Ok all republicans who can't stop stuttering and worrying about offending and sounding weak need to go to public speaking school. They need to be toughened up. Cause this is painful to watch. They never even push back on the claim that "companies with a diverse group do better financially than ones that don't" that data is highly debunked and was semantics in the finest order. The companies interference were massive conglomerates where they weren't causing any improvement in their group. The company on ifs one size was increasing in profit anyways.
Do you not know why DEI was instituted in the first place??? Ridiculous… it’s because well and overwhelmingly qualified were getting passed up because of their skin color.. smh.. you’re a part of the problem….
@@Cj27992civil rights were fought for when we need to fight.. we don’t live in a country where that’s the case anymore Black Americans have made immense strides and are on even ground with the rest of America. There’s no laws preventing on black American from being wealthy and happy
Donald Trump appointed Richard Grenell as the first openly gay person to a Cabinet-level position and he did not need a DEI policy to do so. Grenell served as the acting Director of National Intelligence.
You are hiring by merit but DEI is a person who is handicapped, color, or a woman. Diversity, equity, and inclusion seek to create a workplace atmosphere where people of all backgrounds are welcome.
Jaimie Raskin is a fool he should be voted out. Wake up get him out because he is promoting wokism. He & his co-horts have ruined the country by liberalism.
The People also need to see these "reps" in action and hear their words and plotting, and then vote their sorry marxist selves out of office, if they abhor what they hear. The bald black rep, Pressley doesn't know her history; it was FDR & Dems who put Japanese in American camps during WWll and it was FDR who enticed Japanese to stop attacking China Communists and attack America, while also committing Americans to war in Europe.
@@Caught_You200 your right but they're the main defenders of this ideology. 6 ,now 4 members of congress who do nothing but defend racism and racist ideologies while at the same time failing in their own positions. Its exactly what DEI looks like
They never bring up how the Democratic party was the one that made all the segregation laws. Or that they never apologized. But with how much violent crime committed by blacks on others there is it maybe was needed lol.
They used DEI to get unqualified people into top spots. That's why they are so worried about that. People in the 60s didn't agree to get rid of segregation in under the guise that it would be used against the their grandkids
@@Zion_RockBand buddy I'm not even american & i can see crystal clear who's corrupt and not , wake up. Dems just using you & your tax paying monies for their own sake.
The only thing that should matter is merit , unfortunately this isn't the case for the identity policy chasers. People didn't vote trump because they particulary loved him , they voted for him because he stood up for their moral values & promised them to get shit done. These guys who bring up race & diversity are just clowns. The more you bold diversity the more divided people get .
@cindyabraham5503 Respect is earned imo. And he's done the opposite of earning my respect. I use a degrading nickname to express that opinion. He's divisive and hypocritical. I'm not a fan of the identity politics and intolerance that he's preaching. Sorry, not sorry.
Which is a good point because like affirmative action it winds up harming the people that it purports to help. I am a former Democrat from way back and still hold many democrat positions that the party itself has abandoned but I have been with the conservatives on this issue for decades. It is intellectual laziness and a patronizing attitude on the part of white people that perpetuates an entire class of people into thinking that playing the victim benefits them. Playing the victim card is always a bad idea. There are "equitable" ways to increase diversity that maintain merit as the central deciding factor in hiring decisions. Creating entire agencies devoted to the ideal of equity is a prescription that treats the symptoms while exacerbating the illness.
Division.Indoctrination.Exclusion. I reverse the i and the e. And, *of course,* YT will NOT allow comments w/those three letters in that order, (regardless special characters between each) be observed/read, by anyone.
I’m sorry but the federal workforce is way overstaffed. Federal government needs to generate their own income and if they can’t then it can file for bankruptcy. Like in the real corporate world. All this wasteful spending needs to stop. Do it on your own dime.
Exactly or how they keep insisting Tulsi is a traitors to the country that she has served loyally for years. I am personally beyond pleased with the office that she is nominated for since she has been placed on a watch list and has difficulty or just inconvenienced every time she flies. Imagine an active military member on a secret govt watch list because she caused Kameltoe to withdraw before Iowa on the first go round. So I love her for that position, chefs kiss justice.
Such b.s. the qualified stays, the unqualified go, and the duplicates can also start cleaning out your desks. There's no free lunch in this country, no matter who you are no matter what you look or sound like.
I lost 4 jobs in my 56-yrs of hard, honest work, & all of them were in the private sector. None of them offered me another position with my qualifications. I was told: "We're going in a different direction as a company & will have no need for your position," "Laws have changed, so we need to downsize," "We're filing for bankruptcy & closing this dept., & the best one (from the HR Rep.) was, "You're white & we need both a black & a brown person to fill your position." The HR Rep was fired the same day. The gov't needs to find out how the rest of us live before they pass judgment.
@MsJudi54 you fail common sense. The government is not your protector of uncertainty. Be an adult. You make your life not the government...it's not your parent. Grow up.
Don't care where they are from, what matters is that they are the most qualified for the job. It is not fair to the communities to place an individual in a position where they are not the best qualified. they have to earn the job like everyone else.
Equal opportunity for all if qualified. It's not complicated. It doesn't discriminate against race, color, or religion. DEI is the opposite of equal opportunity.
