Near Death Experience Leads Priest to Transcendent Journey In Heaven!

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @nhartigan72
    @nhartigan72 Рік тому +24

    Thanks so much for sharing, I have no doubt that it's all true. I've also been born again with a somewhat similar story. I was raised Catholic, always prayed, studied my bible, occasionally went to church, etc., but I also lived more as the world than as Christ, very hateful at times with little empathy, often in the bars, etc, etc.. For years I'd been having nightmares of being surrounded by snakes, falling, or that my party friends were out to kill me. In 2014 I was 42, recently divorced, having more relationship problems, life was getting rough. One night I was very upset & recognized that my ways weren't working, it was as a cycle that always ended in failure. I told God that "I give in, I'm totally yours, I'll try to do whatever you want of me", not having a clue what that might mean. I was laying in bed at the time & too upset to sleep. About an hour later I was still laying there thinking about all that had me upset. I noticed every time I closed my eyes I was seeing myself in a dark hellish place surrounded by demons (my demons/sins it seems). This continued until I became quite terrified. At that point I began seeing Jesus on a cross in the middle of a thunderstorm. I begged him to save me & take the demons away. Then I noticed that I was laying in bed in the crucifix position. He took the demons away & there was peace, but then this repeated 3 times, as if symbolic of his 3 days in the grave. Also while in this hellish place I saw robots, I believe they were a symbolic reference to those whose minds have been programmed by the world, rather than by Christ. After the 3rd time I had peace, but now a big book came down & was opened on the table in front of me. The book somewhat scared me, I tried, but could not make out what was written. Then the book slammed shut & went up into the sky. I believe it was either the Lamb's Book of Life or the book containing the last of my old life. Now I saw an old map & beside it I saw signs & symbols. I was shown this several times & I believe it was to show me that my life has a path which has been mapped out & I would have signs/symbols to help me along the way. (This has came true as the holy spirit has made see signs in everything as well as have symbolic dreams all the time, which I usually understand after a little time & prayer). Next I was take above a forest & up into the sky. I saw the light & headed towards it. The light appeared as bright as lightning, but when I got near it I stopped & it dimmed so that I could see. It appeared to be like a sphere or circle with what I believed to be spirits flying in & out making up the shape. I believed it to be the outside of heaven, but perhaps it was what some call the tunnel, I don't know. I wanted to go in of course, but I had this thought that if I went in I couldn't come back & I'd be found dead in my bed & my young daughter would have no father. I decided to decline heaven at that time & I opened my eyes to assure that I was still alive. I closed my eyes to see if there was anything new & this time I found myself in a big banquet hall full of people whom I didn't know, but they were congratulating me, I believe for making an unselfish decision & passing a test. Now I was taken to a laboratory that was like a "clean room". There were huge air filters & I saw workers wearing special suits to avoid contamination. I noticed that everything in this lab was either baby blue (the color of a boy) or a pinkish/lavender (the color of a girl). I saw that the workers were working on two different things, I believe referencing myself & a woman. That was the end of the vision. The next day the holy spirit began opening my eyes to see things much differently, revealing so much of my sin that I hadn't been able to see & changing my heart. I was humbled to say the least. The next weekend I fasted & prayed, that evening a voice said to me "Nick, Jesus is coming into your house (meaning self) clean it up!" I threw away a carton of cigarettes (28 year habit). I dumped 30 bottles of liquor, 2 cases of beer, & 2 jars of moonshine. I didn't know I had a problem with these things as I was not an alcoholic, only a social drinker, but as I dumped, the holy spirit revealed all the trouble alcohol had caused in my life through the years. I found myself laughing & crying, realizing I had a love/hate relationship. I cried until the moment I drove across town & threw all the bottles into a dumpster, then I dried up & couldn't cry another tear that night. A woman I had been dating called, wanting to meet at a bar to talk, I told her that she & I were to clean up our lives, build a relationship on Jesus & be witnesses of his. Of course she laughed, but soon she called again asking me to hurry & come pick her up, because the people at the bar (my stepmother (the bartender) & her best friend (the owner) wouldn't allow her inside the bar. She was a 38 year old woman, though she'd forgot her ID they knew her & there was really no logical reason to deny her entry other than Jesus. Many other things happened over time with God testing me, such as having me quit my job so that he could get my employer to repent & return to him. His holy spirit spoke quite a bit for awhile, asking questions such as if I would give up all that I have for him. Over the years he has changed me in so many ways, I'm really ashamed at what I once was, & I'm still a work in progress, but so much closer to where I should be. I agree with Father Cedric, I cried & cried off & on for years, perhaps washing away some of the past. I still have dreams guiding me all the time, now rather than being surrounded by snakes, I am at times helping to chase snakes away from others. I work where he tells me to work, so that I can help whomever he wants me to help & I wait for the woman of his choice, as he often shows me that he is still working on her. Another neat thing I recall is two nights in row he gave me what seemed like a type of sleep paralysis. The first night I didn't understand, but the second night I did. I was again laying in the crucifix position, frozen & unable to move. He allowed me to feel some of the love & the sorrow that he had for us as he hung on the cross. Though I felt no pain as he did, I can tell you that his anguish, his love & his sorrow for us was overwhelming.

