+Mike Romney To even suggest that Germany's global influence cumulated in 12 years of naziism gives nothing but proof of a total lack of education in all fields of science and cultural heritage.
Maxim Kretsch I dont know how to say...but a great, global war gets more the attention of people rather than the Hamburg-Amerika-Linie, the Diesel-Maschine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe or what ever you think....massive propaganda *after* the war increased this situation further more...thats the reason why people are conditioned to think: Germany - Nazis - evil - we are the good guys...
+Maxim Kretsch The largest number of movies that include Germany are about World War 2. Especially in recent years with the British government declassifying World War 2 era documents. As more information is released, more books and movies come out. A global war has the unfortunate side effect of rippling down generations. While it's well known that Germany aren't Nazi's anymore, there isn't nearly as much information about what Germany *is* now. Just what it was. For what it's worth, I'm English and face similar stereotyping in Canada. They use World War 2 English accents around me. I think part of it is a some of them have Grandmothers who were war brides. They fail to recognize that the way people talk has changed drastically in England since World War 2. No one talks like that and they haven't in about 70 years. I never even tried crumpets in England but have heard Canadians yammer on about tea and crumpets for unknown reasons. When people ask where I'm from, I've learned to tell them I'm from Mongolia and change the subject quickly while they try to decide if I'm joking or not. They have no idea they're being insulting and they don't mean anything by it.
Dean-Niclas Dörfer Nope, knowing Germany is no longer nazi means we can laugh about it without fear. Hitler and Nazi are just not as tabooed in North America. We know they are bad and Germans are no longer Nazis. it's just a stereotype like how Americans are gun toting texans and Canadians are flannel wearing lumberjacks.
Dean-Niclas Dörfer Names don't matter. Poland and large parts of France were Germany once too. Austria even has the very same culture as southern germany. Just because someone draws "new" borders it doesn't mean it is something completely new.
It sounds like what Dutch sounds like for me.(I'm German) It's funny. Because of some Canadian friends, I know, when you say some German words slowly, they can repeat it quite good.
Das hlrt sich einfach so witzig an besonders bei amerikanern wenn die versuchen deutsch zu sprechen und nicht mal deutsche wlrter kennen Einfach nur laute...unsere harten und raubtierartigen laute wie sie beschrieben werden...zum beispiel das ch oder r
I am from The Netherlands and I think it's very rude that those people immediately think about Hitler and Nazis. I think Germans will not feel comfortable while seeing this. It Completely doesn't sound like Dutch btw, im 14
Spicy Pythons Clan haha, you get used to this; I actually thought it was kind of funny and a bit sad at the same time ;-) I've seen movies where Russians are supposed to pass as Germans, go figure... ;-)
Spicy Pythons Clan You are right, I didn't feel comfortable, I felt even a little bit offended. They might know that Germans aren't nazis anymore but it seems like they are still ignorant, they probably don't know that it is still forbidden in Germany to raise their hand like that or to show the Hitler sign anywhere. That is why I as a German don't find it very funny if people do that because here we always get reminded what Germany did in WW2 so it never happens again.
+Spicy Pythons Clan i don't know... i was talking to a few Dutch people abroad and a lot of them seem to be confused with Germans a lot...but at the other side, I'm German and I've been mistaken for being Swedish (don't ask me... the scandinavian languages and German don't sound alike at all). I guess for people not used to it, some of the Germanic languages sound a bit similiar. And the nazi-thing...well it's annoying but it's not something that's gonna stop, so we better get used to it.
"There's normal german and then there's like angry german." *does hitler impersonation* yyeah. because we are still nazis. gosh I'm getting so tired of this stereotype. fact is that foreigners literally have no idea what german is like.
Not all of us hold this stereotype in our minds. In fact, those of us who are german enthusiasts like yours truly are often teased with same stereotype, like I mentioned above. When I started learning german my family and friends started referring to me as Mrs. Hitler. It's unfortunate because Germany has such a rich history full of so many interesting characters, its sad that so many people across the globe focus on that one unfortunate saga. I don't, for what it's worth. 😐
+Kaeri Killington yes of course i know that not everyone is like that but i am german and not proud of the horrible history of my country. really really bad things happened back then and it's not something to laugh about. i saw the mass graves and i cried as i did. so...i am not talking about you don't worry, i am talking about the unedicated people who make fun of a man who killed so many of us (well I am not jewish but that doesn't matter a bit) and was proud of it.
I am really sad that people always think of Hitler when they hear "Germany". Hitler wasn't even from Germany, he was from Austria. That's why his pronunciation sounded different. And he was angry and aggressive, that is why he sounded so harsh. German is a very special and nice language indeed. I wish Americans would learn more about Germany and not about this awful time when Hitler was ruling the country a very very very long time ago.
I mean I get that people get angry bc Hitler wasn't German, but I think that's not really the problem :/ Isn't it just bad that these people think about Hitler when they hear Germany? Like regardless of his nationality, it's bad that they still only have this impression
It is absolutely not about racism. Hitler is by far the most famous german (yeah I know he isn't actually german) because everyone learns about him in school. When someone tells you to say the first thing that springs to your mind about a country you don't really know a lot about you will just think about the stereotypes and the most famous persons. If you ask people about the UK they are going to name the Queen, if you ask them about Russia it's going to be Putin or Stalin, ask about India and everyone will name Ghandi. Whether that "most famous person" of a country did something good or bad doesn't really matter at that point.
warum sagt man "Deutschland, das Land der Dichter und Denker", weil hier schon immer schlaue Köpfe lebten und eine schöne deutliche Sprache sprechen :)
Oh my god, Hitler wasn't even from germany. He was from austria. That's probably why everyone thinks that german sounds angry. It was just the austrian accent.
At first it might look like the video is making fun of German, but if you watch the whole video, you will see that the purpose of the video it is to clear up stereotypes of German rather than reinforcing it.
But I'm Canadian, and every other Canadian I know don't think of these things. If I mention about my friends in Germany, I get someone trying to sing a very popular Rammstein song. I am horrified my country now looks like a bunch of idiots instead of culturally aware, like we are.
TheBurbski Oh if only it were possible! Something went terribly wrong, you see. Once we came up with maple syrup, then poutine... and then Justin Bieber came along. We have been on a downward spiral ever since.
Heritage Inmoshun first of i didn´t understood a single word from their so called "german" thats how bad it was second its kinda sad that such stereotypes even exist that think about hitler and schnitzle when they think about german even tough both of these things come from austria!
+JTBPlays DE Well German and Dutch are both westgermanic languages, so the languages are basically like silblings. if you speak German and the Dutch person speaks slow you understand a lot of what they're saying and the other way around.
I'm not even German but the fact that so many people automatically think of Hitler when they hear the language kind of bums me out. The fact that some people still link them with nazis is why many Germans are reluctant to show any kind of national pride, which is a shame because it's a great country with a lot to be proud of.
its really funny and sad at the same time that foreign people think that german sounds very hitler/rammsteinlike. i mean the language really changed since 1945...in 2016 its really soft and tender...just listen to songs by xavier naidoo, andreas bourani, silbermond, etc...its such a huge contrast to the nazi german.
Ich lerne Deutsch seit ein Jarhe, und ich finde die deutsche Sprache sehr schön und dass sie auch toll klingt. Aber meine mutter, die in Deutschland geboren ist und erzogen war, immer sagte dass die deutsche Sprache hart und wütend klingt... Ich finde das sehr seltsam! Übrigens: Als Fremdspracher finde ich Wörter mit ö und ü spaß zu sagen, und nett zu hören :P
Nach EINEM Jahr so gut Deutsch zu können, ist schon vorzeigbar, also bitte... das kriegen im Umkehrschluss diverse Deutsche nach der kompletten Schulzeit nicht mit Englisch hin, da halt mal den Ball flach oO
Try to imitate some of the languages that you can identify, I find it to be extremly difficult, but if I refresh my memory by hearing someone speak, it becomes easier of course.
