• @Thanya569
    @Thanya569 Рік тому +43

    Repen Brandon! This sick pleasure on Earth is not worth ending up in hell for eternity

  • @unknown403error6
    @unknown403error6 Рік тому +103

    how this man be a Rev. is beyond me

    • @Setfree316
      @Setfree316 Рік тому +17

      He's not a reverend of God he's a deceiver of the devil who refuses to repent.
      He's one of many who have fallen away and rather than own up to what he truly is he wants to act like he is in relationship with God
      The book of Jude explains that are this way.
      12These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm-shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted-twice dead. 13They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.
      Jude 1

    • @00F
      @00F Рік тому +6

      He probably appointed himself to that position.

    • @AmericanCuban
      @AmericanCuban Рік тому +1

      @@00F So is every so called pastor. They invent their own churches, serve their own interests and choose whatever beliefs they think is correct. Stop being a hypocrite!!!

    • @tylercorzine
      @tylercorzine Рік тому +1

      Pray for him! He already has a judge waiting for him. I also need to take my own advice because I despise his blasphemous spirit.

    • @samuelllakaj5439
      @samuelllakaj5439 Рік тому

      Correction: “Rev.” You think he’s legit?

  • @rileyfahl9787
    @rileyfahl9787 Рік тому +5

    “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves”- Matt 7:15
    Never thought I’d see the day but here we are.

  • @mattmannina1935
    @mattmannina1935 Рік тому +21

    the hardest teachings for him to teach are the ones that speak truth against all the lies that he speaks daily

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      What specific lies,does he speak everyday?

    • @safejourney5199
      @safejourney5199 Рік тому +2

      @@Frank-ky8bk That he is better at discerning than the true teachers are.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      @@Frank-ky8bk that God is okay with homosexuality. Which is absolutely NOT the truth.

    • @DUB-Track
      @DUB-Track Рік тому

      ​@@Frank-ky8bk We will start with homosexuality to be an abomination. Go ahead and defend yourself biblically

    • @DUB-Track
      @DUB-Track Рік тому

      ​​​@@Frank-ky8bk Paul is not inspired by God... How bout that one? Yeah lets start thwre instead.

  • @ashpooh1105
    @ashpooh1105 Рік тому +30

    You definitely twist the bible around to fit your agenda. And denying yourself includes every aspect of our lives, not just the ones that are easy to give up. And your opinion has no place when it comes to the writings of the bible. You can not change or add to the bible. You can not interpret it the way you see fit that fits your lifestyle. Paul actually warns us that there will be ones who teach a different Jesus. I pray he opens your eyes Brandon

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 Рік тому +7

      Amen. But I believe preachers like these are the ones that are prophesied about in the last days.

  • @jeffreythomas515
    @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому +7

    This guy is the definition of “has been given over to his sin” dude calls good evil, and evil good. Leading people straight to hell.

  • @jesseleite
    @jesseleite Рік тому +45

    So if Paul's writings weren't always inspired by God, how do you decide which teachings are God's word and which aren't? Sounds like a dangerous game.

    • @machavelli777
      @machavelli777 Рік тому +2

      that is a dangerous game and men were doing it all the time in christian history. Most scholars know that some of those letters are not even the apostle Paul. It was a group of fallible men who had to pick what to put in bible canon. Look up the Nag Hammadi and the dead sea scrolls. If you are not catholic why do you believe the canon?

