Enough is enough - an oil trucker's story

  • Опубліковано 5 січ 2025


  • @RedGaribaldi
    @RedGaribaldi 12 років тому

    I'm not a driver or a member of Unite, but you have my full support. Good luck and keep fighting.

  • @Euroasia456
    @Euroasia456 12 років тому

    These are responsible people, who have not made the decision to strike lightly. I think the argument for road safety is a very important one. Also in these times of mass unemployment, I admire that they have the courage to make a stand for the rest of us.

  • @Northukbikers
    @Northukbikers 12 років тому

    You have my full support - I hope an agreement can be reached and that safety is improved. Ignore the people who clearly cannot understand the basics.

  • @ascend2luv
    @ascend2luv 12 років тому

    good luck guys - profit is killing humanity - you have my support

  • @iananthonyjames
    @iananthonyjames 12 років тому

    Good luck. Hope that you have solid support and the threat brings the management back to the table to negotiate.

  • @BigDuke6ixx
    @BigDuke6ixx 12 років тому

    I agree, final salary pensions are unsustainable.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    First we worked at a contract Trucks were paid by the HOUR. Now per delivery.
    So stuck in traffic ... means a loss to the transportcompany I work for. I have to do my job faster = there is MORE pressure on the drivers to do so.
    So procedures can't be followed anymore === you have to work FAST.
    First it was all about SAFETY and doing the job right.
    Safety does not come first anymore! That's the real issue here.
    That is what changed over the last years ... specially since 2008 and on

  • @0783155
    @0783155 12 років тому

    Unfortunately this kind of thing is happening all over Europe in all industries. From healthcare to factories, office jobs and so on. It is much easier for companies to hire a flexible worker but at the same time they lose the people with experience and love for the job. It is impossible to do the job without a certain number of experienced, caring workers. It's about time that in all sectors and all around Europe the unions make a stand.

  • @2007TypeR
    @2007TypeR 12 років тому

    LOL. Looks like they cut the clip just as they were about to move back into lane 3. It's not actually an undertaking unless you move inside and back out. If you move inside and stay for some time before moving back out it's not an undertake. You can still pass people on the inside.

  • @flaskandsarnies
    @flaskandsarnies 12 років тому

    Gas pipes already run in neighbourhoods so fuels of other types would be no different. The safe and efficient way of moving fuel oil is by bulk on the railways to central storage facilities (like it was done in the 70's) then pipe it to fuel filling stations. Future developements of electric vehicles will stop all the need to move fuel around, however the oil companies will do their best to slow that process or stop it..

  • @romanicus1
    @romanicus1 12 років тому

    I fully support the truckers if they go on strike something needs to be done with the price of petrol and diesel .

  • @molly0000000s
    @molly0000000s 12 років тому

    It's precisely because the strike will bring the the country (and motorists) to a halt that it can be effective in winning demands. Economic damage wins strikes, not public support. Firefighters have probably the most support of any sector and yet they've faced loss after loss with strike action.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    I am one of those drivers. And I say it is about safety. During the last couple of years the workload/pressure is higher than ever before. More in less time and that does NOT equal safety. We also see more things going wrong cause the workpressure is up.
    I only have a good income bases on the hours I put in every day.
    how many hours do you work? How many hours do we? I bet I have to work 20 hours more to have the same salary as one officeworker does. So we are not overpaid in any way.

  • @flaskandsarnies
    @flaskandsarnies 12 років тому

    #this is about safety# I will qute from one of the drivers interviewed...
    " We're seeing coleagues being made redundant and then 2/3 months later you've got a contractor popping up out of nowhere delivering the product on half the rates of pay of main line drivers" "wages are also being eroded and pensions shifted from final salary to defined contributions"
    Its all about money for overpaid lorry drivers. The same risk is taken by my granny on the road in her car avoiding these guys.

  • @RoundOneBoxing
    @RoundOneBoxing 12 років тому

    What you worried that you wont be able to fill up your Bentley?

  • @lemagreengreen
    @lemagreengreen 12 років тому

    It's not a competition.
    By joining the army, you gave up your right to unionise and fight for better conditions. These guys didn't.
    Support all your fellow countrymen in their efforts to better their lives, anything else is just wilfully holding us all back.

