I'm glad you shared your experiences with anxiety. I suffer from anxiety as well and it's something I have to work on every day. By sharing your story it helps me and probably others not feel alone in this battle.
Thank you SO much for this. It's so good to know we aren't alone. That's why I love this community! Everyone is so positive, and there are so many advocates for mental health. We're not meant to battle alone. Thanks again for your sweet note..
I am very glad you are so honest with your viewers - I, too, suffer from anxiety - You are SO right when you say you cannot control it - It just comes on wherever, for whatever reason. Believe me, you are not alone. Love your channel Xx
I really admire you for opening up about your mental health issues. I also have anxiety issues pertaining to social situations. Some things that have made a positive difference in my life for my anxiety: regular exercise, clean eating, a very strict sleeping schedule, and 0 amount of alcohol. Hope you find the right path to treat your anxiety!
Ida, thank you SO much for sharing some tips that have helped you with anxiety. It's so good for me to hear about other people's experiences. You've really inspired me to try all of these things (though the 0 amount of alcohol makes me sad lol. I bet it's so true though). xx
Same! I reduced my coffee intake this last year and it did wonders for my anxiety (I couldn't believe that it took so long for me to figure that out!) I have two tips, 1) find a fancy, good decaff. If coffee is part of our routine, it's had to kick the habit and the caffeine addiction at the same time. 2) give yourself a cheat cup once in a while. Mine is on Sunday afternoons, when I'm already de-stressed and I'm having a date with my BF or bookish friends. Good Luck!
Love your vlog. Had problems with sleep and anxiety and was told by my doc no caffeine after lunch time and no electronic devices after 8 pm have felt a lot of difference. I've not read the night circus looking forward to Caraval this month. Anxiety is really bad I'm on meds for it and still have bad attacks. Love your furry friends, I hope you do more of these vlogs
Thanks so much! Ick, I drink coffee around 3 or 4 in the afternoon all the time, so I can definitely see how cutting it out after lunch would be helpful. Thanks for sharing your own experiences with anxiety! It's so important to know we're not alone.
As a fellow book lover with anxiety, you are not alone. Thanks so much for sharing about your anxiety and having dinner with me (joking, I just watched this while eating dinner lol). I also feel numb sometimes with my medication but I'm working on getting it adjusted, I've been dealing with anxiety for about 10 years and I just have to say stick in there. It's a long road but it's worth it.
LOL! I do the same thing when I eat meals. So funny. I'm glad the numbing issue isn't just me. Thanks for the encouragement! It's so true that it's a long road and health is a process, but it's so worth it. Can't sweep mental illness under the rug! xx
Mollie I just have to say I love watching your videos - the way you talk things through just kinda gives me this cozy feeling haha I hope that doesnt sound creepy! I also struggle with anxiety and today was one of the bad days.. Panic attack for no reason.. the whole bit. But listening to you talk about it really helped me feel calm and not so alone.. So thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing
Hey Lindsey!! Oh my gosh, not creepy at all. That's so sweet! Ugh, I hate hearing that you struggle with it, too. I totally agree though, it's so nice to know we aren't alone! Glad you enjoy the vids.
My husband and I reduced our coffee intake a ton by drinking hot tea! We love coffee, the taste and the warmth, not just the caffeine buzz. We realized that we enjoyed having a hot drink late in the day but coffee was affecting our sleep so we started drinking decaf or herbal tea later in the day. Maybe it could help you reduce or ween yourself off of coffee!
Love your vlogs, Mollie! I'm completely with you on the caffeine. I absolutely love the stuff, but I gave up caffeinated coffee a few months ago after realising it was contributing to some fairly serious headaches. Whilst I haven't yet found a decaf that I like *quite* as much, the improvement in my health has been worth the sacrifice. And of course, as a Brit, there's always tea! :)
I have/had terrible anxiety and hated going out and being around groups of people. I was drinking a few cups of coffee a day and then decided to give it up to help my anxiety and panic attacks. It has made the biggest difference! It was very difficult at first and the first few weeks I had headaches and was very grumpy but it's been four months now and I feel amazing. I was on antidepressants for awhile and didn't like the side effects so I have been looking for alternatives to medication. Between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, giving up caffeine and giving up sugar, I have been able to stay off of antidepressants for about 8 months now and I'm feeling really wonderful. Good luck!