    • @jesseleite
      @jesseleite Рік тому +6

      ​@@machavelli777 Actually, most scholars defend Paul's writings, and there is an overwhelming amount of scholarship that has preserved the current canonicity. If you think 'most' believe Paul's writings were fake, then 'most' scholarship has also lied to you by leaving all that misinformation in our canon for over 1500 years. For the sake of argument though, let's forget Paul's writings for a moment...
      Brandon picks and chooses from Jesus' own words in the gospels even; Where Jesus quotes and affirms topics like marriage and sexuality using Torah scripture, Brandon twists and refutes it to fit his cultural view. This isn't just an argument of canon. It's an argument of twisting the very scripture Jesus even affirms and quotes from.
      Also in another video, Brandon also says Jesus 'repented' of his racism, saying Jesus sinned and needed to repent. Again this isn't just about canonicity, but about throwing away all the books that make claims about Jesus' perfect righteousness (ie. John 8:29, John 8:46; 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5, Hebrews 4:15, James 1:13-15, Isaiah 53:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21, and many more).
      Throw away all of Paul's writings if you want, but this isn't just about canonicity when Brandon challenges Christ's own claims in the gospels too. Might as well throw away the whole 'Christ'ian faith at that point.

    • @DemonDog444
      @DemonDog444 Рік тому +1

      ​@@machavelli777 Did Jesus repent? If so, please cite book, chapter and verse.

    • @machavelli777
      @machavelli777 Рік тому +2

      @@DemonDog444 Mark chapter 1 verse 4. Johns baptism was for the forgiveness of sins to be ready for the coming kingdom of God

    • @jesuscaresaboutyou100
      @jesuscaresaboutyou100 Рік тому +1

      Holy Spirit has always been in prophets in in the Bible. Isaiah 53 is a good example of what a prophecy from God is. Holy Spirit was in God and its really obvious he explains it well.

  • @JessM.93
    @JessM.93 Рік тому +32

    This man is pure comedy 😂

    • @DemonDog444
      @DemonDog444 Рік тому +10

      When you realize he is leading people astray, it's not so funny.

    • @JessM.93
      @JessM.93 Рік тому +1

      @@DemonDog444 it is funny, but he can't deceive the people of God

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      Why do you say he is pure comedy?

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      @phobos How is he leading people astray?

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      @Jess who are the people God?

  • @justsparky8822
    @justsparky8822 Рік тому +8

    All I can say is. Praying for ya man. 🙏❤️

  • @An_American_Man
    @An_American_Man Рік тому +4

    12 likes and 1.8k views gives me hope for the future

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 Рік тому +20

    so you disagreeing with Paul makes everything ok? Glad you cleared that up.

    • @dianagalat3013
      @dianagalat3013 Рік тому +4

      He just pic n chooses scriptures!!😮

    • @dianagalat3013
      @dianagalat3013 Рік тому +1

      [2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT] [16] All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. [17] God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
      I can't believe this guy! 😮

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 Рік тому +2

      @@dianagalat3013 he is just part of the apostate church in the last days with their false teachers. We are very close.

    • @machavelli777
      @machavelli777 Рік тому +2

      most educated scholars know that Paul did not write the all the letters attributed to him. And Jesus himself was a Monotheistic Jew so theres that.

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 Рік тому

      @@machavelli777 yes, there is only one God. Yahuwah (YHWH). He came to earth in the flesh as the Son (Yahushua) for the redemption work of the creation. Yes I believe in the one God. (Isaiah 9:6-7, 41:4, 42:5, 8, 43:3, 10-15, 44: 6, 24, 45:18-25, and 49:26 to name but a few of many.

  • @felipefelipado
    @felipefelipado Рік тому +5

    Unbelievable!!! May God have mercy on your soul.

  • @Claramaine
    @Claramaine Рік тому +20

    2nd timothy 3:16- all scripture is breathed out by God. If you don't take Paul's scriptures as true, then you think is a liar?

    • @jaredhuff7486
      @jaredhuff7486 Рік тому

      The data indicate that "Breathed out" in the original Greek more likely was referring to the life giving nature of the text, not the inspired nature. "All scripture is life giving (god breathing)".
      To say that all of Paul's writings are 100% breathed out by God is an assumption that not even the text itself makes.

    • @swisstriplet1807
      @swisstriplet1807 Рік тому +1

      @@jaredhuff7486 the "data" lol

    • @Claramaine
      @Claramaine Рік тому +2

      @@jaredhuff7486 I understand what you are saying, but how could something "inspired" by GOD have any mistakes? How could the scripture be the "Power of GOD" unto salvation if it was not GOD breathed? Infact, why do you care about the Bible if it isnt really THAT important?

