Мастер с таким грязнющим удлинителем и не менее грязными перчатками не может дать ценный совет! Любой человек, который держит паяльник в руках не один час в день знает кучу способов как залудить жало паяльника нормально. А этот способ изначально мертворожденный. Специально собрал волю в кулак и досмотрел до конца.. Жало как было не рабочим, так и осталось. Появилось облуженное пятно, да и то в середине. Интересно как серединой жала он что то запаивать будет😁. Пусть это видео снимет.
☺В перчатке ещё была дыра и, возможно, даже не одна... Это жизнь. Это жесть. Перчатка ведь с виду вроде как кевларовая, как же удалось её так порвать. Как говаривал Дон Кихот, "чинёного не ношу, рваное - это другое дело". И не было синей изоленты. И хлором автор подышал всласть. И ему, возможно, не ведомо, что такое канифоль скрипичная или флюс в коробочке. Но не будем придираться. Ведь видео получилось концептуальное, душевное. Показан путь воина. И ещё один способ зачистки жала паяльника, пусть и не самый простой. И музыка подобрана со вкусом. Просто отдых. 👍
It looks like you've electroplated your soldering tip with tin, no? But is that any better a solution that simply wire-brushing your tip, applying some flux and the same tin solder? This only takes a few seconds. Not sure why anyone would go to all this trouble. The solder that you used to plate your tip is just going to melt away with the first use, is it no? Tinning your soldering iron is a fundamental step in the soldering process. Are you doing this because you don't have flux paste or acid-core solder available where you live?
I basically had the same problem with my soldering iron. Last month when I was on my way to the store, my car died so I got my multimeter out and I checked the voltage on the battery and it was 9.7378 Volts so I thought “what the heck is going on with this battery”, the next thing I knew I seen some smoke coming from the tips of the battery terminals. I was suspicious on what was going on and I couldn't believe it because this battery was only barely 16 years old which I consider fairly new in today's society, so basically what I want to do is try to clean up the battery with some soap and salt solution and then I might put it on the charger for two or three minutes at a high current rate just to see if it will hold a charge. I'm not sure if that's going to help the battery or not but one thing's for certain before I go out and buy a new battery, I'm definitely going to try these two methods that I suggested. Now on the other hand I could swap the battery out with one from my 1962 Chevy Tahoe but I'm not sure that my old lady would let me do that, so basically what I need to do is first, I'm going to check all the air in the tires before I monkey around with the battery. Then I'm probably going to run a few errands around town down and the next thing I want to do is get some paint and paint the battery terminals because I don't think they look very good without the neon yellow color look on them. If all goes well, I am planning to do a few other things to the terminals. Next after that chore, is get some of that distilled water and pour on the outside of the battery to try to clean up a lot of the dirt and dust its accumulated over all these years. If I have time what I'll do after that it's try to clean both sides of the mirrors on my 1965 Ford Bronco because I've noticed while I was driving that it's hard to see what kind of traffic is coming up behind me. I was having a problem with the battery when I put the headlights on low beam and then when I tried to switch the high-beam I noticed that the voltage excursions were jumping around so I went out and I bought another set of test leads to use on my digital multimeter and there was no difference at all, so I think I may borrow my friend Tony Jones's multimeter just to check those voltage excursions to see if that is normal. Nobody really explained to me how to test a DC voltage excursions when the battery is not in its prime. I am all on my own doing this. A lot of people have contacting me and they said that they've had that problem once or twice and maybe even three times in their lifetime with their batteries but they did something totally different. What they did was loosen the terminals first then they carefully remove the battery and hoisted it out to get rid of all the debris and dirt that's accumulated after all these years then they put it on a slow charge which I believe they told me was 32 milliamps for 6 days, 3 hours and 54 seconds. Next they took the battery caps off and added some distilled water, which they claimed that they bought it at their local Walmart store. I think, if I can remember correctly, they said it was .99 cents plus the sales tax. Can you believe that just 99cents? That's a real good price for one full gallon of distilled water. Speaking of water, yesterday I helped my neighbor that lives to the right side of my house, fill their swimming pool for the new season. It literally took 7 hours to fill. I am not sure how many gallons it is. I have met people in my lifetime that had no idea that there were 4 quarts of water in a gallon jug. They just assumed it was a gallon only. I am not really good at math but I do have a calculator on my cell phone. Speaking of math, it takes me back to grade 11 in high school when my teacher, Mr. Lowry gave us a sneak quiz on algebra. I failed it because I didn't understand what that was all about. I spent most of my high school time stoned and kinda out of it. Some of my classmates were very good at math, and it even showed when they got their report cards. I may have gotten of the path of whatever we were initially talking about. I think it had something to do with blue cheese. No, I remember now, it was car batteries. I never could figure out why they put car batteries in the front of the vehicle and not inside the vehicle. It would be so much easier to work on them, especially in the rain, if they were inside the vehicle. Doesn't that make more sense to you too? Well anyhow, batteries are pretty heavy for their size and some people can't lift them very good. I had a fried, Tony Smith who had asthma and once he tried to lift out his car battery, and sneezed, and the battery fell out of his hands and landed on his right baby toe. It broke the small bones in that toe of his. I called his mothers step daughter Ann but she was not home. So I then called his brothers uncle Fred and told him about what just happened to Tony's toe. He seamed like he was drunk and started laughing at me and said “I don't care about that Bast#$ds toe”. I got mad and hung up on him immediately. From that day on, I never spoke to Tony's brother's uncle Fred. I never really liked him in the first place bacause when Tony and I were 13 years old, we were at a softball game and Fred walked over to us and farted right in our faces. That was not very nice of that old pervert. I heard some stories about him when he was about 20 years old that would make you cringe if you heard them, but I can't get into that right now because I have to finish up my posting here on you tube. I hope I have given you folks some good advice on having some of your problems solved in a timely manner. I like to help out when I can if it is at all possible. I am out for 3 more hours so I want to go now and get a hot dog and a bottle of grape soda. I need to look around for a ride so I can get back to my padded room at the Sinclair Insane Asylum. I hope Dr. Dilbert will not be mad at me for sneaking out....
