I just want to acknowledge all the work you put into these videos, in spite of only getting a few likes. You did custom artwork! I admire that. Keep it up, maybe the tables will turn. I, too, suspect that sound was the basis of the lost technology.
Thank You! and yes these videos do take a lot of time to make. I need to figure out the UA-cam algorithm. I think in in my next video,, you'll see a difference.
Wow. What a video! This is the first and only explanation on how these structures were built. And it makes so much sense. Softened and then put in place. Amazing!!! It would be amazing to see in our lifetime. Subscribed!!
If we admit that the ante diluvian civilizations succeeded in softening the stones based on quartz, their techniques did not have to implement complex technologies, such as laser vacuum pump, electric current of large amperage, but can be vibrations to cause resonances. What to think of the "Coral Castle" built by Edward Leedskalnin. Would he have found the solution of the anti gravity?
@@Walt-z4u I wouldn’t discard the baby with the bath water. Brian forester is iffy on some stuff. But I like that he credits where he gets his inspiration and ideas from. He is not in line with Brian forester as far as I know nor a disciple. He is crediting his inspiration, good for him. Most just grow a beard, get some glasses - maybe smoke a pipe- make a good title and thumbnail and get 100,000 views. This guy ain’t that. If anything I could bet you agree he is legit in what he believes and presents it in the most common sense way he can. And he asserts nearly nothing, just that we need to dig deeper. Why could anyone have a problem with that? Penicillin was discovered by accident as well as blue cheese from what I hear
We need to study the dragon fly to understand gravity. The dragon fly creates it's own bubble of space within gravity using vibrations through cones in its wings. Its wings don't move at all, the cones move and direct the bubble that the dragon fly simply sits in. Cones and vibration/resonance are the key to ancient structure's, both for the softening and the moving of rock/stone blocks. The answer lies with sound...frequency/resonance/vibration, this is the key to everything the ancients did
This is THE channel I have been waiting for. You bring it all together. Hancook, Jelito, Dunn, Forster, Munk... we are truly a species with amnesia! I visited Barabar last year...
They just did testing on those megalithic stones in puma with an electro microscope and guess what... They contain volcanic rock, quartz, and even organic material and bat poop. They say its impossible for volcanic rock to have organic material, so this has to be proof that they made a solution using plants and acidic materials along with collected stone materials from different areas and casted it all into molds. After a certain stage, they would carve, cut and shaped the new granite before it fully hardened. Actual proof of it being a mixture instead of just cut straight out of the earth! They even added salt rock to the mixture which was found south of them in the desert.
@@danielpretorius2430 No, I did not. I check Nasa site for 5 minutes. Did not find things useful and give up. There are too many stuff there and I am too lazy.
Very interesting, thanks for your insight. I'd just like to mention after seeing several ufo's in the mid 70's. I noticed they make no sound though they do produce light. I've always wondered if there antigravity or gravity manipulation has something to do with light waves.
I totally agree that we don't fully understand gravity. We just know alot of mass makes gravity but then we see evidence of dark matter. I've always said that it probably doesn't exist and we just don't really know how gravity works.
This insane but sounds like a real thing. Only humans is not yet ready to discover I think not a for a good while unless people start thinking properly and listen to each other instead making worse things before something good will happen. Thanks for such a great video explaining the very simple cutting stone technology.
I dont know where you got this from, but I think this is way to complicated. Much more sense to me makes the claim that natural chelation chemicals were used which some people claim, which loosen the chemical bonds, causing the granite to become soft. harmonic frequencies surely were used to manipulate the stones, aswell as anti gravity, but I dont think it is necessary to soften it. I can not prove either one, but it seems much more plausible, given that it is much simpler, and is a known process. Also, there are many stones or granite stairs that clearly were never moved, so the softening agent had to have been applied directly, not in a container, and could not have involved gravity or movement. other places aswell clearly suggest that it was a liquid that could flow onto stone and soften it, without gravity or needing to be soaked into a box
What if the perfect conditions were present in the last earth's pole shift. This would explain how the whole world develop similar stone structures and technologies.
Saw a quartz intrusion on a cut slab in Ollayntetambo that make think that quartz was the reason of the choice of the rocks used.. the rock was like melted around the inclusion.. also a the serapeum I though of that.. big scup marks for removing intrusions.. where I can send you a picture?