    • @dianagalat3013
      @dianagalat3013 Рік тому +1

      ​@@jaredhuff7486 😂😂what "data"???

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      How is all scripture breathed out God can you give examples?

  • @dianagalat3013
    @dianagalat3013 Рік тому +8

    Did he just say he doesn't agree with alot of things Apostle Paul wrote? BUT JESUS CHOSE PAUL TO BE THE APOSTLE OF THE GENTILES!!!

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      That doesn't mean a thing he chose Judas to be one of his disciples!

    • @swellerferret2506
      @swellerferret2506 Рік тому +2

      @@Frank-ky8bk We know why he chose Judas, so why did he chose Paul? Jesus wasn’t supposed to be betrayed again so why would he use him if he was eventually going to become a false teacher?
      Empty rhetoric as usual am I right?

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      @@Frank-ky8bk you obviously don’t care about the truth. You care more about slandering believers who disagree with YOUR twisted interpretation, whatever that is. Since you refuse to make any actual points, just ask immature and condescending questions. How are you SO blind to the truth in front of you.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому +2

      @@swellerferret2506 you’re 100% right. This dude is a viper here to sew division for sure. He needs prayers.

  • Рік тому +1

    Do you really want to stay before God one day and hear him say "depart from me, I never knew you"???
    Do you want to throw everything away, that God offers us?
    Is your love for the world so big? "what has a man, if he owns the world but looses his soul?“
    May God has mercy on you

  • @michaelsumstine1579
    @michaelsumstine1579 3 місяці тому

    Brandon, you are wonderful, and a light in this world. Thank you 🙏.

  • @mwizakawonga7570
    @mwizakawonga7570 Рік тому +5

    That's not what denying yourself means...simply looking at others needs b4 your own.
    Jesus said if a
    ny man loves even his father, mother, siblings and even his own life more than me, he is not worthy of me.
    Denial of oneself entails taking stock of ones life and knowing that there is nothing about oneself that is pleasing to God.
    This can only be achieved by the operation of the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin.
    This precedes the born again experience(regeneration), where one relinquishes all identity of self and trust in self and becomes reborn a new creature whose total trust rests in the saviour Jesus Christ.

  • @interstate50RoadVideos
    @interstate50RoadVideos Рік тому +2

    Second Peter 3:15-16
    15 And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
    16 As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

  • @rpool100
    @rpool100 Рік тому +2

    not other people, is denying yourself, your homosexuality, and submit to God.

  • @cockroachv
    @cockroachv Рік тому +5

    Paul the Blessed
    Saint, the Lord's Apostle said
    If one come to preach to you
    Other doctrine than we knew
    Be he man or angel bright
    Curs'd be he in Church's sight
    Doctrines all diverse arise
    Shooting up with many lies
    Blest is he who first and last
    Trusts God's truth
    and holds it fast

  • @LloydTimpac
    @LloydTimpac Рік тому +3

    I'm here for stand up commedian who calls himself Reverend

  • @TheIndividualChannel
    @TheIndividualChannel Рік тому

    "Almoth out of time, but your hair looks great!"

  • @MLK7788
    @MLK7788 Рік тому

    2000 views and 15 likes absolutely gives me hope. I can see with all the comments people r not watching because they believe anything that comes out of his mouth. But because of the interview where he got utterly crushed. Makes me so happy to read them. Hopefully he comes to the truth. Man hes hanging on to his homosexuality for dear life.

  • @johnfoltz8183
    @johnfoltz8183 11 місяців тому +2

    The Devil speaks cunningly through this message

  • @tammykletecka4116
    @tammykletecka4116 Рік тому +8

    This little creeper calling himself a rev is pure evil. Have you ever heard someone twist the word of God so blatantly misleading? Pure evil!

