Dude, I gotta say. I was watching other React tutorials (that didn't even bother to explain how the core of it works) and I got so frustrated because I couldn't grasp anything. That's why I love the fact that you started from a simple html file and built your way up to more advanced concepts. This is so good, I finally get it. Thank you!
I could never stress out enough how extraordinary of a tutor you are. Firstly I watched all your python tutorials than C, C++ and now React JS. And in fact the python lessons made decide to choose the software engineering degree. You changed my life. Thank you! You're exceptionally good at explaining the concepts from the very core of it!
3 years ago I was a complete beginner. I started learning HTML from your tutorial. Then CSS, PHP Javascript and after 1 year I found a job as a junior web developer. Now I'm trying to learn React JS. I want to improve my knowledge, and hope you will make a tutorial for Node JS. Thanks to you I'm in this indrustry and I have a good job. You've changed my life Mike and I'm sure there are many others like me. God bless you.
I’m about to give up, every job post is looking for at least to know ReactJs and how to handle the backend. And want some full stack projects for an entry level job… like are they looking for somebody new to this industry or a mid level engineer?
Hello Mike! I'm a Computer Engineering student and I came here because I needed a quick intro to React, and I must tell you that the video is really good, much better than most of the other tutorials I've found on youtube. The fact that you start with the basics, explaining the reason behind everything really helps to build a solid foundation. Thanks a lot mate!
Wow man this is really good! You really simplified learning Reacting and I even watched at 1.5x speed! I've watched quite a few React videos on UA-cam and it never quite clicked. Their either too long or try to be too pretty. You explain everything so easily and with such detail and great examples between vanilla JS and the React way. I can totally see why now why React is such a big deal in the industry and it's even easier to learn when you have a great teacher like yourself. Sometimes we're just being taught inefficiently and we blame ourself. Thank you, amazing stuff!
I have gone through tons of React beginner tutorials. Every single tutorial started with create-react-app. However, the way Mike made the transition from simple vanilla JS to firstly including React CDN scripts and then to create-react-app is on a whole new level. This is the best React tutorial for those who are just transitioning from vanilla JS.
At only 45 min, I think I can safely say this is most well articulated crash course of React that I've come across. Your way of explaining the many moving pieces is extremely helpful. Thanks!
@@Robert-ob8bu Depends on background really. I'm only part way through but if you are going in with a semi decent understanding of Java and HTML/CSS you probably be able to use this as a great starting point and then branch out the further you go. Learning Hooks have 4 hour videos on their own depending how indepth you want to go with it
You're the best code teacher i ever had. Your style is unique and phenomenal. 2 years ago I was stuck on a subject at university (I'm almost graduating in Information Systems at a federal university here in Brazil) and your Python course helped me tremendously. Now, 2 years later, i'm employed and starting to work with front-end... And here is another course of yours helping me again. Thank you very much, master. I would like to repay all the good you have done to me and others.
Wow guys, this is insane!!! Some people, including me, asked for a react course on his last video!! And 2 days later he just uploads one! This is just insane!! Thank you so much Mike! You´re the best! Keep it up :D
This guy should be put in the bible for his contributions to society. Should be Honored and Knighted, allowed to view the Ark of the Covenant. Picture put next to the Mona Lisa. LOLOLOL This content is much appreciated especially for those who are interested in this and just dont have the time to go to classes or cannot afford them at the moment. You can get a foundation and ground work for a language through him. Im one of those people that just dont have enough time in a day to commit to a class due to work, being a husband and Dad. With this I can go at my own pace. Thanks man!
I regret seeing this video today after wasting a lot of time following tutorials for months without actually understanding how react works. Thank you Mike🥳
By far the best React tutorial on UA-cam. Starting from vanilla JS helped me understand exactly how React is working and all of the major concepts. I was banging my head on the desk trying to learn React before I found this. Thank you!!!!!!!
