There's no way that little bit of force hammered into a piezo assembly would create enough power to move that large projectile hard enough to pierce that can. Also the board appears to be unsecured, yet there's not enough recoil to equal the force put into the projectile nor the force exerted by the hammer. Movie magic.
so a piezoelectric can produce around 13v and technically speaking you need at least 10v to make a coil gun work. so yes this can produce enough force to pierce the can because it doesnt take much at all. the projectile looks big, but if you look closer its just metal wrapped around a plastic straw so it doesn't need a lot of initial force to get going... so actually the physics here makes perfect sense. those cans arnt that tuff to puncture and the projectile didnt even go through it, just the tip. i think your just overestimating the cans resistance to being punctured
@@SaltyRad voltage is not a big deal. A piezoelectric can generate way more than 10 or 13V under the right conditions. What it lacks tho is the power to accelerate that projectile
@@Grazey for a Coilgun you need High Voltage aswell High Current -> Large amounts of energy. My Coilgun has 312J Electric energy which accelerates a projectile of 10g to 35m/s. A coilgung is pretty inefficient as you see. Important is that you have at least 200-300v so that enough current can flow through the coil. A piezo won't even deliver 1J of energy and if you try to use a transformer you get a loss of about 32%. This is a pretty pointless idea if you don't have a HUUUUGE piezo...
Well, this kind of project reminds me of the many experiments I did as a kid. They didn’t usually work and neither did this. But I’m still proud of you as my mother was with me. Here are two successes I had as a child. 1) I got my hands on a hoard of little glass bottles. I had been experimenting with building a light bulb. So, I used the bottles with rubber caps. I made a hole and inserted fish tank tubing. With magnet wire I wound a little tiny coil. Since the wires were insulated with shellac, I inserted them into the tube and installed that cap on the bottle. I had just inserted the tube in my mouth and had sucked a very high vacuum on the bottle through the tube. As I was fumbling around with a 9-volt battery trying to connect it, my mother ninja walked into my room with my back to the doorway. Apparently, she watched me for a little while and could not understand what I was doing. Out loud she exclaimed, “DEN, what in the HELL is going on in here!?” She scared the shit out of me and I delayed in my answer because I needed to release the vacuum without a bunch of spit sucking in there. Despite my irritation, I rationally explained I was making a light bulb that I was now testing. She paused an uncomfortably long time. You see, her brothers had engaged in pot at a young age, then LSD and who knows what. Finally, she explored and asked why the tube was in my mouth and said “show me”. I had no idea if my bulb would work. If I had success my mother would trust me the rest of my life. If I failed, it would be curtains for me. I spent the next five or ten minutes pumping down the vessel with my mouth. Finally I connected the battery. It glowed very brightly and did not burn out for the five more minutes I kept it illuminated. Years later, when I did start to experiment with drugs and alcohol, I don’t think she detected it because my grades had already fallen for years. And my spare time was spent at the library during the day and either my friends or my bedroom building my next contraption. Thank God I escaped the lifestyle and became an engineer. 2) I had a previous incident when I was experimenting with steel wool. My erector kit was stored, closed in a plastic box. I inadvertently stored my steel wool and my 9v batteries in there and went to play outside. Per chance, I needed something from my attic space workshop. When I got in there, I witnessed the kit glowing red and emitting smoke. I grabbed it and ran down the long staircase and put it on the sidewalk outside. Then I spent the next hour in lectures and explaining myself. Mom was not amused. It’s a wonder. After that I switched entirely to computers and electronics.
@@seditt5146 In a state governed by the rule of law, only a court can make an accusation. The same court can punish a person for making a false accusation. But all this is valid only for those who do not hide their personal data. I'm not hiding them. So you can go to court if you're rich.
A piezo-electric generator is the exact opposite of what is needed to drive the coil. The coil needs a pulse of high current . A piezo will give you a high voltage pulse and not so much current. This piezo-electric generator, must have run on magic pixie dust.
Ever heared of U=R*I? The more voltage the more current. (i know not that easy with inductance, but still the more voltage the more current change per time interval). The problem is the time, which is too short for the piezzo.
@@neutronenstern. the Ohms law doesn't apply on inductor as it is not a linear electronic component. The piezo doesn't work like that. The more pressure you put on it, the higher is the voltage spike. The inductor in the other hand needs current. The bigger the coil in mH and above, the higher current it needs to charge itself up. That's why you see motors running on inductive magnets start with slow speed and slowly go to the peak of their RPM. That's why, he is right. The inductor needs current spikes, not voltage spikes
@@themoonwolf7438 yea true. But still u(t)=L*dI/dt. So with high voltage, you get high dI/dt. So if the voltage was high enough, and also the time interval was high enough, the current would have been high enough. So like i said, if duration of thd voltage spike would be long enough, the current would have been large enough.
Well thats more or less just what happens when you punch a dmall hole in sheet metal like that. The metal doesnt like to deform into complex curves so it usually just tears.
What did you mix in those two small glasses? Can you explain? But a 1000 microF electrolytic I would have added it!!! I have to make it. It's a mix between the bullet weight and the range.
Interesting!!! But the coils how many henries do they have? I would like some technical details before venturing into construction. I like to be precise. :)
This may not be fake. I am seeing people call this fake, but they are failing to see everything involved in this piezoelectric button. It's much, much more than that. The substances within the piezoelectric button are two colors for a reason. This reason, is that it is also a battery. That's correct, a near solid state (if not solid state) battery that also has piezoelectric properties. Even the plates, whether TiO3 or Sio3, ect. Nothing is going to waste, not even the pigmentation.
