I am from Lugo and I cannot do anything but congratulate you on the exceptionally good quality of your video. It is a professional work of art, capturing the essence of the most beautiful region of Spain in a wonderful and charming way.
Miguel, how very kind. We are so encouraged by your comments. We hope to release our new video soon, it's about Santiago de Compostela. We are very much in love with Galicia, and work hard to try to communicate that love and respect in our videos.
¡¡¡Fantástico vídeo!!! Casi para la gran mayoría de los extranjeros, tienen la creencia que España 🇪🇸 es sólo flamenco y toros y es una creencia falsa. España es mucho más que flamenco y toros, eso es lo que algunos han querido vender esa imagen del país y, repito, no es cierta. Yo soy español y, ni me gusta el flamenco ni me gustan las corridas de toros. España es un gran país desde el Norte hasta el Sur, Oeste y Este, lo mires por donde lo mires, ninguna zona de España te deja indiferente. España es un país que hay que conocer muy bien para darse cuenta de lo que digo. Para muchos, empiezan a conocer España ahora. Les invito a que conozcan sus verdaderas raíces y, cuando eso pasa, ya no tienes escapatoria porque el país te ha enganchado por completo. Viva Galicia, sus gentes y toda España. Muy buen video, ¡Me ha encantado!... mis felicitaciones. Saludos y cuídense. Ciao.
As son of a Galician peasant woman, it brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart to see the images of that paradise and its humble people and a gratefulness that an "outsider" can appreciate it/them gracefully incorporating herself to the welcoming culture.
A wonderful video and one I'll watch many times I suspect. it was funny seeing you watch your Australian bred Blue Heeler cattle dog down a dusty road past eucalypt trees. As an Aussie I did a double take but other scenes and of course the wonderful people and culture were pure Galician. Looks a wonderful place.
Yes, it is interesting, the parallels with Australia. Our Blue Heeler really sticks out here -- people are more likely to have a mastiff or chihuahua. I don't know that we've ever seen another heeler in the 3+ years we've lived here. As for the trees, the Galician people have a love/hate relationship with the eucalyptus. They are viewed as an invasive species as they have replaced a lot of native vegetation but it's difficult to resist the steady income that the groves supply.
6 year’s ago my family and I drove from England and travelled by ferry to Santander. We spent a week in Galicia, it was amazing. The weather not too good though, it was quite cold and rained most days. It didn’t spoil our holiday. We went to Santiago de Compistella and loved seeing the pilgrims arrive at the cathedral after completing El Camino de Santiago.We enjoyed some days at the beach in O’Grove. So beautiful .
Wow! Amazing video of your life in Galicia! I love it that the family-run bakery bakes & delivers bread everyday. That's so unheard of in this generation. Having meals with friends, beautiful hikes, eating fresh octopus, farmer's market, you have a beautiful life that can only be envied. Thank you again for this professionally made video. I'd watch it over and over again. Muy bien video!
Hi Jane, I live 10 minutes from some of the places you showed7mentioned. It's refreshing to see American people live and integrate so well in Spain, away from the more touristy types of "early-retire in a beach town in the south of Spain. You really live like a Spaniard and you show gratitude to this country, because you like it for its essence and customs, not only for it's Holliday weather idea most people have of Spain. If even you feel like visiting me, I live in an aldea of 20 inhabitants with a mare, 3 cats and 2 dogs, have a veggie garden and practice a simple life, creating art and just enjoying my best time since ever! you are Wellcome to both come and we can share with each other our lifestyle, maybe even skills (I have started a UA-cam channel only a few weeks ago and it's tiny, I studied Filming so I really appreciated your camera work. I need ideas for camera angels, motion and techniques to achieve them. I would love to learn how you do them from you. In exchange I can offer to show you how I live, about plants or spiritual (atheist) stuff. I am a bit of a green witch. Hugs and thanks for the amazing video. Natalia
Wow Jane, what a beautiful video. I was born and raised in NYC, but my parent's are from La Coruna, and the surrounding "aldeas". So I've had the great fortune to spend many summers in Galicia. Your video truly shows the friendly, welcoming and laid back spirit and attitude of the countryside in Galicia. Watching your video here in my office in NYC makes me want to jump on a plane and go visit my aunts, uncles and cousins. Great video! Thank you for sharing a bit of cultura Gallega with the world.
Graza, Roberto! I hope you do make it back here soon. It's just as lovely as ever, even in winter. We have a new video about to drop, hoping for tomorrow, about Galician winter weather. Let me know what you think!
Yo estoy casada con un Gallego por 50 años. Vivimos en USA Pero frecuentemente viajamos a Galicia. Mi esposo es de cerca de Órense. Yo soy Mexicana disfrutó mucho cuando vamos a Galicia. El pan recién orneado es delicioso. El caldo Gallego es mi comida favorita. Gracias por los vídeos muchos saludos desde CHICAGO U S A. 🇺🇸
Muchas Gracias for your wonderful storytelling. My husband and I moved to Portugal 2 years ago and are enjoying our life and travels in Iberia. So looking forward to exploring Galicia. Thank you again for your charming, thoughtful and insightful videos.
El pan de Galicia es el mejor ( en mi opinion ) en calidad y en variedad . Os recomiendo el pan de Brona ( o de Broa ). Me encanta!! . Para los amantes del buen pan , recomiendo ir a Carballo , muy famoso por su pan . Tambien el mercado de abastos de Santiago ( este ultimo es un paraíso de la gastronomía gallega )
Grazas por este excelente consello! Estivemos varias veces en Carballo porque a Jane lle encanta a praia, pero non sabiamos do pan. Conseguiremos algo a próxima vez que esteamos alí. Tamén o mercado de Santiago é marabilloso e tamén visualmente fermoso.
