Two points: First, we never use floating line on the anchor trip, just standard 8mm braid. Our experience with floating line was a disaster. Second, we think that in an anchorage, shelter from swell and chop is the most important thing (assuming good holding everywhere). Once the anchor is in it does not seem to matter so much about the wind (at least on our boat)
In all honesty we haven’t used a tripping line since 2011. We prefer quiet anchorages. 20011 was our 1st time anchoring Kiliney bay and John was nervous about motorboats and jet ski frequently passing. We had pilot whales use us for shelter barrier from the other boats that were harassing them❤ We told people stay away so they wouldn’t snag our anchor set up .
@@WavedancerWesterlyfulmar - we have written "Anchor marker" on our anchor ball in large white letters so people tend to avoid the spot and also the area between us and it.
Yep remember your run in alright was thinking of it when I was making that point hence adding the angel a good idea to keep it out of the way of propellers. Floating line & salty lass are not friends. Lost your dinghy because of it too
5 to1 chain only 7 to 1 chain and rope more required if the is bad weather, addind a short strchy aprox 6 2 mtrs of multy plat rope will reduce the snace effect from waves and rollers
Be good to look at different anchor makes and designs, CQR are not one of the best especially when they get a bit worn in the joint. Rocna is brilliant, even a Bruce is pretty good! Can't go with idea of a floating line for tripping buoy even with a weight. Some other good info!
Two points: First, we never use floating line on the anchor trip, just standard 8mm braid. Our experience with floating line was a disaster. Second, we think that in an anchorage, shelter from swell and chop is the most important thing (assuming good holding everywhere). Once the anchor is in it does not seem to matter so much about the wind (at least on our boat)
In all honesty we haven’t used a tripping line since 2011. We prefer quiet anchorages.
20011 was our 1st time anchoring Kiliney bay and John was nervous about motorboats and jet ski frequently passing. We had pilot whales use us for shelter barrier from the other boats that were harassing them❤ We told people stay away so they wouldn’t snag our anchor set up .
@@WavedancerWesterlyfulmar - we have written "Anchor marker" on our anchor ball in large white letters so people tend to avoid the spot and also the area between us and it.
Good idea
Yep remember your run in alright was thinking of it when I was making that point hence adding the angel a good idea to keep it out of the way of propellers.
Floating line & salty lass are not friends. Lost your dinghy because of it too
5 to1 chain only 7 to 1 chain and rope more required if the is bad weather, addind a short strchy aprox 6 2 mtrs of multy plat rope will reduce the snace effect from waves and rollers
Be good to look at different anchor makes and designs, CQR are not one of the best especially when they get a bit worn in the joint. Rocna is brilliant, even a Bruce is pretty good! Can't go with idea of a floating line for tripping buoy even with a weight. Some other good info!