Пьезо элемент из эбоксидки, это почти как фокус с зеркалами что материал разделяющий цветок от газовой горелки. Если между молотком и пластинкой пьезоэлемента положить диэлектрик, то установка не работает.
I’m curious as to what your core crystal is. It could have a wide variety of applications on the small scale. Like small but high power solenoids as an example
@@IurisWorkshop the concept of a electromagnet is the current applied across an inductor. If there is no resistance whatsoever, then there is no voltage drop across the coil, therefore there is no current according to ohm's law. an inductor (or coil) is theoretically a short in DC. You actually did not need to insulate, and actually you could increase the magnetic strength if you use a iron tube instead of fiberglass (as this also increase magnetic flux because of the transformer theory) try it out.
Супер! Снимаю шляпу! 😁 Но, как инженер, не могу не задать ряд вопросов. Оранжевый и голубой- это лучшие цвета эпоксидки? Из моего личного опыта, например, желтый с голубым ("жовто-блакитний", я- украинец) иногда дает удивительные, неожиданные результаты! А если немного "доработать" установку и исключить пьезо и катушку, оставив только "пулю", направляющую трубу и пружину? Классическая физика утверждает, что результат должен быть еще лучше.. Но интуиция (старого инженера) мне подсказывает, что он уже не будет таким "впечатляющим"! Спасибо за хорошее настроение 😁. Вітання з Харкова 😉
How to make a good piezo. Which elements and in what ratio did you use them? I don't think it's possible. I would be happy to check, maybe your piezo is giving more energy. Good video. Lots of views. Best regards.
Look for information about hazardous chemical compounds on the darknet. Otherwise, the dissemination of such information on the Internet is punishable by law.
I have two hypotheses: 1. Tribochemical reaction of two or more substrates, 2. Physical piezoelectric process. In both cases, the coloring of the elements is only intended to mask the real process for public.
Почему пацан из фильма один дома не применил это изобретения для борьбы с ворами? Ведь это изобретение по эффективности похоже на все те что демонстрируются в фильме.
Piezo is German scientist. Gramaphon record pointer called stylus generating the voltage on same principle, what I called diamond point. I think he invented in 1936. We got in college studies in 1970, in physics ( modern physics)
Could make a interesting single stage coil gun. This config could apply a very strong pulling force for a short period. It would have a downside of being very difficult to make a multi stage system with this kind of config though. But with a very strong electro magnet and maybe a stronger striker it has a good bit of potential. Even a larger crystal could have significant effect on such a design. Also there is a pretty big benefit of being very simple with no capacitors or fancy electronics which means zero charge time. This would be something most coil guns can’t do.
It's fake. I was curious at first - dubious when I saw the "piezo", and then the punch was the "yeah, no." Kicker. You could, in theory, do something like this, but you would use a much thinner gauge wire. I'm also not too sure how efficient piezoelectric materials are at converting strain to any kind of power - how much of the kinetic energy striking them is available for use by a circuit as some combination of voltage and current.
You have the most translucent skin I have ever seen! I'm not making fun, it's really interesting. I bet the phlebotomists love you! And your video is really interesting too! ☺️
I see many comments saying the power is not possible, he also said he is not giving the formula. But if you use your skeptical brains and just think If possible? Did you even consider putting piezo generating materials into Non Newtonian conductive fluids? To store way more than wafer thin examples? Probably not. If he coated the pick up plates with graphene conductive ink it would be even better!
Unfortunately, I think the best way to harness a man-portable electric-powered weapon is to... use a cordless drill-powered air compressor, and mod a paintball gun to fire something heavy and sharp. Maybe someday we will have a powerful enough battery to make a coilgun that fires projectiles at ballistic speeds. An alternative to the compressed air gun would be a salt water-HHO gun. Since I live in America, gun powdered weapons are available.
А дайка мне рецепт твоего пьезоэлектрика, а то как раз я химик и лаборатория есть, и ты не представишь я и физик и для физики тоже всё есть. И хрен с ним и так понятно что без датчика выключения реле, снаряд встрянет по середине, ну и ладно не удивил, таких много, но у меня больше вопросов по пьезоэлектрику, ведь это фантастика сделать пьезоэлектрик в кустарных условиях так и чтоб он выдавал нужное напряжение для реле, а его нужно не мало. А ну и как же без всеми любимой фальш-досточке где обычно прячут тонны аккумуляторов.
Публикация опасных хим. формул приводит к бану ресурса, а иногда и к сроку. А вообще сейчас многие работают над источниками тока. Вот на днях читал: Конечно без формул. ;)
Unfortunately, the chemical ingredients used in this product are flammable and explosive. Dissemination of information about such chemical reactions can lead to channel blocking and more serious consequences. You can search for similar information on the Darknet.
just put such crystals in a rotating container so that they bounce off each other, connect it to an electric motor, this gives an unlimited source of energy connect the crystal container with a cable to the engine so that they form a closed circuit we start the whole thing with a string wound on the axle
Интересно сравнить: стукнуть просто по снаряду и через эту сложную систему эдс индукции. И посмотреть какая разница. Я думаю что стукнуть напрямую по снаряду было бы эффективнее.
