One of the most in-character Kurt performances (complete w Blaine agog at the gold pants); the Inception of it is that Hugh Jackman performed it with an assist from Sarah Jessica Parker at the Tony's, and SJP comes in a later season as a mentor to Kurt.
Iam still so mad that the writer didn't let Rachel grow from this failure. The characters development she could have gotten from this would have been amazing. Watching her grow from a entitled diva to humbled performer would have been a really great arc for her. But no Rachel's get everything handed to her no matter what.
Did you not see the show? Lmao. It did humble her and she fought to get Carmen to see her at nationals and she got it. The whole show is Rachel’s arc like what?! 😂
@@rambambobam1268 it didn’t humble her. It made her more entitled to the point she stalked the Dean to get her to come to Nationals. If someone did that IRL they wouldn’t have gotten in to school and probably would have been blacklisted altogether.
@@rambambobam1268 the resentment is real, they don't like that Rachel got in. If another character choked, they would praise their efforts to keep going.
I’m still mad all these years that Kurt got that reaction from the Dean and didn’t get in but Rachel choked then stalked her and got in. Like we all knew it was the Rachel Berry show but just once it would have been nice to see her not get everything she wanted right away.
It's hilarious. She never gets consequences for the awful things she does and the way she treats people, mostly because she is a great singer. This was karma smacking her down a peg. Beautiful.
Yes, new episodes will be uploaded at some point, but for now we don't have a fixed posting schedule. It can come at any time. At least that's the prediction we have for now, it may change in the future. - Audrey's Editor.
📌PATREON: Weekly GLEE Watch Parties in 1080p! Get EARLY ACCESS to videos! 👉 🎵⚠ Think you CAN'T SING, but wish you knew HOW?? Get feedback on your singing videos, vocal warm up drills, and just hang out with a community of people who love to sing! 👉
One of the most in-character Kurt performances (complete w Blaine agog at the gold pants); the Inception of it is that Hugh Jackman performed it with an assist from Sarah Jessica Parker at the Tony's, and SJP comes in a later season as a mentor to Kurt.
If you don't know The Body Next Door(the song Kurt did) - go watch Hugh Jackman on the Tony's perform it... then you'll understand the high kicks
Thank you for still uploading these highlight videos!
Agreed!! I can’t wait to go back and watch the full reaction videos, but these are fun in the meantime!
@@JustSomeHeroKid same, hope she will upload them again on youtube
Yes! I love this!
Iam still so mad that the writer didn't let Rachel grow from this failure. The characters development she could have gotten from this would have been amazing. Watching her grow from a entitled diva to humbled performer would have been a really great arc for her.
But no Rachel's get everything handed to her no matter what.
But that ended up being her arc but not with this situation.
Did you not see the show? Lmao. It did humble her and she fought to get Carmen to see her at nationals and she got it. The whole show is Rachel’s arc like what?! 😂
@@rambambobam1268 it didn’t humble her. It made her more entitled to the point she stalked the Dean to get her to come to Nationals. If someone did that IRL they wouldn’t have gotten in to school and probably would have been blacklisted altogether.
@@AubreyMichelle09 omg it’s a fucking
Show 😂😂 it shows Rachel’s drive and determination. It’s a character trait. Bffr
@@rambambobam1268 the resentment is real, they don't like that Rachel got in. If another character choked, they would praise their efforts to keep going.
Cry is one of my favorite all time Glee performances ❤
I’m still mad all these years that Kurt got that reaction from the Dean and didn’t get in but Rachel choked then stalked her and got in. Like we all knew it was the Rachel Berry show but just once it would have been nice to see her not get everything she wanted right away.
pleek 😭😭
love her editor 😂
I wish they had a full version of cell block tango
Good enough for her!! Thinking she's better than every one!!!
Could you react to 'Total Eclipse Of the Heart'next?
will be out Jan 1st!
Please do Rachel Berry - Being Good. This is her best song in my opinion!!!!
Kid me when this aired was gagged when Rachel couldn't remember the word's
Make me feel your love Glee
This episode is so sad because this is her dream and she chokes. Rachel is just begging her and it’s so sad see this episode
I laughed my head off when she choked!!! Hate her!!!
@@lisamariegreenaway8693me too it was so funny literally make a meme🤣
It's hilarious. She never gets consequences for the awful things she does and the way she treats people, mostly because she is a great singer. This was karma smacking her down a peg. Beautiful.
They let him make up that dance!
You should react to glee cry on here. Also I love your videos
Could you react to 'Cry' sing for Lea Michele?
have you ever thought of doing a review or a watch party for the 2002 chicago movie version ?
Will you post videos like this for the other episodes as well, for those of us who unfortunately can't afford to watch on your patreon?
Yes, new episodes will be uploaded at some point, but for now we don't have a fixed posting schedule. It can come at any time. At least that's the prediction we have for now, it may change in the future.
- Audrey's Editor.
Don’t want to wait??? Watch this video RIGHT NOW on my Patreon account:
📌PATREON: Weekly GLEE Watch Parties in 1080p! Get EARLY ACCESS to videos!
🎵⚠ Think you CAN'T SING, but wish you knew HOW??
Get feedback on your singing videos, vocal warm up drills, and just hang out with a community of people who love to sing!
I don't understand what happened with the whole watch parties? 😔 I missed them, they were my Sunday routine before sleeping
she switched them to Patreon $$$
my birthday is on the 28th of december
Wqs that my fair lady puck was sining
*pleeea 😂😂😂😂
umm, she didn't forget the lyrics. she choke. hence the title of the episode...