I can only give you my sincere thanks for making these videos. I think he has managed to capture the essence of this little corner of Spain. I am the son of Galicians, born in Mexico City and from a very young age my parents always instilled in me a love for Galicia. I have lived on this earth since I was 12 years old and from the first day I have felt a special attachment to this place ... It is as if I too was part of this place (like the oaks planted in the little church that you refer to in the video). In short, I am delighted to have met you and I wish you and your family to be happy in Galicia. You are invited to visit the region in which I live, A Mariña, (the north coast of the province of Lugo). I look forward to your next video. P.D: I apologize for my English
Vicente, your English is excellent! We are so thrilled that you like our video. It means so much to us that people from Galicia enjoy it. We have been to Lugo a few times and want to return to film up on top of the wall and in the old town, but also we know there is much more to discover in Lugo. We have also been to Praia das Catedrais a few times (I love it there even though I always seem to fall into the ocean) -- that is near A Mariña, isn't it?
The Video you have presented is an unique. We have learnt many more that, we did not had any idea. Rains in the location, fruits availability and traditional foods that are available. Specially, Spanish Music and Songs. Your presentation of video in an unparalleled. Thanks Thanks...... For your presentation.
Congratulations, a beautiful video with no stereotypes. Shows simple rural life in Galicia and northern Spain. Its done with care and love and knowledge!! ❤
Thank you so much. We love this place and the people and culture. We always let them show us the way. It is much easier to begin shooting a video with a concept and look for footage to support the story you want to tell, but if you want to honestly portray the soul of a place, you can't project your notions onto it. xoxo
We're not far from Lugo. Such a wonderful place! I'm glad it inspired memories. Our next one will be about Santiago. Eventually we'll get to Lugo and do one from the wall!
There is in Spanish a word which describes the time you spend at the table after eating, speaking with friends or family, drinking coffee, liqueurs and eating some sweets, the word is "sobremesa" literally, "on/at the table", I have been in some sobremesas so long that they became dinners.
@@JaneinSpain: con todos los respetos, pero lo que llamas "cultura española" tú misma compruebas que la cultura gallega no tiene casi nada que ver con la cultura andaluza, por ejemplo. España es multicultural.
You love Galicia! You are really in love with this place! Congratulations, to live in the place you love is something only a few lucky people can reach. Os deseo salud y paz, que nada turbe vuestros días.
I was deeply moved by your video...you did an amazing job capturing Galicia 's essence Antonio Machado 's words are certainly magical, I suggest you listen to Serrat' s version As a foreigner married to a gallego( and now living far away), all those familiar faces, places and food brought back that feeling of home I miss.. Thank you!
What a wonderful video Jane! You have captured the essence of Galicia and as an expat who arrived here a couple of years ago, can completely relate to everything you have portrayed.
The music here is incredible, and to see how the traditions have been handed down to young musicians who honor those traditions but also add their fresh interpretations is remarkable. The musicianship here is very, very high. It is powerful and moving.
A spectacular video. I wish that soon you publish more and teach Galicia with your eyes. I will follow you delighted and I will recommend your videos. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Gracias, Rafa! We have another video ready, we are just waiting for the subtitles to come back, I hope in the next few hours. It feels like they are taking forever! I hope you like the new one, please let us know. Un abrazo
So lovely. I live here and love it so. Your video reflects life here. The heartbeat of our daily life. The sights and sounds. But more importantly, the feeling and the people.
Thanks for the very kind comments! Means a lot. No, we have not worked in TV. But Jones is a photographer and I'm a writer/musician, so I think we are just mashing up our creative talents and trying to create something beautiful and authentic.
Como gallega creo que es justo reconocerte la delicadeza y hondura de tu video. Tomar la decisión de vivir en Galicia no creo que responda a un capricho, vivir en el rural supone abrazar ciertas incomodidades. Por eso adivino que algo te ha atrapado aquí, algo que no siempre se puede explicar, lo sé. La música, el texto, la imagen es una delicia. Y se ve que eres de las personas que viven con los ojos abiertos a la cultura, el arte, la tierra. De unha meiga a outra, boa vida.
Jane I stumble upon your video and I am Glade I watch is video, you are very good story teller I must say, you provide so much information and history of the city in simple manner, No running, No screaming as most of the Vlogger does. thank you so much to introduced us Village life in Spain. Regards, Ali
Thank you for the kind comment! I missed it when you posted a month ago, sorry for that. We are trying to finish editing a new video about one particular village and how they celebrate the festival of San Juan. I hope you'll enjoy that one, too. Salud!
I enjoyed your video about life in Galicia. It reminded me of times gone by, a simpler life in many ways. Maybe a richer one too. What beautiful lands you came upon.