Strange because I always do the old school method soldering by heating the wires with the soldering iron and letting the solder flow onto the wires. If you simply heat the solder and on the soldering iron tip and then apply that to the wires it's not flowing correctly on the wires. It's actually weaker.
This video is incredibly informative! I had no idea that putting salt on a soldering iron could make such a difference. Thank you for sharing this valuable tip
Да, это там всё вокруг такое беспросветное, паяльник, жало, розетка, перчатки... Электролиз казалось на мгновение вернул свет тому богом забытому углу, но через мгновение, после прогрева паяльника, всё вернулось обратно.... Музыка хорошо отражает всю тщетность бытия в показанном видео.
Of you don't have flux and it takes hours to go to town you use what you have. This music takes me way back into the mountains Where I belong. Good job.
@Server697 Работая в таких засраных и порваных перчатках - об удлинителе можно не беспокоиться. Существуют люди - засранцы, и на видео именно такой вот засранец. P.S. - Это фиаско, братан. ))
Нaxyй канифоль! "Карандаш" для чистки утюгов прекрасно очищает любые жала! Один раз, казалось, навсегда загубил "необгораемое" жало - оно, по ошибке, было нагрето докрасна, и всё на нем выгорело. Взял ластик для стирания чернил, старательно очистил нагар, залудил с помощью этого "карандаша", и всё - жало по-прежнему "в строю". Кстати, очень часто использую этот "карандаш" и вместо канифоли или, при необходимости, вместо раствора цинка в соляной кислоте. Жала же натираю алюминием (кроме рабочей части) - продлевает срок до их окисления, да и придает нормальный внешний вид. Для придания последнего натираю алюминием и подвергающиеся перегреву части паяльника. В паяльники типа 908S в прижимную трубку вкладываю подходящий по размеру "гравер" - помогает сохранить тонкостенную трубку от преждевременного износа.
La colofonia no tiene nada que ver en esto si querés una buena soldadura tenés que usar colofonia porque siempre hay suciedad no solo en el cautín aparte que facilita mucho el trabajo
Thank you for the video and the important tips on how to clean the iron head. Good method I will use it. Question: Is there a danger in using a 12 volt, 1 amp charger? Can I use a 5 volt charger instead of 12 volt? Thank you.
This is a good method for rescuing the pure copper tips that often come with cheap chinese irons like the one in the vid. Once the tip is reduced to a blackened hunk of metal, none of the "orthodox" methods like using flux, wrapping the tip with solder after sanding it down etc. will work, simply because the copper will oxidize in the air as soon as the tip is hot enough to melt solder, or even flux. Electroplating alloes you to bypass the heat problem. PROTIP: use either pure tin or a solder with a high tin content (60%). Low power irons (40W or less) won't be able to melt or even smoke the plating.
Made me think what the silent movies must have been like 😂 Using a wire brush to clean the tip of the soldering iron and applying solder immediately is quicker and easier.
After Ceaning the soldering tip you should use an ammonia stone to prevent the immediate new corrosion of the tip ! Alternatively you can dip the hot tip into a soldering grease and than immediately put fresh tin on it.
...дело 10-ти секунд с приобретением нового жала...или покупкой 1 метра в электротоварах одножильного медного провода нужного сечения желательно на 1мм меньше диаметра отверстия в паяльнике. из которого нарубишь около 15 новых жал для паяльника ."кулибин".А чтобы жало не "прикипело" внутри - перед установкой натираешь мягким графитом ту часть жала . которое входит в нагреватель паяльника...и будет тебе счастье...)))
Кто тебе сказал такое?😂 Я тут вас читаю и угараю просто у одних паяльник не такой системы,у вторых вопрос почему маникюра нет,третьим удлинитель не нравится,конечно если нихрена не делать то и перчатки новые будут,и удлинитель идеальный ну и все остальное,у паяльника кстати не медное жало поэтому шкуркой если почистить то будет хуже
Это обычный паяльник, жало было с никелевым покрытием, но видимо вы паяли кислотами, и никелевое покрытие слетело, для его восстановления есть специальный состав у китайцев продается, можно самому восстановить без ничего но это сложнее
La punta del soldador estaba tan negra como los guantes😂 creo que la usaba para perforar plástico como hacen muchos. El buen consejo que da es que NO aplicar lija en la punta del soldador.