I appreciated watching this discussion. Working together to find compromise/solutions is what American's expect. The comments that were immature & unacceptable for intelligent dialogue to progress because of slander, assumptions and gossip were "Trump's enemies, Gaetz's allegations and Gabbard's remarks." The personal attacks need to stop by focusing only on the issues. Ms. Stansbury needs to accept the American's who PAY for all Government decisions without our authorization proclaimed LOUD & CLEAR (so LISTEN) we want a huge deduction in Government spending to reduce the National Debt!!!! There it is folks! Time to hear what we've been stating for years!!! As for slavery it was their own fellow Africans that participated in capturing & selling their people into slavery. Why isn't that talked about? Many "white" American's fought slavery in many ways. Racism exists in all shades of skin! My skin color is white. Today in America there are organizations etc who say "All "white" people are racist!!! Since when does my skin color define my character? Or yours? What is white? German? Irish? French? A mix? Perhaps African blood runs through my veins?! The argument is judgmental, racist and unjust which could potentially create more racism. The problem with DEI is the same as we see constantly forcing people to employ people based on skin color, sexual orientation or biological sex.
So with all these black people in the house do they not remember we had a black president it's not about racism it's not about discriminating against blacks, it's if there Qualified enough for the job.
Why are those people not sitting there listening to what is being said? People don't get to just get to get on their soapbox and then leave... stay there and do your jobs!!
2 years ago my job was eliminated and I did not through a fit! and act like an entitled looney, I didn't cry and demand to remain employed because of DEI or because I'm intitled to that job. Instead I moved on, and still thriving to move on... so why can't this people do the same? Being a federal employee is not a right it is a privilege.
Reason. Individualism. Liberty. Merit. That bald lady getting righteous about MLK is wrong. MLK wasn't fighting for black people. That is a BLM point of view. MLK was fighting for ALL people and EQUALITY from the Enlightenment along with a Christian point of view. All people are equal in the eyes of God and of OUR Law.
@thunkjunk I’m not in agree with each and every aspect of DEI. But the whole entire premise of DEI as it has been hijacked, sabotaged, and “redefined” as “DEI” by bigoted racists, and its following conclusions are both invalid and false, here, let alone it’s false assumptions and presumptions…? DEI as rightly defined, meant, and intended by its authors is the reason, individualism, liberty, and merit you rightly point out; it’s first and foremost foundational prerequisite is the qualification and merit you speak of, but it necessarily distinguishes, “discriminates” between race in order to address and redress past as well as current wrongs and evils committed solely and purely on the basis of race and so makes DEI necessary; and it’s not the “DEI” which racist opponents of DEI, as DEI is rightly and truly defined, meant, intended, and practiced by its authors, are now attempting to hijack, co-opt, and “redefine,” then set up as a straw man, then easily knock him down as “being” the “true” “definition” of DEI and as a “program” of free “handouts” to those who are indeed, perhaps, unqualified, and not the program of qualification and merit the authors of true DEI truly intends and means; these bigoted racists have deliberately “hired” unqualified people as “DEI” “hires” for the express and sole purpose of highlighting them and using their anticipated and certain failures as prime examples of “the failures and evil of “DEI,” as though “DEI” is the same DEI as that DEI which is rightly and truly defined and meant and intended by its authors; and, yes, that indictment even includes and applies and therefore extends to those so called democrats who merely pretend to be proponents and advocates of true DEI…? Most words have more than one single sense and meaning depending on the context in which they’re used. There’s “discrimination,” then there’s discrimination. In the first sense and meaning, an employer, say, says, “I’ll always only hire purple people, both qualified and unqualified, to the fullest possible exclusion of hiring green people, because I simply hate green people,” for one reason or another. In the second sense and meaning that same employer says, “I must now according to law hire both purple people and green people solely and purely on the basis of qualifications to address and right my both my past and my current wrongs and evils inherent in my hiring practices and methods, but I must necessarily make a distinction between colors in order to do as much.” In the one, the motive of discrimination is hate. In the other, the motive of discrimination is a necessity made necessary by the motive and practice of the other; it’s simply a distinction between colors to right a wrong, he has to look at skin color to right the wrong, he can’t see the color with his eyes closed! The first employer used his eyes to make a distinction between colors, also. But he did it purely from a motive of hate in order to sabotage the efforts of and hold down an entire group of people as much as is possible in him. In the one sense, meaning, and execution and practice of discrimination, the object is to hold down an entire race. In the other sense, meaning, execution and practice of discrimination, the object is to let all races thrive and grow by allowing all an opportunity. In the latter case, distinction (discrimination) between colors in order to right past and current wrongs is necessary and so is inevitable; there’s no other way around it, it’s just that now qualified white people are still hired, just not as many as before simply because now qualified people of other colors are hired also, along with those white people. But in the former case, the distinction (discrimination) between colors is not necessary but merely and simply and only and purely employed for no other purpose but to “discriminate” so as to marginalize and degrade and hold down. They’re both the same word, they’re both acts of discrimination, necessarily, but the same word means two completely different things and have two completely different degrees and kinds of senses in their two completely different and necessary contexts and their two completely different but necessary uses and purposes…? Question… if you were Santa and were handing out gifts to children but only gave gifts to the same one group of children, and someone came along and said to you that you were being unfair to the other groups of children and that you should correct your ways and give the other group of children gifts also, would you then, if you were willing, right your ways by making a distinction between the kids who have and the kids who do not have gifts in order to then be sure to give gifts to those kids who do not have gifts… would you be discriminating then in correcting your ways… would that discrimination be necessary and made so by your previous discrimination, which previous discrimination is defined by