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times. 78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times. 88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. 92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations." 102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." .....2 Esdras 7:75 /////////////
When you say quartz has a natural frequency of 32,768Hz, that's total nonsense. Quartz crystals are widely used in electronics and they are geometrically trimmed to oscillate at a huge range of frequencies. 32,768Hz is just a common crystal because of its use in digital clocks and watches as 32,768 is a power of 2 and it gets divided down by the circuitry to generate seconds. 32,768Hz is no more relevant to quartz than a 3.579545MHz quartz crystal used in old NTSC television sets. There are hundreds of standard frequencies with quartz crystals: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator_frequencies
Which is why I stated ‘depending on the angles, the pressure (added forces) and the influence of gravity. I try to keep my videos short. I don’t need to put every variation and value into a video to get the general point across! I wish that I had that kind of time and money! Thank You for watching!
@@intriguingmegalithicperspe1764 there's a caption on the video that states unequivocally that quart's natural frequency is 32,768Hz. Why mention it at all as a definitive number if you acknowledge there isn't a natural frequency of oscillation? Gravity doesn't factor in to a 32,768Hz crystal in a digital watch. You have a great premise for the video when talking about possibly softening rocks to make the amazing joints in those Peruvian walls, but I feel you let yourself down with some pseudoscience.
@@pepethefrog7193sorry to copy and paste. But my fingers are tired. Energy and Negative Pressure: • The theoretical explanation for dark energy relies on the idea of negative pressure in the context of General Relativity. • Einstein’s equations show that a form of energy with negative pressure can cause space itself to expand. Specifically, for dark energy: p \approx - ho c^2 where p is pressure, ho is energy density, and c is the speed of light. 3. Negative Pressure in the Cosmological Constant: • If dark energy is the cosmological constant ( \Lambda ) as proposed by Einstein, it exerts a uniform negative pressure that drives accelerated expansion.
You lose informed people when you emphasize quartz while showing photos of Sacsayhuaman in Peru when it is limestone, and contains no quartz... unlike Machu Picchu which contains lots of quartz since it is granite.
Woooooow... Magic.... 1. if all the quarz on earth resonates only on 32.768 KHz, then all the physics, electronics, chemistry I've learned in my last 50 years is wrong. How the hack all the computer quarz oscilators oscilate at ... Go and learn and experiment again... 2. I might think to send you on ISS to do all your experiments if you make a video to explain how in this universe can you get a negative pressure - absolute (you mean MINUS SIX ATMOSPHERE absolute) ... and more... Maybe I write to Santa to bring you a Physics book to learn some tricks from the real world... 😂
He’s asking to study this in a new way. Why not? Most everything he states as fact is just that, and then he adds conjecture and finally a way to test it possibly. Why would anybody have a problem with that especially when dealing with disputed history?
@ Well, because it has no physics behind it. There’s also no indication that the technology exists, power sources, motors…. How did they spin large stones at 6 atms in microgravity and, if they could, why isn’t there any other technology of that caliber and again, what is the hypothesis that this softens stone. He also suggests the softening makes the stone lighter. That is clearly incorrect. This is nonsense.
‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’-Arturo c Clarke. Just do the tests. Investigate it. Put a tenth of the money and energy we put into the manhattan project. Why not? In fact it does answer me the question of the hadron collider. The facilities we have made to smash particles are mind blowing and I always been impressed that they would indulge in this expense to do some nerdy studies. Maybe they were inspired by something, and no not crashed ships. Maybe they are using common sense and seeing things that shouldn’t exist based on the ‘line we are fed’.