This is the first time I seen anyone solder with the side of the tip. I always soldered with the tip of the tip. Show us how well it solders a component onto a circuit board.
Да. Я поражен результатом. Довести паяльник до столь обгорелого состояния. Потом затратить столько усилий и залудить одну единственную точку на жале. А потом этой точкой размазывать припой без флюса по пайке. Это даже не дилетантизм. Это полное невежество. Yes. I am amazed at the result. Bring the soldering iron to such a burnt state. Then spend so much effort and get one single point on the sting. And then use this point to smear the solder without flux on soldering. It's not even amateurism. This is complete ignorance
A ponteira voltou a ficar escurecida e essa "eletrólise" piorou a situação. Essa idéia não funciona e certamente danifica a ponteira. A adesão da solda nela deveria ser uniforme, não somente numa ínfima superfície. Uso ferro de soldar a muitos e muitos anos e a única coisa que faço e que deixa a ponta sempre limpa e brilhante, a solda aderindo em toda sua extensão garantindo uma ótima soldagem, é simplesmente usar sempre, a partir do instante em que comprou o ferro de soldar, uma esponja levemente embebida em água morna e, aí sim, limpar a ponteira do ferro nela.
Obviously you've never used a Weller USA soldering station & their unbelievably 💩y tips. They go black & refuse to tin no matter how scrupulously you "precondition" them with any initial tinning technique you try, & usually become almost USELESS JUNK within 1-5hrs. of use!!! The only functionality you get out of them is to set the temperature control on the station to absolute maximum (870°F!), & just let the molten blobs fall off the tip & just splash onto your solder joints! I usually use Weller's 🧩 s of 💩 only for stripping old projects; they can't solder anything, but at least they are slightly useful for unsoldering!🤨 Proudly made in America🤪 by Americans🤪🤪🤪, courtesy of Cooper Tools🤑👹🤑👹😈💰💰💰; the worst tool WHOREpoRATion in the entire world!🤗 I used to use American Ungar soldering irons, Weller's main competitor a long time ago. Their $30 pencil irons would outperform a $600 Weller temperature-controlled Station anywhere, anytime! Ungar tips were fabulous, & lasted 100's of hours as long as you preconditioned them with vigorous tinning for the first 15-30min. of initial service. When Cooper Tools bought Weller, they noticed that Ungar was a much better product & was gradually strangling Weller out of the market. Instead of improving the Weller tips, Cooper Tools saved Weller by just buying out Ungar instead!👹👺👹 They didn't even bother to change the Ungar name to "Weller" & discontinue their original 💩y Weller stuff, nor did they adapt Ungar technology to improve the horrible Weller products. Instead, they just closed Ungar down, & continued to produce the same old horrible Weller products they always made!🤫🤪🤤🤤🤤😈👹 Now I can say that a no-name $10 Chinese pencil iron from Alibaba is better than a $600 Made in USA Weller soldering station instead!🤣🤣🤣🤗🤪🤫 I saved up alot of money & finally bought a $1000 American Metcal soldering station instead; there's nothing better in the world & I've been using their products for 30 years now; & still nothing else even comes close! But since I still have some Weller 💩 that was given to me many years ago (because I wouldn't pay a single dime for any of their JUNK, & neither should anyone else!), I will try the (badly documented & demonstrated) trick in this video. After all, if you own a Weller product, you couldn't possibly make it work any worse than it does right out of the box. So even if you did this trick incorrectly, or it doesn't work because this turns out to be just a gag video, it still won't ruin a Weller tip any more than the Weller WHOREpoRATion does when they make & sell you a brand new one from their fucktory ANYWAY.😴🙄
Температура кипения нафталина 218°С, но зачем усложнять себе жизнь, так как для борьбы с молью нафталин незачем доводить до кипения. Автор показал самый трудоёмкий процесс чистки жала паяльника, к тому же ещё и безполезный.
@@ivanyou5795 этот карандаш ещё купить надо, а аспирин в каждом доме есть. Вот у меня например нет такого карандаша, да и не пользуюсь таким. Утюг с тефлоновым покрытием, к нему не пригорает.😀
Après avoir coupé la panne à souder, vous devez utiliser une pierre d’ammoniaque pour éviter la corrosion immédiate de la panne ! Alternativement, vous pouvez tremper la panne chaude dans une graisse à souder et ensuite immédiatement mettre de l’étain frais dessus.
Полярность соединения можно ориентировочно определить по цвету проводов к которым он подключал. Могу предположить по видео что он жало к плюсу подключил. Только если судить по концовке видео то ИМХО в именно его гальванике это уже неважно. Никелевое покрытие жала мне кажется он гальваникой добил. Мелкаими вкраплениями после гальваники покрытие осталось. К чему кстати он каплю припоя и прилепил в конце концов.