    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому

      Wow you guys are mean.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому +1

      @@Frank-ky8bk you’re lost. Why does the truth offend you? Unless you are a child of the father of lies. I’ve seen you on all of these comments questioning actual believers, but not qestioning Brandon’s lies. That’s very concerning..

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      Jesus talks about the apostate church in the end times. Brandon is a prime example of that. A false teacher and lover of sin.

  • @hmmaes
    @hmmaes Рік тому

    I use to be a homosexual. I hated it and so does every other person bound by that spirit. One encounter with Him set me free. It took repentance in my heart to invite that freedom to invite Him. He came to set the captives free. You deny people of this freedom and this truth because you don’t believe in the scriptures. May God have mercy on you

  • @DanielSturge
    @DanielSturge Рік тому +1

    1 Timothy 4-6
    4 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.[a]

  • @tylerfransson9049
    @tylerfransson9049 Рік тому +2

    The hypocrisy is astounding. We should be praying for him.

  • @carld3218
    @carld3218 Рік тому +2

    Interesting how you reference Jesus telling us to selfless for others and how you cherish life, yet you favor abortion. Taking up His cross means telling all truth, even what's unpopular and inconvenient, and may endanger your own life. 11 of the 12 Apostles died as martyrs. God willing we all have that same courage.

  • @joesmooth4909
    @joesmooth4909 11 місяців тому

    Praying for you😢

  • @LaurenHPotts
    @LaurenHPotts Рік тому +3

    Arrogant. YOU don’t agree??? Or is it you don’t like?

  • @RDPBallenas5069
    @RDPBallenas5069 11 місяців тому

    My fav stand up comedian. 😂

  • @bluedog562
    @bluedog562 Рік тому

    Apparently for you where Jesus says scripture in the word of God. You said he never said that.

  • @madirishman007
    @madirishman007 11 місяців тому

    Wow, so the newly protected tribe has all the answers. So refreshing to just preach just what you agree with. Me thinks you're missing the point of the whole exercise...

  • @paul7874
    @paul7874 Рік тому +4

    Paul teaches to stay away from little boys you disagree Brendon ???

    • @SillyChickens222
      @SillyChickens222 Рік тому

      What about the naked little boy in the garden with Jesus? 🥴

    • @joja2568
      @joja2568 Рік тому


  • @heidivanharper7555
    @heidivanharper7555 Рік тому +2

    Wow.....just wow. Generations of teachers, theologians, and educators, across centuries, from ALL different people groups across ALL nations in the world would disagree. Thousands of years of sound Christian teaching, books, resources and along come this SINGLE individual who thinks he has the answers. What breathtaking arrogance against our Christian ancestors! ( 2 Timothy 3-4)

    • @marcushardwick4616
      @marcushardwick4616 11 місяців тому

      Look there are many Christian scholars who disagree with each other there are many grups of Christians who agree as did Peter and paul them selves!

  • @marcossanchez-oq5ep
    @marcossanchez-oq5ep Рік тому +2

    May God save those poor souls and guide them to the true teachings of God. Because what Robert is doing is creating a false God

  • @patrickwilliamscoaching
    @patrickwilliamscoaching Рік тому +15

    This dude just needs to go ahead and start his cult 😂.

    • @AmericanCuban
      @AmericanCuban Рік тому

      Just like your own pastor. You disregard scripture, choose what teachings you want to obey and invent your own authority.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      @@AmericanCuban tell me you’re a hateful little worm without telling me. Patrick is speaking the truth and it offends you. I think you should be concerned about your own spiritual state my friend.

    • @Droque_tv
      @Droque_tv Рік тому +2

      i think he's already started....

  • @danielmiguez545
    @danielmiguez545 Рік тому +17

    Denying yourself means to deny sins of the flesh. Pornography and homosexuality are sins.

  • @timothymarchant
    @timothymarchant Рік тому

    Are you the arbiter Brandon?

  • @jesuscaresaboutyou100
    @jesuscaresaboutyou100 Рік тому

    Jesus is the son of God.

