First Responders, What Is The Most Common Preventable Accident?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
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  • @southernbelletales
    @southernbelletales Місяць тому +10

    If you’re someone who likes or has to be outside during nighttime, wear a reflective vest, even if you’re on a side walk or anywhere near a road, I don’t drive but I’ve been in the passenger side where I didn’t even see anyone until we were close enough.

  • @robertgraybeard3750
    @robertgraybeard3750 Місяць тому +7

    at 12:55 something else happens to people who do not wear theri seatbelts in a car crash - they can smash into other people inside the car in addition to being ejected. BTW I of the age to have bought muscle cars off the showroom floor. I would go around to salvage yards / junk yards looking for upgrades - carburators, differentials, even engines and transmissions. This was when seat belts we new and only some people used them. I saw way too many twisted steeriung wheels, bent dashes, cracked windshields. I've always worn my seatbelt.
    The Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin invented the three point seatbelt in 1959. He did the world a service and did not pattent it but placed it in the public domain.

    • @sheyennemerritt3215
      @sheyennemerritt3215 Місяць тому

      You would be surprised the number of crashes where people survive because they didn't wear their seat belts I'm getting very sick of this information being ignored because people want to push their own goals of people wearing seat belts instead of actually researching and realizing that seat belts risk lives don't save them a seatbelt sign is literally internal bleeding because a person wore their seatbelt literally surgery is involved and they can die because they wore their damn seat belt instead of keeping it off also five people wearing a seatbelt died in a crash and one person who didn't survive do your research don't just believe what everyone tells you

  • @starlightdragon2665
    @starlightdragon2665 Місяць тому +8

    Scurvy is a modern first world problem and a preventable one; It has many of the same symptoms as radiation poisoning and or chemo. Including your teeth falling out and your gums bleeding profusely. But because it can be initially similar to gingivitis: and can be confused for common cold symptoms, most people don't know they have it until the horrible side effects start to take hold. Because the effects turn into gangrenous type blood poisoning, by the time the full symptoms are addressed it's often too late.
    Most modern Americans getting scurvy can prevent it by simply eating their fruits and veggies; but this often doesn't happen when it's supposed to, and is so infrequently done that the symptoms can't be stopped by simply eating lemons or oranges once.

  • @SamSparks95
    @SamSparks95 Місяць тому +5

    1:20 remember FAST.
    Face: is it drooping and/or numb? Can they control both sides of their face?
    Arms: ask them to raise both arms. If they are having a stroke, one or both arms will not respond.
    Speech: is their speech slurred or incoherent? Can you understand them?
    Time: time is of the essence. Call 911 and get them to a hospital ASAP.

  • @boompa92
    @boompa92 Місяць тому +2

    When he mentioned ginger beef, I thought he said JuJu-Bees.

    • @thekarlkeeper8727
      @thekarlkeeper8727 Місяць тому +1

      I had never heard of ginger beef before I watched this.

  • @Superman37891
    @Superman37891 Місяць тому +8

    Not a first responder and not sure if it’s most common, but I think it’s pretty common to see car accidents that were 100% preventable by driving responsibly (not driving distracted, not breaking the rules, etc)

  • @QueenSunstar
    @QueenSunstar Місяць тому +2

    Make sure your kid wears their seatbelt!
    I don’t care about how tired you are, or that you don’t want to deal with a meltdown!
    Buckle them up! You don’t want to be the parent of a dead kid!
    A tap on the brakes is pretty effective at teaching kids why wearing their belts is important.