    • @nhartigan72
      @nhartigan72 Рік тому +4

      Funny thing to add. Around '95 I got my only tattoo during a rough part of life. I didn't know what it was, but I always liked the symbol. Over the years I came to regret the tattoo. Shortly after being born again, it was revealed to me that the tattoo is of a phoenix, the mystical bird that dies in a fire of it's own creation & then is born again new & better than before......So just a couple nights ago I dreamt that I was in my house (a house in a dream is often symbolic of that person). My mother who is in heaven was in my "living room" (still very alive & nearby). In my house I had a humidifier running. It was running so strongly that the water vapor looked like smoke throughout all the house & was flowing out the windows & doors. (In my dreams, I'm often spraying water, bringing water, serving water, etc.. This is about testifying of Jesus. Out of those who are his will come streams of living water. I've recently been testifying a lot & it's symbolically reflected in the dream). Next thing I know the fire chief came to my house with several people carrying pens & notepads to take notes of what they saw. They all came in & the fire chief apologized for the inconvenience seeing that there was no fire & what I was pumping out was actually quite healthy & beneficial. Then he complimented a picture on my bedroom wall. That picture on my wall was of the phoenix tattoo that is on my arm (literally on the wall of my house/temple). The Lord sure is creative 💜

    • @bffentertainment7848
      @bffentertainment7848 5 місяців тому +1

      @@nhartigan72 Thank you so much for sharing your experience!

  • @jamesmondok8635
    @jamesmondok8635 Рік тому +18

    I asked the Lord to show me a NDE with a Priest who had one! This was everything I had hoped for and I thank you for having Fr. Cedric and thank you Father for a wonderful story of your experience!
    I’ve never had an NDE but I firmly believe in them after researching 1000+ NDE’s! Your’s is exactly what I wanted to hear and many thanks….God bless you both…+Fr.James

  • @yahndidee-nay8792
    @yahndidee-nay8792 Рік тому +5

    When someone has touched God there is definitely a transference of the Heavenly when they speak to the listeners. Thankyou

  • @Fabicasell
    @Fabicasell Рік тому +7

    Thank you Father Cedric ! What an amazing testimony 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @mikebaerdc
    @mikebaerdc Рік тому +7

    Great testimony, I am so happy you were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit through this experience. Thank you for sharing your experience of visiting with God in heaven and enjoying his glory and love up close with that intensity, I love to hear when God allows a person to experience that and return to tell us about it, I can feel it and I look so forward to being there in heaven with our Father in heaven and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and experience their love and glory in person. I experience some of that now, but what you say, and others say who have been with them there is the intensity of their love and glory and the joy we experience there is exceeding abundant above all we can ask or think. We need to repent of any sins and be sanctified and watch for Jesus because he is coming very soon.

    • @bobobrien8968
      @bobobrien8968 3 місяці тому

      So, where in your mind, is heaven?

  • @maryreaderblog
    @maryreaderblog Рік тому +6

    The last five minutes was for me. I have long worried about the fact that I haven't had ANY supernatural experiences of any kind wondering if there was something wrong with my relationship with God and what the Cedric said in those final moments about being blessed by believing and not seeing, really helped!!! I want to get his book but it's SO EXPENSIVE!

  • @genevievemauger3554
    @genevievemauger3554 Рік тому +1

    Everyone should do whatever is necessary to be prepared for their judgement is what I got from this and also how wonderful it will be to feel Gods Glory

  • @lindyloya2828
    @lindyloya2828 Рік тому +3

    I have not seen you on tbn for a while. I used to really enjoy your show! Your testimony really blessed me! Thankyou for sharing with us. I had those tears when I visited a church … weeping from my very soul! Yes!