that other and different sense and meaning of the same word but which both connotes and denotes a motive of wrong and evil… is it at all possible to distinguish between the kids who have gifts and those who do not have gifts without making that necessary distinction…? As long as it’s within your power and reach, will the kids who are now without gifts, who in the first place were never given gifts now get their gifts by magic, or will they now get their gifts from you by your repenting but no less discriminating distribution of gifts to them as well as to all the other kids… by your making that distinction between the kids who already have gifts, and those who still do not have gifts…? If you now begin a policy and practice of giving gifts to both those kids who already have gifts and to those who do not have gifts because you refused them gifts at first, would that be unfair to the kids who already have gifts and who will continue to get gifts from you in spite of your application of discrimination which discriminates solely and purely on the basis of qualifications irregardless of race and color…? So… in Santa correcting his wrongs, will that particular discrimination between the kids who have and will continue to get gifts from him, and the kids who don’t have and never got gifts from him but who will now get gifts from him along with the kids who already have and will continue to get gifts from him be wrong and as such be that particular type of discrimination which in its worst and most evil sense and meaning and employment is discrimination, or would it simply be rather and instead that very particular type of discrimination whereby he must now simply distinguish between the haves and the have nots necessarily so in order to correct the wrongs of the past as well as those of the present moment, a new process and procedure made necessary by his own past unfair practice of distribution…? And, of course, Santa takes it for granted and as a foregone conclusion that all the kids as kids are deserving as well as qualified…? All things being normal as usual, If a small segment of apartment buildings in the middle of a block of multi-story row houses in New York City had a manageably small fire in the first floor hallway, God forbid, must firemen then discriminate in putting out the fire so as not to destroy the whole entire block of buildings on that block while in the act of putting out that fire… should the firemen tear up the whole block in spite of the absence of a need to do so…? In other words, should the firemen discriminate…? If there were all white people on the entire left half of that same building block, and all black people on the entire right half of that same block, and the firemen deliberately discriminated to destroy a great or at least a considerable portion of the left side of that building block where all the white people live while putting out the fire in the hallway of the very middle section of that entire building block, is that discrimination on the firemen’s part…? Are the two different instances of the act of “discriminating” on the parts of the firemen the very same beast of “discrimination” in both sense, meaning, method, motive, and effect…? …and did you not hear Congresswoman Pressley @ 50:08, among the many other great and profound things she says, clearly say that MLK fought for both black people and all marginalized people…? All marginalized people come in all colors, conditions, and both genders. Perhaps if you took the plugs and blinders of racism and hate and bigotry and prejudice, or at least those of perhaps gullibility and naivety from your ears and eyes your mind would’ve heard and saw her say as much…? And qualified DEI people, not “DEI” people, are also taxpayers… so…!
@@zjaz8000 DEI comes out of Postmodern thought. Postmodern thought rejects the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is Reason, Individualism, Liberalism, Capitalism, Science and Medicine which leads to all the progress of the Modern era including MLK and Civil Rights. America is founded on and embraces the Enlightenment. DEI rejects the Enlightenment and is anti-American.
Martin was apart of civil rights movement he most definitely fought and made efforts to change the lives of blsck people in that time period why lie yes he wanted to break a system bent on division which blacks didn't create
There were also black people who had their own slaves. Also sick of them brainwashing black people into thinking that they were the only slaves in this world.
I would have been qualified for SSDI when I turned 18, but because I could work in desk jobs, I have worked for 40 years. I would not necessarily have been chosen at the time over other applicants because I have a limp. However, I went on to lead many projects on merit. People with disabilities need a chance to get in the door to show what they can do.
Hell yeah we need Republicans to fight back against the reverse racism and for our rights! pressley and the biased deluded left are so in denial about their racism because they think blacks can’t be racist 🙄. I’m so disappointed that Presley is from Massachusetts, all of the politicians from here are a disgrace 🤦🏻♀️
This is ridiculous! I wouldn’t want to be hired for a job that I didn’t earn because I am black, over someone who would be better for said job. I can’t believe this is life right now.
Yes, diversity works at a workplace. But the issue here is about DEI! Why should I get the job just by being a black person without the essential qualities and qualifications required for the position? It does not make sense at all? Why can't the democrats see the problem with DEI?
Exactly. And the democrats again put nothing but black folks on the ticket in 2024. They know that the government knows racism exists. they are trying to get a win anyway how
Why they always say “ dangerous “ about republican’s opinions? We have equal opportunity but we don’t get it because of how we look like or where we are from. We have to take certain steps like everyone else does.
Yes, we should be open to everybody -- with a meritocracy. Canceling DEI hires is not promoting discrimination, and the law against discrimination still stands. But we all know of cases where a DEI hire was an act of discrimination by weighting the scales so heavily that greater merit went unrewarded. And that does not lead to a stronger country.
@@Zion_RockBandSo you’d rather have a surgeon operating on you or a loved one, who was hired because of their skin color, instead of one hired due to their qualifications? Ignorance speaks volumes.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett has alot of say, but not once did she mention how to move forward - how to resolve fairly. She's compelling but has no substance to support a resolution.
MLK being Republican is a myth. He did not affiliate with any political party. He did agree with Kennedy's "affirmative action" and equal representation in general, which is essentially DEI today. That said I feel this is all easily solved with addressing issues of poverty and poor education in our country, which MLK was also passionate about, instead of a policy like DEI. Fix those issues and the demographics of qualified people naturally increases and balances overall without the necessity of succumbing to identity politics.