Hola Jane. Este es un sencillo video relajante de un lugar donde la "tranquilidad se vive". Donde la vida se respira. Se vive el esfuerzo de vivir. Transmite la nostálgica vida del ser humano, que es el sitio donde disfruta de su vida, donde aprecia cada segundo de su existencia y transmite el sentir de su tierra, no del lugar donde nació ni donde le gustaría estar, donde la vida se entrelaza con la tierra, nuestra patria, tierra con costumbres lenguas, idiomas, tradiciones y sin olvidar que somos habitantes del mundo. Lugares que queremos, incluso si no hemos nacido en ellos, pero somos sus hijos, que disfrutamos siendo parte de esos lugares, en los que nos sentimos los más afortunados del mundo. Disfrutando del lujo, de una vida plena, sin el menosprecio que algunos nos dan, por no hablar en su "lengua", por no hablar en el idioma que ellos quieren, que ellos imponen, que tienes que hablar, en la lengua que nos enseñaron nuestros padres¿Por qué los inútiles quieren poner fronteras en la comunicación? No entiendo que las personas pongan trabas a la forma de comunicarte con los demás, por poner trabas en la "nacionalidad" de los que conviven contigo, siendo Ruso o Vasco, incluso Chino, debemos decir a esa gente excluyente que somos humanos, nacidos en la misma tierra, apreciamos y respetamos las tradiciones y las costumbres de mi tierra. Galicia, siempre Galicia y su buena gente y de allí al fin del mundo, Que casualidad, allí está. Salud y suerte. PD. Visitar si es posible la zona de los cañones del Sil, merece la pena y mis ancestros (por suerte) son de allí. Health and luck. Ola Jane. Este é un sinxelo vídeo relaxante dun lugar onde "se vive a tranquilidade". Onde respira a vida. O esforzo de vivir vívese. Transmite a vida nostálxica do ser humano, que é o lugar onde goza da súa vida, onde aprecia cada segundo da súa existencia e transmite o sentimento da súa terra, non do lugar onde naceu ou onde lle gustaría estar. , onde a vida se entrelaza coa terra, a nosa patria, unha terra con costumes, linguas, linguas, tradicións e sen esquecer que somos habitantes do mundo. Lugares que amamos, aínda que neles non nacemos, pero somos os seus fillos, que gozamos formando parte deses lugares, nos que nos sentimos os máis afortunados do mundo. Gozando de luxo, dunha vida plena, sen o desprezo que algúns nos dan, por non falar na súa “lingua”, por non falar na lingua que queren, que impoñen, que hai que falar, na que nos ensinaron os nosos pais Por que os inútiles queren poñer límites na comunicación? Non entendo que a xente poña trabas pra comunicarse cos demais, poñendo trabas á “nacionalidade” de quen convive contigo, sendo eu ruso ou vasco, incluso chino, hai que dicirlle a esas persoas exclusivas que somos humanos, nacidos na mesma terra, apreciamos e respectamos as tradicións e costumes da miña terra. Galicia, sempre Galicia e a súa boa xente e de aí ata o fin do mundo, que casualidade, está aí. Saúde e sorte. P.S. Se é posible, visita os canóns do Sil, paga a pena e os meus antepasados (por sorte) son de alí. Saúde e sorte. Hello Jane. This is a simple relaxing video from a place where "tranquility is lived". Where life breathes. The effort of living is lived. It transmits the nostalgic life of the human being, which is the place where he enjoys his life, where he appreciates every second of his existence and transmits the feeling of his land, not the place where he was born or where he would like to be, where life is intertwined with the land, our homeland, a land with customs, languages, languages, traditions and without forgetting that we are inhabitants of the world. Places that we love, even if we were not born in them, but we are their children, who enjoy being part of those places, in which we feel the luckiest in the world. Enjoying luxury, a full life, without the contempt that some give us, for not speaking in their "language", for not speaking in the language that they want, that they impose, that you have to speak, in the language that our parents taught why the useless want to put boundaries in communication? I do not understand that people put obstacles in the way of communicating with others, by putting obstacles in the "nationality" of those who live with you, being Russian or Basque, even Chinese, we must tell those exclusive people that we are human, born in the same land, we appreciate and respect the traditions and customs of my land. Galicia, always Galicia and its good people and from there to the end of the world, what a coincidence, there it is. Health and luck. P.S. If possible, visit the area of the Sil canyons, it is worth it and my ancestors (luckily) are from there. Health and luck.
Thank you for your kind comments. We have gone to the Sil Canyons and we agree, it is a very beautiful area! We will return soon...I think by the end of July.
I just discovered your channel today, and I plan to binge! I love your thoughtful commentary and painterly presentation. I feel like I'm there with all of you. I love the cows crossing the road to end the video (at least the three I've watched so far!).
I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos, Michael! We weren't able to post for a time as we were dealing with some issues here, but we'll be back with more videos starting this month! We captured a great cattle crossing just a couple days ago, it was particularly funny, so we'll include it in our upcoming video about the Fiesta de San Juan.
Hello Jane, I was feeling a longing for Galicia and came across this beautiful video! Very well done! I hope to move there myself one day. It's wonderful to get a glimpse of your life there. All the best! x
Been a while...Pan queso y vino se anda el camino..Monica was St agustin''s mother....door to door delivery of the bread is a quite recent custom.....Left El bierzo in 1968.....I visit my grand parents town ....50-75 inhabitants.....the youngest on their 80s....El Valle Bembibre Leon.....
In my childhood we stil plowed the land w/the roman plow.....el primer tractor lo trajo Julio el cartero alla a mediados de los '50.....un Deutz......grande y verde.....el repartia las cartas por media docena de pueblos.....desde una Montesa.....donde no habia camino, el lo hacia.....
Gracias, Ellen! We love the music here, how it's rooted in nature, history, and the sea. I hope we see you back in Galicia soon. Thanks for your kind comments, more videos coming soon!