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times. 78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times. 88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. 92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations." 102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." .....2 Esdras 7:75 //////////////////////////////
sodium chloride, separated into sodium and chloride _ meaning it is a hydrochloride compound_ highly corrosive _suitable for descaling_ it's easier, just dip it directly into the hydrochloride solution_
Pero al ponerse a trabajar vuelve a lo mismo por eso es mas facil y rápido limpiarlo estando en uso con lija 220 o alguna tira de tela y la pasta misma de soldar
@@НиколайМордовин да нормальное там никелированное жало, с такими жалами не только китайцы делают, у меня такое жало, и все отлично паяет, просто кислотой паять не стоит им и зачищать как медное
Помой меня, я вся чешуся... У этого фокусника в равных перчатках даже удлинитель подкопченый)) Первый раз вижу, чтобы электролиз давал такое блестящее покрытие без зачистки детали... тем более такой грязной и обгоревшей)
Dip the hot tip in flux and wipe with with wet cloth. Touch with small amount of solder. Better job. It's called tinning.
Very true!!
not working
Lol facts
Que es fundente?
👍🏻 The right way less fuss 👍🏻
Мастер с таким грязнющим удлинителем и не менее грязными перчатками не может дать ценный совет! Любой человек, который держит паяльник в руках не один час в день знает кучу способов как залудить жало паяльника нормально. А этот способ изначально мертворожденный. Специально собрал волю в кулак и досмотрел до конца.. Жало как было не рабочим, так и осталось. Появилось облуженное пятно, да и то в середине. Интересно как серединой жала он что то запаивать будет😁. Пусть это видео снимет.
☺В перчатке ещё была дыра и, возможно, даже не одна... Это жизнь. Это жесть. Перчатка ведь с виду вроде как кевларовая, как же удалось её так порвать. Как говаривал Дон Кихот, "чинёного не ношу, рваное - это другое дело". И не было синей изоленты. И хлором автор подышал всласть. И ему, возможно, не ведомо, что такое канифоль скрипичная или флюс в коробочке. Но не будем придираться. Ведь видео получилось концептуальное, душевное. Показан путь воина. И ещё один способ зачистки жала паяльника, пусть и не самый простой. И музыка подобрана со вкусом. Просто отдых.
Даже интересно, в какое именно место он засовывал паяльник, чтобы так з@ср@ть жало? )) И почему он отверг наждачку? Она-то ему чем не угодила?
@@alexanderche1274 на жалах есть специальный слой, который нельзя снимать !!
На всех жалах? А если жало медное, и, вообще - самодельное, то кто и когда на него наносил "защитный слой".
It looks like you've electroplated your soldering tip with tin, no? But is that any better a solution that simply wire-brushing your tip, applying some flux and the same tin solder? This only takes a few seconds. Not sure why anyone would go to all this trouble. The solder that you used to plate your tip is just going to melt away with the first use, is it no? Tinning your soldering iron is a fundamental step in the soldering process. Are you doing this because you don't have flux paste or acid-core solder available where you live?
Probably he lives in Russia
@@levcohen1347Ukraine EUROPE poorest country
I basically had the same problem with my soldering iron. Last month when I was on my way to the store, my car died so I got my multimeter out and I checked the voltage on the battery and it was 9.7378 Volts so I thought “what the heck is going on with this battery”, the next thing I knew I seen some smoke coming from the tips of the battery terminals. I was suspicious on what was going on and I couldn't believe it because this battery was only barely 16 years old which I consider fairly new in today's society, so basically what I want to do is try to clean up the battery with some soap and salt solution and then I might put it on the charger for two or three minutes at a high current rate just to see if it will hold a charge. I'm not sure if that's going to help the battery or not but one thing's for certain before I go out and buy a new battery, I'm definitely going to try these two methods that I suggested. Now on the other hand I could swap the battery out with one from my 1962 Chevy Tahoe but I'm not sure that my old lady would let me do that, so basically what I need to do is first, I'm going to check all the air in the tires before I monkey around with the battery. Then I'm probably going to run a few errands around town down and the next thing I want to do is get some paint and paint the battery terminals because I don't think they look very good without the neon yellow color look on them. If all goes well, I am planning to do a few other things to the terminals. Next after that chore, is get some of that distilled water and pour on the outside of the battery to try to clean up a lot of the dirt and dust its accumulated over all these years. If I have time what I'll do after that it's try to clean both sides of the mirrors on my 1965 Ford Bronco because I've noticed while I was driving that it's hard to see what kind of traffic is coming up behind me. I was having a problem with the battery when I put the headlights on low beam and then when I tried to switch the high-beam I noticed that the voltage excursions were jumping around so I went out and I bought another set of test leads to use on my digital multimeter and there was no difference at all, so I think I may borrow my friend Tony Jones's multimeter just to check those voltage excursions to see if that is normal. Nobody really explained to me how to test a DC voltage excursions when the battery is not in its prime. I am all on my own doing this. A lot of people have contacting me and they said that they've had that problem once or twice and maybe even three times in their lifetime with their batteries but they did something totally different. What they did was loosen the terminals first then they carefully remove the battery and hoisted it out to get rid of all the debris and dirt that's accumulated after all