You talk on the level. As in, you are able to put yourself in people's shoes who have never touched programming and explain it in a clear, easy to understand manner. So many, when teaching, just assume that because they find X,Y, Z concept/language easy that of course we'll all get it no problem. And proceed to just start speaking in technical terms and going over "easy" things once. It's enough to know something and be good at it. But to teach it and be good at explaining material such as this is a skill and talent within itself. I'm doing a course at the moment in software development and your channel has been a go-to for the last 6 months. While some of my lecturers have "adapted" to online learning in this pandemic by using PowerPoint slides and simply drawing on them in red marker and having verbal diarrhoea narration to explain content. You are an oasis of knowledge in a desert my friend.
You are the best online tutor! So easy to follow and also you have a great voice, I can watch your tutorials without the need of pausing them in the middle! Love it!
I started watching my first tutorials by watching your videos (giraffe academy Python and JAVA tutorials with long hair ) :D You weren't around for a while and now it's soooo good that you are back again, you are D best, and as expected this the BEST react tutorial ever !! Thank you so much :)
Finally! A React tutorial that explains why and how things work the way they work. There were some pretty decent React-tutorials on UA-cam, but this one blows them all out of the water.
My first subscription to a UA-cam channel and my first comment. This is indeed the simplest explanation of React that I have seen. Great going Mike. I also had to sign up for the Coding RPG Bootcamp! Awesome..
Wow this is one of the best youtube tutorials on react. Now I actually get how react actually works and is useful under the hood... cant thank u enough man.
I love the untraditional way of teaching.. many tutorials teach in a way that is detached from the reality.. I like that you always mention that this is how it's done in the workplace.. for a junior developer that helps a lot.. thank you
Thank you so much! I've used several react tutorial videos before, I was taught physically and I couldn't understand until now. I really love how you broke it down. 10 months after this was released and it's still the best react tutorial I've seen hands down.
I had no experience with JS or React, but my new job asked me to update some React code and add functionality. This video absolutely saved me; with your help I was able to get it done. Thank you so much for making this!!
Mike I'm only on minute 42 but I'm already wondering how I've gone all my life without you. OMG what a great teaching style and organization and it looks like you are just doing it from the top of your head. Like really, your way of explaining stuff is Genius, super easy to understand but also covering a lot of stuff from bottom to top, really... WOW! Thanks a lot! I've watched a lot of tutorials about pretty much everything but you are on a league of your own.
this should be the process of learning in whatever field you are in.. from basic to how the whole thing came about... not only in programming but to Life in general.. what a concise way of teaching you have there brrother no other words can say but magnifico!!
I've been through a number of react course but couldn't get pass the one hour mark because I had no idea what react is what reactdom is, why we use create react app etc. And then I came accross this gem. The first one hour of this tutorial is absolute gold. Everything started making sense to me. Keep up the good work bro! P.S- I said the "first one hour" is because that's how much I've watch for now and I thought it's time to leave a comment. Definately going to finish it.
years back I watched your course on SQL at Giraffe academy, and now I am glad you have made this course, everything you create is very clear and simple to understand. Thank you, Mike.
From this 3.5 hours course, I learned more and finally understood the core concept of React than some 300 dollars ''online course''. Thank you for walking me through the true value of React.
best react course on youtube without a doubt, I adore the way you teach all the different materials, I began with learning c++ from you, then I checked your channel to find some more about the different subjects that you teach, and this subject is so freacking well explained that I don't really know why isn't it viral on youtube along with other react courses, without any further to say, I love you mike, you're the best ❤❤
I can't thank you enough Mike. You are one of the most talented programmer in the entire world wide web. The way you logically explain everything with experience and confidence is a deep sign of intelligence. Consider having a "Donate to Say Thank You!" link. 😊
I was planning to learn React after I fully grasp the vanilla JS. I came here to just to check this out and I'm already 40min in. Your lectures are so fun to listen to.
Thanks so much for this video, finished the full 3.5 hours across a few days. Definitely the most helpful React tutorial i've found out there, i've watched alot of others and the way you explain things is really effective and makes it easier to grasp. The way you built up from just a simple html file was really useful and I think I finally understand hooks and state so thank you!
Thank you very much.This is truly a detailed one. The part I liked most is that you explained so many things before typing npx create-react-app. I am searching and have gone through so many tutorials for beginners react and this is the best I found. Moreover your way of teaching, repeating the crux things twice to make us understand draws a big thick line between you and other online educators.