  • @tessapriddy6592
    @tessapriddy6592 Рік тому

    Romans 8 describes how to overcome sin and do the will of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The end of Romans 7 describes the struggle within a person who desires to do the will of God in their spirit (inner man), but the sinful desires of the physical body present a struggle that leaves one feeling bound by or enslaved by sin…it keeps you from being who you want to be…who God calls you to be. The Lord Jesus Christ delivers the Apostle Paul and he describes how in Romans 8. It’s the same way anyone (from Paul to me to you). When you experience Romans 8, it’s not hard to do the will of God. It becomes extremely difficult to sin, because the Spirit of God and the power of God completely change or transforms your entire being from the inside out. When you believe the word of God and know that all Scripture is from God, then His word transforms your way of thinking. The mind of Christ is written throughout Scripture from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelations. The Spirit of God reveals the truth recorded by the inspiration of God throughout Scripture. There is only one place where Paul says a particular word is from his own thoughts and it’s regarding remaining unmarried (which he admits is not something for all mankind, but those who are able to receive that calling). There is no where else where he indicates that he inserts a personal thought or idea.

  • @arthurcheater3359
    @arthurcheater3359 Рік тому

    "Paul said a lot of things I disagree with."
    picking and choosing which scriptures to honor is the mark of the Beast, not the Servant.

    • @ginaryan4241
      @ginaryan4241 Рік тому +2

      Paul spoke the Words Jesus told him to speak..Jesus himself said to Annaias Paul is a chosen vessel to go preach my Gospel and to preach to the Gentiles and kings..
      This Revend is in Sin and Working Abominations in the eyes of King Jesus..
      So he can say he disagrees with Paul all he wants lol
      But Paul words still stand in the Holy Bible..

    • @arthurcheater3359
      @arthurcheater3359 Рік тому +1

      @@ginaryan4241 it's discouraging that someone like this feels they are called to ministry but don't realize that they are working against God, not for him.

  • @delaneslater7312
    @delaneslater7312 9 місяців тому

    What i love is that this man keeps looking at his notes to keep preaching. My pastor keeps preaching after one look and keeps telling his people and preaching. His steong word of God. But this guy every minute looks at his notes. Dude doesnt know his stuff. False prophet

  • @safejourney5199
    @safejourney5199 Рік тому

    Pied Piper.

  • @mafia5355
    @mafia5355 Рік тому +3

    At least Arius tried to make sense, this heretic doesn't even bother

  • @turndroid234
    @turndroid234 Рік тому +5

    LOL .... 😆 🤣 😂 😹

  • @nicolagrant5450
    @nicolagrant5450 Рік тому +1

    You can't disagree with anything that God teaches through the word.
    So what if God wanted us to wear head coverings. In not 100 sure about that but I do convey my head to pray at times. I feel it is reverence... if God convicts me then I would easily convey my head all the time. That is submission. You need to repent otherwise, you'll feel the wrath of God as you will lead many people astray

  • @Godsownblasters
    @Godsownblasters Рік тому +4

    City lights are flashing, they call you to the streets
    Hearts are filled with passion in everyone you meet
    The Boulevard is waiting, it wants to get you high
    Neon signs are waiting to sell you anything you want to buy
    But I know your devices, it shouldn't seem so odd
    You lied from the beginning, I see through your facade
    Angel of light, I see you glow in the night
    But you only bring darkness to my soul
    Angel of light, You're telling me wrong is right
    I won't let you're evil take control
    They follow in your footsteps not knowing that you fell
    Bumper to bumper on the freeway to hell
    You lead them into wrong and you make it look so right
    You lead them into darkness and make them think you lead them into light
    But I know where you're going, too bad you're not alone
    If it wasn't for the real light I might have never known
    You got the clergy working overtime to widen the narrow way
    You've got politicians everywhere listening to what you say
    You've got false apostles teaching lies perverting the only way
    You've got principalities and powers waiting to obey
    You've got philosophies and vain deceipts lying to deceive
    You've got hate, and greed, ungodly lusts in the deadly web you weave
    Somehow you've got so many thinking you're not even there
    One look is all it takes to get them blinded by your glare

  • @7heHopeMan
    @7heHopeMan Рік тому +1

    A heretic trying to take people to hell with him because he does not want to be alone.
    Repent Brandon.

