers will devalue them and project the Oedipal delusion Freud's theory got backwards (he was an abuse survivor who characteristically still blamed himself for unprocessed trauma) onto them. Freud also oversexualized most things because he had not processed his trauma, but Sophocles' play indicates Freud didn't pull disturbed fathers' tendency to project competitive sexual rivalry and retaliatory bitterness no infant can even begin to formulate onto their sons out of thin air. The female's (relative) mental health during her childbearing years is prioritized as indicated by the additional 4:1 male prevalence of schizophrenia and 4:1 female prevalence of Alzheimer's, both of which have a good bit to do with why some disturbed fathers will idealize subsequent sons to the point of favoritism (as part of their own "splitting" ego defense regarding one kid as the best of themselves and another as the worst...but neither as autonomous individuals) every bit as much as others will reject daughters for not being sons (which is how most autistic females end up that way). You don't make a kid autistic without maternal attachment trauma because the simple biological reality that all mammals were our mothers' biological processes before we are our own introduces the opportunity for mothers to regard some offspring about like they regard their turds. When an autistic borderline female does this it's usually because her narcissistic partner rejects the kid. When a narcissistic female does it I'm not so sure how much her autistic husband necessarily has to do with it (sociopath on paper or not) if the kid is even his because we get babytrapped all the fucking time. To wit, see Elon Musk. Also not at all unusual for us to displace unresolved mother-induced rage onto female partners. See the so-called "mostly harmless" hiker. Anyway, IDK your lives and am just trying to describe the mechanism of behavioral heritability to keep you from wasting time on the complete falsehood of non-mutagenic "genetic" autism 18 or so years (and counting) after the sequencing of the genome.
You are right it's not easy but I've found the less you concern yourself with the pointless stuff the more you have to dedicate to the important stuff. I always thought I had mental health issues, for years I just thought I was cold and weird, I always did things sllghtly different, a little backwards from everyone else, I initially thought it was my dyslexia, I taught myself how to read and write because no one else could but I had to flip my brain upside down to do it as I couldn't learn in the traditional sense, now I'm a writer... Go figure. But now im pretty sure being a sigma has a big part to play. I've always done my own thing, never waited for anyone else, love being alone, I'm at my best by myself, never really sought companionship, not because I didn't enjoy it I just never put huge value in it. lived in four different countries and five states in America, multiple jobs in multiple disciplines. Plumbing, irrigation, drainage, heavy vehicle opperation, foreman, managerial etc etc, as soon as I'd learnt to the point of ot becoming second nature id go find another job related skill to learn. learnt most of the arts, drawing, painting, musical instruments, writing etc etc, It's purely a drive to better yourself and prove to no one. Social constructs don't matter. You know if your a true sigma male, you understand the feeling of cutting the knot and how easy and precisely you can do it and you find narcissists amusing because you know they will be endless fun to manipulate. I have also noticed a lot of people thinking they are Sigma but I don't believe they are, though tbh I think there are varying degrees of all the categories, someone could be partially sigma and partially beta, none of it is black and white and also a number of mental issues could be confused as sigma like actions.
As a sigma male who is also a Virgo, I love feeling seen and understood by these videos but also don’t like how people are making it cool to be Sigmas now in a bandwagon sort of way. I see men trying to emulate us to appear enigmatic and mysterious. Bro.. just be yourself lol
Thanks for giving me a name! All those years i thought that i had a huge problem. I thought that i was weird, psychopath, something alien, this is what they call me because I don't like to blindly follow the crowd
Not entirely true. We do enjoy some vices, usually minimally. It's the experience, not the chemical which draws us to partake. True Sigmas are experience seekers and that includes all forms of experience, even those which we know can be damaging. It's part of "living on our own terms", as it were.
My niche, obscure topic is cryptozoology and etymology. Amazing things to be learned and understood. Its also shocking how little the general population knows about the actual realities of this world. How so easily they are mislead and manipulated.
There is no greater solitude than that of the SAMURAI unless it is that of the TIGER in the jungle...perhaps...BUSHIDO(Book of The Samurai), We identify as TIGERS and not lions, yea? Our theme song is MOONRAKER by Shirley Bassey, listen to the lyrics, enjoy........................................................
Well, groups or labels or names mean nothing. And, my set of principles...I am reliable. if you aren't, I can't let you hang with me. Actually, just one principle that is easy to understand.