    • @karenkelly6785
      @karenkelly6785 Рік тому

      I watch him on TBN 6am central time Sunday mornings 🙏

  • @judyswain9245
    @judyswain9245 Рік тому +1

    Certainly I experience the majesty and power of God's Holy Spirit through these testimonials!

  • @panzergarden1232
    @panzergarden1232 10 місяців тому +2

    NDEs are so interesting,especially if told by a trustworthy holy man,such as this Father😊

  • @mbm8404
    @mbm8404 10 місяців тому +1

    I’ve always been a caring person and lived life in the service to help others, but when I retired I was so upset that I wasn’t helping like I did before. I had a surgery with an experience like the priest had and I learned it’s ok to wait with love in my heart. Time to nurture is all around me with my family and pets. It’s enough…💞✝️💞

    • @lisabucaro839
      @lisabucaro839 5 місяців тому

      I was watching another priest named father Dan Reehill or it might have been father Carlos martins...anyway, he said some people are seraphic souls and they are called to be more loving than the rest of us. They are expected to be more loving. You might be one.

  • @barbaragermain3713
    @barbaragermain3713 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful Testimony. Thank You for sharing with us.

  • @worldview730
    @worldview730 4 місяці тому

    Glory to God

  • @JoseGomez-n4k
    @JoseGomez-n4k 2 місяці тому

    When he said more people won’t make it than will that shook me. Because I know I don’t love other people like I should. Not remotely.

  • @margiinman6384
    @margiinman6384 Рік тому +2

    🩸This is unconditional love and compassion Jesus revealed through His shed blood for everyone 🩸
    When you are rooted and grounded in God’s love. The spirit of fear fade’s away. The shame blame and condemnation game you used to do is left behind you. Because of you surrender and embrace God’s unconditional Love to rule over your soul. Having the love, compassion and forgiving heart of Jesus.
    Praying for your enemies with the the attitude of I forgive them they know not what they do.
    🩸This is unconditional love and compassion Jesus revealed through His shed blood for everyone 🩸

  • @MatthewWayne33
    @MatthewWayne33 2 місяці тому


  • @frankt7521
    @frankt7521 Рік тому +1

    I needed this today. Thank you.

  • @greggoreo6738
    @greggoreo6738 Рік тому +6

    Once I prayed, "How come I don't have a N. D. E. or see an angel? " and the memo that lovingly came to me was: "why should I waste it on you? You already believe." I had to laugh at my own naiveté. p.s. May I humbly suggest a book by a neurosurgeon who was 7 days in a coma. The book is entitled PROOF OF HEAVEN by Eben Alexander, lll, M. D. He's been interviewed by Larry King and Oprah. God bless you and your family. Happy new year. Gregg Oreo long Beach Ca Etats Unis

    • @CIST3
      @CIST3 Рік тому +1

      That's an excellent book and you make an excellent point. I don't need to have anything more than the Lord wants to show me. I know who he is and I look forward to be called home someday.

    • @ellenadams5923
      @ellenadams5923 Рік тому +2

      I Love this Priest 💞

  • @mikemurphy9927
    @mikemurphy9927 Рік тому

    This is the best Nde you tube I've ever seen . Thank You hope to see you at St Ann's .God Bless !!!

  • @lorrainevane8542
    @lorrainevane8542 6 місяців тому

    God Bless You All for sharing 🙏

  • @jennilooliver5302
    @jennilooliver5302 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for sharing Father Cedric. I like to DVR your talks on your TV series and listen when I get a chance. Well I really got hooked lately when you talked about trust--that's what a priest told me to pray about and I clicked --it so happened I watched the beginning of your series on this. I know about the emphasis on trust Divine Mercy Sunday and otherwise but you made it very clear how important it is to Jesus. I have a situation I need to trust God for and He's been reassuring me. Thank you for sharing your NDE experience with heart; love and carefully thought out descriptions. Your knowing you were there before is touching and reassuring.

  • @indigenous31617
    @indigenous31617 Рік тому

    Ive been in the presence of Jesus thrice. Once in heaven, twice in earth... via an open heaven. Each time was incredibly soul shaking.