these years then they put it on a slow charge which I believe they told me was 32 milliamps for 6 days, 3 hours and 54 seconds. Next they took the battery caps off and added some distilled water, which they claimed that they bought it at their local Walmart store. I think, if I can remember correctly, they said it was .99 cents plus the sales tax. Can you believe that just 99cents? That's a real good price for one full gallon of distilled water. Speaking of water, yesterday I helped my neighbor that lives to the right side of my house, fill their swimming pool for the new season. It literally took 7 hours to fill. I am not sure how many gallons it is. I have met people in my lifetime that had no idea that there were 4 quarts of water in a gallon jug. They just assumed it was a gallon only. I am not really good at math but I do have a calculator on my cell phone. Speaking of math, it takes me back to grade 11 in high school when my teacher, Mr. Lowry gave us a sneak quiz on algebra. I failed it because I didn't understand what that was all about. I spent most of my high school time stoned and kinda out of it. Some of my classmates were very good at math, and it even showed when they got their report cards. I may have gotten of the path of whatever we were initially talking about. I think it had something to do with blue cheese. No, I remember now, it was car batteries. I never could figure out why they put car batteries in the front of the vehicle and not inside the vehicle. It would be so much easier to work on them, especially in the rain, if they were inside the vehicle. Doesn't that make more sense to you too? Well anyhow, batteries are pretty heavy for their size and some people can't lift them very good. I had a fried, Tony Smith who had asthma and once he tried to lift out his car battery, and sneezed, and the battery fell out of his hands and landed on his right baby toe. It broke the small bones in that toe of his. I called his mothers step daughter Ann but she was not home. So I then called his brothers uncle Fred and told him about what just happened to Tony's toe. He seamed like he was drunk and started laughing at me and said “I don't care about that Bast#$ds toe”. I got mad and hung up on him immediately. From that day on, I never spoke to Tony's brother's uncle Fred. I never really liked him in the first place bacause when Tony and I were 13 years old, we were at a softball game and Fred walked over to us and farted right in our faces. That was not very nice of that old pervert. I heard some stories about him when he was about 20 years old that would make you cringe if you heard them, but I can't get into that right now because I have to finish up my posting here on you tube. I hope I have given you folks some good advice on having some of your problems solved in a timely manner. I like to help out when I can if it is at all possible. I am out for 3 more hours so I want to go now and get a hot dog and a bottle of grape soda. I need to look around for a ride so I can get back to my padded room at the Sinclair Insane Asylum. I hope Dr. Dilbert will not be mad at me for sneaking out....
Good luck and success to everyone
Al-Jarjawi, automatic washing machine surgeon
O processo de bronzeamento(cobre + estanho) da ponta do ferro de solda leva quanto tempo?
Thank you so much! Interesting and helpful hacks..looking forward to more tips❤
best tip cleaning i have seen
*_Esta música hace que no quiera vivir más. Gracias!_*
Mejora un poco con el video a 2x 😅
Jajajjaa yo también lo vi en 2x
One of the chemical , non-mechanical methods of tip cleaning , better tip preservation , thx a lot
Strange because I always do the old school method soldering by heating the wires with the soldering iron and letting the solder flow onto the wires. If you simply heat the solder and on the soldering iron tip and then apply that to the wires it's not flowing correctly on the wires. It's actually weaker.
And there is a very good chance of a cold solder joint...
This is the proper way to solder. You heat the thing you want the solder to stick to, not the solder itself.
This isn't about making a solid joint, it's about rejuvenating a dirty soldering tip.
This video is incredibly informative! I had no idea that putting salt on a soldering iron could make such a difference. Thank you for sharing this valuable tip
This is the correct way to solder. Solder on the tip is required though, so the heat can transfer. You get more area surface to heat the wires.
Музыкальное сопровождение великолепное! Ещё бы ноктюрны Шопена включить для слезы и душевного надрыва.
Да, это там всё вокруг такое беспросветное, паяльник, жало, розетка, перчатки... Электролиз казалось на мгновение вернул свет тому богом забытому углу, но через мгновение, после прогрева паяльника, всё вернулось обратно.... Музыка хорошо отражает всю тщетность бытия в показанном видео.
Вы оба такие язвительно саркастичные, и это меня безумно радует. 🤣👍
Ещё бы фортепьяно подстроить. Фальшиво и противно
@@sergey3562LOL 👍 Großartig! Sie müssen Humorist sein! 😅
Thats a good idea. I tried it out
Nice1..Secret & thank u
Of you don't have flux and it takes hours to go to town you use what you have. This music takes me way back into the mountains
Where I belong. Good job.
Замечательно! Ждем видео как с помощю соли зачистить удлинитель!
потом попробовать на язык если щипет то рабочий если нет то полить уксусом Два пальца в розетку -легко определяют фазу и ноль и количество тока.
@Server697 Работая в таких засраных и порваных перчатках - об удлинителе можно не беспокоиться. Существуют люди - засранцы, и на видео именно такой вот засранец.
P.S. - Это фиаско, братан. ))
какой толк от дырявых перчаток? такой же, как от дырявого презика?!
Use 000 steel wool and some flitz. It will look like new in under 2 minutes. 😊
Что сказать ?! ....
Я "поражён результатом" !
Отличное пособие для начинающих = Как нельзя делать !
Заменил жало нна медное и не парюсь.
Да еще и драные грязные перчатки - мастер "супер", к такому не пойду.
@@АлександрГончаров-щ8ь Там ещё и удлинитель наверно в пользовании с прошлого века ,грязный аж жуть.
