The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2023 (Cantonese Ver.)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2023 is awarded in equal shares to Professor Vladimir Drinfeld and Professor Shing-Tung Yau, for their contributions related to mathematical physics, to arithmetic geometry, to differential geometry and to Kähler geometry.
    They share an interest in mathematical physics. Drinfeld launched with Beilinson the geometric Langlands program, which, to quote Witten, has some common features with aspects of quantum field theory, and yet stems from number theory. Yau worked on mathematical problems arising from general relativity and string theory.
    00:36 Shing-Tung Yau (Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2023)
    07:30 Vladimir Drinfeld (Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences 2023)
    #shawprize #shawprize2023 #shawprizelaureate2023 #mathematicalsciences #featurestory #geometry #stringtheory #kahler #arithematic
    @TsinghuaUniversity_official @UChicago


  • @enlongchiou
    @enlongchiou 4 місяці тому +1

    From Chern-Simons differential geometry to k theory of Algebraic geometry[2pi*(2-3*2))=-8pi] deduce Witten's 4D self interact knot theory which in physics is self interact graviton g*m^2=137.036*(e+)=(k*e^2/e-)*g*m^2 which's by graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi : solution of GR field equation ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4 in 4D dynamic space time oscillating between quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5 =1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter, Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2, generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28, EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg] in Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field, deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036) : anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from potential energy of positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce [dark] photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e[1.602*10^-19]=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) in negative vacuum energy of Dirac's sea[Einstein's electric photon effect], deduce weak force unite strong force g(p) with EM force k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, from it can deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.49801421207))=128.49801421207/3^2 where A1=A*(128.4980143/128.51991)=5.2908712*10^-11 meter, vibration of 3 two dimensional Schwinger-Dyson quantum field ch=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] by ADS/CFT duality from 3 quantum black hole l, pl, A^2 which can compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe, deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR by vacuum ch=(4.9154)^3*pm=111.4421 Gev=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)[SG] at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5 =299792458 [meter/second]where p=8.85418782*10^-12, u=4pi*10^-7 are permittivity, permeability of free space ch which is under critical mass [6^3*pm] can expand our universe, and ch have meter^3*kg/second^2 dimension can deduce Kepler law[meter^3/second^2] of orbit between planets[kg], galaxies[kg] where can found dark matter ch/3=(8*pi^2/3)*g(p)*pm*me*137.036^2/128.51991 by ch[72.13%] + ch/3[24.14%] + ch/6pi [3.83%]= En[100%], due to asymptotic freedom of strong force g(p) make outer planets, galaxies feel more gravitational force than inner one, ch/6pi=W*p/R for regular matter can emit light spectrum r=En=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2 by electron decay which shrink proton radius to 8.7548*10^-16 meter produce W=(8.809/8.7548)^2*80.5=81.5 Gev : weak interact massive particle[WIMP] for dark matter, oscillation between dark energy , dark matter, regular matter can deduce experiment data from Planck satellite for dark energy 68.3%=72.13-3.83, dark matter 26.8%, regular matter 4.9%, via Hilbert's quantum space deduce 3.83=(4.9-3.83)+(26.8-24.04), in bullet cluster when two galaxies collide can detect blue light for dark matter that prove Calabi-Yau manifold connect with string theory can explain anomalies at micro, macro scale.

  • @tongleekwan1324
    @tongleekwan1324 3 місяці тому

    竟然沒有提及,丘成桐因解決卡拉比猜想而獲菲爾茲獎Field's Medal, 亦因他在其他很多數學領域成就,而獲得其他很多數學獎,例如:Wolf prize,