  • @Theflowoflove
    @Theflowoflove 12 років тому

    Full support.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому +1

    # Claiming health and safety as the reason for the strike when you know it's about pay and pensions is wrong also. #
    Over the years things really changed for the worse. First it was always Safety First.
    Take your time .. follow procedures correctely ... Safety First ALWAYS.
    The company I work for always contracted his trucks/drivers bases on an hourly wage at the oilcompanies. From two years ago this changed and we now drive bases on pro deliveryround.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    (2) On average they say we can unload at 600liters/min (avarage). This is in a lot of cases not true ... specially if you follow procedures and have to unload compartment for compartment or the pipes are narrower and so on many factors.
    If it takes you longer you will get a letter!
    And/or will not get a renewal of your contact.
    You have to work faster and that's not anymore about Safety First and following procedures including to check yourself 3times before unloading a compartment!

  • @bmwnasher
    @bmwnasher 11 років тому

    This all started in the late 80s, when Mobil drivers negotiated their own pay structure outside the union. and did they suffer, i drove petrol tankers from 1980 to 1998, i was made reduntant, and sent for an inteview with a contractor for my own job, i declined and ended up working for Esso for 2 yrs. then got out, God help you guys now with the workload you have.

  • @paulweller84
    @paulweller84 12 років тому

    While I agree with the idea here, I think it is a bit neglectful to suggest it is only tanker drivers getting a poor deal. I drive general haulage and have seen Class 1 (artic) wages drop as low as £6.75 per hour. Container companies are expecting drivers to do 65+ hours per week. I know the risk is less than fuel tanker drivers but there is still risk, there always is when driving large trucks. So I think this Union push could be extended for all HGV drivers.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    The drivers income really depends a lot on overtime. As is usuall for about all truckdrivers.
    2300 bruto * 12 = about 28K basis ... rest is overtime and % for day/nightshifs and weekendwork.
    Yes you can really have a good income.
    but this is about safery and how things have changed (for the worse) since the oilcompanies decided to go for contractors.

  • @flaskandsarnies
    @flaskandsarnies 12 років тому

    If the arguement is about safety and you are genuinley concerned about other road users then the refineries should just pipe it direct to the filling stations just the same as we all get our gas and water supplies...

  • @souljalord
    @souljalord 12 років тому

    let me go get the worlds smallest violin

  • @Stonefxwalls
    @Stonefxwalls 12 років тому

    I have no job, no money, no dole, no handouts, no social services paying rent etc, I am 54, no career, no hope and looking at a dire future.. Having said that Fuel tax should give you guys a decent 'place; we all know that fuel prices (tax) is killing this country, why is it just us that knows this.
    Good luck, but expect less, we all have to. Safety is not an issue until sh1t happens.

  • @robertauld8308
    @robertauld8308 3 роки тому

    Best of luck.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    And the 45K is not true for a lot of those drivers. Much more likely including overtime, day&nightshifts / weekendwork is round the 30K till 35K mark .. maybe a little bit higher.
    Those who did earn that 45K must have had a LOT of overtime and weekendwork.

  • @RedSouthie
    @RedSouthie 12 років тому

    Good luck comrades. Never did get the argument that people agree with you but then express disgust that you dare to do something about it.
    Don't you realize you're holding the country to ransom? What a load of bollocks. It's about time people learned they need to unionize themselves to take on the people who really hold us all to ransom.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    (3) contracts are not being renewed so after 3x one year your out on the street and and cheaper driver will take over. cheaper than € 12,95 before TAX that is!!!

