ALL THE GOALS: Every Ronaldinho strike for Barça!
- Опубліковано 26 гру 2024
- Ronaldinho spent four seasons at FC Barcelona, lighting up the Camp Nou with his dazzling skills and incredible goals. Take a look back at every strike from the Brazilian in the blaugrana!
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📢 REPLY BELOW: What is your favourite Ronaldinho goal for Barça? 👇👇👇
his goal against Chelsea
Backward kick against villareal secend goal of em classico in bernabueo
Anyone knows the name of the second music?!
All of it
How interesting his first and last goal both phenomenal... What a legend
all were good :D
The goals are not in order.
@@deepakpatra2011 The first goal in this video actually is Ronaldinhos first goal for Barca, the last goal in this video is in fact his last goal for Barcelona as well...
@@deepakpatra2011 I think they are.
I was thinking the same
Happy b'day to the legend
The magician ronaldinho
Pranav Gaykar subscribe for me ❤️🇦🇷
I did
Ele era o melhor
This Is The Man That Made Me Fall In Love With BARCELONA! Forever!!!
Even football
Yeah, he made fall in love with both. I was a Barca fan before his arrival. But never enjoyed football as much as when he played. Messi is the GOAT. But Ronaldinho is MAGIC 😃
Same here bro, been a Barca supporter since 2004..
And thats why he is legend
It is not only about goals
He is the one who made me love football
14 minutes of absolute brilliance, you can feel the passion he played with
He was the one and only who changed Barça from a depressive state. His smile with all his crooked teeth at the time was just so innocent and energizing. His football was just pure magic. I am sure even rivals had to just watch what he was gonna do next. Amazing, simply amazing but unfortunately the huge contracts and fame cut this genius career short from FCB. Heck, he should be retiring now! Can you imagine if he had the career focus of Messi or even Ronaldo? Regardless, great memories. Amazing. Thank you.
The Greatest footballer in my opinion, he made me fall in love with football
Thank you R10❤
Probably the most gifted player of all time.
Ronaldinho cambió la historia de Barcelona
Когда Роналдиньо с мячом жить становится веселей! Лучшие дриблер всех времен!
when it comes to the best football player to me, it is either messi or this guy. I beleive Messi is a more complete player, but Ronaldinho is the joy of football itself.
Ronaldihno is football
Agree. Messi is better but ronaldinho is way more entertaining
@@ルリ-ruri All playmakers are more entertaining basically
Who would you say is more naturally gifted though?
I believe if Dinho trained hard and stayed discipline he would have been the greatest. He hasn't achieved as much as Messi has.. but let's admit, he could do everything messi can, and then some more than the G.O.A.T himself can.
In the end im just glad to have witnessed both number 10s... if there was to be no more football.
@@CallmeDre3000 He wasnt as consistent as messi, thats probably the big difference
This is an idiot comment.
Since when did Messi not do the same
@@prometheustv6558 messi doest have skills. His style is boring. Very simple and effective but no flair.
@ he doesn’t need flair to dribble past an entire team that’s why he’s the greatest
*Exactly What I Was Waiting For. The Player That Made Me Watch , Love And Play Football.*
Because of watching him, I became a Barcelona fan 💯🔥🇧🇷
Legend and absolutely in my top 3 players of all time! Dinho makes you smile
La sonrisa del fútbol, gracias Ronaldinho por hacerme amar el fútbol. Hermosa recopilación ❤❤
Ronaldinho, the man who can dance while playing football.
*I can’t do either of those things.*
Todos saben que desde que llegó al FC Barcelona cambió todo, el mejor de todos los tiempos, mecenas de Messi nuestro mejor jugador, el jugador que era feliz y nos hacía felices a todos los culés, grande Ronaldinho lo más alegre que he visto dentro de la cancha, un abrazo a toda la familia Barcelonista, cuídense en estos tiempos difíciles, visca barça. ❤
No, de hecho el que cambio el rumbo de ese barcelona fue edgar davids, con su media temporada desde que llego en invierno, con ronaldinho las cosas no salieron bien al principio, a mitad de su primera temporada, el barcelona iba decimo en liga, y es evidente que la llegada de davids cambio el rumbo. Por cierto, casi todos los goles de Ronaldinho son de penalti, pero ahí nadie dice nada eh...