А чего тут сравнивать? Прямой удар отдаст больше энергии, ибо тут минимум три перехода, из механики в электричество, из электричества в электромагнитную, из электромагнитной обратно в механику. У детского пистолетика с пластиковыми шариками кпд выше. Хотя конечно я бы не удивился, если бы по пьезоэлементу шарахнули кувалдой, тот был бы достаточно прочен для подобного и снаряд бы в бетоне дырку сделал
@@tform1 Среднестатистическое человечество бодро деградирует. Это связано с доступностью еды и всякими социальными программами. Теперь не нужно быть умным, чтобы выжить. Двое из трёх, старше восемнадцати лет, думают что Земля вращается вокруг Солнца. :(
You can ignite alcohol with a high-voltage discharge. And dangerous chemical formulas cannot be published on the network. This is usually done on the darknet.
@@P_ignin потери будут не только за счёт сопротивления и потока рассеяния, но и за счёт низкого КПД пьезоэлектрика, в нём большая часть энергии перейдёт в тепло и потенциальную энергию деформации которая затратиться на отскок ударника и возвращение системы крепления к прежнему состоянию.
Я как увидел винты с плоским шлицом, мне прям больно стало))) Но видос прикольный. Неужели пьезоэлектрическая пара действительно способна выдать такую энергию?
If your question is serious, then clarify this question. I don't understand what exactly you are interested in. If you're joking like that, then put a smiley face.
У него есть другое видео на эту тему. Если я верно понял, то тут два варианта: 1)это фейк 2)это химический источник, одноразовый, вроде солевой батарейки. он даёт импульсный разряд при ударе или медленно отдаёт энергию при медленном сжатии. но в любом случае, это несложная химия и чудес тут нет.
Может быть. Even if real there is a much easier and cheaper way of propelling a metal object. use solenoid attached to pressure vessel (soda bottle with bicycle valve) activated by a switch.
🇷🇺 Что такое ислам? 🔴 Ислам - это не просто еще одна религия 🔵 Это же послание проповедовали Моисей, Иисус и Авраам. 🔴 Ислам буквально означает «покорность Богу». 🔵 и учит нас иметь прямые отношения с Богом. 🔴 Это напоминает нам, что с тех пор, как Бог создал нас, никому нельзя поклоняться, кроме одного Бога. 🔵 Он также учит, что Бог не похож на человека или что-либо, что мы можем вообразить. 🔴 Концепция Бога кратко изложена в Коране как: { Скажи: «Он - Аллах Единый,. Аллах Самодостаточный. Он не родил и не был рожден,. и нет никого равного Ему».} (Коран, 112:1-4) 🔵 Стать мусульманином - это не повернуться спиной к Иисусу. 🔴 Скорее, это возвращение к изначальным учениям Иисуса и повиновение ему....
How do you think we could make a hank cranked continuess piezoelectric spark mate, somebody apparently made one so they could use the high voltage to create plasma.
Если вы о снаряде, то он может быть изготовлен из любого магнитного материала (магнетика), например, стали. То есть, магнитом ему быть не обязательно. Снаряд намагничивается под действием магнитного поля, возникающего в соленоиде. Можно стрелять обычными гвоздями.
Exactly the gas lighter formula, here it has been enlarged in the same way so that if more current is produced, then the bigger coil produces more magnetic effect than more current
No, this source, although it has unique properties, degrades very quickly. After 10-15 minutes it turns into a stone:
A round pointed projectile isn't going to make a hole that shape. The size of the hole is also too big. If your projectile made that hole, it would have been so deep that it would not have bounced out. I think you made that hole with a Phillips screwdriver.
oh yes it would lol. his projectile isnt that heavy and most definitely would bounce right out. the tip of that is very thin too which the smaller the tip the more force applied to the area of contact so it doesnt take much to puncture that.
i find it funny how many people are trying so hard to debunk this when its clear they don't fully understand physics like they think or they didn't pay attention to detail.
@Salty Rad It takes about 50V per gram to fire a projectile from a single stage coil gun. That punch is about 25 grams of tool steel (at least). So the piezo assembly would have to generate at least 1250V. The state of the art piezo energy harvesters only achieve about 36V (requiring a lot more force than provided by this spring mechanism). There are about a dozen other issues with this "design".
@@scytaleghola5969 i dont think it was near that heavy. the plastic straw at the end indicates a hollow shell. It must be remembered that to generate energy from any piezoelectric materials it is subject to variability of mechanical load, also depends on the size of the transducer (eg. crystal) and the type of mechanical load, ie. the frequency of vibration. The selection of the appropriate piezoelectric material is of fundamental importance. PZT and KNN are probably the best, but many other materials can also be used. With the piezo material chosen, the piezo layer thickness, the shape of the capacitors and the method of stress generation in the piezo layer should be chosen accordingly. Serial connection of piezo capacitors allows to multiply the maximum voltage generated by the harvester. Increasing the current is possible by using piezo capacitors with a larger surface area. with all that said, he his piezoelectric setup in series which also doubles the voltage output. some of these single setups can produce around 30v so hes probably getting around 60v produced by that. so knowing the current going through the wire is just basic ohms law. V=IR we know the resistance is a static (+ or minus a value dude temp) value. so if the voltage goes up then so must the current. Even if a circuit has a low voltage, it can still produce a high current if the resistance of the circuit is very small. If we go to Ohm's Law, which is I=V/R (Current=Voltage/Resistance), we can see that the smaller the resistance in a circuit, the greater the amount of current is produced.
Публикация информации, которая может представлять опасность, например, пожароопасность, взрывоопасность или опасность химического отравления, на UA-cam запрещена. Это точно так же как с наркотиками. Публиковать информацию нельзя, но получить профильное образование, которое позволит их синтезировать самостоятельно, можно.