***** Neeeeh. Niederlaendisch ist total verschieden, auch wenn man es nicht glauben mag. Ist zwar auch germanic, aber die Umgangssprache ist total anders, als deutsche es aussprechen wuerden. Die verstehen einen zwar, nuscheln aber viel viel mehr, als deutsche. Meiner Meinung ist es sogar einfacher Italienisch zu verstehen und zu sprechen, als Niederlaendisch.
ja für mich auch aber ich kenne mich zum beispiel garnicht mit japanisch oder chinesisch aus und wenn ich eine der beiden sprachen höre könnte ich sie nicht auseinander halten....naja mitlerweile vielleicht schon aber weißt du was ich meine? :D
Da gebe ich dir Recht, die skandinavische Sprache ist ja auch irgendwie mit der deutschen Sprache verwandt! Und Mandarin (chinesich) klingt für die westlichen Menschen genauso wie japanisch, obwohl es zwei eigene Sprachen sind!
Kessina1989 No surprise there, Häagen-Dazs was made by Americans wanting a Danish sounding name, but it's not actually Danish. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A4agen-Dazs
I agree with elenaa310. Most people confuse the sound of German with the harsher sounds of Dutch or the sing-songy sounds of Swedish. I'm a native English speaker who studied German and I actually think German and English sound remarkably similar. German is a bit more poetic though IMO!
german must be quite difficult to learn, right? I speak german as my motherlanguage and i couldn't really imagine how to learn that many exeptions, most words are konjugated different
sertu yeah, german is a difficult language and pretty hard to learn For example: how do you explain that it is "der Tisch" and not "die tisch"? English is much easier, here you only have "the" ^^
Der Joker the genus is only one part of the difficulties, german has 3 of them (just like most of the other indogermanic languages) - french for example has only 2 - so it es very difficult for non native speakers without this genus concept to even explain a genus if it is not obvious. but it is even difficult for people who understand that there are different genus, since they are sometimes not that obvious for example "Mann" (man) is clearly male, so it is "der Mann" - same goes for Frau (female) "die Frau" - but "Weib" (broad/wife) is a neutrum so it is "das Weib" not "die Weib" - that is really confusing. Other example "der Bub" (the boy) is clearly male but "das Mädchen" (the girl) is a neutrum, because it is a diminutiv and derived long time ago from the word "Magd" - so Bub/Mädchen is not a pair like boy/girl - the pairs would be der Bub / die Magd and das Bübchen / das Mä(g)dchen. But over time Magd was derived to descibe a Maid and Mädchen to discribe a girl/young woman. Where other languages got simpler over time - like english, where the genus is dropped and even the T-V distinction got lost (there is just "you" formal an informal), other languages kept it a bit more complex and only changed in subtile ways like with sound change phenomena and etymology. but hey, it can get worse: latin for example 3 genus, 5 or 6 kasus
What Dutch sounds like to foreigners(Canadians) I made a new video about Dutch, maybe you can compare how Canadians view Dutch and German. Disclaimer: people also talked about Hitler and Germany in this video
Im glad they figured the most important thing: The extended right arm. It’s pretty important. Nobody in Germany speaks without extending their right arm first. Always.
Each language has its sound. The German sounds sometimes hard and crystalline. The Germans speak at the front of the tongue. The British and Americans speak at the back of the tongue. Therefore, their language sounds muffled through the nose or as if they have a potato in their mouth. Jede Sprache hat ihren Klang. Das Deutsche klingt manchmal hart und kristallin. Die Deutschen sprechen im vorderen Bereich der Zunge. Die Engländer und Americaner sprechen im hinteren Bereich der Zunge. Deshalb klingt ihre Sprache dumpf durch die Nase oder als ob sie eine Kartoffel im Mund haben.
***** You must read properly what I say. In the front part of the tongue does not say no open the mouth. Of course, you have to open your mouth - but it makes a difference whether the language is formed in the front or in the back of the mouth.It sounds clear (front mouth area) or dull (rear mouth area). German is a wonderfully sonorous differentiated language. Du must richtig lesen was ich sage. Im vorderen Bereich der Zunge heißt nicht ohne den Mund zu öffnen. Natürlich muss man den Mund öffnen - es ist aber ein Unterschied, ob die Sprache im vorderen oder im hinteren Bereich des Mundes gebildet wird. Es klingt klar (vorderer Mundbereich) oder dumpf (hinterer Mundbereich). Deutsch ist eine wunderbar klangvoll ausdifferenzierte Sprache.
***** Die deutsche Sprache klingt so hart, weil viele Wörter auf Konsonanten enden, aber eigentlich werden weniger als die hälfte der Buchstaben vorne im Mund gebildet, nämlich b,d,f,j(das ende vom j),m,p,t,v,w,z
Oh gosh that was so weird. I read the first part of your text, listened a minute to the video and then read the second part. And I was like "Dude, why are you writing the same thing twice?" Then I recognised it was in English and in German ^^' Thanks for showing me that I'm fluent in English xD
My apologies from Canada. We’re not all that ignorant. It seems he found some of our less intelligent citizens. They do teach us a lot about WW2 in our schools, but it should be common sense that Hitler was from Austria, not Germany.
Wow, that's really awkward. We don't sound like this. Our language can be "smooth" too. This was all the fault of the nationalsocialism that chanced everything concerning our beautiful language (french is just a bit more beautiful though). I admire languages all over the world but german is just my casual language, the one I'll never want to forget. So many meanings, so many differences. I really can't understand why students at that age, like almost adult or actual adults, think of german in such a negative way. How are we ever going to remove those bad prejudices and show the world that we live normal lives and don't follow any dictatorships, eat Wiener Würstchen and drink beer all day or talk to each other as if we were in constant argue? To everyone who thinks we're or allways have been bad people: shame on you. We are really friendly and polite so please don't retort to us as if we'd insult you in an instant, also this is what we wish: not being insulted by people who say something like this based on what they learned about WW2 in history. Let's just be polite and cultural respectful to eachother, shall we?
Die Sprache klingt nun mal ziemlich 'böse'. Das ist auch nicht wegen Hitler oder weiß Gott was, sondern weil sie einfach so KLINGT. Machste nix. Und ich glaube es kommt auch drauf an, mit was für Deutschen man spricht. Es gibt welche, die sind echt extrem nett, aber es gibt auch total unsympathische, die dem deutschen Stereotyp ziemlich entsprechen (von denen ich leider mehr getroffen habe). Man muss einfach auf die richtigen Leute stoßen, aber eigentlich kann das ja in jedem Land passieren.
I'm from Austria and found this pretty funny. Wiener schnitzel is austrian by the way and to be honest also hitler was austrian . But it's just really annoying that everyone always mentions hitler when they hear germany or austria or german and immediately assume that every auatrian/german is like hitler . Its just sad bc its not our fault what our great grandparents did.
I haven't been to Austria..yet...but I found the German people to be amazingly welcoming, friendly and full of life. The food was amazing, the country was exceptionally beautiful and in no way was I reminded of Hitler...I was too busy having fun and drinking wine. =) I can't wait to go back and do some more exploring.
Und selbst unsere Großeltern haben das größtenteils nicht freiwillig gemacht, sondern hatten Angst und haben ihre Befehle befolgt. Wenn mir angedroht wird, dass meine eigene Familie in ein Arbeitslager deportiert wird, wenn ich dieses oder jenes nicht mache, dann mach ich das - mir scheißegal was.
Years ago, my boss asked my why I had learnt German and not French. (German is ugly, French is beautiful etc. etc.) About six months later, he had forgotten this completely and walked past me talking to a customer in German and later said to me "We're you speaking French before?" Can't even tell the difference between them but he's sure one is ugly and one is beautiful.
vielleicht klingt es für sie ähnlich ist immer schwer zu beurteilen wenn man die sprache selber spricht. He said the way these people try to imitate german makes it sound like swedish. Does swedish and german sound similar to english-speakers that are unfamilar with both of those languages?
KevinementD I can say from experience, Swedish sounds very different from German. A very dumb foreigner (oh, sorry I might offend someone... Uneducated foreigner) may not be able to tell the difference, but everyone I know can spot the difference.
Most of them more sound like they speak Swedish or Danish. Plus Hitler was from Austria and not Germany. It was interesting to see what people think German sounds like (especially 'cause I'm a native speaker of it) but I couldn't understand 99% of all the things they said. I don't even have a clue what they were trying to say...
I would have liked to see the thoughts of a student or two who study German to hear how they perceive the language in comparison, but overall the sample here closely mirrors the remarks I've typically heard from Americans on the subject over the years.