I'll get back to you when we also figure out how to get rid of Maxine Waters, Dick Durbin, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, the squad and many, many others.
You should be appointed to a job based on your skills.
100000 percent
Omg why is her hair like that? Ffs at least be professional
Ok all republicans who can't stop stuttering and worrying about offending and sounding weak need to go to public speaking school. They need to be toughened up. Cause this is painful to watch.
They never even push back on the claim that "companies with a diverse group do better financially than ones that don't" that data is highly debunked and was semantics in the finest order. The companies interference were massive conglomerates where they weren't causing any improvement in their group. The company on ifs one size was increasing in profit anyways.
@@JohnDoe-ne1ni I don’t know why you care about anybody’s hair when you look at trumps hair how professional is that
It’s already against the law to discriminate. We don’t need DEI!
I agree
Great point
Yeah it’s called EEOA of 1971. This DEI bullshit was just another way for the government to have more control.
DEI is discrimination
Drain the swamp
Republicans ARE the swamp!!!!!
There's a shit load of crap in the swamp!! Lots of dei!!
I'm a black person that doesn't want to get hired just cause I'm black.
Do you not know why DEI was instituted in the first place??? Ridiculous… it’s because well and overwhelmingly qualified were getting passed up because of their skin color.. smh.. you’re a part of the problem….
Discrimination is their desire be smart about what you campaign for all civil rights work is being dismantled those polices were in plwce for a reason
@@Cj27992civil rights were fought for when we need to fight.. we don’t live in a country where that’s the case anymore
Black Americans have made immense strides and are on even ground with the rest of America. There’s no laws preventing on black American from being wealthy and happy
Unfortunately, many will assume you were. It is time to speak up against this DEI movement.
Why not??? how does that hurt you 💀 that helps you
Hiring or promotion by dei instead of merit is racist/ and sexist.
And down right dangerous in a lot of situations.
Donald Trump appointed Richard Grenell as the first openly gay person to a Cabinet-level position and he did not need a DEI policy to do so. Grenell served as the acting Director of National Intelligence.
Very well said
@@TheIrishSpitfiregood comment
You are hiring by merit but DEI is a person who is handicapped, color, or a woman. Diversity, equity, and inclusion seek to create a workplace atmosphere where people of all backgrounds are welcome.
Jamie Raskin knows there is legislation to protect them from discrimination. DEI discriminates.
Jaimie Raskin is a fool he should be voted out. Wake up get him out because he is promoting wokism. He & his co-horts have ruined the country by liberalism.
Raskin is the one who says they won’t allow Trump back into the White House even if he wins
Enough is enough. The PEOPLE have spoken!!
The People also need to see these "reps" in action and hear their words and plotting, and then vote their sorry marxist selves out of office, if they abhor what they hear. The bald black rep, Pressley doesn't know her history; it was FDR & Dems who put Japanese in American camps during WWll and it was FDR who enticed Japanese to stop attacking China Communists and attack America, while also committing Americans to war in Europe.
They think they are the ONLY people though lol
That's right!
@@hihoe1882we are the majority! The majority rules.
That’s why we won 😊
People should be hired based on merit, not color,religion,or sex….
Won’t be any blacks in corporate America qualified or not
Views of DEI have become slightly more negative among U.S. workers
America Hires on Merit not on feelings
Never has before!
So tired of wasteful spending.
Qualifications are all that should matter
Discrimination of citizens because of vaccination choices...THAT IS A BIG ONE...
Hire if qualified
HIQ not DEI😊
Nope; hire based upon minority and "you might qualify"
That’s the way it should be
@@misterwallace3479only if qualifies
Yha start with the cabinet trump picks I guess now it's a prerequisite to be a felon ,rich , or a crime boss .
And they still can't figure out why they lost.
We lost to idiots plus the democrats suck to
Oh we know why we lost and believe me there is no reason why that should have ever happened.
@@cindyabraham5503..... enlighten us lol
Dems lost because the American majority is tired of woke crap! Go away.
@@cindyabraham5503you lost because the majority of your party has become absolutely delusional. Your comment further showcases this fact.
The squad is proof DEI doesnt work
Great comment
That doesnt make sense since theyre elected rather than forced hires…
@@Caught_You200 your right but they're the main defenders of this ideology. 6 ,now 4 members of congress who do nothing but defend racism and racist ideologies while at the same time failing in their own positions. Its exactly what DEI looks like
They never bring up how the Democratic party was the one that made all the segregation laws. Or that they never apologized.
But with how much violent crime committed by blacks on others there is it maybe was needed lol.
They used DEI to get unqualified people into top spots. That's why they are so worried about that. People in the 60s didn't agree to get rid of segregation in under the guise that it would be used against the their grandkids
I am amazed at the ignorance that seems to be rampant in our government. I NOW UNDERSTAND HOW OUR COUNTRY ENDED UP IN THE MESS ITS IN NOW !!!!!
Ratskin needs to get the hell outta congress
Nah more like your clowns 🤡
He can't be trusted after sitting on the J6 bench.
@@Zion_RockBand buddy I'm not even american & i can see crystal clear who's corrupt and not , wake up. Dems just using you & your tax paying monies for their own sake.
I agree
God forbid we hire and/or promote on MERIT.