You know exact people's pulse, and in the same way you delivers. Out of 100 nearly 99 don't start like this by explaining how react evolved from plain JS and how the transpiler making that JSX into react etc. Mike you're my first programming tutor for every thing, literally I started everything from you whether it might be database, html, css, python , js and now finally react. I'm super super excited to complete this tutorial. As of now each and every concept is 💯 clear. I couldn't imagine how your bootcamp would be 😍😍
I looked at some tutorials on React and it seemed very difficult. They explained how to do things but without saying why we. I tried to memorize something but having learned Javascript it seemed easier to build web app von Vanilla Javascript. Seeing your video I really understood why React is useful and how to transform the logic from Vanilla Javascript to React. I have never seen one with this ability to explain. You are really special, I thank you with all my heart for helping thousands of people who without someone who explains things like you would be out of work today.
Mike Dane, you are by far the best programing instructor i have ever seen, i knew this years ago when i first watched your HTML tutorial , the way you explain things is so clear and to the point, you are truly amazing bro, thank you so much.
The best React training I have encountered so far. A big thank you for all these details from France! That said, I wanted to let you know that when you write import "index.js" without a point in front, or two points when you want to go back to the parent folder, it will look for index.js in the node_modules folder . That's why you had the problem with importing "CountButton.css".
Excellent tutorial. I really like the way you recapped at the end of each new concept. I feel I have a better understanding of how React components all fit together with state and styles. Thank you
Amazing tutorial. Learned a lot from this tutorial. Extremely cleared all the concepts. The best part was to start from vanilla-JS and then dive in react. The best instructor I ever had. ThankYOU Mick Dane. Lots of love from Pakistan. May God Bless you.
Awesome! The explanation is so clear and logical that everything becomes quite obvious if you have good javascript prior knowledge. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us!
I've watched a couple videos of yours from time to time, when building applications, to help sometimes me when I'm stuck on something may it be something quite complex or something I just forgot how to do. I've noticed you are quite good at explaining. Like even though you are clearly a knowledgeable tech person, you know how to explain things in such a way that complex concepts sound easy and they do tend to be clear actually because of how well you explain almost as if you're talking to a 'dummy'. Thank you Mike. You are an awesome teacher.
It's like you read my mind! I'm currently in a bootcamp and I needed this so bad, I can understand you better compared to my instructor who thinks we're pro developers.
Simply amazing!! Even that I’ve just played 5min and I felt hooked! Can’t help to come to comment area to drop a like! Learned Python with you a few month back when I just started coding and in love with your course. Recently I’ve been fascinated about the blockchain technology and dapp. I started to watch your JavaScript tutorial completely and super grateful that you are back and produce this amazing React tutorial. Would be nice if you could teach us to build dapp!! Thank you so much for your great work!!!
This is a must watch intro to ReactJS video if you're new to it. I've been a web / app developer for years, but I enjoyed even the basic ELI5 parts that were thoroughly explained. Well done. Thanks!
I saw your video a couple days earlier and got excited that you were coming back, and I remember thinking to myself along the lines of: "I think I need to start learning React now; I think I know JavaScript well enough. Wouldn't it be funny if he started a React tutorial?". I was even planning on starting today. Talk about perfect timing.
Usually for me, If I can't understand why something is happening, hard for me to follow! You specifically explained that part well. I am loving your content.
Great work on this video.. engaging! I worked a little bit with react in the past but I used classes for components which I guess is considered the "old" way... This was refreshing, learned a lot! Thank You!
Thank god for this tutorial. Did the freecodecamp React course, and watched some other tutorials - made me feel like I would never get it. This video was so clear and I learned a ton just by completing it over a week. Cheers!
@@error0803 after following this tutorial, i jumped to develop few small things using react and that's where i started learning the most. still learning
Seems like my friend is saying the truth. You are really a great educator man. It's like you are born to be one :) I just finished watching your video and it helps me a lot understanding react. Though I'm still learning javascript. It's true when you said it is one of the standards now. I'm a new developer, a career shifter and I'm really having hard time understand all this stuffs. It's just overwhelming so I'm just so thankful, just like others here, that we have someone like you and the other educators giving time and effort to make a video like this. Waiting for your node.js tutorial! All the way from the Philippines. Thank you again :)
Thank you so so much. This probably just saved me a month or two of learning this stuff in a different way. I really appreciate you taking the time to make this.