  • @masterofThardus
    @masterofThardus Місяць тому

    I'm convinced the seatbelts thing is just people being contrarian. Whenever I've encountered people who refuse to wear them, there's always some argument about not having a seatbelt being "safer" under some circumstances, but that argument never explains the lengths they'll go to in order to avoid wearing them, like tearing apart their car's wiring to fully disable the seatbelt alarm. And it doesn't take much digging to figure out this is really more just about people not liking to be told that they have to do it. A coworker of mine who is like this actually argues that it's bad policy because it's just in place to give an income stream to police departments in the form of tickets. The argument, coincidentally, halted rather quickly when I pointed out that this is in part the intent behind every ticketable offense. It's why they cost you money when you get one. The fine is to disincentivize the action, but also to incentivize enforcement. Argument ground to a halt because he wasn't willing to admit that maybe his crusade against seatbelt tickets was silly, but also wouldn't agree to the conclusion of own logic that we should also stop giving out speeding or parking tickets (he's not Ron Swanson, he's not stubborn or libertarian enough to make that argument).
    Seeing the alcohol poisoning stuff reminds me of another thing too. I think we are way too tolerant of being sloppy drunk. It's really way more childish and selfish than most of us give it credit for. Subjecting everyone around you to the nastier drunk version of you, and causing scenes and unpleasantness by getting sick everywhere willingly is the kind of behavior we don't tolerate in any other instance, but for some reason we tolerate it more if you're choosing to drink, specifically, to get to that point. I'm not even talking alcoholics, I mean perfectly functioning people who regularly and intentionally get horribly sloppy drunk. I didn't realize how baffling it was that we tolerate this until I had a Lyft customer who was extremely upset at his friend for doing just that. He had apparently gotten sick all over the bar they were leaving - he smelled like it, and had a bit of a mess on his shirt. I had to pull over once during the drive to let him get sick on the side of the road. I was just thankful none of it got in my car, but the guy's friend was a second away from punching him for getting that drunk and forcing someone else to take care of him, forcing the bar staff to clean up his mess, and creating a headache for their driver (me) by making him worry about his car getting biowaste all over it. He explained all this after I dropped his drunk friend off and took the sober guy to his house. Really made a lightbulb go off for me. Sober friend was a neat guy, though. Tipped me an extra $30 for the trouble (though I insisted he didn't have to) and was all around nice to talk to.

  • @legacy9171
    @legacy9171 Місяць тому +3

    I barely missed being the first responder to this video

  • @lilmichaeltaylor546
    @lilmichaeltaylor546 Місяць тому +1

    The thumbnail is pretty dope

  • @kendoruslink7017
    @kendoruslink7017 Місяць тому

    Don't drive drunk or high. Just don't fucking do it.

  • @sheyennemerritt3215
    @sheyennemerritt3215 Місяць тому

    I'm done
    I love rescuer stories and used to be an EMT
    But im not going to sit here and listen To all of these people who don't understand that seat belts are dangerous And literally cause you to have internal bleeding if you crash yes I'll keep you in your car but you'll have internal bleeding and you could die from that Just because they don't realize the seat belts kill and being injected would be better you're gonna die either way I'd rather go flying I'd rather get to fly sometime when I'm not even in a plane then legitimately get killed strapped into my car because my car crushed me I'm getting so sick of First Responders being like where your seat belt When five men died wearing a seat belt in 1982 because the fire truck rolled over on top of them and the one who was and got ejected and lived Guess what I'm taking my examples from that Not from all these lies I'm taking my examples from guy that was ejected lived and seat belts cause internal bleeding cause you to lose your spleen loose other important organs If you're going to survive What would you rather do Get ejected and survive with a sprained neck or get crushed by your car because you wore your damn seat belt I'd rather be ejected thank you
    And now I'm going to turn off this video because I am sick of hearing people say where your seat belt when all you're going to do is die if you do it

  • @sheyennemerritt3215
    @sheyennemerritt3215 Місяць тому

    I'd rather be ejected from a vehicle and live than crushed under the vehicle and die because I had my seatbelt on thank you
    that actually happened in Plymouth Indiana in 1982 and I'd rather not be another example of what not to do
    and by the way it was a rescue vehicle that crashed

  • @eyesofwater123
    @eyesofwater123 Місяць тому

    Unfortunately, the police advice didnt age well. You can get shot for eating ice cream in your own home.