Este video es una pequeña obra de arte sobre la vida en las zonas rurales de Galicia.No se olvide que en Galicia la primigenia cultura no fué la urbana, sinó la rural.
Aunque vivo en Vigo desde hace muchos años, sin embargo amo todo lo rural ya que lo vivi cuando era pequeño.Muchisimas gracias por videos como el tuyo.
@@juanluisalvarez9249alaricano Ayer estuve leyendo unos poemas de Rosalía de Castro y ese es el espíritu mismo de su escritura. Nunca olvidó su infancia en Galicia, le dio forma a su alma para siempre.
Si, posiblemente fué la poetisa que mejor sintió y reflejó el alma gallega.De todas formas pienso que es bueno que esa cultura se viese complementada por una cultura más urbana(Vigo, A Coruña, etc), en mi opinión.
O my! the "foreign language" at around 16:30 happens to be Ladino. A language spoken by Sephardic Jews who had made Spain their home after the diaspora. It is a beautiful language, just like Gallego is a beautiful language. Viva Galicia!
¡Amazing! The first video about Galicia made by foreign people that no have guitar sounds o flamenco as sound track!
Gracias, Ignacio. We love Galician musicians!
I loved that about the video as well!
It's because it's in the north. Flamenco is from Andalusia in the south. The north has bagpipes & accordions. It is more celtic
ahahaha ))
@@marioncannon9924 Galician celt is but a myth.....many jokers claim Celtic origins 'cause is hip....celts came and went......Galicia remains.....
I am from Lugo and I cannot do anything but congratulate you on the exceptionally good quality of your video. It is a professional work of art, capturing the essence of the most beautiful region of Spain in a wonderful and charming way.
Miguel, how very kind. We are so encouraged by your comments. We hope to release our new video soon, it's about Santiago de Compostela. We are very much in love with Galicia, and work hard to try to communicate that love and respect in our videos.
I agree. I would love to visit this place one day. I only learned of it after researching my last name.
¡¡¡Fantástico vídeo!!!
Casi para la gran mayoría de los extranjeros, tienen la creencia que España 🇪🇸 es sólo flamenco y toros y es una creencia falsa. España es mucho más que flamenco y toros, eso es lo que algunos han querido vender esa imagen del país y, repito, no es cierta. Yo soy español y, ni me gusta el flamenco ni me gustan las corridas de toros. España es un gran país desde el Norte hasta el Sur, Oeste y Este, lo mires por donde lo mires, ninguna zona de España te deja indiferente. España es un país que hay que conocer muy bien para darse cuenta de lo que digo. Para muchos, empiezan a conocer España ahora. Les invito a que conozcan sus verdaderas raíces y, cuando eso pasa, ya no tienes escapatoria porque el país te ha enganchado por completo. Viva Galicia, sus gentes y toda España. Muy buen video, ¡Me ha encantado!... mis felicitaciones.
Saludos y cuídense. Ciao.
this bring me tears to my eyes... living in Canada for 8 years leaving behind my lovely Galicia... aiiii que morriña!
As son of a Galician peasant woman, it brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart to see the images of that paradise and its humble people and a gratefulness that an "outsider" can appreciate it/them gracefully incorporating herself to the welcoming culture.
This means the world. Muchas gracias. Un abrazo. xoxo
This reminds me of the Ireland I remember growing up in. Thank you ☘️
Many thanks for the supportive comment. Means a lot. xoxo
There are Celtic legends that link Galicia and Ireland, look up the Milesians / Míl Espáine.
A wonderful video and one I'll watch many times I suspect. it was funny seeing you watch your Australian bred Blue Heeler cattle dog down a dusty road past eucalypt trees. As an Aussie I did a double take but other scenes and of course the wonderful people and culture were pure Galician. Looks a wonderful place.
Yes, it is interesting, the parallels with Australia. Our Blue Heeler really sticks out here -- people are more likely to have a mastiff or chihuahua. I don't know that we've ever seen another heeler in the 3+ years we've lived here. As for the trees, the Galician people have a love/hate relationship with the eucalyptus. They are viewed as an invasive species as they have replaced a lot of native vegetation but it's difficult to resist the steady income that the groves supply.
A música, as paisaxes... Galicia máxica, ninguén quere marchar.
Tus vídeos rebosan sensibilidad, calidez y respeto. Muchas gracias.
6 year’s ago my family and I drove from England and travelled by ferry to Santander. We spent a week in Galicia, it was amazing. The weather not too good though, it was quite cold and rained most days. It didn’t spoil our holiday. We went to Santiago de Compistella and loved seeing the pilgrims arrive at the cathedral after completing El Camino de Santiago.We enjoyed some days at the beach in O’Grove. So beautiful .
What a beautiful and lovely video, you have captured the essence and magic of Galicia
Thank you for your kind words, Isabel! Sending big hugs.
What a beautifully crafted short film about this lovely area. Definitely not the usual UA-cam fare.
Thank you so much for the very kind comment. So nice to wake up to. Made me want to hurry up and release this new one we're trying to finish...
Wow! Amazing video of your life in Galicia! I love it that the family-run bakery bakes & delivers bread everyday. That's so unheard of in this generation. Having meals with friends, beautiful hikes, eating fresh octopus, farmer's market, you have a beautiful life that can only be envied. Thank you again for this professionally made video. I'd watch it over and over again. Muy bien video!
Thank you so much! New one coming up asap. It's shot, we have to finish editing. xoxo
Un bello homenaje a ese hermoso lugar.