  • @CIST3
    @CIST3 Рік тому +3

    I've actually never met a Passionist priest that was passionate. I'm glad he got the experience that he needed. In Catholicism, marriage is supposed to reflect how God loves us which is exclusively, permanently and fruitfully. This priest's experience demonstrates God's awesome love. We must cooperate with God's grace to become holy. That's what the saints have gotten right. Feelings of unworthiness are from the devil. If you believe Satan's lies that you are unworthy, you might not share the Good News. God tells us the exact opposite. We are his beautiful, beloved children. I don't think this is what most people would call a near-death experience. St. Teresa of Avila spoke about flights of the spirit and visions. They're not exactly the same them. Sometimes God just shows you something on the plane of the imagination and sometimes God will take your spirit and you actually feel a movement and St. Teresa spoke about resisting that at first and then learning to not resist it.

  • @susanchieco4925
    @susanchieco4925 Рік тому +13

    Thank you, Fr Cedric you are wonderful and inspiration. I appreciate all your programs. I believe you.

  • @catwoman4560
    @catwoman4560 9 місяців тому

    Awesome! 🙏🏻🕯✝️

  • @stephenkavanagh3560
    @stephenkavanagh3560 Рік тому

    The take away was splendid

  • @tammymaxwell7901
    @tammymaxwell7901 Рік тому


  • @JackieD3924
    @JackieD3924 Рік тому

    Shaun, I'm praying for God's healing touch on your wife 💗

  • @doloresnolan5949
    @doloresnolan5949 8 місяців тому

    Glad a catholic priest had there experiences.❤❤❤

  • @stephenkavanagh3560
    @stephenkavanagh3560 Рік тому +2

    I find this priest has a very sincere spirit-- normally I don’t think much about Roman Catholicism as I used to be one as a child

  • @kellytynes-peissner9355
    @kellytynes-peissner9355 Рік тому +1

    I can hear it fine

  • @sonflower1118
    @sonflower1118 Рік тому +1

    He experienced the holy fear of the Lord in all his majesty. God wants our reverence toward him so much that we desire holiness. We are forgiven by the works of Jesus on the cross. He took our sins into his body and paid the penalty for our sins. We can accept his sacrifice, have our sins forgiven and receive eternal salvation.

  • @tina-g8p
    @tina-g8p Місяць тому

    As a catholic, I was taught if you don't die in a state of grace , you go straight to hell.

  • @NoName-yx2ny
    @NoName-yx2ny Рік тому

    All consuming love.

  • @makeupqueen27
    @makeupqueen27 Рік тому +4

    The audio is quite terrible. Love Fr. Cedric.❤

  • @lucillemooney6072
    @lucillemooney6072 4 місяці тому

    It was a great story. I just have a problem with one thing he said, that he had no spiritual experience before this and was born again when he had this experience. But he should know as a Catholic priest that we are born again in our baptism. Because we're continually being sanctified, we continue to have conversion experiences, but we don't become "born again" again. Our baptism marks our soul permanently. Even if people end up in hell, they are still sealed with their baptism. He was borrowing from protestant teaching when he said that. As a priest, it's important to stay faithful to Church teaching.

  • @Wittywidow559
    @Wittywidow559 5 місяців тому

    Why don’t these people ever ask “are you God” ? Only one person out of dozens asked and the spirit said no !!! These people are literally assuming it’s god

  • @Lyndy914
    @Lyndy914 5 місяців тому

    Father Cedric, you said "scary" but I think you meant 'overwhelmed'

  • @Lisalisa-vq4nd
    @Lisalisa-vq4nd Рік тому

    He reminds me of Eban Alexander, looks and voice.

  • @greggoreo6738
    @greggoreo6738 Рік тому +1

    There's another posted/ reply-comment about the audio. For my ears/ the audio is all right/passable. May I say? The audio of the priest's sounds... May I say??... are Fuzzy and "blurry" ( as it were/ as it is). The audio is loud enough -- however, there's a garbled quality -- similar to a gargling cartoon voice under water. Does that help? (Maybe the priest can use a better quality microphone/ "mic".) Thanks for enduring this evaluation. Love from Heaven to all of us in MMXXIII! Respectfully submitted for your consideration. Gregg Oreo long Beach Ca Etats Unis

    • @KrystalHarwood-ty7rk
      @KrystalHarwood-ty7rk Рік тому

      if you record a video with enhancements to the mic it will sound that way.