Nice video - I have been studying German in school for a little over a year now and can clarify that I do not "perceive" or "imagine" what the German language sounds like, since I am learning to speak it... When one can make out the word that are being spoken and understand the pronunciation (especially of ö ü ä ch etc) then you're just listening to people speak words you know!!!! Then German doesn't have a sound, it's just a language :)
Ich hab kein Wort verstanden :D. Soll das deutsch gewesen sein? Der einzige den man etwas verstanden hat war der Blonde am Schluss mit ich habe nid (kein) Geld. Dann noch die dunkelhaarige das verstand man auch etwas.
Wenn dir einer sagt "Sprich mal eben Koreanisch" dann versuchst du auch bloß, die Laute zu imitieren und kein Koreaner würde irgendwas verstehen. Wenn sie richtige Worte sagen und wir sie verstehen würden, hätten wir auch keinen Eindruck davon, wie es für Ausländer "klingt", weil wir das, was wir verstehen, nicht mit Abstand und nach Klang beurteilen können.
Thank you so much for commenting on this video. I doubt I would have any views on this video if it wasn't for you and "Germany vs USA" commenting here.
ich finde es voll cool dass ihr solche Videos macht wo leute deutsch hören ... bin heute das erste mal auf den kanal . bin beeindruckt davon das ihr so gut deuzsch könnt. bin auch froh deutsche zu sein. daumen hoch :-)
That was a great video! I always wonerdered how my mother-language sounds to others! This helped a lot... and it was fun to hear all those good(/ sometimes not so good xD) attempts ^.^ Thanks!!
While I appreciate the effort and think it's nice that they got a different impression after hearing Westerwelles speech, I think this video shows what so annoying for us: People know nothing about Germany OR the german language. But they THINK they do. They "know" stuff from movies, history books and what not and make fun of German for sounding rough, harsh, angry... Please don't get me wrong, I can take a joke (we Germans probably joke about ourselves more than anyone else), but I'm so very tired of hearing the same clichés and stereotypes over and over again. :/ If we HAVE to be the butt of everyones joke, come up with something clever and tought trough at least. Keeps us entertained as well. ;) Oh and btw: Interesting enough, most of the "German" before the video sounded like Russian to me. :'D Your own German at the beginning was actually quite good and understandable.
i like this video very much ^^ i am from germany and yet i watch most tv series in english and its always funny when some american actor speaks german like in the last season of 24 (at least i think it was in season 9) or in GRIMM and a couple other shows. whenever an american actor speaks german (more than just 1 word) i have to listen at least twice to understand what he actually said. it sounds a lot harder than the german language actually is. it wiered to think about the fact, that americans really think: "yeah thats what germans sound like" so jack bauer is acting as a german weapons-dealer, speaks the worst german ever, but his german "business partner" believes him to be german and speaks horrible german as well and so they get along very well, while i ask myself "what the hell did they just say? oh it is supposed to be german...." it is so strange, if you dont understand your "own" language because of the way it is spoken... so funny to think about the fact, that those actors, directors (and the audience) think this was a good portrayal of the german language and put it in their movies/tv-shows Grimm is also great with words like "bauernschwein", "blutbad" and "fuchsbau" for those supernatural beings called "wesen" (entity/being) and pronouncing it like "wessen" (whose)
i wish someone would show native english speakers a video of an austrian speaking german and a german speaking german and than ask them what they think ^^
What Dutch sounds like to foreigners(Canadians) I made a new video about Dutch, maybe you can compare how Canadians view Dutch and German. Disclaimer: people also talked about Hitler and Germany in this video
1:27 made me cringe so hard! When I, as a German, see someone doing this I just feel bad. I don't know if it's just a different cultural experience and non Germans are more liberate about it or if we're just too uptight about it.
You definitely chose the wrong people.. This is shameful, honestly. I thought this would have been interesting when I got linked to it.. but no, it is horrible. I can't even finish this video.. I am ashamed for my country..
+Kellie N Collins As an English immigrant, I wasn't surprised. I deal with Canadians doing incredibly insulting impressions of British accents and asking ridiculous questions. I've come to learn when people ask where I'm from to tell them I'm Mongolian and change the subject quickly. While they're trying to decide if I'm joking, I can keep them busy with something else so I don't have to listen to idiocy.
motherintoronto You know, I have to agree with you. Since this comment, there were elections, and I seen a very ugly side I didn't think was so wide spread. I'm sorry about your experience as well. :/
Kellie N Collins Sorry you had to find out the hard way. As an English immigrant, people blurt things out about immigrants in general that I find offensive. Then "explain" they don't mean European immigrants. They're talking about "those" immigrants. I learned soon after arriving here that while Canada is a wonderful place and has wonderful people, they are not immune.
motherintoronto I can only imagine being on the receiving end of it actually coming from another country. I have a couple of my own experiences of people telling me to go back to my own country if I don't like this or that or do this or that... but yet, my family line is well established here from the early 1900s and the other half of my bloodline is Native. I find it really insensitive and rude, especially knowing that I'm paying taxes for their benefits as well as the actual immigrants they're disrespecting (I don't care about paying my taxes into benefits for others, I love to know that what I earn goes to someone who needs it, be it for health or temporary income solutions, or whatever, if I can't help directly at least it's being done indirectly) and they have the nerve to bring up "their" tax dollars and "their" culture (which came from all the diversity in the country in the first place), when I'm doing the same as them without a complaint. I don't know if it's fear being passed through generations or if we aren't educating people enough on other cultures, but I'm almost shocked at what I've found here.. I always assumed the majority liked people from other places coming here, and that our cultures generally blended well together. I am really sorry that you had to learn that by coming here, unfortunately the ones with the most unkind words seem to be the same ones with the loudest mouths :/
True!! I Saw the creator commenting that it's a joke but I don't think, it is funny to joke about something that serious, that's just disrespectful towards a lot of nations.
Kathi Pati nach meinem Auslandsjahr in Kanada, verstehe ich viel besser was andere Länder über Deutschland reden. Sie lernen in der Schule (natürlich) nur über die beiden Weltkriege, da ist es mehr oder weniger klar, dass sie Deutschland mit Hitler assoziieren... und dann noch der Fakt, dass deutsch eine sehr harsche Sprache ist, schon hast du das perfekte Vorurteil.
I like your video :) and your german is great! I would love to be in the USA or in Canada and getting angry and shouting around in german xD It really would be funny to see how they would react :D
@@gw7kflgjrheicnphtmz785 jetzt erklär mir mal bitte wo ich irgendwas vom hitlergruß geschrieben habe? Außerdem ist es ein gewaltiger Unterschied ob ich in Amerika stehe und wütend eine sanfte Sprache wie spanisch ins Handy rufe oder eine harte wie deutsch? Außerdem wo habe ich denn geschrieben dass ich in Deutschland auf der Straße deutsch rum brülle? Da ist der Kontext wieder komplett was anderes als das was ich geschrieben hab… schreib dich nicht ab, lern lesen und schreiben. Nee im er st… Vielleicht solltest du mal mehr lesen und weniger Bullshit rein interpretieren, ich hab nichtmal mehr eine Ahnung worum es in dem Video geht schließlich ist mein Kommentar 7 Jahre alt aber mein Gott nichts von dem was du geantwortet hast passt irgendwie zu dem was ich geschrieben habe.
Actually Hitler had a very warm, calm and charming voice as all people say who met him on parties. You can hear that in a secret recording of Hitler's conversation with the Finnish General Mannerheim: Hitler Meets Mannerheim Monologue (Subtitles) It is idiotic to judge the sound of the voice of someone from his public propaganda speeches in the 1930s. At that time ALL politician speeches sounded like that. That was the speech style of that time.
+Franz Fragus (mitch3ls) They won't even know the difference between Germany and Austria and think that Vienna is in Australia. ;) (Living in the US, I constantly hear this and Canadians aren't much better.)
