• @GenerationX1984
    @GenerationX1984 8 років тому +861

    Why is it that people (in the United States especially) treat capitalism like it's ABOVE CRITICISM??? I swear, if you criticize capitalism in America, it's almost like you've criticized one of the Founding Fathers. I don't understand why it's above criticism for so many people.

    • @GenerationX1984
      @GenerationX1984 8 років тому +130

      Also, if you criticize capitalism in the U.S. (where I live) people will accuse you of being a socialist. Even if your criticism of capitalism has nothing to do with wanting socialism. It's very messed up.

    • @itzenormous
      @itzenormous 8 років тому +114

      Most people have no idea what Socialism is and think that it is some hard-lined, rigid set of ideals that only function under a Totalitarian structure. All Socialism is, and ever has been, is the critique of Capitalism. I've described to people the way in which large private employers loot the public treasury in order to maximize private profits, and these same people tell me this is Socialism. That just goes to show how clueless and indoctrinated they are, because what I described there, is nothing short of predatory high-class Capitalism. But you are correct, here in the U.S. Capitalism is only second to Godliness. =/

    • @GenerationX1984
      @GenerationX1984 8 років тому +41

      Giles Cox One of the biggest problems is the wealth gap has gotten worse, scams have gotten worse (and more legal), and products aren't made to last the way they used to. People who think the private sector is better than the government don't seem to realize that many private multinational companies *OWN* much of the federal government. Huge private corporations with their donors and their army of lobbyists have got the government by its balls.
      But no. Capitalism is the Golden Calf we worship. Certainly. :)

    • @itzenormous
      @itzenormous 8 років тому +31

      Chris Tubestinks Absolutely. So many people on the Right always criticize Government and proclaim that it "doesn't work." That's by design, it only works for the people that own it, and these people are the very same folks that those on the Right applaud, and refer to them as "job creators." They're more like job destroyers because that's what they've done. The Capitalist model needs to be undone and a new paradigm established. Instead of working for the proverbial "Man" who then takes all of the rewards of your production and siphons away all of the "fruits of your labor" we need to have co-operatives whereby the workers themselves own and run the factories. At every company I've ever worked for, the most useless, obstructive and overcompensated employees in that operation were in Management, but they're not even the problem ... it's the owners of the business, the shareholders and their like who siphon away the fruits of your labor. To them, labor is an inconvenience and they'd much rather you work for nothing and essentially be a slave, which is why they continue to outsource production to those areas of the globe that have been previously ravaged by Capitalism and Colonialism (those 2 are not mutually exclusive but are intertwined).

    • @floppyearfriend
      @floppyearfriend 8 років тому +58

      And even then, it's not like the Founding Fathers should be above criticism. They lived 250 years ago. They had no idea guns would become so advanced. They had no idea capitalist exploitation could get so bad. The World back then was a completely different place, and deciding your every action based on what these old pricks would have said is idiotic.

  • @randyozaeta1026
    @randyozaeta1026 5 років тому +195

    Captialism: an illusion of scarcity in a world of abundance.

    • @travisbrownae
      @travisbrownae 3 роки тому +5

      Capitalism: The idea that you must be a productive member of society in order to reap a proportional amount of benefit.

    • @sinetheeta1683
      @sinetheeta1683 3 роки тому +6

      @@travisbrownae wtf no capitalism:0.001 percent of population of earth exploiting everyone else

    • @travisbrownae
      @travisbrownae 3 роки тому +4

      @@sinetheeta1683can you explain to me how the wealth of one person results in the poverty of another? Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

    • @sinetheeta1683
      @sinetheeta1683 3 роки тому +7

      @@travisbrownae lets say you own a company, under capitalism you have the option to pay people in need, very low wage to work there... it will make you rich but not the workers... it's easier for you to say that because you belong to a first world country(i assume) that is rich because of capitalism, what you don't see are the countries that have been exploited by tariffs on stuff they want to export...

    • @sinetheeta1683
      @sinetheeta1683 3 роки тому +4

      claim of capitalism is that it supplies the thing for which there is a demand, and competition keeps the prices in check... society will work because demand will only be of a thing in dire need, something essential to life... but the interest of company lies in selling expensive homes to already wealthy than affordable homes for poor... rich support rich and the poor are left wanting... it distributes the wealth unequally, that is why capitalism has brought some people of poverty while completely abandoning the others...

  • @ShadaOfAllThings
    @ShadaOfAllThings 6 років тому +70

    Also lets not forget that when you can get "mental health help" it is usually only to the extent that it would make you a proper worker again

    • @KayleneRomero-oz7yz
      @KayleneRomero-oz7yz 7 місяців тому +2


    • @intellectually_lazy
      @intellectually_lazy 6 місяців тому

      replaced cdt, iprt, many clubhouses, throughout nys with pros. cpep in syracuse is like a whole cop shop now. police in auburn abuse er and vice versa. no third option

  • @bernardheathaway9146
    @bernardheathaway9146 5 років тому +86

    That actually helped me by reducing my anxiety because it showed me that others share the same worries and also it provided an alternative..

    • @dasblooop
      @dasblooop 5 років тому +2

      locolo Kuromanhs
      Literally almost everyone. Some hide it better.

    • @elsagrace3893
      @elsagrace3893 3 роки тому +5

      Many will not admit it even to themselves. I think they call themselves Republicans.

  • @mdashfaqulislam6998
    @mdashfaqulislam6998 8 років тому +314

    For many employees in real world:
    -> Work-hours: not negotiable.
    -> Risks and health hazards in workplace: not negotiable
    -> Stress and anxiety in workplace: not negotiable.
    -> Living wage: not negotiable.
    One or all of the above is not negotiable no matter where they seek work. If anybody tries to help solve the situation, whether government or non-government: "HE IS INTERFERING WITH THE MARKET!!"

    • @Daniel-Jack
      @Daniel-Jack 4 роки тому +1

      well have you ever got a job cause hours: you can go part time and safety: is on the employers head (i also normally find is the employees breaking the company policy) 3. Wage: depends on what job.