Imagine Barca's best 11 played now in their best form.They would be unstoppable.🔥🔥🔥
nabeel sarwar subscribe por mi ❤️🇦🇷
@@sanjaysirju thierry henry ??
@@ayansengupta1882 barca henry is on decline and very different with arsenal henry. Our best lw is ronaldinho and neymar
@Llama koeman for pique tbh
@Llama what about david villa
Ronaldinho is goal machine!
Penalti machine
Ronaldinho is what you will call a "COMPLETE FOOTBALLER". Just like Pele before him. He got speed,stamina,dribbles fabulously ,shoots well, good header, wonderful free-kick taker, amazing penalty taker and clinical goal scorer. What more could a player have, he's got it all.
9:54 the greatest entertaining footballer of all time
When u forget ...such a amazing penalty taker he was.....
His free kick ratio is best ever alongside beckham
@@factspk373Juninho ?
Every player from Brazil always gives beauty to Barcelona and one of the best from Brazil belongs to Barça. He is a field magician for Barça. All players will miss players from Brazil like Roni10.
2:24 He actually scored two goals
So much passion and skill. What a legend
Every goal is pure joy to watch
Ronaldinho smile in a Barça jersey was infectious 💙❤️, The good old days! Greatest club on the 🌏
Happy Birthday Legend🎂🎉🎁 ❤️💙
Shifa Islam Ronaldinho 🇧🇷❤️
@@asafsergiotarazipuertorica6398 Yes💪
Thank you for the video! ♥️
My favourite player!
for sheer joy of watching, i don't think ive enjoyed watching a player or even an era more than this. smiling right now thinking about the greats Ronaldinho went up against: Zidane, Henry, Lampard :D
Happy birthday to Ronaldhino, Griezmann, and ME! Glad to share a birthday with two of the greats🥳🎂
P-C Grygiel subscribe por mi ❤️🇦🇷
Jordi Alba too
Yo igual
happy birthday :)
4:53 phenomenal!❤
Thank you! Brings back beautiful memories from my teen years, those were the days!
This man is the reason i started falling in love with football
no entiendo porque o como hay personas que le ponen dislike a este video tan hermoso
All B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!
Loved the way he played the game. Little kid living his dream.
The legend who makes me love football besides Messi. The way he played football was an art.
Más completo que Messi, simplemente la magia que poseía Dinho. Lástima que prefirió la fiesta; hubiera conseguido un sinfín con el Barça. Dejó que brillara Messi. Humilde hasta en eso.
Ronaldinho made me fall in love with football! So sad to see where he is now
every goal of him is full of MAGIC
woah i've never forget his goal versus Villareal november 2006 barça champion of the winter... long live Legendinho & get well soon because we missed you.
Crack el mejor, no sabías si estabas feliz o molesto siempre con la misma sonrisa
13:52 his last goal for Barca was great
No he visto un talento así en mi vida 🔥🔥
Free the goat 😭🐐 🔥🙏🏼
milo miriam Everyone should get what they deserve, there are more important things in this world than just football.
Free Messi 😆
Ya fan of Barca eh?
Pra mim é o melhor de todos os tempos.....
Cristiano Ronaldo
Minha lista top 10 de todos os tempos que eu vi jogar.
One of the reasons I became a fan of Barcelona!! I miss the glory days
dinho was so good, that he even could admit that he is not the best player at barcelona after winning his 2nd ballon d'or ^^ thanks for teaching the messi (o: we owe you a lot and the way you left/had to leave was not so nice )=
Best spectacular player in the history of football
Probably one of the best players ever!
