"He's A Little RUNT!" Simon Jordan's FURIOUS Rant On Garnacho & Rashford's Behaviour At Man United

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bharathsf
    @bharathsf 2 години тому +51

    Whats the confusion? Best of Marcus Rashford is when he is sitting in his home. Thats what Amorim is saying

    • @DonR-zb2cm
      @DonR-zb2cm 2 години тому

      Best player in the world. Ballon dor 2026 with Barca watch this space!

    • @georgebanks1553
      @georgebanks1553 Годину тому

      @@DonR-zb2cm hahahahahahahaha

    • @Sean_EDoire
      @Sean_EDoire Годину тому

      ​@@DonR-zb2cm 😂😂😂

  • @pascalpitchen3219
    @pascalpitchen3219 2 години тому +62

    Henry Winter is simply a sycophant apologist for Rashford. Softball interview and questions all round.

    • @johnhopkinson7573
      @johnhopkinson7573 2 години тому

      is he a runt ?

    • @Curseofsuperbowl49
      @Curseofsuperbowl49 2 години тому +8

      I dont understand why Winter is so highly rated, spends a lot of his time telling me how Southgate bought the country together??🤔but really bored the pants off most people and could not deliver when required . As for Rash , who thought it was a good idea to talk to a journalist instead of speaking to your manager ....bad decision ( again)

    • @nicklevitt6395
      @nicklevitt6395 2 години тому

      Or just a t**t

    • @nicklevitt6395
      @nicklevitt6395 2 години тому +2

      Totally agree

    • @stephenxx8045
      @stephenxx8045 2 години тому +3

      You right. My stomach turned after all the noshing off.

  • @karannegi7199
    @karannegi7199 2 години тому +8

    Amorim is being kind. If this was Mourinho and he was given this much support and power, he would stick Rashford in the Under-19s and then would make fun of him in press conferences.

  • @QCMM45
    @QCMM45 2 години тому +16

    Rashford is a little Runt with a "c"

  • @Stabbobully.79
    @Stabbobully.79 2 години тому +5

    The irony of someone looking like Simon and calling Garnacho a little runt 😂

  • @OmerRK
    @OmerRK 2 години тому +42

    Garn is fast becoming Trashford 2.0 with his appalling attitude. He thinks he's made it big time already! Demote him back into the reserves to continiue his development and to learn to play as a team player!

    • @luke-ti3fu
      @luke-ti3fu 2 години тому +5

      That attitude can still be reversed imo. Rashford is a lost cause

    • @M0ngz
      @M0ngz 2 години тому +2

      Attitude is one thing and lack of ability is another. Garnacho can't play soccer

      @FLYINGTHOR 2 години тому +3

      ​@@M0ngz 😂😂😂 started the Christmas drinks early have ya?

    • @NandoFIT-df8ly
      @NandoFIT-df8ly 2 години тому +3

      garnacho just won the puskas award. he also has copa america. he has surpassed trashford in my books

    • @creepingbrain
      @creepingbrain 2 години тому +1

      Don't compare the two. Garnacho has had more disciplinary problems in the short time he's been at the club than Rashford has had in his whole career

  • @cuprashoe
    @cuprashoe 2 години тому +21

    Henry Winter is Rashfords ball cleaner

  • @Joanlow1440p
    @Joanlow1440p 2 години тому +4

    Rashford is at home planning to book an interview with Piers Morgan before he leaves 😂

  • @andyt48
    @andyt48 2 години тому +15

    Doesn’t matter what he said, if he performs in training and gives 100% in a game then there is no problem. The problem is he can’t do those two things, so get rid.

  • @davemarriott
    @davemarriott 2 години тому +13

    Tougher gig. Try being a bricklayer .

    • @MrPeter-nr9gd
      @MrPeter-nr9gd 2 години тому +3

      Yeah, my back is in flitters.

    • @SteveAustin-zv1nn
      @SteveAustin-zv1nn Годину тому

      What? 😂 You think someone laying bricks on top of each other is doing a tougher job then managing an elite football team and everything that comes with it?

  • @TribalThief
    @TribalThief 2 години тому +13

    Little runt 😂🤣

  • @shaedacode
    @shaedacode 2 години тому +4

    Rashford has strutted about as though he’s a year-on-year 40 goal forward. Reality is his minutes per goal in the league is and always has been Josh King levels despite playing in a side 10-15 places higher. Never ever ever been anywhere close to a tier 1 player deserving of 350k. Critcism over giving 10%? Play the race card and pop over to a school. Good riddance to him.