This is undoubtedly the best tutorial, I've watched other tutorials of yours and I don't even look for anything else now. Thank you for your effort Mike
This is by far the best React tutorial on the Internet! The breakdown of everything was incredible! This tutorial takes learning React to a whole new understandable level! 🔥🔥🔥 THANKS MIKE!
I only wish I could click "Like" more than once! This is great!! I've just come here from an overly-complicated Udemy course on React that has actually made my brain hurt. This video has helped me review (or rather understand) so many concepts and how things work.. You're a great teacher Mike, Thank you!! 👍👍👍
I am through first 27 mins and I am already excited to go on and on. I already know react but your approach is so good that I want to relearn it from ground up. Pl keep it up. Thanks.
Wow I did myself a big favor by starting with your video. I left learning react many times as soon as the useState part came into play and messed up stuff for me. You Sir changed that for me. Thanks a lot
Dude I just have to pause to video to express my gratitude. You're a f*king legend mate. Can't believe you pushed through for 3,5 hours :D I went through it in multiple goes. After watching this I will get my hands dirty with React, you explained everything so well, really learned a lot. Also the way you structured it, sweet as lime. Thanks a ton!
And when the world needed him most, he came back.
My boi started dropping some value bombs.
gazab bhai
And The avenger of Programming is back !!
He is the best
hey mates, i was wondering if i need to learn class components like OOP in js to get a job or is mastering hooks enough? thanks in advance
@@onrjs oops is the heart and soul of every programming language
Dude, I gotta say. I was watching other React tutorials (that didn't even bother to explain how the core of it works) and I got so frustrated because I couldn't grasp anything. That's why I love the fact that you started from a simple html file and built your way up to more advanced concepts. This is so good, I finally get it. Thank you!
Came back 3 months later to refresh my knowledge. Still a brilliant tutorial.
I could never stress out enough how extraordinary of a tutor you are. Firstly I watched all your python tutorials than C, C++ and now React JS. And in fact the python lessons made decide to choose the software engineering degree. You changed my life. Thank you! You're exceptionally good at explaining the concepts from the very core of it!
3 years ago I was a complete beginner. I started learning HTML from your tutorial. Then CSS, PHP Javascript and after 1 year I found a job as a junior web developer. Now I'm trying to learn React JS. I want to improve my knowledge, and hope you will make a tutorial for Node JS. Thanks to you I'm in this indrustry and I have a good job.
You've changed my life Mike and I'm sure there are many others like me.
God bless you.
where you get the job any suggested website
please where can i get such level job
plz tell us more about your experience! I am a total beginner just learned html + css. any advice for me?
@@mhamedled5182 linkedin
I’m about to give up, every job post is looking for at least to know ReactJs and how to handle the backend. And want some full stack projects for an entry level job… like are they looking for somebody new to this industry or a mid level engineer?
The guy that ultra-kickstarted my whole programming experience is back!!!
Hello Mike! I'm a Computer Engineering student and I came here because I needed a quick intro to React, and I must tell you that the video is really good, much better than most of the other tutorials I've found on youtube. The fact that you start with the basics, explaining the reason behind everything really helps to build a solid foundation. Thanks a lot mate!
Wow man this is really good! You really simplified learning Reacting and I even watched at 1.5x speed! I've watched quite a few React videos on UA-cam and it never quite clicked. Their either too long or try to be too pretty. You explain everything so easily and with such detail and great examples between vanilla JS and the React way. I can totally see why now why React is such a big deal in the industry and it's even easier to learn when you have a great teacher like yourself. Sometimes we're just being taught inefficiently and we blame ourself. Thank you, amazing stuff!
"Sometimes we're just being taught inefficiently and we blame ourself." That is a really good quote. Never thought about it in that way.
Watching these videos at a faster speed is a good idea.
Thank you for this ground breaking revelation.