@@IurisWorkshop разьве пъезоэлемент опасен? Я знаю способ из винной кислоты и соды, но тут все проще, перемешали несколько компонентов, и всё. Не думаю что эти компоненты опасны.
@@IurisWorkshop есть жанр фантастики когда главный герой попадает в средневековье, мне было интересно, сможет ли человек без каких либо специальных знаний, только с общим кругозором создать пьезоэлемент, и на сколько это будет сложно.
There's no way that little bit of force hammered into a piezo assembly would create enough power to move that large projectile hard enough to pierce that can. Also the board appears to be unsecured, yet there's not enough recoil to equal the force put into the projectile nor the force exerted by the hammer.
Movie magic.
Yeah and not to mention the top and bottom plates were shorted out by the standoffs.
So why dont just slam the Projektile with the Hammer it would fly definitely further
so a piezoelectric can produce around 13v and technically speaking you need at least 10v to make a coil gun work. so yes this can produce enough force to pierce the can because it doesnt take much at all. the projectile looks big, but if you look closer its just metal wrapped around a plastic straw so it doesn't need a lot of initial force to get going... so actually the physics here makes perfect sense. those cans arnt that tuff to puncture and the projectile didnt even go through it, just the tip. i think your just overestimating the cans resistance to being punctured
@@SaltyRad voltage is not a big deal. A piezoelectric can generate way more than 10 or 13V under the right conditions. What it lacks tho is the power to accelerate that projectile
@@1234567890CAB they arnt shorted though. you can clearly see the insulating material on the edges of the plates
That sort of current it produced is far too much to be possible. Piezoelectric is good for producing high voltage/spark not high current.
Yea but it is AC meaning you could run that backwards with a transformer to get very high current
@@Grazey for a Coilgun you need High Voltage aswell High Current -> Large amounts of energy. My Coilgun has 312J Electric energy which accelerates a projectile of 10g to 35m/s. A coilgung is pretty inefficient as you see. Important is that you have at least 200-300v so that enough current can flow through the coil. A piezo won't even deliver 1J of energy and if you try to use a transformer you get a loss of about 32%. This is a pretty pointless idea if you don't have a HUUUUGE piezo...
So true
@@killthesource4740 even 312 kJ is not much when you consider a li-ion battery....
@@kaczordonald7536 312 kJ is a hell of a lot of energy to release quickly.
Well, this kind of project reminds me of the many experiments I did as a kid. They didn’t usually work and neither did this. But I’m still proud of you as my mother was with me. Here are two successes I had as a child.
1) I got my hands on a hoard of little glass bottles. I had been experimenting with building a light bulb. So, I used the bottles with rubber caps. I made a hole and inserted fish tank tubing. With magnet wire I wound a little tiny coil. Since the wires were insulated with shellac, I inserted them into the tube and installed that cap on the bottle. I had just inserted the tube in my mouth and had sucked a very high vacuum on the bottle through the tube. As I was fumbling around with a 9-volt battery trying to connect it, my mother ninja walked into my room with my back to the doorway. Apparently, she watched me for a little while and could not understand what I was doing. Out loud she exclaimed,
“DEN, what in the HELL is going on in here!?”
She scared the shit out of me and I delayed in my answer because I needed to release the vacuum without a bunch of spit sucking in there. Despite my irritation, I rationally explained I was making a light bulb that I was now testing. She paused an uncomfortably long time. You see, her brothers had engaged in pot at a young age, then LSD and who knows what. Finally, she explored and asked why the tube was in my mouth and said “show me”. I had no idea if my bulb would work. If I had success my mother would trust me the rest of my life. If I failed, it would be curtains for me. I spent the next five or ten minutes pumping down the vessel with my mouth. Finally I connected the battery. It glowed very brightly and did not burn out for the five more minutes I kept it illuminated.
Years later, when I did start to experiment with drugs and alcohol, I don’t think she detected it because my grades had already fallen for years. And my spare time was spent at the library during the day and either my friends or my bedroom building my next contraption. Thank God I escaped the lifestyle and became an engineer.
2) I had a previous incident when I was experimenting with steel wool. My erector kit was stored, closed in a plastic box. I inadvertently stored my steel wool and my 9v batteries in there and went to play outside. Per chance, I needed something from my attic space workshop. When I got in there, I witnessed the kit glowing red and emitting smoke. I grabbed it and ran down the long staircase and put it on the sidewalk outside. Then I spent the next hour in lectures and explaining myself. Mom was not amused. It’s a wonder. After that I switched entirely to computers and electronics.
Thanks for your interesting story!
@@seditt5146 In a state governed by the rule of law, only a court can make an accusation. The same court can punish a person for making a false accusation. But all this is valid only for those who do not hide their personal data. I'm not hiding them. So you can go to court if you're rich.
Интересная история, я тоже в детстве проводил эксперименты с электричеством!
@@ДимаЕ-м3ч What kind of experiments did you like?
A piezo-electric generator is the exact opposite of what is needed to drive the coil.
The coil needs a pulse of high current .
A piezo will give you a high voltage pulse and not so much current.
This piezo-electric generator, must have run on magic pixie dust.
Ever heared of U=R*I? The more voltage the more current. (i know not that easy with inductance, but still the more voltage the more current change per time interval). The problem is the time, which is too short for the piezzo.