Oh my god, watching this as a german is incredibly amusing! Funny how the only thing foreigners can think of when they hear of Germany is a bad impression of a bunch of Nazis. :D
like everybody thinks german is so aggressiv coz they mostly know some hitler speaches or any other politcan german and at first they had to scream and speak very loud at there speaches coz they had no microphones and when they had microphones they were just ised to that loud aggressiv shouting. so thats why the most americans and so think germans are not funny or aggressiv. ps im an austrian ;)
Christan Doppler, Nikola Tesla, Konrad Lorenz, Gregor Mendel, Erwin Schrödinger, Viktor Kaplan, Sigmund Freud, Gustav Klimt, Fischer von Erlach, Johann Nestroy We had lots of very smart people in our history - it is really sad, that everything leads back to Hitler all the time.
it's very funny to see students worldwide which were despared on speaking german/ es ist sehr lustig studenten aus aller welt zu sehen, die verzweifeln wenn sie deutsch sprechen /slang/ so nett wie alle verzweifeln wenn sie jemand nach deutsch fragt :P
1:52 so... yes, I totally understand. People, who speak other languages, nether argue. They're always kind and friendly and soft. I understand. Just germans are SOMETIMES argueing and thats a totally german thing. Is that what you think?
I guess that was Guido Westerwelle on your iPad. Unfortunatly he died of blood cancer recently. But this video really made me laugh! More of that! Auf Wiedersehen und bis bald in Deutschland.
I don't understand how people are butthurt. The "Nazi" thing is just a general stereotype. If asked about something they are not fluent in, or proficient in any way then of course that would be the next best thing. The interesting thing, their impression sounded to me like swedish or norwegian would sound to me most of the time (I am a native german speaker). But it is fascinating to see the connections and connotations people have with languages/sounds/cultures.
I think it's funny, cause in the video, people did not hesitate for a second to imitate Hitler just because they associated Germany with it. And in Germany is an unspoken ban, it's just clear that you do not do something like that and do not make fun of it. And yes, hitler was not a german man, he was an Austrian. You should know that! But that is not the point. He was a cruel man ans he did not only do bad things to the foreigners but the Germans themselves also had to suffer a lot and that's what many forget or generally just do not know. And that is something that almost upsets me the most. Foreigners always say that German sounds very harsh. Did you ever heard a native speaker except hitler speaking the Language? And the statement of this one guy was just totally stupid, he said : there is this normal german, and there is also the German what is very harsh. It's clear, every language sounds harsh when someone is angry and screams!! And what most People forget, is that you actually Hurt the feelings of some of the Germans who watch this here, including me. So pay attention on what you are saying and use your mind!!
Hitler was Austrian... His accent is Austrian. People need to get it out of their heads that not all Germans sound so strong with their vowels when they speak :P I live with a German, my boyfriend... In Germany and he doesn't sound aggressive at all.
the guys from 2:30 :D the left one sounds like a turk speaking german and the right one sounds like he's speaking danish 😂 did he really say "Häggen-Dasz", like the danish ice cream? cause that's what I understood :D
+Anika iPi damn it you're right!! I thought it was Danish! Because they once used a danish map and the first Häggen-Dasz Icecream that I had was during a trip to Denmark! And the name sounded somehow Danish. Fuck, I'm shocked :D I'm a dumb German :D thanks for ending my ignorance! :D
the first thing they think of is hitler?? this is sad.
greetz from germany
+Maggy7187 This was the time of Germanys most impact to the world affairs....its logical, not sad...
+Mike Romney
To even suggest that Germany's global influence cumulated in 12 years of naziism gives nothing but proof of a total lack of education in all fields of science and cultural heritage.
Maxim Kretsch
I dont know how to say...but a great, global war gets more the attention of people rather than the Hamburg-Amerika-Linie, the Diesel-Maschine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe or what ever you think....massive propaganda *after* the war increased this situation further more...thats the reason why people are conditioned to think: Germany - Nazis - evil - we are the good guys...
+Maxim Kretsch The largest number of movies that include Germany are about World War 2. Especially in recent years with the British government declassifying World War 2 era documents. As more information is released, more books and movies come out. A global war has the unfortunate side effect of rippling down generations. While it's well known that Germany aren't Nazi's anymore, there isn't nearly as much information about what Germany *is* now. Just what it was.
For what it's worth, I'm English and face similar stereotyping in Canada. They use World War 2 English accents around me. I think part of it is a some of them have Grandmothers who were war brides. They fail to recognize that the way people talk has changed drastically in England since World War 2. No one talks like that and they haven't in about 70 years. I never even tried crumpets in England but have heard Canadians yammer on about tea and crumpets for unknown reasons. When people ask where I'm from, I've learned to tell them I'm from Mongolia and change the subject quickly while they try to decide if I'm joking or not. They have no idea they're being insulting and they don't mean anything by it.
schon besser ;) :P
1:27 why does he raise is arm ?
They're still thinking that germans are nazis ?
Dean-Niclas Dörfer Nope, knowing Germany is no longer nazi means we can laugh about it without fear.
Hitler and Nazi are just not as tabooed in North America. We know they are bad and Germans are no longer Nazis. it's just a stereotype like how Americans are gun toting texans and Canadians are flannel wearing lumberjacks.
Leander Besting
Technically Austria is Germany though.
Sikzo SV no, thats why its called austria and not germany
Dean-Niclas Dörfer
Names don't matter. Poland and large parts of France were Germany once too. Austria even has the very same culture as southern germany. Just because someone draws "new" borders it doesn't mean it is something completely new.
Sikzo SV no, its just like canada and the US.
i could say "technically Canada is United States" just like you did
but it isnt
I´m from Germany and I don´t understand the most of what the people tried to say.. that was only a noise for me. :D
+Frodo Hobbit lol, same here. :D
+downunder diva Well the woman at 02:05 knew some words. But for the most part you are right. It's kind of funny to watch.😁
It sounds like what Dutch sounds like for me.(I'm German)
It's funny. Because of some Canadian friends, I know, when you say some German words slowly, they can repeat it quite good.
Haha same
Das hlrt sich einfach so witzig an besonders bei amerikanern wenn die versuchen deutsch zu sprechen und nicht mal deutsche wlrter kennen
Einfach nur laute...unsere harten und raubtierartigen laute wie sie beschrieben werden...zum beispiel das ch oder r
I am from The Netherlands and I think it's very rude that those people immediately think about Hitler and Nazis. I think Germans will not feel comfortable while seeing this. It Completely doesn't sound like Dutch btw, im 14
Spicy Pythons Clan
haha, you get used to this; I actually thought it was kind of funny and a bit sad at the same time ;-)
I've seen movies where Russians are supposed to pass as Germans, go figure... ;-)
Spicy Pythons Clan You are right, I didn't feel comfortable, I felt even a little bit offended. They might know that Germans aren't nazis anymore but it seems like they are still ignorant, they probably don't know that it is still forbidden in Germany to raise their hand like that or to show the Hitler sign anywhere. That is why I as a German don't find it very funny if people do that because here we always get reminded what Germany did in WW2 so it never happens again.
+Spicy Pythons Clan you are damn right.
+Spicy Pythons Clan
i don't know... i was talking to a few Dutch people abroad and a lot of them seem to be confused with Germans a lot...but at the other side, I'm German and I've been mistaken for being Swedish (don't ask me... the scandinavian languages and German don't sound alike at all).
I guess for people not used to it, some of the Germanic languages sound a bit similiar.
And the nazi-thing...well it's annoying but it's not something that's gonna stop, so we better get used to it.
+Spicy Pythons Clan Yeah you're absolutely right - I'm from Germany and I hate it that we are still stereotyped like that...
"There's normal german and then there's like angry german." *does hitler impersonation*
yyeah. because we are still nazis. gosh I'm getting so tired of this stereotype. fact is that foreigners literally have no idea what german is like.
Not all of us hold this stereotype in our minds. In fact, those of us who are german enthusiasts like yours truly are often teased with same stereotype, like I mentioned above. When I started learning german my family and friends started referring to me as Mrs. Hitler. It's unfortunate because Germany has such a rich history full of so many interesting characters, its sad that so many people across the globe focus on that one unfortunate saga. I don't, for what it's worth. 😐
+Kaeri Killington yes of course i know that not everyone is like that but i am german and not proud of the horrible history of my country. really really bad things happened back then and it's not something to laugh about. i saw the mass graves and i cried as i did. so...i am not talking about you don't worry, i am talking about the unedicated people who make fun of a man who killed so many of us (well I am not jewish but that doesn't matter a bit) and was proud of it.
+Kaeri Killington jup i hate it... but well can't change it
+m0nchichi yeah your right but it's still annoying
When you put 10 million people in concentration camps, that tends to make an impression. Are you people seriously this cavalier?
some of them sounded Slavic and some Scandinavian, but almost none of them sounded German...