Wow I must have missed certain videos since I didn't know you are going to attend courses at UIC! I live in Chicago and it would so cool to meet you😊 I too have some low setting reading goals bc I dont want to feel too restricted or if I do need a break I won't feel I am behind. Reading has to be fun and you fit it in your life as best as you can. I too have noticed my world has gotten smaller after college and I want to make 2017 a year where I expand my social circle and get out of my comfort zone.. although I haven't yet figured out how to do that 😁
Hey Adriana! I'm actually going to be taking classes at the University of Chicago (sorry, probably wasn't very clear in this vlog). They will be online courses :(. I so wish I could meet you, too, though! I've heard Chicago is AMAZING. Totally know what you mean about not wanting to feel restricted... reading should be fun and not feel like homework! Isn't post college such a weird time?! I feel like I JUST graduated, but I actually graduated in 2011. LOL! I moved three times in three years though when I graduated and got married, so in some ways, I expanded my social circle, but friends became more scattered, which doesn't really help with the crowds thing! But I know what you mean. Making friends as an adult is so hard. xx
Good for you with the whole caffeine thing! I, myself, am practically a soda addict and it's totally been a contributor to my mental health. This year I'm really trying to limit myself, but it's a hard thing for sure..
I love your glasses! I totally get your all or nothing attitude. I'm very much the same. I admire your goals! Hope they go well! What if you just switch to decaf coffee? I also struggle with anxiety in other areas. Thank you for being so vulnerable!
Thanks, Chloe! Glad I'm not alone with the "all or nothing" mentality. :) I definitely will switch to decaf before quitting coffee cold turkey . . . I've heard mixed things about sticking with decaf though. Not really sure though. More research for me! Thanks for watching
When I was getting off of soda I bought caffeinated waters just to wean myself off of caffeine and help with the withdrawals. Caffeine withdrawal is not fun but once you get through it it's great. But I do recommend weaning yourself off the caffeine before cutting it out completely because you will feel like crap.
Thank you so much for this advice! Seriously! I definitely intend to ween myself off... I still need to do some research, but I know enough to know that quitting cold turkey would be TERRIBLE for me, lol!
Hey Lady :) I have given up coffee so many times! but it's a nice feeling know that I can give it up. The first time I gave it up I replaced it with green tea in the winter and replacing a hot drink with a hot drink initially helped but the first week is super hard, dull headaches are the worst. But once you push through you will sleep amazing! Now I have only one cup of coffee a day and that's enough for me :) Thanks for sharing your video xxx
Hey Enid!! AH, thanks so much for sharing your experience/tips. This is seriously what I need, haha! I totally agree that having that hot drink in the winter is sooo nice... I'll definitely need to find alternatives. I'm not looking forward to the headaches, but hopefully I can push through. Glad to hear it was successful for you, and that you've done it a few times! I'm definitely feeling like I want to quit for a time and then work myself back to only one cup a day or one cup every now and then.
I have definitely experienced similar anxiety over the years. My goal this year is to drink less coffee but 100% quit smoking. Weening myself off nicotine is super hard, but I know it'll be better. Thank you for speaking on ur mental health!
Thanks Alina!! I actually live in NC but I'm taking online classes through the University of Chicago... probably should have specified lol. Thanks for all the kind words!
I remember I tried to quit coffee back when I was working as a barista... I quit for about five months and I felt amazing. Now that I'm no longer working as a barista, I still drink the occasional coffee but I'm no longer dependent on it.