    • @huckmart2017
      @huckmart2017 4 роки тому

      This is so short sighted. all of these things are negotiable under the right employer. And if they arnt, leave, and find an employer that will. vote with your labor. Jeez, have you ever heard of the concept or a union?! They exist for exactly these purposes. And even in workplaces without them, your employer will generally try to support you if need be.
      I've been on health and safety boards to minimize workplace risk. I've worked part time jobs where hours were very negotiable. I've taken days off work due to mental health problems and even had to leave work on the spot due to panic attacks and my employer accommodated me, and even acted as part of my support network.
      Please get some real world experience before making such pessimistic, sweeping statements

    • @seansanders5959
      @seansanders5959 3 роки тому

      Worse than that: It's considered "evil socialism" . smh

    • @seansanders5959
      @seansanders5959 3 роки тому +3

      @@huckmart2017 Unions have been decimated. Regulations have been cut to bear bones. Healthcare depends on continued employment. Pretty broad? Yes. Also accurate.

    • @Anonamoosemouse
      @Anonamoosemouse 3 роки тому

      Also for many employees in the real world:
      -> Not very physically demanding jobs compared to history with lots of automation making physical jobs less demanding and safer. Deaths in the workplace are low and life expectancy is ever increasing around the world.
      -> The ability to progress with seniority and to earn more money
      -> 33.5 days paid holiday including Bank Holidays (UK average)
      -> More choice of vocation than in history, if you have a skill you can monetise almost anything
      -> The ability to buy cheap food, clothes and other goods that would be scarcely available in history and cost a lot
      -> Individual property rights
      -> Lots of choice in the market so you can buy the product you like rather than the only product available
      -> workers don't take responsibility of company losses when a company performs badly

  • @doubtingmantis
    @doubtingmantis 8 років тому +379

    In capitalist societies we are taught, capitalism is good, socialism is bad. If people objectively examine capitalism they will find it is not much different than slavery. Capitalists will take advantage of others in order to make profit for themselves. If you try to improve your situation and become a landlord, business owner or a CEO, you may become wealthy but it is at the expense of others. The capitalist system forces you to become a slave or immoral. This is why sociopaths are able to become extremely wealthy because of the lack of empathy towards others. In many cases it is impossible for an employer to raise the wages of his worker due to competition from other companies.

    • @doubtingmantis
      @doubtingmantis 8 років тому +30

      twohseven What is your scientific argument for capitalism?

    • @dickchampion5860
      @dickchampion5860 8 років тому +7

      Don't act like you haven't exploited anyone before, even something small. So I'm guessing all that money Bill Gates gives to charity every year doesn't count? If we had higher wages, we would have far higher taxes. If you want to resist capitalism so much don't use a computer, iPhone, TV or anything that was made from labor. One day you will wake up from your socialist coma.

    • @dickchampion5860
      @dickchampion5860 8 років тому +5

      doubtingmantis Its because they worked for it, they deserve their wealth. They are experienced and have far more responsibility, therefore its only fair they get payed significantly far more than the average worker.
      The USA was an oligarchy way before the Koch brothers, its just that it has become very obvious now.

    • @doubtingmantis
      @doubtingmantis 8 років тому +2


    • @dickchampion5860
      @dickchampion5860 8 років тому +1

      doubtingmantis I lost you when you said privilege

  • @aaugoaa
    @aaugoaa 8 років тому +394

    Sounds a lot like slavery to me.

    • @Enlightened_Mint
      @Enlightened_Mint 8 років тому +66

      +aaugoaa it's called wage slavery.

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 8 років тому +34

      How does one feel upon discovering that you're actually a walking commodity?

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 8 років тому +17

      +Leigh David
      I theorized it myself having no idea it was already expounded at length, no joke. It just came to me through some weird intuition, perpetually imbursing commodities, we're commodities holy shit! We're not just greenback chasers our very existence IS wealth, for THEM

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 8 років тому +2

      +Leigh David
      Shortly after, I discovered these videos

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 8 років тому +1

      +Leigh David
      Mind blown

  • @kbs1212
    @kbs1212 4 роки тому +74

    My partner works outside for a large international airline, in -30C weather handling 125 million dollar aircraft carrying millions of dollars of cargo, where the safety of that cargo and human beings onboard depends on them not screwing up. His crew is paid minimum wage.
    But good news! Their union fought extra hard to get them some incentives for extremely cold days. After months of negotiation, the company finally agreed to offer... dollar store cup noodles, plain flavour, limit of one each per shift, and *only* if weather dips below 20.
    That is capitalism for you.

  • @setadriftonfishandchips
    @setadriftonfishandchips 3 роки тому +7

    Capitalism: You can't get in.
    You can't get out.
    You can't get enough.
    You can't get anywhere.

  • @republicofsandles
    @republicofsandles 8 років тому +61

    My government instigated draconian austerity and then had the indulgence to promote "positive mental health," as their propaganda described it.
    I've had some really awful managers.
    The sort of people who will toy with a persons insecurities, whilst encouraging them to share their concerns and distress.
    Sometimes I wonder are capitalists motivated purely by sadism.
    I regret that I've found in practice, there is no level of conformity and subordination that satisfies a manager.
    It not enough to follow orders.
    Managers have prejudices and will repeatedly single you out if you commit violate there definition of how a person should think.
    Hierarchy promotes there perspective above others, regardless of merit.
    I used to think of my world view was extremely simplistic, until I met managers who's sexism & ageism were simply unending.
    The worst amongst us will clime for management positions, exactly because they cannot reason at the same level as most of us.
    They need authority to compensate for their inaccuracy.

  • @thebroodian
    @thebroodian 8 років тому +124

    Great video, small critique, at 12:00 you make the comment that, "Under capitalism [...], your access to goods and services is always contingent upon how productive you are" - obviously it's a bit late at this point, but you might've reworded that "Under capitalism [...], your access to goods and services is always contingent upon your ability to pay" - the reason I say this is because (as you probably already know) capitalism does not pay based upon productivity, it always pays the absolute minimum that it possibly can.