***** Ich meine damit, dass er nicht in Deutschland geboren ist.
+Herr Nilson Somit war er dennoch Deutscher.
+Non Kane
Die deutsche Ethnie und die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft sind 2 völlig verschiedene Dinge.
+Sikzo SV Das stimmt. Es gibt 50 Millionen "ethnic Germans" in den USA. Die meisten koennen kein Deutsch sprechen.
Nils Wendel
Exactly the same like what I thought.
I am really sad that people always think of Hitler when they hear "Germany". Hitler wasn't even from Germany, he was from Austria. That's why his pronunciation sounded different. And he was angry and aggressive, that is why he sounded so harsh. German is a very special and nice language indeed. I wish Americans would learn more about Germany and not about this awful time when Hitler was ruling the country a very very very long time ago.
Nidia S yes!!!! I am from Germany and I agree with you!
And? He became hitler in germany. he is just born in our country he did the shit things in germany
I’m German ., and dear lord .. I don’t even understood a single word he said . Like none . Probably „Nein“ but that’s it ... just sayin‘
I agree with you (im from germany)
Hitler was a damn hypocrite for being Austrian but praising all the German aspects of Vienna. But joke's on him, he never got rid of that accent.
I mean I get that people get angry bc Hitler wasn't German, but I think that's not really the problem :/ Isn't it just bad that these people think about Hitler when they hear Germany? Like regardless of his nationality, it's bad that they still only have this impression
yeah that's really offensive for us
It is absolutely not about racism. Hitler is by far the most famous german (yeah I know he isn't actually german) because everyone learns about him in school. When someone tells you to say the first thing that springs to your mind about a country you don't really know a lot about you will just think about the stereotypes and the most famous persons. If you ask people about the UK they are going to name the Queen, if you ask them about Russia it's going to be Putin or Stalin, ask about India and everyone will name Ghandi. Whether that "most famous person" of a country did something good or bad doesn't really matter at that point.
probably also a Problem in the School System there and the media...
warum sagt man "Deutschland, das Land der Dichter und Denker", weil hier schon immer schlaue Köpfe lebten und eine schöne deutliche Sprache sprechen :)
Absolut! Da kann ich dir nur zustimmen! Liebe Grüße aus Österreich
Also nach den Amis sind wir Deutschland das Land der Nazis
Ähhh, jo was ist denn das bitte für ein Name den du da hast ?!
@@kerstinbernleithner3565 ich auch schöne grüße aus braunau haha
So ist es Kamerad 👌🇩🇪
So German apparently sounds like Norwegian, Arabian or Chinese :D
Chinese xD not that much xD
At around 2:30 it really reminds me of a chinese accent in English :)
It sounds more swedish for me xD
Hi. (sorry for my bad english)
Krydda XD
+Krydda lol
+Krydda lol
Tryna be funny
Öm you they nothing in English, so why do you say sorry for your bad English skills :D ?
Everybody is complaining about Hitler and I am just sitting here, wondering why their impressions sound like fucking swedish ihr some bullshit 😂
ikr 😂😂
LoL. I thought the same. For me it sounds more swedish um a nordic language.
Maybe because I'm German xD
WTF? His German is horrible and his English isn't much better!
+armeverschrenk keiner weiß es xD NOBODY knows
Doktor Hachi Roku I want to know 😂
@Doktor Hachi Roku Wieso nicht xD Ich finde es witzig mich würde interessieren was sie eig sagen wollten xD
@Doktor Hachi Roku Ja musst du ja auch nicht oder ?????
Oh my god, Hitler wasn't even from germany. He was from austria. That's probably why everyone thinks that german sounds angry. It was just the austrian accent.
the fact that these guys didn't even know that makes me angry also i mean come on don't be dumb that is surely not too much to ask
At first it might look like the video is making fun of German, but if you watch the whole video, you will see that the purpose of the video it is to clear up stereotypes of German rather than reinforcing it.
But I'm Canadian, and every other Canadian I know don't think of these things. If I mention about my friends in Germany, I get someone trying to sing a very popular Rammstein song.
I am horrified my country now looks like a bunch of idiots instead of culturally aware, like we are.
TheBurbski Oh if only it were possible!
Something went terribly wrong, you see. Once we came up with maple syrup, then poutine... and then Justin Bieber came along. We have been on a downward spiral ever since.
It sounds like dutch IMO XD
Heritage Inmoshun first of i didn´t understood a single word from their so called "german" thats how bad it was second its kinda sad that such stereotypes even exist that think about hitler and schnitzle when they think about german even tough both of these things come from austria!
+JTBPlays DE
Well German and Dutch are both westgermanic languages, so the languages are basically like silblings. if you speak German and the Dutch person speaks slow you understand a lot of what they're saying and the other way around.
I'm not even German but the fact that so many people automatically think of Hitler when they hear the language kind of bums me out. The fact that some people still link them with nazis is why many Germans are reluctant to show any kind of national pride, which is a shame because it's a great country with a lot to be proud of.
everybody thinks that we are Nazis but our Generation arent Nazis anymore
It's called a stereotype. Every country has one.
schlecht gealtert
its really funny and sad at the same time that foreign people think that german sounds very hitler/rammsteinlike. i mean the language really changed since 1945...in 2016 its really soft and tender...just listen to songs by xavier naidoo, andreas bourani, silbermond, etc...its such a huge contrast to the nazi german.
Do those Canadians live behind the moon??/ Leben diese Kanadier hinter dem Mond??
The r sound was so harsh because of the quality and sound of the radio.
Ich lerne Deutsch seit ein Jarhe, und ich finde die deutsche Sprache sehr schön und dass sie auch toll klingt. Aber meine mutter, die in Deutschland geboren ist und erzogen war, immer sagte dass die deutsche Sprache hart und wütend klingt... Ich finde das sehr seltsam!
Übrigens: Als Fremdspracher finde ich Wörter mit ö und ü spaß zu sagen, und nett zu hören :P
brethren1x du solltest aber noch ein bisschen üben
Nach EINEM Jahr so gut Deutsch zu können, ist schon vorzeigbar, also bitte... das kriegen im Umkehrschluss diverse Deutsche nach der kompletten Schulzeit nicht mit Englisch hin, da halt mal den Ball flach oO
what language are they speaking? elvish? definitely not german
I thought the same 😂
Try to imitate some of the languages that you can identify, I find it to be extremly difficult, but if I refresh my memory by hearing someone speak, it becomes easier of course.
I wett de denken das Wien in deitschland is... xD
Do san a poa huankinda dabei
Kannst du nicht einmal korrekt Deutsch schreiben du scheiß Österreich-Nazi
ichlol12 Österreich ist das 17. Bundesland (:
. War das nicht Malle?
Wäisu doust Dou fruache? Ok, dann ist es das 18te :D
i´m german and the only thing i understood is "I dont have money" in German xD
+NiizuMa™ Wenn du "Guten Tag, wie gehts?" bei Minute 2 nicht verstanden hast, kannst du nicht Deutsch sein :D
Es ist trotzdem lustig das anzuschauen 😂
irgendwie erinnert viel davon an niederländisch, so von den groben wortlauten
What Dutch sounds like to foreigners(Canadians)
I made a new video about Niederlandisch, you can compare how people imitate Dutch and German
Heritage Inmoshun ok thanks
***** mit elementen von englisch
***** Neeeeh. Niederlaendisch ist total verschieden, auch wenn man es nicht glauben mag. Ist zwar auch germanic, aber die Umgangssprache ist total anders, als deutsche es aussprechen wuerden. Die verstehen einen zwar, nuscheln aber viel viel mehr, als deutsche.
Meiner Meinung ist es sogar einfacher Italienisch zu verstehen und zu sprechen, als Niederlaendisch.
That was a very nice idea! 2:03 sounds actually very good!
I'm German, and it was so much fun to watch people reacting to my language. :) Btw ur German is pretty good :D
Wie kommen die auf Haagen-Dazs??? Wenn es wenigstens Langnese wäre! ^^
weil das für sie deutsch klingt.