Only if I was born a century past .. No Sigma know until they have gone through ... and there at the age of understanding ! No Sigma male Knows until ... if you tell me if a 28 boy year old knows he's Sigma at or until he's at least he 58 years Knowing 99.99 4% that he's Omega and they have to be Sigma Virgo I'm now 59 ... Videos of young Guys knowing that they're a sigma ... it really doesn't work that way With .. people portray sigmas as in Steve Jobs for Microsoft Geek .. No they're omegas ... Musk Tesla no he's an Omega he does have like a 10% Sigma but those 5 cameras on the outside and inside of his vehicles lol , A true Sigma wouldn't put those to spy on you you purchased a vehicle that is Sigma makes it's your business musk won't and interviewers will not ask that question why there's cameras on the outside of the vehicle and microphones and cameras on the inside of the vehicle and yes he can shut down your vehicle at any time he knows everything where you been and where you live and where you're moving to .. you don't think Jeff Bezos and Evon Musk .. has ties to the US government lol and that Geek that stole code to Facebook ... you don't think if it wasn't for three College guys , that he would ever come up with that code lol to make Facebook it is today .. Naw ... look it up it's on UA-cam seek and you will find it I personally would have wanted 20% of the shares each instead of getting paid off 20% of the shares each would have brought them 70 million easy DUMB
If you don't vote Trump you are not a sigma. That's not off topic. Go your own way. Buy land and actually invest in your country. Create something you don't want to take a vacation from....Sad that that that makes me a racist in the eyes of the Disney owned media. Lets go Brandon!!!
I don't agree with the meditation part. Meditation is conformity, it is a group exercise pretending to be a deep thoughtful inner search. A sigma does not learn to meditate, a sigma meditates through the motion of his own ideas, direction, beliefs and learning curve; a sigma will seek movement and escape to think and reflect in peace. Movement can be achieved by reading a book, it is one way to escape but it will never be enough for a sigma. For a sigma, theory must bring practice, practice must bring conscience. A sigma needs applying what he believes will bring him a semblance of truth. Meditation to a sigma is torture, this is what people who don't have a soul do: take classes with a yoga teacher who will teach them about meditation and then apply these classes. A sigma is a soulful being, he does not need classes about how to breeze, feel or think. If you need classes, you're lost and soulless already. Meditation in our Western society is a trend, almost like a social statement "look at me I am working on it", it being not particularly well defined or true to itself. That's the opposite of a sigma, if you need others to teach you how to meditate, you're not a sigma. You're an empty shell. A sigma is perpetually after filling his own shell, only he can find the way. It is not something you can learn. If yoga which is nothing short of an instruction notice to whatever state you seek is your thing, you're definitely not a sigma. Sigma find their own way in unexpected places and don't feel the need to join a group to do it nor to follow a trend. Meditation is a 20th century trend that some Westerners brought from India and other Eastern places because they have lost the way of their ancestors. A sigma will only see meditation as deeply inauthentic and pretentious. A sigma has not lost his way, he might not always know which way to go but he is not afraid of trying. A sigma does not seek meditation but pilgrimage. Point is, if you meditate using techniques you had to learn from others, you are not a sigma and if anything your lack of self awareness will most likely cause a sigma to move on and away from you, not because he thinks less of you but because a sigma might have a great deal of faith in you, knowing that only you can find your own path. In a way, I would rather end a relationship with a good memory of someone than realizing my faith in that person was misplaced or prematurely placed. I have had this feeling sometimes when you think you have a rare bond with someone until she drops a meaningless "don't be a stranger" on you. It is not intended to be meaningless of course but the reality is these words often remain just that, words. At first it is a nice thing to hear, it is a good intention but it is nothing more. Everybody says it to complete strangers out of sheer politeness, again it is a sign of conformity. Now it does not mean you are not sincere but then what? At this point you come to realize you always were strangers. You might see this person every day at work and feel very close and stimulated by her true persona but do you really know her outside this place where people conform the most? If we were not strangers, you would not need to say it. That's when the harsh reality hit the sigma. The sigma is trapped in an era where language is more and more meaningless and it has become a figure of speech to satisfy a need to contractually enroll these social interactions people create. To a sigma, where there is a contract, there is nothing but compliance which pulls him further away. You never signed a contract with your own mother, now did you? If I was to ask what is the nature of your relationship with your own mother, would you answer me by listing all the values you have learned? "My mother is loyal to me and I trust her". Could you be more soulless than that. When the language turns into a figure of speech, then there