  • @mycharmedunicorn8715
    @mycharmedunicorn8715 Рік тому

    How is there people who think they’re going to heaven and yet they don’t? So do you think you’re going to heaven you must be pretty much live in by the word of God to feel like you’re doing things right. I have heard some near death experiences say that they are pastors in town. How is that?

  • @larrysmith7766
    @larrysmith7766 Рік тому

    Talk about an experience ! have u read " The trail of blood ".

  • @larrysmith7766
    @larrysmith7766 Рік тому

    Please read " Fifth Years in the church of Rome ". Then
    Give us your comment ? Please ?

  • @jenniferambroziak5124
    @jenniferambroziak5124 Рік тому


  • @mycharmedunicorn8715
    @mycharmedunicorn8715 Рік тому

    So he became a priest after his experience? Maybe I misunderstood. If he became a priest afterwards I would be interested in knowing why he picked the Catholic religion? I agree it’s not about denomination. It’s about relationship with God and Jesus

    • @Meraikie
      @Meraikie 6 місяців тому

      He grew up as a Catholic.

  • @aviellanunez5995
    @aviellanunez5995 Рік тому +1

    The audio is horrible!!!!!!

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Рік тому


  • @benjaminbrandon142
    @benjaminbrandon142 Рік тому +1

    Wonderful testimony. I’m pretty sure that after this experience now he understands Gods commandments. “Do not worship other idols before me, saids the Lord. For I am your God a jealous God
    One of the commandments that the Catholic Church violates, because they had all those saints that they worship
    There is only one God.
    God ha given him so much knowledge and wisdom
    He has written
    25 books 📚 😱😱😱

    • @tracybannon5521
      @tracybannon5521 Рік тому +4

      You’ve been misinformed. We dont worship saints, they intercede for us.

  • @spg77777
    @spg77777 10 місяців тому

    Call it what it is.

  • @salzwell25
    @salzwell25 Рік тому

    People should really be confessing to Jesus and asking Him for forgiveness of their sins.

    • @totalgrace9662
      @totalgrace9662 Рік тому

      Update your theology by agreeing with the New Covenant revelation that Jesus shared with Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 - which applies to all who are reborn in Christ as well those who are not - regarding God's total forgiveness for all mankind for all sins. But you MUST be reborn of God to compatible with Heaven - as Jesus told Nicodemus. Romans 10:9-13 reveals how to be reborn of God.

    • @salzwell25
      @salzwell25 Рік тому

      @@totalgrace9662 asking Jesus for forgiveness of sins is totally part of being reborn. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

  • @mmabagain
    @mmabagain 10 місяців тому

    1 million people in America didn’t die of c-o-v-d. They had cvd while they died of heart disease, cancer etc.

  • @heleneves9526
    @heleneves9526 Рік тому +1

    I. Use. To. Be. Catholic. I. Am. Born. Again.

  • @leovolont
    @leovolont 5 місяців тому

    Priest needs to confess to a friggin Podcaster. Waste of time. Thumbs down.

  • @patedwards7934
    @patedwards7934 11 місяців тому

    Did you meet Jesus who died and shed his blood for your sins or are you still believing Mother Marry paid that price.

    • @jgbuff04
      @jgbuff04 7 місяців тому +2

      No Catholic believes that.

    • @Meraikie
      @Meraikie 6 місяців тому

      You are totally ignorant about the Catholic faith if you think that! Absurb!

  • @nontimebomala779
    @nontimebomala779 Рік тому

    Seems to me that he didn’t have a real nde. Reason being that the hundreds of people I’ve seen explaining there experience none of them had a feeling of being judged or that any of our religious beliefs meant anything there. It seems all his beliefs in Jesus and the bible played a huge role in what he experienced. I’ve watched catholic priests and pastors who had a real nde come back and not believe in anything to do with organised religion afterwards. Still had a belief in god of course but not the god of the bible. Am I wrong.?

  • @nrwilliams100
    @nrwilliams100 Рік тому +11

    Thank you Father Cedric and Sean, (I hope I spelled that right,)for another wonderful testimony. As you were sharing, Father, I thought of many things I could share in response. But since you ended with the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus, I decided that yes, I agree and will share. You don't need to have a near death experience to have a personal relationship with Jesus. But you do need to be born-again. For those who don't know the meaning of born-again, Jesus said to Nicodemus, you must be born of the spirit and believe in Jesus. That is a paraphrase. To ask the Lord Jesus into your heart, to repent of your sins, is the number one starting point. Then everyday, you need to seek the Lord, read the bible, and what I love to do is sing. Our transformation takes a lifetime of doing this. We will be challenged. We will go through hard times. Things will not be easy. Most of us will have financial difficulties. Some of us will make bad choices with our relationships to others and suffer. But in all things, Christ is a real and present in our lives. I love Him more everyday.