@ We should investigate every crack pot theory with no reason to believe it? I don’t know how to better t9 explain this: They did not have access to any of this technology. They did not even possess the mathematics to develop such technology. They had no power source. This guy is merely pulling your leg and, as I also pointed out: making something g soft does not decrease its weight. Uggh.
they used a plant based natural chelation chemical, which naturally changes the composition via organic compounds temporarily rearranging bonds. plant roots use this to cut into stone and absorb the nutrients inside. plenty of stones show marks that clearly suggests that a liquid was directly put onto the stone to make it soft, aswell as some stairs in a site in egypt that clearly show granite steps that have softened by a chemical that flowed down the middle of the steps, causing the stone that it touched it get soft like wax, and some of the rock flowed down the stairs, and then hardened again. it looks like it was melted by heat, but its placement aswell as lack of vitrification rules out heat
@@aman-mn5kcno, like I said, they added a mixture of chemicals that change the molecular bonds to a point where the stone can be shaped like concrete or clay. It doesnt require much and would be easily doable today if there was any interest in it. now moving them is a different story, but this is about the shaping. It certainly also involved electronic machines, but they did soften it, which is why it has a polish that penetrates into the stone like an applied coating or fluid that went into the rock and changed its composition.
I just want to acknowledge all the work you put into these videos, in spite of only getting a few likes. You did custom artwork! I admire that. Keep it up, maybe the tables will turn.
I, too, suspect that sound was the basis of the lost technology.
Thank You! and yes these videos do take a lot of time to make. I need to figure out the UA-cam algorithm. I think in in my next video,, you'll see a difference.
I'll subscribe! @@intriguingmegalithicperspe1764
Nicola Tesla would agree with you.
it's all made up
Wow. What a video! This is the first and only explanation on how these structures were built. And it makes so much sense. Softened and then put in place. Amazing!!! It would be amazing to see in our lifetime. Subscribed!!
it's all made up, check the sources
If we admit that the ante diluvian civilizations succeeded in softening the stones based on quartz, their techniques did not have to implement complex technologies, such as laser vacuum pump, electric current of large amperage, but can be vibrations to cause resonances. What to think of the "Coral Castle" built by Edward Leedskalnin. Would he have found the solution of the anti gravity?
My thoughts exactly!
The coral castle was made with wooden structures, pulleys and using logs as leverage kind of like a see saw
it's made up, check the sources
@@Walt-z4u I wouldn’t discard the baby with the bath water. Brian forester is iffy on some stuff. But I like that he credits where he gets his inspiration and ideas from. He is not in line with Brian forester as far as I know nor a disciple. He is crediting his inspiration, good for him. Most just grow a beard, get some glasses - maybe smoke a pipe- make a good title and thumbnail and get 100,000 views. This guy ain’t that. If anything I could bet you agree he is legit in what he believes and presents it in the most common sense way he can. And he asserts nearly nothing, just that we need to dig deeper. Why could anyone have a problem with that? Penicillin was discovered by accident as well as blue cheese from what I hear
@@andreww8529 it's a prank, dont be naive
We need to study the dragon fly to understand gravity. The dragon fly creates it's own bubble of space within gravity using vibrations through cones in its wings. Its wings don't move at all, the cones move and direct the bubble that the dragon fly simply sits in.
Cones and vibration/resonance are the key to ancient structure's, both for the softening and the moving of rock/stone blocks.
The answer lies with sound...frequency/resonance/vibration, this is the key to everything the ancients did
Any link to the NASA study? And why you have not provided the link in the video or description? Thanks
This is THE channel I have been waiting for. You bring it all together. Hancook, Jelito, Dunn, Forster, Munk... we are truly a species with amnesia! I visited Barabar last year...
Could the megalithic stonework and mega flora and fauna age be connected, could altered conditions on earth have contributed to both events?
They just did testing on those megalithic stones in puma with an electro microscope and guess what... They contain volcanic rock, quartz, and even organic material and bat poop. They say its impossible for volcanic rock to have organic material, so this has to be proof that they made a solution using plants and acidic materials along with collected stone materials from different areas and casted it all into molds. After a certain stage, they would carve, cut and shaped the new granite before it fully hardened. Actual proof of it being a mixture instead of just cut straight out of the earth! They even added salt rock to the mixture which was found south of them in the desert.
great, could you provide a link for the #392 experiment of NASA? it's eye opening.
He can’t, because this is horseshit.
Have you found anything about the experiment? Just watched this today
@@danielpretorius2430 No, I did not. I check Nasa site for 5 minutes. Did not find things useful and give up. There are too many stuff there and I am too lazy.
Wow! You really did a great job. Have a nice day.
Incredible video. Thank you!
