In these years I have learned one thing. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT I SEE AND WHAT IS WRITTEN......Only some videos where the voice of Sheikh Hamdan is recognizable
Yes, from a 🐪 camel, is it really not clear 😅But he s been really sad for the last two weeks, but we think 💭 that she is not the reason for this, there is something else here
I think Ph has to calm down a bit He had many girlfriends He looks for makeup beuty and not for genuine kind and caring heart we clap with 2 hands The fault must be on both sides Anyways PH is very intelligent and has compassionate heart whats written by Almighty Allah happens same time Allah has given us eyes, brain, ears , common sense etc to use
Они уже помирились и Хаадия с Шейхом,во всяком случае об этом говорят их стихи.Если у него другая девушка,зачем он так расстраивается насчёт Хаадии.Не логично.
Vc administrador conta essas histórias do Hamdan mas ele está se relacionando com uma modelo e vc não diz nada, como sei disso ele mostra só não vê quem não quer, o Hamdan é narcisista ele tem prazer com coisas erradas, mas ele se acha o dono do mundo 💛🇧🇷
La hermana de Sheikh Hamdan hizo lo correcto.... !!! En su lugar, yo habría actuado de la misma manera. Haadiya, sólo tenía que aclarar la situación con Sheikh Hamdan... Asì de fàcil... La verdad SIEMPRE... Y nos hace libres.😊
No se será cierto esto que le está sucediendo Príncipe Fazza pero recuerde usted no está solo Dios está con usted,y todo pasa por algo,no esté triste tiene usted asus niños y a su familia,ya vendrá tiempos mejores en el amor, le mando un abrazo enorme ala distancia 🤗🌄🌈 bendiciones para usted y su familia 😇✨
I blame Haadiya for taking it to long not answering or honest with Sheik Hamdan if she wants to reconciled with him and not interested with other man. Her priorities should be the well being of her children. Try to forgive and mend her relationship with his sister, her only allied. Try to reach out to him and explain that she is not interested with other man.
Это одна правдивая платформа,я уверена,что любовь между ними существует,они всегда на связи и сами знают ,что и когда им делать.Это платформа более менее правдиво всё говорит,а что нам не надо так и не надо Счастья вам.
The question is... how much can a heart endure when it is attacked to the point of suffocation? How much more manipulation and how many chains will it endure? How much emotional destruction can a man accumulate who only wants to be happy? A leader, he... needs emotional peace... not a game of proposals... constant and perverse from others full of ambition.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Fazza não culpa a sua irmã ela só tentou te ajudar a Haadya que está fazendo vc se humilhar de mais e ela só faz isso porque ela sabe do amor que vc tem por ela ❤️
Oh man just leave this poor man to live his life he sees fit .look at hs face so much anxiety.Just let him be he has enough on his plate. To much drama here .I wish him well with his two wives. If this is what he wants so be it.
آه... يا إلهي.... حمدان ليس سعيدا والآن ، آمل ، يشعر بالحالة عندما تتعرض للخيانة والتخلي عنك! إنه ذراع ، حبيبي! ولا أشعر بالأسف على Haadia على الإطلاق ... هي نفسها تسحب القطة من المكان السببي، وهي نفسها تدفع حمدان بعيدا عنها! لا داعي للقلق من تانيا ، انتظر لفترة أطول قليلا وسيأتي وقتها ... لقد شعرت بخيبة أمل في هذه العائلة لفترة طويلة! آمل أن يفهم حمدان مدى الألم أن تخسر وتطرد...