Muchas gracias, Hector! Un beso.
Hi Jane, I live 10 minutes from some of the places you showed7mentioned. It's refreshing to see American people live and integrate so well in Spain, away from the more touristy types of "early-retire in a beach town in the south of Spain. You really live like a Spaniard and you show gratitude to this country, because you like it for its essence and customs, not only for it's Holliday weather idea most people have of Spain. If even you feel like visiting me, I live in an aldea of 20 inhabitants with a mare, 3 cats and 2 dogs, have a veggie garden and practice a simple life, creating art and just enjoying my best time since ever! you are Wellcome to both come and we can share with each other our lifestyle, maybe even skills (I have started a UA-cam channel only a few weeks ago and it's tiny, I studied Filming so I really appreciated your camera work. I need ideas for camera angels, motion and techniques to achieve them. I would love to learn how you do them from you. In exchange I can offer to show you how I live, about plants or spiritual (atheist) stuff. I am a bit of a green witch. Hugs and thanks for the amazing video. Natalia
Thanks, Natalia. I loved hearing from you! Send me an email. Un abrazo.
Such a beautiful part of the world. Love the music and all the food. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you, Andrea.
This was absolutely beautiful, some parts brought slight tears to my eyes seeing the land of my forefathers... one day i will return as well
Wow Jane, what a beautiful video. I was born and raised in NYC, but my parent's are from La Coruna, and the surrounding "aldeas". So I've had the great fortune to spend many summers in Galicia. Your video truly shows the friendly, welcoming and laid back spirit and attitude of the countryside in Galicia. Watching your video here in my office in NYC makes me want to jump on a plane and go visit my aunts, uncles and cousins. Great video! Thank you for sharing a bit of cultura Gallega with the world.
Graza, Roberto! I hope you do make it back here soon. It's just as lovely as ever, even in winter. We have a new video about to drop, hoping for tomorrow, about Galician winter weather. Let me know what you think!
Yo estoy casada con un Gallego por 50 años. Vivimos en USA Pero frecuentemente viajamos a Galicia. Mi esposo es de cerca de Órense. Yo soy Mexicana disfrutó mucho cuando vamos a Galicia. El pan recién orneado es delicioso. El caldo Gallego es mi comida favorita. Gracias por los vídeos muchos saludos desde CHICAGO U S A. 🇺🇸
Muchas Gracias for your wonderful storytelling. My husband and I moved to Portugal 2 years ago and are enjoying our life and travels in Iberia. So looking forward to exploring Galicia. Thank you again for your charming, thoughtful and insightful videos.
El pan de Galicia es el mejor ( en mi opinion ) en calidad y en variedad . Os recomiendo el pan de Brona ( o de Broa ). Me encanta!! . Para los amantes del buen pan , recomiendo ir a Carballo , muy famoso por su pan . Tambien el mercado de abastos de Santiago ( este ultimo es un paraíso de la gastronomía gallega )
Grazas por este excelente consello! Estivemos varias veces en Carballo porque a Jane lle encanta a praia, pero non sabiamos do pan. Conseguiremos algo a próxima vez que esteamos alí.
Tamén o mercado de Santiago é marabilloso e tamén visualmente fermoso.
I can only give you my sincere thanks for making these videos. I think he has managed to capture the essence of this little corner of Spain.
I am the son of Galicians, born in Mexico City and from a very young age my parents always instilled in me a love for Galicia. I have lived on this earth since I was 12 years old and from the first day I have felt a special attachment to this place ... It is as if I too was part of this place (like the oaks planted in the little church that you refer to in the video).
In short, I am delighted to have met you and I wish you and your family to be happy in Galicia. You are invited to visit the region in which I live, A Mariña, (the north coast of the province of Lugo).
I look forward to your next video.
P.D: I apologize for my English
Vicente, your English is excellent! We are so thrilled that you like our video. It means so much to us that people from Galicia enjoy it.
We have been to Lugo a few times and want to return to film up on top of the wall and in the old town, but also we know there is much more to discover in Lugo. We have also been to Praia das Catedrais a few times (I love it there even though I always seem to fall into the ocean) -- that is near A Mariña, isn't it?
Grazas from Galiza!! You will be always welcome
Beautiful scenery music and commentary. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the kind comment. xoxo
The Video you have presented is an unique. We have learnt many more that, we did not had any idea.
Rains in the location, fruits availability and traditional foods that are available.
Specially, Spanish Music and Songs.
Your presentation of video in an unparalleled.
Thanks Thanks...... For your presentation.
Wow. Gracias por sus amables palabras.
What a lovely view of an idyllic corner of the world! Nice work. Thanks for sharing!
Muchas gracias, Amy! Our door is always open if you want to visit. xoxo
@@JaneinSpain We will be visiting whenever we get to that corner of the world! Not that it's on our schedule, but I am ready to start traveling again!
You made an amazing video. Your way to show my dear land touch my heart
Thank you for the kind comment. We will be back soon with new content. Un abrazo!
Congratulations, a beautiful video with no stereotypes. Shows simple rural life in Galicia and northern Spain. Its done with care and love and knowledge!! ❤
Thank you so much. We love this place and the people and culture. We always let them show us the way. It is much easier to begin shooting a video with a concept and look for footage to support the story you want to tell, but if you want to honestly portray the soul of a place, you can't project your notions onto it. xoxo
So many memories from my wife's mother's village in Lugo... I'm only a quarter Galician myself, my wife is a half. And she's an "arqueóloga"! ;)
We're not far from Lugo. Such a wonderful place! I'm glad it inspired memories. Our next one will be about Santiago. Eventually we'll get to Lugo and do one from the wall!