Oh my goooodness, I literally don't know how you did that as a barista lol. But I'm so glad to know that you reduced your coffee drinking and it actually made a difference!! xx
I absolutely adored the night circus, i hope you enjoy the rest of it as much :) I find it so SO difficult to film review videos, i never know what to say or i have too much babble to say D: I also have very bad anxiety and yoga has changed my life, if i miss a couple of days it really shows :( I've had to limit myself to one coffee and one tea a day XD Wonderful Vlog :)
I looove the audiobook for Aristotle and Dante. It's just so well read and engaging! I hope you like it! I definitely want to prioritize exercising too, though probably not yoga. Even walking around the city really helps me clear my head, both figuratively and literally (I have bad allergies lol).
man oh man. how is the no coffee going? from one coffee snob to another I am here for you...not sure I could do that. And how brave you are for opening up about your anxiety. I know I need to get mine under control, I'm just scared I guess. This was a really rough last year with my dad dying so I'm going to see if everything levels out this year. also we really need to plan out a meet up! I can't wait to meet you all in person 😊
Sorry to JUST NOW be responding to this, but ahh... I'm such a chicken. I stil haven't give it up lol. BUT I have limited it to one cup a day in the morning, which honestly is hard enough. You know how much I love the stuff! :( That sounds like a reeeally rough year... I can see how anxiety would come from that. So sorry to hear it. It's nice to know I'm not alone though.
I know this video came out a while ago but I'm watching it again because of your sharing about mental health. I struggle with anxiety and depression as well, and the anxiety unfortunately has been worse in recent days. Thank you for being brave and sharing. Helps to know you're not alone. I am wondering if you quit caffeine and if that helped? Thanks again for sharing:)
Hey there! I'm so sorry to hear your anxiety has been worse in recent days. Anxiety and depression are two very difficult forms of suffering. I hope you aren't battling alone! But I'm glad my video could bring some comfort. I ended up going back to caffeine after a few months, but I still only drink one cup a day or every other day, so I'm definitely not as addicted. It has helped immensely, but I think MOSTLY it was giving up coffee after noon! I hope that helps. Thanks for commenting. :) xx
Thanks, Mollie :) I do have a great support system of family and friends so I'm thankful for that. I agree, it can be so difficult at times for me. I went through a breakup recently, and that really didn't help at all. But thankfully, I believe God and time will help. That's not too much caffeine, so good for you, and I bet you probably sleep better too :) Thanks for your kind reply. Look forward to more videos from you!
I just gave up coffee to help with my anxiety, as well, and I have seen drastic improvement! Like you, I love my coffee, and giving it up seemed awful at first. But I found a caffeine-free substitute which helps me deal with my coffee-cravings! It's called "Postum" and it's made from wheat bran and molasses. It has that hot, "deep" roasted flavor you crave, and I find it so satisfying! Unlike coffee, it's not bitter, so you don't need to add sugar. You might try it:) Good luck with all your goals!
I also want to add, I definitely felt a bit tired when I went off caffeine. BUT then I started working out regularly (every other day) and I have tons and tons of energy. More than ever!
Oh my gosh, Emily, I am SO grateful for this info, lol. I will be looking into Postum ASAP. Thanks for sharing your experience! It's so helpful for me to hear other people talk about their successes! I was nervous I would feel tired all the time (after all the initial withdrawals), but that's good to know that exercise makes a difference!!
I'm hoping to apply to the Chicago program this year! I'd love to hear about your experience as you work through the program. Did you look at the San Diego copyediting certificate also? I'm trying to make a final decision between the two. Until then, I'm taking some classes through the EFA and am totally loving them.
Awesome, Katherine! I heard about the San Diego certificate, but ultimately I think the name recognition with the Chicago program was **maybe** a little bit better? But I'm sure they're both equally great programs. I will definitely share my experience! I loved the EFA courses. Have you looked into the Author-Editor Clinic? I liked them, too. Let me know if you decide on the Chicago program! I'll probably be doing this at least for the next two years, so maybe we can be editing buds. ;)
Best of luck with breaking the coffee habit. I drink it sometimes but I use to drink A LOT of pop and energy drinks. I have horrible anxiety. My doctor explained caffeine and anxiety to me this way. Anxiety means your mind is going 100 miles an hour then on top of it you drink caffeine which makes you go 100 miles an hour causing the anxiety to be worse. I was on a low dose of medicine that did help me out and now I can realize what is rational and irrational thoughts so every now and then I still drink coffee. Advice from someone that has (for the most part) kicked the caffeine habit find an alternative to get you through the first couple months. I use products from advocare. They can seem expensive but it was completely worth it for me.
