CCI explanation

  • Опубліковано 25 чер 2024
  • Transcript:
    Hello. You may have seen this picture saying congratulations for passing conference interpreting or something like that. First, I’d like to say thank you to those who have sent their congratulations, as well as a general thank you to the deaf community and the interpreter community for providing me with support, and encouragement. However, at the same time I've had people ask what it means, what about the old level 2, 4, 4? If it means International Sign? So, I thought I would make a video to make it clear. NAATI have had some changes and so I want to make sure everyone knows what this means.
    In the old NAATI system, they used level 2, 3 and 4. Four was very rare, but there were level 4 interpreters. Those levels have now finished. We don't use them anymore. Now we use CPI, Certified Provisional Interpreter. Then CI, Certified Interpreter as the next level up. And then CCI, Certified Conference Interpreter above that. CPI is a test of both languages, Auslan and English. CI is a test of both languages, Auslan and English. At the CCI level there are two different tests that you can do. One is Auslan into English and the other is English into Auslan. Two different tests. You can do both, but they are two different tests that you need to do and pass. They're very separate credentials.
    I have finished the Auslan into English test. My test was deaf people signing and then I would interpret into spoken English, and I am certified to do that at a conference level. The other test English into Auslan I haven't got that credential. There are people around Australia who have one or the other or both. In WA we haven’t yet, because we're very small, but around the country we do have other people who have conference certifications in or the other or both. I know one person who has both.
    Because that's NAATI, it only deals with Auslan and English. One person asked me about International Sign, and that's very separate. International Sign does not come under NAATI. International Sign accreditation comes under WFD and WASLI. Separate systems and I have not done those tests. I've only done tests through NAATI.
    OK, I hope that's clarified what that means, and again I want to thank everyone, I've been a little bit sick lately and so to see people saying nice things helped me feel better. Thank you again, and if there are any questions about conference level, about the different tests or any other things about NAATI, I'm happy to answer your questions. Thanks.