At least for me. lol
i was about to give up on react! when youtube pops up mike dane react course i was like omg here's a sign let's learn react. thank u mike :)
This dude explains in detail which other youtubers dont so he rocks
This is by far one of the best React tutorials. It really solidified my react understanding.
This is what real teaching looks like. Working from ground up step by step.
No words to thank you enough!
I have gone through tons of React beginner tutorials. Every single tutorial started with create-react-app. However, the way Mike made the transition from simple vanilla JS to firstly including React CDN scripts and then to create-react-app is on a whole new level. This is the best React tutorial for those who are just transitioning from vanilla JS.
At only 45 min, I think I can safely say this is most well articulated crash course of React that I've come across. Your way of explaining the many moving pieces is extremely helpful. Thanks!
is it enough to learn only from this tutotial
@@Robert-ob8bu Depends on background really. I'm only part way through but if you are going in with a semi decent understanding of Java and HTML/CSS you probably be able to use this as a great starting point and then branch out the further you go. Learning Hooks have 4 hour videos on their own depending how indepth you want to go with it
@@Th3Rabb1t I Just wanna make decent project for Resume, with the Help of Node Express n Mongo at Backend..
I'm here just to celebrate your come back, your videos have a lot to do with career success
yes he is awsome
I love it !!!
All self learners out there, we all struggle.
This channel gave me a lot of missing pieces of my self-learning puzzle.
Appreciate it !
You're the best code teacher i ever had. Your style is unique and phenomenal. 2 years ago I was stuck on a subject at university (I'm almost graduating in Information Systems at a federal university here in Brazil) and your Python course helped me tremendously.
Now, 2 years later, i'm employed and starting to work with front-end... And here is another course of yours helping me again. Thank you very much, master. I would like to repay all the good you have done to me and others.
Wow guys, this is insane!!! Some people, including me, asked for a react course on his last video!! And 2 days later he just uploads one! This is just insane!! Thank you so much Mike! You´re the best! Keep it up :D
I miss when you say "hey! welcome to giraffe academy"😥
My name is Mike ....aaand today we are going to talk about......and the crowd goes wild
@@tapiwamatsika4063 "My name is Mmmmmike"
Mee too
I miss the old hairstyle
And “my name is Mike”
I can already feel the Earths power growing!
This is the most intuitive and straightforward React tutorial I have seen. Great work!
This guy should be put in the bible for his contributions to society. Should be Honored and Knighted, allowed to view the Ark of the Covenant. Picture put next to the Mona Lisa. LOLOLOL This content is much appreciated especially for those who are interested in this and just dont have the time to go to classes or cannot afford them at the moment. You can get a foundation and ground work for a language through him. Im one of those people that just dont have enough time in a day to commit to a class due to work, being a husband and Dad. With this I can go at my own pace. Thanks man!
I regret seeing this video today after wasting a lot of time following tutorials for months without actually understanding how react works. Thank you Mike🥳
If there is any option in youtube to like a billion times, I'll definitely do.. You are really the best teacher & instructor. Many many thanks Mike.
Omg I was searching this course on the UA-cam and you just uploaded it.Thanks to my life 💃🏻
By far the best React tutorial on UA-cam. Starting from vanilla JS helped me understand exactly how React is working and all of the major concepts. I was banging my head on the desk trying to learn React before I found this. Thank you!!!!!!!
This course is AWESOME !!! Perfect !!! Not too short and not too long. I've understand all the topics. Thank you Mike.
So well thought out and organized curriculum, building from the ground zero! As a rock-bottom beginner, I really appreciate this. Thank you!
You talk on the level. As in, you are able to put yourself in people's shoes who have never touched programming and explain it in a clear, easy to understand manner. So many, when teaching, just assume that because they find X,Y, Z concept/language easy that of course we'll all get it no problem. And proceed to just start speaking in technical terms and going over "easy" things once.
It's enough to know something and be good at it. But to teach it and be good at explaining material such as this is a skill and talent within itself.
I'm doing a course at the moment in software development and your channel has been a go-to for the last 6 months. While some of my lecturers have "adapted" to online learning in this pandemic by using PowerPoint slides and simply drawing on them in red marker and having verbal diarrhoea narration to explain content.