Dios quiera todo se les solucione y puedan llevar una vida armoniosa, con felicidad y muchas alegrías entre ellas y los hijos, buenas noches y mucha suerte en esta encrucijada 🤔🤔👏👏
Yes absolutely completely fresh start otherwise it is going to be ground hog day everyday for the rest of your life move on from her I know how painful it is but you have too do something for you 🤗🤗🥰🥰❤️
Bonjour Hamdan ❤❤The heart knowing what the heart wants, an be a misleading sign❤❤ Dont keep living in the past,doesn't matter what attachment you have❤❤ If it hurts ,let it go❤❤ How long will you go on like this ,mentally this will destroy you eventually ❤ i admire too much to see you hurting like this❤❤Looking on from afar ❤❤ Devastated ❤❤Merci
I won't say Much about Sheikh Hamdan, Situation and stuff I will just Pray that all work out, Stress is not Good for your Body, trust and believe me, I know what Stress can do to your body, just Praying everything will work out God's Blessing Always and Forever 💜💞💜💞🌹🌹💜💞💜💞🌹🌹
I'm not admirable to the story but the most admirable for me is the voice of the narrator, your voice so cool to my ear I can't stop listening the tune of voice. GOD bless you all. GOD knows what probably the right things to do inorder to resolve that problem. Good luck each one of you
He is divorced from both woman Sheik Hamdan does not care he is probably relieved and can go on with his true love A divorce is a divorce Meaning no more let him be happy with someone else leave him alone 😊
O príncipe é hadyhaia e shakhaia zaeed todos tem seguir suas vidas e cada um tem procurar em outra pessoa e ser feliz está e minha opinião porque desses casamentos aí não haverá mais frutos não 😢
Yes, sir, your words are correct. Both must go their separate ways, although Hadia Zayed did everything she could to restore her relationship with Sheikh Hamdan.
All the pain y'all are in are went through you have to know when one closes well you already know there's another one to go through God bless them all help everyone one in this to find peace love and understanding ❤️
Hay muchos desencuentros y dolores profundos entre los tres. Deberian calmarse las aguas y ver lo que el tiempo deida que es mejor para cada corazón. DIOS LOS ILUMINE POR BUEN CAMINO , PAZ Y ARMONIA ENTRE VOSOTROS. AMÉN 🍀🍀🍀🙏🙏🙏💫
@PrinceHamdan-tp9fh siempre a tu lado dulce campeón, fuerza ,todo va ir mejorando con el correr del tiempo, a no desanimarte, se que es muy compleja tu situación, pero Dios está contigo , mucha suerte y tranquilidad a tu alma, cariños 🙏🫶🍀🇦🇷😘
Ya, Robb semoga orang-orang pilihan-Mu berbahagia dengan ridha-Mu, Engku satukan hati mereka dan satu visi misi dakwah dalam perjuangannya sebagai pemimpin, amien❤
Mi príncipe hermoso de alma brillante lamento decirte que te estan manipulando,esto es una estrategia de Haadiya y su madre para presionarte y accedas a la condiciones de Haadiya,te tiraron al anzuelo y tu por tus impulsos lo has mordido sin pensarlo, juro que me entristece tu sufrimiento ,que DIOS te ayudo y te lo ponga facil ,te amo 🇲🇽♥️🇦🇪🌹
Dumnezeu sa îl ajute în toate situațiile, și sa_ I dea putere si nervi de otel și multa sănătate, ca este foarte importanta .Are 3 copii care au nevoie de dragostea lui și este un tata foarte bun care iubește copii si e grijuliu cu ei Am văzut asta
There is nothing worse than heartache. Maybe they should converse with each other by poems that they are so adapt to doing. Take a breathe and listen before jumping to conclusions.
Que Deus continue o abençoando e colocando uma nova esposa na vida dele , que possa a ser o elo entre ele e sua primeira esposa como também com a sua segunda esposa !! No momento ele precisa muito da bondade do Senhor DEUS e de nossas orações por sua Saúde e por sua PAZ!! Amor ! Que o Senhor Deus esteja com você meu anjo e lhe conceda ser feliz e abençoado! Eu o amo!!🙌❤💖🌼❤💖🌼💖❤🙌
Just leave him and his family alone You défame him daily He is divorced and trying to go on with his life Why defame him and his family he is Royalty you should respect him and his family.The Prince has moved on he does not care of the both Xs
This is a saga that will never end with Hamdan because he is playing a good game with the wives. He wants to be in my life and while he is using me financially, he is in a game on his throne of defeat and deceit. He will never have a quiet enjoyable life while he is paving his way in where he can get benefits on his sad stories... its now beyond belief!