    • @Francois_Dupont
      @Francois_Dupont 5 років тому +11

      i worked in a factory and made about 30,000$ worth of goods every day alone with minimal equipment and 150$ worth of new parts, i have paid 100$ per day. this is capitalism.

    • @gothicfan51
      @gothicfan51 5 років тому +1

      @@Francois_Dupont Yeah but what was the cost of the original materials, not saying you were not exploited obviously you were, reduced as nothing more but a part in a big machine of surplus value extraction but I think we ought to take a realistic view rather than overdramatise things.

  • @SatansFire
    @SatansFire 3 роки тому +7

    > Try to run away into forest to escape hell society
    > Removed for trespassing on private property
    > Try to run away into mountains to escape hell society
    > Your home has been removed for qualifying as littering in conservation space
    I'm so sick of surviving in this.

  • @amosheart5630
    @amosheart5630 8 років тому +21

    okayso homelessness absolutely causes degradation of mental health, but it seems you've ignored the fact that many of us severely mentally ill people live in poverty because of ableism (which is def propagated by capitalism). I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts to explain, but most of those people were mentally ill before becoming homeless and became homelessness because capitalism creates inaccessible workplaces with long hours and insufficient wages while also not creating a sufficient system to provide for those of us who are incapable of work. inevitably, without income or family to rely on (especially when family is steeped in a culture that tells th em we arent trying hard enough to care for ourselves) we end up on the streets.

    • @elsagrace3893
      @elsagrace3893 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, that’s very clear.

    • @bestwitch2931
      @bestwitch2931 4 місяці тому

      It’s both, allot of homeless people are mentally I’ll many others become more mentally unhealthy because of it. Similar with drug addiction someone struggles with mental illness so they use drugs as a coping mechanism which can lead to homelessness but the opposite is also true that many homeless people start drugs as a way of coping with the stressors of being homeless

  • @algo6485
    @algo6485 3 роки тому +10

    I've been doing the same job 25yrs. Never miss a day and rarely make mistakes or do anything unpredictable.. until last year. In the last few yrs I started noticing how Everyone was actually doing less n less and always making huge mistakes in shipping etc..just generally unorganized and uninterested in getting the job done well. Inside I was struggling thinking how in the hell do these people continue to get by and our whole company hasn't just fallen apart. Slowly I realized that it doesn't matter what you do in specifics. You just have to play along at your part and the ball will keep rolling. I dont believe anyone is in control of anything. We are caught up in some perpetual motion machine of some sort.. shit just keeps going on n on..

  • @NWOZweigbueroLissabon
    @NWOZweigbueroLissabon 8 років тому +81

    Dude, what the hell is going on? It looks like half of Prager University's fanbase is running amuk here. Did I miss something?

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 4 роки тому +2

      You set up easy targets, and people have fun knocking them down.
      Flat-earthers get a lot of opponents flooding in too, and they can argue better than socialists.

    • @YEET-yh6qc
      @YEET-yh6qc 4 роки тому +12

      @@kenabbott8585 ok PragerU

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 4 роки тому +1

      Yes, PragerU has fun knocking down ridiculous socialism claims too. But they have a bigger budget than I do.
      And I don't hate them for it, because unlike socialists my life is not entirely ruled by hatred and envy.

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 4 роки тому +1

      @Kaiser Wilhelm II
      PragerU is liberal?

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 3 роки тому

      @Alienation Under Capitalism
      "Yes, because insistently repeating tired old refuted claims over and over again, because you're getting paid by think-tank to do so, must be fun."
      Are you really going to pretend that obvious facts are "refuted claims"?
      "And just because they have more money doesn't mean they're correct or better
      That's why I'm also correct, even though I don't have as much money as they do.
      "Funny hear you say the latter, considering earlier you stated that socialist were stupider than conspiracy theorists, but you totally don't hate us
      The fact that I think you are stupid does not mean I hate you.
      Now, if I thought your very existence was a crime and advocated that you be killed and everything you own stolen, then I would hate you.
      Y'know, like you people do for anybody successful.
      "And no there is nothing envious about wanting return the means of production back to the workers"
      Also nothing in socialism about it. Y'all want to steal it, not "return" anything. And you make up a string of bullshit in a failed attempt to justify it.
      "we don't stupid obsession about accumulating mass wealth no matter the ethical cost, that's a capitalist belief, one that you believe in."
      And that's why socialism never puts production ahead of human lives, like they did in....
      ...oh yeah. Everywhere.

  • @williamhoang4077
    @williamhoang4077 4 роки тому +16

    Capitalists: We support property rights
    Also Capitalists: We will not let you live in your own property without fear of that property being confiscated.

  • @boggo3848
    @boggo3848 7 років тому +99

    Well you've just utterly redpilled me on libertarian socialism.

    • @petercahill6696
      @petercahill6696 7 років тому +14

      Bogdan Vera I think the red pill, at least on the internet, would be more associated with the alt right.

    • @boggo3848
      @boggo3848 7 років тому +67

      That's true, but redpilling implies showing someone the truth, and there's no reason we can't reclaim the word.

    • @DialecticalMaterialismRocks
      @DialecticalMaterialismRocks 6 років тому +7

      Bernie sanders and jeremy corbyn are nor socialist. They re social democrats and they will never abolish capitalism, no matter how hard they quote, marx, Engels, lenin, stalin or mao.

    • @fl00fydragon
      @fl00fydragon 5 років тому +19

      But he's a first step in the right direction.
      Like it or not the only way to replace capitalism is to start with the US. Any other nation would be destabilized. The only exception would be to federalize the EU and make the resulting superstate abandon capitalism and hope to high hell that the US won't go nuclear.
      In other words we have to start there.
      The American people need to get over the demonization of socialism. This will only happen when they see left wing ideology in action making their lives better.
      Hence why Bernie is extremely useful.