Thanks Leah!! Goodness, with that description, I think you just convinced me for sure. I know what you mean about the rational vs. irrational thoughts... I think that's where medicine can be SO helpful. Thanks for the advice, too! I've heard you've got to have alternatives and ween yourself off slowly. I definitely don't intend to quit cold turkey; I don't think I have the willpower for that anyway, haha! Thanks for sharing more about your journey! This is SO helpful for me. xx
Did avoiding caffeine help you out? I have chronic anxiety, phobias and other mental issues linked to an anxiety disorder I tried to avoid stimulants like coffee but because of my anxiety my quality of sleep is very poor so then I'm tired the next day and it's hard to even function without the help of coffee or similar stimulants. According to your experience, should I maybe wait it out? Thanks
have you heard of genomind? ill be trying it soon, but they test your DNA to learn what medications your body will respond best to and which ones it won't respond to. I think it is sometimes covered by insurance? Also, I'm new to your channel and I really love your content! I love your thoughts!
I used to be in there every day during grad school. When I needed a good coffee to get me through the day, they were my go to place. I haven't been in there in a while but I would love to meet you!
lol! I didn't even think about that... I'm sure NYC visitors have crazy busy itineraries. It's probably hard to meet up with people who actually live there! I didn't realize you lived there though. That's so cool!
Well I do not live in the city itself I live north of a city but, I work in midtown so I am there almost all the time. Yea, NYC is called the city that never sleeps for a reason.
I'm actually hosting a pretty laid back readathon next month! it's called the emojiathon and if you go to our twitter page there's more information on it if you're interested in participating!
Hi Mollie, Thanks for sharing part of your day. That was fun to see. And kudos to you for speaking about your anxiety. It is so important to be able to hear people speaking about mental health in an open and honest way if you feel okay with sharing - there are so many people who struggle with these things in different ways but don't feel able to talk about it so don't find solutions. Good luck with quitting coffee! I once had to quit tea and wasn't much impressed with fruit teas, but when I gave up tea for a detox I found replacing it with fruit teas filled my need for 'hot drink comfort/break' and now I love all sorts of fruit teas. You probably already know this but it can be useful a useful tool to try replacing the coffee habit with something else (anything, it doesn't have to be a hot drink). I enjoyed your video as always. See you next time :-) < KIKI >
I'm glad you shared your experiences with anxiety. I suffer from anxiety as well and it's something I have to work on every day. By sharing your story it helps me and probably others not feel alone in this battle.
Thank you SO much for this. It's so good to know we aren't alone. That's why I love this community! Everyone is so positive, and there are so many advocates for mental health. We're not meant to battle alone. Thanks again for your sweet note..
I am very glad you are so honest with your viewers - I, too, suffer from anxiety - You are SO right when you say you cannot control it - It just comes on wherever, for whatever reason. Believe me, you are not alone. Love your channel Xx
Feel you on that anxiety level my friend. It's an ugly beast. 💜 yoga and my faith is my saving grace. And medication.
It IS an ugly beast. Thanks for the love and support! Yoga and medication are so helpful, but I agree, deepening faith = everything.
I really admire you for opening up about your mental health issues. I also have anxiety issues pertaining to social situations. Some things that have made a positive difference in my life for my anxiety: regular exercise, clean eating, a very strict sleeping schedule, and 0 amount of alcohol.
Hope you find the right path to treat your anxiety!
Ida, thank you SO much for sharing some tips that have helped you with anxiety. It's so good for me to hear about other people's experiences. You've really inspired me to try all of these things (though the 0 amount of alcohol makes me sad lol. I bet it's so true though). xx
I love your vlogs so much, they make me feel so calm, and your furry babies are so cute!