  • @DerGlaetze
    @DerGlaetze Рік тому +10

    Although I am not a Catholic, I understand completely his admitted difficulty to fully explain God’s love. God bless.

    • @FishesAndLoaves997
      @FishesAndLoaves997 Рік тому +2

      Great comment…how can I describe God’s Love?? I’ve been close to death 3 times and The Good Lord was right Near me… only I could not see Him but I sure know He (Jesus) was there!!!

  • @joantraywick5599
    @joantraywick5599 Рік тому +9

    Thank you for sharing your story Father. It’s nice to hear from a Catholic about NDEs and Heavenly visits. Your story touched my heart.
    I wish someone would have an experience with our Blessed Mother Mary. I’m anxious to meet her as well! 🥰

    • @kristinekohut5257
      @kristinekohut5257 Рік тому +2

      Have you read The Warning by Christine Watkins? It's 10 testimonies of Catholic people experiencing their judgement, some of whom had NDE. Our Blessed Mother is part of some of the testimonies.

  • @celiagarcia2534
    @celiagarcia2534 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for sharing this amazing testimony with all of us that are in the journey to wanting to learn more and more about spirituality and not So much about religion, im having a hard time believing in purgatory, because I believe we’re absent from the body present with the lord , please explain to us on this topic, thank you , God Bless all who want to know more of God’s presence 🙏🙏

  • @kindredtheembraced
    @kindredtheembraced Рік тому +4

    Love Fr. Cedric, have scene him many times on EWTN, his talks/lessons are always inspiring. His NDE was amazing to hear, and I am very into NDEs. So, hearing his background and his transformation from a young adult into a Passionate Priest is nothing shy of a miracle and just loved this inteview. Will have to get his book!! God Bless.

  • @lindapitre8850
    @lindapitre8850 8 місяців тому +1

    That is the most beautiful nde I have heard so far

  • @KrystalHarwood-ty7rk
    @KrystalHarwood-ty7rk Рік тому +1

    thats kind of scary,,,not being sick but being taken to heaven for a short time in your sleep? wow

  • @ceciliabautista3247
    @ceciliabautista3247 2 місяці тому

    I’m excited always whenever Fr Cedric is the guest homilist in the EWTN mass . You’re an amazing and a very inspiring speaker . I don’t want to miss every word you say . God bless you and your holy evangelization.

  • @evanlavensky8365
    @evanlavensky8365 8 місяців тому

    My question or curiosity about NDE's is all this miraculous Glorious Euphoric Ecstasy etc.. the DMT releasing from the brain. Im not sure so don't quote Me. Maybe someone can enlighten me but I've heard DMT is released naturally without using the actual drug, Ive been told it releases 2 or 3 times naturally throughout life . 1.When you are born. And When you physically are dying. Some maybe just 2 times. I have personally have smoked DMT and a lot of NDE's sound like a DMT trip. I don't like to even say this. But it concerns me. Is it just the DMT or is it much more than that. I pray for the latter. ❤

  • @rosemarymartinez5797
    @rosemarymartinez5797 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for having this wonderful program available to see, hear and learn.
    Jesus bless you. Amen 😊❤

  • @joanlauinger8527
    @joanlauinger8527 Рік тому +1

    Loved watching you before this wonderful experience!! I am a Heaven fan ❤

  • @ShellyColours2
    @ShellyColours2 Рік тому +1

    Was hoping he would also get to his second visit to the throne room too. But thank you. Nice talk.

  • @marygray2906
    @marygray2906 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Fr.Cedric for your amazing testimony! I am catholic and from Ma. also. I love that you talk about being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I’ve also read Raymond Moodys books. I’ll definitely look up your website! I also love your explanation of Scripture! Really good teaching! God Bless you for sharing your experience! Also thank you so much Shaun Tabatt for having him on your show! God Bless you! Absolutely loved it!!! 🙏🙏🙏. 🥰. ❤️

    • @greggoreo6738
      @greggoreo6738 Рік тому

      Please read, by Eben Alexander, lll, M. D., PROOF OF HEAVEN. He's been on Larry King 's and Oprah's shows. Jarring and re assuring. God's blessings on you!! Gregg Oreo long Beach Ca Etats Unis

    • @danstewart3319
      @danstewart3319 Рік тому +1

      His experiences are not Scriptural. They don't come from God. Not everything that is supernatural comes from God. If you listen to occultic experiences you will be deceived.