  • @GrahamGibbins
    @GrahamGibbins 2 години тому +21

    Need To change the company name to Talk Trashford

    • @hithere9377
      @hithere9377 2 години тому

      It’s like a what came first the chicken or the egg. Do they spew out Rashford videos because people watch them or do we watch them because they spew them out?

  • @mrcginnovative
    @mrcginnovative 2 години тому +10

    Man city could lose 10 games in a row and the headlines will still be Man united and rashford

    • @johnwhyte7834
      @johnwhyte7834 2 години тому +2

      Says how big utd are really. How much they feed mouths online.

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому +1

      Manchester is red.

    • @neilmoore5387
      @neilmoore5387 2 години тому

      Absolutely mate. It’s what comes with being a big club👍🏼

  • @Xystal-b3t
    @Xystal-b3t 2 години тому +4

    Rashford should not have made a comment about that future in that manner. It's childish and unguided. But that's the behaviour of a kid who's grown up without a father. Not trained to be like a man, have honor in the face of criticism.

    • @creepingbrain
      @creepingbrain 2 години тому

      I don't get it. You all want Rashford out, now you're crying that he's said he's leaving. Square that circle for me.

  • @andymanser1
    @andymanser1 2 години тому +4

    Put rashford in under 18s till jan then get rid

  • @ka_4734
    @ka_4734 2 години тому +6

    Amorim isn't in a difficult situation, Nor is he sending out mixed messages... He's doing what we needed taking out the Trash... Said it clear as, Don't apply yourself in training and your attitude all wrong... Be gone, Its now up to Rashford to either grow up or move on..

    • @dondamon4669
      @dondamon4669 2 години тому

      Look what happened to Eth with sancho

  • @B.H.J
    @B.H.J 2 години тому +3

    How come Rashford doesn't know the more he stirs things at MU the less managers wants to have anything to do with him.. If Rashford was what it looks like he him self think he is, Amorim would play him every match. Rash is so out of touch.

  • @kylemcfarlane2504
    @kylemcfarlane2504 2 години тому +18

    Jim: what if you bump into his little brother?
    Simon: what he's about 2ft tall what's he gonna do punch me in the knee 😂😂😂😂
    Gotta love Simon

  • @SKYWALKER____
    @SKYWALKER____ 2 години тому +5

    Love Simon, always speaks the truth with no bias

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому

      Well, nearly right. If he can get in a whinge about Man Utd, he always gives it his best shot. . . .

    • @raystewart6318
      @raystewart6318 Годину тому

      @SKYWALKER____ that is what I like about him as well....don't care who .....I can always listen for the truth about something from him..........but in now a days world its hate or badmind.

    • @AlanKenny-y8e
      @AlanKenny-y8e Годину тому

      He's a dhead who knows f-all about football. Idiots like him are the radio equivalent of clickbait.

  • @matchfactoryman
    @matchfactoryman 2 години тому +5

    Presumably Mr Rashford is being payed by his club, so it’s not unreasonable if they want him to play

  • @NomadJoe0323
    @NomadJoe0323 2 години тому +11

    Amorim saw how Rashford got ten hag the sack and doesn’t want to repeat that mistake

    • @JustMarkavalli
      @JustMarkavalli 2 години тому +2

      ETH got himself sacked with his signings, lack of vision, personality, results and handling Sancho

    • @ashishnair12
      @ashishnair12 2 години тому +3

      He was right with Sancho.

    • @creepingbrain
      @creepingbrain 2 години тому +1

      ETH wouldn't have lasted his first season if it wasn't for Rashfords' heoics

    • @NomadJoe0323
      @NomadJoe0323 2 години тому

      @@creepingbrain and then rashford got rewarded with a big contract and downed tools his second season

    • @NomadJoe0323
      @NomadJoe0323 2 години тому

      @@JustMarkavalli handling of Sancho? 🤦‍♂️ Sancho is nothing but a spoiled brat

  • @spencerchapmanbarra7888
    @spencerchapmanbarra7888 2 години тому +1

    Rashford is a bad role model for younger players like Garnacho. Amorim is sorting this out and protect all his players including even Amad.