You are an oasis of knowledge in a desert my friend.
You teach really well, and this video really helped me. I would love more on this.
rewatch the last minute...
You are the best online tutor! So easy to follow and also you have a great voice, I can watch your tutorials without the need of pausing them in the middle! Love it!
I started watching my first tutorials by watching your videos (giraffe academy Python and JAVA tutorials with long hair ) :D
You weren't around for a while and now it's soooo good that you are back again, you are D best,
and as expected this the BEST react tutorial ever !!
Thank you so much :)
Finally! A React tutorial that explains why and how things work the way they work. There were some pretty decent React-tutorials on UA-cam, but this one blows them all out of the water.
My first subscription to a UA-cam channel and my first comment. This is indeed the simplest explanation of React that I have seen. Great going Mike. I also had to sign up for the Coding RPG Bootcamp! Awesome..
This is by far the best tutorial in the world that explains React. Spoon feeding at its finest. So grateful and thankful for this. ))
bro!!! Just... Wow. I've never came across such an interactive and helpful tutorial in my life. The content in this video is ELITE!!! Best overall.
Wow this is one of the best youtube tutorials on react. Now I actually get how react actually works and is useful under the hood... cant thank u enough man.
I love the untraditional way of teaching.. many tutorials teach in a way that is detached from the reality.. I like that you always mention that this is how it's done in the workplace.. for a junior developer that helps a lot.. thank you
Thank you so much! I've used several react tutorial videos before, I was taught physically and I couldn't understand until now. I really love how you broke it down. 10 months after this was released and it's still the best react tutorial I've seen hands down.
I had no experience with JS or React, but my new job asked me to update some React code and add functionality. This video absolutely saved me; with your help I was able to get it done. Thank you so much for making this!!
Mike I'm only on minute 42 but I'm already wondering how I've gone all my life without you. OMG what a great teaching style and organization and it looks like you are just doing it from the top of your head. Like really, your way of explaining stuff is Genius, super easy to understand but also covering a lot of stuff from bottom to top, really... WOW! Thanks a lot! I've watched a lot of tutorials about pretty much everything but you are on a league of your own.
One of the best React tutorials. Thanks a lot Mike 🙏.
I hope there will be a second or even a third part to get more knowledge about React.
this should be the process of learning in whatever field you are in.. from basic to how the whole thing came about... not only in programming but to Life in general.. what a concise way of teaching you have there brrother no other words can say but magnifico!!
I've been through a number of react course but couldn't get pass the one hour mark because I had no idea what react is what reactdom is, why we use create react app etc. And then I came accross this gem. The first one hour of this tutorial is absolute gold. Everything started making sense to me. Keep up the good work bro!
P.S- I said the "first one hour" is because that's how much I've watch for now and I thought it's time to leave a comment. Definately going to finish it.
years back I watched your course on SQL at Giraffe academy, and now I am glad you have made this course, everything you create is very clear and simple to understand. Thank you, Mike.
The best teacher out there! Thank u for this!
From this 3.5 hours course, I learned more and finally understood the core concept of React than some 300 dollars ''online course''.
Thank you for walking me through the true value of React.
best react course on youtube without a doubt, I adore the way you teach all the different materials, I began with learning c++ from you, then I checked your channel to find some more about the different subjects that you teach, and this subject is so freacking well explained that I don't really know why isn't it viral on youtube along with other react courses, without any further to say, I love you mike, you're the best ❤❤
this tutorial feels to me...like its my best friend just giving me insights and gems.Just love the vibe, and how you break down concepts...thank you.
I can't thank you enough Mike. You are one of the most talented programmer in the entire world wide web. The way you logically explain everything with experience and confidence is a deep sign of intelligence. Consider having a "Donate to Say Thank You!" link. 😊
I was planning to learn React after I fully grasp the vanilla JS. I came here to just to check this out and I'm already 40min in. Your lectures are so fun to listen to.
Simple,to the point but equally in-depth tutorial.....Thanks Mike..
The best react tutorial I ever seen, thank you!
Usually I just type my code without knowledge of what React actually does behind it until I watch this video. Thanks Mike!