Für mich klingt es eher skandinavisch! ;-)
ja für mich auch aber ich kenne mich zum beispiel garnicht mit japanisch oder chinesisch aus und wenn ich eine der beiden sprachen höre könnte ich sie nicht auseinander halten....naja mitlerweile vielleicht schon aber weißt du was ich meine? :D
Da gebe ich dir Recht, die skandinavische Sprache ist ja auch irgendwie mit der deutschen Sprache verwandt! Und Mandarin (chinesich) klingt für die westlichen Menschen genauso wie japanisch, obwohl es zwei eigene Sprachen sind!
Kessina1989 No surprise there, Häagen-Dazs was made by Americans wanting a Danish sounding name, but it's not actually Danish.
I agree with elenaa310. Most people confuse the sound of German with the harsher sounds of Dutch or the sing-songy sounds of Swedish. I'm a native English speaker who studied German and I actually think German and English sound remarkably similar. German is a bit more poetic though IMO!
german must be quite difficult to learn, right? I speak german as my motherlanguage and i couldn't really imagine how to learn that many exeptions, most words are konjugated different
sertu yeah, german is a difficult language and pretty hard to learn
For example: how do you explain that it is "der Tisch" and not "die tisch"? English is much easier, here you only have "the" ^^
Der Joker the genus is only one part of the difficulties, german has 3 of them (just like most of the other indogermanic languages) - french for example has only 2 - so it es very difficult for non native speakers without this genus concept to even explain a genus if it is not obvious.
but it is even difficult for people who understand that there are different genus, since they are sometimes not that obvious
for example "Mann" (man) is clearly male, so it is "der Mann" - same goes for Frau (female) "die Frau" - but "Weib" (broad/wife) is a neutrum so it is "das Weib" not "die Weib" - that is really confusing. Other example "der Bub" (the boy) is clearly male but "das Mädchen" (the girl) is a neutrum, because it is a diminutiv and derived long time ago from the word "Magd" - so Bub/Mädchen is not a pair like boy/girl - the pairs would be der Bub / die Magd and das Bübchen / das Mä(g)dchen. But over time Magd was derived to descibe a Maid and Mädchen to discribe a girl/young woman.
Where other languages got simpler over time - like english, where the genus is dropped and even the T-V distinction got lost (there is just "you" formal an informal), other languages kept it a bit more complex and only changed in subtile ways like with sound change phenomena and etymology.
but hey, it can get worse: latin for example 3 genus, 5 or 6 kasus
What Dutch sounds like to foreigners(Canadians)
I made a new video about Dutch, maybe you can compare how Canadians view Dutch and German.
Disclaimer: people also talked about Hitler and Germany in this video
Im glad they figured the most important thing: The extended right arm.
It’s pretty important. Nobody in Germany speaks without extending their right arm first. Always.
Each language has its sound. The German sounds sometimes hard and crystalline. The Germans speak at the front of the tongue. The British and Americans speak at the back of the tongue. Therefore, their language sounds muffled through the nose or as if they have a potato in their mouth.
Jede Sprache hat ihren Klang. Das Deutsche klingt manchmal hart und kristallin. Die Deutschen sprechen im vorderen Bereich der Zunge. Die Engländer und Americaner sprechen im hinteren Bereich der Zunge. Deshalb klingt ihre Sprache dumpf durch die Nase oder als ob sie eine Kartoffel im Mund haben.
***** You must read properly what I say. In the front part of the tongue does not say no open the mouth.
Of course, you have to open your mouth - but it makes a difference whether the language is formed in the front or in the back of the mouth.It sounds clear (front mouth area) or dull (rear mouth area). German is a wonderfully sonorous differentiated language.
Du must richtig lesen was ich sage. Im vorderen Bereich der Zunge heißt nicht ohne den Mund zu öffnen.
Natürlich muss man den Mund öffnen - es ist aber ein Unterschied, ob die Sprache im vorderen oder im hinteren Bereich des Mundes gebildet wird. Es klingt klar (vorderer Mundbereich) oder dumpf (hinterer Mundbereich). Deutsch ist eine wunderbar klangvoll ausdifferenzierte Sprache.
Die deutsche Sprache klingt so hart, weil viele Wörter auf Konsonanten enden, aber eigentlich werden weniger als die hälfte der Buchstaben vorne im Mund gebildet, nämlich b,d,f,j(das ende vom j),m,p,t,v,w,z
Oh gosh that was so weird. I read the first part of your text, listened a minute to the video and then read the second part. And I was like "Dude, why are you writing the same thing twice?" Then I recognised it was in English and in German ^^' Thanks for showing me that I'm fluent in English xD
My apologies from Canada.
We’re not all that ignorant. It seems he found some of our less intelligent citizens. They do teach us a lot about WW2 in our schools, but it should be common sense that Hitler was from Austria, not Germany.
Wow, that's really awkward. We don't sound like this. Our language can be "smooth" too. This was all the fault of the nationalsocialism that chanced everything concerning our beautiful language (french is just a bit more beautiful though). I admire languages all over the world but german is just my casual language, the one I'll never want to forget. So many meanings, so many differences. I really can't understand why students at that age, like almost adult or actual adults, think of german in such a negative way. How are we ever going to remove those bad prejudices and show the world that we live normal lives and don't follow any dictatorships, eat Wiener Würstchen and drink beer all day or talk to each other as if we were in constant argue? To everyone who thinks we're or allways have been bad people: shame on you. We are really friendly and polite so please don't retort to us as if we'd insult you in an instant, also this is what we wish: not being insulted by people who say something like this based on what they learned about WW2 in history. Let's just be polite and cultural respectful to eachother, shall we?
Die Sprache klingt nun mal ziemlich 'böse'. Das ist auch nicht wegen Hitler oder weiß Gott was, sondern weil sie einfach so KLINGT. Machste nix.
Und ich glaube es kommt auch drauf an, mit was für Deutschen man spricht. Es gibt welche, die sind echt extrem nett, aber es gibt auch total unsympathische, die dem deutschen Stereotyp ziemlich entsprechen (von denen ich leider mehr getroffen habe). Man muss einfach auf die richtigen Leute stoßen, aber eigentlich kann das ja in jedem Land passieren.
I'm from Austria and found this pretty funny. Wiener schnitzel is austrian by the way and to be honest also hitler was austrian . But it's just really annoying that everyone always mentions hitler when they hear germany or austria or german and immediately assume that every auatrian/german is like hitler . Its just sad bc its not our fault what our great grandparents did.
Stimm da sowos von zu!
I haven't been to Austria..yet...but I found the German people to be amazingly welcoming, friendly and full of life. The food was amazing, the country was exceptionally beautiful and in no way was I reminded of Hitler...I was too busy having fun and drinking wine. =) I can't wait to go back and do some more exploring.
glad to hear that!!:)
Und selbst unsere Großeltern haben das größtenteils nicht freiwillig gemacht, sondern hatten Angst und haben ihre Befehle befolgt.
Wenn mir angedroht wird, dass meine eigene Familie in ein Arbeitslager deportiert wird, wenn ich dieses oder jenes nicht mache, dann mach ich das - mir scheißegal was.
Years ago, my boss asked my why I had learnt German and not French. (German is ugly, French is beautiful etc. etc.) About six months later, he had forgotten this completely and walked past me talking to a customer in German and later said to me "We're you speaking French before?" Can't even tell the difference between them but he's sure one is ugly and one is beautiful.
3:02 wenn deine freunde zum fünften mal diese woche sagen sie wollen essen gehen
haha...the guy at 1:45.
Wow! it is an honour to have you/you guys commenting on my video!
I watch every single one of your videos!
Richtig geiles Video, ich fand das total witzig...
Awesome channel. Great vid. Interesting to see how others view languages that some take for granted
When I lived in America for half a year people kept telling me, that it sounds way softer than they thaught
so wie sie es aussprechen kriegt es irgendwie einen schwedischen klang :D
vielleicht klingt es für sie ähnlich ist immer schwer zu beurteilen wenn man die sprache selber spricht.
He said the way these people try to imitate german makes it sound like swedish. Does swedish and german sound similar to english-speakers that are unfamilar with both of those languages?
I can say from experience, Swedish sounds very different from German. A very dumb foreigner (oh, sorry I might offend someone... Uneducated foreigner) may not be able to tell the difference, but everyone I know can spot the difference.
Kellie N Collins I am german and I speak swedish fluently and no, I'm not uneducated ;)
But can you hear the flow of words differently? There is a rhythm that is slightly different.