  • @KevinGeneFeldman
    @KevinGeneFeldman Рік тому +2

    It's actually amazing how profoundly and immediately verifiably wrong this guy is about everything, but he just speaks it with a smile. This is intentional blasphemous work to deceive people about Christ and Brendan I think you should think very carefully about what awaits someone who does this to God and his word. You should be on no stage teaching people anything, you should be begging God for forgiveness.

  • @annikaelisaa1879
    @annikaelisaa1879 Рік тому +1

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
    Jude 1:7
    Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
    1 Timothy 1:10
    The sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,
    Romans 1:27
    And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

  • @angelcf7892
    @angelcf7892 Рік тому +1

    Incredibly upsetting. This young man is in great danger 😔

    • @DIBBY40
      @DIBBY40 8 місяців тому

      From his Father? ❤

  • @lordmill4572
    @lordmill4572 Рік тому +5

    This dude must be jailed

    • @driller7714
      @driller7714 Рік тому +1

      Jailed? He is a false teacher but are you the judge? How many of Gods children were murdered using this logic? What did your lord teach you?
      You are just as false as this man.

    • @DemonDog444
      @DemonDog444 Рік тому

      Jailed? You want to live in a communist state?

    • @KeithsUniverse
      @KeithsUniverse Рік тому

      Seriously? You sound fascist
      People should have the right to free speech

  • @SillyChickens222
    @SillyChickens222 Рік тому

    Paul projects his insecurities and failures on other people.

  • @30kitagreen
    @30kitagreen Рік тому +2

    I pray that he repent. He is leading people straight to hell 😢

  • @royfairchild6895
    @royfairchild6895 Рік тому +1

    Repent, the kingdom of the Lord is at hand. People do not fall for this. His jesus cannot save you!!

  • @Shanks-nt7en
    @Shanks-nt7en Рік тому +1

    blasphemy! one of the ten commandments specifically says that God forbids blasphemy! If you truly love God @brandonrobertson why do you preach blasphemy?

  • @ruthlys
    @ruthlys 14 днів тому

    Why be a pastor of a faith you don’t even believe??? It must be so tiring to pretend to be something you are not.

  • @mike1967sam
    @mike1967sam Рік тому

    I've seen much of your material, on youtube and other sources and without any hatred or judgement (if that's possible) if the term "Cherry picking" actually had an image in the the dictionary next to it it would be your face. Despite your arguments of context and period and historicity of this and that it's as if half of your brain convinces the other half "Yes, this here serves my agenda and no that part does not ergo it means this." You are a bright young man but the level to which you go to serve your desires and how you want things to be despite the fact they aren't is astonishing. I imagine 2 ways out for you, one you either realize that integrity and objective standards matter or you become a full blown apostate and say "To hell with this all, I'll just pursue my lusts and desires because the level of cognitive dissonance that this eisegetic balancing demands of me is a weight too heavy to carry".

  • @davidpar2
    @davidpar2 Рік тому

    You are so out of touch with reality that you make Al Sharpton’s “reverend” title almost seem legit

  • @marcushardwick4616
    @marcushardwick4616 11 місяців тому

    So many evangelical ready to attack Brandon Robertson here yet he is hokdong up jesus christ teaching here ,when Brandon is wrong ok to tackle him on it ,bur wgen he is being quite sensible that is just prejudice and who anoung ys iscwith out faults ,not me nor any of you people criticising a brother in christ !