Bruxo 💓💓🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👏🏿
A true baller. Man was just rude 🔥😂
Every single goal of him was spectacular for me !
Pure passion and talent😭❤️💙🔥
El mejor del mundo ❤
Ronaldo, Romário, Ronaldinho= Barcelona= Brasil
Incrível como ele chegou com um golaço e foi embora com outro golaço
El fue el mejor jugador del mundo y le enseñó a hacer magia a Messi
My favourite goal is that against Chelsea FC in 2004!
Ronaldinho is the best player of all football history. I've never seen someone like he. He was my ídol when I was a child, and now also.
I think Messi is Messi, one of the biggest players in the History and also actually the best because he learned high competition football with a magician with the ball.
R10 I miss you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🥳
The BEST PLAYER My Favorite player the reason i love Barca. Thanks Ronaldinho Xavi Messi Iniesta Puyol Dani Alves Jordi Alba Etoo Luis Suarez T.Henry Sergio Busquets Cruyff Rivaldo Ronaldo Pep Guardiola Deco Koeman Romario Laudrup Maradona Valdes Zubizarreta Ter Stegen Pique Neymar Abidal Pedro Villa Mascerano
Esse foi fenômeno
Ronaldinho is one of goat's he is an amazing the way he played was amazing
Feliz Cumpleaños Ronaldinho, Dios te bendiga siempre y gracias por toda esa magia q nos dejaste en barcelona🤙🎁
O melhor de todos os tempos💕
The best of all time
Happy 40 birthday Dinho💔
This man was a joy to watch. He made football look easy through his effortless technique and trademark smile.
@@targetman9746 👍
@@CaptainYEE 👍
Lo más grande del planeta fútbol ❤💙
Still one of my favorite players of all time!
Гениальный бразилец. Мастер за игрой которого всегда скучаешь
Ronaldinho The Legend! Visca Barca❤️
LoL subscribe for me ❤️🇦🇷
Hbd true legend
Tnx for bringing camp nou to live
Our Legend. Our First Love Of Barca. Our FOREVER RONALDINHO
La magia del futbol! El diño el major jugador de la história
Ronaldinho Messi combo , most beautiful football I have ever seen
Many epic goals
Grande ronaldinho El futbol te extraña
Gracias por tantas alegrías esos años, R10!
My number one favourite player to watch growing up, he was pure football, entertainment and theatre !
Wow he was like a thunder very speed and powerful .. What a legend
King of skills ❤
Grande Idolo!
Love his Brasillian style football
En jugador más feliz del mundo jugando al fútbol
Ídolo o BRUXO 🧙🏾♂️🧙🏾♂️🔥🔥
PJL BRUXO, vc vai sair dessa fera !!!
Zlatan ZLATAN subscribe por mi ❤️🇦🇷
His energy and passion! His smiling face!
Thank you so much for uploading this beautiful video ♥️♥️
Ronaldinho fue el mejor de la historia del fútbol ♥️♥️
هو من جعلني أشجع برشلونة لقد كُنت مدريدياً
This man made me fall in love with football
Nem lembrava de tanto gol de cabeça... jogadoraço! Pena que Ceará lhe arrancou a alma...
Ronaldinho el mejor una leyenda
Nadie en el fútbol hizo lo que hizo Ronaldinho en el campo! Messi y excepcional pero Ronaldinho era la personificación del fútbol. Si el fútbol se traduce solo en números Pelé, Messi y Cristiano fueron los mejores pero si analizamos el fútbol desde el lado del espectáculo y la magia de Ronaldinho fue lo mejor que ha existido sin lugar a dudas.
Pienso EXACTAMENTE lo mismo ❤️🤙
Always remember it was not his goals which made him great... It was his game and smile
What a champion!
Ajuda o Ronaldinho Barça ele tirou vcs de um quarto escuro acho que agora é a hora de tirar ele do quarto escuro que está vivendo...👐👐👐👐🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