Sheik Hamdan,nu inteleg pentru ce atata suparare,Haadiya poate are cereri in casatorie dar ea nu le-a acceptat pentru simplu fapt ca pe tine te iubeste,a fost destul de mahnita si totusi nu a acceptat propunerile de casatorie oare dece? Haadia este tot timpul in umbra lui Sheika Tani?
Я с вами согласна они сами должны решать, между собой. Я не понимаю хамдана, почему он сней не разговаривает как взрослый мужчина , а ведет и пользуеться посредниками, как появляеться его сестра, так у них скандал между собой .ведь она подруга шаммы и она ее сблизила с хамдамом, она замужем родственником из семьи шаммы, а они очень хотят свести хамдана с шаммой, а если верить ,сплетням в сетях что шамма беременна то ясно что сроки поджимают и опять сестра вносит раздор между хамдамом и хадиеей . Он сней с августа месяца уехал англию, учиться она не продолжила уехала в дубай под видом ухаживать за тетей.хамдан сорвался ибросил хадию в англии уехал на похороны тети, а зачем ее тетя ему нужна а..... и т.д. . Враги и предатели .хамдана сидят в королевской семье. Хадия слишком доверчива и порядочна. Хамдану нужно не бросать разговор.было, а поблагодарить хадию за такой шикарный подарок на день рождения, а он повел себя, как уязвленный дон жуан.,
Така,його,доля.. Бути ввічливим до всіх.. смиренно чекати і сподіватись на диво.. А його,вже,не буде.. Час грає против них.. Вони всі,віддалились друг від друга.. Залишились,непорозуміння.. У одной жінки,була маніпуляція,яка тільки нашкодила..ще більше в стосунках.. А у іншій-гординя.. Справжне почуття кохання,не повинно знати цих методів.. Вони,ще більше руйнують і так натягнуті стосунки.. Залишилось..тільки плюнути..і розтерти.. Бо так можно втратити фізичне і душевне здоров'я.. Таке враження,що Хамдан,не відчував від них зіночу ласку,яка могла зняти напругу,як чоловіка.. .. йди далі новою дорогою..до нового козання і щастя.. Бо твоє минуле..вже як розбита чашка.. І як би ти,не клеїв осколки..шрами, залишаються.. Поживи,для себе,як чоловік.. Ти,потрібен в здравії свому народу і своїм дітям.. Благослови всіх,на порозуміння 🙏
Наконец то шейх Хамдан поступил как мужчина и напрямую спросил о предложениях Хаадию. В этой ситуации виновен великий шейх Мохаммед. Он заставил развестись шейха Хамдана с Хаадией, разбив брак, оставил любовь друг к другу в их сердцах . А Тани, если она умна, должна уже давно понять, что она жена по принуждению, чтобы родить малыша, будущего короля, только и всего. Нет у них семьи, она только на бумаге. Я думаю сестра Шейха правильно сделала, предупредив брата о предложениях. Время расставит все по местам. Но любовь надо сохранить и сохранить маму для своих деток.
Que ridiculez Hadiyaa invento esas propuesta y se lo dijo a su excuñada con la intencion de q ella de lo dojera a Hamdan. Asi q eso de q se sintio traicionada por la hermana de Hamdan es una estupidez hamdan pronto de seljara de todas estas locas mujeres q solo buscan su dinero para salir de pobres
Una serie Dubai ti!!.. que para muchos quizás le he's desinteresada, pero la verdad' que es tan normal' que hasta en Realeza se vé. La historia de un triángulo de amor' el precio de no ver la dirección correcta . El precio de una dinastía sin más preámbulo.... sólo en la memoria corazones van corazones vienen!!. Sin darnos ,cuenta que vamos en contra de los designios de Dios.❤
Uma coisa interessante no outro vídeo fazza falava com os pais de haadysa zen a mãe de haadysa zen falou para fazza que se preocupava com o destino da filha por estava procurando marido para filha dela
Quanto mi dispiace per questo BELLISSIMO Principe soffrire cosi se si puo gli dico quella donna del suo cuore ti prego basta e fai quello che lui ti dice se lo ami ,uno che lo AMI non si fa male cosi penso io 🤷♀️❤️
That's what happens in life, when things go wrong, you also hit the doors and windows. The situation with Haadiya is completely destroying you, don't rebuild it, REBUILD YOURSELF. Only true love can overcome all ADVERSITIES. Keep Calm, and keep calm AGAIN. MAYBE it's meant to be that way, life has taken to cleaning up YOUR LIFE... THE RIVER NEVER FLOWS BACKWARDS... LIVE SIMILARLY - don't look back at what was, just move forward.... GOD is always with you PRINCE, let him guide you with the Way, the Truth and the Life 🙏❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
In these years I have learned one thing. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT I SEE AND WHAT IS WRITTEN......Only some videos where the voice of Sheikh Hamdan is recognizable
@@mariaantoniettacasagrande1799 absolutely agree with you 100 💯 percent 👍❤️
Best to stay with one wife fully
How you know about all these information about hamdan's family?