Yah, let's be the third world country.
The only thing that should matter is merit , unfortunately this isn't the case for the identity policy chasers. People didn't vote trump because they particulary loved him , they voted for him because he stood up for their moral values & promised them to get shit done. These guys who bring up race & diversity are just clowns. The more you bold diversity the more divided people get .
@MaryhelenLara-vl9us 🤝🏼
Like you want unity,you want to keep the advantages that you inherited. You don't give a Damn about other people.
The Founding fathers believed in the success through Virtue, dedication, and hard work. Hiring to meet a quota is the opposite of that.
They didn’t go shit lol
@@FancyProductionsthey kept the DEI dummies out of
Raskin is a total joke. His time has run out. .......however, those that double down will support him.
You got that right
just because he is smart doesn't make less evil.
Yes he is
@@misterwallace3479 of course
Tell Ratskin...You don't fix mistakes of the past by making current mistakes.
Cmon be the grown up finally and call the man by his given name. It’s so demeaning and childish. Grow up for gods sake.
@cindyabraham5503 Respect is earned imo. And he's done the opposite of earning my respect. I use a degrading nickname to express that opinion. He's divisive and hypocritical. I'm not a fan of the identity politics and intolerance that he's preaching. Sorry, not sorry.
@@cindyabraham5503 He is a ratskin...
DEI= Didn't Earn It!!!
Best comment ever!!!! ❤ love love love! FACTS!
Which is a good point because like affirmative action it winds up harming the people that it purports to help. I am a former Democrat from way back and still hold many democrat positions that the party itself has abandoned but I have been with the conservatives on this issue for decades. It is intellectual laziness and a patronizing attitude on the part of white people that perpetuates an entire class of people into thinking that playing the victim benefits them. Playing the victim card is always a bad idea. There are "equitable" ways to increase diversity that maintain merit as the central deciding factor in hiring decisions. Creating entire agencies devoted to the ideal of equity is a prescription that treats the symptoms while exacerbating the illness.
I reverse the i and the e. And, *of course,* YT will NOT allow comments w/those three letters in that order, (regardless special characters between each) be observed/read, by anyone.
It’s called inclusion .. It was created because obviously there was a problem!
Like Trump cabinet
I’m sorry but the federal workforce is way overstaffed. Federal government needs to generate their own income and if they can’t then it can file for bankruptcy. Like in the real corporate world. All this wasteful spending needs to stop. Do it on your own dime.
Maybe some of the government needs to be weeded out.
most of it, not maybe. must be.
Yes trump for starters
I think it's disrespectful how they just ignore Pete's service to this country
Exactly or how they keep insisting Tulsi is a traitors to the country that she has served loyally for years. I am personally beyond pleased with the office that she is nominated for since she has been placed on a watch list and has difficulty or just inconvenienced every time she flies. Imagine an active military member on a secret govt watch list because she caused Kameltoe to withdraw before Iowa on the first go round. So I love her for that position, chefs kiss justice.
Roughly 435 members of Congress and I don't see hardly any of them in that committee hearing at all why do they receive a paycheck
This is a committee, not a house meeting . To many issues so they break off into committees with a lot of crossover
💯 %
DEI.... Definition of Extreme Incompetence
Such b.s. the qualified stays, the unqualified go, and the duplicates can also start cleaning out your desks.
There's no free lunch in this country, no matter who you are no matter what you look or sound like.
I lost 4 jobs in my 56-yrs of hard, honest work, & all of them were in the private sector. None of them offered me another position with my qualifications. I was told: "We're going in a different direction as a company & will have no need for your position," "Laws have changed, so we need to downsize," "We're filing for bankruptcy & closing this dept., & the best one (from the HR Rep.) was, "You're white & we need both a black & a brown person to fill your position." The HR Rep was fired the same day.
The gov't needs to find out how the rest of us live before they pass judgment.
@MsJudi54 you fail common sense. The government is not your protector of uncertainty. Be an adult. You make your life not the government...it's not your parent. Grow up.
@@jakoblfuller I can't tell if either of ya'll oppose to dismantle or keep the bill...
@@MsJudi54 What were the circumstances of you losing your job though? Were you fired, were you laid off, watt
Don't care where they are from, what matters is that they are the most qualified for the job. It is not fair to the communities to place an individual in a position where they are not the best qualified. they have to earn the job like everyone else.
Equal opportunity for all if qualified. It's not complicated. It doesn't discriminate against race, color, or religion. DEI is the opposite of equal opportunity.
NO MORE DEI ‼️‼️☠️
The people has spoken. Please respect that
If I fly somewhere do I want a dei hire or a qualified pilot. DEI needs to go, Along with Ratskin and the rest of his cronies.
I appreciated watching this discussion. Working together to find compromise/solutions is what American's expect. The comments that were immature & unacceptable for intelligent dialogue to progress because of slander, assumptions and gossip were "Trump's enemies, Gaetz's allegations and Gabbard's remarks." The personal attacks need to stop by focusing only on the issues. Ms. Stansbury needs to accept the American's who PAY for all Government decisions without our authorization proclaimed LOUD & CLEAR (so LISTEN) we want a huge deduction in Government spending to reduce the National Debt!!!! There it is folks! Time to hear what we've been stating for years!!!