Most of them more sound like they speak Swedish or Danish. Plus Hitler was from Austria and not Germany. It was interesting to see what people think German sounds like (especially 'cause I'm a native speaker of it) but I couldn't understand 99% of all the things they said. I don't even have a clue what they were trying to say...
I would have liked to see the thoughts of a student or two who study German to hear how they perceive the language in comparison, but overall the sample here closely mirrors the remarks I've typically heard from Americans on the subject over the years.
Yeah, I tried asking people who are studying German, but the more one is familiar with a language the harder it is imagine the sound.
Nice video - I have been studying German in school for a little over a year now and can clarify that I do not "perceive" or "imagine" what the German language sounds like, since I am learning to speak it...
When one can make out the word that are being spoken and understand the pronunciation (especially of ö ü ä ch etc) then you're just listening to people speak words you know!!!! Then German doesn't have a sound, it's just a language :)
"There's normal German and Angry German!" Made my day. XDDD
Ich hab kein Wort verstanden :D. Soll das deutsch gewesen sein? Der einzige den man etwas verstanden hat war der Blonde am Schluss mit ich habe nid (kein) Geld. Dann noch die dunkelhaarige das verstand man auch etwas.
Ich habe ebenfalls nichts verstanden
ich auch :D
Es klang für mich so, als würden die eher Sprachen von den nordischen Ländern, z.B schwedisch imitieren oder Hitler.
Wenn dir einer sagt "Sprich mal eben Koreanisch" dann versuchst du auch bloß, die Laute zu imitieren und kein Koreaner würde irgendwas verstehen.
Wenn sie richtige Worte sagen und wir sie verstehen würden, hätten wir auch keinen Eindruck davon, wie es für Ausländer "klingt", weil wir das, was wir verstehen, nicht mit Abstand und nach Klang beurteilen können.
1:51 duuuude that‘s so racist. Daaaamn
Bruh he can't even speak german
@@aesthetic709 yea. But he knows germans very well 🌚
@@SarumanBang lol
Bahahaha :D That was hilarious xD
Thank you so much for commenting on this video. I doubt I would have any views on this video if it wasn't for you and "Germany vs USA" commenting here.
schön dass du da bist :)
@@HeritageInmoshun stereotypes prevail. Poor education in combination with North American ignorance
ich finde es voll cool dass ihr solche Videos macht wo leute deutsch hören ... bin heute das erste mal auf den kanal . bin beeindruckt davon das ihr so gut deuzsch könnt. bin auch froh deutsche zu sein. daumen hoch :-)
That was a great video! I always wonerdered how my mother-language sounds to others! This helped a lot... and it was fun to hear all those good(/ sometimes not so good xD) attempts ^.^ Thanks!!
Thank you! That made my day!
2:09 can you do german impression yea right "khkhkhhkkkhkk"
XD ... und ihr studiert??? Schande über euch...
Well, if you want to hear the ACTUAL "angry German", sit next to a German driver on a crowded Autobahn ("Highway")!
While I appreciate the effort and think it's nice that they got a different impression after hearing Westerwelles speech, I think this video shows what so annoying for us: People know nothing about Germany OR the german language. But they THINK they do. They "know" stuff from movies, history books and what not and make fun of German for sounding rough, harsh, angry...
Please don't get me wrong, I can take a joke (we Germans probably joke about ourselves more than anyone else), but I'm so very tired of hearing the same clichés and stereotypes over and over again. :/ If we HAVE to be the butt of everyones joke, come up with something clever and tought trough at least. Keeps us entertained as well. ;)
Oh and btw: Interesting enough, most of the "German" before the video sounded like Russian to me. :'D
Your own German at the beginning was actually quite good and understandable.
1:28 That part is awesome!!!
I didn't understand any word he said and his face was like "I'm so proud of my self to know some german"
Thank you for the funny video. 😂 It was interesting to hear, what Canadians think how German sounds. 😆
Bricht mein Herz und macht mich gleichzeitig wütend.
i like this video very much ^^
i am from germany and yet i watch most tv series in english and its always funny when some american actor speaks german like in the last season of 24 (at least i think it was in season 9) or in GRIMM and a couple other shows. whenever an american actor speaks german (more than just 1 word) i have to listen at least twice to understand what he actually said. it sounds a lot harder than the german language actually is.
it wiered to think about the fact, that americans really think: "yeah thats what germans sound like"
so jack bauer is acting as a german weapons-dealer, speaks the worst german ever, but his german "business partner" believes him to be german and speaks horrible german as well and so they get along very well, while i ask myself "what the hell did they just say? oh it is supposed to be german...." it is so strange, if you dont understand your "own" language because of the way it is spoken...
so funny to think about the fact, that those actors, directors (and the audience) think this was a good portrayal of the german language and put it in their movies/tv-shows
Grimm is also great with words like "bauernschwein", "blutbad" and "fuchsbau" for those supernatural beings called "wesen" (entity/being) and pronouncing it like "wessen" (whose)
„I was really close I think“ uh no ❤️
Okay, now I feel like you punched me in the face. Glad I know Canadians who are more educated! -_-
Made my day :D Sehrrr lustig!
I blame English sketch comedy and Indiana Jones movies for the "every German sounds like Hitler" stereotype :-D
+Demian Haki I blame stupid people not being able to research before judging
i wish someone would show native english speakers a video of an austrian speaking german and a german speaking german and than ask them what they think ^^
As a native speaker I can say that it sounds like as they mitate Swedish or Dutch :D
Too hard and too much "ch"
What Dutch sounds like to foreigners(Canadians)
I made a new video about Dutch, maybe you can compare how Canadians view Dutch and German.
Disclaimer: people also talked about Hitler and Germany in this video
1:27 made me cringe so hard! When I, as a German, see someone doing this I just feel bad. I don't know if it's just a different cultural experience and non Germans are more liberate about it or if we're just too uptight about it.
You definitely chose the wrong people..
This is shameful, honestly.
I thought this would have been interesting when I got linked to it.. but no, it is horrible.
I can't even finish this video..
I am ashamed for my country..
I didn't really choose...I just went up to random people
+Kellie N Collins As an English immigrant, I wasn't surprised. I deal with Canadians doing incredibly insulting impressions of British accents and asking ridiculous questions. I've come to learn when people ask where I'm from to tell them I'm Mongolian and change the subject quickly. While they're trying to decide if I'm joking, I can keep them busy with something else so I don't have to listen to idiocy.
You know, I have to agree with you. Since this comment, there were elections, and I seen a very ugly side I didn't think was so wide spread. I'm sorry about your experience as well. :/
Kellie N Collins
Sorry you had to find out the hard way. As an English immigrant, people blurt things out about immigrants in general that I find offensive. Then "explain" they don't mean European immigrants. They're talking about "those" immigrants. I learned soon after arriving here that while Canada is a wonderful place and has wonderful people, they are not immune.
I can only imagine being on the receiving end of it actually coming from another country. I have a couple of my own experiences of people telling me to go back to my own country if I don't like this or that or do this or that... but yet, my family line is well established here from the early 1900s and the other half of my bloodline is Native. I find it really insensitive and rude, especially knowing that I'm paying taxes for their benefits as well as the actual immigrants they're disrespecting (I don't care about paying my taxes into benefits for others, I love to know that what I earn goes to someone who needs it, be it for health or temporary income solutions, or whatever, if I can't help directly at least it's being done indirectly) and they have the nerve to bring up "their" tax dollars and "their" culture (which came from all the diversity in the country in the first place), when I'm doing the same as them without a complaint.
I don't know if it's fear being passed through generations or if we aren't educating people enough on other cultures, but I'm almost shocked at what I've found here.. I always assumed the majority liked people from other places coming here, and that our cultures generally blended well together.
I am really sorry that you had to learn that by coming here, unfortunately the ones with the most unkind words seem to be the same ones with the loudest mouths :/
The Girl at 2:03 was perfect.
They always thinking that every german is a nazi. Thats poor
1:29 make that here in Germany, you will sleep the night in jail. No games with the raising arm. Absolutely illegal here, and absolutely not funny.
True!! I Saw the creator commenting that it's a joke but I don't think, it is funny to joke about something that serious, that's just disrespectful towards a lot of nations.