Thanks so much for this video, finished the full 3.5 hours across a few days. Definitely the most helpful React tutorial i've found out there, i've watched alot of others and the way you explain things is really effective and makes it easier to grasp. The way you built up from just a simple html file was really useful and I think I finally understand hooks and state so thank you!
man...it was the best react tutorial ive watched so far....your teaching is really gr8...thank you very much
The only React tutorial on whole UA-cam which i fully understand and was really beginner friendly ♥️. (Commenting out after finishing it)
Don't know how many times I said in my head 'this guy is amazing' through this video. You have a gift mate, wishing you all the best :) !
Thank you very much.This is truly a detailed one. The part I liked most is that you explained so many things before typing
npx create-react-app. I am searching and have gone through so many tutorials for beginners react and this is the best I found.
Moreover your way of teaching, repeating the crux things twice to make us understand draws a big thick line between you and other online educators.
I don't even have time to watch this yet (but I will) but you're such a good dude for all that you do. :)
You know exact people's pulse, and in the same way you delivers. Out of 100 nearly 99 don't start like this by explaining how react evolved from plain JS and how the transpiler making that JSX into react etc. Mike you're my first programming tutor for every thing, literally I started everything from you whether it might be database, html, css, python , js and now finally react. I'm super super excited to complete this tutorial. As of now each and every concept is 💯 clear. I couldn't imagine how your bootcamp would be 😍😍
I looked at some tutorials on React and it seemed very difficult. They explained how to do things but without saying why we. I tried to memorize something but having learned Javascript it seemed easier to build web app von Vanilla Javascript.
Seeing your video I really understood why React is useful and how to transform the logic from Vanilla Javascript to React.
I have never seen one with this ability to explain. You are really special, I thank you with all my heart for helping thousands of people who without someone who explains things like you would be out of work today.
Excellent presentation, you are really talented presenter and educator, hopefully you haven't abandoned this channel.
Mike Dane, you are by far the best programing instructor i have ever seen, i knew this years ago when i first watched your HTML tutorial ,
the way you explain things is so clear and to the point, you are truly amazing bro, thank you so much.
The best React training I have encountered so far. A big thank you for all these details from France! That said, I wanted to let you know that when you write import "index.js" without a point in front, or two points when you want to go back to the parent folder, it will look for index.js in the node_modules folder . That's why you had the problem with importing "CountButton.css".
Excellent tutorial. I really like the way you recapped at the end of each new concept. I feel I have a better understanding of how React components all fit together with state and styles. Thank you
Amazing tutorial. Learned a lot from this tutorial. Extremely cleared all the concepts. The best part was to start from vanilla-JS and then dive in react. The best instructor I ever had. ThankYOU Mick Dane. Lots of love from Pakistan. May God Bless you.
Hey Mike!!, I just wanted to thank you
Awesome! The explanation is so clear and logical that everything becomes quite obvious if you have good javascript prior knowledge. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us!
This is the best react tutorial for beginners I have ever seen. You are the best Mike
I've watched a couple videos of yours from time to time, when building applications, to help sometimes me when I'm stuck on something may it be something quite complex or something I just forgot how to do.
I've noticed you are quite good at explaining. Like even though you are clearly a knowledgeable tech person, you know how to explain things in such a way that complex concepts sound easy and they do tend to be clear actually because of how well you explain almost as if you're talking to a 'dummy'.
Thank you Mike. You are an awesome teacher.
It's like you read my mind! I'm currently in a bootcamp and I needed this so bad, I can understand you better compared to my instructor who thinks we're pro developers.
Simply amazing!! Even that I’ve just played 5min and I felt hooked! Can’t help to come to comment area to drop a like! Learned Python with you a few month back when I just started coding and in love with your course. Recently I’ve been fascinated about the blockchain technology and dapp. I started to watch your JavaScript tutorial completely and super grateful that you are back and produce this amazing React tutorial. Would be nice if you could teach us to build dapp!! Thank you so much for your great work!!!
This is a must watch intro to ReactJS video if you're new to it. I've been a web / app developer for years, but I enjoyed even the basic ELI5 parts that were thoroughly explained. Well done. Thanks!
