You made my day. Kiitos! I have talked with a few psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists about my ex-partner as I had been thinking myself that he has some sort of "multiple personality disorder" (being a narcist), but you explained it so perfectly, so very right, he wanted to be like " so many other men", he has no real personality himself, but he wants always be seen as a winner, famous one. A chaotic life. These people can even kill to keep all that hidden.
You made my day. Kiitos! I have talked with a few psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists about my ex-partner as I had been thinking myself that he has some sort of "multiple personality disorder" (being a narcist), but you explained it so perfectly, so very right, he wanted to be like " so many other men", he has no real personality himself, but he wants always be seen as a winner, famous one. A chaotic life. These people can even kill to keep all that hidden.
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