    • @Sun-Tzu-
      @Sun-Tzu- 5 років тому +8

      @@petercahill6696 NO! Red is the colour of Socialism!

  • @danielschaffer4705
    @danielschaffer4705 7 років тому +4

    When I was 20 I was homeless, and quickly deteriorated to talking out loud to myself on the street. I had little to eat, was a target for perpetrators, and was often picked up by the police. Now, more than 40 years later, the mortgage is paid off on our house, we have renters upstairs, and I'm blessed with a loving family of my own and an enjoyable career. I'm very, very lucky, and I have an integral understanding of the relationship between mental health and economic security. I correctly fought for both at the same time.

    • @alejandro3702
      @alejandro3702 7 років тому +1

      Except not everyone can be entrepreneurs, and being an entrepreneur still relies on exploitation of workers

  • @ianman6
    @ianman6 8 років тому +168

    Excellent. This may be your best video yet.

    • @NachoBearYeah
      @NachoBearYeah 8 років тому +4


    • @The3AlabamaDummies27
      @The3AlabamaDummies27 8 років тому

      I agree. Does he have any more videos on deceiving socialism propaganda?

    • @tobos8909
      @tobos8909 6 років тому +5

      Jed Kauffmann Yes, you should find them somewhere near a decent counter argument

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 6 років тому +1

      Of course it was, it had a Smith's song.

  • @kevinlee7916
    @kevinlee7916 8 років тому +28

    right when they started playing The Smiths I liked this

  • @diwieolaten8777
    @diwieolaten8777 8 років тому +46

    One hell of a comeback

  • @wanabenerd
    @wanabenerd 8 років тому +186

    Great video comrade. Death to capitalism!

    • @MrDapperton
      @MrDapperton 8 років тому +5

      +wanabenerd Good fucking luck, Chuck.

    • @shroomybaby975
      @shroomybaby975 8 років тому +32

      +Anarchyball go make another shit video with one irrelevant citation and a meme.

    • @shroomybaby975
      @shroomybaby975 8 років тому

      +Laughhouse2go it is :( tanks 4 condolences

    • @mladenmilosavljevic6449
      @mladenmilosavljevic6449 8 років тому +1

      +wanabenerd I love when you write on youtube "death to capitalism" on your iphones, smartphones, pcs, laptops... and other lovley products of capitalism, coorporations and freemarket. :)

    • @shroomybaby975
      @shroomybaby975 8 років тому +16

      +Mladen Milosavljevic yup because you have to live in the forest like Tarzan to criticise the society you live in.

  • @Hy-jg8ow
    @Hy-jg8ow 8 років тому +13

    I would replace the concept of "mental illness" with "distress", because its obvious that the root cause of psychological suffering is socio-economical in the first place and not neuronal. That is, feeling despair in the conditions described is a *rational* or *justified* reaction to objective stressors, and not a sudden "imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain" detached from objective, structural and real problems in living. Given that the psychiatric definition of mental illness treats psychological distress and defense mechanisms as if they were completely or mostly induced by biological malfunction, while its more than clear, that many cases of so called "mental illnesses" can be better understood within a distress and trauma model of psychological suffering in relation to social, economical and personal life events, it follows, that referencing these problems of injustice, poverty and inequality and the reactions to it as being irrational and unrelated to real life causes, as being merely normal diseases of the body (psychiatry), blaming the individual`s brain, is yet just another social control tool which obfuscates the ability of people to see their symptoms of dissatisfaction, sadness, despair, etc as functions of structural aggressions. Instead we are trained to believe that the unnamed or the not easily identifiable source of anxiety and despair, etc (since they are hidden from easy detection in how "things are supposed to work" and propaganda) are real diseases like diabetes, so that the solution to them is not changing the system we are caught up in, but instead pop in a major tranquillizer, which renders us docile, compliant and dull enough to forget and suppress our capability to reflect on our misery and thus - temporarily - feel "ok" and never even being able to attempt to analyze our conditions and come to the conclusion that its our socio-political and interpersonal environments which are metaphorically "sick" not our brains. I therefore object to the usage of the pseudo-scientific concept of mental illness as a bona fide disease, none of the so called mental illnesses have an empirically demonstrated bodily (brain) etiology (the chemical imbalance theory has been discredited and never actually proven), they are labels of social disapproval and control, some of them being simply behavioral and personal style items of cultural and moral disapproval, while others are defense mechanisms against overwhelming problems in living as well as reactions to invisible structural aggressions, injustice and discrimination.

    • @Hy-jg8ow
      @Hy-jg8ow 8 років тому +1

      Sam Barkley Except that biopsychiatry has no interdisciplinary consensus (see academic anti-psychiatry and the different schools of psychology opposed to psychiatry`s reductive and unproven views) and its proposed models to explain "mental diseases", like chemical imbalances of neurotransmitters have never been empirically demonstrated. Never. Feel free to link me a peer reviewed study representative and demonstrative of a "chemical imbalance" causing the labels they assume being illnesses.
      In the meantime I advise you to read the right-libertarian psychiatrist`s critique of psychiatry, namely the works of Thomas Szasz. There is no complete left-right divide regarding this issue.

    • @joshuachen5476
      @joshuachen5476 8 років тому +1

      I generally agree with you, particularly in regards to abnormally prevalent diagnoses such as those of depression, anxiety, and ADHD*, whose recipients are too frequently medicated. However, I wouldn't go the route of completely denying the existence of mental illness. Do you really think that schizophrenia, for example, is a "rational or justified reaction to stressors?" -- its severity may be influenced by external factors, but the capacity for schizophrenia itself is clearly biological. There are probably other examples of mental illnesses with strong biological factors.
      * which is a reflection of the flaws of schooling

    • @Hy-jg8ow
      @Hy-jg8ow 8 років тому +1

      +Joshua Chen I think RD Laing gave a quite good explanation of schizophrenia as being rooted in early-life failures to conform to societal expectations + a toxic family nexus. Genetic predisposition may as well contribute to some aspects of it. But if you look at the label schizophrenia, it does not by itself immediately reveal of how complex a phenomena is captured by it, its a label, it does not explain what it names. In any case, even if there are a few legitimately brain-caused illnesses, those usually get relegated to *neurology* (parkinson`s alzheimer`s, neuropathy, etc) as soon as they get full empirical evidence as to per their organic etiology. As of now, not even schizophrenia have any known, accepted and proven biological etiology, which is too telling to just accept it as such. I may be wrong of course.

