Oh hey I created Dewdrop! She was a concept I sent in for the first BFDIA skin contest however she never made it in due to the horrible update schedule at the time. Her original concept art looked a lot different than the announcement art drawn by one of the HRS. Her entire body was a blue to teal gradient, she had a flower on her head and her facial expression was more pleasant. Kewl vid
Hewwo Cherrii! Would you like to audition to animate in Spongymon? I saw your animations and you can be the perfect candidate for a animator. We would love for you to help us animate Spongymon I’m also collaborating with FlyingCatConductor so yeah…. You can animate for us if you want. Thanks for listening and good day!
I kinda want these skins that I made Zombie puffball Fire match Tapped marker Dead rocky Shovel ruby Bomby fuse lit Easter egg eggy Ledless pencil Saw pencil
Anything is better than doodle pencil istg /j ALSO FOR MY REAL OPINIONS 1. Bandit Pen (HE LOOKS EPOK AND I HAVE A GOOD OPINION ON COWBOYS AND I LOVE PEN) 2. Zombie Pen (EPIK should use this instead) 3. Superhero match (I don’t like match that much but I do like the design so yeah) 4. Space princess leafy (I don’t really like leafy but I do like space! and don’t really care about princesses) 5. Headphones TB (Literally just TB with headphones but it’s atleast better than the GB one) 6. Ruby with that one dress (I forgot her name) She looks cool I guess but I’m not into girly stuff (do I look like a girl to you?) 7. Strawberry milk ice cube Oh the amount of wannabe young rude preppies are going to use this lump of shi- 8. “Tree” match Put 2 existing characters….thats a cool skin right???? RIGHT? -Sakura INC 9.Overgrown rocky Same opinion as cherry but I despise it more 10. Dewdrop Bro thinks he’s REWIND💀 11. Bubonie NO
skibidi cherrii
Rocky got some drip bro
Cherrii is scrapped!
Oh hey I created Dewdrop! She was a concept I sent in for the first BFDIA skin contest however she never made it in due to the horrible update schedule at the time.
Her original concept art looked a lot different than the announcement art drawn by one of the HRS. Her entire body was a blue to teal gradient, she had a flower on her head and her facial expression was more pleasant.
Kewl vid
1:58 when i heard “space princess leafy” it immediately made me think it was going to be lumpy space princess from adventure time, just green
Even tho ice cube isn't my fav character I've wanted pink ice cube for SO LONGGG
Didn’t they added that one pen skin for Halloween?
They shall add black hole with bracelet (tpot 4)
You need to talk about projectTEMI someday, it brings a lot of object show characters and a lot of minigames to compete in
Hey cherrii im Namei’s Cousin
The second one look like profiley I’m gonna be honest
3:49 be like him! Very Naughty 😈 (nice video)
Hewwo Cherrii! Would you like to audition to animate in Spongymon? I saw your animations and you can be the perfect candidate for a animator. We would love for you to help us animate Spongymon I’m also collaborating with FlyingCatConductor so yeah…. You can animate for us if you want. Thanks for listening and good day!
I pretty wish trendy shoes rocky could get added
I kinda want these skins that I made
Zombie puffball
Fire match
Tapped marker
Dead rocky
Shovel ruby
Bomby fuse lit
Easter egg eggy
Ledless pencil
Saw pencil
Anything is better than doodle pencil istg /j
1. Bandit Pen
2. Zombie Pen
(EPIK should use this instead)
3. Superhero match
(I don’t like match that much but I do like the design so yeah)
4. Space princess leafy
(I don’t really like leafy but I do like space! and don’t really care about princesses)
5. Headphones TB
(Literally just TB with headphones but it’s atleast better than the GB one)
6. Ruby with that one dress (I forgot her name)
She looks cool I guess but I’m not into girly stuff (do I look like a girl to you?)
7. Strawberry milk ice cube
Oh the amount of wannabe young rude preppies are going to use this lump of shi-
8. “Tree” match
Put 2 existing characters….thats a cool skin right???? RIGHT?
-Sakura INC
9.Overgrown rocky
Same opinion as cherry but I despise it more
10. Dewdrop
Bro thinks he’s REWIND💀
11. Bubonie
Wait actually why don’t we do a collab? Me and you and grapei
@@AnotherName8 not with grapei I don’t fw him anymore
@ why? What kind of beef did you all get in?
@@AnotherName8do u got like discord or smth like that so we can discuss there
@ Friend Theblockydude
I feel like this are just mostly joke skins 3:26 (or maybe some scrapped April fools update)
2:27 bro this reminds me defenetly off the puffulles from club pienguin
Omg it’s littel
Cherri when u said bubboine u showed revamped bubble and hypercrystal sooo…….
I am glad Tree Match was not added, it looks so weird
Fake bfdi fan holy shit
long legs icy skin is lost media???
@@OSCslab that’s a thing?