is no meaning to it and where there is no meaning there is no truthful relationship. You're just asking me to comply to a social rule. You're telling me don't be a stranger but if you were to ask yourself: do I know him? do I intend to know him? is he in my life? do I intend to have him in my life? have I responded to his intent to make me part of his life? Then most likely the simple and honest answer to all would be no. And therefore you have good intentions but nothing more. A sigma will leave you for this like I did. What you call commitment, we call compliance and conformity. What you call Love we call Need and Fear. You want to put him in a cage where even love is a contract but how could it be. Commitment is a promise you make to yourself, not a promise you make to others. To yourself, these are the promises you keep. To me if there was one motto to apply to a sigma, it would be "La route de l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions", the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. It is because promises are plenty and meaningless that sigma emerge as lone wolves. If anything, sigma are the last remain of a species that once was but is no longer. This is why sigma are always on the road, so they don't get extinct like the conforming rest. They seek elsewhere what your inner self could not satisfy, driven as you are by values and concepts that are not even yours and that he will not make his. Find yourself and you will find the sigma, or conform and marry a Beta. By the way, to a Sigma, the Alpha is just another Beta. He only added cynicism to conformity and cynicism is the weapon of choice for those who hide. Those who hide do not seek the truth, their façade suffice. A sigma knows a Man is fooling no one but himself. The meaning of Life is not attained through social success and façades, only a Sigma knows that and will change his approach to Life accordingly. Alphas and Betas are following what every other Alphas and Betas have done before them. Sigmas don't follow anyone hence why they can be perceived as a threat or lacking loyalty. That's because your so called loyalty will never be enough to buy a Sigma. Sigmas are not for sale.
Hey everyone! Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, drop a like on it and subscribe for more! I really do appreciate it! 🙏👑
I realized that I might be a little different than most people when I took a defensive driving course (by employer). The instructor asked the class what they did when someone pulled out to pass them. Almost everyone called out "speed up". I felt a little shy to say that I actually take my foot off of the accelerator. I don't brake, but a little decelerating helps the person get by you. As the sooner he gets by you the safer you both are.
I never considered it a challenge to my masculinity or anything like that, which I think most guys do. But I realized I wasn't like the majority.
I dont know about other sigmas, but i have enormous empathy for animals. They are the perfect companion for us!
Esp dogs. I've had many cats, loved them all. But, my dog (passed last Fall after 14 yrs) affected me deeply to the point where I light a votive candle for him every night.
I have the same love, empathy for not only animals, but the elderly, children. Anyone who don't deserve the horrors of life,especially abuse, or misfortune.
First time I have heard stoicism and sigma mentioned together. It struck me early on when trying to "find myself" that the stoics and sigma's are really one and the same.
Agreed! Stoicism and sigma? Hand in hand... we keep our cards close to our chest. Displaying emotions there gives others leverage... we don't do manipulation. And give them no ammo
#2 Minimalism - not entirely true. I have a LOT of hobbies and interests for which I have acquired all the tools of the trade, along with all the appurtenances that make my life easier and more enjoyable. And the thing is, I never buy cheap stuff. I buy items of quality and I use them and care for them properly. Each item is there for a reason. My reasons are sound, and I have not wasted money, rather conserved it.
Sigma males don't feel compelled to defend their preferences in UA-cam comment sections.
@@GaryIrving-x5o I am not defending anything. I am correcting, for the purposes of edification.
@@nobodyknows3180 Yeah, go with that.
@@nobodyknows3180 And by the way, I agree with your choices. I've made the same choices with the same reasons...I'm just pulling your chain. I'm not a Sigma male. Id say, not that it's anyone's business, that I'm a Christian Tao.
Same here.
This captivating video triggers a flood of painful memories from the end of my 6 year relationship just 3 months ago. The woman I loved with all my heart chose to walk away, leaving me grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss. Despite my relentless efforts to salvage what we had, I'm left feeling disillusioned and unable to imagine a future without her. Despite my attempts to move on, I'm drawn to express my deep-seated longing for her here.
The struggle to release someone dear to your heart is undeniably arduous. I empathize, having experienced a similar circumstance when my 8 year relationship concluded. Refusing to accept defeat, I pursued every conceivable avenue to reclaim his affection. Eventually, I sought the assistance of a spiritual counselor, whose wisdom and intervention played a pivotal role in reuniting us.
Incredible! Where did you find a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with her?
Suzanne Ann Walters is the name of an exceptional spiritual counselor renowned for her ability to reunite you with your former partner.