  • @johnfoltz8183
    @johnfoltz8183 Рік тому +1

    You need to repent of your sins and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, and as God. You need to stop teaching Christianity flavored atheism and tolerance of sins

  • @dagr8dwalo777
    @dagr8dwalo777 Рік тому +1

    Lol @ do not be proud all the while celebrating a month of pride 😂😂😂😂

  • @rpool100
    @rpool100 Рік тому +1

    you don't take that lightly? well I guess you don't because you are not really a pastor are you? however you will still answer to God, "in the last days there will be teachings of demons" thus is you. you might not believe it or even scoff at this, but you will not make it to heaven unless you repent.

  • @DUB-Track
    @DUB-Track Рік тому

    You say Jesus is Lord... But then you state you want to define "Lord" and what that means at a later time... Uhhh no, Jesus is God

  • @sabrinavargas7368
    @sabrinavargas7368 Рік тому +1

    Paul says some things you disagree with ? 😂
    You disagree with the whole entire bible because it reveals that YOU my friend are a sinner.

  • @violetsky8215
    @violetsky8215 Рік тому +3

    Brandon God bless you ❤️

    • @granvillesimmons6033
      @granvillesimmons6033 Рік тому +1


    • @Frank-ky8bk
      @Frank-ky8bk Рік тому +2

      Thank you Violet you're the only one who has said something kind you,will get blessing for that

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      @@Frank-ky8bk coming from the almighty Frank. LOL you must be gay too. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so blatantly biased.

    • @johnfoltz8183
      @johnfoltz8183 9 місяців тому

      How can God bless somebody when they are an open rebellion against Him and deny that Jesus is God

  • @marthamaria6413
    @marthamaria6413 Рік тому

    For you none are hard to teach because you twist scripture to fit your way of thinking and your way of life.

  • @RybergNikolai
    @RybergNikolai Рік тому +1

    His teachings is clearly not from the Holy Spirit. He is clearly an apostate.

  • @socialmediainfo-um6hw
    @socialmediainfo-um6hw Рік тому

    Everything about Jesus is hard. Ummm…. yeah you’re not teaching it. What’s the point of you teaching the wrong doctrine if you’re not going to teach the real bible.

  • @TheIndividualChannel
    @TheIndividualChannel Рік тому

    Repent and move to a strict monestary.

  • @broomtree3001
    @broomtree3001 Рік тому

    Bro. You gotta stop the false teaching bro. Repent and believe the gospel bro. Jesus is warming you. Repent.

  • @granvillesimmons6033
    @granvillesimmons6033 Рік тому

    Well, first off, believing that Paul's opinions are equivalent to the teachings of Our Lord is, quite simply, blasphemy. Paul taught a number of things that had NOTHING to do with what Christ saying that everyone that could possibly do so should remain celibate....or that women should be silent in church. Christ never suggested anything like this. But then Yeshua (Jesus) was GOD Incarnate, and Paul was a fallible Human Being. God bless, Reverend.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому +1

      There a reason you don’t have any likes on this comment. I’d reflect on that if I were you. God bless you and I pray you find the truth.

  • @vegassimpleweddings9430
    @vegassimpleweddings9430 Рік тому +1

    Repent!!! You are promoting false doctrine

  • @darshanaratnayake6186
    @darshanaratnayake6186 Рік тому

    This is a typical of anti Chris in that he does not directly quote any scripture but he takes elements of scripture and creates a false narrative to suit his doctrine. This has nothing to do with Christianity

  • @4640280
    @4640280 Рік тому +1

    Nah bro

  • @BobbyFriston
    @BobbyFriston Рік тому +4

    We love you here in Brighton UK Brandan. Please come and preach here.

    • @PlayYourSongz
      @PlayYourSongz Рік тому +2


    • @BobbyFriston
      @BobbyFriston Рік тому

      @@PlayYourSongz We love you too, David.