    • @vampireducks1622
      @vampireducks1622 6 років тому

      Interesting point. Thanks.

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 8 місяців тому

      Well stated.
      Thank you.
      Exactly what I comprehend as the truth of the matter.

  • @squidcultist0022
    @squidcultist0022 4 роки тому +5

    Depression becomes so much worse under Capitalism, alienation like you've never seen

  • @SocialistPartyofYouTubers
    @SocialistPartyofYouTubers 8 років тому +10

    12:29 In Central Ohio, I've noticed this. There's decaying, vacant homes like Detroit on the west side of Columbus and overcrowding and slum-like conditions here in Licking Conuty.

  • @letheantears2937
    @letheantears2937 8 років тому +119

    YES! I love your content man. Keep up the good work comrade. Solidarity from the United Snakes of Amerikkka

    • @jaydavee
      @jaydavee 8 років тому

      +Socialist Sorcerer Despotic Snakes of Amurdica

  • @ramblinbrushwick
    @ramblinbrushwick 8 років тому +26

    If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to put closed captions on your videos? Or maybe get a volunteer to do it for you? The automatic captions do a decent enough job, but they do make some notable mistakes (e.g. having "70%" rather than "74%"). I'm sure that (potential) viewers of yours who have hearing difficulties would sincerely appreciate it.

  • @Xexizy
    @Xexizy 8 років тому +95

    Really well done, enjoyed it.
    Also, I would recommend picking up a pop filter if you dont already have one.

    • @theswoletariat3479
      @theswoletariat3479 5 років тому +2

      Came here to day this lol

    • @cyberspacesupersoldier
      @cyberspacesupersoldier 4 роки тому

      And a windscreen, too.

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 4 роки тому

      I'd suggest a bullshit filter, but you can do that yourself--just turn the sound all the way down.

    • @____-gy5mq
      @____-gy5mq 3 роки тому +8

      Ken Abbott and a delusional capitalist filter too, to keep people like you out.

    • @user-zy4wv7yx1z
      @user-zy4wv7yx1z 3 роки тому +2

      @@kenabbott8585 Why are you simping for capitalism?

  • @WyattCayer
    @WyattCayer 4 роки тому +19

    Life is just far too complicated today with technology and capitalism coexisting. There are too many people and too few essential jobs of importance left to do. Peoples notion that free will exists is also a big issue in this matter. Everyone get what they get because of luck, even if it doesn't appear that way to you. Even if you feel you have worked very hard to get where you are, it's is still luck. The idea that everyone can work to become wealthy is insane. In a capitalist system, the many are screwed to benefit the few who happen to be lucky. We need to get rid of this human lottery system.

  • @AnnaLiddell42
    @AnnaLiddell42 8 років тому +33

    Great video, definitely worth the wait!
    I hope you make a rant about the animal farming industry, since you briefly mentioned ethics and the environment in this video.

    • @EhAmes94
      @EhAmes94 8 років тому +4

      +Anahí Nuñez Acosta Yes, this is probably one of the worse things we have created in our "modern" world, and one of the worst problems we face.

  • @vojislavl6665
    @vojislavl6665 5 років тому +5

    Watching this in my office. Hating my role and slowly becoming more depressed each passing week. And i'm told I should be greatful. Praise fucking capitalism

  • @loganleatherman7647
    @loganleatherman7647 6 років тому +2

    What makes me most grateful is the fact that no society ever has had pure capitalism. There has always, in every country, been some form of taxation and regulation to moderate the inevitable negative consequences of crony capitalism.

  • @AdamRainStopper
    @AdamRainStopper 8 років тому +31

    Glad to see yougt're starting to feel better. It gives me some hope that I can break out too. Thanks for the video.

  • @AndromedaElysia
    @AndromedaElysia 8 років тому +46

    Thank you for making this video.

  • @nondescriptname
    @nondescriptname 3 роки тому +2

    The first thirty seconds of this video continues to be terrifyingly, increasingly relevant :(

  • @AdamW655
    @AdamW655 8 років тому +17

    I am personally affected by this issue and, frankly, I find all of this infuriating. I can't not watch these video clips, but when I do, knowing the entire analysis to be correct, I cannot help but react to it.

  • @stickyfingersatheavensdoor3823
    @stickyfingersatheavensdoor3823 8 років тому +52

    Good to have you back comrade!

  • @treadyster123
    @treadyster123 8 років тому +4

    UA-cam without you is like the workplace without worker autonomy. Welcome back, mate! :D

  • @JwayT
    @JwayT 8 років тому +6

    Working for Premier Inn put me the closest I've ever been to a breakdown, first job I ever quit in my life. Had nearly three weeks of doing nothing before I even started to look for another job. DON'T work there if you value your mental health! And this is coming from somewhere who has worked in high crime areas where getting knifed and ganged up on by nutty teenagers is an occupational hazard!

  • @CazaamtheAngryAspie
    @CazaamtheAngryAspie 8 років тому +29

    I'm early. Better think of a joke: Murray Rothbard.

  • @djangofett4879
    @djangofett4879 7 років тому +6

    I thought this would be about excessive marketing of pharmaceuticals. This is actually more interesting.

  • @prschuster
    @prschuster 8 років тому +9

    You have wonderfully grim video scenes. They give good ambiance to your narrative. You just described beautifully, the story of my working career. Anyone who doesn't get alienation must have blocked their own feelings to the point of numbness.

