1000 Salawat recited in al-Sahlah Mosque الصلاة على محمد وآله مكرر ١٠٠٠ مرة مع العداد في مسجد السهلة

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • 1000 Salawaat ("O God send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad") recited inside al-Sahlah Mosque (Masjid al-Sahlah). Gain the blessings of this mosque by listening.
    Metaphysically, this mosque carries the energy of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi, the Awaited Saviour who ushers in the kingdom of heaven on the Earth together with the Prophet Jesus Christ. The 12th Imams energy is heavenly, with the highest spiritual vibration and light. This means that it will remove all kinds of negativity and low vibrations from you like sadness, grief, anguish, fear, worries, anxiety, etc. It may also manifest with physical symptoms, as bad energy can be purged from the body by this high vibrational energy (don't be surprised if you fall sick right after visiting this mosque in Iraq). This is essentially the energy of enlightenment. It forces you to let go of every negativity, grief, bitterness, and darkness. It means you have to learn to forgive and let go, to have utter faith in God, to be pleased with His decree on you, to choose to let go of the sadness in your life, and to be a positive good human being- all of which is not easy and is difficult for all who journey the spiritual path, and these are the consequences of the 12th Imams energy. The energy also has a vibration of righteousness, which only a representative of God is worthy of carrying. Finally, there is a hidden vibration of a ferocious vengeance and frightening power, called ru'b in Arabic, this will most likely become more manifest after the Imam rises.
    Metaphysically, the salawaat gives spiritual purity and spiritual beauty (this is separate to what is mentioned in narrations about its merits). These energies of the salawaat are amplified/increased on Thursday nights and Fridays. UA-cam video controls can speed up the recitation if needed.
    الصلاة على محمد وآله ( الذكر "اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد" ) مكرر ١٠٠٠ مرات من مقام صاحب الزمان ع في مسجد السهلة المعظم . تنال بركة هذا المسجد بالاستماع . طاقة المام المهدي موجود في هذا المسجد . طاقة الإمام المهدي ع هو طاقة الذبذبة الأعلى . يمكن بهذا الطاقة الإزالة الهم و الغم و الحزن و فيه الطب للقلوب المجروح . و بهذا الطاقة عليك أن تغفر وتترك ، وأن تكون مطمئنا و مرضيا بقدر الله عليك ، وأن تكون إنسانًا صالحًا إيجابيًا - وكل هذا ليس سهلاً و هذا هو المعنى لطاقة الإمام المهدي ع . (يمكن تسريع التلاوة باستخدام عناصر تحكم فيديو)
    Some narrations about the salawaat:
    أكثروا الصلاة علي فان الصلاة علي نور في القبر، ونور على الصراط، ونور في الجنة
    “Increase in sending blessings upon me, for indeed the salawaat upon me [manifests as] light in the grave, and light on The Bridge, and light in heaven.” -Prophet Muhammad (s), Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 79, p 64.
    من صلى علي مرة، خلق الله تعالى يوم القيامة، على رأسه نورا، وعلى يمينه نورا، وعلى شماله نورا، ومن فوقه نورا، ومن تحته نورا، وفي جميع أعضائه نورا
    “Whoever sends blessings upon me [even] once, the Almighty God on Judgement Day will create a light upon his head, and a light on his right side, and a light on his left side, and a light above him, and a light beneath him, and light in all of his limbs.” -Prophet Muhammad (s), Mustadrak al-Wasaa’il, vol 5, p 335.
    أثقل ما يُوضع في الميزان يوم القيامة الصلاة على محمد وعلى أهل بيته
    “The heaviest of deeds placed on The Scale on the Day of Judgement is the salawaat upon Muhammad and on his household.” -Imam al-Baqir (a) & Imam al-Sadiq (a), Qurb al-Isnaad, p 12.
    من لم يقدر على ما يكفر به ذنوبه فليكثر من الصلاة على محمد وآله، فإنها تهدم الذنوب هدما
    “Whoever does not have the capacity to atone for his sins, let him increase in sending blessings upon Muhammad and his family, for indeed [the salawaat] destroys sins utterly.” -Imam al-Ridha (a), Bihaarul Anwaar, vol 91, p 47.
    مَن صلّى عليّ مرة لم يبق من ذنوبه ذرة
    “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, not even an atoms weight of his sins will remain.” -Prophet Muhammad (s), Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 91, p 63.
    ارفعوا أصواتكم بالصلاة عليّ ، فإنها تذهب بالنفاق
    “Raise your voices in sending salawaat upon me, for indeed it removes hypocrisy [from your hearts]” -Prophet Muhammad (s), Thawaab al-A’maal, p 144.
    يا علي من صلى علي كل يوم أو كل ليلة وجبت له شفاعتي، ولو كان من أهل الكبائر
    “O Ali! Whoever sends blessings upon me everyday or every night, my intercession is compulsory upon him, even if he is from the people who commit major sins.” -Prophet Muhammad (s), Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 91, p 63.
    من صلى علي صلاة واحدة، صلى الله عليه بها عشر صلوات، وحطت عنه عشر خطيئات، ورفعت له عشر درجات
    “Whoever sends blessings upon me, even one salawaat, God sends blessings upon him 10 times, and removes 10 of his mistakes, and raises him 10 levels.” -Prophet Muhammad, Mustadrak al-Wasaa’il, vol 5, p 337.