Thanks, Nicole! They're so fun to film. And my goodness, I'm obsessed with my fur babes. ;)
Same! I reduced my coffee intake this last year and it did wonders for my anxiety (I couldn't believe that it took so long for me to figure that out!) I have two tips, 1) find a fancy, good decaff. If coffee is part of our routine, it's had to kick the habit and the caffeine addiction at the same time. 2) give yourself a cheat cup once in a while. Mine is on Sunday afternoons, when I'm already de-stressed and I'm having a date with my BF or bookish friends. Good Luck!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this advice! SERIOUSLY. It's so good to know people can do it and that it's worth it, haha!
Love your vlog. Had problems with sleep and anxiety and was told by my doc no caffeine after lunch time and no electronic devices after 8 pm have felt a lot of difference. I've not read the night circus looking forward to Caraval this month. Anxiety is really bad I'm on meds for it and still have bad attacks. Love your furry friends, I hope you do more of these vlogs
Thanks so much! Ick, I drink coffee around 3 or 4 in the afternoon all the time, so I can definitely see how cutting it out after lunch would be helpful. Thanks for sharing your own experiences with anxiety! It's so important to know we're not alone.
As a fellow book lover with anxiety, you are not alone. Thanks so much for sharing about your anxiety and having dinner with me (joking, I just watched this while eating dinner lol). I also feel numb sometimes with my medication but I'm working on getting it adjusted, I've been dealing with anxiety for about 10 years and I just have to say stick in there. It's a long road but it's worth it.
LOL! I do the same thing when I eat meals. So funny. I'm glad the numbing issue isn't just me. Thanks for the encouragement! It's so true that it's a long road and health is a process, but it's so worth it. Can't sweep mental illness under the rug! xx
Mollie I just have to say I love watching your videos - the way you talk things through just kinda gives me this cozy feeling haha I hope that doesnt sound creepy! I also struggle with anxiety and today was one of the bad days.. Panic attack for no reason.. the whole bit. But listening to you talk about it really helped me feel calm and not so alone.. So thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing
Hey Lindsey!! Oh my gosh, not creepy at all. That's so sweet! Ugh, I hate hearing that you struggle with it, too. I totally agree though, it's so nice to know we aren't alone! Glad you enjoy the vids.
loved this video and your realness and honesty
Thanks so much!! xx
I love your videos, they make me so happy! :) good job
Thanks Helena
My husband and I reduced our coffee intake a ton by drinking hot tea! We love coffee, the taste and the warmth, not just the caffeine buzz. We realized that we enjoyed having a hot drink late in the day but coffee was affecting our sleep so we started drinking decaf or herbal tea later in the day. Maybe it could help you reduce or ween yourself off of coffee!
Oh definitely! I haven't quit coffee yet but I've been keeping it to one cup a day and the next step is decaf/herbal tea! We shall seeee
Love your vlogs, Mollie! I'm completely with you on the caffeine. I absolutely love the stuff, but I gave up caffeinated coffee a few months ago after realising it was contributing to some fairly serious headaches. Whilst I haven't yet found a decaf that I like *quite* as much, the improvement in my health has been worth the sacrifice. And of course, as a Brit, there's always tea! :)
Hey Amy! Thanks so much for the kind words! And oh my goodness, it's so good to know that it's been worth it for some people.
I have/had terrible anxiety and hated going out and being around groups of people. I was drinking a few cups of coffee a day and then decided to give it up to help my anxiety and panic attacks. It has made the biggest difference! It was very difficult at first and the first few weeks I had headaches and was very grumpy but it's been four months now and I feel amazing. I was on antidepressants for awhile and didn't like the side effects so I have been looking for alternatives to medication. Between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, giving up caffeine and giving up sugar, I have been able to stay off of antidepressants for about 8 months now and I'm feeling really wonderful. Good luck!
Wow, we've had some similar experiences! Giving up sugar sounds really hard, but I bet it is super helpful! Thanks for sharing this.
I wish I knew on booktubers in New England. I'd love to get together with them. Good luck with these goals! Yay kale chips!!