@@neutronenstern. the Ohms law doesn't apply on inductor as it is not a linear electronic component. The piezo doesn't work like that. The more pressure you put on it, the higher is the voltage spike. The inductor in the other hand needs current. The bigger the coil in mH and above, the higher current it needs to charge itself up. That's why you see motors running on inductive magnets start with slow speed and slowly go to the peak of their RPM. That's why, he is right. The inductor needs current spikes, not voltage spikes
@@themoonwolf7438 yea true. But still u(t)=L*dI/dt. So with high voltage, you get high dI/dt. So if the voltage was high enough, and also the time interval was high enough, the current would have been high enough. So like i said, if duration of thd voltage spike would be long enough, the current would have been large enough.
@@neutronenstern. true
I got excited to see him launch something light and small. As soon as he loaded that hole-punch or whatever in, the illusion was gone.
Not to meantion that he punched a square hole with a round peg.
Well thats more or less just what happens when you punch a dmall hole in sheet metal like that. The metal doesnt like to deform into complex curves so it usually just tears.
What did you mix in those two small glasses? Can you explain? But a 1000 microF electrolytic I would have added it!!! I have to make it. It's a mix between the bullet weight and the range.
Interesting!!! But the coils how many henries do they have? I would like some technical details before venturing into construction. I like to be precise. :)
This may not be fake. I am seeing people call this fake, but they are failing to see everything involved in this piezoelectric button. It's much, much more than that. The substances within the piezoelectric button are two colors for a reason. This reason, is that it is also a battery. That's correct, a near solid state (if not solid state) battery that also has piezoelectric properties. Even the plates, whether TiO3 or Sio3, ect. Nothing is going to waste, not even the pigmentation.
Esas mezclas de colores que es, el proyectil de que es?, hizo un montón y no explico nada más que lo que uno tal vez se imagina
ЭДС индукци дичайшая сила!
Я от выстрела чуть под стол не скатился... От смеха:))
Вы можете легко измерить энергию выстрела:
Там просто кпд установки 1000 процентов)
Пьезо элемент из эбоксидки, это почти как фокус с зеркалами что материал разделяющий цветок от газовой горелки. Если между молотком и пластинкой пьезоэлемента положить диэлектрик, то установка не работает.
На коёбачке написато : "смола ЭПОКСИДНАЯ"
I’m curious as to what your core crystal is. It could have a wide variety of applications on the small scale. Like small but high power solenoids as an example
Does Mom know you're using her cut glass shot glasses for science? Don't get caught LOL
You did a short circuit with the metalic parts and the piezoelectric!
These plates are made of one-sided foil fiberglass: 2:12
This wouldnt work on a short circuit....
@@cpK054L I used one-sided foil fiberglass. This is an insulator with a layer of copper foil applied: 2:12
@@IurisWorkshop the concept of a electromagnet is the current applied across an inductor.
If there is no resistance whatsoever, then there is no voltage drop across the coil, therefore there is no current according to ohm's law.
an inductor (or coil) is theoretically a short in DC.
You actually did not need to insulate, and actually you could increase the magnetic strength if you use a iron tube instead of fiberglass (as this also increase magnetic flux because of the transformer theory)
try it out.
@@cpK054L In nature, there are no conductors that have no resistance. As for the coils, they have, in addition to active resistance, also reactance.
Make one that you can control by whistling like Yondu does.
The US government has spent billions to build this exact technology, so this guy says hold my beer and makes it for 10 bucks LOL
I was wondering what the chemical/process used to make the piezo materials.
Details were omitted. Where can those details be found? I would like to peer review this process.
Чет слабо верится.
С учетом ГИГАНТСКИХ потерь при выработке энергии и её передачи на снаряд - хорошо, если бы он вообще с места сдвинулся.
Да я и сам иногда сомневаюсь, что такое возможно.
Есть только один способ подтвердить либо опровергнуть представленный вариант)
Супер! Снимаю шляпу! 😁
Но, как инженер, не могу не задать ряд вопросов.
Оранжевый и голубой- это лучшие цвета эпоксидки? Из моего личного опыта, например, желтый с голубым ("жовто-блакитний", я- украинец) иногда дает удивительные, неожиданные результаты!
А если немного "доработать" установку и исключить пьезо и катушку, оставив только "пулю", направляющую трубу и пружину?
Классическая физика утверждает, что результат должен быть еще лучше.. Но интуиция (старого инженера) мне подсказывает, что он уже не будет таким "впечатляющим"!
Спасибо за хорошее настроение 😁.
Вітання з Харкова 😉
@@IurisWorkshop и правильно что сомневаетесь
@@desufa4793 конор?)
How to make a good piezo. Which elements and in what ratio did you use them? I don't think it's possible. I would be happy to check, maybe your piezo is giving more energy. Good video. Lots of views. Best regards.
Look for information about hazardous chemical compounds on the darknet. Otherwise, the dissemination of such information on the Internet is punishable by law.
@@IurisWorkshop so funny, lol
What is the powder for making this
Nice project, what chemicals are used to make piezo crystal?
This is an explosive mixture.
what are the raw materials for "piezo" crystals? ( the red and the blue ones)
Its fake
это секретные реактивы из супер-нано-кварко технологий)))
Normal piezo crystals arę masę out of quartz (silikon)
I have two hypotheses:
1. Tribochemical reaction of two or more substrates,
2. Physical piezoelectric process.
In both cases, the coloring of the elements is only intended to mask the real process for public.
the same stuff used for lighter aka quarts
you can see similar effect when smashing hard candy
Почему пацан из фильма один дома не применил это изобретения для борьбы с ворами? Ведь это изобретение по эффективности похоже на все те что демонстрируются в фильме.