Very interesting, thanks for your insight. I'd just like to mention after seeing several ufo's in the mid 70's. I noticed they make no sound though they do produce light. I've always wondered if there antigravity or gravity manipulation has something to do with light waves.
Very interesting!
Fantastic video. Gravity will be beat.
I totally agree that we don't fully understand gravity. We just know alot of mass makes gravity but then we see evidence of dark matter. I've always said that it probably doesn't exist and we just don't really know how gravity works.
This insane but sounds like a real thing.
Only humans is not yet ready to discover I think not a for a good while unless people start thinking properly and listen to each other instead making worse things before something good will happen.
Thanks for such a great video explaining the very simple cutting stone technology.
I'd love to see this done. It sounds like science fiction but it sure would explain a lot
Granite was softened by Jotcha plants, NOT transported to ZERO gravity.
Prove it don't it just write about it, I head about the plant too but no proof yet. . Don't f forget to post the link 🫡
I dont know where you got this from, but I think this is way to complicated. Much more sense to me makes the claim that natural chelation chemicals were used which some people claim, which loosen the chemical bonds, causing the granite to become soft. harmonic frequencies surely were used to manipulate the stones, aswell as anti gravity, but I dont think it is necessary to soften it. I can not prove either one, but it seems much more plausible, given that it is much simpler, and is a known process. Also, there are many stones or granite stairs that clearly were never moved, so the softening agent had to have been applied directly, not in a container, and could not have involved gravity or movement. other places aswell clearly suggest that it was a liquid that could flow onto stone and soften it, without gravity or needing to be soaked into a box
my big bullshit detector is running riot bc of this
What if the perfect conditions were present in the last earth's pole shift. This would explain how the whole world develop similar stone structures and technologies.
it's made up, check the sources
Aah here it is ! ✨️Thanks you and keep going with this great stuff !🏔🔥🎗🏅
Thank You! Please share!
They probably soften it and just mold it to different shapes and let it hardened again.
Saw a quartz intrusion on a cut slab in Ollayntetambo that make think that quartz was the reason of the choice of the rocks used.. the rock was like melted around the inclusion.. also a the serapeum I though of that.. big scup marks for removing intrusions.. where I can send you a picture?
Wow. An awesome video whoe looks at the pyrmaids from a geologists pov
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times.
78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways.
81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times.
88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders.
92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come;
and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified.
99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations."
102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." .....2 Esdras 7:75
When you say quartz has a natural frequency of 32,768Hz, that's total nonsense. Quartz crystals are widely used in electronics and they are geometrically trimmed to oscillate at a huge range of frequencies. 32,768Hz is just a common crystal because of its use in digital clocks and watches as 32,768 is a power of 2 and it gets divided down by the circuitry to generate seconds. 32,768Hz is no more relevant to quartz than a 3.579545MHz quartz crystal used in old NTSC television sets. There are hundreds of standard frequencies with quartz crystals: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator_frequencies
Which is why I stated ‘depending on the angles, the pressure (added forces) and the influence of gravity.
I try to keep my videos short. I don’t need to put every variation and value into a video to get the general point across! I wish that I had that kind of time and money! Thank You for watching!
@@intriguingmegalithicperspe1764 there's a caption on the video that states unequivocally that quart's natural frequency is 32,768Hz. Why mention it at all as a definitive number if you acknowledge there isn't a natural frequency of oscillation? Gravity doesn't factor in to a 32,768Hz crystal in a digital watch. You have a great premise for the video when talking about possibly softening rocks to make the amazing joints in those Peruvian walls, but I feel you let yourself down with some pseudoscience.
Minus 6 atmospheres? Really? That's an impossibility...
This can also create Bigfoot and flying saucers😂😂 I
What nonsense ist -6 atmosphere pressure? You aware there is no negative pressure?
Pretty sure the rest of us understood his note of vacuum. Haggling semantics is a waste of time.
@@danontherun5685 Care to elaborate? Cuz i did not understand what he means.
@@pepethefrog7193 10^-6mBar or 10^-6Torr(any value with -6 here) or simply vacuum.
@@pepethefrog7193sorry to copy and paste. But my fingers are tired. Energy and Negative Pressure:
• The theoretical explanation for dark energy relies on the idea of negative pressure in the context of General Relativity.