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    Yes that is true about the gaspipes and electra. You have a good point there.
    Why shouldn't they have made it this way? = Costs?
    and well yes infuture ... Gasoline / diesel ... in about 10 till 20 years we shall have to 'drive' on other means .... don't know if electric vehicles are the good way to go cause there are still issues about acciradius and batteries. But both will improve I am sure. Also countries should invest in GOOD Public Transport, easy for where many people live(see2)

  • @Aland163
    @Aland163 12 років тому

    Some say it's because of stobarts moving in. Discuss

  • @PaulMSeligman
    @PaulMSeligman 12 років тому

    I am starts off with an absurd statement that driving a UK petrol tanker is 'one of the world's most dangerous professions’. The UK's most dangerous are Construction & Agriculture. Worldwide? Try mining or fisheries, fatality rates several times that of UK tanker drivers.
    The film raises fears about safety without evidence. If reason to strike is contractors doing the work for less than union rates, then make that case. What strike demand will reduce chance of another storage facility accident?

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    # Tanker drivers are just lorry drivers. #
    But We stick together ... and that is why things (hopefully) will happen.
    If other drivers would stick together ... they would be able to do things for the better.
    Don't forget this is about safety. Oilcompanies have always said Safety first ... this is not longer the case ==== workpase got way faster and that does not benefit safety.
    Also in loading and even more important the unloading! Safety should always come first .. it's no longer.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    # So I think this Union push could be extended for all HGV drivers. #
    So who is the Union .... in other words why are all the HGVdriver waiting till others do something?
    The Tankerdrivers will do something! WE ourselves ARE THE UNION and the Union is nothing without it's members willing to take action!!!

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    Huh ... DHL hauling Gasoline?????

  • @pinkyman5155
    @pinkyman5155 6 років тому

    No Fuels company would ever employ a Pol, but nowadays theres loads of them, half can't even speak English and drive like idiots. In the 80s I worked for Esso, Texaco and Shell and it was a fantastic well paid job with sensible working hours and well trained drivers, now the transport companies have taken over and are more interested in cutting corners and costs. Nowadays 12+hours a day is the norm with day shifts starting as early as 2 a.m.

  • @dawningram1862
    @dawningram1862 12 років тому

    to all those criticising these unite members....well let's just hope it's you tha's driving behind the unskilled untrained drivers replacing them on less pay when they crash and blow up half the motorway...open your bloody eys and take a real look at what is happening, the greed of those at the top is there in all it's glory in this tale for you to see. good luck to everyone of them, this country needs to rise up off its' knees and fight back

  • @TheCrazyhorse79
    @TheCrazyhorse79 12 років тому

    I agree and support your arguments. Who wouldn't!!?? But going on strike it disgusting. Petrol prices have gone up when we can least afford them. Think of all of the other industries you are damaging through a strike and not just your own. However long your propose to strike, think about a person who will lose their job or casual workers who will be asked not to come in because they are being out priced. You won't get support from the public because we all have our own problems to deal with.

  • @oldlorrydriver
    @oldlorrydriver 12 років тому

    my heart bleeds!

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    "" We're seeing coleagues being made redundant and then 2/3 months later you've got a contractor popping up out of nowhere delivering the product on half the rates of pay of main line drivers""
    This is going on all in different kinds of roadtransport. Even WesternEuropean drivers replaced by cheaper drivers from the Former EasternEuropean countries.
    Their wages are way way lower! Europe as a whole will be destroyed in the end by this war on wages. We will turn in to working poor!

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    (3) By the way did you know in the EU there are plans to increase (make higher) the price of Diesel === with 22 eurocent a liter!!! They are speaking about it ... (for years by the way)
    Can you imagine what that will do to the costs of Living for people?
    The German Maut (road tax) allready costs every German person 0 - nearly death 150 euro's (in the beginning of the Maut) extra on costs of living.
    Different item:In NL they want to tax foodstuffs an extra 2% )-
    Costs of living go up

  • @laycock2006
    @laycock2006 12 років тому

    I believe the relevance of Buncefield would be that there may have been a shortcut taken to make a deadline. Random shots of a fatal motorway crash, though you may think has nothing to do with it actually does have a lot to do with it. Again, drivers rushing to meet a deadline pulls out in to traffic from the inside to middle lane or a motorway, maybe forgetting to check his/her mirrors, pulls out into a car which swerves to avoid a collision resulting in... a fatal motorway crash. think muppet

  • @jacquesB66
    @jacquesB66 12 років тому

    I'm planning to take the family away over Easter but if there's a tanker driver strike then we'll not go and waste the £250 we've paid for 3 nights away. Does it bother me? Well not that much really because the tanker drivers and the union they belong to need to stand against the erosion of workers rights, safety and pensions.