    • @elsagrace3893
      @elsagrace3893 3 роки тому

      A country of alcoholics and pot heads. Correct.

  • @IToe4Kids
    @IToe4Kids 8 років тому +2

    An added mental health problem caused by such an anti-humanitarian system as capitalism is that: if one exhibits empathy then knowing of the conditions of one's fellow people, even if one is otherwise comfortable, is highly emotionally jarring.
    To think of other humans lacking in the most fundamental necessities because of a lack of economic power often inspires anger, hopelessness, or some despondent mixture.
    To quote Eugene V Debs: "Now my friends, I am opposed to the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the natural equipment to do for myself, but because I am not satisfied to make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under the old ethic that man's business on this earth was to look out for himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast. Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man. Thousands of years ago the question was asked: "Am I my brother's keeper?" That question has never yet been answered in a way that is satisfactory to civilized society.
    Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality, but by the higher duty I owe to myself. What would you think of me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death?"

  • @nordfreiheit
    @nordfreiheit 8 років тому +36

    I'm a Marxist-Leninist but I thoroughly enjoy your analyses of Capitalism. Welcome back :)

    • @elykpirtsew7280
      @elykpirtsew7280 8 років тому +5

      +Mason Bliss Why the lenninism, comrade? didn't that part of the ideology murder millions? From a socialist.

    • @nordfreiheit
      @nordfreiheit 8 років тому +6

      Alan Westrip
      I disagree with that claim.

    • @downwithjedward
      @downwithjedward 8 років тому +6

      +Mason Bliss its not a claim m8, its a fact. marxism-leninism is the biggest disaster in the history of leftism

    • @nordfreiheit
      @nordfreiheit 8 років тому +17

      It's not a fact lol, it's an imperialist lie. Where do "millions" come from? The naturally occurring famines that ended after collectivization? Or the deaths resulting from intense civil war and violent revolution (non-Marxist-Leninist leftists have done the same)? Did you know that of the "millions of dead from Stalin" they actually include deaths in the Soviet Union during the Nazi invasion?
      What other figures? Executions? Well, they executed Nazis, fascists, and rich landowners who wouldn't peacefully allow the peasants to own the land they worked on. That list bit is definitely unfortunate- but you have to understand that they put up an armed resistance, and got other peasants to fight for them as well. Consider also non-Communist revolutions, like the French Revolution, which killed many thousands of rich people. That movement gave birth to liberal capitalism- and not very many seem to find those killings particularly appalling.
      It's tragic and it could be avoided if the bourgeoisie didn't try to so violently hold on to power. But typically what I see are people (who also claim to be leftists) claim that communists were just as bad as the Nazis- if not worse. Understand where these "facts" come from: literal Nazis, US imperialists, and rich capitalists. All three of those groups are heavily invested in destroying socialism and have waged a century-long war against it.

    • @elykpirtsew7280
      @elykpirtsew7280 8 років тому

      Mason Bliss Excellent response, I wasn't claiming that the communists were just as bad as the Nazis, I was just curious as to why you stated Marxist-Leninist as apposed to simply Marxist. Thanks anyway.

  • @Blubatt
    @Blubatt 8 років тому +18

    Welcome back. Deffo going on the YPD Forums and Facebook Group

  • @HarrysMovingMedia
    @HarrysMovingMedia 8 років тому +5

    Fantastic video. I'd love to pick your brain about a few things but I'm sure you're a busy guy and won't have time to respond to everything. What are your thoughts on the migrant "crisis" we have going on in Europe right now? And do you think prison is a valid method of punishment for those we deem criminal?

  • @prschuster
    @prschuster 8 років тому +1

    A big problem is this notion of rugged individualism that gives people a false sense of independence and self sufficiency. Once they convince themselves that they can do anything on their own, they feel no need to cooperate with others to get their needs met. They don't need a union; they don't need workplace safety standards; they deny feeling powerless over their situation. This is one big problem standing in the way of change.

  • @TheKatanaDan
    @TheKatanaDan 8 років тому +5

    Welcome back man! So glad I follow you on Facebook to get the heads-up this was coming! Gone too long, hope you're well, sound like you've had a shit time of it lately

  • @frankmello8716
    @frankmello8716 8 років тому +18

    So glad you're posting again bud

  • @tophat3157
    @tophat3157 8 років тому +12

    Somewhere, the scotty m.'s of the world are having a fit of rage at the return of L.S.R.

    • @petercahill6696
      @petercahill6696 8 років тому +1

      And before his return I envisioned said Scotty m's throwing a house party as if they've defeated the "red menace."

    • @ElectricUnicycleCrew
      @ElectricUnicycleCrew 8 років тому +4

      +Peter Cahill Scotty is such a horrendous individual

  • @theseusstefanatos8617
    @theseusstefanatos8617 8 років тому

    Glad to see you uploading again! It especially nice that you chose this topic to return on

  • @ravenwaves6785
    @ravenwaves6785 Рік тому +1

    6 years on, this conversation is still not being had frequently enough.

  • @guilherme4960
    @guilherme4960 8 років тому +10

    I truly think that this is one of your best videos ever! Seriously! Congratulations! I really would like to share this in my job, but I would be fired. My boss is a fucking christian fundamentalist, a homophobic bastard.
    Just to say to you that your videos are been watched by people from Brazil!! Again, congratulations! Keep up with such a good political material!!

  • @finnmatthew2839
    @finnmatthew2839 3 роки тому +4

    How are any of us okay with this system?

  • @pettydavis420
    @pettydavis420 3 роки тому +1

    I had a mental breakdown the other day because I have to move because I can't afford my apartment anymore and everything in my price range is run down and shady. I just want to live somewhere safe, clean, and quiet with windows that let in enough light to have plants. That's literally all I want. I have a full time job making $12 an hour and that goal is out of my reach.