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive
I am 79 years old a Gemini and empath this strikes home so to anyone else listening don't be disheartened thank your lucky stars that now you can go on and use this as a learning experience my first wife a total of 22 years but a real horror story aborted my first child two separations call me back to have a third child and then I finally filed for divorce I had the marriage annulled in the Catholic church she violated her oath all the principles of the marriage during this troublesome time the latter stages I met I lovely Hispanic lady who picked up the ball cuz I was crashing terribly and that lasted for 11 years but she too was not deeply understanding of our relationship she she wants a way of her family I put the house in her name she sold it out from under me and it cost me $50,000 through a classmate attorney of mine 2 years later I read a Catholic magazine whereby Saint Raphael was the patron saint of relationships I said a little prayer through the intercession of Saint Raphael and by coincidence Rafaela was the name that I wanted for my third daughter but being a an empath that I am I allowed my wife to name her and she did so but it took her a month in the neonatal care that as my wife had complications of birth 8 months child premature birth . My wife after giving birth cannot actually be in the same room with my beautiful young 8-month-old daughter I got the holder all three and a half pounds in my hand so God works in strange ways. My wife then threw me out of the house again and get out I don't love you anymore that's when I filed for divorce and I got an annulment of the marriage and so each experience is just that a learning experience met someone after saying a little prayer to Saint Raphael patron saint of relationships play the intercession of the saint we don't pray to saints however 2 days afterwards I met a lady that I proposed to her in 9 days and married her in 74 days😂❤
#2. Minimalism. The more I possess, the more I am possessed. From the age of 40, until now 26 years later, my primary goal was to be debt free. Of course there are living costs. But my mortgage is paid off, I have no loan or credit card debt, and own all my vehicles outright. The first years of my life I was crushed beneath weight of debt that crowded my thoughts 24/7. Today, I’m as grateful as one man can possibly be, that I owe no one anything.
True wealth is not having an abundance of possessions, it's having few wants...Congrats on your total freedom from the money matrix. I retired at 43, debt free. The mental freedom that comes with financial independence is HUGE.
You don't possess something if you have a loan on it.
"Knowing something profound that hidden from the mainstream" actually drives me
Curiosity is what guides me
I am a Sigma. However, I own a ton of tools. Serving with my hands is important to me. Relying on nobody to fix things is also important.
For many years now, I found myself LOVING being alone. Thinking. Writing. Learning new things in the sciences and arts. People thought I was an anti-social freak. Found out a few years ago I was a Sigma. I also have ALL of the other traits.
Great video!!!! Silence is power.
Rather than explain my life the last few years. I’ll just send this video. Creepy accurate
You must be confused because according to Marie you are afraid of her fuzz.
Been there; done that. Pretty accurate. Correlates to high IQs. Society doesn't understand high IQs, so there's an almost enforced isolation to begin with. WITHOUT A QUESTION we find everyday chit-chat utterly vapid and annoying and try to avoid it or disengage from it ASAP.
Sigma males make outstanding employees !
Not true at all, especially if there is inefficient or weak leadership
They make better small business owners.
That would depend if the job was worth the effort.
A great song, coming out of complete silence and ending in complete silence, is a miracle like an island in the ocean.
All 100% except I seem happy also as a 'hunter/gatherer'.
I enjoy unusual artifacts around creating memories others can't or won't understand. Like bookmarks in the pages of my lifes journey.
These videos are so beautiful. Ii have yet to meet anyone who have a passion for Minoan culture and history, and when I discovered them in high-school, it was like it was calling me. I still plan to have a honey moon in Crete
This again is scary accurate. Thank you.
Very much agree. Especially niché hobbies & interests
Thanks for the video. It is spot on. I am an extreme sigma male, I should know.
O' man this, I donno how to describe, well 'sigma franchise' almost, when seeing how many goddamn sequels there is, going redicilous paths. It is chewed to a bare bone,yet more and more ahead. I hope people have few brain shells awake and do not take these vids as a fact or even as a valid information, It is no more than regular entertainment crap among other commercial shit here. Thank You.
Fr man, these people are middle aged men💀 how the fuck is this shit bringing them success if all they do is literally be fucking silent do nothing and be so egotistical of themselves??
Fascinating insight into how I live. Niche obsessions, I couldn't agree more. I'm obsessed with visiting and exploring the 15 former republics of the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are on the horizon within the next few years or so.
Hmmm must be why i lived without a phone for 2 years and i avoid social media lol
Sigma men.No man bun, no tattoos.Unvaccinated.
That's right.
Contentment is not an accident or a discovery within/of oneself.
A disciplined mind is required; _contentment_ is only one of its many benefits.
Thought control --> Emotional control --> Self control
the last point. with redefining relationships. that is a point I really appriciate. I got to that point through reflection. and its very nice to get to see that I m not alone with my reflecting results.
have a fantastic day dear chanal holder and all the others. god bless you all.