Why do everybody think that we are talking always angry ?? :(
They saw a lot about german history in school. To bring this to conclusion: they saw hitlers and goebbels speeches in times of the third rich.
Kathi Pati nach meinem Auslandsjahr in Kanada, verstehe ich viel besser was andere Länder über Deutschland reden. Sie lernen in der Schule (natürlich) nur über die beiden Weltkriege, da ist es mehr oder weniger klar, dass sie Deutschland mit Hitler assoziieren... und dann noch der Fakt, dass deutsch eine sehr harsche Sprache ist, schon hast du das perfekte Vorurteil.
mhmm... naja d akann man wohl nichts machen. schreien wir eben weiter rum :D
I'm from Germany and I didn't understand what the man from 1:28 tried to say
+[SEK]BorgLP Ik van stackengaben. Das war doch offensichtlich. Was er damit allerdings sagen wollte ist mir nicht klar. :D
+[SEK]BorgLP ohne witz ich habe verstanden das er "Ich fahre Gabelstabler" gesagt hat xD
I like your video :) and your german is great! I would love to be in the USA or in Canada and getting angry and shouting around in german xD It really would be funny to see how they would react :D
@@gw7kflgjrheicnphtmz785 jetzt erklär mir mal bitte wo ich irgendwas vom hitlergruß geschrieben habe? Außerdem ist es ein gewaltiger Unterschied ob ich in Amerika stehe und wütend eine sanfte Sprache wie spanisch ins Handy rufe oder eine harte wie deutsch? Außerdem wo habe ich denn geschrieben dass ich in Deutschland auf der Straße deutsch rum brülle? Da ist der Kontext wieder komplett was anderes als das was ich geschrieben hab… schreib dich nicht ab, lern lesen und schreiben. Nee im er st… Vielleicht solltest du mal mehr lesen und weniger Bullshit rein interpretieren, ich hab nichtmal mehr eine Ahnung worum es in dem Video geht schließlich ist mein Kommentar 7 Jahre alt aber mein Gott nichts von dem was du geantwortet hast passt irgendwie zu dem was ich geschrieben habe.
Actually Hitler had a very warm, calm and charming voice as all people say who met him on parties.
You can hear that in a secret recording of Hitler's conversation with the Finnish General Mannerheim:
Hitler Meets Mannerheim Monologue (Subtitles)
It is idiotic to judge the sound of the voice of someone from his public propaganda speeches in the 1930s. At that time ALL politician speeches sounded like that. That was the speech style of that time.
Wiener Schnitzel is as the name suggests not German, but Austrian. Guys please!
+Franz Fragus (mitch3ls) They won't even know the difference between Germany and Austria and think that Vienna is in Australia. ;) (Living in the US, I constantly hear this and Canadians aren't much better.)
+Evil Pagan
Reminds me of a colleague who booked a ticket to Switzerland and what he got was a ticket to Swaziland.
1:50 yeah of course...
Oh my god, watching this as a german is incredibly amusing!
Funny how the only thing foreigners can think of when they hear of Germany is a bad impression of a bunch of Nazis. :D
"There is like NORMAL German and then there is like MORE ANGRY German...Like ""FUNNIEST HITLER IMPERSONATION, I'VE EVER SEEN!!!" xDDDD
Ich finde dieses video sehr lustig und dumm.
Hannah Orellana woher kommst du?
Ich komme aus Kanada. Habe ich Familie in America z.B Texas , Maryland und Washington. Bist du Student?
Kein Problem. Die Leute in diese Video kommen aus meine Stadt.
Ich fühle mich traurig, weil ich habe keine deutsche Freund hier.
Nein. Ich bin Jamaikan, und meine Familie wohnung in USA,Kanada,Jamaika und UK. Wie ist das Wetter in Florida?
2:02 guten wagen😂😂😂😂
thats soooo funny! Grüße aus Deutschland XD
Interessantes Video! hört sich komisch an aber manche haben die wortmelodie ganz gut getroffen. ;-)
like everybody thinks german is so aggressiv coz they mostly know some hitler speaches or any other politcan german and at first they had to scream and speak very loud at there speaches coz they had no microphones and when they had microphones they were just ised to that loud aggressiv shouting. so thats why the most americans and so think germans are not funny or aggressiv. ps im an austrian ;)
Dein deutsch ist ziemlich gut ;) I like that video funny to see what they think about it
Wiener Schnitzel is Austrian!
Yep. Arnold Schwarzenegger also. Mozart also. Haydn also.
Christan Doppler, Nikola Tesla, Konrad Lorenz, Gregor Mendel, Erwin Schrödinger, Viktor Kaplan, Sigmund Freud, Gustav Klimt, Fischer von Erlach, Johann Nestroy
We had lots of very smart people in our history - it is really sad, that everything leads back to Hitler all the time.
Peter Pan and Jennifer Lawrence are also Austrian.
Funny how everybody thinks wiener schnitzel is from germany xD wiener means viennese ;)
That's so freaking hilarious if you are german :D but this hitler stuff is annoying
2:04 her pronounciation was actually pretty good
Like wer auch Deutsch ist :D
it's very funny to see students worldwide which were despared on speaking german/ es ist sehr lustig studenten aus aller welt zu sehen, die verzweifeln wenn sie deutsch sprechen /slang/ so nett wie alle verzweifeln wenn sie jemand nach deutsch fragt :P
1:52 so... yes, I totally understand. People, who speak other languages, nether argue. They're always kind and friendly and soft. I understand. Just germans are SOMETIMES argueing and thats a totally german thing. Is that what you think?
what sort of languages do they learn in america at school? only english i presume
I guess that was Guido Westerwelle on your iPad. Unfortunatly he died of blood cancer recently. But this video really made me laugh! More of that! Auf Wiedersehen und bis bald in Deutschland.
I'm German and like everyone else I hate all the Nazistuff they bring up. It's still a sensitive theme over here.
I understood everything from what you said in the beginning.
What in heaven's name xD
Der arme übersetzer ist ja völlig überfordert.. Und wie der Kerl "Schnitzel" sagt, so putzig ^^
"E.U is a hot spot".. hahaha.. that was the most funny video!!
I don't understand how people are butthurt. The "Nazi" thing is just a general stereotype. If asked about something they are not fluent in, or proficient in any way then of course that would be the next best thing. The interesting thing, their impression sounded to me like swedish or norwegian would sound to me most of the time (I am a native german speaker). But it is fascinating to see the connections and connotations people have with languages/sounds/cultures.
I think it's funny, cause in the video, people did not hesitate for a second to imitate Hitler just because they associated Germany with it. And in Germany is an unspoken ban, it's just clear that you do not do something like that and do not make fun of it.
And yes, hitler was not a german man, he was an Austrian. You should know that! But that is not the point. He was a cruel man ans he did not only do bad things to the foreigners but the Germans themselves also had to suffer a lot and that's what many forget or generally just do not know.
And that is something that almost upsets me the most. Foreigners always say that German sounds very harsh. Did you ever heard a native speaker except hitler speaking the Language? And the statement of this one guy was just totally stupid, he said : there is this normal german, and there is also the German what is very harsh.
It's clear, every language sounds harsh when someone is angry and screams!! And what most People forget, is that you actually Hurt the feelings of some of the Germans who watch this here, including me. So pay attention on what you are saying and use your mind!!
Hitler was Austrian... His accent is Austrian. People need to get it out of their heads that not all Germans sound so strong with their vowels when they speak :P I live with a German, my boyfriend... In Germany and he doesn't sound aggressive at all.
Dude, I´m german and i´m lierally laughing my as off right now...:D Herrlich!
Ja… Deutsche Sprache schwere Sprache wie man immer sagt. Trotzdem guter Versuch 🙃😂 Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
2:17 That sounded just like "dix-neuf," the French word for the number nineteen with a Russian accent.
the guys from 2:30 :D
the left one sounds like a turk speaking german and the right one sounds like he's speaking danish 😂
did he really say "Häggen-Dasz", like the danish ice cream? cause that's what I understood :D
+19sunheart96 Häggen-Dasz is from New York lol
+Anika iPi damn it you're right!! I thought it was Danish! Because they once used a danish map and the first Häggen-Dasz Icecream that I had was during a trip to Denmark! And the name sounded somehow Danish.
Fuck, I'm shocked :D
I'm a dumb German :D
thanks for ending my ignorance! :D