    • @zululwarrior5276
      @zululwarrior5276 3 роки тому

      you're in a simulation

    • @pettydavis420
      @pettydavis420 3 роки тому

      @@zululwarrior5276 well then someone better do a quality of life patch or I'm not playing anymore

  • @666greatmetal
    @666greatmetal 8 років тому

    Got some really heavy truth in this video thanks for coming back to us. Your youtube channel means allot to me. And just a side bit of encouragement, remember Bad Mouse Productions was an ancap at one time and is now an ancom thanks to you! btw thanks to you and some other anarchist youtubers (mostly you though) I too went from being an ancap and ancom (that was a long time ago however).

  • @nick281972
    @nick281972 4 роки тому +10

    Just because communism is shit it doesn't make capitalism great, this is the problem. We need an alternative that benefits the whole of society not just the rich and powerful.
    This is how right wing media and commentators get to constantly promote capitalism as the only alternative.

    • @OjoRojo40
      @OjoRojo40 2 роки тому

      "We need an alternative that benefits the whole of society not just the rich and powerful" and that my friend is called communism.

  • @TheRantMaster53
    @TheRantMaster53 8 років тому +8

    Cameron, I fucking love you.

    • @Warriorpend2
      @Warriorpend2 8 років тому

      +TheRantMaster53 It's good to see you in another video, TRM! :)

    • @TheRantMaster53
      @TheRantMaster53 8 років тому +1

      +Matthew Pendleton - You too, man 😀

  • @pushon10
    @pushon10 7 років тому +2

    What are your thoughts on student halls?

  • @NKingTotoro
    @NKingTotoro 8 років тому

    Glad to see you back! Hope you're taking care of yourself the best you can.
    Fantastic video, too. I think this may be my new favorite of yours.

  • @ASKpq
    @ASKpq 7 років тому +4

    Good video. I think the myth of individualism has a problematic effect, too. Individualism means that we don't connect the dots of our world together to paint a holistic picture, where politics, psychology, culture, art and simply being a human being are intertwined, bouncing off each in an interdependent space - which is what you have shown really well in this video. In our overly scientistic society, we're taught to frame reality as an atomised set of things, disparate from each other; and that divide-and-conquer framework that is conditioned into our very consciousnesses means that we do most of the divisive work ourselves.
    I'm glad you focus on the psychological effects, since we are just human beings at the end of the day. We have very simple animal needs that need to be seen to, so this is where we should start every societal discussion. It's a fight for the liberation of our very consciousnesses, our collective unconscious. Cool video.

  • @nielsgiesbers6309
    @nielsgiesbers6309 3 роки тому +3

    I think capitalism is the seed of almost all problems that we have to deal with in the current day.

  • @ojogolikeaboss
    @ojogolikeaboss 8 років тому +1

    welcome back!!! i hope you are better. great video it made me crie at the end lol.

  • @deborahhaddick3616
    @deborahhaddick3616 7 років тому

    I love how informative, humorous, and well-researched your videos are.

  • @JlkKlj321
    @JlkKlj321 7 років тому +8

    It's not CAPITALISM IT~IS 🐮CATTLE-PITALISM🐄... Within the hopes this helps ... Cool broadcast 👍!!!

  • @normalstupid
    @normalstupid 8 років тому +3

    For years, I worked as a security guard, and for years my self esteem got dragged through the mud by what you call "bureaucrats", and by my bosses. I finally quit, or I actually rage quit, when I couldn't take anymore. I decided to do what I want, and started up as a photographer, as I've got sort of an education as one. Now, I am constantly worried if I'll be able to pay my rent, if I can afford food, and clothes, and I've never been happier because I am my own boss! Seriously, if you have the chance to break out of a shitty job that makes you sick, do it!

    • @brunoc9423
      @brunoc9423 5 років тому

      Royal_Blood Gaming Well I don’t think a free entrepeneur like you would fare well in a socialist country like Venezuela. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @rain6957
    @rain6957 6 років тому +1

    Had a co-worker who was under performing for a couple weeks and our manager suggested he may be depressed, I applaud her for that, but the option presented to him was to take an unpaid leave of absence. That's all to say, I'm feeling this video in my soul

  • @comradefreedom8275
    @comradefreedom8275 2 роки тому

    What's the name of this song? Who's it by?

  • @JoelRiter
    @JoelRiter 7 років тому +5

    I love all the hate comments. It's especially fun because they provide absolutely no rational arguments or cited arguments to disprove any of this.

    • @DaDandyman
      @DaDandyman 6 років тому

      Link a rebuttal, name some countries.
      It's not hard.

    • @DaDandyman
      @DaDandyman 6 років тому

      Nope, you're genuinely wrong there. There are countries that adopted socialism and prospered, though short-lived because of annexation into a capitalist or fascist nation.
      For example: Revolutionary Catalonia.
      Other countries adopted socialist policies and systems, and while still being far from first world, have improved from economic stagnation. Not trying to paint Venezuela as the best place ever, but before socialist policies were put into place, Venezuela was doing much worse than it is now.

  • @LeftSideLibertarian
    @LeftSideLibertarian 8 років тому +4

    Thank you for bringing up gentrification. Living in Portland Oregon, the fastest gentrifying city in the United States, it's frustrating to see how little it is often talked about when discussing contemporary capitalism.

  • @Racecarlock
    @Racecarlock 8 років тому

    What are these old cartoons called and where can I find them?

  • @autolycuse2554
    @autolycuse2554 Рік тому

    I would love to know where the clip shown at 3:44 is from.

  • @Bigglesworthicus
    @Bigglesworthicus 8 років тому +13

    We need to revive Situationism and snap people out of this alienating hellscape.

  • @Maphisto86
    @Maphisto86 8 років тому +3

    Good video! Though when I watch this I feel like I have heard these good arguments for years but are remarkably at a loss on what needs to be done.

  • @OBZRV82
    @OBZRV82 8 років тому

    I think it's The Cure, but what song is this at..3:25??

  • @schitzie
    @schitzie 7 років тому +1

    I know this video is old, but thanks. This topic is incredibly important to me, and having it in a video like this helps me a lot.