As for slavery it was their own fellow Africans that participated in capturing & selling their people into slavery. Why isn't that talked about? Many "white" American's fought slavery in many ways. Racism exists in all shades of skin! My skin color is white. Today in America there are organizations etc who say "All "white" people are racist!!! Since when does my skin color define my character? Or yours? What is white? German? Irish? French? A mix? Perhaps African blood runs through my veins?! The argument is judgmental, racist and unjust which could potentially create more racism. The problem with DEI is the same as we see constantly forcing people to employ people based on skin color, sexual orientation or biological sex.
So with all these black people in the house do they not remember we had a black president it's not about racism it's not about discriminating against blacks, it's if there Qualified enough for the job.
They don't want equality, they want revenge.
Doesn't matter as long as they can blame racism. Its always the race card!!!
Half black
@@mortsdnil1 drop (America’s policy)
Raskin is a prime example of what’s wrong with the Federal Government
Race doesn’t make you qualified
Ms Presley is why there will never be any movement forward from racism.
Job security, homie. I bet she’s not qualified for anything of value. She just needs to be fired
We will quote who we please to quote!!!! ❤ The double standard game is over!
Civil rights are there to prevent discrimination. Not to enforce it against decided groups. This argument is ridiculous and dei is illegal.
yes, racism is in fact illegal. That's what DEI is. directly in opposition to all law.
It's hard to believe that all this lovely talk could not happen without taxes.
The people talking about racism are the racist. The make a living off of it.
Why are those people not sitting there listening to what is being said? People don't get to just get to get on their soapbox and then leave... stay there and do your jobs!!
DEI is DOA forever and is only their fault; we did not have a problem until they overplayed their hand.
Let’s not forget the feds
2 years ago my job was eliminated and I did not through a fit! and act like an entitled looney, I didn't cry and demand to remain employed because of DEI or because I'm intitled to that job. Instead I moved on, and still thriving to move on... so why can't this people do the same? Being a federal employee is not a right it is a privilege.
Can you please stop the race card for Gods sake
Reason. Individualism. Liberty. Merit.
That bald lady getting righteous about MLK is wrong. MLK wasn't fighting for black people. That is a BLM point of view. MLK was fighting for ALL people and EQUALITY from the Enlightenment along with a Christian point of view. All people are equal in the eyes of God and of OUR Law.
I’m not in agree with each and every aspect of DEI. But the whole entire premise of DEI as it has been hijacked, sabotaged, and “redefined” as “DEI” by bigoted racists, and its following conclusions are both invalid and false, here, let alone it’s false assumptions and presumptions…?
DEI as rightly defined, meant, and intended by its authors is the reason, individualism, liberty, and merit you rightly point out; it’s first and foremost foundational prerequisite is the qualification and merit you speak of, but it necessarily distinguishes, “discriminates” between race in order to address and redress past as well as current wrongs and evils committed solely and purely on the basis of race and so makes DEI necessary; and it’s not the “DEI” which racist opponents of DEI, as DEI is rightly and truly defined, meant, intended, and practiced by its authors, are now attempting to hijack, co-opt, and “redefine,” then set up as a straw man, then easily knock him down as “being” the “true” “definition” of DEI and as a “program” of free “handouts” to those who are indeed, perhaps, unqualified, and not the program of qualification and merit the authors of true DEI truly intends and means; these bigoted racists have deliberately “hired” unqualified people as “DEI” “hires” for the express and sole purpose of highlighting them and using their anticipated and certain failures as prime examples of “the failures and evil of “DEI,” as though “DEI” is the same DEI as that DEI which is rightly and truly defined and meant and intended by its authors; and, yes, that indictment even includes and applies and therefore extends to those so called democrats who merely pretend to be proponents and advocates of true DEI…?
Most words have more than one single sense and meaning depending on the context in which they’re used. There’s “discrimination,” then there’s discrimination. In the first sense and meaning, an employer, say, says, “I’ll always only hire purple people, both qualified and unqualified, to the fullest possible exclusion of hiring green people, because I simply hate green people,” for one reason or another. In the second sense and meaning that same employer says, “I must now according to law hire both purple people and green people solely and purely on the basis of qualifications to address and right my both my past and my current wrongs and evils inherent in my hiring practices and methods, but I must necessarily make a distinction between colors in order to do as much.” In the one, the motive of discrimination is hate. In the other, the motive of discrimination is a necessity made necessary by the motive and practice of the other; it’s simply a distinction between colors to right a wrong, he has to look at skin color to right the wrong, he can’t see the color with his eyes closed! The first employer used his eyes to make a distinction between colors, also. But he did it purely from a motive of hate in order to sabotage the efforts of and hold down an entire group of people as much as is possible in him. In the one sense, meaning, and execution and practice of discrimination, the object is to hold down an entire race. In the other sense, meaning, execution and practice of discrimination, the object is to let all races thrive and grow by allowing all an opportunity. In the latter case, distinction (discrimination) between colors in order to right past and current wrongs is necessary and so is inevitable; there’s no other way around it, it’s just that now qualified white people are still hired, just not as many as before simply because now qualified people of other colors are hired also, along with those white people. But in the former case, the distinction (discrimination) between colors is not necessary but merely and simply and only and purely employed for no other purpose but to “discriminate” so as to marginalize and degrade and hold down. They’re both the same word, they’re both acts of discrimination, necessarily, but the same word means two completely different things and have two completely different degrees and kinds of senses in their two completely different and necessary contexts and their two completely different but necessary uses and purposes…?