    • @CIST3
      @CIST3 Рік тому +1

      @@danstewart3319 St. Paul and Isaiah both had what some might call out of body experiences. Others would simply use the words "mystical experiences" to describe them. Only God knows for sure what the experience was. I wouldn't be quick to say it was "occultic". Did you ask God about it before you wrote that or was it just your impression?

    • @danstewart3319
      @danstewart3319 Рік тому +1

      I'm glad you asked. As Christians we are supposed to do as the Bereans who when Paul preached the gospel to them "received the word with all readiness, and *searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so* " (Acts 17:11b). God expects us to test all spiritual experiences in light of the Bible. That is why it is extremely important to read the Scriptures, bc otherwise we won't know if what is being said is THE TRUTH!
      Alexander's experience does not align with the Bible at all. He came back saying reincarnation is true, when the Word clearly says "it is appointed to man to die once and then the judgment." Two terrible lies about reincarnation are first, it makes ppl believe there is no hell and second, that they don't need a Savior. Notice he never mentions Jesus, Son of God and his atonement. That is a telltale sign that it doesn't come from God. Instead of repentance, Alexander promotes occultic practices such as meditation, to "get in touch with your greater consciousness." Meditation is extremely dangerous bc it opens the door to demonic possession. Alexander did in fact see the spirit realm, but it was Satan's counterfeit, to draw ppl away from their only hope which is Jesus. This man has done great harm, bc he is very intelligent and charismatic, and is able to attract ppl like the commenter on this thread.
      Stay close to Jesus and his Word. The Bible says there will be great deception in the last days.
      God bless.

  • @peggychurchill5518
    @peggychurchill5518 Рік тому +1


  • @janegivero1641
    @janegivero1641 Рік тому +1


  • @heathernewman5272
    @heathernewman5272 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing this. I enjoy listening to you early Sunday mornings. Your teaching about God is so practical and well said.

  • @barbaragermain3713
    @barbaragermain3713 Рік тому

    Yikes... Your book is $58.00 on Amazon. What's that about?

  • @Bob12369
    @Bob12369 10 місяців тому

    I had a near-death experience. A panic attack.

  • @patedwards7934
    @patedwards7934 11 місяців тому

    Live by faith and not of our works

  • @annec988
    @annec988 Рік тому

    Good interview. Thank you.

  • @PythagorasHyperborea
    @PythagorasHyperborea Рік тому

    So, we just have to take him on his word?

  • @spiderish1291
    @spiderish1291 Рік тому

    Thank-you for sharing

  • @bobobrien8968
    @bobobrien8968 3 місяці тому

    I do find it strange that one would remain a catholic priest after such a revealing experience.

  • @carlandrosiesmith9182
    @carlandrosiesmith9182 Рік тому

    I have a friend who was raised catholic. She's a very sweet and loving person. We've had some good discussions about The Lord. She said she'd had many questions. Jesus said Heaven or hell.==In our Holy scriptures He never said there was aplace in-between where you could pray for people being tortured and help them there.==No-in-between place. We need to know and stick with the words of Jesus.

  • @ericstewart9742
    @ericstewart9742 Рік тому

    So god loves you so much that he condemns you to hell if you didn’t prepare? I don’t understand. God gave this man the beatific vision experience, without which he may have been “condemned” at the end of his life. Doesn’t compute. God loves each person more than a parent can love their child, yet even a parent could never condemn their child to hell.

  • @heathercombs9014
    @heathercombs9014 Рік тому

    I can't hear nothing at all. I wonder if it's my phone or what. My volume is all the way up

    • @rosemarykelley3078
      @rosemarykelley3078 Рік тому +4

      That's weird. I can hear fine.

    • @ginapereira8948
      @ginapereira8948 Рік тому

      Try put ear buds in..that happened to me on some other channel

    • @heathercombs9014
      @heathercombs9014 Рік тому +1

      @@ginapereira8948 okay thank you so much

    • @heathercombs9014
      @heathercombs9014 Рік тому +2

      @@rosemarykelley3078 hmm maybe I need ear buds. Thanks for your comment