💯👍thank you
Exactly brother
That's me 💯💯💯💯💯💯
On target
one thing I find interesting is so many people on these videos feel they are sigma. I don't believe it, it's not the best place. I am not some theater geek, out of shape basement slob cosplaying at being john wick. I am a D1 collegiate athlete, high paying job, successful in every metric. I have 2 real friends that I've had for over 30 years. I have changed jobs / careers, because I cannot tolerate perceived weakness or inefficiency. I have a tough time with home life because of the social demands that come from family and children. Being like this is not fun, it is not cool, I'd give anything at times to be an npc or alpha dude bro.
Agreed. It's not easy. I find myself always wondering why I don't relax like others I know. Im a 40 year old I've built 5 businesses from the ground up and currently own 2. My mind never stops. I hate social media, movies, music, and large groups of people. I have 1 friend. I have 1 friend, I've had 2 cell phones in 10 years. Lol I bought a lake house to get some solitude on occasion but my wife and son turned into the entire family's vacation retreat. I didn't get mad I just went and bought some off grid land in the rookie mountains then went and became a private pilot bought a small plane to get out there and started building my own cabin. Only way in or out is by plane or chopper. These are just a few facts about me hell I didn't even know what a sigma was until my wife said my personality was odd and my son clapped back at her and informed her I was a "sigma male" so then I got curious and he explained it to me. I'm not proud of it and honestly like I said I wish sometimes I could be normal... then I walk into a Walmart and decide I'm happy how I am😂
@ZacharyWesberry-gd2wc It's nice to know we're not alone, if you need a sounding board ever I got you, shoot me a DM and we can swap some easy info. Same ago too and even the same social media status, I have ZERO lol
Psychiatry withheld pediatric Asperger diagnoses during the era between autism being an inpatient diagnosis and so-called neurodivergence becoming normalized. That's actually something different entirely (covert narcissism) because showing a kid parental approval for accepting the "defective" role causes him to lean into it and (unknowingly) not reject the scapegoating of his abusive family the way undiagnosed or undisclosed autistic kids (like we were) went on to do. It also halts their IQ climb. Never occurs to us we are autistic because most of us have IQs over 130 (and apparently never occurs to them they aren't anymore because they don't). Still having some autistic traits doesn't make someone who doubled-dowm on them when autism became his assigned brand autistic, IMO. Figured mine out during quarantine. Whole family have known but just left me to (not) figure it out on my own since being diagnosed with "asperger autism with intellectual giftedness" at age 11 in 1981.
Antipsychotics are contraindicated. Just remember that, because they're killing us 10 to 15 years early by being misprescribed for a whole range of misdiagnoses of which MDs very stupidly accept our hastened declines as confirmation. Even in psychosis loose association, tangential thought, word salad, and disorganized thinking are health-seeking efforts toward restoring homeostasis, but any anxiety in adult autism is annihilation anxiety and not abandonment anxiety so we are the population in whom adjunctive offlabel antipsychotics induce apparent paradoxical reactions like agitation when in fact catatonia is a known dangerous side effect of antipsychotics (that quacks who don't first differentiate by lorazepam challenge also don't consider after the fact that they've actually induced agitated catatonia). This is also important because "burnout" for us is actually autistic catatonia, and I'm pretty sure Parkinson's is end-stage autism.
Regardless, there is no dementing process in adult autism even remotely like the egodiscontinuity of schizophrenia or the egodecompensation of many geriatric dementias. But because we have weakly-developed inhibitory control executive function it can be the first thing to go under extraordinary stress and get us misdiagnosed with early-onset dementia (or some other bullshit for which antipsychotics will be misprescribed). It's the wrong thing because for instance if I had gone to the doctor instead of figuring this shit out on my own during quarantine at the very least I'd have been put back on Abilify to boost the Effexor I also don't take anymore and probably Seroquel again for sleep too if not one I've never taken. If it didn't induce side effects it still wouldn't exactly be therapeutic to dissolve my motivation, though I can certainly see why abusive families and psych ward staff prefer outpatients and inpatients (respectively) who've abandoned truthseeking.