Question… if you were Santa and were handing out gifts to children but only gave gifts to the same one group of children, and someone came along and said to you that you were being unfair to the other groups of children and that you should correct your ways and give the other group of children gifts also, would you then, if you were willing, right your ways by making a distinction between the kids who have and the kids who do not have gifts in order to then be sure to give gifts to those kids who do not have gifts… would you be discriminating then in correcting your ways… would that discrimination be necessary and made so by your previous discrimination, which previous discrimination is defined by that other and different sense and meaning of the same word but which both connotes and denotes a motive of wrong and evil… is it at all possible to distinguish between the kids who have gifts and those who do not have gifts without making that necessary distinction…? As long as it’s within your power and reach, will the kids who are now without gifts, who in the first place were never given gifts now get their gifts by magic, or will they now get their gifts from you by your repenting but no less discriminating distribution of gifts to them as well as to all the other kids… by your making that distinction between the kids who already have gifts, and those who still do not have gifts…? If you now begin a policy and practice of giving gifts to both those kids who already have gifts and to those who do not have gifts because you refused them gifts at first, would that be unfair to the kids who already have gifts and who will continue to get gifts from you in spite of your application of discrimination which discriminates solely and purely on the basis of qualifications irregardless of race and color…? So… in Santa correcting his wrongs, will that particular discrimination between the kids who have and will continue to get gifts from him, and the kids who don’t have and never got gifts from him but who will now get gifts from him along with the kids who already have and will continue to get gifts from him be wrong and as such be that particular type of discrimination which in its worst and most evil sense and meaning and employment is discrimination, or would it simply be rather and instead that very particular type of discrimination whereby he must now simply distinguish between the haves and the have nots necessarily so in order to correct the wrongs of the past as well as those of the present moment, a new process and procedure made necessary by his own past unfair practice of distribution…? And, of course, Santa takes it for granted and as a foregone conclusion that all the kids as kids are deserving as well as qualified…?
All things being normal as usual, If a small segment of apartment buildings in the middle of a block of multi-story row houses in New York City had a manageably small fire in the first floor hallway, God forbid, must firemen then discriminate in putting out the fire so as not to destroy the whole entire block of buildings on that block while in the act of putting out that fire… should the firemen tear up the whole block in spite of the absence of a need to do so…? In other words, should the firemen discriminate…? If there were all white people on the entire left half of that same building block, and all black people on the entire right half of that same block, and the firemen deliberately discriminated to destroy a great or at least a considerable portion of the left side of that building block where all the white people live while putting out the fire in the hallway of the very middle section of that entire building block, is that discrimination on the firemen’s part…?
Are the two different instances of the act of “discriminating” on the parts of the firemen the very same beast of “discrimination” in both sense, meaning, method, motive, and effect…?
…and did you not hear Congresswoman Pressley @ 50:08, among the many other great and profound things she says, clearly say that MLK fought for both black people and all marginalized people…? All marginalized people come in all colors, conditions, and both genders. Perhaps if you took the plugs and blinders of racism and hate and bigotry and prejudice, or at least those of perhaps gullibility and naivety from your ears and eyes your mind would’ve heard and saw her say as much…?
And qualified DEI people, not “DEI” people, are also taxpayers… so…!
@@zjaz8000 DEI comes out of Postmodern thought. Postmodern thought rejects the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is Reason, Individualism, Liberalism, Capitalism, Science and Medicine which leads to all the progress of the Modern era including MLK and Civil Rights. America is founded on and embraces the Enlightenment. DEI rejects the Enlightenment and is anti-American.
Martin was apart of civil rights movement he most definitely fought and made efforts to change the lives of blsck people in that time period why lie yes he wanted to break a system bent on division which blacks didn't create
Makes me so
Mad…the slaves were sold to the white man by their own people!
Slaves were sold to whomever would buy them, not just white men.
Slaves were ALL colors and not just black.
There were also black people who had their own slaves. Also sick of them brainwashing black people into thinking that they were the only slaves in this world.
I would have been qualified for SSDI when I turned 18, but because I could work in desk jobs, I have worked for 40 years. I would not necessarily have been chosen at the time over other applicants because I have a limp. However, I went on to lead many projects on merit. People with disabilities need a chance to get in the door to show what they can do.
Thank You for embodying the American Spirit.
Love it! Go congress! :-)
Thank you Mr. Higgins for always speaking up for our rights.
Hell yeah we need Republicans to fight back against the reverse racism and for our rights! pressley and the biased deluded left are so in denial about their racism because they think blacks can’t be racist 🙄. I’m so disappointed that Presley is from Massachusetts, all of the politicians from here are a disgrace 🤦🏻♀️
A. P. has such a condescending attitude. She is the reason people don't want to listen to these hearings.
So when was all that done to her?
Irish had a lot of those things done
As did Italians …
Does she believe racism is like a screen door? It swings both ways!
The country was built on Racism, that door swung one way
I'm getting the impression that Ayanna Pressley and Summer Lee may, in fact, be the reason this act was introduced.
*I'm adding Jasmine Crockett to this.
#Dei Didn't Earn It
Coming from Baltimore Why is it most of the students can't read.
These woman are so angry and hateful - it’s disturbing …
I wonder why? Maybe years of oppression have fomented this anger.
Really doesn't understand MLKs message at all. I wonder if she read any of his books or heard his speeches.
Democrats seem to be very low information.
@@katehansen6339and newer members seem to be lacking intelligence and comments sense.
