Hill Rom P1900 TotalCare Sport 2 Air Mattress Hospital Bed
- Опубліковано 30 лис 2024
- Hill Rom P1900 TotalCare Sport 2 Air Mattress Hospital Bed - One of the best air mattress beds for treating bed sores, skin ulcers, wound treatment, skin break down and upper respiratory infections. The P1900 TotalCare Sport 2 bed comes with a low air loss mattress, auto patient turning mattress feature, chair position and more. Order or more information at 858-263-4894 or
858-652-1259 or 540-327-7376 or email us at hospitaldirectmedical@gmail.com www.1hospitalbeds.com
Do they sell these beds in Canada p1900 bed n mattress
No but we do ship to Canada - contact us at 540-327-7376 for more information
What is the total cost of the Hill Rom P1900 totalcare sport 2 bed? Is available for rental?
Right now they are about $5k - we do not have rentals available except for hospitals at this time. We do have some possible discounts for veterans and other situations. Contact us at
540-327-7376 - we have locations in California and Virginia - learn more at
How to clean touchscreen
Do you have any beds in canada , p100
We can ship to Canada - contact us at 540-327-7376
Could I Put A Sport 2 Air Mattress On an
Invocare Hospital Bed?
Will One Of Those Maroon Hillrom Air Mattress
Work On an Invocare Hospital Bed?
No this bed has special connection ports only good for this bed frame. We have other wound care surfaces that will work however - call us at 540-327-7376 for more information. Thank you, email hospitaldirectmedical@gmail.com
Will A Hillrom Mattress Fit An
Invacare Bed?
No however there are some good mattresses you can put on that bed. Only the TotalCare Sport bed can be used on the Sport bed. Contact us at 540-327-7376 or 858-263-4894 for more information. Thank you!