There is in Spanish a word which describes the time you spend at the table after eating, speaking with friends or family, drinking coffee, liqueurs and eating some sweets, the word is "sobremesa" literally, "on/at the table", I have been in some sobremesas so long that they became dinners.
Lovely. That lingering is one of the things I love best about Spanish culture. Gracias, Jose.
@@JaneinSpain: con todos los respetos, pero lo que llamas "cultura española" tú misma compruebas que la cultura gallega no tiene casi nada que ver con la cultura andaluza, por ejemplo. España es multicultural.
Beautiful stories and video of my ancestral homeland. Thanks for sharing.
Grazas, Luis. It is such a magical place.
Beautiful words, music and video.
Thank you, Laurie!
So poetic and warm
Thank you so much, Henrik. Un abrazo.
Muchas gracias, Elsa!
You love Galicia!
You are really in love with this place!
Congratulations, to live in the place you love is something only a few lucky people can reach.
Os deseo salud y paz, que nada turbe vuestros días.
Living in a beautiful piece of land.. Love you all..
I was deeply moved by your video...you did an amazing job capturing Galicia 's essence
Antonio Machado 's words are certainly magical, I suggest you listen to Serrat' s version
As a foreigner married to a gallego( and now living far away), all those familiar faces, places and food brought back that feeling of home I miss..
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the kind comment, Maria. Hugs from Galicia.
What a wonderful video Jane! You have captured the essence of Galicia and as an expat who arrived here a couple of years ago, can completely relate to everything you have portrayed.
Thank you so much for the kind comment!! xoxo
Qué bonito video¡¡ Disfruta de Galicia y de toda España. Saludos
Muchas gracias!
Excellent quality, I thought it was a documentary made by BBC. I love it
Thank you, Amir. We appreciate the encouragement. Sending good wishes from Galicia.
Wow, I love your lifestyle in spain. It is a dream for me to live in such a beautiful place. May you live a long, happy life there.
Story telling was great. Thanks for the beautiful scenery and lovely words to match.
Such a lovely video about my home region! As other comments said, you've captured the beauty of Galicia and it's people perfectly.
Thank you so much for this kind comment! xo
The music is one of the best, ever heard.
The music here is incredible, and to see how the traditions have been handed down to young musicians who honor those traditions but also add their fresh interpretations is remarkable. The musicianship here is very, very high. It is powerful and moving.
A spectacular video. I wish that soon you publish more and teach Galicia with your eyes. I will follow you delighted and I will recommend your videos. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Gracias, Rafa! We have another video ready, we are just waiting for the subtitles to come back, I hope in the next few hours. It feels like they are taking forever! I hope you like the new one, please let us know. Un abrazo
Hazel is the cutest, stout doggo. Love your poetic descriptions of magical Galicia!
Hermoso video de la vida rural en Galicia.
Gracias, Jesús. Lo amamos aquí.
Thank you for this! It takes me back and brings so many memories- ah, the bread and cheese … and wine! And the vacas wandering around freely…💕
What a beautiful people and a kind life style. Love your videos. Thank you, Jane. 🇪🇸❤️🙏👏👏
Thank you for the kind comments. Sending big hugs. xo
So lovely. I live here and love it so. Your video reflects life here. The heartbeat of our daily life. The sights and sounds. But more importantly, the feeling and the people.
Thank you, KD, for the kind comments! It is a very special place. xoxo
Did you work for a TV company before? The quality of this is exceptional. Great great channel.
Thanks for the very kind comments! Means a lot. No, we have not worked in TV. But Jones is a photographer and I'm a writer/musician, so I think we are just mashing up our creative talents and trying to create something beautiful and authentic.
Como gallega creo que es justo reconocerte la delicadeza y hondura de tu video. Tomar la decisión de vivir en Galicia no creo que responda a un capricho, vivir en el rural supone abrazar ciertas incomodidades. Por eso adivino que algo te ha atrapado aquí, algo que no siempre se puede explicar, lo sé. La música, el texto, la imagen es una delicia. Y se ve que eres de las personas que viven con los ojos abiertos a la cultura, el arte, la tierra. De unha meiga a outra, boa vida.
Jane I stumble upon your video and I am Glade I watch is video, you are very good story teller I must say, you provide so much information and history of the city in simple manner, No running, No screaming as most of the Vlogger does. thank you so much to introduced us Village life in Spain.
Thank you for the kind comment! I missed it when you posted a month ago, sorry for that. We are trying to finish editing a new video about one particular village and how they celebrate the festival of San Juan. I hope you'll enjoy that one, too. Salud!
Muy bonito ❤. A beautiful land that of my father!!.
Gracias, Angie! ¡Es un lugar magico!
Absolutamente hermosa! Me gustan tu voz y tu punta de vista. Viví en España durante un año. lo extraño.
Muchisimas gracias! Un abrazo. xoxo
Gracias Jane por facilitarme las canciones. Cheers, Salud
I enjoyed your video about life in Galicia. It reminded me of times gone by, a simpler life in many ways. Maybe a richer one too. What beautiful lands you came upon.
Hey, thanks, TAG! Next time you're in Galicia, message me, we can go for a walk -- I can show you some beautiful places. Un abrazo. ~Jane
Wonderful content . Loved the music. When I saw you and husband walking down that beautiful path, I saw myself and my wife walking that same path.