Gotta loved this 😁. Now i understand why kids love science.
The energy applied by the blow is commensurate with that which the nail acquires.
Piezo is German scientist. Gramaphon record pointer called stylus generating the voltage on same principle, what I called diamond point. I think he invented in 1936. We got in college studies in 1970, in physics ( modern physics)
I never heard of a physicist by that name dude. Piezo is derived from Greek “piezein” which means to press or squeeze.
@@georgemalouf4298 yeah, who heard the word piezo and though ah yes sounds like german.
Can you show us these products, used by to produce the piezo effect, i´ve never seen before
What is your piezoelectric material?
Could make a interesting single stage coil gun.
This config could apply a very strong pulling force for a short period. It would have a downside of being very difficult to make a multi stage system with this kind of config though. But with a very strong electro magnet and maybe a stronger striker it has a good bit of potential. Even a larger crystal could have significant effect on such a design. Also there is a pretty big benefit of being very simple with no capacitors or fancy electronics which means zero charge time. This would be something most coil guns can’t do.
Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, the crystal becomes unusable after a few shots.
@@IurisWorkshop that’s kinda sad that it doesn’t have much of a lifetime. I wonder how long a quartz crystal would last.
Seems fishy to me. How is the piezoelectric effect supposed to work, when you add dyes? That would make proper crystallisation impossible.
Also he did not polarized that crystal in right angles to make it useful , it seems fake
It's fake.
I was curious at first - dubious when I saw the "piezo", and then the punch was the "yeah, no." Kicker.
You could, in theory, do something like this, but you would use a much thinner gauge wire. I'm also not too sure how efficient piezoelectric materials are at converting strain to any kind of power - how much of the kinetic energy striking them is available for use by a circuit as some combination of voltage and current.
Its about democrats and republicans
Please tell what are those core crystals made of
You can see the power cable on the left he only made a switch.
Mr what is blue and brown that you make,thank you great video
You have the most translucent skin I have ever seen! I'm not making fun, it's really interesting. I bet the phlebotomists love you! And your video is really interesting too! ☺️
This is the so-called "blue blood" - the fourth group, negative Rh. And this is very bad if a blood transfusion is needed.
I see many comments saying the power is not possible, he also said he is not giving the formula. But if you use your skeptical brains and just think If possible? Did you even consider putting piezo generating materials into Non Newtonian conductive fluids? To store way more than wafer thin examples? Probably not. If he coated the pick up plates with graphene conductive ink it would be even better!
Me making a piezoelectric coilgun after UA-cam removed the dislike button:
If that is really the output then theoretically you can build an anti tank Cannon if you make that battery the same size as the car battery
So far, no one has canceled gunpowder. :)
I skipped to the end only to find out that it's just a catapult... 😐
Unfortunately, I think the best way to harness a man-portable electric-powered weapon is to... use a cordless drill-powered air compressor, and mod a paintball gun to fire something heavy and sharp. Maybe someday we will have a powerful enough battery to make a coilgun that fires projectiles at ballistic speeds. An alternative to the compressed air gun would be a salt water-HHO gun. Since I live in America, gun powdered weapons are available.
А дайка мне рецепт твоего пьезоэлектрика, а то как раз я химик и лаборатория есть, и ты не представишь я и физик и для физики тоже всё есть. И хрен с ним и так понятно что без датчика выключения реле, снаряд встрянет по середине, ну и ладно не удивил, таких много, но у меня больше вопросов по пьезоэлектрику, ведь это фантастика сделать пьезоэлектрик в кустарных условиях так и чтоб он выдавал нужное напряжение для реле, а его нужно не мало. А ну и как же без всеми любимой фальш-досточке где обычно прячут тонны аккумуляторов.
Публикация опасных хим. формул приводит к бану ресурса, а иногда и к сроку. А вообще сейчас многие работают над источниками тока. Вот на днях читал: Конечно без формул. ;)
Looks good but it in opinion it would be a lot more interesting if you could explain what you were doing and using
What chemicals did you use to make the percussion cap?
Unfortunately, the chemical ingredients used in this product are flammable and explosive. Dissemination of information about such chemical reactions can lead to channel blocking and more serious consequences. You can search for similar information on the Darknet.
Саморезы под минус, точно бывший СССР 🤗 тут побывал
Isn’t the power output higher than the power input..🤕
Everything that we cannot understand seems suspicious to us. .
@@IurisWorkshop vioating the laws of thermodynamics seems very suspicious to me...
@@ーテイル i am way to stupid to be sure but yes in theory that shouldn't be possible
just put such crystals in a rotating container so that they bounce off each other, connect it to an electric motor, this gives an unlimited source of energy connect the crystal container with a cable to the engine so that they form a closed circuit we start the whole thing with a string wound on the axle
That's the coolest thing I've seen all day. Shame we can see more details.
Thank you for your comment!
Интересно сравнить: стукнуть просто по снаряду и через эту сложную систему эдс индукции. И посмотреть какая разница. Я думаю что стукнуть напрямую по снаряду было бы эффективнее.
Даже визуально можно сравнить энергию удара гирьки и энергию снаряда врезающегося в банку. У этой устанлвки кпд процентов 1000)
You can't get more energy out of something than you put into it.
