Thank you! We always use the best software for the job to achieve seamless integration. It all depends on the project’s requirements! For this project, we used PFTrack to ensure accurate and seamless drone footage tracking. It’s one of the best tools for handling complex 3D tracking tasks!
Thanks for your question! While 3ds Max doesn’t directly import video files like drone footage, you can convert the footage into an image sequence using software like Adobe Premiere or After Effects. This sequence can then be used as a background or texture in 3ds Max.
So cool
Thank you! 😊 We’re glad you like it!
Great integration. I’m wondering - what software did you use to track the drone? Syntheyes, PFtrack, Fusion, Boujou?
Thank you! We always use the best software for the job to achieve seamless integration. It all depends on the project’s requirements! For this project, we used PFTrack to ensure accurate and seamless drone footage tracking. It’s one of the best tools for handling complex 3D tracking tasks!
how to make these animation? its cool,what software to make this? blender?
Thank you for your question! We use 3ds Max
Thanks for your question! While 3ds Max doesn’t directly import video files like drone footage, you can convert the footage into an image sequence using software like Adobe Premiere or After Effects. This sequence can then be used as a background or texture in 3ds Max.