Thank you for the kind comment. We hope to start adding more content soon.
Gracias por enseñarnos la Galicia rural donde yo nací. Saludos desde Miami Beach a donde emigró mi padre gallego y madre cubana. Cariños,
¡Muchas gracias por el amable comentario! Un abrazo.
You captured the essence of inland Galicia 👌🐩🎶🧀
Thank you, Juan!
Beautiful video Sarah, thank you for sharing a piece of your heart with us.
Galicia, a village of Spain, where father of my leader fidel Crasto was born. A lovely and revolutionary feeling!❤
You Cuban ?
Wonderful Jane, absolutely wonderful
What a lovely comment to wake up to. Thank you, Peter!
Beautiful video Jane Thank you for sharing it with us all. I will visit Galicia Spain one day.❤
Gracias infinitas, Jane.
Extraordinaria calidad de edición , sonido , guion y amor for this lovely corner of Europe.
Hola Jane. Este es un sencillo video relajante de un lugar donde la "tranquilidad se vive". Donde la vida se respira. Se vive el esfuerzo de vivir. Transmite la nostálgica vida del ser humano, que es el sitio donde disfruta de su vida, donde aprecia cada segundo de su existencia y transmite el sentir de su tierra, no del lugar donde nació ni donde le gustaría estar, donde la vida se entrelaza con la tierra, nuestra patria, tierra con costumbres lenguas, idiomas, tradiciones y sin olvidar que somos habitantes del mundo. Lugares que queremos, incluso si no hemos nacido en ellos, pero somos sus hijos, que disfrutamos siendo parte de esos lugares, en los que nos sentimos los más afortunados del mundo. Disfrutando del lujo, de una vida plena, sin el menosprecio que algunos nos dan, por no hablar en su "lengua", por no hablar en el idioma que ellos quieren, que ellos imponen, que tienes que hablar, en la lengua que nos enseñaron nuestros padres¿Por qué los inútiles quieren poner fronteras en la comunicación? No entiendo que las personas pongan trabas a la forma de comunicarte con los demás, por poner trabas en la "nacionalidad" de los que conviven contigo, siendo Ruso o Vasco, incluso Chino, debemos decir a esa gente excluyente que somos humanos, nacidos en la misma tierra, apreciamos y respetamos las tradiciones y las costumbres de mi tierra. Galicia, siempre Galicia y su buena gente y de allí al fin del mundo, Que casualidad, allí está. Salud y suerte. PD. Visitar si es posible la zona de los cañones del Sil, merece la pena y mis ancestros (por suerte) son de allí. Health and luck.
Ola Jane. Este é un sinxelo vídeo relaxante dun lugar onde "se vive a tranquilidade". Onde respira a vida. O esforzo de vivir vívese. Transmite a vida nostálxica do ser humano, que é o lugar onde goza da súa vida, onde aprecia cada segundo da súa existencia e transmite o sentimento da súa terra, non do lugar onde naceu ou onde lle gustaría estar. , onde a vida se entrelaza coa terra, a nosa patria, unha terra con costumes, linguas, linguas, tradicións e sen esquecer que somos habitantes do mundo. Lugares que amamos, aínda que neles non nacemos, pero somos os seus fillos, que gozamos formando parte deses lugares, nos que nos sentimos os máis afortunados do mundo. Gozando de luxo, dunha vida plena, sen o desprezo que algúns nos dan, por non falar na súa “lingua”, por non falar na lingua que queren, que impoñen, que hai que falar, na que nos ensinaron os nosos pais Por que os inútiles queren poñer límites na comunicación? Non entendo que a xente poña trabas pra comunicarse cos demais, poñendo trabas á “nacionalidade” de quen convive contigo, sendo eu ruso ou vasco, incluso chino, hai que dicirlle a esas persoas exclusivas que somos humanos, nacidos na mesma terra, apreciamos e respectamos as tradicións e costumes da miña terra. Galicia, sempre Galicia e a súa boa xente e de aí ata o fin do mundo, que casualidade, está aí. Saúde e sorte. P.S. Se é posible, visita os canóns do Sil, paga a pena e os meus antepasados (por sorte) son de alí. Saúde e sorte.
Hello Jane. This is a simple relaxing video from a place where "tranquility is lived". Where life breathes. The effort of living is lived. It transmits the nostalgic life of the human being, which is the place where he enjoys his life, where he appreciates every second of his existence and transmits the feeling of his land, not the place where he was born or where he would like to be, where life is intertwined with the land, our homeland, a land with customs, languages, languages, traditions and without forgetting that we are inhabitants of the world. Places that we love, even if we were not born in them, but we are their children, who enjoy being part of those places, in which we feel the luckiest in the world. Enjoying luxury, a full life, without the contempt that some give us, for not speaking in their "language", for not speaking in the language that they want, that they impose, that you have to speak, in the language that our parents taught why the useless want to put boundaries in communication? I do not understand that people put obstacles in the way of communicating with others, by putting obstacles in the "nationality" of those who live with you, being Russian or Basque, even Chinese, we must tell those exclusive people that we are human, born in the same land, we appreciate and respect the traditions and customs of my land. Galicia, always Galicia and its good people and from there to the end of the world, what a coincidence, there it is. Health and luck. P.S. If possible, visit the area of the Sil canyons, it is worth it and my ancestors (luckily) are from there. Health and luck.