There is no such thing as 'reverse racism' it's racism, end of story.
DEI negates and nullifies MLK's "dream".
The two are mutually exclusive.
This DEI nonsense is so tiring
DEi= Didn't Earn it
So, veterans who served for our country don't deserve a job with the government? Even if their resume fits the job almost perfectly?
That's exactly what @malcolmmckay2571 is saying. Who would have thought Republicans are against the minority.
exactly !
Thats not dei sit down @@dollhouse4946
@dollhouse4946 the veterans are only included in that group to give it some credibility. We, they and everyone knows it's about race and trans
This is ridiculous! I wouldn’t want to be hired for a job that I didn’t earn because I am black, over someone who would be better for said job. I can’t believe this is life right now.
People that don’t have self respect don’t care. And I agree with you 💯
The saddest part is even the ones that have earned it have to wonder to themselves if they really did or they were given a break
@ I agree but if you know you worked hard then you know you earned it
@@porschapride9806 you are absolutely correct
Yes, diversity works at a workplace. But the issue here is about DEI! Why should I get the job just by being a black person without the essential qualities and qualifications required for the position? It does not make sense at all? Why can't the democrats see the problem with DEI?
I think she's got the Riddler and Lex Luthor mixed up 😂
Underrated comment
I so wish Democrats could speak to a subject and not lie non-stop!
Get rid of dei
That’s right, how does it feel to shown how bad your ideas were
I wonder if she is hard of hearing cuz she yells when she talks
No, jukst typical behavior from usual subject, trying to control the situation, by bullying and degrading those who oppose it’s point of view.
We were doing well on racism until Obama started the division.
This is a waste of time.
It’s just get worse because of this as well. And I thought DEI was supposed to be for all minorities but why does it seem it’s just for black people?
Exactly. And the democrats again put nothing but black folks on the ticket in 2024. They know that the government knows racism exists. they are trying to get a win anyway how
Why they always say “ dangerous “ about republican’s opinions? We have equal opportunity but we don’t get it because of how we look like or where we are from. We have to take certain steps like everyone else does.
Where’s the proof dei makes us stronger show proof that dei hiring is better show the studies not what you feel
The Party of the Sick and Evil are Never Happy.
The Evil Dem Party is Finished!✝Merry Christmas🎅
Unfortunately, roaches never go away.
Christmas came early this year!
@@ToddC13 Neither Does The Vengeance Of The Heavenly Father! 🤌🏿💯👊🏿✊🏿
Yes, we should be open to everybody -- with a meritocracy. Canceling DEI hires is not promoting discrimination, and the law against discrimination still stands. But we all know of cases where a DEI hire was an act of discrimination by weighting the scales so heavily that greater merit went unrewarded.
And that does not lead to a stronger country.
Look at all the empty chairs
It’s the oversight committee so not all House members are on this committee.
Hell yeah they are coming for you. You will be replaced with people that are willing to do the job!!!!
DEI is divisive and causes division amongst the people. We the people want all DEI initiatives canceled
the sound of jamie raskin’s voice is like screeching nails on a chalkboard. he is insufferable.
Raskin has a fine line drawn, both with congressional, and his side hairline.
DEI = Didn't Earn It
Raskin likes to hear his voice
When it comes to the government? The more excuses you have the more it costs the taxpayer.
Min 16:40 this lady just called a decorated vet a fox commentator 🙈 argument lost
That's what he is.
Ms Pressley proves it everyday that DEI is a bad idea
No more DEI!
@@Zion_RockBandSo you’d rather have a surgeon operating on you or a loved one, who was hired because of their skin color, instead of one hired due to their qualifications? Ignorance speaks volumes.
Congressman Pressly that DEI hire... did she even go to college? #clownshow
Over turn all of biden Harris
About the meltdown over the dismantling of DEI? Yep, hell hates holy water, doesn't it!
DEI Democrats Embracing Idiots
Good one
Rep. Jasmine Crockett has alot of say, but not once did she mention how to move forward - how to resolve fairly. She's compelling but has no substance to support a resolution.
Ms Pressley, you don’t get to decide when people use MLK’s name. MLK was a Republican.
Her glued on eye lashes got in the way of her reading.
But he wasn't a Racist,
MLK being Republican is a myth. He did not affiliate with any political party. He did agree with Kennedy's "affirmative action" and equal representation in general, which is essentially DEI today. That said I feel this is all easily solved with addressing issues of poverty and poor education in our country, which MLK was also passionate about, instead of a policy like DEI. Fix those issues and the demographics of qualified people naturally increases and balances overall without the necessity of succumbing to identity politics.
Yes she does when his own children have asked people to stop perverting his words! Don’t be a clown
I always skip the yippy lying Democrats. Ugh the gaslighting is so old
Ms Pressley is talkin about racism , meanwhile is in elected office. ?
Mr Higgins is the Man!
I disagree
It's amazing to see ,hear Democrats make comments about not understanding why the average American don't want , or hear these disillusional comments
The only true equality of outcome is the inevitablity that we all meet our maker. Let's meet that end with dignity.
I will add that this is something communism offers, and quickly at that.
How do we get Raskin out
I know right we gotta look more into that
Get Ms Pressley out. Her glued on eyelashes are longer than the hair on her head .
I'll get back to you when we also figure out how to get rid of Maxine Waters, Dick Durbin, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, the squad and many, many others.