Паяльник засран, розетка засрана, перчатки рваные, музыка депрессивная. Все плохо.
В начале видео показалось, что мужик электрический стул для тёщи изобретает! А он, оказывается, решил на канифоли сэкономить.
Нaxyй канифоль! "Карандаш" для чистки утюгов прекрасно очищает любые жала! Один раз, казалось, навсегда загубил "необгораемое" жало - оно, по ошибке, было нагрето докрасна, и всё на нем выгорело. Взял ластик для стирания чернил, старательно очистил нагар, залудил с помощью этого "карандаша", и всё - жало по-прежнему "в строю". Кстати, очень часто использую этот "карандаш" и вместо канифоли или, при необходимости, вместо раствора цинка в соляной кислоте. Жала же натираю алюминием (кроме рабочей части) - продлевает срок до их окисления, да и придает нормальный внешний вид. Для придания последнего натираю алюминием и подвергающиеся перегреву части паяльника. В паяльники типа 908S в прижимную трубку вкладываю подходящий по размеру "гравер" - помогает сохранить тонкостенную трубку от преждевременного износа.
La colofonia no tiene nada que ver en esto si querés una buena soldadura tenés que usar colofonia porque siempre hay suciedad no solo en el cautín aparte que facilita mucho el trabajo
Thank you for the video and the important tips on how to clean the iron head. Good method I will use it. Question: Is there a danger in using a 12 volt, 1 amp charger? Can I use a 5 volt charger instead of 12 volt? Thank you.
Sure it will just take a little bit longer with a lower voltage. You could use a 9v battery
Convoluted presentation.
Interesting technique. Not bad.
Thank you for share with us your video watching from Philippines.
أحسنت ياصديقي 👍👍👍
So thanks...!!!
For a good joint, solder must flow into the stranded wire. For that you need a tinned tip and soldering flux.
Properly tinned tip, flux and good solder, I have never needed to do this and I got my first soldering iron in 1966.
Obrigado por compartilhar os seus conhecimentos. Mas, sua luva está furada, já é tempo para trocar. 😅
Matur nuwun tip nya oom
Nice idea good job
Estaño va en el positivo o negativo? Xq el mio se fundió
Felicitaciones por la pregunta: escuela... Por lo que he leído, fue la mejor. ... tengo la misma pregunta y busco saludos desde Grecia🙂
considerando que o fluxo de eletrons vai do negativo para o positivo, suponho que o negativo é conectado no estanho, mas não tenho certeza
This is a good method for rescuing the pure copper tips that often come with cheap chinese irons like the one in the vid. Once the tip is reduced to a blackened hunk of metal, none of the "orthodox" methods like using flux, wrapping the tip with solder after sanding it down etc. will work, simply because the copper will oxidize in the air as soon as the tip is hot enough to melt solder, or even flux. Electroplating alloes you to bypass the heat problem. PROTIP: use either pure tin or a solder with a high tin content (60%). Low power irons (40W or less) won't be able to melt or even smoke the plating.
Получилось хорошо, сейчас наждачкой терануть, залудить с канифолью и можно некоторое время благополучно паять. 😂
Made me think what the silent movies must have been like 😂 Using a wire brush to clean the tip of the soldering iron and applying solder immediately is quicker and easier.
thanks so much! Nothing worse than solder rolling off the Iron like that! Can you say weathewr it matters what kind of soler you use for the process?
Чой-то, у этого мастака всё закопченное: паяльник, перчатки и даже удлинитель!
наверное эсперементы не всегда удачьные😆
горит всегда где тонко там же и рвется от всего этого и почернели приборы
Nie masz kolego pojęcia o lutowaniu, ale grot ładnie oczyszczony.
After Ceaning the soldering tip you should use an ammonia stone to prevent the immediate new corrosion of the tip ! Alternatively you can dip the hot tip into a soldering grease and than immediately put fresh tin on it.
ammonia stone? soldering grease? What about screwdriver vomit or pussy juice?
...дело 10-ти секунд с приобретением нового жала...или покупкой 1 метра в электротоварах одножильного медного провода нужного сечения желательно на 1мм меньше диаметра отверстия в паяльнике. из которого нарубишь около 15 новых жал для паяльника ."кулибин".А чтобы жало не "прикипело" внутри - перед установкой натираешь мягким графитом ту часть жала . которое входит в нагреватель паяльника...и будет тебе счастье...)))
все верно, Олег, правильно меркуешь)))
Muchas gracias
Faz uma vaquinha pra comprar uma luva pois essa já era😅😅😅😅😅😅
Cannot really see clearly the output for the rectifier used. Is it 12V,1A?
Yes, 12V 1A
А вообще этот паяльник создан для пайки пластика потому с него и жала не лудяца, нужно менять на медные для пайки припоем
Мы с коллегой так и сделали.
скорее всего да
Кто тебе сказал такое?😂 Я тут вас читаю и угараю просто у одних паяльник не такой системы,у вторых вопрос почему маникюра нет,третьим удлинитель не нравится,конечно если нихрена не делать то и перчатки новые будут,и удлинитель идеальный ну и все остальное,у паяльника кстати не медное жало поэтому шкуркой если почистить то будет хуже
Это обычный паяльник, жало было с никелевым покрытием, но видимо вы паяли кислотами, и никелевое покрытие слетело, для его восстановления есть специальный состав у китайцев продается, можно самому восстановить без ничего но это сложнее
La punta del soldador estaba tan negra como los guantes😂 creo que la usaba para perforar plástico como hacen muchos. El buen consejo que da es que NO aplicar lija en la punta del soldador.