I don't think the MBTI does as good a job with adult extraversion as the 5FM (because I think introversion is a pediatric trauma survival adaptation that very well may be mediated epigenetically in utero, but it suppresses other traits and is maladaptive in adults so IMO is only a trait per se insofar as we make it one), but you guys sound like INTJs. We are invariably either INFJ or INTJ per MBTI in my experience and observation. Biden is an INFJ and Putin is an INTJ. Plenty of bad guy INFJs too (Hitler), so I'm not trying to assign a moral value to the descriptor but indicating some of us are left brained and some of us are right brained just like any other random sample. Psychiatry insists there's no such thing as an adult-onset personality disorder but refuses to diagnose PDs until adulthood. That's how they're protecting themselves from negligent malpractice liability for those undisclosed and misdiagnoses, though none still practicing would ever see it that way and none who have begun practicing since see it at all. This goes unnoticed because AFAICT ASD is never considered in the adult differential, so unless someone's already suspicious enough to have figured it out themself (which is probably less likely for those whose marriages hopefully spare you adult lifetimes of antidepressants for "dysthymic anxiety") we are none the wiser.
The non-accommodation of developmental delay in early adulthood (e.g. incapacity to contract, particularly marriage) perpetuates undiagnosed and undisclosed autism because the pathogenic etiologies of ASD (and infanticide/"SIDS"🙄) are postpartum psychosis (unconscious wish for the child to become "unborn"). Stomach-sleeping only "causes" SIDS insofar as sometimes a defensive posture against a scowling or menacing mother prompts a retaliatory pillow party. Depends if her wittle ego gets hurt enough to react with the equivalent of "I'll give you something to cry about". I don't think most of these kinds of mothers even notice it but I'd be willing to bet at least one of you is still a stomach-sleeper if not both. Only recovering from hernia surgery in my mid-40s broke me of the habit.
NPD and ASD are clear predispositions to postpartum, and in predisposing ASD postpartum is pretty obviously the insulting stressor psychogenic to ASPD and BPD sequelae. Autism is 4:1 male because it's both more difficult for disturbed (narcissistic or autistic borderline) mothers to idealize infant sons as their mini mes and more likely that disturbed (narcissistic or autistic sociopath) fathers will devalue them and project the Oedipal delusion Freud's theory got backwards (he was an abuse survivor who characteristically still blamed himself for unprocessed trauma) onto them. Freud also oversexualized most things because he had not processed his trauma, but Sophocles' play indicates Freud didn't pull disturbed fathers' tendency to project competitive sexual rivalry and retaliatory bitterness no infant can even begin to formulate onto their sons out of thin air.
The female's (relative) mental health during her childbearing years is prioritized as indicated by the additional 4:1 male prevalence of schizophrenia and 4:1 female prevalence of Alzheimer's, both of which have a good bit to do with why some disturbed fathers will idealize subsequent sons to the point of favoritism (as part of their own "splitting" ego defense regarding one kid as the best of themselves and another as the worst...but neither as autonomous individuals) every bit as much as others will reject daughters for not being sons (which is how most autistic females end up that way). You don't make a kid autistic without maternal attachment trauma because the simple biological reality that all mammals were our mothers' biological processes before we are our own introduces the opportunity for mothers to regard some offspring about like they regard their turds. When an autistic borderline female does this it's usually because her narcissistic partner rejects the kid. When a narcissistic female does it I'm not so sure how much her autistic husband necessarily has to do with it (sociopath on paper or not) if the kid is even his because we get babytrapped all the fucking time. To wit, see Elon Musk. Also not at all unusual for us to displace unresolved mother-induced rage onto female partners. See the so-called "mostly harmless" hiker. Anyway, IDK your lives and am just trying to describe the mechanism of behavioral heritability to keep you from wasting time on the complete falsehood of non-mutagenic "genetic" autism 18 or so years (and counting) after the sequencing of the genome.
You are right it's not easy but I've found the less you concern yourself with the pointless stuff the more you have to dedicate to the important stuff.
I always thought I had mental health issues, for years I just thought I was cold and weird, I always did things sllghtly different, a little backwards from everyone else, I initially thought it was my dyslexia, I taught myself how to read and write because no one else could but I had to flip my brain upside down to do it as I couldn't learn in the traditional sense, now I'm a writer... Go figure.
But now im pretty sure being a sigma has a big part to play.
I've always done my own thing, never waited for anyone else, love being alone, I'm at my best by myself, never really sought companionship, not because I didn't enjoy it I just never put huge value in it. lived in four different countries and five states in America, multiple jobs in multiple disciplines. Plumbing, irrigation, drainage, heavy vehicle opperation, foreman, managerial etc etc, as soon as I'd learnt to the point of ot becoming second nature id go find another job related skill to learn.
learnt most of the arts, drawing, painting, musical instruments, writing etc etc,
It's purely a drive to better yourself and prove to no one.
Social constructs don't matter.
You know if your a true sigma male, you understand the feeling of cutting the knot and how easy and precisely you can do it and you find narcissists amusing because you know they will be endless fun to manipulate.