• Einstein’s equations show that a form of energy with negative pressure can cause space itself to expand. Specifically, for dark energy:
p \approx -
ho c^2
where p is pressure,
ho is energy density, and c is the speed of light.
3. Negative Pressure in the Cosmological Constant:
• If dark energy is the cosmological constant ( \Lambda ) as proposed by Einstein, it exerts a uniform negative pressure that drives accelerated expansion.
Time for humans to do more research, don’t you think? Seems like Einstein proposed this or at least his theories and equations allow for it
4.18 6 atmospheres of vacuum? Yeah sure!
how can you say hydrogen is 2% when 75% of earths surface is covered with h20
Clay is heavy
You lose informed people when you emphasize quartz while showing photos of Sacsayhuaman in Peru when it is limestone, and contains no quartz... unlike Machu Picchu which contains lots of quartz since it is granite.
Woooooow... Magic....
1. if all the quarz on earth resonates only on 32.768 KHz, then all the physics, electronics, chemistry I've learned in my last 50 years is wrong. How the hack all the computer quarz oscilators oscilate at ... Go and learn and experiment again...
2. I might think to send you on ISS to do all your experiments if you make a video to explain how in this universe can you get a negative pressure - absolute (you mean MINUS SIX ATMOSPHERE absolute)
... and more... Maybe I write to Santa to bring you a Physics book to learn some tricks from the real world... 😂
I like your ideas. But doesn’t carbon and hydrogen make up a lot of our earth and atmosphere? The ancients had some great technology.
I will not be returning
Completely made up
Maybe the blocks were made from balonium.
He’s asking to study this in a new way. Why not? Most everything he states as fact is just that, and then he adds conjecture and finally a way to test it possibly. Why would anybody have a problem with that especially when dealing with disputed history?
@ Well, because it has no physics behind it. There’s also no indication that the technology exists, power sources, motors….
How did they spin large stones at 6 atms in microgravity and, if they could, why isn’t there any other technology of that caliber and again, what is the hypothesis that this softens stone.
He also suggests the softening makes the stone lighter. That is clearly incorrect.
This is nonsense.
‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’-Arturo c Clarke. Just do the tests. Investigate it. Put a tenth of the money and energy we put into the manhattan project. Why not? In fact it does answer me the question of the hadron collider. The facilities we have made to smash particles are mind blowing and I always been impressed that they would indulge in this expense to do some nerdy studies. Maybe they were inspired by something, and no not crashed ships. Maybe they are using common sense and seeing things that shouldn’t exist based on the ‘line we are fed’.
@ We should investigate every crack pot theory with no reason to believe it? I don’t know how to better t9 explain this: They did not have access to any of this technology. They did not even possess the mathematics to develop such technology. They had no power source.
This guy is merely pulling your leg and, as I also pointed out: making something g soft does not decrease its weight. Uggh.
Whut!!!........ Whut?
Sorry you don't have proof. You do have a theory. Get back to me when you have more proof
Letting yourself down with psuedoscience.
The artwork is nice. Why not post the video of your theories and experiments? Hmmmm what rubbish.
they used a plant based natural chelation chemical, which naturally changes the composition via organic compounds temporarily rearranging bonds. plant roots use this to cut into stone and absorb the nutrients inside. plenty of stones show marks that clearly suggests that a liquid was directly put onto the stone to make it soft, aswell as some stairs in a site in egypt that clearly show granite steps that have softened by a chemical that flowed down the middle of the steps, causing the stone that it touched it get soft like wax, and some of the rock flowed down the stairs, and then hardened again. it looks like it was melted by heat, but its placement aswell as lack of vitrification rules out heat
@@sshreddderr9409 It's stone sweat shredder, from the process, not added.
@@aman-mn5kcno, like I said, they added a mixture of chemicals that change the molecular bonds to a point where the stone can be shaped like concrete or clay. It doesnt require much and would be easily doable today if there was any interest in it. now moving them is a different story, but this is about the shaping. It certainly also involved electronic machines, but they did soften it, which is why it has a polish that penetrates into the stone like an applied coating or fluid that went into the rock and changed its composition.
Some tibetan monks can levitate.
You suppresed my comment ?
I don't even know how to do that! And I never would if I did know!