Great idea thanks sir
Parabéns ótimo trabalho irmão 👏👍👈
Alguém ligar voltagem errada nesse copo com água e sal pode dar ruim, tem outros métodos pra limpeza de ponta
Я к концу видео, уже слезу пустил😅
eletrodo de estanho foi só para dar um ar de sabedoria no video, kkkk técnica secreta para dar mais views? kkkk
This is the first time I seen anyone solder with the side of the tip. I always soldered with the tip of the tip.
Show us how well it solders a component onto a circuit board.
Да. Я поражен результатом. Довести паяльник до столь обгорелого состояния. Потом затратить столько усилий и залудить одну единственную точку на жале. А потом этой точкой размазывать припой без флюса по пайке. Это даже не дилетантизм. Это полное невежество.
Yes. I am amazed at the result. Bring the soldering iron to such a burnt state. Then spend so much effort and get one single point on the sting. And then use this point to smear the solder without flux on soldering. It's not even amateurism. This is complete ignorance
Congrax 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
Muy buen video, la electrolisis que buena y que desconocida por las culpa de las elites
Like the Weller soldering Irons made by Cooper Tools in AmeriKKKa...💩💩💩
Buen método pero primero limpia la punta del Cautín así como lo hiciste se le acabará el estaño en unos días.
A ponteira voltou a ficar escurecida e essa "eletrólise" piorou a situação. Essa idéia não funciona e certamente danifica a ponteira. A adesão da solda nela deveria ser uniforme, não somente numa ínfima superfície. Uso ferro de soldar a muitos e muitos anos e a única coisa que faço e que deixa a ponta sempre limpa e brilhante, a solda aderindo em toda sua extensão garantindo uma ótima soldagem, é simplesmente usar sempre, a partir do instante em que comprou o ferro de soldar, uma esponja levemente embebida em água morna e, aí sim, limpar a ponteira do ferro nela.
Obviously you've never used a Weller USA soldering station & their unbelievably 💩y tips. They go black & refuse to tin no matter how scrupulously you "precondition" them with any initial tinning technique you try, & usually become almost USELESS JUNK within 1-5hrs. of use!!! The only functionality you get out of them is to set the temperature control on the station to absolute maximum (870°F!), & just let the molten blobs fall off the tip & just splash onto your solder joints!
I usually use Weller's 🧩 s of 💩 only for stripping old projects; they can't solder anything, but at least they are slightly useful for unsoldering!🤨
Proudly made in America🤪 by Americans🤪🤪🤪, courtesy of Cooper Tools🤑👹🤑👹😈💰💰💰; the worst tool WHOREpoRATion in the entire world!🤗
I used to use American Ungar soldering irons, Weller's main competitor a long time ago. Their $30 pencil irons would outperform a $600 Weller temperature-controlled Station anywhere, anytime! Ungar tips were fabulous, & lasted 100's of hours as long as you preconditioned them with vigorous tinning for the first 15-30min. of initial service.
When Cooper Tools bought Weller, they noticed that Ungar was a much better product & was gradually strangling Weller out of the market.
Instead of improving the Weller tips, Cooper Tools saved Weller by just buying out Ungar instead!👹👺👹
They didn't even bother to change the Ungar name to "Weller" & discontinue their original 💩y Weller stuff, nor did they adapt Ungar technology to improve the horrible Weller products.
Instead, they just closed Ungar down, & continued to produce the same old horrible Weller products they always made!🤫🤪🤤🤤🤤😈👹
Now I can say that a no-name $10 Chinese pencil iron from Alibaba is better than a $600 Made in USA Weller soldering station instead!🤣🤣🤣🤗🤪🤫
I saved up alot of money & finally bought a $1000 American Metcal soldering station instead; there's nothing better in the world & I've been using their products for 30 years now; & still nothing else even comes close!
But since I still have some Weller 💩 that was given to me many years ago (because I wouldn't pay a single dime for any of their JUNK, & neither should anyone else!), I will try the (badly documented & demonstrated) trick in this video.
After all, if you own a Weller product, you couldn't possibly make it work any worse than it does right out of the box.
So even if you did this trick incorrectly, or it doesn't work because this turns out to be just a gag video, it still won't ruin a Weller tip any more than the Weller WHOREpoRATion does when they make & sell you a brand new one from their fucktory ANYWAY.😴🙄
Che y si sumerges el adaptador múltiple? Seguro te deja petroleo
Is that a 9 volt adapter you cut up? Or a 12 volt? Or other?
12v Sir
Температура кипения нафталина 218°С, но зачем усложнять себе жизнь, так как для борьбы с молью нафталин незачем доводить до кипения.
Автор показал самый трудоёмкий процесс чистки жала паяльника, к тому же ещё и безполезный.
беЗполезный ???
@@southernman6069 Да, есть ошибочка.