They've got to be out there, right?! Haha! Thanks, friend! KALE CHIPS FOR THE WIN!
Wow I must have missed certain videos since I didn't know you are going to attend courses at UIC! I live in Chicago and it would so cool to meet you😊 I too have some low setting reading goals bc I dont want to feel too restricted or if I do need a break I won't feel I am behind. Reading has to be fun and you fit it in your life as best as you can. I too have noticed my world has gotten smaller after college and I want to make 2017 a year where I expand my social circle and get out of my comfort zone.. although I haven't yet figured out how to do that 😁
Hey Adriana! I'm actually going to be taking classes at the University of Chicago (sorry, probably wasn't very clear in this vlog). They will be online courses :(. I so wish I could meet you, too, though! I've heard Chicago is AMAZING. Totally know what you mean about not wanting to feel restricted... reading should be fun and not feel like homework! Isn't post college such a weird time?! I feel like I JUST graduated, but I actually graduated in 2011. LOL! I moved three times in three years though when I graduated and got married, so in some ways, I expanded my social circle, but friends became more scattered, which doesn't really help with the crowds thing! But I know what you mean. Making friends as an adult is so hard. xx
Good for you with the whole caffeine thing! I, myself, am practically a soda addict and it's totally been a contributor to my mental health. This year I'm really trying to limit myself, but it's a hard thing for sure..
It's sooo hard! Glad to know that you've had a positive experience limiting soda. That was the HARDEST habit for me to kick!
I love your glasses!
I totally get your all or nothing attitude. I'm very much the same. I admire your goals! Hope they go well!
What if you just switch to decaf coffee?
I also struggle with anxiety in other areas. Thank you for being so vulnerable!
Thanks, Chloe! Glad I'm not alone with the "all or nothing" mentality. :) I definitely will switch to decaf before quitting coffee cold turkey . . . I've heard mixed things about sticking with decaf though. Not really sure though. More research for me! Thanks for watching
When I was getting off of soda I bought caffeinated waters just to wean myself off of caffeine and help with the withdrawals. Caffeine withdrawal is not fun but once you get through it it's great. But I do recommend weaning yourself off the caffeine before cutting it out completely because you will feel like crap.
Thank you so much for this advice! Seriously! I definitely intend to ween myself off... I still need to do some research, but I know enough to know that quitting cold turkey would be TERRIBLE for me, lol!
Hey Lady :) I have given up coffee so many times! but it's a nice feeling know that I can give it up. The first time I gave it up I replaced it with green tea in the winter and replacing a hot drink with a hot drink initially helped but the first week is super hard, dull headaches are the worst. But once you push through you will sleep amazing! Now I have only one cup of coffee a day and that's enough for me :) Thanks for sharing your video xxx
Hey Enid!! AH, thanks so much for sharing your experience/tips. This is seriously what I need, haha! I totally agree that having that hot drink in the winter is sooo nice... I'll definitely need to find alternatives. I'm not looking forward to the headaches, but hopefully I can push through. Glad to hear it was successful for you, and that you've done it a few times! I'm definitely feeling like I want to quit for a time and then work myself back to only one cup a day or one cup every now and then.
Please read 'DARE' by Barry McDonough! It's the only thing that's ever helped my anxiety and panic attacks. It's life changing. ..
Mollie I LOVE your vlogs!
I have definitely experienced similar anxiety over the years. My goal this year is to drink less coffee but 100% quit smoking. Weening myself off nicotine is super hard, but I know it'll be better. Thank you for speaking on ur mental health!
So glad you love the vlogs, Kelsey! Best of luck on quitting smoking! YOU CAN DO IT!!
happy you shared your goals!
I don't really make videos but I'm from Chicago and would love to get to know any booktubers here!
love your videos btw
Thanks Alina!! I actually live in NC but I'm taking online classes through the University of Chicago... probably should have specified lol. Thanks for all the kind words!
I remember I tried to quit coffee back when I was working as a barista... I quit for about five months and I felt amazing. Now that I'm no longer working as a barista, I still drink the occasional coffee but I'm no longer dependent on it.