  • @benbenben-tl1yq
    @benbenben-tl1yq Годину тому +1

    calling a 19 year old boy a little runt. charming

  • @Jericho642
    @Jericho642 2 години тому +1

    Rashford has basically done a Ronaldo; making it all about himself at a difficult period in the clubs history. He knows why he was dropped, and its not been the first time his work ethic/commitment/behaviour has been called out by his manager; it’s actually happened with almost every manager he’s played for. He’s now run out of rope. It’s really childish behaviour. If he wants to go, go. If he wants to stay, he needs do whatever hes been asked to do, at a minimum, in training and on the pitch. Right now he’s just now prepared to work hard enough to

  • @NorthWolfe
    @NorthWolfe 2 години тому +2

    To be fair to the Knt, I saw various segments from his visit to NYC and he looked more like a depressed soulless NPC than a wealthy guy having a good time. There is something very wrong with the few neurons between those two ears, I haven't seen him smile in a long time. Granted, I stumbled on some footage from his NYC visit by chance, and I have no reason to follow him so I could be wrong and he could be the happiest NPC on Planet Earth.
    Also the translation of "I want a bigger challenge" is "I want nothing to do with this manager." What challenge could be greater than returning Manchester United to its former glory? If we add to that the fact he is a local boy and a fan of the club... There is no bigger challenge in World Football.

  • @MikailSweenichov
    @MikailSweenichov 2 години тому

    Simple Simon Right Again 👏👏👏

  • @AlanBrott
    @AlanBrott 2 години тому +1

    Henry Winter and top journalist in the same sentence ffs..😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂oh and😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @equalizer1963
    @equalizer1963 Годину тому

    As a short guy, I get fed-up of SJs contempt for us little guys, making fun, 'what's he gonna do? Hit me on the knees?" His intelligence slips a bit when he does this.

  • @jackwarren3080
    @jackwarren3080 2 години тому

    Notice Amorim called him “Marcus Crashford”? That wasn’t an accident.

  • @SilconSwitcher
    @SilconSwitcher 2 години тому

    This channel should be called Talk Trash. Be positive, have a positive look on life

  • @Colonelboereieney
    @Colonelboereieney 2 години тому +1

    Rashford went to the media instead of going to the club. He said he wants out, the top reds defend him. Pogba got destroyed for less.

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому

      Lingard, Pogba, Rashford, they represent everything that's wrong with United since Fergie left. Bad eggs, all of 'em in one box together. All of 'em think they are bigger than the club.

  • @davedavidson737
    @davedavidson737 2 години тому

    Everyone was saying they want rashford to move on he’s not that good so when rashford says it’s time for a new challenge everyone cry’s about it 🤣

  • @paulhynes170
    @paulhynes170 2 години тому +1

    If a players leaks team news surly that is it for the player

  • @ArunPandey-zn1dk
    @ArunPandey-zn1dk 2 години тому

    Simon - top top opinion

  • @d-law868
    @d-law868 2 години тому +1

    The best of him might be getting 25-30M cash and getting off the same amount of the wage bill

  • @RandomVideosFirst
    @RandomVideosFirst 2 години тому +1

    The reality is Rashford has a weak mentality. Just think about what he said , the negatively and criticism he gets off social media Is effectively pushing him out the club . A person that really wants to fight for his place and improve would focus on being the best version they could be and improve aspect of his game that aren’t great like his pressing and final third decision making . But instead he wants to leave and have a new challenge . He’s either not aware of how bad he’s been on the pitch or is in denial. Seems to think he’s immune from criticism given the amount this guys on per week. He will get a huge wake up call at whatever club he ends up at in Europe , Saudi would probably be the best fit for him.

  • @1KJO
    @1KJO 2 години тому

    Ange having a whinge

  • @shamsulhassim
    @shamsulhassim 2 години тому +1

    All he needs is to run back. That's all. Show some effort for goodness sake.

  • @nsd_respect
    @nsd_respect 2 години тому +1

    Simon wanted to use the c-word but realised TalkSport is for a family audience 😂

    • @garywallace5602
      @garywallace5602 2 години тому

      Cheeky cherub doesn't fit Simon's narrative.