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому +2

      @@BobbyFriston he’s leading people astray and you want to hear more.. you need to repent and learn to value the truth despite your feelings. “Homosexuals will NOT inherit the kingdom of God.” “You cannot drink of the cup of God and of the cup of devils.” “Walk the narrow path” “deny yourself and pick up your cross”

  • @nikkijadsolivio1026
    @nikkijadsolivio1026 Рік тому +1

    What about Paul? When Paul said men should not have sex with men. Because that's what you do and protect with your own idea. Your idea is your god. Not Jesus.

  • @Godsownblasters
    @Godsownblasters Рік тому

    stand up comedy mocking the bible, it is!
    you mock the word of God by doing this! please stop this.... please....
    please turn back to God who created you, gave you life, and died on cross for your sins
    please read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-27.... if you tell it is other than what it is written, then anti-christ is in you claiming you are the sheep, but a wolf inside! please turn back to God.

  • @machavelli777
    @machavelli777 Рік тому +3

    fundamentalist christians are ironic without trying to be so. They claim to believe all of the bible and they do not even know the history and origin of the bible and how it came to be or even the historical context. Would rather believe the cartoon version of Jesus than the actual Jesus of history

    • @jeffreythomas515
      @jeffreythomas515 Рік тому

      So you think homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God?

    • @machavelli777
      @machavelli777 Рік тому +1

      @@jeffreythomas515 I do not speak for this brandan. My point is that you are worshipping the wrong Jesus and are blaspheming the real Jesus. Jesus was jewish and monotheistic. You are christian and a polytheist. For the actual Jesus that existed it is his opinion you are going to hell.

  • @brondarch2450
    @brondarch2450 Рік тому +1

    Yikes. I am sorry for how long your delusion has lasted and progressed.
    You'll have to braven up, face your fears, and give your life to the actual , ultimate & objective Jesus.

  • @samuelturner654
    @samuelturner654 Рік тому

    Its good to be a desiring Christian but dont pervert the Bible sir

  • @tylercorzine
    @tylercorzine Рік тому

    Reverend that doesn’t even have a Bible. WOW.

    @MOTWMB Рік тому

    Repent please, stop preaching false gospel and preach Truth

  • @Zebrahhh
    @Zebrahhh 9 місяців тому

    You need big prayers. If I were in your shoes, I would need them so bad. You are against the Lord God and so arrogantly don’t see it. It’s not too late.

  • @chingiskhan4709
    @chingiskhan4709 Рік тому +1

    This man really needs to repent!

  • @charlesphillips1160
    @charlesphillips1160 Рік тому +5

    An apostate leading people astray

  • @ryanpat3797
    @ryanpat3797 Рік тому +1

    I'm just here for the cringe.

  • @ReelJoyy
    @ReelJoyy Рік тому +2

    False teacher

  • @created_by_the_divine_83
    @created_by_the_divine_83 Рік тому

    People actually listen to you😮

  • @Jman155
    @Jman155 Рік тому

    Great job Reverend! I disagree on the issue of Paul’s letters, but everything else was spot on!

  • @nikkijadsolivio1026
    @nikkijadsolivio1026 Рік тому +1 brave enough to face your opposition

    • @ohiokay
      @ohiokay Рік тому

      He was and got brutally embarrassed! Lol

  • @arvinjoseph7554
    @arvinjoseph7554 11 місяців тому

    I have seen many worst people in my life , but this guy brandon is the worst of all .

  • @KeithsUniverse
    @KeithsUniverse Рік тому

    Excellent work Brandon. You are an inspiration and proof that progressive Christians are so much closer to understanding the way of Jesus.

  • @darc_harmoni4828
    @darc_harmoni4828 Рік тому

    Street convict evangelism.

  • @allanwise4898
    @allanwise4898 Рік тому

    I am to open minded to believe in Jesus.

  • @mjep207
    @mjep207 Рік тому


  • @just701
    @just701 Рік тому


  • @chosenone2048
    @chosenone2048 Рік тому +1

    Brandan you need to repent. This false teaching is an abomination in the true God’s sight, and it will send you straight to hell unless you repent and turn from these teachings. Read the Bible not for what you want it to say, but for what it actually says.