Oh my goooodness, I literally don't know how you did that as a barista lol. But I'm so glad to know that you reduced your coffee drinking and it actually made a difference!! xx
I absolutely adored the night circus, i hope you enjoy the rest of it as much :) I find it so SO difficult to film review videos, i never know what to say or i have too much babble to say D: I also have very bad anxiety and yoga has changed my life, if i miss a couple of days it really shows :( I've had to limit myself to one coffee and one tea a day XD Wonderful Vlog :)
That's exactly how I feel about review videos!!! And ahh, you totally get it with yoga. So glad to know it changed your life, too! Thanks friend
I looove the audiobook for Aristotle and Dante. It's just so well read and engaging! I hope you like it!
I definitely want to prioritize exercising too, though probably not yoga. Even walking around the city really helps me clear my head, both figuratively and literally (I have bad allergies lol).
The narrator was PERFECT. And lol, I love the idea of walking "figuratively and literally" clearing your head... that's so something I would say! xx
man oh man. how is the no coffee going? from one coffee snob to another I am here for you...not sure I could do that. And how brave you are for opening up about your anxiety. I know I need to get mine under control, I'm just scared I guess. This was a really rough last year with my dad dying so I'm going to see if everything levels out this year.
also we really need to plan out a meet up! I can't wait to meet you all in person 😊
Sorry to JUST NOW be responding to this, but ahh... I'm such a chicken. I stil haven't give it up lol. BUT I have limited it to one cup a day in the morning, which honestly is hard enough. You know how much I love the stuff! :( That sounds like a reeeally rough year... I can see how anxiety would come from that. So sorry to hear it. It's nice to know I'm not alone though.
I know this video came out a while ago but I'm watching it again because of your sharing about mental health. I struggle with anxiety and depression as well, and the anxiety unfortunately has been worse in recent days. Thank you for being brave and sharing. Helps to know you're not alone. I am wondering if you quit caffeine and if that helped? Thanks again for sharing:)
Hey there! I'm so sorry to hear your anxiety has been worse in recent days. Anxiety and depression are two very difficult forms of suffering. I hope you aren't battling alone! But I'm glad my video could bring some comfort. I ended up going back to caffeine after a few months, but I still only drink one cup a day or every other day, so I'm definitely not as addicted. It has helped immensely, but I think MOSTLY it was giving up coffee after noon! I hope that helps. Thanks for commenting. :) xx
Thanks, Mollie :) I do have a great support system of family and friends so I'm thankful for that. I agree, it can be so difficult at times for me. I went through a breakup recently, and that really didn't help at all. But thankfully, I believe God and time will help. That's not too much caffeine, so good for you, and I bet you probably sleep better too :) Thanks for your kind reply. Look forward to more videos from you!
I just gave up coffee to help with my anxiety, as well, and I have seen drastic improvement! Like you, I love my coffee, and giving it up seemed awful at first. But I found a caffeine-free substitute which helps me deal with my coffee-cravings! It's called "Postum" and it's made from wheat bran and molasses. It has that hot, "deep" roasted flavor you crave, and I find it so satisfying! Unlike coffee, it's not bitter, so you don't need to add sugar. You might try it:) Good luck with all your goals!
I also want to add, I definitely felt a bit tired when I went off caffeine. BUT then I started working out regularly (every other day) and I have tons and tons of energy. More than ever!
Oh my gosh, Emily, I am SO grateful for this info, lol. I will be looking into Postum ASAP. Thanks for sharing your experience! It's so helpful for me to hear other people talk about their successes! I was nervous I would feel tired all the time (after all the initial withdrawals), but that's good to know that exercise makes a difference!!
I'm hoping to apply to the Chicago program this year! I'd love to hear about your experience as you work through the program. Did you look at the San Diego copyediting certificate also? I'm trying to make a final decision between the two. Until then, I'm taking some classes through the EFA and am totally loving them.