Yes, from a 🐪 camel, is it really not clear 😅But he s been really sad for the last two weeks, but we think 💭 that she is not the reason for this, there is something else here
Misunderstandings are always resolved, but when they are resolved is what matters?!?!?
True love is not resolved by a phone call! Face each other!
I think Ph has to calm down a bit
He had many girlfriends
He looks for makeup beuty and not for genuine kind and caring heart
we clap with 2 hands
The fault must be on both sides
Anyways PH is very intelligent and has compassionate heart
whats written by Almighty Allah happens
same time
Allah has given us eyes, brain, ears , common sense etc to use
الله يجمعهم على خير
I hope they all be reconciled with each other and that conflict Will be resolve soon ❤😢
Never cant reconcile
@ why not there is no impossible if they themselves wants too
Они уже помирились и Хаадия с Шейхом,во всяком случае об этом говорят их стихи.Если у него другая девушка,зачем он так расстраивается насчёт Хаадии.Не логично.
syeih hamdan doesn't love hadiya anymore he has new gf..don't believe this new channel.
He always manages to be able to continuously
meet challenges head on as taught by Father. He 'll be just fine, in Allah's time.🎉🎉❤🎉🎉
Betapa sesaknya hati seorang pangeran .semoga ada jalan terbaik 🙏🙏
Vc administrador conta essas histórias do Hamdan mas ele está se relacionando com uma modelo e vc não diz nada, como sei disso ele mostra só não vê quem não quer, o Hamdan é narcisista ele tem prazer com coisas erradas, mas ele se acha o dono do mundo 💛🇧🇷
Hamdan has to star ignore her. She and her mother are acting like that, to put pressure on him at least we are seeing the real face of Haadiya, 🧐🧐🧐🧐
La hermana de Sheikh Hamdan hizo lo correcto.... !!! En su lugar, yo habría actuado de la misma manera.
Haadiya, sólo tenía que aclarar la situación con Sheikh Hamdan... Asì de fàcil...
La verdad SIEMPRE... Y nos hace libres.😊
Leave this poor man alone he has a good heart honest man it's nobody's business about his private life
What a load of nonsense, the supposed haadiya even is a different actress in every lime, all the rest of this article is a nonsense too
No se será cierto esto que le está sucediendo Príncipe Fazza pero recuerde usted no está solo Dios está con usted,y todo pasa por algo,no esté triste tiene usted asus niños y a su familia,ya vendrá tiempos mejores en el amor, le mando un abrazo enorme ala distancia 🤗🌄🌈 bendiciones para usted y su familia 😇✨
Hamdan publikuje wiersze o nowej żonie z U S A. Czy to jest prawda??? Jeśli tak to co może teraz zrobić Haadyia ??? Gdzie jest prawda ????
Todo mentira es propaganda para el,lo que pasa es que ya no saben que inventar que orrror no quisiera estar en su lugar
I blame Haadiya for taking it to long not answering or honest with Sheik Hamdan if she wants to reconciled with him and not interested with other man. Her priorities should be the well being of her children. Try to forgive and mend her relationship with his sister, her only allied. Try to reach out to him and explain that she is not interested with other man.
Это одна правдивая платформа,я уверена,что любовь между ними существует,они всегда на связи и сами знают ,что и когда им делать.Это платформа более менее правдиво всё говорит,а что нам не надо так и не надо Счастья вам.