I saw your video a couple days earlier and got excited that you were coming back, and I remember thinking to myself along the lines of: "I think I need to start learning React now; I think I know JavaScript well enough. Wouldn't it be funny if he started a React tutorial?". I was even planning on starting today. Talk about perfect timing.
This is the best react video for beginners I found on youtube :)
You taught react in such a simple way. Thank you. Now we need Node js tutorial please
Best React course on UA-cam! Great teacher.
Please make a Part 2!
Hey Mike thanks for tutorial !
I am very happy for your come back 😊 😊
Usually for me, If I can't understand why something is happening, hard for me to follow! You specifically explained that part well. I am loving your content.
I'm in the middle of a bootcamp. This video did a great job of simplyfying things that have flown by in camp. Much appreciated.
Through this tutorial I have a much better understanding of React. Hands down the best one I've watched for React.
Great work on this video.. engaging! I worked a little bit with react in the past but I used classes for components which I guess is considered the "old" way... This was refreshing, learned a lot! Thank You!
hi mike 1 year ago i was a complete beginner then i learnt html,css,js,c,react js,python from you and today it is helping me a lot
Thank god for this tutorial. Did the freecodecamp React course, and watched some other tutorials - made me feel like I would never get it.
This video was so clear and I learned a ton just by completing it over a week. Cheers!
Understanding React has never been this easier. Thanks alot Mike❤
Hi bro, just wanted to know. How much time did it take for you to completely grasp React?
@@error0803 after following this tutorial, i jumped to develop few small things using react and that's where i started learning the most. still learning
@@amDeku Thanks for the quick answer. I ve been learning vanilla js for a month. So today I started React and it's actually pretty fun. Good luck to u
by far one of the best as compared to other channels, starting from the sratch and building all the way up in a more detailed way really helped 🙌🙌
This is THE best React tutorial for newbies, thank you.
you got talent at teaching man. The way you break things down. Thank you so much
Seems like my friend is saying the truth. You are really a great educator man. It's like you are born to be one :)
I just finished watching your video and it helps me a lot understanding react. Though I'm still learning javascript. It's true when you said it is one of the standards now.
I'm a new developer, a career shifter and I'm really having hard time understand all this stuffs. It's just overwhelming so I'm just so thankful, just like others here, that we have someone like you and the other educators giving time and effort to make a video like this. Waiting for your node.js tutorial!
All the way from the Philippines. Thank you again :)
Thank you so so much. This probably just saved me a month or two of learning this stuff in a different way. I really appreciate you taking the time to make this.
I'm only 11 and half a minutes in and you're doing such a great job! UA-cam algo finally to the rescue 😁👍
This is undoubtedly the best tutorial, I've watched other tutorials of yours and I don't even look for anything else now. Thank you for your effort Mike
This is by far the best React tutorial on the Internet! The breakdown of everything was incredible! This tutorial takes learning React to a whole new understandable level! 🔥🔥🔥
I only wish I could click "Like" more than once! This is great!! I've just come here from an overly-complicated Udemy course on React that has actually made my brain hurt. This video has helped me review (or rather understand) so many concepts and how things work.. You're a great teacher Mike, Thank you!! 👍👍👍
I am through first 27 mins and I am already excited to go on and on. I already know react but your approach is so good that I want to relearn it from ground up. Pl keep it up. Thanks.
I am such a fan of yours. I hope that you and your endeavor grows. You deserve it 🎉
You literally explained this so well. I’ve watched multiple tutorials and this one didn’t leave me with more questions. Thank you!!
Wow I did myself a big favor by starting with your video. I left learning react many times as soon as the useState part came into play and messed up stuff for me. You Sir changed that for me.
Thanks a lot
Dude I just have to pause to video to express my gratitude. You're a f*king legend mate. Can't believe you pushed through for 3,5 hours :D I went through it in multiple goes. After watching this I will get my hands dirty with React, you explained everything so well, really learned a lot. Also the way you structured it, sweet as lime. Thanks a ton!
This one is the nicest tutorial I have see so far of reactJS. Simple and easy to understand complex stuff.