@@david2ljdavid2lj56 спасибо кэп
А чего тут сравнивать? Прямой удар отдаст больше энергии, ибо тут минимум три перехода, из механики в электричество, из электричества в электромагнитную, из электромагнитной обратно в механику. У детского пистолетика с пластиковыми шариками кпд выше. Хотя конечно я бы не удивился, если бы по пьезоэлементу шарахнули кувалдой, тот был бы достаточно прочен для подобного и снаряд бы в бетоне дырку сделал
@@winter_lux прям армия будущего - боевые расчеты их двух человек на одну винтовку, один целится, второй кувалдой машет 😄
Научи, как из кухонных приправ и цветной дряни сделать такой эффективный пьезоэлемент
Сначала застрахуйте свой дом или квартиру от пожара и взрыва. :)
@@IurisWorkshop тогда лучше не рассказывай... Человечество пока не готово к таким прорывным знаниям)))
@@tform1 Среднестатистическое человечество бодро деградирует. Это связано с доступностью еды и всякими социальными программами. Теперь не нужно быть умным, чтобы выжить. Двое из трёх, старше восемнадцати лет, думают что Земля вращается вокруг Солнца. :(
@@IurisWorkshop и они глубоко заблуждаются, потому что земля вращается вокруг луны )
@@АндрейАлександрович-ъ3ъ ليس صحيحا ، هي لا تدور أصلا ، لست اعلم كيف سيكون العالم بعد انكشاف الحقيقة
Nice music btw you can replace the catapult with a supercap
Materials to do?
What ingerdiants pizoelectrik
Technical issues hide the real source of current 😂😂😂😂
What is that stuff you mixed up? I would like
To try that.
I want to know the composition of that piezoelectric crystal, but not for making coilguns, but alcohol guns
You can ignite alcohol with a high-voltage discharge. And dangerous chemical formulas cannot be published on the network. This is usually done on the darknet.
Интересно какие потери, если сравнить с передачей импульса от ударной части непосредственно снаряду.
На ствол надо много катушек и много включателей
Можно рассчитать импеданс системы и соответствующие потери.
@@P_ignin потери будут не только за счёт сопротивления и потока рассеяния, но и за счёт низкого КПД пьезоэлектрика, в нём большая часть энергии перейдёт в тепло и потенциальную энергию деформации которая затратиться на отскок ударника и возвращение системы крепления к прежнему состоянию.
@@СергейКарташёв-ы1л если это вообще не фейк и он реально работает.
Тут потери со знаком минус)
Apparently he created a perpetual motion machine that releases more energy than it receives.
No, this is not a perpetual motion machine. It's just a battery, which has a very limited resource. The impact is the catalyst for the reaction.
@@IurisWorkshop which kind of reaction? Thanks
Where do I buy your piezoelectric capacitor?
Nice gun 😉🏆 you should measure the muzzle velocity
cool little project you got there!
Question, wouldnt it be more effectiv to hit the bullter direcly?
Can you please make a video on how to bake a piezoelectric cristal?
I'm sorry, I can't break UA-cam's rules about posting chemical formulas that could cause an explosion or fire.
One of the best projects I have seen.
Ever.....well done
Please can I really know more about those raw materials I mean that chemical connected to the induction coil. I want more enlighten about it
I'm sorry, but the information has already been sold.
you should explain how it works as well
I always do this when I sell some kind of technology.
This is just a rail gun with one electromagnet. You could've used a motorcycle induction coil pulse to power this.
Я как увидел винты с плоским шлицом, мне прям больно стало))) Но видос прикольный. Неужели пьезоэлектрическая пара действительно способна выдать такую энергию?
Это больше химический элемент, для которого давление является катализатором реакции:
Dear you have not mention the chemical name by which you have make pizo . Please reply and mention the chemical name. Thanks.
It’s fake, sorry
Song name?????
Hai boss nice project but what material u used please explenation
Is the loud repaticious noise (music?) a youtube requirement?
If your question is serious, then clarify this question. I don't understand what exactly you are interested in. If you're joking like that, then put a smiley face.
I think that trigger is a switch and there is a trick underneath
Thank you for your comment!
The hand looks glossy
3:55 For some reason I love this hit sound! 😂
Фейк. Пьезоэелемент таким образом создать невозможно. Плюс никакой пьезоэлемент подобных размеров не даст дстаточного тока.
У него есть другое видео на эту тему. Если я верно понял, то тут два варианта:
1)это фейк
2)это химический источник, одноразовый, вроде солевой батарейки. он даёт импульсный разряд при ударе или медленно отдаёт энергию при медленном сжатии. но в любом случае, это несложная химия и чудес тут нет.
@@alexkart9239 нет таких чудесных хим источников, это фейк. Очень жаль что автор опустился до этого. Раньше у него были нормальные ролики.
Может быть. Even if real there is a much easier and cheaper way of propelling a metal object. use solenoid attached to pressure vessel (soda bottle with bicycle valve) activated by a switch.
🇷🇺 Что такое ислам?
🔴 Ислам - это не просто еще одна религия
🔵 Это же послание проповедовали Моисей, Иисус и Авраам.
🔴 Ислам буквально означает «покорность Богу».
🔵 и учит нас иметь прямые отношения с Богом.
🔴 Это напоминает нам, что с тех пор, как Бог создал нас, никому нельзя поклоняться, кроме одного Бога.
🔵 Он также учит, что Бог не похож на человека или что-либо, что мы можем вообразить.
🔴 Концепция Бога кратко изложена в Коране как:
{ Скажи: «Он - Аллах Единый,. Аллах Самодостаточный. Он не родил и не был рожден,. и нет никого равного Ему».}
(Коран, 112:1-4)
🔵 Стать мусульманином - это не повернуться спиной к Иисусу.
🔴 Скорее, это возвращение к изначальным учениям Иисуса и повиновение ему....