The question is... how much can a heart endure when it is attacked to the point of suffocation? How much more manipulation and how many chains will it endure? How much emotional destruction can a man accumulate who only wants to be happy? A leader, he... needs emotional peace... not a game of proposals... constant and perverse from others full of ambition.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Fazza não culpa a sua irmã ela só tentou te ajudar a Haadya que está fazendo vc se humilhar de mais e ela só faz isso porque ela sabe do amor que vc tem por ela ❤️
They need to finish calls no hanging up stuff. Thanks for giving me anxiety.
Счастья,счастья, СЧАСТЬЯ
Oh man just leave this poor man to live his life he sees fit .look at hs face so much anxiety.Just let him be he has enough on his plate.
To much drama here .I wish him well with his two wives. If this is what he wants so be it.
It's hard to believe everything. I'm sure the truth will never come out. Too much noise around him........
He is a leader. He has to be strong. He has to consider the one who him. I wished she can remarried and moved on with her happiness.
آه... يا إلهي.... حمدان ليس سعيدا والآن ، آمل ، يشعر بالحالة عندما تتعرض للخيانة والتخلي عنك! إنه ذراع ، حبيبي! ولا أشعر بالأسف على Haadia على الإطلاق ... هي نفسها تسحب القطة من المكان السببي، وهي نفسها تدفع حمدان بعيدا عنها! لا داعي للقلق من تانيا ، انتظر لفترة أطول قليلا وسيأتي وقتها ... لقد شعرت بخيبة أمل في هذه العائلة لفترة طويلة! آمل أن يفهم حمدان مدى الألم أن تخسر وتطرد...
@ЛарисаМороз-щ8е Она же не виновата в том, что Хамдан не любит тебя. Не надо было хвастаться, вот Аллах и наказал тебя.
@roxysmitt9538 أعلم أنها ليست مسؤولة.
ولم أقصد.
قلت إنه الآن سيشعر أيضا بهذا الألم ...
@@ЛарисаМороз-щ8е Я же тебя предупреждала что это временно, а ты мне не поверила и вот результат.
Dios quiera todo se les solucione y puedan llevar una vida armoniosa, con felicidad y muchas alegrías entre ellas y los hijos, buenas noches y mucha suerte en esta encrucijada 🤔🤔👏👏
Principe, quando meno se l, aspetta arriva la persona giusta per lei ❤
Money is not everything free life can enjoyed
Leave her im waiting my love
Start over with someone new Hamdan
Yes absolutely completely fresh start otherwise it is going to be ground hog day everyday for the rest of your life move on from her I know how painful it is but you have too do something for you 🤗🤗🥰🥰❤️
Bonjour Hamdan ❤❤The heart knowing what the heart wants, an be a misleading sign❤❤ Dont keep living in the past,doesn't matter what attachment you have❤❤ If it hurts ,let it go❤❤ How long will you go on like this ,mentally this will destroy you eventually ❤ i admire too much to see you hurting like this❤❤Looking on from afar ❤❤ Devastated ❤❤Merci
@Fazza-r1y it's Okayyy.
@@dianamisty671 thank you
@@dianamisty671 how you doing today
@@Fazza-r1y My mind is in a great place, You
May God bless you.All are God plan dear Prince.Good luck.❤❤
@FazHamdan-r5c Am very well.
Are you okay.
@FazHamdan-r5c yes .. thanks you dear
@FazHamdan-r5c yes I will contact you
@FazHamdan-r5c yes dear
@FazHamdan-r5c sorry..I don't like your are bad player.
Buenos días creo que todo se puede arreglar y finalmente las cosas pueden acomodarse en su lugar y esto es una bendición
I won't say Much about Sheikh Hamdan, Situation and stuff I will just Pray that all work out, Stress is not Good for your Body, trust and believe me, I know what Stress can do to your body, just Praying everything will work out God's Blessing Always and Forever 💜💞💜💞🌹🌹💜💞💜💞🌹🌹
Aku merasa kasihan padamu Pangeran, betapa besar cintamu pada nya, aku berharap pangeran bersabar semoga dia bisa kembali padamu itu doaku😢😢😢
The first wife really loves him.