  • @TeastaCS
    @TeastaCS 8 років тому +6

    I cried a little at the end...

    • @The3AlabamaDummies27
      @The3AlabamaDummies27 8 років тому +2

      I know, he made it sound like we shouldn't work and focus our time on doing fun enjoyable stuff. I cried because this is nothing but propaganda

    • @twohseven
      @twohseven 8 років тому

      +Jed Kauffmann it's a child who never grew up into an adult.

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 6 років тому +1

      Keep believing that participating in anti-politics and libertarian fringe elements will lead to prosperity.
      Say good-bye to standards. And say hello to a 16 hour work day, a 50 cent an hour wage, lead in your water, mercury in your drugs, and everything that deregulated capitalism offers.

    • @hyperx72
      @hyperx72 6 років тому

      Anonymous DueToFascists
      And how exactly are these "anti politics" and how would they lead to that hyperbolic future you claim?

    • @hyperx72
      @hyperx72 6 років тому

      Anonymous DueToFacists
      Ahh, That was a stupid comment of mine, sorry for mis-interpreting your arguments.

  • @blackcat229
    @blackcat229 8 років тому +5

    Yay new video

  • @primaryendo
    @primaryendo 8 місяців тому

    New subscriber here.
    This video, especially the part about how many vacant houses and the number of homeless people in the US reminded me of Kropotkin's quote: 'well being for all is not a dream'. Everybody could have a home and not fear being mercilessly thrown to the streets.
    Keep up the good work mate!

  • @markwinchester5434
    @markwinchester5434 8 років тому +2

    Glad you're creating again. Well done video as always.

  • @Specopleader
    @Specopleader 8 років тому +5

    And yeah you could make a rant video on Paul Watson's 'Capitalism is Great'. So much gold. That would be great.

    • @music4thedeaf
      @music4thedeaf 8 років тому +1

      +Aurora do you know why paul watson has so many subs? the guy is a reich-wing conspiracy theorist nutcase.

    • @Comrade_Dolphin
      @Comrade_Dolphin 5 років тому

      He did

  • @33Crazydude
    @33Crazydude 8 років тому +7

    Good video

  • @thelouster5815
    @thelouster5815 3 роки тому +1

    The inherent problem with Neoliberal Capitalism is that it’s sole goal is for the indefinite growth and accumulation of capital. This culture of cancer is perpetuated by the shareholder model.
    The true endgame for a functioning Capitalist system is to provide the best good or service to the consumer and their workers. Content workers produce content consumers.

  • @jamiethecommie546
    @jamiethecommie546 8 років тому

    Hey I've been traveling so I've been away from UA-cam for a while it's great to see your better also i would like to thank you I found you channel a few month ago and your older videos are what helped me become an anarchist for a while I was a social dem but your stuff along with bad mouse are what pushed me in the right direction towed anarchism.

  • @andyanderson100
    @andyanderson100 8 років тому +25


  • @royorbit3800
    @royorbit3800 8 років тому +3

    Reminds me of Charlie Brooker

  • @tombicknell5868
    @tombicknell5868 8 років тому +1

    Good to have you back.

  • @meadowsirl
    @meadowsirl 8 років тому

    Your popping mic made me think my 3d printer reel malfunctioned. I quit a perfectly good print for no reason. Worth it for your respectable video.

  • @demetriosk3650
    @demetriosk3650 8 років тому +12

    do a video all about the kurds and the autonomous region in Rojava

  • @femaleenergy7715
    @femaleenergy7715 6 років тому +3

    Who actually disliked this vid?!?

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 4 роки тому

      Everybody who understands economics and/or history.

  • @loganrobinson1269
    @loganrobinson1269 7 років тому

    Anyone know the references for the data used? I'd be keen to do a lit review and potential research on this topic.

  • @nicktheclicker
    @nicktheclicker 8 років тому +1

    Welcome back Cameron! And great video, as always

  • @BladeValant546
    @BladeValant546 5 років тому +3

    Wow..... You really made strong points. Also socioapthy and psychopathy are on the rise.

  • @samuelrobertson1567
    @samuelrobertson1567 7 років тому +5

    Great video! Fucking spot on.

  • @Blacktor13
    @Blacktor13 8 років тому

    This was put together really well. I will for sure be referencing this video and give you credit.

  • @AzelfandQuilava
    @AzelfandQuilava 8 років тому +2

    Jesus, that was heavy.
    What a great comeback video.

  • @scvnthorpe__
    @scvnthorpe__ 8 років тому +6

    That ending though.
    Community is sadly undervalued today

    • @GlamStacheessnostalgialounge
      @GlamStacheessnostalgialounge 8 років тому +1

      Considering the constant propaganda all people are being fed today,I'm surprised that there are as many Communists today as there are.I believe it's the internet to thank.

    • @scvnthorpe__
      @scvnthorpe__ 8 років тому

      +Your Average Commie I still need to get down to reading some actual literature on the subject.
      Currently I'm thinking 'what if companies functioned like democracies?' but I'm nowhere near firm on what I think tbh.

    • @GlamStacheessnostalgialounge
      @GlamStacheessnostalgialounge 8 років тому +2

      That would be impractical.A better way is for workers to run their own factories,which has been tried and tested in Yugoslavia.Also you should start by reading the good old fashioned Communist works of Marx and Engels.

    • @scvnthorpe__
      @scvnthorpe__ 8 років тому

      +Your Average Commie k

    • @austinbundrick3192
      @austinbundrick3192 6 років тому

      Silverknight171 How are they doing this and where is your proof?

  • @bingodoodle5984
    @bingodoodle5984 8 років тому +6

    Love your videos man . Keep it up. So informative. Love from Ireland!

  • @TheSmallSalmon
    @TheSmallSalmon 8 років тому

    Very glad to see you up to this content again.

  • @sceneable8437
    @sceneable8437 6 років тому

    Since 2018 started, I, as a child, have felt depressed. And I am incomprehensibly happy I found this video.