Awesome, Katherine! I heard about the San Diego certificate, but ultimately I think the name recognition with the Chicago program was **maybe** a little bit better? But I'm sure they're both equally great programs. I will definitely share my experience! I loved the EFA courses. Have you looked into the Author-Editor Clinic? I liked them, too. Let me know if you decide on the Chicago program! I'll probably be doing this at least for the next two years, so maybe we can be editing buds. ;)
Yes, definitely!! I'll keep you updated. The Author-Editor Clinic is on my radar, too. So many amazing options out there!
Best of luck with breaking the coffee habit. I drink it sometimes but I use to drink A LOT of pop and energy drinks. I have horrible anxiety. My doctor explained caffeine and anxiety to me this way. Anxiety means your mind is going 100 miles an hour then on top of it you drink caffeine which makes you go 100 miles an hour causing the anxiety to be worse. I was on a low dose of medicine that did help me out and now I can realize what is rational and irrational thoughts so every now and then I still drink coffee. Advice from someone that has (for the most part) kicked the caffeine habit find an alternative to get you through the first couple months. I use products from advocare. They can seem expensive but it was completely worth it for me.
Thanks Leah!! Goodness, with that description, I think you just convinced me for sure. I know what you mean about the rational vs. irrational thoughts... I think that's where medicine can be SO helpful. Thanks for the advice, too! I've heard you've got to have alternatives and ween yourself off slowly. I definitely don't intend to quit cold turkey; I don't think I have the willpower for that anyway, haha! Thanks for sharing more about your journey! This is SO helpful for me. xx
Did avoiding caffeine help you out? I have chronic anxiety, phobias and other mental issues linked to an anxiety disorder I tried to avoid stimulants like coffee but because of my anxiety my quality of sleep is very poor so then I'm tired the next day and it's hard to even function without the help of coffee or similar stimulants. According to your experience, should I maybe wait it out? Thanks
have you heard of genomind? ill be trying it soon, but they test your DNA to learn what medications your body will respond best to and which ones it won't respond to. I think it is sometimes covered by insurance?
Also, I'm new to your channel and I really love your content! I love your thoughts!
WOW Karli, I haven't heard of this at all. Super interesting. I'll have to look into it... thanks for the encouragement! xx
Holy crap! That was Global Village. I'm like 10 minutes from there. So weird!
lol! One of my favorite spots. Are you there a lot?! So fun to "meet" friends in my area!
I used to be in there every day during grad school. When I needed a good coffee to get me through the day, they were my go to place. I haven't been in there in a while but I would love to meet you!
I have been wanting to meet friends of mind that I made on UA-cam as well but, no one ever lets me know if they come to NYC LOL.
lol! I didn't even think about that... I'm sure NYC visitors have crazy busy itineraries. It's probably hard to meet up with people who actually live there! I didn't realize you lived there though. That's so cool!
Well I do not live in the city itself I live north of a city but, I work in midtown so I am there almost all the time. Yea, NYC is called the city that never sleeps for a reason.
*New subscriber* xx
I'm actually hosting a pretty laid back readathon next month! it's called the emojiathon and if you go to our twitter page there's more information on it if you're interested in participating!
Ohhh that's awesome. I'll have to look it up! I have a couple of ideas for hosting my own, but I always love joining in on others! xx
Hi Mollie, Thanks for sharing part of your day. That was fun to see. And kudos to you for speaking about your anxiety. It is so important to be able to hear people speaking about mental health in an open and honest way if you feel okay with sharing - there are so many people who struggle with these things in different ways but don't feel able to talk about it so don't find solutions. Good luck with quitting coffee! I once had to quit tea and wasn't much impressed with fruit teas, but when I gave up tea for a detox I found replacing it with fruit teas filled my need for 'hot drink comfort/break' and now I love all sorts of fruit teas. You probably already know this but it can be useful a useful tool to try replacing the coffee habit with something else (anything, it doesn't have to be a hot drink). I enjoyed your video as always. See you next time :-) < KIKI >
Thank you so much Kiki! That's so sweet. I'm glad to share my experiences because I hear from SO many people how I'm not alone. It's awesome. xx