Thank you for your kind comments. We have gone to the Sil Canyons and we agree, it is a very beautiful area! We will return soon...I think by the end of July.
Escribe un libro!!!
I just discovered your channel today, and I plan to binge! I love your thoughtful commentary and painterly presentation. I feel like I'm there with all of you. I love the cows crossing the road to end the video (at least the three I've watched so far!).
I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos, Michael! We weren't able to post for a time as we were dealing with some issues here, but we'll be back with more videos starting this month! We captured a great cattle crossing just a couple days ago, it was particularly funny, so we'll include it in our upcoming video about the Fiesta de San Juan.
Spectacular video. Thanks for sharing your world!
Thank you, David!
Hello Jane, I was feeling a longing for Galicia and came across this beautiful video! Very well done! I hope to move there myself one day. It's wonderful to get a glimpse of your life there. All the best! x
Thank you so much, Izzy! Let us know if you come to Galicia for a visit. xo
Beautiful video, thank you for sharing all the wonderful things of Galicia.❤
Thank you!
What a great video about an often ignored but incredible region of Spain. Galicia is our blood whether we were born there or not.
Hi Jane, Came across your inspirational film. Thank you for sharing your experiences
Thank you for the kind comment, Danny. New video out this week. xo
I have lived in Galicia and I can assure Barra Gallega is the best 👌
Very beautiful video , I am from Valencia and I would like to visit Galicia some day
Thank you! You should visit, it is truly beautiful here.
Precioso reportaje. Gracias! 🌹
Muchisimas gracias!!
Your videos are full of love.
Graciñas, Jane & Jones. ❤
Beautifully written and executed video.
Beautiful I heard about this part because someone recommended commune living said Galicia and this area is a nice place to live.
It really is quite special. You should visit!
This is a lovely and very accurate portrayal of my country, thank you. I'm so homesick now lol
I hope we see you here again soon. Un beso.
@@JaneinSpain Next year hopefully, I haven't been home since this pandemic started, it's overdue....Bicos
Been a while...Pan queso y vino se anda el camino..Monica was St agustin''s mother....door to door delivery of the bread is a quite recent custom.....Left El bierzo in 1968.....I visit my grand parents town ....50-75 inhabitants.....the youngest on their 80s....El Valle Bembibre Leon.....
In my childhood we stil plowed the land w/the roman plow.....el primer tractor lo trajo Julio el cartero alla a mediados de los '50.....un Deutz......grande y verde.....el repartia las cartas por media docena de pueblos.....desde una Montesa.....donde no habia camino, el lo hacia.....
Congratulations for this video in its whole and for the Bach music .
Thanks, Esperanza!
Fantastic music ❤️ I lived in Galicia for a year and loved it, wanted to stay but couldn’t. Looking forward to more videos.
Gracias, Ellen! We love the music here, how it's rooted in nature, history, and the sea. I hope we see you back in Galicia soon. Thanks for your kind comments, more videos coming soon!
You're a poet. Great to see an expat inhabit the spirit and culture of a place like that.
with bread and wine, everything fine.
Salud! 🍷🍷
Beautiful…….I love Galicia, the land of my mother….
Gracias. It is a magical place! You're lucky to have it in your blood. xo
@@JaneinSpain 💕
Este video es una pequeña obra de arte sobre la vida en las zonas rurales de Galicia.No se olvide que en Galicia la primigenia cultura no fué la urbana, sinó la rural.
Gracias, Juan Luis. Hay una belleza fundamental en esta cultura rural. Nos sentimos privilegiados de estar aquí.
Aunque vivo en Vigo desde hace muchos años, sin embargo amo todo lo rural ya que lo vivi cuando era pequeño.Muchisimas gracias por videos como el tuyo.
@@juanluisalvarez9249alaricano Ayer estuve leyendo unos poemas de Rosalía de Castro y ese es el espíritu mismo de su escritura. Nunca olvidó su infancia en Galicia, le dio forma a su alma para siempre.
Si, posiblemente fué la poetisa que mejor sintió y reflejó el alma gallega.De todas formas pienso que es bueno que esa cultura se viese complementada por una cultura más urbana(Vigo, A Coruña, etc), en mi opinión.
Bellísimo Jane .
Gracias, Ana. xo
Makes me want to move to Galicia! I’m from Jerez de la Frontera and live in Austin, TX, it looks so peaceful and relaxed there. I’m jealous!
Don't be jealous, come visit!
By the way! Love your voice and your acent when you say galician words is so similar as our accent
Ancestors on fathers side from outside of Fonsagrada, visited many years ago, great experience, Visigoth backgrounds!
Yeah, Galicia has such an interesting history. We continue to learn so much.
Jane in Galicia. Grazas, Jane.
Beautiful Galicia!
Isn't it the best? So lovely.
O my! the "foreign language" at around 16:30 happens to be Ladino. A language spoken by Sephardic Jews who had made Spain their home after the diaspora. It is a beautiful language, just like Gallego is a beautiful language. Viva Galicia!
Galicia spanish green
Amo a Galícia ♥️terra Linda maravilhosa da Espanha 🇪🇸sou brasileira 🇧🇷apaixonada 🥰 pela Galícia
Beautiful work…👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Muchas gracias! xo
Excellent! thank you for the amazing video...I watched it twice :)
Thanks so much! New one coming soon about the Fiesta de San Juan.
This is exquisite "Jane"!
Thank you, Shauna. Un gran abrazo desde españa. xoxo