Life goes on
I'm not admirable to the story but the most admirable for me is the voice of the narrator, your voice so cool to my ear I can't stop listening the tune of voice. GOD bless you all. GOD knows what probably the right things to do inorder to resolve that problem. Good luck each one of you
He is divorced from both woman
Sheik Hamdan does not care he is probably relieved and can go on with his true love
A divorce is a divorce
Meaning no more let him be happy with someone else leave him alone 😊
Hamdan has to see this video...
Oh really love good 🥰
Cita segi tiga jadi dilema .😭
Merci pour cette vidéo qui me permet de connaître cette belle famille ❤😂Eliane
O príncipe é hadyhaia e shakhaia zaeed todos tem seguir suas vidas e cada um tem procurar em outra pessoa e ser feliz está e minha opinião porque desses casamentos aí não haverá mais frutos não 😢
Why do you have to say that?
Yes, sir, your words are correct. Both must go their separate ways, although Hadia Zayed did everything she could to restore her relationship with Sheikh Hamdan.
@@CaesarJulius-x9k And you support that?
@@PrinceHamdan-tp9fh. Нет.
All the pain y'all are in are went through you have to know when one closes well you already know there's another one to go through God bless them all help everyone one in this to find peace love and understanding ❤️
Hay muchos desencuentros y dolores profundos entre los tres. Deberian calmarse las aguas y ver lo que el tiempo deida que es mejor para cada corazón. DIOS LOS ILUMINE POR BUEN CAMINO , PAZ Y ARMONIA ENTRE VOSOTROS. AMÉN 🍀🍀🍀🙏🙏🙏💫
Thank you so much for the encouragement words
@PrinceHamdan-tp9fh siempre a tu lado dulce campeón, fuerza ,todo va ir mejorando con el correr del tiempo, a no desanimarte, se que es muy compleja tu situación, pero Dios está contigo , mucha suerte y tranquilidad a tu alma, cariños 🙏🫶🍀🇦🇷😘
Там где вмешиваеться сестра хамдама, то ждите раздор и ссора, между хамдамом и хадиеей. Она не бескорыстно подлевает огонь в их отношения. Змея!.
May Allah bless Highness healthy always aameen🤲🏼
Ya, Robb semoga orang-orang pilihan-Mu berbahagia dengan ridha-Mu, Engku satukan hati mereka dan satu visi misi dakwah dalam perjuangannya sebagai pemimpin, amien❤
Mi príncipe hermoso de alma brillante lamento decirte que te estan manipulando,esto es una estrategia de Haadiya y su madre para presionarte y accedas a la condiciones de Haadiya,te tiraron al anzuelo y tu por tus impulsos lo has mordido sin pensarlo, juro que me entristece tu sufrimiento ,que DIOS te ayudo y te lo ponga facil ,te amo 🇲🇽♥️🇦🇪🌹
Thank you for your care and I promise I would be fine soon
How are you doing today?
Dumnezeu sa îl ajute în toate situațiile, și sa_ I dea putere si nervi de otel și multa sănătate, ca este foarte importanta .Are 3 copii care au nevoie de dragostea lui și este un tata foarte bun care iubește copii si e grijuliu cu ei Am văzut asta
@@DinulescuCoca thank you so much
There is nothing worse than heartache. Maybe they should converse with each other by poems that they are so adapt to doing. Take a breathe and listen before jumping to conclusions.
Que Deus Abençoe o Príncipe Ramadan que ele consiga resolver está situação ❤
So sorry for you hurt and sadness ❤
Que Deus continue o abençoando e colocando uma nova esposa na vida dele , que possa a ser o elo entre ele e sua primeira esposa como também com a sua segunda esposa !!
No momento ele precisa muito da bondade do Senhor DEUS e de nossas orações por sua Saúde e por sua PAZ!!
Amor ! Que o Senhor Deus esteja com você meu anjo e lhe conceda ser feliz e abençoado!