  • @DVZPlaysOG
    @DVZPlaysOG Годину тому

    Garnacho has responded well the manager even said its a joke this clickbait stuff rashford isn't bothered anymore us fans would kill to be in his position

  • @JeatBunkie
    @JeatBunkie 2 години тому +1

    Why cant he just say Amorim properly

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому

      Jim still can't say ten Hag. . . . he calls him Ten Haaaaag

  • @Kori_INJN
    @Kori_INJN 2 години тому

    You guys dont understand psychology. This is the only way to find out if Rashford is still serious give him time to think about what he wants

  • @MrBiyi
    @MrBiyi 2 години тому

    Every one can have an opinion but people have bad days but who or how important is the point of Simon Jordan

  • @TheAtticradio
    @TheAtticradio 2 години тому +1

    Brand rashford we don’t want … work hard run and train and wait your turn and Garnacho too.
    Man Utd didn’t create brand rashford promotors did rashford company influencers etc

  • @JustinJacobson-k6f
    @JustinJacobson-k6f 2 години тому +1

    Prime Minister vs Spurs manager ..... No comparison and Ange really confused....he's so arrogant

  • @grimetip
    @grimetip 2 години тому +1

    Misspelling in the title

  • @essexboy
    @essexboy 2 години тому

    More positive headlines from toxicsport

  • @lovejoy3347
    @lovejoy3347 Годину тому

    Imgine feeling the need to get rid of Rashfordbefore the likes of Mount, Malacia, lindelof, Shaw and da!ot. No wonder that club and its fanbase is in such a mess.

  • @martinB68
    @martinB68 2 години тому +4

    Simon going in on a young kid,what a man. Garnacho is young and can be formed, if not he is out. Rashford is 27 and a overated Diva,nothing more nothing less.

    • @As_You_Were320
      @As_You_Were320 2 години тому +1

      Young kid?

    • @Misterrose189
      @Misterrose189 2 години тому

      Garnacho is a scrub get off his d*ck

    • @nutritionalrevolution
      @nutritionalrevolution 2 години тому +2

      Kids need discipline, something Rashford obviously didn’t get.

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому +1

      That young kid is developing the tendencies that Rashford perfected. . . . I'm with Simon.

    • @martinB68
      @martinB68 2 години тому

      They can cut it at the bud with Garnacho now,while he is only 20. For me he is a kid compared to Rashford at 27! I have been a supporter of United since the 70s,and never seen such overated and overpaid players in my life!

  • @lmstuber6044
    @lmstuber6044 2 години тому

    Been watching rashford, ganacho, and a few others not run not press, not tackle all thay want is to run forward and shoot for goal very self centred players

  • @DuncYo
    @DuncYo 2 години тому

    Rashford's been off it since he got too involved in his school kids charity causes! Then how many games has he sulked in & dropped us points!! Thanks but adios mate, it's time to go!

  • @philmitchell91
    @philmitchell91 2 години тому

    Simon showing his not so subtle English bias by calling Garnacho a runt and using softer language for Rashford, a player who has been in the first team for a decade and has been woefully inconsistent.

    • @dondamon4669
      @dondamon4669 2 години тому

      Simon is English so of course same as every other country does

    • @philmitchell91
      @philmitchell91 2 години тому

      ​@@dondamon4669I'm English too so what's your point?

    • @philmitchell91
      @philmitchell91 2 години тому

      ​@@dondamon4669Also he should be objective regarding club football. If he wants to be Ra Ra English nationalism then he should leave that to international football. Suffice to say England haven't been particularly successful in recent decades whereas Argentina are the World Cup holders. I suspect Simon is bitter about that concerning Garnacho, I don't know...

  • @adamoldfield4925
    @adamoldfield4925 Годину тому

    I agree Simon Garnacho goal celebrations are arrogant like he’s been doing it all his life and can’t accept criticism he’s a flake and got a face a mother couldn’t love!

  • @paulk8275
    @paulk8275 Годину тому

    I honestly wonder would talk sport espn sky go broke without man united

  • @AlanBrott
    @AlanBrott 2 години тому

    Amorim new broom cleaning up good style...
    Rashford trying to appear immune as he continues to create a public persona....Not one reference to his
    obvious lack of commitment,just a
    "I'm a positive red always"
    Surely he's not that stupid!?And lacking such awareness?...Then again..

  • @karlosalaw4115
    @karlosalaw4115 2 години тому

    I'm no Man Utd fan, tbh, I can't stand them but they beat Man City at the Etihad on Sunday and since then, not a word has been spoken about it, it's all about that selfish little rat, Rashford. He makes me laugh saying ''I got dropped, I ain't going to sit around and mope'' or words to that effect etc - yet you bring this out about wanting a new challenge. Can't pull the wool over people's eyes Marcus and more importantly, you can't do it with Man Utd fans. Get a grip on reality

  • @littlehon8330
    @littlehon8330 2 години тому

    Surely rashford have looked at pogba , lingaard and martial who all have stinking attitudes and no effort leave united who paid them all well fail elsewhere and struggle to find a club , he will wake up one day and be sorry he believe the hype

    @PALACEKAV 2 години тому

    Difficult players only give interviews to 'fan journos'.....see also Ronaldo/Piers Morgan.......