If you have a direct relationship with God, why do you need a mullah and a mosque? ?
How do you think we could make a hank cranked
continuess piezoelectric spark mate, somebody apparently made one so they could use the high voltage to create plasma.
Here's with the plasma:
That’s pretty awesome idea so would a ball Bering be a lot better converting into a gunner with all styles and make to the best out of it
как вы считаете какие химпорошки использовались в данном пьезо элементе?
I don't get it, how this is working ????????????
The million dollar question!
@@IurisWorkshop Yes, I still don't get it ;-)
Piezoelectric...... I'm shocked that I know very little about this!! I appreciate you showing me this!!!
Great 👍🏼 👍🏼 video. Let us know the voltage and current produced?
One content, two languages. What I have now written may have a perfect mirror in another language.
А выдерживаются ли свойства магнита при такой встряске. Ведь при механических встрясках свойства магнита могут исчезнуть.
Если вы о снаряде, то он может быть изготовлен из любого магнитного материала (магнетика), например, стали. То есть, магнитом ему быть не обязательно. Снаряд намагничивается под действием магнитного поля, возникающего в соленоиде. Можно стрелять обычными гвоздями.
@@IurisWorkshop Я имел ударный магнит.
@@andr003141 Это просто грузик.
How its work please explain
Exactly the gas lighter formula, here it has been enlarged in the same way so that if more current is produced, then the bigger coil produces more magnetic effect than more current
According to this video, he just built a system that has more than 150% efficient which means it’s creating energy, not possible.
No, this source, although it has unique properties, degrades very quickly. After 10-15 minutes it turns into a stone:
Nope' you can't reinvent the wheel to go faster, by using another wheel?
What are mixed materials?
jus tell what is the salt mix is about
A round pointed projectile isn't going to make a hole that shape. The size of the hole is also too big. If your projectile made that hole, it would have been so deep that it would not have bounced out. I think you made that hole with a Phillips screwdriver.
oh yes it would lol. his projectile isnt that heavy and most definitely would bounce right out. the tip of that is very thin too which the smaller the tip the more force applied to the area of contact so it doesnt take much to puncture that.
At the end of this video, you can see how this Gauss Gan makes holes in a tin can:
What were the ingredients?
...High power piezo ???
сколько витков?
i find it funny how many people are trying so hard to debunk this when its clear they don't fully understand physics like they think or they didn't pay attention to detail.
@Salty Rad It takes about 50V per gram to fire a projectile from a single stage coil gun. That punch is about 25 grams of tool steel (at least). So the piezo assembly would have to generate at least 1250V. The state of the art piezo energy harvesters only achieve about 36V (requiring a lot more force than provided by this spring mechanism). There are about a dozen other issues with this "design".
@@scytaleghola5969 i dont think it was near that heavy. the plastic straw at the end indicates a hollow shell. It must be remembered that to generate energy from any piezoelectric materials it is subject to variability of mechanical load, also depends on the size of the transducer (eg. crystal) and the type of mechanical load, ie. the frequency of vibration. The selection of the appropriate piezoelectric material is of fundamental importance. PZT and KNN are probably the best, but many other materials can also be used. With the piezo material chosen, the piezo layer thickness, the shape of the capacitors and the method of stress generation in the piezo layer should be chosen accordingly. Serial connection of piezo capacitors allows to multiply the maximum voltage generated by the harvester. Increasing the current is possible by using piezo capacitors with a larger surface area. with all that said, he his piezoelectric setup in series which also doubles the voltage output. some of these single setups can produce around 30v so hes probably getting around 60v produced by that. so knowing the current going through the wire is just basic ohms law. V=IR we know the resistance is a static (+ or minus a value dude temp) value. so if the voltage goes up then so must the current. Even if a circuit has a low voltage, it can still produce a high current if the resistance of the circuit is very small. If we go to Ohm's Law, which is I=V/R (Current=Voltage/Resistance), we can see that the smaller the resistance in a circuit, the greater the amount of current is produced.
Alguém sabe o que ele misturo para fazer o piezo?
E que faz a pizoeléteica e o quartzo igual no relógio ele faz a pulsação
I'm not sure that projectile moved faster than if that hammer was hitting right on it's back...
This is not an energy converter. The hammer is only a catalyst for the reaction.
@@IurisWorkshop thanks for the answer. Of course, i understand that, just saying about practical sense of this system.
OUCH,also them center punches hurt a lot.
I enjoyed it, it was great.
Well ,Blast My GIZZARD!! In my day we didn't have coilguns like that!
We still don't...
Thank you for your comment!
Кто знает, какие компоненты намешаны для создания пъезоэлемента?
Поделитесь информацией!
Публикация информации, которая может представлять опасность, например, пожароопасность, взрывоопасность или опасность химического отравления, на UA-cam запрещена. Это точно так же как с наркотиками. Публиковать информацию нельзя, но получить профильное образование, которое позволит их синтезировать самостоятельно, можно.
@@IurisWorkshop разьве пъезоэлемент опасен?
Я знаю способ из винной кислоты и соды, но тут все проще, перемешали несколько компонентов, и всё.
Не думаю что эти компоненты опасны.
Реакция нестабильна, часто приводит к перегреву и возгоранию и иногда с хлопком.
@@IurisWorkshop есть жанр фантастики когда главный герой попадает в средневековье, мне было интересно, сможет ли человек без каких либо специальных знаний, только с общим кругозором создать пьезоэлемент, и на сколько это будет сложно.
Rail gun?