Eu o amo!!🙌❤💖🌼❤💖🌼💖❤🙌
Thank you so much
Just leave him and his family alone You défame him daily
He is divorced and trying to go on with his life
Why defame him and his family he is Royalty you should respect him and his family.The Prince has moved on he does not care of the both Xs
Ben detto 💝💕
scegli la strada del cuore scegli l'amore
This is a saga that will never end with Hamdan because he is playing a good game with the wives. He wants to be in my life and while he is using me financially, he is in a game on his throne of defeat and deceit. He will never have a quiet enjoyable life while he is paving his way in where he can get benefits on his sad stories... its now beyond belief!
He is using you financially???
What do you mean???
If you give money to someone it is not Sheikh Hamdan but a scammer😮😢
Indeed!! He got billions..king of Dubai @@mrs.shakespeare
Esse rapaz é casado com Sheikha Saeed Thani. E não vai separar.
Should leave his private life alone he is a young handsome kind hearted prince ❤❤❤ ❤❤ its upto him
@@LucyDaniel-vu2lo yes I totally agree 👍
Would like to know more about you?
More about who?
@@JoanneDonaldson-d2l And who are you if I may ask
Хаади Зен счастья тебе и детям, но ув.шейх Хамдан отец твоих детей , счастья и любви вам желаю ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Why are you so confused about ex-wife let her get her married chill dear she has no love for u just black mailing u❤. dear
The past is past
Life started anew
Sheik Hamdan,nu inteleg pentru ce atata suparare,Haadiya poate are cereri in casatorie dar ea nu le-a acceptat pentru simplu fapt ca pe tine te iubeste,a fost destul de mahnita si totusi nu a acceptat propunerile de casatorie oare dece? Haadia este tot timpul in umbra lui Sheika Tani?
Leave him alone he is in love with another woman he is not interested in Thani Hadiya he divorced both of them .
He is in love with a woman who also loves him dearly she speaks 5 languages she is an American woman
از کجا میدونین؟
Im sad for everyone but also confused bcz of this new love. Wishing everyone the best.
Uma boa tarde abençoada pra você que a paz de Deus esteja sempre com vocês 💞💞🙏🙌
The mother has to go to a wali! Abdul-Qadir Gilani, Ahmad al-Badawi or Mevlana Rumi,
Um relacionamento entre um casal deve ser decidido apenas entre eles. Quando outras pessoas são envolvidas sempre acontece isso.
That's the fact
And how are you doing today?
Я с вами согласна они сами должны решать, между собой. Я не понимаю хамдана, почему он сней не разговаривает как взрослый мужчина , а ведет и пользуеться посредниками, как появляеться его сестра, так у них скандал между собой .ведь она подруга шаммы и она ее сблизила с хамдамом, она замужем родственником из семьи шаммы, а они очень хотят свести хамдана с шаммой, а если верить ,сплетням в сетях что шамма беременна то ясно что сроки поджимают и опять сестра вносит раздор между хамдамом и хадиеей . Он сней с августа месяца уехал англию, учиться она не продолжила уехала в дубай под видом ухаживать за тетей.хамдан сорвался ибросил хадию в англии уехал на похороны тети, а зачем ее тетя ему нужна а..... и т.д. . Враги и предатели .хамдана сидят в королевской семье. Хадия слишком доверчива и порядочна. Хамдану нужно не бросать разговор.было, а поблагодарить хадию за такой шикарный подарок на день рождения, а он повел себя, как уязвленный дон жуан.,
Бути ввічливим до всіх.. смиренно чекати і сподіватись на диво..
А його,вже,не буде..
Час грає против них..
Вони всі,віддалились друг від друга..
У одной жінки,була маніпуляція,яка тільки нашкодила..ще більше в стосунках..
А у іншій-гординя..
Справжне почуття кохання,не повинно знати цих методів..
Вони,ще більше руйнують і так натягнуті стосунки..
Залишилось..тільки плюнути..і розтерти..
Бо так можно втратити фізичне і душевне здоров'я..
Таке враження,що Хамдан,не відчував від них зіночу ласку,яка могла зняти напругу,як чоловіка..
.. йди далі новою дорогою..до нового козання і щастя..
Бо твоє минуле..вже як розбита чашка..
І як би ти,не клеїв осколки..шрами,
Поживи,для себе,як чоловік..