  • @davepearson3992
    @davepearson3992 4 роки тому

    Its even worse and Hoyer are the culprits rush rush rush or your paid a shit wage

  • @SuperiorEggplant
    @SuperiorEggplant 12 років тому

    3:05 "This is putting the drivers and public at risk" - Said while illegally undertaking a car. Wow.
    Narrator: "Wages are also being eroded, and pension moved from final sallary to defined benefit.
    Driver: "This is not about our pay..."

  • @steve60855
    @steve60855 12 років тому

    Lets all thank Turners of Soham the company every one loves to hate, cheap labour who employ drivers on a low rate of pay in this industry and there daft enough to do it,thanks once again for f***king the job up.

  • @flaskandsarnies
    @flaskandsarnies 12 років тому

    Unite have yet again sprung to the defence of a few very well paid individuals while ignoring thousands of thier poorly paid members, many of whose jobs are under threat.
    Tha last time they hit the headlines was supporting BA cabin staff,
    This video just shows how out of touch with the ordinary working person Unite actually is. One of the most dangerous jobs in the world? What about fire fighters, soldiers in Afghanistan, RAF, Navy, RNLI, ambulance crews?
    Tanker drivers are just lorry drivers.

  • @lemagreengreen
    @lemagreengreen 12 років тому

    Unionise. Fuck the no union policy.

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    (2) Public Transport is easy for cities and countries where people live 'close' together = more efficient and by that the cost for transport can be kept 'low'.
    Electric cars are still really REALLY expensive .. but we will have no choice in future as fossilfuell is running low and harder to get to .... (like Fracking for Natural Gas ... o boy that's bad on watersupply maybe for decennia to come if not longer) )-
    Yes, we really NEED new ways of electra and transport.
    (see 3)

  • @flaskandsarnies
    @flaskandsarnies 12 років тому

    Let me translate this Unite video for all.
    We drive lorries and we think we're special, we get paid way over the going rate for this and we have been found out. I'm not bothered about safety but will use that arguement to keep my well paid easy job. I don't want to be made to work harder like a contractor.
    I want to be compared to a stunt pilot, SAS man, fighter pilot, we are driving petrol tankers it takes supermen.
    Unite should be thorougly ashamed of this video.

    • @andy.m265
      @andy.m265 6 років тому

      Again, what a complete fucking arsehole you are, what do you think the outcome would be if ever HGV driver decided to come off the road for a week Einstein ?

  • @AngeliqueEU
    @AngeliqueEU 12 років тому

    (2) Fair livable wages are also very important. I now also have collegues from Poland and former East Germany .. not they are not making the same as I am.
    Less in weekend also. And I make € 12,95 bruto/hour.
    I only make much money by working a lot of hours!
    2010 I made nearly € 40.000 bruto ... how many hours did I work?
    (7% extra = shifts day/night) weekend at 150 and sunday at 200%
    but safety = got less by higher pressure on work = more to be done in less time
    NOT safe!

  • @martyhassan3536
    @martyhassan3536 12 років тому

    it takes one to handle such vehicle son..... you hate me,,, I'll love you back. as long as i get paid over 45k that is what i deserve,
    get a life and let me live mine.

  • @hnstnbrg
    @hnstnbrg 12 років тому

    Not a good film, it barely touches the reasons for the strike.

  • @pinkyman5155
    @pinkyman5155 12 років тому

    Employing Pols has'nt made things any easier, they cut corners, some work illegally for several companies at a time and are not fully trained or sometimes not even able to speak English, they should be picking vegatables was'nt that why they came here ??????

  • @TheSupermelee
    @TheSupermelee 12 років тому

    Wages aren't being eroded and final salary pensions aren't sustainable any more, stop whining and get on with your jobs! For every driver that goes on strike there'll be someone willing to do their job so I'd sack each and every one of them, unions bringing the country to it's knees isn't going to achieve anything.