I have also noticed a lot of people thinking they are Sigma but I don't believe they are, though tbh I think there are varying degrees of all the categories, someone could be partially sigma and partially beta, none of it is black and white and also a number of mental issues could be confused as sigma like actions.
As a sigma male who is also a Virgo, I love feeling seen and understood by these videos but also don’t like how people are making it cool to be Sigmas now in a bandwagon sort of way. I see men trying to emulate us to appear enigmatic and mysterious. Bro.. just be yourself lol
Sigma's don't go into these videos validating their existence 😂
Thanks for giving me a name! All those years i thought that i had a huge problem. I thought that i was weird, psychopath, something alien, this is what they call me because I don't like to blindly follow the crowd
My daily life!!!
Sigma males don't smoke.
In general, they are repulsed by addictive habits.
I noticed that incongruity.
Not entirely true.
We do enjoy some vices, usually minimally.
It's the experience, not the chemical which draws us to partake.
True Sigmas are experience seekers and that includes all forms of experience, even those which we know can be damaging.
It's part of "living on our own terms", as it were.
Speak for yourself, and you’re wrong! The way we are as Sigmas we’re Addictive to Our particular ways according to Our standards. Duh
My niche, obscure topic is cryptozoology and etymology. Amazing things to be learned and understood. Its also shocking how little the general population knows about the actual realities of this world. How so easily they are mislead and manipulated.
None of the other sigmas I know smoke; we don't want to endanger our health.
Many Sigma videos resonate with me, but this was a bit more
Literally me
U hit most of the toes, but there b 5 kinds of thinkers and that puts a mix into yor finally.
There is no greater solitude than that of the SAMURAI unless it is that of the TIGER in the jungle...perhaps...BUSHIDO(Book of The Samurai), We identify as TIGERS and not lions, yea? Our theme song is MOONRAKER by Shirley Bassey, listen to the lyrics, enjoy........................................................
Well, groups or labels or names mean nothing. And, my set of principles...I am reliable. if you aren't, I can't let you hang with me. Actually, just one principle that is easy to understand.
I’m not sure about the minimalist comment - the sigma male may have a large library. In fact probably will.
Sounds like me
Using fictitious movie characters to drive the point on sigma males is like eating veggie beef burgers, it tastes like the real stuff but isn’t!
So the mythical sigma male is the romantic dream of every woman. 😂
Sigma male isn't stoic. They're more aloof
Only if I was born a century past .. No Sigma know until they have gone through ... and there at the age of understanding ! No Sigma male Knows until ... if you tell me if a 28 boy year old knows he's Sigma at or until he's at least he 58 years Knowing 99.99 4% that he's Omega and they have to be Sigma Virgo I'm now 59 ... Videos of young Guys knowing that they're a sigma ... it really doesn't work that way With .. people portray sigmas as in Steve Jobs for Microsoft Geek .. No they're omegas ... Musk Tesla no he's an Omega he does have like a 10% Sigma but those 5 cameras on the outside and inside of his vehicles lol , A true Sigma wouldn't put those to spy on you you purchased a vehicle that is Sigma makes it's your business musk won't and interviewers will not ask that question why there's cameras on the outside of the vehicle and microphones and cameras on the inside of the vehicle and yes he can shut down your vehicle at any time he knows everything where you been and where you live and where you're moving to .. you don't think Jeff Bezos and Evon Musk .. has ties to the US government lol and that Geek that stole code to Facebook ... you don't think if it wasn't for three College guys , that he would ever come up with that code lol to make Facebook it is today .. Naw ... look it up it's on UA-cam seek and you will find it I personally would have wanted 20% of the shares each instead of getting paid off 20% of the shares each would have brought them 70 million easy DUMB
so basically ... any introvert.
Isn’t a draw back????? Yes it is!!! It sucks!
We're still screwed up by the f system. At least we busyness men and women hu we're smart enough
AI channel….though not without pearls o ftruth
If I join the sigmas, do i get to wear a uniform?
Yo wtf everything here your saying im into😮😮😮😮
Woah you are super cool badass sigma everyone love you definitely not cringe
Number 9: other men
blah blah blah
Bullshit for money
The one thing all sigma males are interested in is being weird
If you don't vote Trump you are not a sigma. That's not off topic. Go your own way. Buy land and actually invest in your country. Create something you don't want to take a vacation from....Sad that that that makes me a racist in the eyes of the Disney owned media. Lets go Brandon!!!