Ти,потрібен в здравії свому народу і своїм дітям..
Благослови всіх,на порозуміння 🙏
I can't believe
On what please
Какая сестра принца красивая,красивее выдуманной Хаадии❤
Ah, well said 🌹🌞
Le temps parfois est source de réflections . Et tous peut s arranger ❤Eliane inchalla ❤😂❤😂
Что за сплетни вокруг них распространяют.Очень обидно.Но миру нужна правда.Им то же нужна правда.Ведь дети их и они растут.
Yo quisiera saver si le pagan a estas personas falsas😂😂😂😂
Наконец то шейх Хамдан поступил как мужчина и напрямую спросил о предложениях Хаадию. В этой ситуации виновен великий шейх Мохаммед. Он заставил развестись шейха Хамдана с Хаадией, разбив брак, оставил любовь друг к другу в их сердцах . А Тани, если она умна, должна уже давно понять, что она жена по принуждению, чтобы родить малыша, будущего короля, только и всего. Нет у них семьи, она только на бумаге. Я думаю сестра Шейха правильно сделала, предупредив брата о предложениях. Время расставит все по местам. Но любовь надо сохранить и сохранить маму для своих деток.
Que ridiculez Hadiyaa invento esas propuesta y se lo dijo a su excuñada con la intencion de q ella de lo dojera a Hamdan. Asi q eso de q se sintio traicionada por la hermana de Hamdan es una estupidez hamdan pronto de seljara de todas estas locas mujeres q solo buscan su dinero para salir de pobres
Una serie Dubai ti!!.. que para muchos quizás le he's desinteresada, pero la verdad' que es tan normal' que hasta en Realeza se vé. La historia de un triángulo de amor' el precio de no ver la dirección correcta . El precio de una dinastía sin más preámbulo.... sólo en la memoria corazones van corazones vienen!!. Sin darnos ,cuenta que vamos en contra de los designios de Dios.❤
No idea
Une belle famille parfois des soucis .mais tous s arrange .
Gratulálok!Sok boldogságot kivanok önöknek!
Uma coisa interessante no outro vídeo fazza falava com os pais de haadysa zen a mãe de haadysa zen falou para fazza que se preocupava com o destino da filha por estava procurando marido para filha dela
Potreste tradurre anche in Italiano, grazie
Turn on subtitles in Italian
Toliko Ste nesretni ...da neznate ni sto je prava ljubav....❤
Never change
عزیزم هاندا به چه چیزیش مینازه ،هر چیزی داره از شماست ، هنوز رشد نکرده، مراقب سلامتیت باش شاهزاده ی زیبا❤
💝🍀oh really love 💕
Suave buenos días amor tranquilo haardiya no se casará con otro te ama son sus padres el problema fe orate te amo besos❤
Thank you so much for your love
Would like to know more about you?
Start your life all over again ❤
Quanto mi dispiace per questo BELLISSIMO Principe soffrire cosi se si puo gli dico quella donna del suo cuore ti prego basta e fai quello che lui ti dice se lo ami ,uno che lo AMI non si fa male cosi penso io 🤷♀️❤️
Pero si Hadua ya está lastimada por el principe desde que tenia a la novia Alfalas que decía que lo comprendía era quien lo escuchaba y la amaba,
A nie jest ci przykro że Haadyia cierpi?? Hamdan podobno ma nową żonę z Usa czy to prawda???
Im at a lose too asking me for that i cried
Master come collect honey ❤❤❤❤.
Asta, cuando esta novela ,ya vasta estodo... Publicacion, la verdad no se save 😠🫵
Situaçao nastante confusa.
That's what happens in life, when things go wrong, you also hit the doors and windows.
The situation with Haadiya is completely destroying you, don't rebuild it, REBUILD YOURSELF. Only true love can overcome all ADVERSITIES.
Keep Calm, and keep calm AGAIN. MAYBE it's meant to be that way, life has taken to cleaning up YOUR LIFE...
LIVE SIMILARLY - don't look back at what was, just move forward....
GOD is always with you PRINCE, let him guide you with the Way, the Truth and the Life 🙏❤️
Thank you for the distinction ❤️
Warm regards ❤️