@ 14:46 the artist has painted the moon high in the sky. The problem is this picture is looking North on Huron. The lunar orbit would be to the south. The northern most lunar orbit would be about 30 degrees of latitude. The Military St. Bridge is located at about 42.97 degrees North Latitude. So the moon could not have been in the position on the postcard.
January, 2019 - Last year lights were strung across the downtown streets to the delight of many. I wondered what that was all about, now it makes sense. And now I wonder if it wasn't because of your research bringing it back to light! The door going nowhere sometimes would have balconies, and sometimes were loading lofts, like barns have. It seems like I see them a lot on waterways. Maybe supplies were hoisted up rather than being carted up the stairs Doors on upper floors are mysteriously intriguing.
Bldg at 10:10 was original PH High School; located at present College Main. Designed & Built by Stephen T. Probett; taking just 11 months; costing $40,925; 4-story+basement; he made all the brick! contracted 9/25/1869; completed 9/1/1870; burned 1873. Probett designed & built Original City Hall at McMorran site in similar style; contracted 7/16/1872; Probett designed & rebuilt HS in 1874; burned 1906; replaced in 1908 by GL Harvey’s College Main. Probett’s gravestone in Woodland Cemetery.
I noticed in the picture of the building at the 8.33 minute mark, that door to nowhere in the later pictures has a sort of balcony on it whereas later it had the wooden boards across .
Samuel - Great find!! I agree that this is the building although I have a couple of questions about the picture. I would like to send you a picture of the school and pick your brain. If I could have your address I could do that. Mine is bobnanmol@yahoo.com Thanks again for clearing that up.
@ 14:46 the artist has painted the moon high in the sky. The problem is this picture is looking North on Huron. The lunar orbit would be to the south. The northern most lunar orbit would be about 30 degrees of latitude. The Military St. Bridge is located at about 42.97 degrees North Latitude. So the moon could not have been in the position on the postcard.
Postcard artists took great liberties with colors and apparently the moon.
January, 2019 - Last year lights were strung across the downtown streets to the delight of many. I wondered what that was all about, now it makes sense. And now I wonder if it wasn't because of your research bringing it back to light!
The door going nowhere sometimes would have balconies, and sometimes were loading lofts, like barns have. It seems like I see them a lot on waterways. Maybe supplies were hoisted up rather than being carted up the stairs Doors on upper floors are mysteriously intriguing.
Bldg at 10:10 was original PH High School; located at present College Main. Designed & Built by Stephen T. Probett; taking just 11 months; costing $40,925; 4-story+basement; he made all the brick! contracted 9/25/1869; completed 9/1/1870; burned 1873. Probett designed & built Original City Hall at McMorran site in similar style; contracted 7/16/1872; Probett designed & rebuilt HS in 1874; burned 1906; replaced in 1908 by GL Harvey’s College Main. Probett’s gravestone in Woodland Cemetery.
I noticed in the picture of the building at the 8.33 minute mark, that door to nowhere in the later pictures has a sort of balcony on it whereas later it had the wooden boards across .
You're right :)
Actually it would be Erie and 10th
Samuel - Great find!! I agree that this is the building although I have a couple of questions about the picture. I would like to send you a picture of the school and pick your brain. If I could have your address I could do that. Mine is bobnanmol@yahoo.com Thanks again for clearing that up.