Greetings Dan and TurretinFan. Thank you for this EXCELLENT discussion. I am almost finished working on a paper on this very topic: “Original Sin and the Guilt of Adam’s Sin Imputed to His Posterity: Defended.” I have spent almost a year gathering resources and interact with Adam Harwood’s arguments. I reference and provide extensive quotes from 23 commentaries, 47 systematic/dogmatic theologies, etc., 34 books, 11 confessions of faith, and 20 articles. TurretinFan, you may find some useful information in this paper for your (hopefully) upcoming debate on the topic. If you are interested, let me know, Keith. Also, for what its worth, I provided a 4 part critique in response to Leighton Flower’s video, Guilty From Birth? Leighton acknowledges that he gets much of his argument from Harwood.
Greetings Dan and TurretinFan. Thank you for this EXCELLENT discussion. I am almost finished working on a paper on this very topic: “Original Sin and the Guilt of Adam’s Sin Imputed to His Posterity: Defended.” I have spent almost a year gathering resources and interact with Adam Harwood’s arguments. I reference and provide extensive quotes from 23 commentaries, 47 systematic/dogmatic theologies, etc., 34 books, 11 confessions of faith, and 20 articles. TurretinFan, you may find some useful information in this paper for your (hopefully) upcoming debate on the topic. If you are interested, let me know, Keith.
Also, for what its worth, I provided a 4 part critique in response to Leighton Flower’s video, Guilty From Birth? Leighton acknowledges that he gets much of his argument from Harwood.