I don't agree with the meditation part. Meditation is conformity, it is a group exercise pretending to be a deep thoughtful inner search. A sigma does not learn to meditate, a sigma meditates through the motion of his own ideas, direction, beliefs and learning curve; a sigma will seek movement and escape to think and reflect in peace. Movement can be achieved by reading a book, it is one way to escape but it will never be enough for a sigma. For a sigma, theory must bring practice, practice must bring conscience. A sigma needs applying what he believes will bring him a semblance of truth. Meditation to a sigma is torture, this is what people who don't have a soul do: take classes with a yoga teacher who will teach them about meditation and then apply these classes. A sigma is a soulful being, he does not need classes about how to breeze, feel or think. If you need classes, you're lost and soulless already. Meditation in our Western society is a trend, almost like a social statement "look at me I am working on it", it being not particularly well defined or true to itself. That's the opposite of a sigma, if you need others to teach you how to meditate, you're not a sigma. You're an empty shell. A sigma is perpetually after filling his own shell, only he can find the way. It is not something you can learn. If yoga which is nothing short of an instruction notice to whatever state you seek is your thing, you're definitely not a sigma. Sigma find their own way in unexpected places and don't feel the need to join a group to do it nor to follow a trend. Meditation is a 20th century trend that some Westerners brought from India and other Eastern places because they have lost the way of their ancestors. A sigma will only see meditation as deeply inauthentic and pretentious. A sigma has not lost his way, he might not always know which way to go but he is not afraid of trying. A sigma does not seek meditation but pilgrimage. Point is, if you meditate using techniques you had to learn from others, you are not a sigma and if anything your lack of self awareness will most likely cause a sigma to move on and away from you, not because he thinks less of you but because a sigma might have a great deal of faith in you, knowing that only you can find your own path. In a way, I would rather end a relationship with a good memory of someone than realizing my faith in that person was misplaced or prematurely placed. I have had this feeling sometimes when you think you have a rare bond with someone until she drops a meaningless "don't be a stranger" on you. It is not intended to be meaningless of course but the reality is these words often remain just that, words. At first it is a nice thing to hear, it is a good intention but it is nothing more. Everybody says it to complete strangers out of sheer politeness, again it is a sign of conformity. Now it does not mean you are not sincere but then what? At this point you come to realize you always were strangers. You might see this person every day at work and feel very close and stimulated by her true persona but do you really know her outside this place where people conform the most? If we were not strangers, you would not need to say it. That's when the harsh reality hit the sigma. The sigma is trapped in an era where language is more and more meaningless and it has become a figure of speech to satisfy a need to contractually enroll these social interactions people create. To a sigma, where there is a contract, there is nothing but compliance which pulls him further away. You never signed a contract with your own mother, now did you? If I was to ask what is the nature of your relationship with your own mother, would you answer me by listing all the values you have learned? "My mother is loyal to me and I trust her". Could you be more soulless than that. When the language turns into a figure of speech, then there is no meaning to it and where there is no meaning there is no truthful relationship. You're just asking me to comply to a social rule. You're telling me don't be a stranger but if you were to ask yourself: do I know him? do I intend to know him? is he in my life? do I intend to have him in my life? have I responded to his intent to make me part of his life? Then most likely the simple and honest answer to all would be no. And therefore you have good intentions but nothing more. A sigma will leave you for this like I did. What you call commitment, we call compliance and conformity. What you call Love we call Need and Fear. You want to put him in a cage where even love is a contract but how could it be. Commitment is a promise you make to yourself, not a promise you make to others. To yourself, these are the promises you keep. To me if there was one motto to apply to a sigma, it would be "La route de l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions", the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. It is because promises are plenty and meaningless that sigma emerge as lone wolves. If anything, sigma are the last remain of a species that once was but is no longer. This is why sigma are always on the road, so they don't get extinct like the conforming rest. They seek elsewhere what your inner self could not satisfy, driven as you are by values and concepts that are not even yours and that he will not make his. Find yourself and you will find the sigma, or conform and marry a Beta. By the way, to a Sigma, the Alpha is just another Beta. He only added cynicism to conformity and cynicism is the weapon of choice for those who hide. Those who hide do not seek the truth, their façade suffice. A sigma knows a Man is fooling no one but himself. The meaning of Life is not attained through social success and façades, only a Sigma knows that and will change his approach to Life accordingly. Alphas and Betas are following what every other Alphas and Betas have done before them. Sigmas don't follow anyone hence why they can be perceived as a threat or lacking loyalty. That's because your so called loyalty will never be enough to buy a Sigma. Sigmas are not for sale.
Sigma or Autism