Amigos molhe (umedeça)um pano de algodão e passe no ponta do ferro quente! Fica novo e brilhante! Aprendi aqui no UA-cam com alguém. Funciona mesmo!
Стоит так заморачиваться, возьмите сразу таблетку аспирина. И всё будет быстрее
главное не вдыхать этот дым или вентиляция.
очень вредно для глаз и легких.
Мокрая тряпочка куда проще и безопаснее 😂
@@СтаниславМурмилов-я8с безопаснее всего нормальный флюс 😎
"Карандаш для чистки утюгов" - не так сильно воняет!
@@ivanyou5795 этот карандаш ещё купить надо, а аспирин в каждом доме есть. Вот у меня например нет такого карандаша, да и не пользуюсь таким. Утюг с тефлоновым покрытием, к нему не пригорает.😀
Uuuy que buen truco aprendi hoy ...😮 Aprendi a desperdiciar la sal y a gastar luz a lo tonto 😊 que buena idea
Mega frescura, basta uma palha de aço que a ponta fica nova, ótima pra uso
❤ cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ video clip, chúc bạn thành công.
Super 😍
Te falta la crema de soldar Ese es el clave para tener la punta limpia ojo no sirve el flux el flux solo se usa para la soldadura en fuente de calor
Смотрел и плакал.
Après avoir coupé la panne à souder, vous devez utiliser une pierre d’ammoniaque pour éviter la corrosion immédiate de la panne ! Alternativement, vous pouvez tremper la panne chaude dans une graisse à souder et ensuite immédiatement mettre de l’étain frais dessus.
Electrólisis de estaño!!!
What to do with the black solution left in glass how to dispose it
Самое главное неуказали полярность соединения. В гальванике это главное!
Полярность соединения можно ориентировочно определить по цвету проводов к которым он подключал. Могу предположить по видео что он жало к плюсу подключил. Только если судить по концовке видео то ИМХО в именно его гальванике это уже неважно. Никелевое покрытие жала мне кажется он гальваникой добил. Мелкаими вкраплениями после гальваники покрытие осталось. К чему кстати он каплю припоя и прилепил в конце концов.
А ему похоже похер, куда плюс, куда минус.
Excelente 😂
I hope by the time you read this, you have new gloves and a new extension cord. Interesting video.
das ist fantastisch!👍
O amigo aí tá precisando é de luvas novas.
I'm fine
@@Secrettechnic569broder, prometo um dia te enviar um par de luvas novas.
Eletrólise para limpar o cobre? Muito trabalho!
Это не медное, а стальное жало!
@@РажапСиргалин Aço não funciona bem em ferros de solda, perde muito caloria, demora e usa mais energia para esquentar.
Yo tengo ese problema, el estaño no se pega en la punta del soldador. Lo limpie pero tampoco queda. Me pueden ayudar?
Отличная музыка!
А не проще ли вставить медное жало ?
de Colombia excelente trabajo 👏👏👏👏👏
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times.
78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways.
81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times.
88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders.
92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come;
and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified.
99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations."
102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." .....2 Esdras 7:75
Buenos días.
El transformador o adaptador de que voltaje se le instala 5 o 12 VDC.
12 VDC - 1-2 Amps
ma ponendo polo positivo e polo negativo in acqua e sale non si crea un corto circuito nel trasformatore ?
sodium chloride, separated into sodium and chloride _ meaning it is a hydrochloride compound_ highly corrosive _suitable for descaling_ it's easier, just dip it directly into the hydrochloride solution_
Que polo del cargador es el que une a la punta soldador a?
Pero al ponerse a trabajar vuelve a lo mismo por eso es mas facil y rápido limpiarlo estando en uso con lija 220 o alguna tira de tela y la pasta misma de soldar
Прикол в том что жало там не медное
Specifying the + and - pole for noob.. is fundamental for electrolysis.. and the finish is with zinc and not tin or lead.. is incorrect
Tanto trabalho para isto ,um ferro custa uns 6 euros 😂
Перчатки - огонь :-)
это стиль винтаж.ни че ты не понимаеш.))
а тройник, в голивуде так не изобразят вымученный
Le plus simple serait d'apprendre à utiliser ton fer à souder correctement pour éviter de pourrir ta panne.
Oiga, ud sabe para qué sirve el papel de lija y el Flux ?
Se llama electrólisis eso que hiciste.
Ну это как бы школьный курс,можно даже стальное жало приспособить для пайки,достаточно нанести на него медь гальваническим способом 8:15
Китайский паяльник с фикс прайса лучше не покупать, жало Стальное с напылением очень не долго служит, деньги на ветер. Я такой выбросил
@@НиколайМордовин да нормальное там никелированное жало, с такими жалами не только китайцы делают, у меня такое жало, и все отлично паяет, просто кислотой паять не стоит им и зачищать как медное
Помой меня, я вся чешуся... У этого фокусника в равных перчатках даже удлинитель подкопченый)) Первый раз вижу, чтобы электролиз давал такое блестящее покрытие без зачистки детали... тем более такой грязной и обгоревшей)
You might put that outlet block in salt too.
Disculpa amigo como se llama la musica de fondo? gracias Dios te vendiga 🙋♂️