  • @oliverlewis5976
    @oliverlewis5976 2 години тому


  • @wolfbrother2474
    @wolfbrother2474 2 години тому

    Southern teams dominate? 😂😂😂😂😂 never

  • @rugbyanalyst1
    @rugbyanalyst1 2 години тому +1

    Which type of runt?
    1. A small pig or other animal, especially the smallest in a litter.
    2. A pigeon of a large domestic breed.

  • @neilrobinson4323
    @neilrobinson4323 2 години тому

    sell. He was decent. Now not. foucs on football or leave

  • @Isz2134
    @Isz2134 2 години тому


  • @phillipnash2843
    @phillipnash2843 2 години тому +2

    Change the r for a c.

  • @malungisamaseko3155
    @malungisamaseko3155 2 години тому

    He is overrated. Besides scoring sporadically he offers nothing. Lacks game intelligence

  • @kayodethani8582
    @kayodethani8582 2 години тому +1

    Simon is being disingenuous here. You spent the whole of last week, talking about how they need to sell him. The back pages were all about him being for sale. He comes out to say he is ready for a new challenge and you proceed to pile on him further. Why did Man Utd not debunk the stories of him being for sale?. Fact is they want him out and he has decided he aligns with their wishes.

    • @1KJO
      @1KJO 2 години тому

      Has Sir Jim's fingerprints all over it, he's the boss . . .

  • @BobbyHoskins1016
    @BobbyHoskins1016 2 години тому

    Little runt is perfect 😂😂

  • @SD-nq6kg
    @SD-nq6kg 2 години тому

    Garnacho is more an actor than footballer...the ego is unreal

  • @kwobsiemarius9613
    @kwobsiemarius9613 2 години тому

    Are you calling an 18yrs old a Runt expecting such leadership in comparison to a 27 yrs old Rashford. Simon you aint serious

  • @alexking805
    @alexking805 2 години тому

    Lmao so Rashford can’t go to the media but the club can constantly breif against him for days 🤣🤣

  • @Fabbydabby1
    @Fabbydabby1 2 години тому +1

    This is weird
    All last week all media where reporting he was for sale & majority of man Utd fans keep saying get out my club
    Yet the minute he says ok I will go then and thats still not good enough for people

    • @walata11
      @walata11 2 години тому

      If he is serious he should have informed the manager, not create a circus

  • @mervynpeters
    @mervynpeters 2 години тому

    Wake up Simon this is the social media era.
    Rashford is in position A.
    Man U will win nothing in the next 3 years!
    Joining another team is what most Man U players really want.
    The players know it is going to take years so getting out now is sensible.

  • @pedrolondon7
    @pedrolondon7 2 години тому +1

    Jordan has so much distain for the modern footballer it's unreal

    • @craig-rp9jh
      @craig-rp9jh 2 години тому +5

      Who doesnt, overpaid whiners most of them

    • @karannegi7199
      @karannegi7199 2 години тому

      He is not wrong tho? Is he?

    • @user-rx2hw8up2j
      @user-rx2hw8up2j Годину тому

      The older I get the more I agree with Simon

  • @michaelmashele867
    @michaelmashele867 2 години тому

    Can all these pundits who are criticizing Markus give it some rest.. The whole of last week it was about how much man united wanted to sell him.. We even know the price they are willing to accept! And when he says fine you an sell me.. He gets bashed for that!.. If he was such a useless player why so much condemnation from everywhere?

  • @Eagle971
    @Eagle971 2 години тому

    Garnacho would be mopping floors at Tesco if he couldn't kick a ball..

  • @WereTheCashAt
    @WereTheCashAt 2 години тому

    All these clowns hating Marcus Rashford

  • @ppate8
    @ppate8 2 години тому +1

    Simon sounds bitter about Garnacho maybe cause he is a Madrid fan and he hates them

    • @manchesterunitedhighlights6810
      @manchesterunitedhighlights6810 2 години тому

      Coz he ain't English

    • @raystewart6318
      @raystewart6318 2 години тому +1

      So in this new world that we live......when someone speak truth about someone else it's now considered hate.......hmmmmmmm ......ok........wow.......